"*Centerpoint Station damaged\n*Nebulon-B escort frigate damaged\n*Many starfighters\n**1 Howlrunner"@en . . . "*Admiral Tarla Limpan\n*Colonel Jacen Solo"@en . . "40"^^ . . . "*Galactic Alliance forces retreat\n*Galactic Alliance declares war on Bothawui and Commenor\n*Five Worlds becomes Corellian Confederation"@en . . . . "*Dodonna heavily damaged\n*Many starfighters"@en . . . . . . "*Galactic Alliance Second Fleet\n**Dodonna\n**Blue Diver\n***3 Starfighter Squadrons\n*Anakin Solo\n*Errant Venture''\n** All spaceworthy fighters aboard\n**Ganner Squadron"@en . "*Corellian Defense Force\n**2 Carrack-class gunships\n**EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate\n**12+ Starfighter Squadrons\n**6 I-7 Howlrunners\n*Bothan fleet\n**2 Bothan Assault Cruisers\n**12+ Starfighter Squadrons\n**Frigate\n*Commenorian fleet"@en . "Battle of Corellia"@en . . . . . . "*Coruscant terrorist attacks and riots\n*Assassination attempt on Tenel Ka\n*Battle of Hapes\n*Duel on Roqoo Depot\n*Assassination attempt on Wedge Antilles"@en . . "*Admiral Genna Delpin\n*Tathak K'roylan"@en . "Battle of Corellia (Second Galactic Civil War)"@en . . "Corellia"@en .