. "Single"@en . "Mist Conversion: Mistress can turn matter, including herself, into mist. She can easily steal items by converting them into mist and reforming them at her location.\n\n\"Intangibility:\" Mistress can't be touched in her mist state.\n\nFlight: Mistress can fly by controlling air vapor, and can levitate matter in this fashion.\n\nSimulated Telekinesis: Mistress can move objects about by controlling the vapor around them.\n\nAstral Planing/Teleportation: Mistress can project her matter across the astral plane, which also allows her unlimited teleportation. She can teleport to anywhere in the world, even places in space, but she must be able to basically visualize the location. Similarly, she can teleport anything, as long as she can visualize them being converted into mist at their location."@en . . "Mistress"@en . . "Nursing: Amelia is a trained nurse, and is an excellent surgeon.\n\nCombatant: Amelia in well-versed in unarmed combat."@en . "Earth-5"@en . "We're failures. The others are dead, and I'm being eaten alive. We're dying, branded failures. Things couldn't be worse for us or the X-Men."@en . "Good"@en . . . . "Amelia Voght is the nurse who cared for Professor Xavier after he was shot by Magneto. They soon became great friends, and not much later, more than friends. After entering a relationship, they revealed their mutant powers. Charles was telepathic, while Amelia could turn into mist. They split up after Charles wanted to move to America to start a haven for mutants, but Amelia wanted to help mutants lay low. While the relationship did not end that badly, Amelia still regretted it ever happened.\n\nSoon, though, Amelia got a call from Charles, now calling himself Cerebro. He told her the time of hiding was over, and he explained his call by saying his X-Men were missing, and he needed her help to save them. Realizing he was right, she was given a purple and red costume by Magneto, and called herself Mistress. She ventured to Krakoa to save the X-Men, but it was little use, as she turned into mist and was sucked up by plants. This seemingly killed her, and her teammates were killed as well. However, after all X-Men left the island, Amelia was seen emerging from a sliced plant-being."@en . "Amelia Voght"@en . . . . . . . . "Mistress"@en . "Secret"@en . "Female"@en . "Blue"@en . "250"^^ . "Mutants"@en . "American"@en . . "Amelia Voght (Earth-5)"@en . "Red"@en . .