. . "The cast spell item property allows a character to use an item to cast a spell without requiring (or using up) a spell slot, and even without requiring that the character be able to cast spells. The possessor of the item is considered the caster, while the caster level is given in parentheses in the item property name, after the spell that can be cast. In addition to the usual spells, the various dragon breaths are available as \"cast spell\" subtypes."@en . . "The cast spell item property allows a character to use an item to cast a spell without requiring (or using up) a spell slot, and even without requiring that the character be able to cast spells. The possessor of the item is considered the caster, while the caster level is given in parentheses in the item property name, after the spell that can be cast. In addition to the usual spells, the various dragon breaths are available as \"cast spell\" subtypes. The option to invoke this property appears in the item's radial menu, in the positions reserved for item properties (the lower-right, lower-left, and upper-left positions, with the upper-left position becoming a submenu if more than three item properties need to be listed). Invoking an item property can also be assigned to a quickslot by first dragging the item to the quickslot, then (if needed) right-clicking the slot to select the desired property. Non-player characters are generally unable to use this type of item property, due to limitations of NWScript. Instead, their AI can include a script that accomplishes the same result through \"cheat-casting\", using the bCheat parameter to the ActionCastSpellAtObject() and ActionCastSpellAtLocation() commands."@en . "In The Sims: Makin' Magic, Sims can only cast spells if they have a magic wand, which is accessed when the Mystery Man appears with a box containing a wand as well as many other magical objects. Sims can then charge their wand with a spell and the \"Cast Spell\" action will appear to which a spell will be casted depending on what spell they charged the wand with."@en . . . "In The Sims: Makin' Magic, Sims can only cast spells if they have a magic wand, which is accessed when the Mystery Man appears with a box containing a wand as well as many other magical objects. Sims can then charge their wand with a spell and the \"Cast Spell\" action will appear to which a spell will be casted depending on what spell they charged the wand with."@en . "Cast Spell"@en . . "First invented by the magical Apple company, the Cast Spell key allows the user to cast basic (0th and 1st) level spells without preparation or components."@en . . "Cast spell"@en . "First invented by the magical Apple company, the Cast Spell key allows the user to cast basic (0th and 1st) level spells without preparation or components."@en . . .