"One Thing After Another"@en . . "The two shinobi stood in the middle of a field. The sun was shining brighter than ever. A light breeze brushed by, blowing both of their hair in the northern direction. Honey, sat on the balcony of their house, which could see the whole area, at which the two stood on. \"Go ahead Ry\u016Bko, you can make the first move.\" Sigma stated, when suddenly Ry\u016Bko appeared behind Sigma with kunai in hand. \"Give it up father, you're already done.\" Sigma slowly reached into the pocket on his leg. \"You're fast, guess you get that from me.\" Sigma stated as he quickly turned around with a kunai in his hand and clashed with Ry\u016Bko's. \"Wow, if I hit you with that imagine what'll happen with I get serious. You simply lacked attention.\" Sigma stated as he charged towards his son. \"I guess this will end you right here eh?\" Sigma still rushing towards his son, began to quickly create hand seals. Suddenly fire balls began to float above Ry\u016Bko. \"If you think such a simple technique will affect me father, perhaps you don't know your own son.\" Ryuko stated as he weaved a few hand seals, and suddenly from his mouth, a strong force of water was fired towards Sigma. \"It's a do or die!\" Sigma thought as he opened the first gate of the eight gates technique. By doing so, Sigma made it easy for himself to dodge the attack. Ry\u016Bko, descended into the ground, allowing himself to also dodge his father's attack. \"Foolish father.\" Ry\u016Bko thought to himself as he emerged from the ground. Holding his hand out and tripping his father who went tumbling, then crashing into a tree. \"Wow father that was easy guys I win.\" Ry\u016Bko stated as he stared at his crashed father, when a cloud of smoke appeared revealing himself to be a clone. Infact, Sigma had began running behind Ry\u016Bko extremely quietly, holding his fingers in a formal seal. \"Sigma, please don't hurt my son...\" Honey thinks as she witnesses her sneaky husband rushing towards their son. \"This is it Ry\u016Bko, One Thousand Years of Death!\" Sigma shouted as he shoved his two fingers inside Ry\u016Bko's rear. Sigma reached his hand out, so that he could help his son up. Though instead he got up on his own brushing his fathers hand away, while disrespectfully walking away. \"Pfft, I don't need your pitty.\" He stated while walking away. \"Ry\u016Bko must be angry.\" Honey thought as she was about to walk towards her balcony door, when Sigma stopped her. \"Remember Honey, he doesn't want our pitty.\" Sigma sarcastically remarked behind him."@en . "The two shinobi stood in the middle of a field. The sun was shining brighter than ever. A light breeze brushed by, blowing both of their hair in the northern direction. Honey, sat on the balcony of their house, which could see the whole area, at which the two stood on. \"Remember Honey, he doesn't want our pitty.\" Sigma sarcastically remarked behind him."@en . . .