"AT56 Special"@en . "The next morning Hansman got up to and sat behind his desk in his quarters. Saved Transmision for Senior Commander Hansman could be read in the screen of his desktop computer. He pressed the screen and a recorded message from George Parel could be heart. Bertus. Thank you for notiviing me about the conditions on the Firebreather. I have talked to Starfleet Command. After a 3 hour meeting with the Federation Councill we agreed to have a conference on monday onboard the USS Firebreather-A. I know that you are docked with Indrii Prime right now and it would take you 5 days to get to earth. Therefore you are to warp towards earth at warp 8. half way there we will meet you. In the conference 3 Admirals from Starfleet Command will be pressent and a small deligation from the United Fereration of Planets Councill. We will discuse the situation with the AT56. As far as we are conserned you will continue. Ether on board the firebreather or back on Earth. This research is to important. And Bertus. Let the helms officer broadcast the danger signal. On Emergency Federation Frequension. That will kep other federation ships away. Captain Rantonia has been send these order too. yours, Commander George Parel Commander of Starfleet Medical Earth Hansman stood up and tapped his combadge. \"Captain Rantonia\" \"Andre here Bertus. Is this about the orders?\" \"Yes Sir. I take it that we are going?\" \"Yes Commander. Please report to the bridge. Emily is on her way allready. 'We'll leave in 10 minutes.\" \"Aya Sir. I'm on my way.\" He shot into his uniform and left for the bridge. In the turbolift he met Emily. \"Hi Emily. So. you know what we are going to do?\" \"No. Andre only told me that we were needed on the bridge.\" \"Oh. Well. You remember that I always wanted to speak for the Federation Councill?\" \"Yes\" \"Well. In 3 days I will. You'll hear the rest from Andre.\" The turbolift stoped and the both got out. \"Okay. Now that we are all here. Helm. Prepare to leave space dock. Comms. Ask permission to undock.\" \"We've got permission Sir.\" The young ensign said after pressing some buttons. \"Okay. Helm. Disengage docking clamps. Take us out.\" Andre said as Bertus and Emily sat down in their chairs. As the ship slowly left the base Andre nodded to Bertus. \"Helm. Lay in a course for Earth. Warp 8. And broadcast Danger prio 1 on Federation Emergency Channels, encrypted.\" He said, walking over the bridge. \"Sir. ETA to Earth is 5 days.\" The Helms Officer said. \"Okay. In about 2 days you'll detect a Prometheus Class Ship on sensors going right for us. It will be broadcasting the Federation Councill Signal and will probably be escorted by a fleet of other ships. I want you to set course for the Prommy when you detect it.\" Hansman said. \"Sir. To approch the UFP Councill's ship you need to get permission.\" the helmsman said. \"Ensign. You have yours orders. Leave the rest to us. And all of you. What happens on the bridge the next 7 days is highly classified. Nothing leaves the bridge. Alls data padds leaving the bridge will be checked by the marine's officers that will be stationed by the turbolift shortly after this.\" he nodded to Emily, who pressed some buttons on her armcouncill. Hansman sat down again. Emily had gone into the conference room to give the marines she had sent for their orders the 6 of them stood before her O'Reilly,Bainbridge,Jackson, Pai'Lak, Cunningham and West \"ok listen the Firebreather is moving to intercept the UFP ship a conference concerning the AT56 is to be held on board with luck this will go smoothly but our luck has been non-exsistent recently so we're taking no chances the turbolift up to the bridge will have to be secured at all times so O'Reilly and Bainbridge you 2 will stay on the bridge to watch this end you will check everyone and I mean everyone I don't care if its the captain you will check them for anything concerning our orders or the AT56 the same goes for Jackson nd Pai'Lak who will be guarding the other end of the turbolift. Now to further the fact that I am taking no chances West you will be stationed in Karinas restaurant making sure non of the checks have failed. Cunningham you will be listening in on every internal communications channel and again I don't care if its the cpatain thats involved you will do it if you 6 fail we may wake up 1 day and find ourselves with a mutiny on our hands. also no one is to know what is happening if anyone asks we're going to Earth for shoreleave am I understood?\" Emily said to them O'Reilly looked at the othern 5 marines then looked at Emily \"Perfectly Emily\" \"right to your stations oh and people who are guarding the turbolift check the council partys IDs before you allow them onto the bridge\" The 6 marines left to their stations and Emily walked out and looked at the captain and Bertus who were looking quizzically at O'Reilly and Bainbridge \"the man is Sargent Major Tim O'Reilly and the woman is Private 2nd class Liza Bainbridge shes the Marines Explosives expert\" Emily said \"right can we count on them?\" Rantonia asked \"Captain if it wasn't for O'Reilly then I'd probably still be on that warbird and if it wasn't for Bainbridge then we would all probably have been killed during that mission where we had to get the Hersheys sensor logs\" \"ok we can trust them\" It got near the end of his bridge shift when Hansman remembered that he had programmed the laboratory to start some tests in 5 minutes. \"Captain\" he said. \"I need to get down to Cargo Bay 1. I programmed the laboratory to start the first test in 5 minutes. I need to be in the cargo bay to end the test. I got to do it manualy.\" \"Okay. permission granted to leave the bridge. Emily, go with him. Make sure he doesn't go on with the test.\" Andre said. The both officers stood up and walked to the turbolift. There O'Reilly checked the Data PADD in Bertus' hand. \"Sir, this PADD contains information about the AT56 and therefore has to stay on the Bridge.\" The Sergeant Major said. \"Sergeant Major. Do you know who I am?\" Hansman said, looking very strict. \"Yes Sir. Senior Commander Bertus Hansman the Firebreather-A's Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer. But that doesn't change the fact that we have our orders. No information leaves the bridge. And if it does it would never get to the Cargo Bay. Along the way you would be intercepted by Jackson and Pai'Lak.\" Now the Sergeant Major looked very strict. \"Well. I am not only the XO and CMO but I'm allso the person working on the AT56. Without this information I will be unable to stop the test, witch will start within 2 minutes. When they have started I will be unable to stop it.\" Hansman started to get very crancky. \"Emily\" O'Reilly said, turning to her. \"Ma'am. Permission to leave my post and go along with him to see if he tells the truth?\" \"No need to O'Reilly.\" Emilly answered. \"That's why I am going with him.\" \"Aya Ma'am.\" The marines said, stepping aside. {1.5 minutes later. Cargo Bay One} The two oficers stepped inside. \"I hope I can still stop the test. It's a savety devise I had installed. Once the test has started it has to finisch or the laboratory has to be jettersoned.\" Hansman said, running to his lab. He started to press buttons rapidly. \"Emily. 15 secods. Help me.\" He said pressing buttons. \"Grap the PADD and enter the codes on top.\" Emilly started to input the codes. On the screen you could see the time till the test started. \"7.......6.............5........4............3...........2..........1........test aborted.\" Hansman pressed some last buttons and the computer confirmed that the 5 tests in query were aborted too. \"Hansman to the Captain. Test is aborted. Permission to return to my quarters?\" \"Permission granted. Rantonia out.\" {48 hours later. Halfway to Earth} Hansman and Emilly had taken night Shift that day when the helmscouncill started to bleep. \"Sir.\" The helms officer said. \"EFP Ship and escorts on sensors. ETA at current speed is 5 minutes.\" \"Okay. Drop to full impulse and give ETA.\" Emilly said, as acting XO for that shift. \"ETA is 1 hour Ma'am.\" the Firebreather cruised towards the UFPs ship Bertus had left the bridge to greet the arrivals when they beamed aboard so Emily was commanding the bridge \"we are being hailed\" the helmsman said \"On screen\" Emily said a captain appeared on the screen \" This is captain Davidson of the united federation of planets identify yourself\" he said \"Lt Col Emily Sullivan of the USS Firebreather\" \"the admirals are ready to beam over when your're ready\" \"we're ready now captain\" \"ok we'll beam over immediately davidson out\" (5 minutes later) the turbolift doors opened and a party of 5 not including Bertus and Rantonia walked on to the bridge all of them were admirals Emily looked at them \"giving them the guided tour?\" she asked \"well Bertus was I was coming up to take my shift \" Rantonia answered \"Right well i'll be off\" Emily said as she stood up then walked passed O'Reilly and into the turbolift from which she went to her quarters and began to muse over what the conference would bring There was a problem in that she didn't want the AT56 on board but she also liked to have Bertus around mostly because they were good friends but that look in his eye a month ago just after the 5 year break when she had thought that he was holding something back in truth Emily was as well she was very fond of him that was why she had asked him out but she was so used to being on her own since her borg days that having a close friend like Bertus was something unexpected but she felt she could cope with it. Andre sat as the admirals entered the Firebreathers conference room. \"Captain.\" The Highest ranked admiral said. \"Welcome Sir\" Andre replied. They sat down and Bertus and Sullivan flanked Andre. \"MEeting started. We 3 agree that Superior Commander Hansman should continue experimenting onboard the USS Firebreather.\" Andre stood up. \"I do not wish to disagree with my friends but I think he should stop all experimnenting immediately! It is a threat to the UFP!\" he stated. \"Captain, sit down!\" an Admiral said. \"We will vote then! All in favour of Commander Hansman continuing?\" 5 Hands went up. \"those against?\" Andre raised his hand. \"There we have it! Hansman may continue!\" he concluded. \"I object!\" Andre shouted. \"Captain your position of authority can be removed!\" \"I don't care, it is dangerous to continue!\" \"We have said it is not, so it will continue!\" \"Not on my ship!\" \"Captain Rantonia, under Regulation 104 section A you are relieved of command of the USS Firebreather pending further investigation.\" \"No!\" \"Yes, Security, remove this man!\" Three security officers walked in and dragged Andre out, his eyes stayed focused on the Admiral. Later the Admiral, called Jevri Ke'yes, an Orion, stood in the ready room, now vacated of Andres posessions, with Bertus. \"Superior Commander Hansman, you are hereby promoted to Captain, and placed in Command of the USS FIrebreather-A, congratulations.\" When Rantonia had been dragged out of the Conference Room and Bertus had been promoted everything went quiete for a moment. \"Admirals\" Hansman said after a while \"I must object. I knew that I would be Captain of the Firebreather one day, and to tell you the truth I allways hoped I would become the Captain once day, but I never wanted the position this way. Captain Rantonia is a good officer. Okay. He disagrees on the AT56 but why is that such a big problem? All of you know that the AT56 is dangerous too. At least untill I have found a way to stabalize it.\" \"Captain, you have done everything to secure the safety of the USS Firebreather-A right?\" Hansman nodded \"Well then. More then that you can't do. Our orders stand. You are to continue your research and experiments on the AT56 and remain Commanding Officer of the USS Firebreather-A. Topic closed.\" Hansman nodded. \"Well then. If you gentleman would excuse me. I have a ship to command.\" Bertus sat, with sarcasm in his voice but the Admirals ignored it. \"Next topic of discusion. What happens to the AT56 after the project is complete?\" The highest ranking Admiral asked, in general. \"Well Sir. The AT56 is a drug that can cure allmost every decease known to mankind. It will be a great assit to every Sickbay in the fleet, every doctor and any other medical man. I'm sure that other species would love to have it too. Klingons, Romulans and others will try to optain it.\" Hansman said, handing out data PADD's. \"On this you can find a list of deceases that will be cured by the AT56. These are only asumptions though bu have been test with computer simulations. there is a 96.856% change that this list is acurate.\" \"Thank you Captain. Well. There are two options. 1. We keep it to ourselfs and only distribute it to other Federation Starships or 2. we make it public and share the information with other species. Captain. What do you think is the best option. This will be your decision. You are the creator. You have the final verdict.\" \"Well Sir. I think it would be best that we keep it to our selfs for now. You do not want to know what can happen if some crazy man starts to rewind the process and get the AT56 back to the state it is in right now. It's one of the most dangerous substanses Starfleet has got. Put 0.5 kilo's of this stuff in a photon torpedoe and you have a weapon capable of destroying 10 ships in one blast.\" The Admirals talked to eachother for a minute. Then they turned to Hansman again. \"Well. We agree with you Captain. The AT56 will stay classified until it is save to make it public. And we allso give you the authorety to deside when it is save. Now. Do you have points of discusion Captain?\" \"No sir.\" \"Okay. This meeting is closed.\" the Highest ranking Admiral said, slamming his hamer on the table. \"And now. Show us your laboratory. We've been meening to look at it for a long time. Now that we are here we can do it anyways.\" On of the other Admirals pointed at his pips. \"O yeah. Before I forget. Here is your new pip.\" the Admiral said, putting Hansman's Captain pip on Hansman's uniform. Can you patch me through to the Ships intercom?\" \"Just press that button over there, saying Inter Ship Communication\" Bertus said, with a smile round his face. \"All hands, this is Fleet Admiral Peter Heimler. From this moment on Captain Rantonia has been releaved of his command and suspended from his duties pending an official investigation. Senior Commander Bertus Hansman has been promoted to Captain and given Command of the USS Firebreather-A. Lieutenant Collonell Emily Sullivan is hereby promoted to Executive Officer but will remain in the position of Marines Commanding Officer and Lieutenant Crystal Monroe has been given the position of Second Officer. This all unther Starfleet Regulation 104 section A. Heimler out.\" And now Captain. Show us your Laboratory please.\" \"Sorry Admiral. I am prohibetat to do so. All information about the AT56 experiments itself are Classified, even to the Federation Councill and Starfleet Command.\" Hansman said. \"Who came up with that idea?\" The Admiral replied, looking iritated. \"You sir.\" Emily just couldn't say anything she felt really off about the position changes she walked right out unable to take it in she motioned for O'Reilly to go to the ready room which was empty they were in and Emily looked at him \"tell the marines to drop the surveillance on the bridge then get the marines down the marine area where i'll address them\" she said \"ok\" O'Reilly replied (20 minutes later) the platoon stood before her Emily was thinking about breaking Rantonia out but it would need careful planning and then it was pulling it off without Bertus or the admirals finding out she began to speak \" ok surveillance on the bridge will be taken up by Jackson,Pai'lak, Nelson and Rondra ok you 4 go to your stations\" Emily went on in similar fashion until only O'Reilly, Bainbridge, Cunningham, West, Reui and Sardin \"listen this doesn't leave this area but Rantonia was right the AT56 is a danger to the UFP so listen you are the people who have shown the most loyalty to Rantonia in the marine corps so therefore you have no objection to helping me in an escape attempt?\" Emily said a string of \"we're with you\" came back at her \"ok listen Cunningham and West you 2 will find out everything you can about the UFP ship as thats where Rantonia is being held. and I mean everything you can. Reui and Sardin when the time for the escape comes I need the Ember ready as I don't want the firebreather as a ship to be involved. the people who will pull the escape of will be myself O'Reilly and Bainbridge then when we're back on the Firebreather we have to think about our next move lets get to it\" Emily said they got to it. everything was set for an escape attempt except that Emily needed clearance to launch the ember and that meant getting authorisation from Bertus so with the rescue party on board the ember and West and cunningham having hacked in to the UFPs ship computer there was nothing to loose so Emily went up to the bridge and found Bertus in the ready room \"Bertus\" Emily said \"Emily\" \"I need your authorisation to launch the ember for a test-drive\" Bertus paused before answering he seemed to be thinking about any ulterior motives then his mouth widened to a smile \"you have it... and don't get caught\" he said Emily shot back down to the shuttlebay where the ember was cloaked once she was on board it launched and began to move towards the UFP ship slowly getting closer until they were in the right position Emily,O'Reilly and Bainbridge were all in anti-gravity suits Emily looked to cunningham \"cut their power\" she said instantaenously all the lights on the UFP ship went out as well as the security systems and sensors. the embers gang plank lowered and Emily,O'Reilly and Bainbridge all walked out onto the UFP ships hull where Cunningham had managed to get a hatch to open the three of them went down this and found themselves in a storeroom they changed out of the anti-gravity suits and then made their way towards the brig no one challenged them en- route they found the brig door opened it and went in waiting for the door to close behind them. Emily took it in all at once 2 security guards no problem the 3 rescuers drew stun phasers and brought down both guards Emily went straight to the cell while O'Reilly watched the door and Bainbridge set about de-activating the forcefield holding Rantonia in the cell when it was down Rantonia looked at Emily \"you're late\" he said \"and its good to see you to sir. come on\" the 4 of them took off walking slowly as if Rantonia was their prisoner until they found a jeffries tube entrance and making sure no one was around dived into it. the tube took them towards engineering they emerged to the sound of security alarms the escape had been discovered they wasted no more time with acting they sprinted for the amin power generator they were crossing a precariously placed piece of titanium when a security team emerged behind them trapping Rantonia and Emily on the titanium as O'Reilly and Bainbridge were waiting on the other side instictively Emily went for her phaser \"no give it me\" Rantonia said Emily did so and O'Reilly and Bainbridge also cottoned on and drew theirs and prepared to fire what Rantonia did was he put the phaser against the back of Emilys head and looked at the security detail which halted their advance and slowly crept forward not raising weapons for fear of hitting Emily \"let me go\" Rantonia demanded \"no you are to be placed under arrest pending an official investigation\" Rantonia started to back away slightly allowing more of the security detail onto the titanium bridge which soon gave way under the weight Emily found herself hanging with her left hand holding the remainder of the titanium and her right holding Rantonias wrist who was below her she looked down at him and went all icy the scene was so familiar only last time it had been sereva below her not Rantonia \"Don't think about Kristov\" Rantonia yelled but Emily was Serevans last words echoeing through her mind 'goodbye' thats what he had said to her \"Emily I can't hold on much longer\" Rantonia shouted these words snapped Emily back into sense she looked down and then at O'Reilly who nodded \"I may have failed Serevan captain but I'm not going to fail you\" Emily said as she threw Rantonia towards O'Reilly who grabbed him and pulled him up while Emily pulled hereself up \"thanks\" Emily said \"for what?\" Rantonia replied \"helping me then and being blessed with such good acting skills\" Rantonia laughed and they headed down to the sheild generator without further incident Emily looked at Bainbridge who planted an EMP grenade which went off disrupting the sheilds long enough for the 4 of them to be beamed out to the ember which moments later docked with the firebreather and the rescue party disembarked and were greeted by Bertus \"you figured it out then?\" Emily asked him \"yep and you pulled off a good job and i've made dinner arrangments to celebrate the return of Andre. Rantonias Tex mex restaurant 20:00 hours all members of the rescue attempt will attend as well as me and Andre. meanwhile Andre you had better find somewhere to stay hidden after tonight Hansman sat back in his chair. As the Ember was docking there was an emergency call from the UFP ship. \" Captain. This is Admiral Heimler. We have got an situation. Captain Rantonia has escaped. Our sensors indicate that a ship has just docked with you. Therefore we hereby order you to drop your shields and prepare a search party to search your ship.\" \"No Admiral. I can't allow that. Andre is not only my Commanding Officer but also my friend. No. He's part of the Family. Without him, This ship can't runn.\" Hansman made a cut signal to the Com's officer and he cut the channel. \" Helm. Lay in a cource away from here. Maximum warp. And disguise the warptrail. I don't want them following us.\" He said. \"And one other thing. I have just broken a dosen Federation Regulations. Anyone who is agains the disisions I just made please step forward. You will be given a shuttle and will be handed over to the UFP ships.\" A young, vulcan, ensign stepped forward. \" Sir. I think that I speak for everone if I say........ the hell with UFP.\" everyone o the bridge cheared. \" Okay. Then. Lets get Rantonia back on the bridge.\" Hansman said and he pressed his combadge. \"CAPTAIN Rantonia, please report to the bridge to resume command over this ship.\" Emily sat down in the second officers chair everything seemed back to normal for the moment Rantonia was back in command and should arrive on the bridge any minute she looked at Bertus \"where are we going?\" she asked \"I don't know where would you go?\" \"probably Romulan space you?\" \"Belaruz nebula\" \"and the remains of that bird of prey thats been destroyed for 5 years I would guess\" \"if its still there then yes\" \"well hopefully Andre will decide where to go... once he gets here\" \"well i'm here now\" Rantonia called from the turbolift as Bertus stood up \"senior commander Hansman surrendering command sir\" he said with a smile \"thank you Bertus its good to be back on my own bridge it beats that storeroom that Emily pushed me into\" Rantonia said as Emily grinned \"where now sir?\" Bertus asked \"I haven't a clue but once we come out of warp we'll be visible to every UFP ship who will probably be after us\" \"i'll bet\" Emily said \"especially now that between the two of you you've broken around 35 starfleet regulations\" Rantonia said \"thats the thanks I get for sticking my neck out to resue you\" Emily said \" not to mention my part in it sir\" Bertus said Rantonia held up his hands in surrender \"whoa there you 2 of course i'm grateful for what you did but we need a plan\" Rantonia listened carefully as both Emily and Bertus said where they would go and why then Rantonia looked to the helmsman \"lay in a course for Romulus warp 7\" he ordered \"course plotted and laid in\" \"engage\" (3 days later) Emily was on bridge shift as the Firebreather suddenly got pelted with a disruptor barrage as it entered Romulan space \"drop out of warp raise sheilds\" Emily said the Firebreather ground to a halt \"we are being hailed\" the helmsman said \"On screen\" Emily replied a Romulan appeared on the screen \"This is commander Hdaen Il'hallie of the tal'shiar commanding the warbird chim'ea you are trespassing in Romulan space and are required to leave now!\" the Romulan said Emily couldn't believe her luck \"nice greeting Hdaen I take it for granted that its Romulan policy\" she replied \"nice to see you to Emily what brings you here?\" \"long story\" \"I'll beam over and you can tell me\" \"your space your terms\" Emily conceded 5 minutes later Emily was talking to Hdaen in the conference room \"its quite simple the UFP wanted commander Hansman to continue the experiments on the AT56 but captain Rantonia wouldn't have it so the UFP relieved him of command then when I freed him we were seen as going on the run so now we've come to ask for a bit of help\" Emily said \"well theres not much I can offer you but I can offer you a safe haven in the form of starbase sirius which I command we can say that you're on a diplomatic mission or something to keep the senate happy\" \"and if the UFP turns up on your doorstep?\" \"I'll explain what I think to the senate and we'll negociate\" \"theres one more thing I'd like you to do\" \"fire away\" \"could you use your intelligence and find out as much as you can on Starfleets admirals Heimler, Keyes and Parel I want to know if their hiding something\" \"well it beats border patrol so I'll do my best\" As H'Daen turned to give the order, the ship rocked. \"What!\" H'Daen barked looking at the view screen. 5 Prometheus Class UFP ships had arrived. \"Sir\" said the Helm Officer.\"We're being hailed!\" The voice came on the CONN. \"This is Admiral Keyes of the UFP, give up your ship and the Firebreather or die.\" Emily spoke. \"Admiral, it's unusual for a UFP official to act hostile\" \"Yes\" H'Daen added. The UFP ship fired again. This time at the Firebreather and again at the Romulan Warbird. The ship rocked. \"Shields up!\" Emily ordered. \"Aye ma'am\" the Helm officer said. Back on the Firebreather, Andre watched as this scuffle ensued. He pushed a button and spoke. \"Admiral, if you don't shut it...\" he was interrupted. \"Watch who you speak to like that!\" Keyes shouted. \"With greatest respect sir, shove it...cut audio.\" he ordered. \"Fire a warning shot.\" he ordered Monroe. She got into action quickly and it flew away and whizzed past the ship Keyes was on. The UFP ship fired back and hit the Firebreather, Andre got angry and started shouting. \"Hit them with everything you've got, they'll be none left to recall what happened here!\" he was about to shout fire when there was an explosion, a torpedo had been fired in between the ships. After a moment a voice came onto the conn. \"This is Commissioner Kris Hilder of the USS Roma and Pathfinder Alliance, and as I outrank all of you, you are to beam onboard my ship. Thats an order\" After half-an-hour of confusion H'Daen, the Admirals, Rantonia, Hansman and Sullivan were onboards Hilders ship. \"All of you put everything that has happened behind you, it never happened! Understand?!\" Kris ordered. Everyone nodded. \"Good. However, all of you will face court-marshalls.\" The next day. Everyone but the 3 Firebreather crew had been into court. Sullivan was first. \"Lt.Col. Emily Sullivan, this is the 5th time you have breached Starfleet Protocal. This time the punishment will not be as light. You are to perform a week of community service onboard the Firebreather and be replaced by Colonel Jennifer Moreno as Special Ops CO until that period of service is over.\" Kris stirred in his seat. Hansman was next. \"Senior commander, You are to face 72 Hours of community service and are to stay 1000 Metres away from Lt.Col. Sullivan at all times during those 72 hours!\" Kris sat up narrowing his gaze on the judge. Finally Rantonia was up. \"Captain, you have broken Starfleet Rules a total of 3 times. You are Suspended from Starfleet Indefinately.\" Kris roared and stood up. \"Overruled!\" he barked. \"These crew have faced intolerable circumstances that noone else could have struggled through, these men and women are a fine breed of starfleet crew, I demand there charges be withdrawn, NOW!\" The Judge flinched \"OK, OK, just..don't shout like that again! USS Firebreather crew, your charges are....\" he paused, Kris glared at him. \"Dropped\" he said after a long pause. Everyone cheered! Later back on the Firebreather The entire bridge crew was sat round a table at Karinas, and karina was sat with them also, as was Hilder, Sarah and the Children. \"Thankyou Commissioner\" Andre said, Kris smiled. \"No problem\" he replied. Andre tapped his glass. \"Crew, Friends, Family\" he started. \"I have a few announcements. First, Welcome to Lt.(jg) Pedro Munitiz our CHO. Second Ens. Ru'Berk, due to your good service ove rthe past month, you are promoted to Lt.(jg) and Thirdly I'd like to say congratulations to Karina on returning as a Lt.Cmmdr as COO again!.\" he sat down. Karina tapped her galss and stood. \"I also have an announcement...\" She paused. \"I'm pregnant again\" she said with delight, Andre smiled at his loving wife who adored him. Jen and Maria jumped for joy, everyone cheered and clapped, hugging Karina. Back on the bridge everything was running smoothly and things were back to how they used to be. Hansman sat in his officer in Sickbay. He was running double shifts until they had a new CMO. It was hard work for him, yes. But he loved his job. Both being XO and being CMO. Today promised to be another boring day. Hansman had an idea. He had promised Andre the day before that he would stop his tests on the AT56 untill he could continue on Earth in a few months maybe. He thought about how explosive the substance whas in this stadium. It could make one hell of an torpedoe. \"Hansman to Andre Rantonia and Sullivan. Please report to Cargo Bay one. Use your personal authorisation codes to enter.\" Hansman said, leaving sickbay. Yes he thought This could work perfactly. He entered the turbolift and in a few moments he stood before the cargo bay. \"Computer, open cargobay authorisation Hansman Starfleet Medical 45 Alpha 665.\" The computer bleeped and the doors openend. He entered the bay and the doors closed again behind him. \"Computer give enter clearence to Captain Andre Rantonia and Lieutenant Collonell Emily Sullivan.\" Again the computer bleeped. Less then five minutes later Rantonia and Sullivan entered. \"Bertus. What are you doing here and why did we need to come here? You promised to prospone your research untill you can continue on Earth.\" Andre said, looking strict. \"Yes Captain. I know. I promised to prospone my research on the AT56 as a medicine. But what if I said that it could be Starfleet's strongest weapon?\" Hansman walked over to the hologram councill that had been installed. He pressed some buttons. A torpedoe apeared. \"See here the AT56 Torpedoe. One of these babies has the same power as 10 Quantum Torpedoes. In normal terms. She can destroy a Intrepid in 10 blasts. When shields are up that is.\" Again he pressed some butons. The torpedoe was replaced by an Prometheus Class ship and about 5 yards away an Intrepid class ship apeared. \"This is how it would look in action.\" He said pressing the required buttons. The ships started moving and fireing on each other. The Prommy fireed a AT56 torpedoe at the Intrepid. After 9 shots of AT56 Torpedoes the Intrepid blew up. \"As you can see it took just 9 shots to destroy the Intrepid. These torpedoes can be used to do significant damage to a ship.\" \"Well Bertus. You are right on one thing. These could be the strongest weapon Starfleet will have.\" Emily said. \"To be able to do any research on these torpedoes I'll need two specialy made shuttles to test with.\" Hansman said. \"you're sure of this Bertus?\" Rantonia asked \"positive sir\" Bertus replied \"right well I give you clearance to begin testing you have a week to build a prototype, test it and then prove it is as good as that simulation showed good luck\" Rantonia left leaving Bertus and Emily alone \"I hope you know what you're doing Bertus\" Emily said \"I think I do\" \"well if it works then I know we would only have a limited supply due to the limited amount of AT56 we have on board so why throw it away?\" \"well I wouldn't be throwing it away I would keep a small amount of AT56 in a contained environment so I could replicate it so we could in theory have an unlimited amount of AT56 torpedoes if we use them\" \"sounds like you've got all your bases covered\" \"yep\" Emily shifted on her feet and then looked back at him \"Bertus when I first saw you you know what I thought\" \"no what?\" \"theres a man who can take everything thats thrown at him\" \"interesting know what I thought of you Emily?\" \"what?\" \"a defiant woman who stands strong in a battle\" \"hardly\" Bertus smiled \"so anyway do you want to meet up later?\" Emily asked \"ok I'll see you later\" Hansman turned to his lab. I need assistence from a Tactical Officer and a Engineer he thought. \"Hansman to Bond and Monroe. Please report to Cargo Bay 1. Ring the buzzer when you are there. Hansman out.\" He walked to his lab and pressed some butons. {5 minutes later} The door buzzer bleeped and Hansman walked to the door. He opened it and both Monroe and Bond were standing there, looking very curious. \"Welcome. Before you enter. Everything you see here is to be kept secret. Understood?\" Both officers nodded and walked after Hansman. He walked to the AT56. \"See here. The well known AT56. It's the real stuff and is to be handleld very delicate.\" Again both officers nodded. \"But sir. What do you need us for? What does the tactical department have to do with a medicine?\" Monroe asked. \"I'll show you.\" Hansman said. \"Please step back. Computer. Show holofile AT56 Torpedoe\" He said. The torpedoe was shown again. \"See here the AT 56 Torpedoe.\" The torpedoe turnend a few times and was replaced by a Prommy and a Intrepid. \"Monroe. Wild guess. How many torpedoes whould you need to destroy a Intrepid Class?\" \"Euh. About 20 Quantum Torpedoes or 35 Photon Torpedoes. Nothing beets the Quantums.\" He said, with a big smile. \"What if I'd say that the AT56 torpedoes just needs 10 torpedoes?\" Hansman said. Smiling. \"Computer Play file AT56 test one\" Emediatly the prommy and Intrepid started attacking each other."@en . . "The next morning Hansman got up to and sat behind his desk in his quarters. Saved Transmision for Senior Commander Hansman could be read in the screen of his desktop computer. He pressed the screen and a recorded message from George Parel could be heart. In the conference 3 Admirals from Starfleet Command will be pressent and a small deligation from the United Fereration of Planets Councill. We will discuse the situation with the AT56. As far as we are conserned you will continue. Ether on board the firebreather or back on Earth. This research is to important. yours, \"Yes\" Hansman sat down again."@en . .