. . "Ubrikkian Industries.jpg"@cs . "Ubrikkian Steamworks"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . "Ubrikkian Steamworks was a subsidiary of Ubrikkian Industries. Ubrikkian Steamworks manufactured droids, most notably the DD-13 cybernetic surgical droid and an earlier medical unit responsible for making Grievous into a cyborg. Darth Vader disliked the \"Galactic Chopper\" droid so much that he personally prevented the renewal of Ubrikkian's DD-13 supply contract. Despite a planned redesign of the DD-13 line, Ubrikkian retired the medical droids and focused on the DD-19 labor pool droid."@en . "*DD-19 labor pool droid\n*DD-13 medical assistant droid\n*Ubrikkian Steamworks medical unit"@cs . "v\u00FDroba droid\u016F"@cs . "Ubrikkian Steamworks"@cs . . . "*DD-19 labor pool droid\n*DD-13 medical assistant droid\n*Ubrikkian Steamworks medical unit"@en . . . . "Ubrikkian Steamworks"@en . . . "Ubrikkian Steamworks"@en . "Ubrikkian Steamworks byla dce\u0159inn\u00E1 firma spole\u010Dnosti Ubrikkian Industries. V obdob\u00ED Star\u00E9 republiky pat\u0159il do jejich sortimentu i bojov\u00FD droid, ale jejich v\u00FDrobu Galaktick\u00E1 republika zak\u00E1zala. D\u00E1le proto vyr\u00E1b\u011Bla zejm\u00E9na l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00E9 droidy. Jeden z jejich v\u00FDrobk\u016F, chirurgick\u00FD droid DD-13, byl zodpov\u011Bdn\u00FD za prom\u011Bnu gener\u00E1la Grievous na kyborga. Darth Vader tento model tak, \u017Ee osobn\u011B zru\u0161il objedn\u00E1vku droid\u016F pro Galaktick\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium. Spole\u010Dnost cht\u011Bla nejd\u0159\u00EDve model DD-13 p\u0159ed\u011Blat, nakonec ale v\u00FDrobu zastavila a zam\u011B\u0159ila se na nov\u00FD model DD-19."@cs . "Ubrikkian Steamworks was a subsidiary of Ubrikkian Industries. Ubrikkian Steamworks manufactured droids, most notably the DD-13 cybernetic surgical droid and an earlier medical unit responsible for making Grievous into a cyborg. Darth Vader disliked the \"Galactic Chopper\" droid so much that he personally prevented the renewal of Ubrikkian's DD-13 supply contract. Despite a planned redesign of the DD-13 line, Ubrikkian retired the medical droids and focused on the DD-19 labor pool droid."@en . . "Ubrikkian Steamworks byla dce\u0159inn\u00E1 firma spole\u010Dnosti Ubrikkian Industries. V obdob\u00ED Star\u00E9 republiky pat\u0159il do jejich sortimentu i bojov\u00FD droid, ale jejich v\u00FDrobu Galaktick\u00E1 republika zak\u00E1zala. D\u00E1le proto vyr\u00E1b\u011Bla zejm\u00E9na l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00E9 droidy. Jeden z jejich v\u00FDrobk\u016F, chirurgick\u00FD droid DD-13, byl zodpov\u011Bdn\u00FD za prom\u011Bnu gener\u00E1la Grievous na kyborga. Darth Vader tento model tak, \u017Ee osobn\u011B zru\u0161il objedn\u00E1vku droid\u016F pro Galaktick\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium. Spole\u010Dnost cht\u011Bla nejd\u0159\u00EDve model DD-13 p\u0159ed\u011Blat, nakonec ale v\u00FDrobu zastavila a zam\u011B\u0159ila se na nov\u00FD model DD-19."@cs .