"Boone disregards his lady friend for Shannon."@en . "24"^^ . . "& Javier Grillo-Marxuach"@es . . . . "Hearts and Minds"@en . "9781508241928"^^ . "2005-01-12"^^ . . "1"^^ . "\"No, my [lord/lady],\" Septa Eleanor says firmly. \"The gods exist all around us, not just in their images. But to burn the statues... you commit heresy.\""@en . . "Various Scrin units, including Traveler-59's Prodigy and Cultists"@en . . . "Harold Perrineau - Michael Dawson"@en . . . "comic"@en . . . . "Septa Eleanor"@en . "Lost1x13HeartsandMinds45.png"@en . "Hea1.jpg"@en . "Maggie Grace - Shannon Rutherford"@en . . "\"Do your gods reside in a piece of wood, Septa Eleanor?\""@en . . "right"@en . . . . . "Hearts and Minds"@pt . "Hearts and Minds"@en . . . "Rona Grey"@en . . . . . . . . "41640.0"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . "Boone czujnie obserwuje rozmawiaj\u0105cych ze sob\u0105 Shannon i Sayida. Przeszkadza mu w tym Hurley pytaj\u0105c, dlaczego nie przynosz\u0105 z Locke\u2019iem od tak dawna \u015Bwie\u017Cego mi\u0119sa. Boone \u201Erobi scen\u0119\u201D m\u00F3wi\u0105c, \u017Ce polowanie na dziki nie jest proste. W retrospekcji przenosimy si\u0119 do eleganckiego klubu tenisowego, gdzie widzimy Boone\u2019a, kt\u00F3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie zako\u0144czy\u0142 gr\u0119 razem ze swoj\u0105 przyjaci\u00F3\u0142k\u0105. Sielank\u0119 przerywa telefon od p\u0142acz\u0105cej Shannon, kt\u00F3ra prosi brata o pomoc. W tle s\u0142yszymy krzyki. Shannon m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce jest w Sydney i chce, \u017Ceby brat po ni\u0105 przyjecha\u0142."@pl . "Malcolm David Kelley - Walt Lloyd"@en . . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the tenth episode of Season 1 of V. It aired on May 4, 2010."@en . . . . . "4"^^ . "Hearts and Minds"@es . . "Hearts and Minds"@en . . . . . "\"[[|]]\" es el episodio n\u00FAmero trece de la primera temporada de Lost. Cuando Locke descubre que Boone quiere contarle a Shannon su \"secreto\", la vida de Shannon es puesta en peligro y la inquietante verdad sobre su pasado con Boone es revelada. Mientras, Kate est\u00E1 extra\u00F1ada del misterioso comportamiento de Sun, y un hambriento Hurley debe pagar su deuda con Jin."@es . . . "2005-05-27"^^ . "Eliminate all Nod forces from the city"@en . . "1"^^ . "In speaking to the Mysterious Witch Rubina, she will instruct you in three ways to earn the favour of either the Nightsisters or the Singing Mountain Clan. This particular quest is intiated after you select - I would like to offer my wisdom. Rubina now invites you to accept the quest Hearts and Minds, stating - Show which Clan you support by convincing an Outcast to join it. Description: Speak with an Outcast Dathomiri Witch and aid her in deciding between the way of the Singing Mountain Clan or that of the Nightsisters."@en . "2048"^^ . . . . "Hearts and Minds was a four-part comic miniseries preceded by a preview feature. The comic story was part of the series of Deep Space Nine comics released by Malibu Comics in 1994. The preview issue was the second story feature in Malibu DS9, Issue 9, and the four issues were numbered as a stand-alone miniseries."@en . . . . . . "Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard"@en . "13"^^ . . . . . . "Septa Eleanor"@en . "2005-01-12"^^ . . "\"You know me well, my [lord/lady],\" Groat says. \"We accepted R'hllor for Stannis. But what does it gain us to force him on some poor peasant?\""@en . . . "35"^^ . "* Alexa Kovacs\n* LEGION"@en . . "Boone czujnie obserwuje rozmawiaj\u0105cych ze sob\u0105 Shannon i Sayida. Przeszkadza mu w tym Hurley pytaj\u0105c, dlaczego nie przynosz\u0105 z Locke\u2019iem od tak dawna \u015Bwie\u017Cego mi\u0119sa. Boone \u201Erobi scen\u0119\u201D m\u00F3wi\u0105c, \u017Ce polowanie na dziki nie jest proste. W retrospekcji przenosimy si\u0119 do eleganckiego klubu tenisowego, gdzie widzimy Boone\u2019a, kt\u00F3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie zako\u0144czy\u0142 gr\u0119 razem ze swoj\u0105 przyjaci\u00F3\u0142k\u0105. Sielank\u0119 przerywa telefon od p\u0142acz\u0105cej Shannon, kt\u00F3ra prosi brata o pomoc. W tle s\u0142yszymy krzyki. Shannon m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce jest w Sydney i chce, \u017Ceby brat po ni\u0105 przyjecha\u0142. Na pla\u017Cy Boone przestrzega Sayida, \u017Ceby trzyma\u0142 si\u0119 z dala od jego siostry, jednak nie robi to na Sayidzie najmniejszego wra\u017Cenia. W czasie drogi przez d\u017Cungl\u0119 Locke upomina Boone\u2019a, \u017Ce nie mog\u0105 zrobi\u0107 z Sayida wroga, gdy\u017C b\u0119dzie on im p\u00F3\u017Aniej potrzebny. Na informacj\u0119, \u017Ce ludzie zaczynaj\u0105 pyta\u0107 o \u015Bwie\u017Ce mi\u0119so, Locke stwierdza, \u017Ce na razie najwa\u017Cniejsz\u0105 rzecz\u0105 jest w\u0142az i na nim musz\u0105 skoncentrowa\u0107 wszystkie swoje dzia\u0142ania. W d\u017Cungli Hurley prosi Jacka o lekarsk\u0105 porad\u0119, upewniaj\u0105c si\u0119 najpierw, czy nadal obowi\u0105zuje go tajemnica zawodowa. Z powodu braku mi\u0119sa \u017Co\u0142\u0105dek Hurleya zaczyna si\u0119 ostro skar\u017Cy\u0107... W czasie p\u00F3\u017Aniejszej rozmowy Jacka z Kate dziewczyna sugeruje, \u017Ce by\u0107 mo\u017Ce Locke nie przynosi wi\u0119cej mi\u0119sa nie bez przyczyny... co je\u015Bli zachowuje je dla siebie? W retrospekcji widzimy Boone\u2019a, kt\u00F3ry chce zabra\u0107 Shannon z domu jej ch\u0142opaka, Briana, ta jednak wygl\u0105da na zupe\u0142nie zaskoczon\u0105 wizyt\u0105 brata. Kiedy jednak Brian odwraca si\u0119 do niej plecami, Shannon ods\u0142ania na chwil\u0119 w\u0142osy, pokazuj\u0105c Boone\u2019owi siniec na skroni. Przy w\u0142azie Boone stara si\u0119 przekona\u0107 Locke\u2019a, \u017Ce powinni powiedzie\u0107 innym o ich znalezisku, a je\u015Bli nie wszystkim, to przynajmniej Shannon. Locke czuje, \u017Ce Shannon ma na Boone\u2019a zbyt du\u017Cy wp\u0142yw, pocz\u0105tkowo pozostawia decyzj\u0119 o poinformowaniu jej samemu Boone\u2019owi, chwil\u0119 p\u00F3\u017Aniej jednak pozbawia go rozmy\u015Blnie przytomno\u015Bci, uderzaj\u0105c go w g\u0142ow\u0119. Kiedy Boone odzyskuje przytomno\u015B\u0107, jest przywi\u0105zany do drzewa. Siedz\u0105cy przed nim Locke przygotowuje ma\u015B\u0107 na otwart\u0105 ran\u0119 g\u0142owy Boone\u2019a i pozostawia go samego m\u00F3wi\u0105c, \u017Ce je\u017Celi b\u0119dzie wystarczaj\u0105co zmotywowany, zdo\u0142a si\u0119 uwolni\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 no\u017Ca, kt\u00F3ry Locke zostawia przed zwi\u0105zanym Boone\u2019m. W retrospekcji Boone stara si\u0119 zadenuncjowa\u0107 Briana na komisariacie. Nie udaje mu si\u0119 to, ale w trakcie rozmowy wychodzi na jaw wa\u017Cna informacja - Shannon i Boone nie s\u0105 w \u017Caden spos\u00F3b po\u0142\u0105czeni wi\u0119zami krwi. W przelocie widzimy szarpi\u0105cego si\u0119 Sawyera, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 zgarni\u0119ty za jakie\u015B wykroczenie. Poniewa\u017C wizyta na komisariacie nie da\u0142a zadowalaj\u0105cych rezultat\u00F3w, Boone pr\u00F3buje przekupi\u0107 Briana w zamian za zostawienie Shannon w spokoju. Pocz\u0105tkowo Brian zaprzecza twierdz\u0105c, \u017Ce jego mi\u0142o\u015B\u0107 nie ma ceny, lecz okazuje si\u0119 to tylko zwyk\u0142ym targowaniem - na ko\u0144cu sam wymienia cen\u0119 50.000 dolar\u00F3w jako zupe\u0142nie satysfakcjonuj\u0105c\u0105. Wyspa. W czasie pracy w ogr\u00F3dku Kate zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce Sun reaguje na jej monolog i przez to odkrywa, \u017Ce Koreanka m\u00F3wi po angielsku. Sun prosi j\u0105 o nie rozpowiadanie jej tajemnicy. W mi\u0119dzyczasie Hurley pr\u00F3buje na\u015Bladowa\u0107 Jina w \u0142owieniu ryb, ale rezultaty s\u0105 op\u0142akane. Zdenerwowany porzuca to zaj\u0119cie, a wychodz\u0105c na brzeg nast\u0119puje na je\u017Ca morskiego. Jin pomaga mu wydosta\u0107 si\u0119 na brzeg, ale stanowczo odmawia, kiedy Hurley namawia go, \u017Ceby nasika\u0142 mu na stop\u0119 w ramach uchronienia nogi od infekcji... W d\u017Cungli Boone stara si\u0119 bezskutecznie wyswobodzi\u0107, kiedy nagle s\u0142yszy krzyki Shannon dochodz\u0105ce z innej cz\u0119\u015Bci d\u017Cungli. Okazuje si\u0119, \u017Ce ona te\u017C jest zwi\u0105zana, a dodatkowo sytuacj\u0119 pogarsza fakt, \u017Ce potw\u00F3r przesuwa si\u0119 w ich kierunku. To sprawia, \u017Ce Boone dosi\u0119ga w ko\u0144cu no\u017Ca i uwalnia siebie, a wkr\u00F3tce r\u00F3wnie\u017C Shannon, po czym oboje ukrywaj\u0105 si\u0119 w\u015Br\u00F3d bambus\u00F3w. Z kolejnej retrospekcji dowiadujemy si\u0119, \u017Ce Brian i Shannon oszukali Boone\u2019a i chcieli od niego (i jego matki) wyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 pieni\u0105dze. Wywi\u0105zuje si\u0119 b\u00F3jka pomi\u0119dzy Boone\u2019m i Brianem, w wyniku kt\u00F3rej upokorzony i pobity Boone opuszcza dom Briana. W czasie drogi powrotnej z d\u017Cungli Boone opowiada Shannon wszystko o w\u0142azie i o tym, co robili razem z Lockiem, aby si\u0119 do niego dosta\u0107. Kate stara si\u0119 przekona\u0107 Sun, \u017Ceby powiedzia\u0142a o swoim sekrecie Jinowi, jednak ta odmawia pytaj\u0105c retorycznie, czy Kate kiedykolwiek ok\u0142ama\u0142a cz\u0142owieka, kt\u00F3rego kocha\u0142a... W mi\u0119dzyczasie Charlie, spytany przez Jacka, co s\u0105dzi o Locke\u2019u, bez zastanowienia odpowiada, \u017Ce Locke jest jedyn\u0105 osob\u0105 na Wyspie, kt\u00F3rej on by zaufa\u0142 i powierzy\u0142 swoje \u017Cycie. W obozie Jin podaje zaskoczonemu Hurley\u2019owi z\u0142owion\u0105 i doskonale przygotowan\u0105 ryb\u0119. W d\u017Cungli Boone i Shannon zostaj\u0105 ponownie zaatakowani przez potwora, ale tym razem Shannon nie udaje si\u0119 uciec... Do pokoju hotelowego Boone\u2019a przychodzi zap\u0142akana Shannon m\u00F3wi\u0105c, \u017Ce Brian zabra\u0142 wszystkie pieni\u0105dze i uciek\u0142. M\u00F3wi mu, \u017Ce wiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce przyniesie on pieni\u0105dze, bo doskonale zdaje sobie spraw\u0119, \u017Ce Boone jest w niej od dawna zakochany. Boone zaprzecza, jednak ju\u017C po chwili nami\u0119tnie j\u0105 ca\u0142uje... Nast\u0119pnego ranka Shannon ch\u0142odno oznajmia, \u017Ce niezale\u017Cnie od tego, co mi\u0119dzy nimi zasz\u0142o i co Boone do niej czuje, wszystko ma zosta\u0107 \u201Epo staremu\u201D. W d\u017Cungli Boone odnajduje zakrwawione i zmasakrowane cia\u0142o Shannon. Kiedy wraca na pla\u017C\u0119, atakuje Locke\u2019a za to, co zrobi\u0142. Po chwili jednak widzimy, \u017Ce na ubraniu Boone\u2019a nie ma plam krwi, co wi\u0119cej, chwil\u0119 p\u00F3\u017Aniej pojawia si\u0119 Shannon, gaw\u0119dz\u0105c spokojnie z Sayidem. Locke przyznaje si\u0119, \u017Ce ma\u015B\u0107 na\u0142o\u017Cona na g\u0142ow\u0119 Boone\u2019a mia\u0142a w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci halucynogenne; Locke zrobi\u0142 to celowo, aby pom\u00F3c Boone\u2019owi wyzwoli\u0107 si\u0119 spod wp\u0142ywu Shannon. Po ostatnim spojrzeniu skierowanym na siostr\u0119, Boone wyrusza za Lockiem w g\u0142\u0105b lasu..."@pl . "Hearts and Minds transcript"@en . "mini"@en . . "Boone pleads for Locke to let him go."@en . "--05-30"^^ . . . . . . . "2602.0"^^ . . . . "New Ways"@en . "Locke and Boone attempt to gain entry into the hatch, and Boone hallucinates in the jungle."@en . "206"^^ . "\"Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind\""@en . . . . "David Lane"@en . . . "Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon"@en . . "Nod forces engage the Scrin Eradicator"@en . "Boone cries as he finds Shannon's lifeless body."@en . "2002-03-30"^^ . "Family"@en . . "4"^^ . . . . . "A Man of Faith"@en . . "City"@en . . "Hearts and Minds"@en . "ISBN 9781501150142"@en . "Corazones y mentes"@es . . "Hearts and Minds is the tenth mission in the Nod campaign of Kane's Wrath."@en . . . . "Hearts and Minds"@pt . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the thirteenth episode of Season 1 of Lost and the thirteenth produced hour of the series as a whole. As Boone becomes increasingly jealous of Shannon's relationship with other survivors on the Island, Locke hatches a plan to make him realize that he should let go. Meanwhile, Hurley attempts to acquire food supplies for the group. Flashbacks in this episode center around Boone and Shannon's time in Australia and what they were doing there."@en . "\"I beg you, don't help that Oskar attack innocent septs,\" Septa Eleanor implores. \"It's a cruel faith King Stannis has brought. Don't burn our gods.\""@en . . "Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes"@en . "The monster leaves behind a path of destruction."@en . . . "24"^^ . "Episode 30"@en . "Kampala, Uganda, African Yellow Zone"@en . "Hurley tries to make Jin teach him how to fish."@en . "Ian Somerhalder - Boone Carlyle"@en . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is de dertiende aflevering van Seizoen 1 van Lost. Terwijl Boone enorm jaloers wordt op Shannons relatie met andere overlevenden op het eiland, heeft Locke een plan hem te doen realiseren dat hij haar uit zijn hoofd moet zetten. Ondertussen doet Hurley een poging vis te vangen voor de groep. De flashbacks in deze aflevering gaan over Boone en Shannons tijd in Australie en ze daar deden."@nl . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is de dertiende aflevering van Seizoen 1 van Lost. Terwijl Boone enorm jaloers wordt op Shannons relatie met andere overlevenden op het eiland, heeft Locke een plan hem te doen realiseren dat hij haar uit zijn hoofd moet zetten. Ondertussen doet Hurley een poging vis te vangen voor de groep. De flashbacks in deze aflevering gaan over Boone en Shannons tijd in Australie en ze daar deden."@nl . "Hearts and Minds is the tenth mission in the Nod campaign of Kane's Wrath."@en . . . "left"@en . . "\"The Seven are lies. Westeros will see soon that their future lies with R'hllor.\""@en . . . . . "47295.4"^^ . "Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon"@en . "Eradicator Hexapod"@en . "HurleyJinFish1x13.jpg"@en . "jl"@en . . "2597.0"^^ . "Medium"@en . . . . . . . "101"^^ . "1"^^ . "Hearts and Minds"@da . . . "1501147315"^^ . "2003-10-25"^^ . . "Boone and Shannon run from the Monster."@en . . . . . . "Episode_1-13.png"@en . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the thirty fifth and thirty sixth episodes of Justice League. When his trainer and former lover is captured by a new foe, John Stewart heads off to rescue her. But he soon finds that this new enemy may be more powerful than the Justice League and Green Lantern Corps can handle, even together."@en . "Whatever the Case May Be"@nl . . "The False Seven"@en . . . "Hearts and Minds was a four-part comic miniseries preceded by a preview feature. The comic story was part of the series of Deep Space Nine comics released by Malibu Comics in 1994. The preview issue was the second story feature in Malibu DS9, Issue 9, and the four issues were numbered as a stand-alone miniseries."@en . . . "\"[[|]]\" es el episodio n\u00FAmero trece de la primera temporada de Lost. Cuando Locke descubre que Boone quiere contarle a Shannon su \"secreto\", la vida de Shannon es puesta en peligro y la inquietante verdad sobre su pasado con Boone es revelada. Mientras, Kate est\u00E1 extra\u00F1ada del misterioso comportamiento de Sun, y un hambriento Hurley debe pagar su deuda con Jin."@es . . "12"^^ . . . . . . "Headlong Flight"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the 351st episode of Casualty and the 30th episode of the 16th series. It was preceded by \"Memories\" and followed by \"Dominoes\". This episode was directed by A.J. Quinn and written by Danny McCahon and David Lane. In the episode, Gilly, a receptionist, is arrested."@en . . . "Boone learns the truth."@en . "Hearts and Minds"@nl . . "Locke and Boone attempt to gain entry into the hatch, and Boone hallucinates in the jungle."@en . "2005-01-12"^^ . "|} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por N\u00E3o creditados Imagens arquivadas \"Hearts and Minds\" foi o d\u00E9cimo terceiro epis\u00F3dio da primeira temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar em 12 de janeiro de 2005. Quando Locke percebe que Boone quer contar o segredo deles para Shannon, a vida dela \u00E9 colocada em um perigo repentino, e a verdade chocante sobre seu passado com Boone \u00E9 revelada. Enquanto isso, Kate \u00E9 confundida pelo comportamento misterioso de Sun, e um faminto Hurley deve pagar uma d\u00EDvida a Jin."@pt . "Destroy the Scrin and Traveler-59's forces including the Eradicator Hexapod to free the city"@en . . . . . . . . "BooneCryingShannon1x13.jpg"@en . . "|} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por N\u00E3o creditados Imagens arquivadas \"Hearts and Minds\" foi o d\u00E9cimo terceiro epis\u00F3dio da primeira temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar em 12 de janeiro de 2005. Quando Locke percebe que Boone quer contar o segredo deles para Shannon, a vida dela \u00E9 colocada em um perigo repentino, e a verdade chocante sobre seu passado com Boone \u00E9 revelada. Enquanto isso, Kate \u00E9 confundida pelo comportamento misterioso de Sun, e um faminto Hurley deve pagar uma d\u00EDvida a Jin."@pt . . "113"^^ . . "Danny McCahon"@en . . "200"^^ . "Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen"@en . . "Prelude, 1\u20134"@en . . . . "Josh Holloway - James Ford"@en . . "In speaking to the Mysterious Witch Rubina, she will instruct you in three ways to earn the favour of either the Nightsisters or the Singing Mountain Clan. This particular quest is intiated after you select - I would like to offer my wisdom. Rubina now invites you to accept the quest Hearts and Minds, stating - Show which Clan you support by convincing an Outcast to join it. Description: Speak with an Outcast Dathomiri Witch and aid her in deciding between the way of the Singing Mountain Clan or that of the Nightsisters. Note: This is a repeatable collection. You need to complete this quest 5 times for the collection."@en . . . . . "The Hatch, uncovered."@en . "Rona looks wary. \"The king ordered the sept burned on Dragonstone, my [lord/lady]. It is possible he would do the same throughout the Stormlands.\""@en . "When Raven has a vision of Cory getting no valentine she tries to give him tips but they don't work, so Eddie teaches him to rap to get a boost of confidence. Meanwhile, Chelsea has to have her new boyfriend approved by Tanya and Victor since her parents are away and Raven tries to mail a giant Valentines card to Devon."@en . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the 351st episode of Casualty and the 30th episode of the 16th series. It was preceded by \"Memories\" and followed by \"Dominoes\". This episode was directed by A.J. Quinn and written by Danny McCahon and David Lane. In the episode, Gilly, a receptionist, is arrested."@en . . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the thirty fifth and thirty sixth episodes of Justice League. When his trainer and former lover is captured by a new foe, John Stewart heads off to rescue her. But he soon finds that this new enemy may be more powerful than the Justice League and Green Lantern Corps can handle, even together."@en . "A.J. Quinn"@en . . . . "2370"^^ . . . "Boone's right hand, in front and behind his body."@en . "Men and Arms"@en . . . "250"^^ . "Sworn Sword"@en . . . "Dominic Monaghan - Charlie Pace"@en . "\"All I care about is King Stannis taking his rightful place as Robert's heir.\""@en . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "\"Rona, do you know whether King Stannis supports these attacks on septs?\""@en . . . . "2005-10-31"^^ . . "100"^^ . . . "304"^^ . "Realm"@en . . "World Library.jpg"@en . "Terry O'Quinn - John Locke"@en . . . "\"Groat, I trust you'll advise me to save our strength to defend our own borders?\""@en . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the thirteenth episode of Season 1 of Lost and the thirteenth produced hour of the series as a whole. As Boone becomes increasingly jealous of Shannon's relationship with other survivors on the Island, Locke hatches a plan to make him realize that he should let go. Meanwhile, Hurley attempts to acquire food supplies for the group. Flashbacks in this episode center around Boone and Shannon's time in Australia and what they were doing there."@en . . "4"^^ . "\"The people here have resisted R'hllor. They continue to worship the Seven in secret.\""@en . . "300"^^ . . . . . . "Nod Victory"@en . "Sawyer is manhandled in as Boone speaks to the detective."@en . "24"^^ . "City"@en . . "Simon Groat"@en . . "Scrin"@en . "Corazones y mentes"@es . . "When Raven has a vision of Cory getting no valentine she tries to give him tips but they don't work, so Eddie teaches him to rap to get a boost of confidence. Meanwhile, Chelsea has to have her new boyfriend approved by Tanya and Victor since her parents are away and Raven tries to mail a giant Valentines card to Devon."@en . . . "Forging Bonds"@en . "12"^^ . . . . . "\"Hearts and Minds\" is the tenth episode of Season 1 of V. It aired on May 4, 2010."@en . "1"^^ . "35"^^ . . . . . . "2004-02-06"^^ . . . . . . . "II"@en . . . "111"^^ . "--05-30"^^ . . . . . "Full Nod Arsenal, including the newly tested Redeemer"@en . . "Jack asks Charlie what he thinks about Locke."@en . "Hearts and Minds"@pl . .