"Latter-Day Pantheon"@en . "The Latter-Day Pantheon were completely controlled by the beliefs of the humans around them. They had no natural powers or personalities, but were shaped by what people believed they should be like. Even their true form (either smoke or a puddles) might be what people expected of them. When first discovered, the Latter-Day Pantheon shaped themselves to be gods in response to the general desire for higher powers to come and save mankind from itself, forming their goals and purpose on Earth from that point onwards. (PROSE: Salvation)"@en . "The Latter-Day Pantheon were completely controlled by the beliefs of the humans around them. They had no natural powers or personalities, but were shaped by what people believed they should be like. Even their true form (either smoke or a puddles) might be what people expected of them. When first discovered, the Latter-Day Pantheon shaped themselves to be gods in response to the general desire for higher powers to come and save mankind from itself, forming their goals and purpose on Earth from that point onwards. (PROSE: Salvation)"@en . . "Amorphous metamorphic species"@en . "Salvation"@en . . . . "The Latter-Day Pantheon"@en . . .