. "Sela is a Dunmer found in the improvised refugee camp inside the Forgotten Crypts."@en . . . "Sela'"@en . . "Hybride Romulienne - Humaine"@fr . . . . "2384"^^ . "earth"@en . "48"^^ . "Citoyenne de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien"@fr . . "single"@en . . . . . "office defunct"@en . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . "schwarz"@de . . "100000000"^^ . "Earth Kingdom"@en . . . "100.0"^^ . . . . . . "Sela in 2367."@en . . . "Busaira Department"@en . . . . . . "Zyuoh-Shark.jpg"@en . "thumb|230px Pojawia si\u0119 w odcinku Samotny Zuko."@pl . . . . . "Sela nel 2368"@it . . "M\u00E8re: Natasha Yar"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|230px Pojawia si\u0119 w odcinku Samotny Zuko."@pl . "Hija de Tasha Yar, quien era la oficial de Tacticas del Enterprise C."@es . . "35"^^ . . . . "Commander"@fr . . . . . "Sela (\u30BB\u30E9 Sera) jest Zyuoh Rekinem (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC\u30AF Juuoushaaku, Zyuoh Shark) i jedn\u0105 z Zyuohgers\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . . "Sela becomes Blue Shark Ranger"@en . . . "Negro"@es . "250"^^ . "2403"^^ . "Country"@en . "Blue Shark Ranger"@en . . . . "Zyuohger Odcinek 1"@pl . . "rom"@en . . "2408"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0639"@en . . . . "Sela"@de . . . "Sela.png"@de . . . . ""@en . "Vrouwelijk"@nl . . . . "Farmer"@en . . . "thumb|Sela (2368) Commander Sela ist die Tochter von Tasha Yar und einem romulanischen General und somit halb Mensch und halb Romulanerin."@de . "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger"@en . . . "Gansu, Sensu, Lee, Zuko"@es . "B\u00E4uerin"@de . . . . . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . . . . . "tfoh"@en . . "Sela"@es . . . "Unidentified Romulan general"@en . "Sela is identified with the ruins of Sela, east of Tafileh in Jordan (identified as biblical Tophel) and near Bozrah, all Edomite cities in the mountains of Edom. Sela appears in later history and in the Vulgate under the name of Petra. \"The caravan of all ages, from the interior of Arabia and from the Gulf of Persia, from Hadhramaut on the ocean, and even from Sabea (Sheba) or Yemen, appear to have pointed to Petra as a common centre; and from Petra the tide seems again to have branched out in every direction, to Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, through Arsinoe, Gaza, Tyre, Jerusalem, and Damascus, and by other routes, terminating at the Mediterranean.\" (See Edom [2].) Sela in Saudi Arabia is also an abandoned Jewish city, just north of Medina, the city of Islamic Prophet Muhammad, north of Mecca."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sela is a goon whom Zo\u00EB encounters in the JIVA offices, at the Seshadri Industries building in Casablanca. When Zo\u00EB arrives, Sela is working at the front desk terminal, pretending she is a receptionist there. Unbeknownst to her, the Screen behind her head switches to CCTV footage of Helena Chang looking distressed and gesturing for help. If Zo\u00EB tries to distract Sela by complimenting her hair colour, Sela irritably says that the pigmentation is standard and \"came with the implant\". Zo\u00EB either has to take her down, or trick her into entering a storeroom before locking her in. Sela is working with a partner, Kano, although whom they are working for is never explained. Given Chang's apparent rivalry with Alvin Peats and WATI, it is likely they have been hired by them. In some of the early screenshots released of Dreamfall, Sela appeared as an older, plainer woman with glasses. Sela is voiced by Hilary Cahill."@en . . . "Sela"@es . . "Faunation"@en . . "250"^^ . . "Killed with spears by the horde of Cluny the Scourge"@en . . . . . "admiral in the Romulan Star Empire"@en . . "Susan Eisenberg Engels"@nl . . . . "Blue"@en . "42"^^ . "1100"^^ . . . . . . . "Sela \u00E9tait une hybride humain et Romulienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, issue de l'union entre l'officier Tasha Yar de Starfleet provenant d'une chronologie alternative et d'un G\u00E9n\u00E9ral Romulien. Sela a su devenir une figure importante au sein de la hi\u00E9rarchie militaire romulienne."@fr . . . "Sela \u00E9tait une hybride humain et Romulienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, issue de l'union entre l'officier Tasha Yar de Starfleet provenant d'une chronologie alternative et d'un G\u00E9n\u00E9ral Romulien. Sela a su devenir une figure importante au sein de la hi\u00E9rarchie militaire romulienne."@fr . "Zyuohger"@pl . . "Agricultora"@es . . . . . "Sela is a goon whom Zo\u00EB encounters in the JIVA offices, at the Seshadri Industries building in Casablanca. When Zo\u00EB arrives, Sela is working at the front desk terminal, pretending she is a receptionist there. Unbeknownst to her, the Screen behind her head switches to CCTV footage of Helena Chang looking distressed and gesturing for help. If Zo\u00EB tries to distract Sela by complimenting her hair colour, Sela irritably says that the pigmentation is standard and \"came with the implant\". Zo\u00EB either has to take her down, or trick her into entering a storeroom before locking her in."@en . . . "Sela (\u30BB\u30E9 Sera) is a shark Zyuman from Zyuland who, using the transformed King's Credential she was entrusted with, became Zyuoh Shark (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC\u30AF J\u016B\u014D Sh\u0101ku), the Blue Ranger of the Zyuohgers."@en . . . . . . "Sela"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mattimeo"@en . . "Sela in the shadows"@en . . . "GMT +2"@en . . "+3"@en . . "unknown"@en . . . . "weiblich"@de . . "Sela is the bedchamber maid to Lord Gareth Bryne at his estate in Kore Springs in Andor."@en . "46"^^ . . . "+3"@en . . . "Active"@en . "Province"@en . . . "Sera"@en . . . . . . "2367"^^ . . . . . . "Redwall"@en . . . "Sela (\u30BB\u30E9 Sera) jest Zyuoh Rekinem (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC\u30AF Juuoushaaku, Zyuoh Shark) i jedn\u0105 z Zyuohgers\u00F3w."@pl . . "Kobieta"@pl . . . "Sela is a Dunmer found in the improvised refugee camp inside the Forgotten Crypts."@en . . "220"^^ . . . "Il Comandante Sela era un ufficiale dell'esercito Romulano, figlia del Tenente Natasha Yar e di un generale Romulano. Fu una figura di particolare rilievo nei piani dell'Impero Romulano per destabilizzare l'alleanza tra la Federazione Unita dei Pianeti e l'Impero Klingon."@it . . . . "Sela is the half-Human/half-Romulan daughter of Romulan General Volskiar and his consort, Lieutenant Natasha Yar (a future version from an alternate timeline)."@en . . . "background:#ff8080"@en . . . . "Sela"@de . . . . "Gansu, Sensu, Lee, Zuko"@en . "Human"@en . "Sela"@en . . . "Commander Sela"@en . . . . . . . . "Sela.jpg"@it . "Young boy"@en . "Sela (\u30BB\u30E9 Sera) is a shark Zyuman from Zyuland who, using the transformed King's Credential she was entrusted with, became Zyuoh Shark (\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AA\u30A6\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC\u30AF J\u016B\u014D Sh\u0101ku), the Blue Ranger of the Zyuohgers."@en . "Sela"@nl . "File:Sela-JLAnciants Sela2.png Write the text of your article here!"@en . "Femenino"@es . . . "House Bryne"@en . . "Sela is een lieve, respectvolle vrouw. Ze houd veel van haar zonen. Ze is ook een sterke vrouw. Net als veel anderen haat zij de Vuurnatie."@nl . "Sela"@en . "Sela was the mother of Chickenhound, and resided in Mossflower Woods as a healer. Together, she and her son lived with an unnamed band of foxes. Sela had golden eyes, and was a crafty double-dealer of information. When she was ordered to heal Cluny the Scourge, she and her son were able to steal his combat plans. However, Cluny intended for this to happen. The plans said that Cluny was going to use only a battering ram when in reality, he intended to use the ram and tunnel to get into Redwall Abbey."@en . . . . . "Sela"@en . . . . . . . "Sela era la esposa de Gansu y madre de dos hijos, Lee y su hermano mayor, Sensu. Ella y su familia ten\u00EDa una granja en un peque\u00F1o pueblo del Reino Tierra. Sela era una mujer amable, pero estaba claramente muy estresada con el peso de su familia y de dirigir la granja. Ella era muy respetuosa y estaba dispuesta a acoger a extranjeros en su casa si ella cre\u00EDa que eran buenas personas. Como madre, Sela era muy protectora de sus hijos, y aunque ella parec\u00EDa ser una mujer muy fuerte, ella no estaba por encima de pedir ayuda cuando la necesito. Parece que ella, como muchos otros en el Reino Tierra, tambi\u00E9n tuvo un fuerte odio por la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego."@es . . . . . . "2345"^^ . . . . "Gansu"@en . "Andoran"@en . . . "30"^^ . "Zwart"@nl . . "Fire Nation, Gow, Zuko"@en . . "Anime"@en . . . "Boerin"@nl . . . "Sela is identified with the ruins of Sela, east of Tafileh in Jordan (identified as biblical Tophel) and near Bozrah, all Edomite cities in the mountains of Edom. Sela appears in later history and in the Vulgate under the name of Petra. \"The caravan of all ages, from the interior of Arabia and from the Gulf of Persia, from Hadhramaut on the ocean, and even from Sabea (Sheba) or Yemen, appear to have pointed to Petra as a common centre; and from Petra the tide seems again to have branched out in every direction, to Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, through Arsinoe, Gaza, Tyre, Jerusalem, and Damascus, and by other routes, terminating at the Mediterranean.\" (See Edom [2].)"@en . "After Sela met and married Gansu, the couple had two children together: Sensu and Lee. The family made their home in a plains village, that Gow and other soldiers were in charge of. Sela had a strong dislike for Gow and his men, as they were simply antagonistic hectors who did not actively contribute for their country in the Hundred Year War. Her eldest son, Sensu, went to war, so for a while she lived only with her husband and her younger son, Lee. In 100 AG, Zuko came to the village and helped Lee out of a tough situation; in return, he was invited back to stay at the farm. When Sela kindly inquired what Zuko's name was, he hesitated; her husband, Gansu, said that Zuko did not need to tell them his name if he would rather not. She subsequently invited the apparent traveler to join her family for supper. Sensing that Zuko's refusal to stay had more to do with honor than the lack of hunger, she suggested that Gansu could use some help on the barn, providing Zuko with a means to repay the family for their hospitality. As Zuko left the farm, Sela offered him some food that \"ought to get [him] through a few meals\". Sela was heartbroken when Gow and the rest of his men rode up to the farm and informed the family that Sensu's battalion had been captured. The man smirked as he told Sela that her son was either dead or going to be dressed up in a Fire Nation uniform and put on the front line unarmed. Gansu said his goodbyes to his family and departed in search of his eldest son, leaving Sela to care for Lee. After Zuko had left, she went out to find him and begged for his help, as Gow had returned to the farm as soon as Gansu had left. Lee had foolishly pulled a knife on them, subsequently prompting Gow to take him with them, remarking that \"if Lee [was] old enough to fight, he [was] old enough to join the army\". Zuko engaged and defeated Gow and his men in battle, but not without revealing his true identity as the heir to the throne of the Fire Nation. Upon discovering who Zuko really was, Sela did not want him around her family anymore and protectively stood in front of Lee. Zuko offered the dagger to Lee again, but after he said that he hated the banished prince, Sela and her youngest son left."@en . . . . . . . . "File:Sela-JLAnciants Sela2.png Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . . . . "Sela, as he appears in the anime"@en . . . "2408"^^ . "2345"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "Zyuoh Shark"@en . . . . . . . "Julie Lemieux ; Nicky Mackay"@en . . . . . "\u30BB\u30E9"@en . . . "N"@en . "Brooke Nevin"@en . . "Ishara Yar"@en . . . . . . . "Sela"@it . . "tierra"@es . . . . "Zwierzolandia"@pl . . . . . "office vacant"@en . . . . . . . . "Tante: Ishara Yar"@fr . . "Sela is een lieve, respectvolle vrouw. Ze houd veel van haar zonen. Ze is ook een sterke vrouw. Net als veel anderen haat zij de Vuurnatie."@nl . . . . . "Il Comandante Sela era un ufficiale dell'esercito Romulano, figlia del Tenente Natasha Yar e di un generale Romulano. Fu una figura di particolare rilievo nei piani dell'Impero Romulano per destabilizzare l'alleanza tra la Federazione Unita dei Pianeti e l'Impero Klingon."@it . "\"Zuko Alone\""@en . "Erde"@de . . "Sela ist Gansus Frau und die Mutter von Lee und dessen \u00E4lteren Bruder Sensu. Als ihr \u00E4ltester Sohn Sensu gegen die Feuernation in den Krieg zog, musste sich Sela ganz alleine um ihren j\u00FCngeren Sohn Lee k\u00FCmmern. Sela ist eine freundliche junge Frau, die jedoch deutlich durch die Lasten ihrer Familie gezeichnet ist. Sie ist sehr respektvoll und au\u00DFerdem l\u00E4dt sie gerne fremde Mensche in ihr Haus ein, wenn diese gute Leute sind, wie beispielsweise Prinz Zuko. Wie viele Menschen des Erdk\u00F6nigreichs, hat auch sie einen starken Hass auf die Feuernation. So besch\u00FCtzt sie ihren Sohn Lee, als sie erf\u00E4hrt, dass Zuko ein Feuerb\u00E4ndiger ist."@de . . . . . . "\"Zuko Solitario\""@es . . . . "zyuohsela.png"@pl . . . . . . "Sela in the shadows.jpg"@en . . . . . "Sela was the mother of Chickenhound, and resided in Mossflower Woods as a healer. Together, she and her son lived with an unnamed band of foxes. Sela had golden eyes, and was a crafty double-dealer of information. When she was ordered to heal Cluny the Scourge, she and her son were able to steal his combat plans. However, Cluny intended for this to happen. The plans said that Cluny was going to use only a battering ram when in reality, he intended to use the ram and tunnel to get into Redwall Abbey. When it was discovered that Sela was giving information to the Redwallers, Cluny had the two foxes speared by his soldiers. Their bodies were thrown into a ditch, and Sela died from her wounds. In the Redwall TV Series, Sela was injured by Matthias and caught by Constance. She was slain by Cluny's horde soon after."@en . . . "Sela ist Gansus Frau und die Mutter von Lee und dessen \u00E4lteren Bruder Sensu. Als ihr \u00E4ltester Sohn Sensu gegen die Feuernation in den Krieg zog, musste sich Sela ganz alleine um ihren j\u00FCngeren Sohn Lee k\u00FCmmern."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Black"@en . . "Sela becomes Blue Shark Ranger"@en . . "30"^^ . "Niebieski"@pl . . "Village"@en . . . . . . "female"@en . . "E"@en . . "Sela era la esposa de Gansu y madre de dos hijos, Lee y su hermano mayor, Sensu. Ella y su familia ten\u00EDa una granja en un peque\u00F1o pueblo del Reino Tierra. Sela era una mujer amable, pero estaba claramente muy estresada con el peso de su familia y de dirigir la granja. Ella era muy respetuosa y estaba dispuesta a acoger a extranjeros en su casa si ella cre\u00EDa que eran buenas personas. Como madre, Sela era muy protectora de sus hijos, y aunque ella parec\u00EDa ser una mujer muy fuerte, ella no estaba por encima de pedir ayuda cuando la necesito. Parece que ella, como muchos otros en el Reino Tierra, tambi\u00E9n tuvo un fuerte odio por la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego."@es . . . . . . . . "Hija de Tasha Yar, quien era la oficial de Tacticas del Enterprise C."@es . . . . . "femminile"@it . . . "braun"@de . . "Sela"@nl . "Department"@en . . . "Sela in 2410."@en . . . "300"^^ . . "Attivo"@it . "Sela"@fr . "Sela"@fr . . "thumb|Sela (2368) Commander Sela ist die Tochter von Tasha Yar und einem romulanischen General und somit halb Mensch und halb Romulanerin."@de . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "2368"^^ . . "After Sela met and married Gansu, the couple had two children together: Sensu and Lee. The family made their home in a plains village, that Gow and other soldiers were in charge of. Sela had a strong dislike for Gow and his men, as they were simply antagonistic hectors who did not actively contribute for their country in the Hundred Year War. Her eldest son, Sensu, went to war, so for a while she lived only with her husband and her younger son, Lee."@en . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "21"^^ . . . . "250"^^ . "Sela is the half-Human/half-Romulan daughter of Romulan General Volskiar and his consort, Lieutenant Natasha Yar (a future version from an alternate timeline)."@en . . . "Alive"@en . . . "Founded"@en . "Sela is the bedchamber maid to Lord Gareth Bryne at his estate in Kore Springs in Andor."@en .