"Gremlin"@en . "Brak"@pl . . . . . . "coin"@en . . "Gremlins are mischievous creatures who are responsible for mysterious mechanical errors, particularly those involving aircraft. Image:Chinese dragon icon.png This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it]."@en . "Low"@en . "800"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "; Gremlin from Sub-Mariner Vol 1 61.jpg"@en . . "Twilight Zone: The Movie"@en . "They're intelligent creatures, very capable of operating technology. Like the Mogwais, they're highly sensitive to light and reproduce asexually by means of spontaneously generating new Gremlins whenever they're exposed to water."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mostriciattoli"@it . "Monster Lab"@en . . "17"^^ . . . "Nilmergs which are good only for destroying things. \n* The Mostali send them against their enemies. Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . . . . "8"^^ . . "11"^^ . "14"^^ . . . . . "66"^^ . "Gremlin Written by: Age: Species: Home Continuum: Department: Division: Response Center: Partner: Fandom(s): Lust-object(s): Favorite(s): Weapon(s): Penelope Teng, also known as Gremlin, is an agent in the Department of Bad Slash. She is written by PoorCynic."@en . . "-"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "A Gremlin is a monster found in 600 A.D. in Chrono Trigger."@en . "Human"@en . . . . "6"^^ . "-"@en . . . . "Il Gremlin fisicamente \u00E8 affine al Furby e lontano parente di Hamtaro. Il suo aspetto lo rende un perfetto idolo per furry e bimbiminkia, essendo quello di una piccola tenera palla di pelo bianco-marroncino con orecchie da dumbo e grossi occhi vitrei. Ci\u00F2nonostante, a differenza dei suoi cugini alla lontana, i Criceti (che sono come tutti sanno spietate macchine da guerra), i Gremlin nella loro forma normale sono molto delicati: basta infatti un'esposizione alla luce di qualsiasi intensit\u00E0, natura o durata per scatenargli conati di vomito, diarrea, eczemi, nevrosi, necrosi dei bulbi oculari, disintegrazione delle cellule corporee, decesso."@it . . "5"^^ . "35"^^ . "Gremlins are small creatures that delight in causing misery and tinkering. They can be found in workspaces, such as fruit packing plants. Although small, gremlins are strong and move at a fast speed. They can be vanquished by a special vanquishing gel."@en . "16"^^ . "In the story, gremlins are originally peaceful creatures which live in an English forest. When their forest home is destroyed and an aircraft factory is built in its place, the gremlins vow to take their revenge by attacking the planes which the factory produces. The book's hero is a Royal Air Force pilot named Gus. After his plane is destroyed over the English Channel, Gus sees gremlins parachute out of the aircraft's wreckage along with him. He speaks to the creatures and persuades them to help in the fight against the Nazis. Eventually, gremlins are trained to repair aircraft, rather than destroy them, and help in the Allies' war effort. The Disney film was never made, partly due to the fact that, because Dahl was a Royal Air Force officer at the time that the story was written, the British Air Ministry insisted on having final say over the script and the finished movie. Disney was also unable to copyright the idea of gremlins and could not prevent other studios from making films about them. However, largely as a result of publicity for the film which was never made, gremlins became familiar to the wider public. Two Warner Bros. cartoons, the 1943 Bugs Bunny short Falling Hare and the 1944 Russian Rhapsody, feature gremlins very similar to those in Dahl's book. Gremlins often appeared on wartime propaganda posters and were adopted as mascots by flying squadrons. A series of stories about gremlins, in which Gremlin Gus is the main character, appeared in the magazine Walt Disney's Comics and Stories between June 1943 and February 1944."@en . "8"^^ . "5"^^ . "Gremlin"@en . . "Strong"@en . . "Zio\nFeral Claw\nEscape"@en . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "13"^^ . "5"^^ . . "14"^^ . . . . "25"^^ . . "International Airship, Holy Ground, Airship Assault"@en . . . "-"@en . "0"^^ . "\u0394\u03B1\u03AF\u03BC\u03BF\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2"@en . "rare exclusive"@en . "Causing misery, tinkering"@en . . "A gremlin was a supposed creature that caused malfunctions in underwater airlocks, following the theory of the superstitious \"Half Under\" population of Bartyn's Landing. The people behind these sabotages were really the thought-extinct Menahuun."@en . "Claw"@en . . "cash"@en . . "Gremlins scuttle around with weapons far too large to be handled by one so small. They occasionally seek cover, but often simply crouch to reload in full view, relying on their small stature to avoid being hit."@en . "3020024"^^ . "Resist"@en . . "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"@en . . "2"^^ . "14"^^ . . . ""@en . "Metahuman"@en . . . . "An unknown species of invertebrate. They had features of a priapulid predator, i.e. an extensible proboscis with teeth. Their body looks rather like a green blob. The Gremlins generate more green static than most other faeries and can only breathe in the green static given off via their interaction with faerie technology. The Gremlins were blind, but were very sensitive to touch, possibly hearing and smell. They were also carnivorous. Some Gremlins ended up in the Empire State Building, and the green static pouring out of the technology in the building made the skyscraper the perfect environment. They possessed for fingered claws that they extended from their boneless bodies. They had rows of sharp teeth on their tongues. They were killed when the heat was turned up, and the static dissipated. They exploded, but released massive bolts of green lightning. These bolts quickly ran out on their own power."@en . . . "32"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "-"@en . "-"@en . ""@en . "GREMLIN (\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3 Guremurin?) is a magic organization formed after the events of World War III, and is led by One-Eyed Othinus the Majin. The organization is unusually pragmatic, despite having its origins from the magic side, as they specifically use both science and magic to achieve their goals. With their actions in the magic side and encroachment of the science, they are the primary antagonistic organization of Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index. Near the end of Magic God Othinus Arc, after the surviving members of GREMIN gathered in Egeskov Castle to take vengeance on Othinus for leaving them to run away with Kamijou Touma, they are all defeated by Thor. With this, the later depowering of Othinus, and the earlier order by Vasilisa to crush any GREMLIN member found in Russia, it is likely that GREMLIN has been dissolved as an organization."@en . . . . . "Ultra Power"@en . . "4"^^ . . "7"^^ . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "1200"^^ . . "-"@en . "44"^^ . . "Bufu\\Innate\nDream Fist\\9\nZio\\10"@en . "0"^^ . . "33"^^ . "Level: 314, DV: 226, PV: 62, Hits: 1537, Attacks: 33, Damage: 106-108. Speed: 100."@en . . "Zio\nTarukaja\nMakakaja\nSukukaja\nFlee"@en . "-"@en . . "elecbody"@en . "1200"^^ . . "56"^^ . . . "Some of the core members of GREMLIN."@en . . "Gremlin Units"@en . "Gremlins are small creatures that delight in causing misery and tinkering. They can be found in workspaces, such as fruit packing plants. Although small, gremlins are strong and move at a fast speed. They can be vanquished by a special vanquishing gel."@en . "20141111"^^ . "19"^^ . "16"^^ . "Gremlin"@en . "I"@en . . "Il Gremlin fisicamente \u00E8 affine al Furby e lontano parente di Hamtaro. Il suo aspetto lo rende un perfetto idolo per furry e bimbiminkia, essendo quello di una piccola tenera palla di pelo bianco-marroncino con orecchie da dumbo e grossi occhi vitrei."@it . . . "10"^^ . "8"^^ . . . . "4"^^ . "Bufula"@en . . . . "5"^^ . "140"^^ . "9"^^ . "Gremlins sind ein wichtiges Bauteil aller in Japan hergestellten Elektroger\u00E4te, elektrischen Haushaltshelfer, Personenkraftwagen, Motorr\u00E4dern und Unterhaltungselektronik. Die Entstehung von Gremlins ist ein wohl geh\u00FCtetes Fertigungsgeheimnis der japanischen Industrie. Ger\u00FCchteweise wurden sie erstmals in den Genetik-Studios von Mitsubishi bei der Entwicklung eines biologisch abbaubaren, selbst\u00FCbersschreibenden und anti-magnetischen \u00DCberzugs f\u00FCr Disketten entwickelt. Aufopferungsvolle Recherchen von Industriespionen und Shadowrunnern haben ergeben, da\u00DF es sich bei Gremlins um ein Stoffwechselendprodukt von Godzilla handelt, das durch W\u00E4sserung in Sake eine geeignete Konsistenz erh\u00E4lt."@de . "Gremlin is a Events Perk. __NoToC__"@en . "20"^^ . "Ice"@en . . . "6"^^ . "0"^^ . . "8"^^ . "110"^^ . "10"^^ . . "\"Treehouse of Horror IV\""@es . "100"^^ . . "-"@en . "Gremlin is a\u2026"@en . "thumb|270px|GremlinEin Gremlin ist ein Fabelwesen, das Spa\u00DF am Schabernack, vor allem im maschinellen und technischen Bereich, hat."@de . "Hand-to-hand, her own powers"@en . "Mabufu\nSukukaja"@en . "Ice\\+1\nElec\\+1\nFire\\-3\nForce\\-3"@en . "Zwierzaki"@pl . "No"@en . . . . . "Freelance"@en . "70"^^ . "0"^^ . . "119"^^ . . . . . "Gremlins are a type of monster in ADOM. They can be randomly found in dungeons, and are also the only inhabitants of the Gremlin Cave, a small dungeon in the south-west of the Drakalor Chain. Gremlins are unique in that when they come into contact with water, they replicate. Water sources include rivers, water traps, potions of water, and the entire Water Dragon Cave. Alternately, it is possible to get a fluff ball wet using any of the above means, as this will create a gremlin. Intentionally creating gremlins and getting them to multiply is often referred to as gremlin bombing. Gremlins offer little experience, so the only purpose of gremlin bombing is to rapidly train weapon marks. In version 1.2.0, gremlins do not offer any items when they are killed or pickpocketed, but in earlier vers"@en . "Weak to Guns and Elec"@en . . "Ein Gremlin ist eine fiktive Figur, die im 20. Jahrhundert von Piloten der Royal Air Force erfunden werden, um das Auftreten von Fehlfunktionen zu erkl\u00E4ren. 2376 meint Captain Kathryn Janeway zu B'Elanna Torres, dass Gremlins die Ursache f\u00FCr Fehlfunktionen an Bord der USS Voyager sind. (VOY: ) 2377 sabotieren Phantom und drei weitere Mitglieder seiner Spezies Valens und Bosaals Raumschiffe in der Leere und erm\u00F6glichen so der USS Voyager und den mit ihr verb\u00FCndeten Schiffen die Flucht. Thomas Eugene Paris meint dazu, dass Gremlins in Warpantrieben wohl doch kein Mythos seien. (VOY: )"@de . "Gremlin"@it . "\u0E40\u0E01\u0E23\u0E21\u0E25\u0E34\u0E19"@en . . . "GREMLIN"@en . "8"^^ . . . "antielec"@en . . "250"^^ . "1"^^ . . "101"^^ . . "Player"@en . . "0"^^ . . "In the story, gremlins are originally peaceful creatures which live in an English forest. When their forest home is destroyed and an aircraft factory is built in its place, the gremlins vow to take their revenge by attacking the planes which the factory produces. The book's hero is a Royal Air Force pilot named Gus. After his plane is destroyed over the English Channel, Gus sees gremlins parachute out of the aircraft's wreckage along with him. He speaks to the creatures and persuades them to help in the fight against the Nazis. Eventually, gremlins are trained to repair aircraft, rather than destroy them, and help in the Allies' war effort."@en . "0"^^ . "File:Quake1.gif Gremlin Health Will gib when health is Attack Damage Drops [Source] The Gremlin, introduced in Scourge of Armagon, is a weak Enemy with the unique ability to steal almost any firearm that the player has out and use it against her or him. The weapon can be taken back when the thief is killed and it drops the gun."@en . . . ""@en . "16"^^ . "A gremlin was a supposed creature that caused malfunctions in underwater airlocks, following the theory of the superstitious \"Half Under\" population of Bartyn's Landing. The people behind these sabotages were really the thought-extinct Menahuun."@en . . . "Gremlins"@en . "Nick Cravat"@en . "20141027"^^ . "The Sims 2: Zwierzaki"@pl . "8"^^ . "-"@en . "Gremlins are a type of monster in ADOM. They can be randomly found in dungeons, and are also the only inhabitants of the Gremlin Cave, a small dungeon in the south-west of the Drakalor Chain. Gremlins are unique in that when they come into contact with water, they replicate. Water sources include rivers, water traps, potions of water, and the entire Water Dragon Cave. Alternately, it is possible to get a fluff ball wet using any of the above means, as this will create a gremlin. Intentionally creating gremlins and getting them to multiply is often referred to as gremlin bombing. Gremlins offer little experience, so the only purpose of gremlin bombing is to rapidly train weapon marks. In version 1.2.0, gremlins do not offer any items when they are killed or pickpocketed, but in earlier versions gremlin bombing could be used to generate large quantities of loot. Gremlins are also the only known creatures that can be injured by light, if the PC (or their deity) illuminates a area that a gremlin is in."@en . . "1"^^ . "Phys x1~3, 1 enemy"@en . "Larry Cedar"@en . "Random Kingdom VX"@en . "land"@en . "0"^^ . "140"^^ . "20"^^ . "8"^^ . "The Gremlin is a very small creature, about big enough to fit inside a jar. It is entirely purple and has completely dark eyes with no white. It also has a pointy little nose, sharp teeth, skinny and floppy ears, a short pointy tail, and a three-spiked crest on top of its head of a darker purple. If a Gremlin goes through a printer, it will be able to copy itself entirely, but in black and white instead of purple."@en . . "Magic Cabal"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "130"^^ . "20"^^ . "Gremlin is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . . "Beast Boy, Poison Ivy, Starfire, Virgil Hawkins, Amethyst, Peridot"@en . . "-"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__[[English name (linked)::| ]] Main card page: \"[[Main card page::]]\" [[English name::]]\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3 \n* Japanese: \n* Kana: [[Japanese kana name::| ]] \n* Romaji: Guremurin \n* Translated: [[Translated name::| ]][[Japanese name::| ]] [[File:|link=File:|px]] Yu-Gi-Oh! (Toei anime) cards (list \u00B7 gallery) \n* [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] \n* [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] \n* [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] \n* [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] \n* [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] \n* [[Card Names : #|Names]]"@en . . "Some of the core members of GREMLIN. Left to right: Othinus, Thor, Marian Slingeneyer, Mjolnir and Bersi. Thor here is actually Ollerus in disguise."@en . "2"^^ . "-"@en . "Scourge of Armagon"@en . . "They're intelligent creatures, very capable of operating technology. Like the Mogwais, they're highly sensitive to light and reproduce asexually by means of spontaneously generating new Gremlins whenever they're exposed to water."@en . "Magic Side"@en . . . . "10"^^ . . . . "Gremlin"@en . . . . . "gremlin"@en . "In the original series, the Gremlin was an ape-like creature with curly green fuzziest thick fur and ugly larges lips. It had scary eyes with monstrous black outline and had a gorilla-like nose. In Twilight Zone: The Movie, the Gremlin is more of a menacing-looking creature. It had black hair and light-greenish eyes with a mouth full of sharp teeth. It had seemingly short arms compared to it's legs and sharp black claws. It had a large head like that of a typical alien and had a muscular chest. It had double-jointed legs with black claws and a tail like that of the character Pumpkinhead from the Pumpkinhead franchise."@en . "0"^^ . "Random"@en . "-"@en . "File:Quake1.gif Gremlin Health Will gib when health is Attack Damage Drops [Source] The Gremlin, introduced in Scourge of Armagon, is a weak Enemy with the unique ability to steal almost any firearm that the player has out and use it against her or him. The weapon can be taken back when the thief is killed and it drops the gun."@en . . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . . "-"@en . . "Gremlin"@pl . . . . "Gremlin(Vision foe); Gremlin from Avengers Assemble Vol 1 1 0001.jpg"@en . . . . . "Norse-Based Magic"@en . "Gremlin"@de . . . . "Nightmare_ar_20,000_Feet_Gremlin.jpg"@en . "-"@en . "86400.0"^^ . "-"@en . . "26"^^ . . "Gremlins are one of the Other Fairies groups of fairies. They are very short, and usually clumsy. They work a lot, and rarely rest. They cannot conjure much magic. They are very mechanically minded, using their small stature to get into machinary and repair them from the inside. Human pop culture has Gremlins being responsible for damage to Human aircraft."@en . . "Single foe/1/Physical/None"@en . . . "2"^^ . . "Gremlin Written by: Age: Species: Home Continuum: Department: Division: Response Center: Partner: Fandom(s): Lust-object(s): Favorite(s): Weapon(s): Penelope Teng, also known as Gremlin, is an agent in the Department of Bad Slash. She is written by PoorCynic."@en . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Raiju"@en . . "11"^^ . . . . "13"^^ . . . "16"^^ . "-"@en . "*Killing gremlin units contributes to the Biker's Killed challenge in the Campaign of Carnage challenge list. They do not count towards midget kills."@en . . "Gremlin is a boss found in Breath of Fire."@en . "26"^^ . . . . . . "35"^^ . . . . . . "Dark-Neutral"@en . . "1400"^^ . . "X"@en . . . "Gremlin is monster #35 from the Series 1 figures."@en . "Chaotic"@en . . . . "Bead"@en . "\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "Guremurin"@en . "Level: 2, DV: 18, PV: 0, Hits: 18, Attacks: 2, Damage: 2-4. Speed: 100."@en . . "36"^^ . . "-"@en . . . . "50.0"^^ . "0"^^ . . "12"^^ . . "-"@en . "Slick Drop"@en . "Slicer"@en . . "Doros\u0142y"@pl . "Resist"@en . . . "*Bike Gremlin - The most basic type are non-aligned units, and many can often be found riding in the sidecars of bikes. Bike Gremlins wear dark riding leathers, with motorcycle helmets on their disproportionately large heads. They are often seen carrying SMGs.\n*Burner Gremlin - Burner bikers wear yellow, including a distinctive spiked yellow pith helmet common to Pete's burners. They typically fight with automatic weapons and can be found most frequently in The Beatdown. They have a small chance to drop the Cobra.\n*Momma's Gremlin - These purple and green-clad midget bikers fight with sniper rifles.\n*Torgue Gremlin - Torgue Gremlins wear yellow and red, with heavy yellow pauldrons and full black and red helmets. They commonly fight with shotguns or assault rifles, and frequent the Badass Crater of Badassitude."@en . . . . . "The Gremlin is a very small creature, about big enough to fit inside a jar. It is entirely purple and has completely dark eyes with no white. It also has a pointy little nose, sharp teeth, skinny and floppy ears, a short pointy tail, and a three-spiked crest on top of its head of a darker purple. If a Gremlin goes through a printer, it will be able to copy itself entirely, but in black and white instead of purple."@en . . "Small"@en . "Male"@en . . . "*Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage"@en . . . . . . "Samiec"@pl . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__[[English name (linked)::| ]] Main card page: \"[[Main card page::]]\" [[English name::]]\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3 \n* Japanese: \n* Kana: [[Japanese kana name::| ]] \n* Romaji: Guremurin \n* Translated: [[Translated name::| ]][[Japanese name::| ]] [[File:|link=File:|px]] Yu-Gi-Oh! (Toei anime) cards (list \u00B7 gallery) \n* [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] \n* [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] \n* [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] \n* [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] \n* [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] \n* [[Card Names : #|Names]]"@en . . "69"^^ . "Gremlin"@es . "-"@en . "Species"@en . "6"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Gremlins were a species of animals native to the planet Beowulf in the Sigma Draconis System. The treecats of Sphinx rated slightly higher than gremlins on the sentience scale. (HH1)"@en . . . . "2"^^ . . "Jaki"@en . "0"^^ . "Gremlin"@fr . "Gremlin are a particularly unpleasant, type of evil fey most commonly found living within the depths of the Darklands. They are loathed by most creatures for their dark and sadistic sense of humour, their malicious and often deadly pranks and their general mischievousness that always results in either injury or damage to a creature or its property. Gremlins range between one and three feet in height with the smaller gremlins generally having a stronger connection to the First World of the fey. Apart from their similar size the appearance of the different types of gremlin vary hugely from insect-like to canine though all are at least vaguely humanoid. Each type of gremlin has a unique ability which they use to wreak havoc on the world from tinkering with magic items, to causing their opponents incredible bouts of bad luck.. Their preferred habitat is the Darklands but they often dwell close enough to the surface that they can creep into cities and towns at night to wreak their unique brand of sadistic mischief."@en . . "coin"@en . . "In both movies, the Gremlins have a leader that is smarter than all others. Stripe is the leader in the first movie and though the Brain Gremlin is the smartest, Mohawk is briefly the leader in the second movie (before being replaced by the smarter Brain Gremlin)."@en . . . . "home"@en . "16"^^ . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . "-"@en . "Element"@en . "NT Index v08 003-005.jpg"@en . . "6000"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . . "14"^^ . "* Hyper Speed\n* Super Strength\n* Invisibility"@en . "100"^^ . "N/A"@en . . "-"@en . "-"@en . . "*Replicated by water\n*Vulnerable to light\n*Occasionally shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic"@en . "The Gremlin is a cryptid that was only seen in the video game \"The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun\". The Gremlin is described as looking like a cross between a jackrabbit and a bull terrier. Their menacing nature draws them to wreaking havoc on machinery and electrical devices. They've mostly been seen in Europe, but other areas have less frequent sightings. This odd creature has been known to take down planes and housing devices. Their sizes range frequently, but they are around 10' tall."@en . . "8"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "Palle di pelo"@it . "Jaki"@en . . "Creature"@en . . . "1"^^ . "Muscle"@en . "80"^^ . "Zoo"@en . "The gremlin, g, is a NetHack monster. Getting them wet will cause them to divide into two gremlins with half the maximum HP as the original; they will actively seek moats and fountains in order to promote this process. In addition, at night they have the ability to steal intrinsics. They are vulnerable to light, and their flesh is poisonous."@en . . "Shadow"@en . . . . "Gremlin"@pl . . . "Dark"@en . . . . . . . "0"^^ . "Gremlin is a malevolent imp that lives to destroy and devour any mechanical object, allowing nothing to stand in its way It is one of several monsters sent by Arkana to destroy Chaos and his friends."@en . . . "Bufu\nDormina"@en . . . "-"@en . "Gremlins"@en . . "-"@en . . . "Normal"@en . "16"^^ . . . . "14"^^ . . "Front"@en . "10"^^ . "Dragon Quest IIII"@en . . "gremlink"@en . "11"^^ . . "3"^^ . "2000"^^ . "Zio\nClaw\nMakakaja\nFlee"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "13"^^ . "14"^^ . . "15"^^ . . . . . . "120"^^ . . "7"^^ . "With a face like a goblin, but not as cute, and teeth like a piranha, this nasty little thing would be horrifying if it were, oh, ten times larger. But it barely comes up to a hurthling's waist -- if hurthlings ever had waists, of course. The gremlin stares with gleaming red eyes and jabbers in its own bizarre tongue. But, hey, how tough can one pesky gremlin be?"@en . "12"^^ . . "1000"^^ . "Gremlin is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . . . "\u30DE\u30C3\u30B9\u30EB"@en . . "panna"@pl . . "Energy Ball"@en . "Hammer or Screwdriver"@en . "A Gremlin is a monster found in 600 A.D. in Chrono Trigger."@en . "Gremlins are weak enemies encountered on the second floor of Tower of Zot. They are weak against fire-elemental attacks. The player may spend some time looking for it if he intends to fill his bestiary."@en . "Level: 20, DV: 30, PV: 3, Hits: 132, Attacks: 3, Damage: 8-10. Speed: 100."@en . . "3"^^ . . . "Gremlin is a Camouflage Beast. He was Insecto's fourteenth creature. His card, along with the Move Cards Biting Wind, Air-Raid Storm, Sonic Blast, and Tornado Toss, winded up in an abandoned house. He activated when a breeze blew through the window. He attacked some teenagers, but was stopped by the team. He battled Marven and won. He battled Wide and won. He battled Tommy and won. He battled Sail and lost easily. He was later revealed to be a 20 on the Power Scale. Three episodes later, he battled in a battle royale, but was easily defeated. Eight episodes later, he battled a Dracorex and won. The next episode, he was removed from the team by Buggy's capture."@en . . . "all"@en . "In both movies, the Gremlins have a leader that is smarter than all others. Stripe is the leader in the first movie and though the Brain Gremlin is the smartest, Mohawk is briefly the leader in the second movie (before being replaced by the smarter Brain Gremlin)."@en . . . "61"^^ . "demihuman"@en . "The Gremlin is a cryptid that was only seen in the video game \"The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun\". The Gremlin is described as looking like a cross between a jackrabbit and a bull terrier. Their menacing nature draws them to wreaking havoc on machinery and electrical devices. They've mostly been seen in Europe, but other areas have less frequent sightings. This odd creature has been known to take down planes and housing devices. Their sizes range frequently, but they are around 10' tall."@en . "3"^^ . . "Bufu\\i\nLove Whip\nHula of Misfortune"@en . "Gremlins never leave corpses."@en . "41"^^ . "In the 1920s-1950s, Gremlins were created as a legend in the British Royal Air Force to explain mechanical problems. Gremlins are tiny, goblin-like creatures that are mischievous and like to play with machines, often breaking them in the process. These beings became more well-known thanks to the 1984 horror/comedy film Gremlins and its 1990 sequel, which depict them as the main antagonists."@en . "John Valentine"@en . . . "3"^^ . "Yes"@en . "11"^^ . "Gremlin is a Camouflage Beast. He was Insecto's fourteenth creature. His card, along with the Move Cards Biting Wind, Air-Raid Storm, Sonic Blast, and Tornado Toss, winded up in an abandoned house. He activated when a breeze blew through the window. He attacked some teenagers, but was stopped by the team. He battled Marven and won. He battled Wide and won. He battled Tommy and won. He battled Sail and lost easily. He was later revealed to be a 20 on the Power Scale. Three episodes later, he battled in a battle royale, but was easily defeated. Eight episodes later, he battled a Dracorex and won. The next episode, he was removed from the team by Buggy's capture. The first copy of the Biting Wind Move Card was in his Card Capsule, and was activated along with him. The eleventh copy of this powerful Move Card was in his Card Capsule, and was activated along with him. The tenth copy of the Sonic Blast Move Card was in his Card Capsule, and was activated along with him. The sixth copy of the Tornado Toss Move Card was in his Card Capsule, and was activated along with him. He is the last new creature in the first season."@en . "DARKSIDE"@en . "14"^^ . . . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . . . "DC Universe, Teen Titans , Arrowverse, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe"@en . "Law"@en . . "100"^^ . "29"^^ . "Zio\nScratch\nMazio\nPulinpa"@en . "Gremlin"@en . . . "Unknown. In the show it is a primate, in the film it is a reptile."@en . "Selina Kyle, Asami Sato, Barry Allen , Terry McGinnis"@en . "16"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "Richard Matheson"@en . . "7"^^ . . . . "Elec"@en . . . "-"@en . "England"@en . "14"^^ . . "Nilmergs which are good only for destroying things. \n* The Mostali send them against their enemies. Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Normal"@en . . "56"^^ . "-"@en . "An unknown species of invertebrate. They had features of a priapulid predator, i.e. an extensible proboscis with teeth. Their body looks rather like a green blob. The Gremlins generate more green static than most other faeries and can only breathe in the green static given off via their interaction with faerie technology. The Gremlins were blind, but were very sensitive to touch, possibly hearing and smell. They were also carnivorous. Some Gremlins ended up in the Empire State Building, and the green static pouring out of the technology in the building made the skyscraper the perfect environment. They possessed for fingered claws that they extended from their boneless bodies. They had rows of sharp teeth on their tongues. They were killed when the heat was turned up, and the static dissipa"@en . "Demon"@en . "thumb|Gremlin Gremliny (ang. gremlins) to ma\u0142e, skrzydlate goblinoidy, cz\u0119sto mylone z impami. Istnieje wiele ich odmian, ale wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 ma sk\u0142onno\u015Bci ku chaosowi i cechuje si\u0119 du\u017C\u0105 z\u0142o\u015Bliwo\u015Bci\u0105. Sk\u00F3ra typowego gremlina ma kolor czarny, szary lub br\u0105zowy, cz\u0119sto w kropki lub c\u0119tki. Maj\u0105 du\u017Ce, szpiczaste uszy, zapewniaj\u0105ce doskona\u0142y s\u0142uch. Para sporych, sk\u00F3rzastych skrzyde\u0142 pozwala im na lot lub szybowanie. Gremliny nie nosz\u0105 ubra\u0144 ani ozd\u00F3b. S\u0105 to tch\u00F3rzliwe istoty, unikaj\u0105ce walki i uciekaj\u0105ce przy ka\u017Cdej nadarzaj\u0105cej si\u0119 okazji. Uwielbiaj\u0105 natomiast p\u0142ata\u0107 z\u0142o\u015Bliwe i szkodliwe figle. Lubi\u0105 zastawia\u0107 upokarzaj\u0105ce pu\u0142apki, czasem nawet zmuszaj\u0105ce ofiar\u0119 do zniszczenia warto\u015Bciowego przedmiotu lub skrzywdzenia bliskiej osoby. Typow\u0105 pu\u0142apk\u0105 tego rodzaju jest ustawienie nad drzwiami cennej po"@pl . . . "63"^^ . . "\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "-"@en . "Gremlin is a boss found in Breath of Fire."@en . . . "Mabufu\\Innate\nDream Fist\\11\nSukukaja\\12"@en . "Sabotager"@en . . "4"^^ . "Level: 190, DV: 143, PV: 37, Hits: 1013, Attacks: 20, Damage: 64-66. Speed: 100."@en . "Gremlins are mischievous creatures who are responsible for mysterious mechanical errors, particularly those involving aircraft. Image:Chinese dragon icon.png This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it]."@en . . . "Left to right: Othinus, Thor, Marian Slingeneyer, Mjolnir, and Bersi."@en . "Gremlin is a malevolent imp that lives to destroy and devour any mechanical object, allowing nothing to stand in its way It is one of several monsters sent by Arkana to destroy Chaos and his friends."@en . "25"^^ . "Usually"@en . "-"@en . . . . "Demon"@en . "Gremlin is monster #35 from the Series 1 figures."@en . . "A monster and troll-like creature."@en . . "-"@en . "Creatures who cause mischief on machines; feared by the American Air Force in World War II. They were originally fairies created to help guide human mechanics, but due to the development of civilization, humans gradually forgot about them, and they started doing bad things. Love sweet snacks."@en . . "Ein Gremlin ist eine fiktive Figur, die im 20. Jahrhundert von Piloten der Royal Air Force erfunden werden, um das Auftreten von Fehlfunktionen zu erkl\u00E4ren. 2376 meint Captain Kathryn Janeway zu B'Elanna Torres, dass Gremlins die Ursache f\u00FCr Fehlfunktionen an Bord der USS Voyager sind. (VOY: ) 2377 sabotieren Phantom und drei weitere Mitglieder seiner Spezies Valens und Bosaals Raumschiffe in der Leere und erm\u00F6glichen so der USS Voyager und den mit ihr verb\u00FCndeten Schiffen die Flucht. Thomas Eugene Paris meint dazu, dass Gremlins in Warpantrieben wohl doch kein Mythos seien. (VOY: )"@de . . "20"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "The gremlin species is sentient, and technically a Fairy, but are not one of the original The People families. They are the least mentioned of all the fairies."@en . . . "600"^^ . "250"^^ . . . "Gremlins are a type of monster in ADOM. They can be randomly found in dungeons, and are also the only inhabitants of the Gremlin Cave, a small dungeon in the south-west of the Drakalor Chain.\n\nGremlins are unique in that when they come into contact with water, they replicate. Water sources include rivers, water traps, potions of water, and the entire Water Dragon Cave. Alternately, it is possible to get a fluff ball wet using any of the above means, as this will create a gremlin. Intentionally creating gremlins and getting them to multiply is often referred to as gremlin bombing. Gremlins offer little experience, so the only purpose of gremlin bombing is to rapidly train weapon marks. In version 1.2.0, gremlins do not offer any items when they are killed or pickpocketed, but in earlier versions gremlin bombing could be used to generate large quantities of loot.\n\nGremlins are also the only known creatures that can be injured by light, if the PC illuminates a area that a gremlin is in."@en . "7"^^ . "100"^^ . "The gremlin, g, is a NetHack monster. Getting them wet will cause them to divide into two gremlins with half the maximum HP as the original; they will actively seek moats and fountains in order to promote this process. In addition, at night they have the ability to steal intrinsics. They are vulnerable to light, and their flesh is poisonous."@en . "Small mischief-makers"@en . "Gremlin"@en . . . "Razem z reszt\u0105 Goblin-ken i Orkami \u017Cyj\u0105 w Orsinium chronieni tam przed innymi rasami, kt\u00F3re dyskryminuj\u0105 wszystkich cz\u0142onk\u00F3w tej grupy uznaj\u0105c ich za zwierz\u0119ta, czemu nie pomaga fakt \u017Ce Gremliny s\u0105 najwyra\u017Aniej niezdolne do ludzkiej mowy. S\u0105 razem z reszt\u0105 swej grupy ras\u0105 ukochan\u0105 przez Malacatha. Nie wiadomo czy go czcz\u0105 jak reszta Goblin-ken. Istnieje zakl\u0119cie pozwalaj\u0105ce przemienia\u0107 dowoln\u0105 istot\u0119 w posta\u0107 Gremlina, zakl\u0119cie zosta\u0142o przynajmniej raz u\u017Cyte w znanej historii, rzucone na Redgarda imieniem Cyrus przez Arcymaga Gildii Mag\u00F3w na Stros M'kai, Jaganvira. Warto wspomnie\u0107 \u017Ce panuj\u0105ca na wyspie za\u0142o\u017Cona przez Frandara Hundinga kl\u0105twa uniemo\u017Cliwia\u0142a wszystkim Goblin-ken w tym Gremlinom przebywanie na powierzchni wyspy, pod gro\u017Ab\u0105 przemiany w g\u0142azy."@pl . "-"@en . . "4"^^ . . "0"^^ . "Dark-Neutral"@en . "A gremlin was a fictional monster created by 20th century British Royal Air Force pilots to explain why their airplanes were malfunctioning. In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer asked Sub-Commander T'Pol if she were still chasing gremlins, when she suspected supposedly mythical microsingularities were responsible for a collision with a Tesnian starship. (ENT: \"Shuttlepod One\") In 2152, Archer blamed gremlins for a noise underneath the deck plating that wouldn't go away. T'Pol was confused by the statement, but Archer explained. (ENT: \"Dead Stop\") It is strange that T'Pol seemed to be familiar with gremlins in November 2151, and yet was unaware of them only a few months later. Conceivably she simply forgot or did not retain the information due to a disinterest in mythical creatures. In 2376, Captain Kathryn Janeway suggested to Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres that gremlins were the cause of several malfunctions aboard the USS Voyager. (VOY: \"Live Fast and Prosper\") Similarly, Tom Paris commented \"Who says gremlins in the engine are a myth?\" after Fantome and his people shut down power on Valen and Bosaal's ships in 2377. (VOY: \"The Void\")"@en . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . . "Gremlin"@en . "GREMLIN"@en . "-"@en . . "91"^^ . "18"^^ . "Independent"@en . . "Kondrati Topolov; Kondrati_Topolov__from_Iron_Manual_Mark_3_Vol_1_1_0001.jpg"@en . "Boss"@en . . "Physical, 1-3 hits, one enemy"@en . . "0"^^ . . "6"^^ . "Gremlin"@en . "Wise, Joyful, Timid, Snappish"@en . . "Rare"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "The Gremlins were a species of animals native to the planet Beowulf in the Sigma Draconis System. The treecats of Sphinx rated slightly higher than gremlins on the sentience scale. (HH1)"@en . "Breath"@en . . "-9"^^ . . . "-"@en . "Razem z reszt\u0105 Goblin-ken i Orkami \u017Cyj\u0105 w Orsinium chronieni tam przed innymi rasami, kt\u00F3re dyskryminuj\u0105 wszystkich cz\u0142onk\u00F3w tej grupy uznaj\u0105c ich za zwierz\u0119ta, czemu nie pomaga fakt \u017Ce Gremliny s\u0105 najwyra\u017Aniej niezdolne do ludzkiej mowy. S\u0105 razem z reszt\u0105 swej grupy ras\u0105 ukochan\u0105 przez Malacatha. Nie wiadomo czy go czcz\u0105 jak reszta Goblin-ken."@pl . . . "Jaki Bolt\nLife Stone\nRevival Bead"@en . . . . . "Creatures who cause mischief on machines; feared by the American Air Force in World War II. They were originally fairies created to help guide human mechanics, but due to the development of civilization, humans gradually forgot about them, and they started doing bad things. Love sweet snacks."@en . "Gremlins are one of the Other Fairies groups of fairies. They are very short, and usually clumsy. They work a lot, and rarely rest. They cannot conjure much magic. They are very mechanically minded, using their small stature to get into machinary and repair them from the inside. Human pop culture has Gremlins being responsible for damage to Human aircraft."@en . . "64"^^ . . . . "Gremlins are midget biker units that appear in Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage. They are generally garbed in full body leathers and carry a range of medium weight weaponry. They appear in all of the factions in the DLC, as well as in non-aligned patrols on the roads."@en . "poison"@en . "Chin Drop"@en . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "Masculino"@es . . "thumb|Gremlin Gremliny (ang. gremlins) to ma\u0142e, skrzydlate goblinoidy, cz\u0119sto mylone z impami. Istnieje wiele ich odmian, ale wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 ma sk\u0142onno\u015Bci ku chaosowi i cechuje si\u0119 du\u017C\u0105 z\u0142o\u015Bliwo\u015Bci\u0105. Sk\u00F3ra typowego gremlina ma kolor czarny, szary lub br\u0105zowy, cz\u0119sto w kropki lub c\u0119tki. Maj\u0105 du\u017Ce, szpiczaste uszy, zapewniaj\u0105ce doskona\u0142y s\u0142uch. Para sporych, sk\u00F3rzastych skrzyde\u0142 pozwala im na lot lub szybowanie. Gremliny nie nosz\u0105 ubra\u0144 ani ozd\u00F3b. S\u0105 to tch\u00F3rzliwe istoty, unikaj\u0105ce walki i uciekaj\u0105ce przy ka\u017Cdej nadarzaj\u0105cej si\u0119 okazji. Uwielbiaj\u0105 natomiast p\u0142ata\u0107 z\u0142o\u015Bliwe i szkodliwe figle. Lubi\u0105 zastawia\u0107 upokarzaj\u0105ce pu\u0142apki, czasem nawet zmuszaj\u0105ce ofiar\u0119 do zniszczenia warto\u015Bciowego przedmiotu lub skrzywdzenia bliskiej osoby. Typow\u0105 pu\u0142apk\u0105 tego rodzaju jest ustawienie nad drzwiami cennej porcelanowej wazy, kt\u00F3ra po ich otwarciu rozbije si\u0119 na g\u0142owie ofiary. Stado rozochoconych gremlin\u00F3w jest w stanie w ci\u0105gu jednej nocy roznie\u015B\u0107 dobrze utrzymany dom na strz\u0119py. W walce potrafi\u0105 zadawa\u0107 tylko s\u0142abe ugryzienia, jednak niewra\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 a zwyk\u0142a bro\u0144 i cz\u0119\u015Bciowa odporno\u015B\u0107 na magi\u0119 czyni je trudnymi do zabicia. Ich magicznie wzmocnione cia\u0142a zapewniaj\u0105 d\u0142ugie, si\u0119gaj\u0105ce kilka wiek\u00F3w \u017Cycie. Gremliny s\u0105 istotami umagicznionymi, pochodz\u0105cymi z jakiego\u015B nieznanego planu. S\u0105 bardzo podatne na mutacj\u0119 i mog\u0105 rozmna\u017Ca\u0107 si\u0119 z wszystkimi gatunkami goblinoid\u00F3w, co zaowocowa\u0142o istnieniem kilku opisanych ni\u017Cej podgatunk\u00F3w. Gremliny podr\u00F3\u017Cuj\u0105 w niewielkich sforach i posiadaj\u0105 \u015Bci\u015Ble ustalon\u0105 struktur\u0119 spo\u0142eczn\u0105. Ka\u017Cdy z nich doskonale zna swoje miejsce. P\u0142e\u0107 tych istot jest nierozr\u00F3\u017Cnialna dla kogokolwiek poza nimi samymi i nie ma wp\u0142ywu na pozycj\u0119 danego osobnika. Sfory tych istot zazwyczaj poszukuj\u0105 domu lub posiad\u0142o\u015Bci, kt\u00F3ry mog\u0142yby opanowa\u0107. Zazwyczaj pozostaj\u0105 w nim tak d\u0142ugo, a\u017C nie obr\u00F3c\u0105 go ca\u0142kowicie w perzyn\u0119 i nie przep\u0119dz\u0105 mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w, lub do momentu a\u017C nie zrobi si\u0119 dla nich zbyt niebezpiecznie. Poniewa\u017C gremliny dok\u0142adaj\u0105 wszelkich stara\u0144, aby ich obecno\u015B\u0107 pozosta\u0142a niezauwa\u017Cona, mieszka\u0144cy zainfekowanych dom\u00F3w s\u0105 cz\u0119sto przekonani, \u017Ce ich domy zosta\u0142y nawiedzone przez duchy. M\u0142ode gremliny musz\u0105 same dba\u0107 o siebie ju\u017C od urodzenia, jednak radz\u0105 sobie z tym doskonale. Ju\u017C po miesi\u0105cu osi\u0105gaj\u0105 pe\u0142n\u0105 dojrza\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Na szcz\u0119\u015Bcie rozmna\u017Caj\u0105 si\u0119 stosunkowo rzadko."@pl . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "3"^^ . "95"^^ . "Notate lo sguardo assassino e l'espressione minacciosa di quest'esemplare"@it . "-"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "118"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . "poison"@en . "Gremlin is a Events Perk. __NoToC__"@en . "In the original series, the Gremlin was an ape-like creature with curly green fuzziest thick fur and ugly larges lips. It had scary eyes with monstrous black outline and had a gorilla-like nose. In Twilight Zone: The Movie, the Gremlin is more of a menacing-looking creature. It had black hair and light-greenish eyes with a mouth full of sharp teeth. It had seemingly short arms compared to it's legs and sharp black claws. It had a large head like that of a typical alien and had a muscular chest. It had double-jointed legs with black claws and a tail like that of the character Pumpkinhead from the Pumpkinhead franchise."@en . "25"^^ . . "Gremlin are a particularly unpleasant, type of evil fey most commonly found living within the depths of the Darklands. They are loathed by most creatures for their dark and sadistic sense of humour, their malicious and often deadly pranks and their general mischievousness that always results in either injury or damage to a creature or its property. Gremlins range between one and three feet in height with the smaller gremlins generally having a stronger connection to the First World of the fey. Apart from their similar size the appearance of the different types of gremlin vary hugely from insect-like to canine though all are at least vaguely humanoid. Each type of gremlin has a unique ability which they use to wreak havoc on the world from tinkering with magic items, to causing their oppone"@en . . "A gremlin was a fictional monster created by 20th century British Royal Air Force pilots to explain why their airplanes were malfunctioning. In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer asked Sub-Commander T'Pol if she were still chasing gremlins, when she suspected supposedly mythical microsingularities were responsible for a collision with a Tesnian starship. (ENT: \"Shuttlepod One\") In 2152, Archer blamed gremlins for a noise underneath the deck plating that wouldn't go away. T'Pol was confused by the statement, but Archer explained. (ENT: \"Dead Stop\")"@en . . "Ice"@en . . "75"^^ . . "I"@en . . . "Gremlin is a\u2026"@en . "4"^^ . "6"^^ . "Borderlands 2"@en . "aoKH6XKLHKqN6HNU"@en . "Megaforce"@en . "555"^^ . . "-"@en . . "N/A"@en . "Dark-Law"@en . "2"^^ . . "The gremlin species is sentient, and technically a Fairy, but are not one of the original The People families. They are the least mentioned of all the fairies."@en . . . "16"^^ . ": Panic"@en . "20"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . . "Chrono Trigger"@en . . . "0"^^ . "7"^^ . "Gremlins sind ein wichtiges Bauteil aller in Japan hergestellten Elektroger\u00E4te, elektrischen Haushaltshelfer, Personenkraftwagen, Motorr\u00E4dern und Unterhaltungselektronik. Die Entstehung von Gremlins ist ein wohl geh\u00FCtetes Fertigungsgeheimnis der japanischen Industrie. Ger\u00FCchteweise wurden sie erstmals in den Genetik-Studios von Mitsubishi bei der Entwicklung eines biologisch abbaubaren, selbst\u00FCbersschreibenden und anti-magnetischen \u00DCberzugs f\u00FCr Disketten entwickelt. Aufopferungsvolle Recherchen von Industriespionen und Shadowrunnern haben ergeben, da\u00DF es sich bei Gremlins um ein Stoffwechselendprodukt von Godzilla handelt, das durch W\u00E4sserung in Sake eine geeignete Konsistenz erh\u00E4lt. Gremlins erf\u00FCllen eine unverzichtbare Funktion im Wirtschaftskreislauf, da sie daf\u00FCr sorgen, da\u00DF das betreffende Produkt exakt bis ablauf der gesetzlichen Garantie von 3 Jahren fehlerfrei funktioniert, und sp\u00E4testens 24 Stunden nach Ablauf der Garantiezeit ultimativ seine Funktion einstellt. Das Fehlen dieses Bauteils in japanischen Erzeugnissen w\u00FCrde zwangsl\u00E4ufig zum Zusammenbruch der japanischen Konjunktur f\u00FChren. In Folge des Einsatzes von Investigativem Journalismus (s. O.) war es m\u00F6glich, Gremlins auch in Videorekorder aus Korea einzubauen, was die Kundenzufriedenheit signifikant nach unten korrigieren konnte."@de . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "GREMLIN (\u30B0\u30EC\u30E0\u30EA\u30F3 Guremurin?) is a magic organization formed after the events of World War III, and is led by One-Eyed Othinus the Majin. The organization is unusually pragmatic, despite having its origins from the magic side, as they specifically use both science and magic to achieve their goals. With their actions in the magic side and encroachment of the science, they are the primary antagonistic organization of Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index."@en . "Massuru"@en . . . "Large"@en . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . "15"^^ . . "A monster and troll-like creature."@en . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "11"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "10"^^ . "6.640625"^^ . "thumb|270px|GremlinEin Gremlin ist ein Fabelwesen, das Spa\u00DF am Schabernack, vor allem im maschinellen und technischen Bereich, hat."@de . . "8"^^ . . . "In the 1920s-1950s, Gremlins were created as a legend in the British Royal Air Force to explain mechanical problems. Gremlins are tiny, goblin-like creatures that are mischievous and like to play with machines, often breaking them in the process. These beings became more well-known thanks to the 1984 horror/comedy film Gremlins and its 1990 sequel, which depict them as the main antagonists."@en . "13"^^ . "-"@en . "-"@en . . "rare exclusive"@en . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . . "Gremlin"@hu . "90"^^ . "10"^^ . "Agent Gremlin"@en . "8"^^ . "Dumb"@en . . "Gremlins are weak enemies encountered on the second floor of Tower of Zot. They are weak against fire-elemental attacks. The player may spend some time looking for it if he intends to fill his bestiary."@en . . . . "Oscar Burt-Shearer"@en . "Enemy"@en . "-"@en . . "No"@en . . . "13"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Fire"@en . "N/A"@en . "5"^^ . "Disbanded"@en . "Pies"@pl . . . .