"2161"^^ . "Comandante T'Pol"@it . . . "TPol2153.jpg"@nl . . . . . "Arri\u00E8re-arr.-grand-m\u00E8re: T'Mir"@fr . . . "annullato"@it . . "Vulcaine"@fr . . "T\u2019Pol by\u0142a pierwsz\u0105 obywatelk\u0105 Wolkana, kt\u00F3ra s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a na ziemskim okr\u0119cie. I pierwsz\u0105, kt\u00F3ra wst\u0105pi\u0142a do Ziemskiej Floty Gwiezdnej. Zanim to jednak nast\u0105pi\u0142o s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a w wolka\u0144skim Ministerstwie Bezpiecze\u0144stwa. Jej pierwszym zadaniem, by\u0142o schwytanie siedmiu z dziewi\u0119tnastu wolka\u0144skich agent\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy mieli przenikn\u0105\u0107 do przest\u0119pczego podziemia na Algeron i podczas wykonywania zadania odm\u00F3wili powrotu na Wolkan, naprawd\u0119 przystaj\u0105c do algero\u0144skich grup przest\u0119pczych. Uda\u0142o jej si\u0119 z\u0142apa\u0107 pi\u0119ciu renegat\u00F3w. Po\u015Bcig za pozosta\u0142ymi dwoma \u2013 Jossenem i Menosem \u2013 doprowadzi\u0142 j\u0105 a\u017C na Ris\u0119. Tam podczas po\u015Bcigu, zmuszona by\u0142a, w obronie w\u0142asnej, zabi\u0107 Jossena. Menosowi za\u015B uda\u0142o si\u0119 uciec. Po powrocie na Wolkan, T\u2019Pol nadal nie mog\u0142a si\u0119 otrz\u0105sn\u0105\u0107 z poczucia winy spowodowanego zastrzeleniem Jossen\u2019a. Doprowadzi\u0142o j\u0105 to do zaburze\u0144 emocjonalnych i jej prze\u0142o\u017Ceni postanowili j\u0105 wys\u0142a\u0107 do klasztoru P\u2019Jem, gdzie przebywa\u0142a przez kilka miesi\u0119cy. Aby ponownie odzyska\u0107 r\u00F3wnowag\u0119 emocjonaln\u0105, mnisi z P\u2019Jem przeprowadzili u T\u2019Pol rytua\u0142 Vol'Ara, dzi\u0119ki kt\u00F3remu zapomnia\u0142a ona o wydarzeniach na Risie i st\u0142umi\u0142a emocje z nimi zwi\u0105zane. Po zako\u0144czeniu pracy w Ministerstwie Bezpiecze\u0144stwa, T\u2019Pol zosta\u0142a przeniesiona do Dyrektoriatu Naukowego. Przez ponad rok s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a jako Oficer Naukowy na okr\u0119cie \"Seleya\". Tu\u017C po zako\u0144czeniu s\u0142u\u017Cby na \"Seleya\", zosta\u0142a przeniesiona na Ziemi\u0119 i rozpocz\u0119\u0142a prac\u0119 w wolka\u0144skim korpusie dyplomatycznym. Na Ziemi przebywa\u0142a dwa lata. W kwietniu 2151 roku T\u2019Pol zosta\u0142a tymczasowo przydzielona na ziemski okr\u0119t Enterprise. By\u0142a to pierwsza misja najnowszego okr\u0119tu Ziemskiej Floty Gwiezdnej. Mia\u0142a, po dziewi\u0119\u0107dziesi\u0119ciu latach przygotowa\u0144, rozpocz\u0105\u0107 ziemsk\u0105 eksploracj\u0119 kosmosu. Wolka\u0144skie w\u0142adze by\u0142y przeciwne startowi Enterprise i stara\u0142y si\u0119 odradzi\u0107 Dow\u00F3dztwu Floty dokonanie tego kroku. Kompromisowym rozwi\u0105zaniem sta\u0142o si\u0119 przydzielenie przedstawiciela Wolkana na okr\u0119t podczas jego pierwszej misji, kt\u00F3ra mia\u0142a potrwa\u0107 tylko osiem dni. Na czas misji, T\u2019Pol otrzyma\u0142a stanowisko Pierwszego Oficera i Oficera Naukowego. Mia\u0142a jednocze\u015Bnie doradza\u0107 Ziemianom podczas ich pierwszej misji i obserwowa\u0107 ich post\u0119powanie. Poniewa\u017C misja zako\u0144czy\u0142a si\u0119 sukcesem, Dow\u00F3dztwo Floty Gwiezdnej, postanowi\u0142o, zmieni\u0107 plany i rozkaza\u0142o Enterprise rozpocz\u0105\u0107 pierwsz\u0105 ziemsk\u0105 dalekosi\u0119\u017Cn\u0105 misj\u0119 badawcz\u0105. T\u2019Pol pozostawiono na stanowisku, kt\u00F3re otrzyma\u0142a w momencie jej przydzia\u0142u na okr\u0119t. W miar\u0119 przebywania na pok\u0142adzie Enterprise, T\u2019Pol zacz\u0119\u0142a zmienia\u0107 zdanie o ludziach, a cz\u0142onkowie za\u0142ogi Enterprise r\u00F3wnie\u017C z czasem przestali traktowa\u0107 j\u0105 jak narzuconego przez Wolkan szpiega, a zacz\u0119li traktowa\u0107 jak cz\u0142onka za\u0142ogi. Na skutek tych zmian, T\u2019Pol popar\u0142a za\u0142og\u0119 okr\u0119tu, gdy Wolkanie domagali si\u0119 odwo\u0142ania misji Enterprise. Co wi\u0119cej, w obronie Ziemian nie zawaha\u0142a si\u0119 wytkn\u0105\u0107 swoim rodakom i wolka\u0144skiemu Najwy\u017Cszemu Dow\u00F3dztwu b\u0142\u0119d\u00F3w przez nich pope\u0142nionych. Zaskoczy\u0142a tym zar\u00F3wno Wolkan jak i Ziemian. Dzi\u0119ki jej wstawiennictwu, misja Enterprise mog\u0142a by\u0107 kontynuowana dalej. Misja badawcza Enterprise trwa\u0142a dwa lata, gdy Ziemia zosta\u0142a zaatakowana przez sond\u0119 wys\u0142an\u0105 przez Xindi. Enterprise otrzyma\u0142 rozkaz powrotu na Ziemi\u0119, a po modernizacji wyruszy\u0142 do Obszaru Delfickiego. Wolka\u0144skie Najwy\u017Csze Dow\u00F3dztwo zdecydowa\u0142o si\u0119 odwo\u0142a\u0107 T\u2019Pol ze s\u0142u\u017Cby na Enterprise i nakaza\u0142o jej powr\u00F3t na Wolkan. Jednak, z\u017Cycie z za\u0142og\u0105 okr\u0119tu zaowocowa\u0142o wykszta\u0142ceniem si\u0119 wi\u0119zi pomi\u0119dzy lud\u017Ami a Wolkank\u0105. T\u2019Pol stan\u0119\u0142a przed dylematem: pos\u0142usznie wykona\u0107 rozkaz, czy zachowa\u0107 si\u0119 lojalnie wobec za\u0142ogi Enterprise, kt\u00F3ry potrzebowa\u0142 do\u015Bwiadczonego oficera. Postanowi\u0142a sprzeciwi\u0107 si\u0119 rozkazom wolka\u0144skiego Dow\u00F3dztwa i do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do za\u0142ogi. Kosztowa\u0142o j\u0105 to karier\u0119. Misja w Obszarze Delfickim jeszcze bardziej zbli\u017Cy\u0142a T\u2019Pol do reszty za\u0142ogi Enterprise. Po powrocie na Ziemi\u0119, formalnie poprosi\u0142a Dow\u00F3dztwo Floty Gwiezdnej o przyj\u0119cie jej do Floty i przydzia\u0142 na Enterprise. By\u0142a pierwsz\u0105 Wolkank\u0105, kt\u00F3ra zdecydowa\u0142a si\u0119 na s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 w Ziemskiej Flocie Gwiezdnej. Zrobi\u0142a to wbrew w\u0142adzom Wolkana, kt\u00F3re nie by\u0142y tym zachwycone. W uznaniu jej zas\u0142ug, Dow\u00F3dztwo Floty Gwiezdnej, wyrazi\u0142o zgod\u0119 i awansowa\u0142o j\u0105 do stopnia komandora. S\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a na Enterprise a\u017C do czasu, gdy okr\u0119t zosta\u0142 wycofany ze s\u0142u\u017Cby."@pl . "T'Pol ist eine Vulkanierin, die 2151 als Beobachterin und Beraterin in der Funktion des Wissenschaftsoffiziers auf die Enterprise (NX-01) geschickt wird. Sp\u00E4ter wird sie die erste Vulkanierin in der Sternenflotte."@de . "weiblich"@de . "T'Pol was a vulcan who served as the first officer and science officer of the Enterprise in the 22nd century. Formerly an officer of the Vulcan High Command, T'Pol was the first vulcan to serve aboard a human vessel for a significant period of time. (Star Trek: Enterprise)"@en . . "T\u2019Pol by\u0142a pierwsz\u0105 obywatelk\u0105 Wolkana, kt\u00F3ra s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a na ziemskim okr\u0119cie. I pierwsz\u0105, kt\u00F3ra wst\u0105pi\u0142a do Ziemskiej Floty Gwiezdnej. Zanim to jednak nast\u0105pi\u0142o s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a w wolka\u0144skim Ministerstwie Bezpiecze\u0144stwa. Jej pierwszym zadaniem, by\u0142o schwytanie siedmiu z dziewi\u0119tnastu wolka\u0144skich agent\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy mieli przenikn\u0105\u0107 do przest\u0119pczego podziemia na Algeron i podczas wykonywania zadania odm\u00F3wili powrotu na Wolkan, naprawd\u0119 przystaj\u0105c do algero\u0144skich grup przest\u0119pczych."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "T'Pol"@de . . . . . . "T'Pol ist eine Vulkanierin, die 2151 als Beobachterin und Beraterin in der Funktion des Wissenschaftsoffiziers auf die Enterprise (NX-01) geschickt wird. Sp\u00E4ter wird sie die erste Vulkanierin in der Sternenflotte."@de . "100.0"^^ . . . "T'Pol im Jahr 2152."@de . . . "Vulkanierin"@de . "T'Mir, bisnonna"@it . . . "Commander T'Pol"@en . "Vulcan military officer, Starfleet officer, Ambassador"@en . . . . . . . . "1011359"^^ . . "T'Pol was a reluctant member of the crew of Enterprise. Although Starfleet, and especially Captain Jonathan Archer, wanted to crew the ship exclusively with Humans, they were forced to add a Vulcan officer in order to obtain the Vulcan star charts which allowed them to complete their first mission. T'Pol was highly dubious as to whether Humanity is capable of achieving their aim of exploring the galaxy, but she nevertheless committed herself to assisting Enterprise to the best of her abilities. Although stoic by Human standards, T'Pol is actually more emotional than most Vulcans. When she encountered a group of Vulcans who believed that logic and emotion must be balanced, she experimented with her own emotions briefly. Ultimately she decided to remain committed to the normal Vulcan way of "@en . . . . . . . "Career Summary 2135 \u2013 While serving in Ministry of Security, completed training in reconnaisance and retrieval; immediately dispatched to apprehend several rogue Vulcan operatives, with mixed success; afterwards resigned and went on retreat at P'Jem 2136 (ca.) \u2013 Joined Science Directorate 2148 \u2013 Served as Deputy Science Officer on Vulcan vessel Seleya under Captain Voris 2149 \u2013 Transferred to Vulcan Consulate on Earth 2151 \u2013 Assigned as observer on Enterprise NX-01 initially during starship's first mission; opted to remain on board as science officer under command of Captain Jonathan Archer 2153 \u2013 Resigned her commission with the Vulcan High Command in order to accompany Enterprise on its mission to the Delphic Expanse 2154 \u2013 Upon return from Delphic Expanse, accepted a commission with Starfleet with a rank of Commander Profile: Report of Starfleet Diplomatic Relations Office The Vulcans insisted that T'Pol oversee Enterprise's voyages and refused to supply starcharts unless this demand was met. This is not a position for which T'Pol volunteered. Her skill as a science officer is unquestioned, but working alongside primitive and irrational humans is an ongoing lesson in Vulcan patience. T'Pol and Archer often disagree, but are gradually learning mutual respect."@en . . . . . . . . "T'Pol was een Vulcan vrouw die halverwege de 22e eeuw diende aan boord van de Enterprise NX-01. Ze was de eerste Vulcan vrouw die gedurende langere tijd werkte op een Aards schip."@nl . "Sub-Commander T'Pol"@en . . . . . . . "Elizabeth"@it . "2861"^^ . "T'Pol was a Vulcan female featured in Star Trek: Enterprise. She was portrayed by Jolene Blalock."@en . . . "T'Pol m\u011Bla siln\u00FD vztah ke sv\u00E9 matce T'Les. Dal\u0161\u00ED osobou na kterou vzpom\u00EDn\u00E1 je T'Polina prababi\u010Dka T'Mir. (ENT: Carbon Creek)."@cs . . . . . "first officer and science officer, Enterprise (NX-01)"@en . . . "fed"@en . "Memoryalpha"@en . . . . "2088"^^ . . . . . "T'Pol was a Vulcan female featured in Star Trek: Enterprise. She was portrayed by Jolene Blalock."@en . . . . . . . "T'Pol"@it . . . . . . "nieznany, wcze\u015Bniej Pierwszy Oficer i Oficer Naukowy na Enterprise NX-01"@pl . "Elizabeth"@en . . . . . . . . "Elizabeth T'Les Tucker , , Lorian"@en . "vanaf 2154 commandant"@nl . . . "T'Pol"@en . . . . . . . . "Seleya"@fr . "Female"@en . . "TPol2154.jpg"@it . "Annulled"@en . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . "Ambassade Vulcaine"@fr . "female"@en . . . "T'Pol_2152.jpg"@de . "T'Pol est n\u00E9e en 2088 sur Vulcain (ENT: \"Zero Hour\"), fille de T'Les. (ENT: \"Home\") Enfant, elle fut li\u00E9e telles le voulaient les traditions vulcaines \u00E0 Koss avec qui elle devait alors se marier \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge adulte. (ENT: \"Breaking the Ice\", \"Home\") \u00C9lev\u00E9e dans une maison pr\u00E8s de la capitale de Vulcain, la jeune T'Pol poss\u00E9dait un Sehlat. (ENT: \"Home\", \"The Forge\")"@fr . . . "Captain T'Pol was a noted Starfleet officer in the 22nd century; the first Vulcan to serve aboard an Earth ship for any substantial amount of time, and was a member of Jonathan Archer's senior crew on the Enterprise (NX-01). By 2162 she had been promoted to the rank of captain and was serving as commanding officer of the USS Endeavour."@en . . . "200"^^ . "unknown, eventually Stephen Reynard"@en . . "Lead Female"@en . "Unlike Voyager, which stuck some babe with big tits in a skin-tight suit in the show after Season 3, Enterprise just went and put one in the main cast of the show right from the pilot. Remember something kids. T'Pol is a glaring reason why Enterprise was so bad it was cancelled by UPN. In case anyone doesn't get that (as UPN is, and will be, dead forever) it's kinda like not being invited to a party at the Marquis De Sade's because he thinks you're \"too freaky\". As evident in the picture on the left, T'Pol was diagnosed with scoliosis. This article is a stub because the previous author was too damn lazy to finish it."@en . . . . "Commander, formerly sub-commander"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "T'Pol"@pl . . "Minist\u00E8re Vulcain de la S\u00E9curit\u00E9"@fr . . . . . . "2093"^^ . . "110"^^ . . . "Koss"@it . . . "Vulcan hoge commando , Starfleet"@nl . . "T'Pol"@pl . . . . "Star Trek: Enterprise episode Broken Bow"@en . . . "T'Pol est n\u00E9e en 2088 sur Vulcain (ENT: \"Zero Hour\"), fille de T'Les. (ENT: \"Home\") Enfant, elle fut li\u00E9e telles le voulaient les traditions vulcaines \u00E0 Koss avec qui elle devait alors se marier \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge adulte. (ENT: \"Breaking the Ice\", \"Home\") \u00C9lev\u00E9e dans une maison pr\u00E8s de la capitale de Vulcain, la jeune T'Pol poss\u00E9dait un Sehlat. (ENT: \"Home\", \"The Forge\")"@fr . . . . "T'Pol"@de . . . "2088"^^ . . "T'Pol"@cs . "T'Pol was a vulcan who served as the first officer and science officer of the Enterprise in the 22nd century. Formerly an officer of the Vulcan High Command, T'Pol was the first vulcan to serve aboard a human vessel for a significant period of time. (Star Trek: Enterprise)"@en . . . . . "T'Pol m\u011Bla siln\u00FD vztah ke sv\u00E9 matce T'Les. Dal\u0161\u00ED osobou na kterou vzpom\u00EDn\u00E1 je T'Polina prababi\u010Dka T'Mir. (ENT: Carbon Creek)."@cs . . . . . . . . "T'Pol, 2151.jpg"@en . "Attiva"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elizabeth"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "T'Pol of Vulcan"@en . . "Married"@en . . . . . . . "T'Pol"@fr . . "Starfleet"@en . "T'Pol"@es . "teal"@en . "Commanding officer of the"@en . . . . "Security, Sciences, Leadership, Diplomacy"@en . . "TPol2154.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . "Hanging out with Trip Tucker"@en . . "Ex-mari: Koss"@fr . . . . . . "komandor Ziemskiej Floty Gwiezdnej, subkomandor wolka\u0144skiej Floty"@pl . "M\u00E8re: T'Les"@fr . "250"^^ . . . . . . "2088"^^ . . . . . "Membre du Haut Commandement Vulcain"@fr . "T'Pol"@nl . . "2088"^^ . "Fille: Elizabeth"@fr . "T'Pol was een Vulcan vrouw die halverwege de 22e eeuw diende aan boord van de Enterprise NX-01. Ze was de eerste Vulcan vrouw die gedurende langere tijd werkte op een Aards schip."@nl . "Jolene Blalock"@en . . . . . "Subcomandante"@it . . "c.2162–Unknown"@en . . . . . . . "T'Mir, second foremother"@en . . "kobieta"@pl . "Commander"@de . . . . "T'Pol in 2154"@nl . . "Active"@en . . . . . . "T'Pol"@fr . "Captain T'Pol was a noted Starfleet officer in the 22nd century; the first Vulcan to serve aboard an Earth ship for any substantial amount of time, and was a member of Jonathan Archer's senior crew on the Enterprise (NX-01). By 2162 she had been promoted to the rank of captain and was serving as commanding officer of the USS Endeavour."@en . . . . . . . . . "Koss"@en . . . . . "Unlike Voyager, which stuck some babe with big tits in a skin-tight suit in the show after Season 3, Enterprise just went and put one in the main cast of the show right from the pilot. Remember something kids. T'Pol is a glaring reason why Enterprise was so bad it was cancelled by UPN. In case anyone doesn't get that (as UPN is, and will be, dead forever) it's kinda like not being invited to a party at the Marquis De Sade's because he thinks you're \"too freaky\". As evident in the picture on the left, T'Pol was diagnosed with scoliosis."@en . . . . . . . "T'Pol"@en . "TPol2151.jpg"@it . . . . "Femmina"@it . "T'Pol"@en . . . . . . . . . "July 2009"@en . . . "T'Pol"@nl . . "CO,"@en . "Career Summary 2135 \u2013 While serving in Ministry of Security, completed training in reconnaisance and retrieval; immediately dispatched to apprehend several rogue Vulcan operatives, with mixed success; afterwards resigned and went on retreat at P'Jem 2136 (ca.) \u2013 Joined Science Directorate 2148 \u2013 Served as Deputy Science Officer on Vulcan vessel Seleya under Captain Voris 2149 \u2013 Transferred to Vulcan Consulate on Earth 2151 \u2013 Assigned as observer on Enterprise NX-01 initially during starship's first mission; opted to remain on board as science officer under command of Captain Jonathan Archer"@en . . . . "Vrouw"@nl . . . . "45"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Officier de Starfleet (Terre)"@fr . . "2088"^^ . . . . "Unknown"@en . "T'Pol in 2154"@en . . . "T'Pol was a reluctant member of the crew of Enterprise. Although Starfleet, and especially Captain Jonathan Archer, wanted to crew the ship exclusively with Humans, they were forced to add a Vulcan officer in order to obtain the Vulcan star charts which allowed them to complete their first mission. T'Pol was highly dubious as to whether Humanity is capable of achieving their aim of exploring the galaxy, but she nevertheless committed herself to assisting Enterprise to the best of her abilities. Although stoic by Human standards, T'Pol is actually more emotional than most Vulcans. When she encountered a group of Vulcans who believed that logic and emotion must be balanced, she experimented with her own emotions briefly. Ultimately she decided to remain committed to the normal Vulcan way of life."@en . . "Susanne von Medvey"@de . "Jolene Blalock"@de .