. . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101marioburaz\u0101zu 3) often reffered to as Super Mario 3, is the third game in the Mario series. It was released in Japan on October 28, 1988, and in North America on February 12, 1990. It was also remade as Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and released on the Wii's virtual console. Its sound effects are as same as how Super Mario Bros. has it."@en . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@fr . "keine"@de . . . "GBA/Wii:"@de . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 is a game featured on Top 5 Friday on Smosh Games."@en . . "Virtual Console"@de . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@fr . "--10-23"^^ . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (Japanese: \u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B, sometimes referred to as Mario 3, SMB3, or Super Mario 3) is the third game in the Super Mario series. The game was released in 1988, and was developed and published by Nintendo."@en . . . . . "CERO: A"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "Nintendo"@de . . "SMB3"@en . . . . . . . "Virtual Console"@de . "1"^^ . . . "For the NES. \n* Fire-Less Bowser \n* Go Through a Wall in Bowser's Castle \n* Get Stuck in World 7-5"@en . . . "29"^^ . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (tambi\u00E9n conocido como Mario 3, Super Mario 3 y SMB3) es el \u00FAltimo videojuego de plataformas de la franquicia Mario para la consola Nintendo Entertainment System. Sali\u00F3 a la venta el 23 de octubre de 1988 en Jap\u00F3n y el 12 de febrero de 1990 en Estados Unidos. Al igual que en t\u00EDtulos anteriores, SMB3 fue dise\u00F1ado por Shigeru Miyamoto, mientras que la banda sonora fue compuesta por K\u014Dji Kond\u014D. El juego retoma la historia del primer t\u00EDtulo, en la cual los fontaneros Mario y Luigi deber\u00E1n salvar a la Princesa Peach de las garras del Rey Koopa."@es . . . . . . . . "Plataformas"@es . . . . . . "NES/Famicom"@de . . . "Super Mario Bros. 2"@fr . "Game"@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3 to gra platformowa wydana przez Nintendo w 1988 roku. Produkcja by\u0142a kierowana przez Shigeru Miyamoto i Takashi Tezuka, a muzyk\u0119 skomponowa\u0142 Koji Kondo."@pl . "1"^^ . . "ESRB: E"@en . "Single player, Multiplayer"@en . "NES, Game Boy Advance, SNES \nWii"@es . "Nintendo Entertainment System, PlayChoice-10, Game Boy Advance"@en . . . "12"^^ . . "NES/Famicom:"@de . "Virtual Console"@de . "23"^^ . "S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B"@fr . "1988-10-23"^^ . "NES"@de . . . . "???"@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bowser has kidnapped Princess Peach but he has his seven kids called the Koopalings helping him. Mario and Luigi must save her and defeat the Koopalings on the way. Upon reaching the final level, Bowser will shoot fireballs at Mario and ground-pound the floor, breaking parts of it. If Bowser breaks the entire wall, he will fall in a pit. Mario rescues Princess Peach and takes her back to the Mushroom Kingdom"@en . . . "2013-12-25"^^ . "Nintendo Entetrtainemnt System"@en . . . "15"^^ . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@pl . . . . "Plataformas"@es . "NES"@fr . . "2014-04-17"^^ . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3 S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B en japon\u00E9s) tambi\u00E9n conocido como Mario 3 o Super Mario 3, fue el \u00FAltimo juego de Mario para NES. Se public\u00F3 el 23 de octubre de 1988 en Jap\u00F3n, el 12 de febrero de 1990 en Am\u00E9rica y el 29 de agosto de 1991 en Europa. Fue dise\u00F1ado por Shigeru Miyamoto, y la m\u00FAsica fue compuesta por K\u014Dji Kond\u014D. En esta nueva aventura Mario y Luigi tienen que salvar a los siete reinos del mundo champi\u00F1\u00F3n de los malvados hijos del Rey koopa Bowser quienes son los Koopalings que hab\u00EDan robado las varitas m\u00E1gicas de los 7 reinos y luego transformado a los reyes en monstruos aqu\u00ED Mario y Luigi tendr\u00E1n que salvar a los 7 reinos y devolver todas la varitas para luego volver al reino champi\u00F1\u00F3n o no? Bowser luego de pasar el 7 mundo manda una carta diciendo que nuevamente ha secuestrado a la Princesa Peach y Mario tendr\u00E1 que ir al reino de Bowser para rescatar a la princesa Peach y salvar el Reino Champi\u00F1\u00F3n de Bowser. Las consolas que adaptan diversas versiones de \u00E9ste juego son: \n* Nintendo Entertainment System \n* Super Nintendo Entertainment System \n* Game Boy Advance \n* Game Boy Advance SP \n* Nintendo Wii"@es . . "3"^^ . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@es . "Jump 'n' Run"@de . . . . "5"^^ . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@en . "The Video Armageddon emcee in The Wizard"@en . . "For the NES. \n* Fire-Less Bowser \n* Go Through a Wall in Bowser's Castle \n* Get Stuck in World 7-5"@en . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@en . . . "2007-11-05"^^ . . . "Plateforme"@fr . . . "Bowser has kidnapped Princess Peach but he has his seven kids called the Koopalings helping him. Mario and Luigi must save her and defeat the Koopalings on the way. Upon reaching the final level, Bowser will shoot fireballs at Mario and ground-pound the floor, breaking parts of it. If Bowser breaks the entire wall, he will fall in a pit. Mario rescues Princess Peach and takes her back to the Mushroom Kingdom"@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@en . "A"@en . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (Japanese: \u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B, sometimes referred to as Mario 3, SMB3, or Super Mario 3) is the third game in the Super Mario series. The game was released in 1988, and was developed and published by Nintendo. This game is the second best selling NES game, right after Super Mario Bros.. The game is a return to traditions after the very different Super Mario Bros. 2. The game was the first in the series to give Mario the ability to fly via the Tanooki Suit or the Super Leaf. It is one of the most popular games on the Wii's Virtual Console, available for 500 Wii Points via a Nintendo Points Card or on the eShop for $5.00. It was previewed in a scene from the 1989 movie, The Wizard."@en . . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . . . "p Informations D\u00E9veloppeur(s) \u00C9diteur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes S\u00E9rie Mode Date(s) de sortie \u00C9valuations Langue(s) disponible(s) Super Mario Bros. 3 est le troisi\u00E8me opus de la s\u00E9rie Super Mario Bros. commenc\u00E9e en 1985. Il marque le retour de Bowser dans la s\u00E9rie, car le volet pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent \u00E9tait \"divis\u00E9\" en deux parties. On voit \u00E9galement l'apparition des Koopalings, les sbires les plus redoutables de Bowser."@fr . "1"^^ . . "Nintendo"@en . . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Jump 'n' Run, das 1988 in Japan und erst 1991 in Europa erschienen ist. Es ist der Nachfolger von Super Mario Bros. 2 in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten bzw. von Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels in Japan. Urspr\u00FCnglich f\u00FCr das Nintendo Entertainment System erschienen, erlebte es mittlerweile zahlreiche Remakes wie Super Mario Advance 4 (GBA). Es ist auch das Mariospiel mit der meisten Innovation: Die Koopalinge wurden angeblich eingebaut, weil Shigeru Miyamoto zu dieser Zeit selbst Kinder hatte. Auch zu den Kettenhunden, die in diesem Spiel erfunden wurden gibt es eine Geschichte: Der kleine Miyamoto war auf dem Schulweg, als ihn ein gro\u00DFer Hund anbellte. Er hatte gro\u00DFe Angst, bis er merkte, dass der Hund angebunden war. Dieses Ereignis pr\u00E4gte ihn so sehr, dass er Jahre sp\u00E4ter den Kettenhund in das Spiel Super Mario Bros. 3 einprogrammierte. Erneut versucht Bowser, die Herrschaft \u00FCber das Pilz-K\u00F6nigreich zu erlangen und ist der Endgegner des Spiels. Erstmals treffen die Protagonisten Mario und Luigi auf die Koopalinge. Au\u00DFerdem haben zahlreiche neue Verwandlungen, Items und Gegner ihren ersten Auftritt in einem Videospiel \u00FCberhaupt. Noch heute wird es vielfach zu den besten Videospielen aller Zeiten gez\u00E4hlt und ist mit 17,23 Millionen verkaufter Einheiten hinter dem Original Super Mario Bros. das meistverkaufte Spiel f\u00FCr seine Konsole. In Japan ist Super Mario World der direkte Nachfolger und tr\u00E4gt den Untertitel Super Mario Bros. 4, was au\u00DFerhalb Japans nicht \u00FCbernommen wurde. Super Mario Bros. 3 ist auch das erste Spiel der Mario Serie, f\u00FCr das eine gro\u00DFe Werbekampagne gestartet wurde. Beispielsweise gab es im Happy Meal von McDonald's Figuren von Mario, Luigi, Toad und Prinzessin Peach. Dar\u00FCber hinaus wurde eine Zeichentrickserie mit dem Namen The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 entwickelt, die sich von der Handlung an den Videospiel orientiert."@de . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Videospiel f\u00FCr das Nintendo Entertainment System. Es handelt sich dabei um den dritten Teil der Super Mario Bros. Serie, durch welche die Figur Super Mario den letzten Schritt zum uneingeschr\u00E4nkten Videospielestar machte. Nintendo brachte das Spiel 1988 auf den japanischen Markt und verkaufte weltweit \u00FCber 17 Millionen Kopien. Damit stellt das Werk das erfolgreichste Spiel aller Zeiten dar, welches nicht im Bundle mit einer Konsole erschien. In Europa erschien Super Mario Bros. 3 im Jahre 1991, also drei Jahre nach der Ver\u00F6ffentlichung in seinem Entstehungsland. Zudem kamen mittlerweile eine Menge Remakes des Spiels auf den Markt. Als ber\u00FChmtestest dieser Remakes kann man wohl Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 f\u00FCr den Game Boy Advance ansehen. Desweiteren ist es auch schon in der Virtual Console erk\u00E4uflich."@de . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@es . . . "Cover act depicting Mario in the Tanooki suit"@en . . "Game Boy Advance als Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3"@de . "A"@en . . . "So I give you... SUPER! MARIO BROTHERS! THREE!!!"@en . . "Nintendo Entertainment System"@en . "250"^^ . . . "2007-12-11"^^ . . . . . . . "Yes"@en . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Videospiel f\u00FCr die Nintendo Entertaiment System. Dies ist einer der beliebtesten klassischen Teile von Super Mario. Dieses Spiel ist auf der NES erschienen, sp\u00E4ter 'war es auch auf der SNES spielbar und dann wo Mario 25 Jahre alt wahr auf der Wii. Aber diese Versionen waren anders vom Aussehen her."@de . . . . . . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (tambi\u00E9n conocido como Mario 3, Super Mario 3 y SMB3) es el \u00FAltimo videojuego de plataformas de la franquicia Mario para la consola Nintendo Entertainment System. Sali\u00F3 a la venta el 23 de octubre de 1988 en Jap\u00F3n y el 12 de febrero de 1990 en Estados Unidos. Al igual que en t\u00EDtulos anteriores, SMB3 fue dise\u00F1ado por Shigeru Miyamoto, mientras que la banda sonora fue compuesta por K\u014Dji Kond\u014D. El juego retoma la historia del primer t\u00EDtulo, en la cual los fontaneros Mario y Luigi deber\u00E1n salvar a la Princesa Peach de las garras del Rey Koopa."@es . . . . . "2007-11-09"^^ . "2013-12-26"^^ . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3 Super Mario Bros. 3?) (also referred to as Super Mario 3 and SMB3) is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and is the fifth game in the Super Mario series. The game was released in Japan in 1988, in the United States in 1990, and in Europe in 1991. Development was handled by Nintendo's Research & Development Team 4, led by Shigeru Miyamoto, who directed the game along with Takashi Tezuka. The game centers on the quest of Mario and Luigi to save the rulers of seven kingdoms from Bowser, the series' antagonist. The two brothers must travel across eight worlds to restore order to the Mushroom World. It built on the gameplay of previous Mario games by introducing new power-ups that augment character abilities, and established conventions that were carried over to future games in the series. Prior to its private consumer North American release, game play footage from Super Mario Bros. 3 appeared in the Universal Studios film The Wizard, which helped fuel the game's anticipation among fans. Upon its release, the game was commercially successful and has since become one of the best-selling video games in the industry. Super Mario Bros. 3 was well received by critics and has been included in numerous lists of top 100 video games. The success of the game resulted in an animated television show based on its elements, and in the game's re-release on later Nintendo consoles."@en . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101marioburaz\u0101zu 3) often reffered to as Super Mario 3, is the third game in the Mario series. It was released in Japan on October 28, 1988, and in North America on February 12, 1990. It was also remade as Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and released on the Wii's virtual console. Its sound effects are as same as how Super Mario Bros. has it."@en . "Smb3 cover.jpg"@de . . . "GBA,"@de . . "Super Mario Bros. 2"@de . . "ESRB: Everyone\nPEGI: 3+"@de . . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@en . "2013-12-26"^^ . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . "1991-04-29"^^ . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 is a game featured on Top 5 Friday on Smosh Games."@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3"@de . . "--11-05"^^ . . . "E"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "This page is currently under basic construction, and thus will not meet standards of viewing at this time. Characters and items to utilize: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, Toad, Goomba, Koopa Troopa, Pirahna Plant, Buzzy Beetle, Hammer Bros., Spiny, Bullet Bill, Cheep-Cheep, Podoboo, Blooper, Lakitu, Mushroom, Fire Flower, 1-up Mushroom, Starman, Coin, Super Leaf, Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit, Hammer Bros.' Suit, Kuribo's Shoe, P-Wing, Jugem's Cloud, Magic Whistle, Anchor, Music Box, Hammer, Angry Sun, Big Bertha, Boss Bass, Boo, Boom Boom, Chain Chomp"@en . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3 Super Mario Bros. 3?) (also referred to as Super Mario 3 and SMB3) is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and is the fifth game in the Super Mario series. The game was released in Japan in 1988, in the United States in 1990, and in Europe in 1991. Development was handled by Nintendo's Research & Development Team 4, led by Shigeru Miyamoto, who directed the game along with Takashi Tezuka."@en . . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Jump 'n' Run, das 1988 in Japan und erst 1991 in Europa erschienen ist. Es ist der Nachfolger von Super Mario Bros. 2 in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten bzw. von Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels in Japan. Urspr\u00FCnglich f\u00FCr das Nintendo Entertainment System erschienen, erlebte es mittlerweile zahlreiche Remakes wie Super Mario Advance 4 (GBA). Super Mario Bros. 3 ist auch das erste Spiel der Mario Serie, f\u00FCr das eine gro\u00DFe Werbekampagne gestartet wurde. Beispielsweise gab es im Happy Meal von McDonald's Figuren von Mario, Luigi, Toad und Prinzessin Peach."@de . "Virtual Console"@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3 S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B en japon\u00E9s) tambi\u00E9n conocido como Mario 3 o Super Mario 3, fue el \u00FAltimo juego de Mario para NES. Se public\u00F3 el 23 de octubre de 1988 en Jap\u00F3n, el 12 de febrero de 1990 en Am\u00E9rica y el 29 de agosto de 1991 en Europa. Fue dise\u00F1ado por Shigeru Miyamoto, y la m\u00FAsica fue compuesta por K\u014Dji Kond\u014D. Las consolas que adaptan diversas versiones de \u00E9ste juego son: \n* Nintendo Entertainment System \n* Super Nintendo Entertainment System \n* Game Boy Advance \n* Game Boy Advance SP \n* Nintendo Wii"@es . . . . . "270"^^ . "1990-02-12"^^ . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 is a 1988 platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Family Computer/Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the third installment in the Super Mario Bros. series and was released to critical acclaim, selling over 17 million copies and becoming the third best selling NES game of all time. It also participated in the Spring 2009 Contest, as well as the Fall 2015 Contest, making it very far into the former until it was put down by its sequel, Super Mario World. It reached Round 2 in the latter before falling to Pok\u00E9mon Red/Blue/Yellow."@en . . . . . "2014-01-01"^^ . . . "a"@en . "Super Mario Bros. 3 to gra platformowa wydana przez Nintendo w 1988 roku. Produkcja by\u0142a kierowana przez Shigeru Miyamoto i Takashi Tezuka, a muzyk\u0119 skomponowa\u0142 Koji Kondo."@pl . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Videospiel f\u00FCr die Nintendo Entertaiment System. Dies ist einer der beliebtesten klassischen Teile von Super Mario. Dieses Spiel ist auf der NES erschienen, sp\u00E4ter 'war es auch auf der SNES spielbar und dann wo Mario 25 Jahre alt wahr auf der Wii. Aber diese Versionen waren anders vom Aussehen her."@de . . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . "SNES = 260px"@es . . . . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B, sometimes referred to as Mario 3, SMB3, or Super Mario 3) is the thrid game in the Super Mario Bros. series. It was released in 1989, and was developed and published by Nintendo. It was the official Masterpiece game and is the second best selling video game, right after Super Mario Bros. It is a return to traditions after the very different Super Mario Bros. 2. It was the first game in the series to give Mario the ability to fly. It is one of the most popular games on the Wii's Virtual Console. It is available for 500 Wii points."@en . . . "AU 01/03/92"@en . . . "#FF0000"@en . . . "Super Mario World"@en . "EU 08/29/91"@en . "OFLC: G"@en . "The North American boxart."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "ESRB: E"@en . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA\u30D6\u30E9\u30B6\u30FC\u30BA3, S\u016Bp\u0101 Mario Buraz\u0101zu Sur\u012B, sometimes referred to as Mario 3, SMB3, or Super Mario 3) is the thrid game in the Super Mario Bros. series. It was released in 1989, and was developed and published by Nintendo. It was the official Masterpiece game and is the second best selling video game, right after Super Mario Bros. It is a return to traditions after the very different Super Mario Bros. 2. It was the first game in the series to give Mario the ability to fly. It is one of the most popular games on the Wii's Virtual Console. It is available for 500 Wii points."@en . . . "NES, Wii"@de . "Super Mario Bros. 2"@en . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 ist ein Videospiel f\u00FCr das Nintendo Entertainment System. Es handelt sich dabei um den dritten Teil der Super Mario Bros. Serie, durch welche die Figur Super Mario den letzten Schritt zum uneingeschr\u00E4nkten Videospielestar machte. Nintendo brachte das Spiel 1988 auf den japanischen Markt und verkaufte weltweit \u00FCber 17 Millionen Kopien. Damit stellt das Werk das erfolgreichste Spiel aller Zeiten dar, welches nicht im Bundle mit einer Konsole erschien. In Europa erschien Super Mario Bros. 3 im Jahre 1991, also drei Jahre nach der Ver\u00F6ffentlichung in seinem Entstehungsland. Zudem kamen mittlerweile eine Menge Remakes des Spiels auf den Markt. Als ber\u00FChmtestest dieser Remakes kann man wohl Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 f\u00FCr den Game Boy Advance ansehen. Desweiter"@de . . . . . "Platform"@en . . "2014-04-17"^^ . "JP 10/23/88"@en . . "Super Mario World"@fr . "Virtual Console"@en . . . . "--10-23"^^ . . "p Informations D\u00E9veloppeur(s) \u00C9diteur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes S\u00E9rie Mode Date(s) de sortie \u00C9valuations Langue(s) disponible(s) Super Mario Bros. 3 est le troisi\u00E8me opus de la s\u00E9rie Super Mario Bros. commenc\u00E9e en 1985. Il marque le retour de Bowser dans la s\u00E9rie, car le volet pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent \u00E9tait \"divis\u00E9\" en deux parties. On voit \u00E9galement l'apparition des Koopalings, les sbires les plus redoutables de Bowser."@fr . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . . "US 02/12/90"@en . . "1990-02-12"^^ . "Platformer"@en . . "This page is currently under basic construction, and thus will not meet standards of viewing at this time. Characters and items to utilize: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, Toad, Goomba, Koopa Troopa, Pirahna Plant, Buzzy Beetle, Hammer Bros., Spiny, Bullet Bill, Cheep-Cheep, Podoboo, Blooper, Lakitu, Mushroom, Fire Flower, 1-up Mushroom, Starman, Coin, Super Leaf, Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit, Hammer Bros.' Suit, Kuribo's Shoe, P-Wing, Jugem's Cloud, Magic Whistle, Anchor, Music Box, Hammer, Angry Sun, Big Bertha, Boss Bass, Boo, Boom Boom, Chain Chomp"@en . "3"^^ . . "3"^^ . . . . . "Super Mario Bros. 3 is a 1988 platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Family Computer/Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the third installment in the Super Mario Bros. series and was released to critical acclaim, selling over 17 million copies and becoming the third best selling NES game of all time. Like most well known Mario games, SMB3 has a solid contest history. Super Mario Bros. 3 was in the Spring 2004 Contest, representing the top seed in the 8-bit division. After victories over Metal Gear, Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda, SMB3 lost to Chrono Trigger in the semi-finals. It also participated in the Spring 2009 Contest, as well as the Fall 2015 Contest, making it very far into the former until it was put down by its sequel, Super Mario World. It reached Round 2 in the latter before falling to Pok\u00E9mon Red/Blue/Yellow. It also won the title of Game of the Year 2010 on Board 8."@en . . "PEGI: 3+"@en . . "2008-05-26"^^ . . . . "Nintendo R&D4"@en . . . .