. . . . . . "Average Height: 1.75 meters Average Lifespan: 75 years The Nikto come in a vast variety of specific shapes and colors, but despite a tendency towards a forbidding appearance (accomplished by a series of scaly ridges and spikes that rim most Niktos' eyes and faces) they are not unusually strong or agile for a sentient species. They are all covered in scaly plates, and have tiny ear-flaps, but are otherwise fairly standard bipedal, four-limbed humanoids."@en . . . . "Nikto"@nl . "tv-shows/clone-wars/friends-and-enemies-episode-guide"@es . . "Nikto hadden obsidiaan-zwarte ogen, welke beschermd werden door transparante vliezen wanneer de Nikto zich onderwater of in een windstorm begaven. Nikto hadden een stevige, lederachtige huid en vaak meerdere hoorns of stekels."@nl . "The Nikto were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet Kintan. They were identified by their two subspecies, the Kadas'sa'Nikto (green Nikto) and the Kajain'sa'Nikto (red Nikto), which were both well acclimated to desert climates. Many Kajain'sa'Nikto were employed by the Hutt Clan as enforcers during the Clone Wars, and several green and red Nikto served the crime lord Jabba the Hutt shortly before the Battle of Endor. Some Nikto were members of the Jedi Order, such as the male Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di."@en . "\u00A0"@en . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Nikto"@fr . . . . "\u00A0"@en . "\u00A0"@en . . . . "Los Niktos eran una especie humanoide con aspecto reptil, de piel cori\u00E1cea y caras planas con m\u00FAltiples agujeros de respiraci\u00F3n en sus mejillas y quijadas. Tambi\u00E9n ten\u00EDan varios cuernos peque\u00F1os en la cara. Entre los Niktos hab\u00EDan varias subespecies, y eran originarios del planeta Kintan. Se les pod\u00EDa encontrar a trav\u00E9s de toda la galaxia, relacionados a menudo con actividades turbias. Algunos miembros de esta especie llegaron a ser miembro de la Orden Jedi durante los \u00FAltimos d\u00EDas de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica como Ima-Gun Di o J'oopi Sh\u00E9."@es . "\u00A0"@en . . "\u00A0"@en . . "Nikto"@en . . . "16"^^ . . . . "\u041D\u0438\u043A\u0442\u043E"@nl . "Nikto hadden obsidiaan-zwarte ogen, welke beschermd werden door transparante vliezen wanneer de Nikto zich onderwater of in een windstorm begaven. Nikto hadden een stevige, lederachtige huid en vaak meerdere hoorns of stekels."@nl . "\"Dooku Captured\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/supply-lines-episode-guide"@en . . . "\"Supply Lines\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@es . . "*Kadas'sa'Nikto \n*Kajain'sa'Nikto"@en . "The Nikto were characterized by their leathery skin, reptilian eyes, and fierce temperaments. The skin of a Nikto was made up up thousands of overlapping scales, which could be shifted to cover wounds to protect them from infection. All five races were genetically capable of interbreeding, although ninety-three percent of the offspring from such unions resembled only one of the parents. Those few individuals who exhibited the characteristics of both parents were often ostracized and abused as mixed breeds, and were often forced to find work offplanet. There were a number of environmental and geological changes that greatly affected life on Kintan, causing the once-singular Nikto race to evolve its five unique races. Chief among these changes was the radiation expelled by the nearby star, M'dweshuu, which held a significant place in Nikto mythology. The Red Nikto, called Kajain'sa'Nikto, evolved in the deserts. They had ridged foreheads, with eight small horns around the eyes, and two at the chin. They breathed through a permeable membrane that covered their mouths, as well as through four breather tubes on their necks. The Green Nikto, known as Kadas'sa'Nikto, evolved in the forests. They were visibly scaled, with obvious noses and small horns ringing their eyes. The Mountain Nikto were called Esral'sa'Nikto, and had smooth skin. Their ears were large and fin-shaped, designed to be extended or pulled flat to regulate body heat and enhance hearing. They also had a nasal membrane similar to the Red Nikto. The Pale Nikto, called Gluss'sa'Nikto, were found in the islands of the planet. They resembled the Green Nikto, with fin-like ears. The last race, called M'shento'su'Nikto or Southern Nikto, lacked any horns but had a number of breather tubes at various points on their skulls. The inner strength and fierce nature of the Nikto species in general was honed over millennia of survival against the predators of Kintan. This led to four intense civil wars which nearly destroyed Kintan some thirty years before the Nikto helped the Hutts defeat Xim, years before the formation of the Old Republic. After Xim was defeated, the Hutts then distributed the Nikto to various worlds as bodyguards and strongmen. On Kintan, the Nikto races developed atomic-level technology on their own, and absorbed other galactic technology from the Hutts. Because of the Treaty of Vonter, the Nikto remained under Hutt control for over 25,000 years, and for the most part they remained neutral throughout the various battles of the Galactic Civil War. Because of this, many Nikto individuals who were sensitive to the Force remained undiscovered by the Jedi Knights, although a few Nikto escaped slavery to become Jedi."@en . "\"Dooku Captured\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@es . "Nikto (podobne ako Je\u017Eid) sa d\u0148a 8. j\u00FAna 1922 rozhodol, \u017Ee pr\u00EDde na svet. Prv\u00FDkr\u00E1t sa narodil 29. febru\u00E1ra 1923, jeho druh\u00E9 narodenie sa konalo v rokoch 1956 a 1966. Napriek tomu, \u017Ee vraj zomrel v roku 1990 a\u017E 1998 sa stal dodnes ve\u010Dne \u017Eiv\u00FDm. Nikto sa neust\u00E1le objavuje a h\u00FDbe svetom aj viac ako desiatku rokov po svojej \u00FAdajnej smrti. Niektor\u00ED filozofi a vedci tvrdia, \u017Ee Nikto sa rod\u00ED neust\u00E1le. Nikto m\u00E1 spolo\u010Dn\u00E9 rodinn\u00E9 put\u00E1 s \u010Fal\u0161\u00EDm neskuto\u010Dn\u00FDm g\u00E9niom, so svoj\u00EDm (sn\u00E1\u010F) otcom, maka\u010Dom, ale aj de\u0161truktorom, ktor\u00E9ho slov\u00E1ci poznaj\u00FA pod menom Sa."@sk . . . . . . "Barada is a boy. He's the son of the extraterrestrial family visiting Earth in the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers."@en . "\u00A0"@en . . . "[Source] Les Niktos sont une esp\u00E8ce originaire de la plan\u00E8te Kintan, il s'agit d'humano\u00EFdes ressemblant aux Weequays. Il existe de nombreuses sous-esp\u00E8ces de Nikto comme les Kajain'sa'Nikto qui sont les plus commun. Les Nikto ont \u00E9t\u00E9 les premier dans leur milieu galactique \u00E0 avoir d\u00E9couvert l'hyperespace et la vitesse lumi\u00E8re. Ils ont su profiter de leur avantage, qui a dur\u00E9 plusieurs si\u00E8cles, sur les autres formes de vie intelligentes. Ils finirent par rencontrer le peuple Hutt et \u00E0 en devenir les serviteurs. Ils sont ainsi tr\u00E8s r\u00E9pandus dans la galaxie et notamment sur des plan\u00E8tes sauvages contr\u00F4l\u00E9es par des criminels, de nombreux Nikto travaillent d'ailleurs pour Jabba le Hutt comme Wooof ou Lathe. Certains furent impliqu\u00E9s dans les agissements S\u00E9paratistes li\u00E9s aux attentats sur Coruscant au d\u00E9but de la Guerre des Clones."@fr . "Niktowie"@es . . . . . "Depende de la subespecie"@es . . . . . . "\u00A0"@en . . "Barada is a boy. He's the son of the extraterrestrial family visiting Earth in the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers."@en . . . "The Nikto were a reptilian humanoid species from the planet Kintan in the Si'Klaata Cluster with many subspecies They were all reptilian humanoids that were noted for their leathery skin with an average adult standing 1.8 meters tall. Somtimes these were covered in spikes and horns. source:"@en . . "Nikto"@es . "*Bok\n*Giran\n*Ima-Gun Di\n*Klaatu\n*Lathe\n*Ma'kis'shaalas\n*Jasper McKnives\n*Nysad\n*Yotts Orren\n*Royce\n*J'oopi Sh\u00E9\n*Fi-Ek Sirch\n*Tsyr\n*Vedain\n*Wooof"@es . . . . . . . "Average Height: 1.75 meters Average Lifespan: 75 years The Nikto come in a vast variety of specific shapes and colors, but despite a tendency towards a forbidding appearance (accomplished by a series of scaly ridges and spikes that rim most Niktos' eyes and faces) they are not unusually strong or agile for a sentient species. They are all covered in scaly plates, and have tiny ear-flaps, but are otherwise fairly standard bipedal, four-limbed humanoids. Their homeworld of Kintan is not a very hospitable place. Located on the outskirts of the Outer Rim, near the Yidri system, it is a desolate world, growing more desolate with each passing century, as its red-giant sun slowly turns the planet into a wasteland of sulfurous rivers and deserts of glass-dust dunes. This rugged envionrment has made the Nikto people particularly resilient to hostile environs galaxy-wide, but no amount of biological adaptation can make the world more pleasant. Thus, the Nikto have migrated off-world, and like most species native to the Outer Rim territories, they have quite a showing across the outskirts of the galaxy, especially on planets with environments that would prove too hostile for most sentients to manage. Still, the Nikto are given to strong wanderlust instincts, which often prevent them from staying in any one place for long, and have consequently developed a tradition of teaching their young the fine arts of operating starships and vehicles."@en . . . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/dooku-captured-episode-guide"@es . "*Seer Ban'kosh\n*Ima-Gun Di\n*Rinnrivin Di\n*Frax\n*Klaatu\n*Nuhj\n*Plitht\n*Nogba Quush\n*Tosta\n*Ul'ligan\n*Vizam\n*Wooof\n*Xun"@en . . "\"Friends and Enemies\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . . "\u00A0"@en . "1.8"^^ . "N\u012Dk'-t\u014D"@nl . "\u00A0"@en . . "Black, Blue"@en . "\u00A0"@en . . "Hutts"@nl . . . "The Nikto were characterized by their leathery skin, reptilian eyes, and fierce temperaments. The skin of a Nikto was made up up thousands of overlapping scales, which could be shifted to cover wounds to protect them from infection. All five races were genetically capable of interbreeding, although ninety-three percent of the offspring from such unions resembled only one of the parents. Those few individuals who exhibited the characteristics of both parents were often ostracized and abused as mixed breeds, and were often forced to find work offplanet."@en . . . . . "\u00A0"@en . . "Acclimated to desert climates"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "\"Grievous Intrigue\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . "Nikto"@cs . "\u30AB\u30B8\u30A7\u30A4\u30F3\u30B5\u30CB\u30AF\u30C8"@es . . . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/friends-and-enemies-episode-guide"@en . . "\u00A0"@en . "Reptiel"@nl . "\u00A0"@en . . . . . . . "Nikto"@es . "\u00A0"@en . . "250"^^ . . . "*Scaled skin\n*Symmetrical horns\n*Head spikes"@en . . . . "The Nikto were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet Kintan. They were identified by their two subspecies, the Kadas'sa'Nikto (green Nikto) and the Kajain'sa'Nikto (red Nikto), which were both well acclimated to desert climates. Many Kajain'sa'Nikto were employed by the Hutt Clan as enforcers during the Clone Wars, and several green and red Nikto served the crime lord Jabba the Hutt shortly before the Battle of Endor. Some Nikto were members of the Jedi Order, such as the male Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di."@en . . "Certain poss\u00E8de des cornes"@fr . "\u00A0"@en . . "Coming from the treacherous world of Kintan, the humanoid Niktos have developed into a race of alert, stubborn beings. They have been forced to contend with numerous hazards of their homeworld, such as spinedragons, tuskbeasts, and trogwhales. Many off-worlders view them as barbarians and grunts, but they have developed a rich, technologically-sound culture on Kintan, and have cooperated within their social structure to continue their future. There are five sub-races of Nikto, each adapted to the regions of Kintan that they inhabit. Their overall appearance is fairly constant: Rough skinned, flat nosed, opaque eyed, approximately 1.6 to 2.0 meters in height, basic humonoid shape. Each have a clear, keratin-like second eyelid that can be closed to allow sight in harsh conditions. And, they are tough, reliable fighters. The most common and recognizable Nikto is the Kadjain'sa or \"Red\". Superbly adapted to desert and sun-baked environments, they have eight small, stubby horns over their brows. Their flat noses have a protective flap, preventing sand and other contaminants from being inhaled. They also have a pair of small breathing tubes on their necks, to aid in harsh conditions. The Kadas'sa, or \"Green\" come from the forests, and resemble their desert-dwelling cousins closely, but they are avid tree-climbers. The other three, the Esral'sa, Gluss'sa, and M'shento'su, are slightly different from the other more common Niktos. These lack the inherant stubby horns, substituting small \"fins\" or ridges on their heads, and range in skin color from grey to yellow. They usually originate from the extreme regions of Kintan; the rugged mountains, the scattered islands, and other places of differing temperatures. They acknowledge and respect other races of the galaxy, but believe that theirs is a superior one, and will defend this belief against those that challenge it. They also perform very well in groups, each one knowing the capabilities of the others, and overcoming the odds through teamwork. A number of Nikto have left Kintan and found employment in Hutt-run organizations, since the presence of Hutt influence is entrenched in Nikto culture. This is not surprising, given Kintan's proximity to the region known as Hutt Space, though many off-worlders stipulate that the natives of Kintan are nothing more than slaves to the Hutts' bidding. Some have decided to go elsewhere, however, and joined other organizations, a few even forming their own businesses, but none are known to have reached any level of prosperity as of yet. They are inherantly fierce competitors and stubborn personalities. Nikto have a natural eye-shielding of a transparant keratin-like shroud, which aids them in guarding against the adverse affects from a sandstorm or other conditions, including, to an extent, water immersion. Nikto range in height from 1.6 to 1.9 meters tall. They can be found in all types of employment, but rarely will they be at the head of any significant organization. Nikto are stubborn and reliable, but not aggressive without cause. (Jabba the Hutt employed six Nikto as guards and drivers in his repulsorlift pool.)"@en . "Nikto"@es . . . "\u041D\u0438\u043A\u0442\u043E"@nl . . "Idioma nikto y Hutt\u00E9s"@es . "*Fi-Ek Sirch\n*Gysk\n*Ima-Gun Di\n*Lathe\n*M'truli\n*Ma'kis'shaalas\n*Meddun\n*Nogba Quush\n*Wooof"@fr . "tv-shows/clone-wars/grievous-intrigue-episode-guide"@es . . "Zuurstof"@nl . . . . . . . "\u00A0Nikto"@en . . . . . . . . "\u00A0"@en . "\u00A0"@en . . "5"^^ . "The Nikto were a reptilian humanoid species from the planet Kintan in the Si'Klaata Cluster with many subspecies They were all reptilian humanoids that were noted for their leathery skin with an average adult standing 1.8 meters tall. Somtimes these were covered in spikes and horns. The species held a limited range of facial expressions that was because they lacked the necessary infrastructure. All Nikto had cold black obsidian eyes. These were sometimes covered by a protective membrane. This took the form of a thin transparent membrane protected their eyes underwater and during windstorms. As a result, they were noted for their \"staring\" eyes and a seemingly blank expression which led to many underestimating Nikto intelligence. The Nikto species featured five distinct mutated sub-species due to a massive radiation from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu, which sped up the rate of mutation so that traits that normally took millions of years to occur instead took only thousands of years. The five sub-species inhabited different geographic areas of Kintan, developing unique adaptations to suit the different environments on the planet. The varying appearance of the Nikto sub-species caused confusion amongst those who were unfamiliar with the Nikto, but all Nikto had certain similarities; leathery skin, sometimes covered with spikes or horns, as well as eyes that included a protective membrane to shield against Kintan's harsh environment. Lacking the musculature required for complex facial expressions, Nikto were often underestimated in assessments of their intelligence due to their 'staring' eyes and 'blank' expressions. The mutation caused by the planet's radiation atmosphere were triggered in the race that resulted in five different subspecies that were each adapted to a specific environmental niche. These five reptilian species all displayed unique cosmetic features. While each subspecies of the Nikto was physically distinct and originated from different parts of Kintan, Nikto from different subspecies could easily interbreed. 93% of the offspring from such unions ended up with the characteristics of only one parent's race, with the rest combining the traits of two subspecies. The Nikto were designed by Creature Supervisor Phil Tippett, first as a maquette, and then as a slip-on mask for a number of background alien extras in Return of the Jedi. The Nikto character, like fellow characters Barada and Klaatu, were named after the 1951 science fiction classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still. In that film, Klaatu, the man from outer space, says the cryptic alien phrase, \"Klaatu, Barada, Nikto\" in order to control the giant robot, Gort.During production, Nikto doubled as both a character and species name. It wasn't until later, through Expanded Universe publishing, that it was revealed that Nikto was the species, that Klaatu was a representative of a different Nikto sub-race, and that Barada was a Klatooinian.The Nikto design was reused for Episodes I and II, this time with new masks. The hand design changed, though, perhaps suggesting yet another Nikto sub-race not yet accounted for. source:"@en . "The Nikto are a reptilian humanoid species from the planet Kintan in the Si'Klaata Cluster with many subspecies. The Nikto species features five distinct mutated sub-species due to a massive radiation from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu, which sped up the rate of mutation so that traits that normally took millions of years to occur instead took only thousands of years. The five sub-species inhabited different geographic areas of Kintan, developing unique adaptations to suit the different environments on the planet."@en . . "The Nikto are a reptilian humanoid species from the planet Kintan in the Si'Klaata Cluster with many subspecies. The Nikto species features five distinct mutated sub-species due to a massive radiation from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu, which sped up the rate of mutation so that traits that normally took millions of years to occur instead took only thousands of years. The five sub-species inhabited different geographic areas of Kintan, developing unique adaptations to suit the different environments on the planet. Nikto can be found throughout the galaxy, often involved with shady activities in the galaxy\u2019s fringe. Of all the \u201Cclient species\u201D of the Hutt Cartel, the Nikto are regarded as the most dangerous, especially due to the actions of a fanatical and fatalistic cult that has long plagued the Nikto people."@en . "Depende de la subespecie"@es . . . . . "Nikto"@es . . . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . "Nikto"@nl . . "\u00A0"@en . "\"Friends and Enemies\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@es . . . "\u30AB\u30B8\u30A7\u30A4\u30F3\u30B5\u30CB\u30AF\u30C8"@nl . . . . . "*Green\n*Red"@en . . "\u041D\u0438\u043A\u0442\u043E"@es . "Une paire"@fr . "tv-shows/clone-wars/dooku-captured-episode-guide"@en . "tv-shows/clone-wars/supply-lines-episode-guide"@es . . . "\"Supply Lines\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . "Nikto"@nl . "\u00A0"@en . "135.0"^^ . . . "Coming from the treacherous world of Kintan, the humanoid Niktos have developed into a race of alert, stubborn beings. They have been forced to contend with numerous hazards of their homeworld, such as spinedragons, tuskbeasts, and trogwhales. Many off-worlders view them as barbarians and grunts, but they have developed a rich, technologically-sound culture on Kintan, and have cooperated within their social structure to continue their future. The Kadas'sa, or \"Green\" come from the forests, and resemble their desert-dwelling cousins closely, but they are avid tree-climbers."@en . . "[Source] Les Niktos sont une esp\u00E8ce originaire de la plan\u00E8te Kintan, il s'agit d'humano\u00EFdes ressemblant aux Weequays. Il existe de nombreuses sous-esp\u00E8ces de Nikto comme les Kajain'sa'Nikto qui sont les plus commun. Les Nikto ont \u00E9t\u00E9 les premier dans leur milieu galactique \u00E0 avoir d\u00E9couvert l'hyperespace et la vitesse lumi\u00E8re. Ils ont su profiter de leur avantage, qui a dur\u00E9 plusieurs si\u00E8cles, sur les autres formes de vie intelligentes. Ils finirent par rencontrer le peuple Hutt et \u00E0 en devenir les serviteurs."@fr . . . . "\"Grievous Intrigue\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@es . . . "Niktos"@es . "Niktowie"@nl . "Nikto"@sk . . . . . . . . . . . "\u00A0"@en . "2.051244E9"^^ . "Brune, verte, rouge .."@fr . . . . "Nikto"@nl . . "male"@en . . "Los Niktos eran una especie humanoide con aspecto reptil, de piel cori\u00E1cea y caras planas con m\u00FAltiples agujeros de respiraci\u00F3n en sus mejillas y quijadas. Tambi\u00E9n ten\u00EDan varios cuernos peque\u00F1os en la cara. Entre los Niktos hab\u00EDan varias subespecies, y eran originarios del planeta Kintan. Se les pod\u00EDa encontrar a trav\u00E9s de toda la galaxia, relacionados a menudo con actividades turbias. Algunos miembros de esta especie llegaron a ser miembro de la Orden Jedi durante los \u00FAltimos d\u00EDas de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica como Ima-Gun Di o J'oopi Sh\u00E9."@es . . . "Nikto"@fr . . . . . . "\u041D\u0438\u043A\u0442\u043E"@es . "*Kajain'sa'Nikto\n*Kadas'sa'Nikto\n*Esral'sa'Nikto\n*Gluss'sa'Nikto\n*M'shento'su'Nikto \n*Numol'elrul"@es . "some planet or natural satellite within the Antares star system"@en . . . "Nikto"@en . "\u00A0"@en . . . . . . "\u00A0"@en . . . "Intelligent"@nl . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/grievous-intrigue-episode-guide"@en . . . . "\u00A0"@en . "\u00A0"@en . "Nikto (podobne ako Je\u017Eid) sa d\u0148a 8. j\u00FAna 1922 rozhodol, \u017Ee pr\u00EDde na svet. Prv\u00FDkr\u00E1t sa narodil 29. febru\u00E1ra 1923, jeho druh\u00E9 narodenie sa konalo v rokoch 1956 a 1966. Napriek tomu, \u017Ee vraj zomrel v roku 1990 a\u017E 1998 sa stal dodnes ve\u010Dne \u017Eiv\u00FDm. Nikto sa neust\u00E1le objavuje a h\u00FDbe svetom aj viac ako desiatku rokov po svojej \u00FAdajnej smrti. Niektor\u00ED filozofi a vedci tvrdia, \u017Ee Nikto sa rod\u00ED neust\u00E1le. Nikto m\u00E1 spolo\u010Dn\u00E9 rodinn\u00E9 put\u00E1 s \u010Fal\u0161\u00EDm neskuto\u010Dn\u00FDm g\u00E9niom, so svoj\u00EDm (sn\u00E1\u010F) otcom, maka\u010Dom, ale aj de\u0161truktorom, ktor\u00E9ho slov\u00E1ci poznaj\u00FA pod menom Sa."@sk .