"wing"@en . "400401402"^^ . . . "By Nerrok Nerrok casually strode into The Slow Blade, the Horde-side's base of operations for The Grey Tiger Tong. The muscled orc had a pleasant smile decorating his usually grim features, no doubt on account of the recent rendevous he'd had with his lady-friend he'd been frequenting of late...Visions of her jet-black hair and emerald green eyes flickering within his consciousness as he greeted Kareth, the shopkeeper. With his eyes, the windows to his very soul, colored amber and slit diagonally as the zepplin departed for Booty Bay, the spirit of The Hawk possessed the green-skinned hunter."@en . "{| class=\"box headnote\" |- |This is the article on episode 141. For episode 458, head to Truth. |} is episode 141 of the Naruto: Shipp\u016Bden anime."@en . "no"@en . . "Truth"@ja . "\"You are Olene, servant of the God of Many Faces,\" Arya correctly identifies Olene out of a group of petitioners."@en . "289.0"^^ . "Radiant Body"@en . . "\u3086\u3089\u308A\u63FA\u308C\u308B\u5149\u3072\u3068\u3064 \u75DB\u307F\u7652\u3059\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u6D88\u3048\u308B I take your life forever You take my life forever \u3072\u3089\u308A\u843D\u3061\u308B\u6D99\u3072\u3068\u3064 \u601D\u3044\u5C4A\u304F\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u6D88\u3048\u308B I take your life forever You take my life \u6B62\u307E\u3089\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u6642\u306B\u6F5C\u3080\uFF08\u51CD\u3048\u305D\u3046\u306A\u6D99\u306E\u8272\uFF09 \u611B\u306F\u304D\u3063\u3068\u964D\u308A\u6CE8\u3050\u96E8\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B \u623B\u308C\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u8A18\u61B6\u3081\u3050\u308B\uFF08\u51CD\u3048\u305D\u3046\u306A\u6D99\u306E\u8272\uFF09 \u5168\u3066\u596A\u308F\u308C\u305F\u3053\u306E\u4E16\u306E\u679C\u3066\u306B \u60B2\u3057\u307F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u7D42\u308F\u308A\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u5FC3\u306F\u8B0E\u3081\u3044\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u95C7\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u8FEB\u308B\u771F\u5B9F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u4E16\u754C\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u660E\u65E5\u306F\u898B\u3048\u306A\u304F\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u767E\u5408\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u7A62\u308C\u3092\u77E5\u3089\u306A\u3044 \u9858\u3044\u306F\u900F\u660E\u306A\u307E\u307E\u3067 \u767D\u304F\u67D3\u307E\u308B\u82B1\u306B\uFF11\u4EBA \u4F55\u3082\u5909\u308F\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u8A93\u3046 I take your life forever You take my life \u5C4A\u304B\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u58F0\u306B\u6B8B\u308B\uFF08\u96A0\u3057\u5207\u308C\u306C\uFF12\u3064\u306E\u9854\uFF09 \u611B\u306F\u305D\u3063\u3068\u5439\u304D\u629C\u3051\u308B\u98A8\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B \u7D42\u308F\u3089\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u591C\u306B\u7720\u308B\uFF08\u96A0\u3057\u5207\u308C\u306C\uFF12\u3064\u306E\u9854\uFF09 \u5922\u306E\u50B7\u8DE1\u306B\u6B8B\u3057\u305F\u75DB\u307F \u60B2\u3057\u307F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u308F\u305A\u304B\u306A\u5149\u751F\u307E\u308C\u3066\u3082 \u5606\u304D\u306F\u7E70\u308A\u8FD4\u3059 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u5618\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u6D88\u3048\u308B\u771F\u5B9F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u6700\u5F8C\u306E\u7FBD\u3092\u958B\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u904B\u547D\u306F\u5909\u3048\u3089\u308C\u305A \u767E\u5408\u306E\u82B1\u306F\u306F\u304B\u306A\u3052\u306B\u75DB\u307F\u306F\u6D88\u3048\u306A\u3044 \u5922\u306A\u3089\u611B\u3057\u305F\u307E\u307E\u3067 \u60B2\u3057\u307F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u7D42\u308F\u308A\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u5FC3\u306F\u8B0E\u3081\u3044\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u95C7\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u8FEB\u308B\u771F\u5B9F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u4E16\u754C\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u660E\u65E5\u306F\u898B\u3048\u306A\u304F\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u767E\u5408\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u7A62\u308C\u3092\u77E5\u3089\u306A\u3044 \u9858\u3044\u306F\u900F\u660E\u306A\u307E\u307E\u3067"@es . . . "Elemental Aura- Aura Manipulation- Elemental Consumption- Elemental Mimicry- Natural Element Manipulation- Rapid Physical Combat- Water Exoskeleton- Blood Manipulation- Health Optimization- Lactose Manipulation- Mindshifting- Ionic Manipulation- Peak Human Intelligence- Vector Manipulation- Sui Generis Manipulation- Lexiconicy- Semi-Immortality-"@en . "The Truth"@en . . "25"^^ . . "Solo"@de . . . . . "\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA7"@zh . "He is able to freely transform into any form, and is shown to be: a geeky man, a child soldier, an older soldier, an elegant woman, a pilot, Eureka (although not very well)[ep 13]. As the Nirvash Neo's archetype, he takes the form of a computerized image similar to his human form."@en . "\"A lie is just a good story ruined with the truth! True Story!\" -Barney Stinson It's true. What they say, about the truth. It's true. No one wants to hear it. Atleast, I never want to hear it. I the day I did, I killed two cats... two cats from each clan that is. First... Tawnyclan... Clawflight... and her brother... Dapplefrog... Then Brindleclan... Toadearth... then his kin... Dirtfur.... After that... Tanclan... Fuzzyfoot... Padeye... Then... Redclan... Pupilscar... Finally... their deputy... Me. Scarredclaw. We were all linked. You might figure it out. But, I'll explain... CHAPTER 1: FLIGHT Scarredclaw felt so much pride when his name was called out. The chain of dogs teeth was placed around his neck. It reasted nicely on his fur. It was smooth and very shiney. It gave him a thrill to be officially part of Redclan. Scarredclaw was very proud of his new name. The way it worked in his clan, was that there are heirs to the Deputy. His father had recently died and it was Scarredclaw's job to become the new deputy. He felt many praises come his way. He smirked. Through the excitement, he somehow made it outside camp. He raced through the forest, finally able to run free as a warrior. He stopped to stalk a mouse, batting it hard on the head, instantly killing it, yet not harming it a single scratch. He was the best hunter in the clan. But that is when it happened. He strayed close to the Tanclan boarder, He heard Pupilscar, his mother, and and another cat talking, he opened his mouth and a Tanclan scent hit the top of his mouth, Padeye! \"...I'm going to tell him soon...\" \"What happened to his brothers and sisters?! You know him the best, Pupilscar! You know he will take revenge on us, on the clans and his siblings!\" Scarredclaw heard Padeye snarl savagely, \"Scarredpaw's kin are scattered through all four clans! He will not hesitate to kill them, then kill us!\" Scarredclaw almost growled, but held it in. They were right. He would kill them for revenge, but first off, what had they done? \"Separating them into clans, hiding their idenities! Murdering kits to replace them with your own! those names! Clawflight! Dapplefrog! Toadearth! Dirtfur! Fuzzyfoot! Scarredpaw!\" \"SCARREDCLAW, NOW!\" Pupilscar leapt at Padeye, who jumped back as quick as light. \"Whatever! Scarredclaw! That is still a lie!\" Padeye snarled at Pupilscar, he advanced upon Scarredclaw's mother. He felt anger prick at his skin, he didn't quite understand what was going on, or what they had done. But it was obvious that Padeye was his father. He didn't care what they had done, but his anger had blinded him. He leapt from the bushes in a fit of rage, he snarled and raced across the boarder into Tanclan territory. He raced through the bushes, ducking under tree branches. Scarredclaw leapt up into a tree ready to cross the boarder onto Tawnyclan. He was going to kill them to prove to his parents they were right. He leapt from the tree. He flew. He flew so far. It was like he had wings. He outstretched his paws, opening up his toes. He smiled, laughing. He caught onto a tree, near a large stream, near the heart of Tawnyclan his claws clinged to it for life. He opened his mouth, almost immediately, Clawflights scent hit the roof of his mouth. He skidded down the bark, leaving deep grooves, then raced down into a creek where whe was sunbaking with her kits. This kits mewed and tried to splash in the water, the black one suddenly disappeared, there was a squeal. The white one disappeared and Scarredclaw held Clawflight down by the neck. Her eyes were wide as she struggled for breath. Scarredclaw raked his back feet down her belly and it cut through, also scattering her blood down into the river. Her insides boiled out, spilling across the ground. Her eyes spun crazily inside her head, and Scarredclaw scratched out her eyes with sharp claws, the feeling of a gel like substance between his claws made him excited, like he had just completed his first catch. Oh, but it was. His mother had told him that his siblings had died of greencough. What a LIE! He walked back up through the stained red river. Leaving Clawflight's mottled body behind. He let our a purr of amusement and continued up stream, the clean water washing away the blood and the scent of Redclan. H econtinued up the bank, his eyes blank, He stopped, did he really just kill kin? Or was it a lie? He growled and ran up, searching for his next victim. CHAPTER 2: UNREAL Dapplefrog left camp, trotting along, redy for some solitary hunting. His sister, Clawflight, hadn't yet returned with her kits. Tawnyclan allowed queens and their kits to visit the stream within a moon of them being named apprentices'. Dapplefrog stretched out wide, his claws gripping into the ground. He was told to check up on Clawflight, before heading downstream to catch some water voles. He skipped along happily. Nothing usually dampened his moods, usually. He caught sight of a shadow, and peered at it. It soon disappeared. Dapplefrog must have been seeing things, a strong scent hit his nose and drowned his senses. He stumbled coughing. Dapplefrog moved towards the stream, and wanted to be sick at the sight of his sister. Her belly was strewn open, her blood and guts over her fur and the ground. Sick came up Dapplefrog's throat and he poured it over the ground. He turned to race back to came. It was unreal! It couldn't be happening! It wasn't! It had to be a dream! He shook his head, over and over. Black shadows raced beside him. His head was hit and the world became dark. It was unreal. It couldn't have happened. Dapplefrog's body was found scattered through the forest, an unknown scent and paw prints waslking blood coated through the forest. CHAPTER 3: UNEARTHED Scarredclaw's paw fell down like a ton of bricks onto Dapplefrog's head. Tearing, his head clear off his body. He felt teh flesh run through his claws, and he smiled with joy. It thrilled him so much... His claws slid like sand through the cats throat. Blood spilled through the ground, trickling between teh leaves and frightening away all the prey in the forest. Scarredclaw's eyes widened, he laughed, Grasspaw ran through the forest, she smelt prey and saw a lump of earth where someone must have buried it. She smirked digging it up. Howls of fear and sorrow rung into the ears of the forest cats. total sickness engulfed teh small cat's belly, she turned away, cried shaking her body. It was truely horrifying. She howled again, \"'HE'S DEAD! DAPPLEFROG IS DEAD!\"\" It was only a matter of a few short seconds before her mentor was at her side. \"Gra-?!\" Grasspaw was spun around by Blackbird. His big, strong body walked past her and looked at the hole. Flies hung, eyes were looking at different angles, and a bloody wind pipe hung from what he guessed was once Dapplefrog's head. Blackbird flicked his ears back, \"Go to camp Grasspaw, tell them to not dig up prey. Tell them to hide in camp. There is something out here. And it's blood hungry...\" Blackbird looked to the sky, Who are you? What do you want? What is your reason for doing this? Scarredclaw's paws thudded over the boarder to Brindleclan. Who was next on his list...? Dapplefrog... Toadearth!! That is right! Toadearth breathed in the air, \"What's going on over teh boarder? Is Dapplefrog dead?\" Cresentstar put his head down, \"I need Toadearth, Jackeltail (Takumi: Luvs that name!) and Leaprock to guard the entrance while we make this camp stronger, Darkleaf has had a sign from Starclan saying that scars are coming...\" \"What is that supposed to mean?!\" Leaprock growled at his leader, the bright dun markings on his face, moved slightly as he spoke. His calws dug into the earth beneath his feet. Jackeltail felt her fur go red, put on guard with the two cutest cats on campus. It was almost like a dream come true, other than the fact that a storm was coming. What was the truth? What wasn't Starclan telling them? Why couldn't they just say what was going on instead on riddles. Jackeltail stepped out of camp and stood as far away from the entrance was Leaprock would let her. She looked back at Toadearth. His build was strong, his eyes were golden, his fur was dark like Dirtfur's, which wasn't surprising since they were kin. One his back it was creame and spread down his back, and the red t- Red?! Jackeltail raced forwards, \"TOADEARTH!\" The cat flew back against a tree stump, and was knocked into sleep. her eyes began to closed as a cat leant over Toadearth, his claws scarred and as thin as a cresent moon, came crasing down on the warriors head, smashing his skull into small pieces, sending it flying in entirely different directions... It broke through the skin... Jackeltail could see nothing but blackness, her eyes were pained, and therewas screaming... What was going on, who disrupted the peace?! Dirtfur ran to camp, what happened?! There was a sharp tug on his tail, he felt his back break and fall to the ground. A shape stood above him, up to his elbows in red... Blood. Dirtfur couldn't move, his eyes spun around in his head, terrified as his attacker brought a large aw down. CHAPTER 4: HUNG Fuzzyfoot's ears twitched, and spun, the screams reached her ears. She shot up straight. The scent of dock leaf reached her nose, and she coughed. Her eyes sealed shut, she looked about, her whiskers brushing the walls of the Medicine den. She was selfish last leaf bare, when she was attacked, and her eyes had to be permernantly sealed shut, \"Burclaw...\" Her voice was rough and she coughed, whitecough had been going through the camp, everything was only going to get worse, as Burclaw mentioned the day before, \"Burclaw...?\" \"...Is not coming....\" A deep voice rung in her ears, \"When your leader returns, you will wish you died last Leaf Bare...\" Rockstar flicked his tail in frustration as he moved away from the Tanclan boarder. They wouldn't let him over, the nerve of those stuck up cats. He raced back through the forest, Thrushfur and Yellowpaw on his heels. He opened his mouth and another scent hit the roof of his mouth. He stopped oustide camp and Padeye fell out of the entrance, backing away, his ears flat against his head, \"Scarred... Scarredclaw... He's gone insane... He's... he's...\" Padeye swallowed a mouthful of siliva, as it started to over flow from her lipsRoackstar stuck his head through, \"Whats...?\" There it was... Insides were hung from the walls of camp and Fuzzyfoot's head was sitting in the middle of camp, her eyes scratched and mouth open with a rock between her teeth. Rockstar turned back to Padeye, the medicine cats kin, his belly was split open and a rock in his mouth too. Thrushfur looked back as well, before turning Yellowpaw away from the horrific sight. Scarredclaw heard the clinking of his dog teeth that were hung around his neck. His body was covered to his neck in blood, but it was time to return to his clan... To finally finish his mother. His paws hit the Redclan earth, ahh... It seemed to refresh and put him to ease. Scarredclaw looked up, \"Pupilscar...\" \"I don't know what you're doing son or why... but it is very clear that your time is to be up very shortly,\" She whispered, her claws slid out."@en . "Truth (de_truth) es un mapa oficial de Desactivaci\u00F3n de Bomba en Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. La misi\u00F3n Truth in Chaos en del Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes se basa en este mapa."@es . . "Sunao ni narezu ni ita no"@en . "537072"^^ . . . . . "Episode 24"@en . . "2"^^ . "55"^^ . "Granted the ability to see through any lie, the Truth teamed up with female adventurer Dare to fight the Claw. However, Truth was soon killed by Justine, a Claw sleeper agent who had infiltrated the Superpowers."@en . "1"^^ . . "TRUTH"@en . . . "Halo 5 Guardians"@de . "2006-05-29"^^ . "Watching Rei fall down, both Neo and Zero race to her aid. Realizing that Zero is the only one fast enough to save Rei, Neo orders [[Arukadhimon ()|Arukadhimon]] to stop his attack, only to have him continue attacking. Fighting him off, Zero manages to safely catch Rei and lays her down on the ground. When Neo questions her about why she did it, Rei responds to not being able to live knowing that his actions were a result of her accident. Once he realizes what he was doing was wrong, Arukadhimon degenerates back to Mega, on the count that he does not have a pure heart anymore. Thinking they've won, they are surprised that Arukadhimon begins to speak, with [[MagnaAngemon ()|MagnaAngemon]] explaining that it is [[Daemon ()|Daemon]]'s voice. Explaining that it had been part of his plan to be absorbed by Arukadhimon, he informs Neo he has been using him since the start. Rearranging Arukadhimon's data, he evolves to [[Daemon (Super Ultimate) ()|Daemon (Super Ultimate)]]."@en . "Sono hitomi o shinjite iru"@en . . . "Truth is the twenty-fifth episode of .hack//Roots. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . . . . . . "Evening"@ru . . . . . . "Truth is the foundation for the virtues of Honesty, Justice, Honor and Spirituality. In the case of Honesty, Truth is the only principle leading to it. The symbols of Truth are the Book of Truth, which is kept in Ultima IV and Ultima IX in the Lycaeum, the Fortress of Truth on Verity Isle, and the eternal Flame of Truth. Many people from Britannia go to the Lycaeum to meditate or search for Truth."@en . . "80"^^ . "For weeks, Olene plays the game of faces with Arya Stark, surprising her with lies and truths at all hours."@en . . . "Masato Kitano"@en . . . "#FFFFFF; color: #FF6B00"@en . . "The Game of Faces"@en . . . "|}Truth is the fourth episode of the first series of The Dumping Ground Survival Files."@en . . "Truth was a young Cawn recruit to the Malazan Coastal Guard serving under Corporal Gesler in Seven Cities, although Fiddler later described him as being Falari. He was described as a gangly young man with startling blue eyes. He was one of the last members of the Boar Cult."@en . "TBA"@en . "176218"^^ . . "7"^^ . . . "Good"@en . "Koji Goto"@en . "32"^^ . . . "The 5th level of the Introduction. Spolier alert! The hidden info may spoil your fun of playing. In this level, a Bulbasaur and his friends take away Iza. They think Noah was trying to hurt the girl."@en . . . "Alright Hitchhikers, here's something you need to know. The Truth! Apparently truth is when you reveal something that you've done but hid it until the very last second or moment. Mostly revealing the truth can be good, as it apparently relieves a lot of stress and paranoia that you've built inside your humble little mind, I don't know why revealing the truth is so good, but if they say so then... Whatever. Many shows tell the importance of telling the truth, shows that air at 7:00 AM and are aimed at those little people called children. These shows stress the importance of telling the truth, even to the length of a full episode. With such memorable quotes such as \"Telling the truth can be good.\" and \"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth.\", who wouldn't want to tell the truth."@en . "Maxey Whitehead"@en . "Kizutsukeau noni"@en . . "maximal 8"@de . "The Truth Domain is closely associated with the domain of Law. Telling falsehoods in the Court of Hammu is a punishable offense. Worshippers of the Truth may at times oppose or support worshippers of Secrets or Chaos. Truth cannot abide falsehoods and has little in common with Trickery."@en . . "Allianz Struktur"@de . "\u300CTRUTH\u300D\u662F\u4E00\u9996\u521D\u65BC\u300A\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u4E94\u4EE3\u76EE\u300B\u767B\u5834\u7684\u4E00\u822C\u7D9C\u5408\u97F3\u6A02\u3002"@zh . "Da'an tells the Synod that he fears no more assassination attempts. He has placed his faith in Boone, whom he feels has unlimited potential."@en . "Tada hitotsu no ai ga hoshii noni\n\nMeguriaeta kiseki o shinjite"@en . . . "Shinjitsu"@en . "5"^^ . "\"A lie is just a good story ruined with the truth! True Story!\" -Barney Stinson It's true. What they say, about the truth. It's true. No one wants to hear it. Atleast, I never want to hear it. I the day I did, I killed two cats... two cats from each clan that is. First... Tawnyclan... Clawflight... and her brother... Dapplefrog... Then Brindleclan... Toadearth... then his kin... Dirtfur.... After that... Tanclan... Fuzzyfoot... Padeye... Then... Redclan... Pupilscar... Finally... their deputy... Me. Scarredclaw. We were all linked. You might figure it out. But, I'll explain... CHAPTER 1: FLIGHT"@en . . . . "Bribe"@en . "Truth was a young Cawn recruit to the Malazan Coastal Guard serving under Corporal Gesler in Seven Cities, although Fiddler later described him as being Falari. He was described as a gangly young man with startling blue eyes. He was one of the last members of the Boar Cult."@en . . . . "Barter"@en . "Moshimo subete o nakushite shimattemo"@en . . . . "Yellow"@en . . . . . . "Truth"@ru . . . . "|}Truth is the fourth episode of the first series of The Dumping Ground Survival Files."@en . . . "\"Take Me Away\""@en . . "III"@en . "Jin-suk Choi"@en . . "9"^^ . "\"Truth\""@en . "Anne Judith Wik, Nermin Harambasic, Tatiauna Matthews, Xin Xin Gao"@en . . . . "Truth \u306FHalo 2\u306EMidship\u3092\u30EA\u30E1\u30A4\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u30DE\u30C3\u30D7\u3067Halo 5: Guardians\u30DE\u30EB\u30C1\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30D9\u30FC\u30BF\u306B\u3066\u767B\u5834\u3057\u305F\u3002 \u3053\u306E\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306F\u30A4\u30F3\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F304\u3068\u95BE\u5024\u306E\u8FD1\u8FBA\u3092\u822A\u884C\u3059\u308B\u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u8266Undiminished Entelechy\u8266\u5185\u304C\u821E\u53F0\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . "The third virtue we read about was truth. The quote I choose was about accepting your own truth even though it may be harder to accept. \u201CWe all have our own truth ,some easier to accept than others.\u201D (Marshall III 120). This quote is universal because it applies to everyone, not just a group of people. It is a fact that people are living and we all have our own individual truth. Sometimes accepting the truth is a very hard thing to do, but once you do it that is when you are truly living your own authentic life."@en . . "T"@en . "Claim You Have Riches"@en . . "Introduction"@en . "Let me stay with you"@en . "TRUTH"@ru . . "The End of Battles"@en . . . "Omnibenevolence"@en . . . . "\u771F\u5B9F"@en . . "\"That is a lie,\" Arya says with easy contempt. Olene nods. \"You tell me.\""@en . "Alright Hitchhikers, here's something you need to know. The Truth! Apparently truth is when you reveal something that you've done but hid it until the very last second or moment. Mostly revealing the truth can be good, as it apparently relieves a lot of stress and paranoia that you've built inside your humble little mind, I don't know why revealing the truth is so good, but if they say so then... Whatever. Many shows tell the importance of telling the truth, shows that air at 7:00 AM and are aimed at those little people called children. These shows stress the importance of telling the truth, even to the length of a full episode. With such memorable quotes such as \"Telling the truth can be good.\" and \"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth.\", who wouldn't want to tell the truth. Unfortunately, everyone seems to lie nowadays. Yes, even those shows I mentioned above stress the importance of telling the truth, it seems like everyone disregards those lessons as \"Nothing important for children\" and that \"Children are likely to forget it anyway\". Mostly the president has even taken up lieing himself, using his presidential charm in order to keep his lies a secret. Mostly the president and every corrupt CEO that has ever existed has kept every lie a secret and converted it into the truth. Mostly everyone who protests are ignored, possibly killed. There has even been people trying to figure out the truth, but only to be thwarted by George W. Bush every time due to him listening to everything, I wouldn't want to be reprogrammed by the government, makes me shrug. Tell the truth people."@en . . "2009-09-23"^^ . "Da'an tells the Synod that he fears no more assassination attempts. He has placed his faith in Boone, whom he feels has unlimited potential."@en . . . . . . "\"The next step is to recognize faces,\" Olene tells Arya. \"Find me.\""@en . "\u5B89\u85E4\u6B63\u5BB9"@zh . . "yes"@en . "Open up your heart"@en . . . . "Flying"@en . . "Truth"@es . . "None"@en . . "Granted the ability to see through any lie, the Truth teamed up with female adventurer Dare to fight the Claw. However, Truth was soon killed by Justine, a Claw sleeper agent who had infiltrated the Superpowers."@en . . . . . . "By Nerrok Nerrok casually strode into The Slow Blade, the Horde-side's base of operations for The Grey Tiger Tong. The muscled orc had a pleasant smile decorating his usually grim features, no doubt on account of the recent rendevous he'd had with his lady-friend he'd been frequenting of late...Visions of her jet-black hair and emerald green eyes flickering within his consciousness as he greeted Kareth, the shopkeeper. \"Nerrok...Letter from Undermine, addressed to the Tiger Master of the Horde. I guess ya might wanna take a look at it...\", the orc mumbles, before going about his usual business of sharpening blades and taking care of \"company business\". Nerrok narrowed his eyes...The pleasantness of his countenance disentegrating instantly. No wonder Booth had run off, he thought to himself. The paperwork alone that required a Tiger Master's attention would drive one mad. He took the note, and tore open the envelope. The following is what he read, though before Nerrok could finish reading it's entirety, he lost track of time...Indeed, he lost track of his entire being. \"Za'Baal's work has been diligent. He has come to us numerous times in search of answers for the dissapearance of Su'Jin, though unfortunately we could not provide the solution. He should be commended for his work. He is indeed an asset to The Tong, and should be commended as such.\" The note went on in excrutiating detail of how Za'Baal had tried doggedly to locate his lost sister, and the trials and tribulations that had accompanied his efforts. Much sweat, pain and bloodshed had gone into the task of locating Su'Jin, on Za'Baal's part. As Nerrok's blood-red gaze followed the letters down the page, the crimson hue of his vision became, slowly but surely, icey blue with hatred. It didn't take long for the Hunter to put the pieces together. He had been tricked. Booth had manipulated him. Indeed, he had manipulated every single member of The Tong itself...Claw, Officer, Vanguard, and Master alike. But his former Tiger Master had tricked him the most of all. He had made him think that Za'Baal, the Troll that had inducted him into the Tong...Brought him into the organization that most resembled the closest thing to a family he had ever had....had been a traitor. Nerrok remembered vividly the early fall day that he had led young Korttie away, so that Booth could shove a knife into the troll's temple. He remembered carrying the body, disguised in an empty fish salt sack, to the far reaches of Stonetalon to be disposed of. If he were a traitor, why would he have searched for his lost Sister with such determination? The clues simply did not add up to what he was told to believe. Anger became Rage in an instant, and Nerrok seized the shopkeeper by the throat...hefting the rather large Orc up by one arm, pinning him against the wall as he hissed out his words, his Blood Fury getting the best of him as he took out his frustrations on the poor fellow. \"If you see that lecherous zombie...You tell me. He has tricked me...You...Us. He is no longer your master....\", Nerrok struggles to spit out the rest of his words, overcome with grief. \"He is no longer welcome here, nor anywhere within The Tong's juridiction. You tell me...For I will not rest until his traitorous blood is painting these walls...\" With that, he lets the orc down, who collapses onto the floor, clutching his throat and gasping for breath. \"I...I will, Nerrok...I swear upon Thrall's honor...\", he rasps, knelt onto one knee. The wounded shopkeeper could not stop the rampaging hunter from tearing the shop apart in anguish. Tables were overturned, blades were jammed into the tent walls...The entire Slow Blade was ruined in essence, thanks to Nerrok's uncontrollable fury at this news. Gathering his thoughts outside the gate of Orgrimmar, he slowly and silently approached the Zepplin platform. Nerrok clutched the note in his fist....Having never experienced his rage at these heights. How could he have been so blind...?, he wondered aloud to himself. He needed to see Her...To hold Her...To kiss Her...To feel the warmth of Her flesh against his own, to hear her soothing voice comfort his tormented mind. Anything to calm him down, which only She could, at this point. But before that, he had to get this note to Tai Jiang...To explain to him what had happened. To explain to him how he had been betrayed. Indeed....To explain how the entire Tong had been stabbed, literally and figuratively, in the temple. With his eyes, the windows to his very soul, colored amber and slit diagonally as the zepplin departed for Booty Bay, the spirit of The Hawk possessed the green-skinned hunter. The Hunt begins."@en . "Shhh"@en . . . . . . . . . "TBD"@en . . . . "Dark Virus"@en . "Male"@en . . "Truth"@ru . . "To uphold the Law of Equivalent Exchange, and give those who are arrogant, prideful, or boastful proper despair."@en . . "Bodyguard"@en . "6"^^ . "Truth"@de . "Not to be confused with truthiness, truth is a lie used by books and the liberal media to scare little children. As freedom's founding fathers, the ancient Greeks used to say, \"Truth is to reality as truthiness is to fear. Here's the main difference between truth and truthiness: telling the truth means using facts to make people gay, while telling truthiness means using your gut to spread the values of freedom. Now America, which would you rather let your children play with? Plus, as everyone knows, reality has a liberal bias and truth is the new hate speech. So, by avoiding truth American children will be free from liberalism and hate. It's just common sense."@en . . "Me and the principal go gung-ho anime ridiculous power on the bully. We own his ass. I take his ass. I sell it to the wizard. The wizard zaps me. The principal yells over my corpse in a dramatic manner. The great healer of wikis comes and revives me. He sings his montage to the wizard. An assassin of cheese comes and helps defeat the wizard. Battle win."@en . "Truth is one of the fundamental building blocks of reality. One could probably say that without truth, nothing could exist. In fact, not only is truth a fundamental building block of reality, but it is also a central character trait and attribute of the one who is in control of all things, namely God himself. Jesus Christ, the second Person of the triune God, proclaimed about himself in John 14:6, \"...I am the way, and the truth, and the life...\". From that verse and others, we can conclude that truth is not something external to God himself, but is rather something that is inextricably joined and a part of His Being."@en . "Truth in Chaos (de_truth) is an official bomb defusal map in Counter-Strike (Xbox) and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero."@en . . "\"Truth\" (\u771F\u5B9F) is a instrumental musical composition from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. It is 2:14 long and has been released on Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Sound Duel Vol II."@en . . . "TRUTH"@ru . . "Truth, or \"god\" is an intangible being who exists in the Fullmetal Alchemist series. Truth oversees everything in the universe, and regulates all Alchemic exchanges in the world. Truth reveals itself when alchemists attempt to \"Play God\" through attempting Human Transmutation. Seeing Human Transmutation as an unfair exchange according to the equivalent exchange laws of Alchemy, Truth will bring the alchemist into the Gate and forceably take their most valued attribute, or something of value that represents their anticipated relationship to the person they are trying to create, or resurrect. Truth will accept otherwise impossible exchanges when a Philosopher's Stone is used, as it or part of it will be used for the exchange instead."@en . . "It's late at night. Very late. Your eyes are a little sore, but you aren't ready to go to bed yet. The thread you're reading on /x/ is interesting enough to keep you awake...and to tell the truth, it has you a little too creeped out to close your eyes just yet. You know they're just stories, written by people just like you, and in the beginning these creepy stories served to give you a good chill before bed. But the more you read them, the more you wonder if some of them might be based on reality. Yes, the Candle Cove story is confirmed fiction...but didn't you see things as a kid that no one else seemed to see? Weren't there things you tried to explain to your parents, fears that they couldn't understand? Eventually you learned that your parents were older and knew your fears were irrational. But what if they weren't? What if you DID see something they couldn't see...? No, you think to yourself. That's just silly. They are only stories. But then again, there are other stories that throw your skepticism off a little. The smile.jpg news article is obviously fake. A photoshopped picture of a dog smiling couldn't possibly make people go insane or want to kill themselves. But now that you look at the picture, it DOES make you feel...weird. Not insane, not suicidal, but definitely not normal. Stop it, you say to yourself. You're acting like a child. It's okay to be scared of creepy stories when you're eleven years old at a sleepover, but now you're older and you know these things are only works of the imagination. Still, you can't shake those feelings. Eventually, you have worked yourself into a fear that is just strong enough to keep you awake once you've closed the computer. You feel silly, but - didn't you just see a shadow move out of the corner of your eye? And what was that noise that came from inside the wall behind your bed? You glance at yourself in the mirror, but you just don't look quite right. You feel a chill. Suddenly, you find yourself pulling your feet under the covers, although you can't explain why. You have to go to the bathroom, but there's no way you're getting out of bed. You can only lay there, paranoid and alert, until the sun comes up and light fills your room. And then maybe that thing in your closet will stop watching you.... Original author unknown"@en . "Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01"@en . . . "That is a Lie"@en . . . . . "The Truth"@en . . . "Misc: \n* Creation Date: February, 2009. \n* Creation Rank: Cub (0) \n* Departure Date: N/A Notes: Past Lives: 4 - He has proven to be 'touched' by a few ancestors. Appearance 4, Willpower 6, and Rage 6. Born and raised in a strange and unique environment 'off the grid'. Even after much indoctrination and education, he is still a tiny bit screwy when it comes to what some might consider standard and obvious concepts. Recently returned from a long study under the Fostern Child of Gaia, Open Stone at the Western Eye, Truth is eagerly looking forward to his Rite of Passage."@en . . "Truth was an Idiot-Savant Sahir Ebonite."@en . . "14"^^ . "Truth is the 9th track to Tezuka's album Impressive. \n* Credits to"@en . . . . "200"^^ . . "Ageless"@en . . "TRUTH \u2014 \u044D\u043D\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0433 XBlaze Code: Embryo, \u0438\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0421\u0430\u043A\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u041C\u0435\u0433\u0443."@ru . "Character in The Prophet's Paradise and Alone. No apparent connection with The Phantom of Truth. Truth is also stated to be a weapon created by Aldebaran for use against The King In Yellow by The Stranger in the script reproduced in More Light."@en . "St. Louis, Missouri"@en . "File:PolyhedronLogo.png \"The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion\"\u2014Polyhedron 59''"@en . . . . . "Truth is the twenty-third episode of the Ao No Exorcist anime. It first aired on September 18, 2011."@en . "City"@en . . . . . . "The same as whomever is currently engaging in conversation with Truth"@en . . . . . "Osaka, Japan"@ru . "Truth es el trig\u00E9simosegundo soundtrack de Naruto Pel\u00EDcula 2: Las Ruinas Ilusior\u00EDas en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora"@es . "Truth"@en . . "Truth is a oneshot Style fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net and DeviantART by Icelilly."@en . "Truth"@en . "Hanarete itemo kono mune ni itsudemo"@en . "Endless Story"@en . "Truth is a metaphysical being who appears when a person attempts Human Transmutation. Seeing Human Transmutation as an unfair exchange according to the equivalent exchange laws of Alchemy, Truth will bring the alchemist into the Gate and forceably take their most valued attribute, or something of value that represents their anticipated relationship to the person they are trying to create or resurrect. Truth will accept otherwise impossible exchanges when a Philosopher's Stone is used, as it or part of it will be used for the exchange instead. As a negative version or \"conscience\" of the alchemist who performed Human Transmutation, Truth is perceived by the finite human mind as punishing them for \"Playing God\". As a \"God\", or \"the Universe\", Truth embodies the universe, serves as both a deity and Monad for it, and also represents the consciousnesses and consciences of living things. Truth oversees everything in the universe, and regulates all Alchemic exchanges in the world. Aside from humans, all living things possess their own Gate of Truth, through which they can see Truth (or, speculatively, their own cognitive perceptions of the actual Truth that their limited 3-dimensional intelligences make up in a vain attempt to comprehend Truth). In the series, the Gaea hypothesis is proven by Father, and Father subsequently reveals that heavenly bodies, like planets and stars, also have their own Gates since they are \"life forms\"."@en . . "1"^^ . . "City"@en . "Look Like Soldier"@en . . "The Big Tick"@en . . . . "Truth"@en . "Romance/Drama"@en . "Arya tells Olene, \"I was a boy named Arry, a recruit for the Night's Watch.\" Olene nods. \"True. For a time.\""@en . "Nina"@en . . "Me and the principal go gung-ho anime ridiculous power on the bully. We own his ass. I take his ass. I sell it to the wizard. The wizard zaps me. The principal yells over my corpse in a dramatic manner. The great healer of wikis comes and revives me. He sings his montage to the wizard. An assassin of cheese comes and helps defeat the wizard. Battle win."@en . . . . . "Shu and the remaining try to find a way to beat it while also trying to figure the reason for Zola's betrayal.Shu convinces everyone that Zola must have some good reason for all of this. He decides that they should team up with Logi and go inside the darkness and talk to Zola."@en . "It's my truth"@en . "Truth is what is Real and functions i.e. it can be used. True are things confirmed by experiments, they work, they can be used."@en . "Character in The Prophet's Paradise and Alone. No apparent connection with The Phantom of Truth. Truth is also stated to be a weapon created by Aldebaran for use against The King In Yellow by The Stranger in the script reproduced in More Light."@en . "Claim You Saved Jaqen"@en . "\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u4E94\u4EE3\u76EE"@zh . . "The Truth Domain is closely associated with the domain of Law. Telling falsehoods in the Court of Hammu is a punishable offense. Worshippers of the Truth may at times oppose or support worshippers of Secrets or Chaos. Truth cannot abide falsehoods and has little in common with Trickery."@en . . "link=Original|Bomb Defuselink=Zombie Modes"@ru . . "Truth \u306FHalo 2\u306EMidship\u3092\u30EA\u30E1\u30A4\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u30DE\u30C3\u30D7\u3067Halo 5: Guardians\u30DE\u30EB\u30C1\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30D9\u30FC\u30BF\u306B\u3066\u767B\u5834\u3057\u305F\u3002 \u3053\u306E\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306F\u30A4\u30F3\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F304\u3068\u95BE\u5024\u306E\u8FD1\u8FBA\u3092\u822A\u884C\u3059\u308B\u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u8266Undiminished Entelechy\u8266\u5185\u304C\u821E\u53F0\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . "Truth was an Idiot-Savant Sahir Ebonite."@en . . "Fight"@en . . . . "2003-05-21"^^ . . "Random Common Boon"@en . . "It's my truth\n\nChirabaru hoshi ga sasayakikakeru"@en . . . . . . "326"^^ . . "Itsuka musubiaeru tsuyoi kizuna o\n\nSekaij\u016B no kanashimi o subete"@en . "Truth is the 326th chapter of Akira Amano's Kateky\u014D Hitman Reborn!"@en . "Pandora Hearts Sepzial CD Vol. 3"@de . "Truth is what is Real and functions i.e. it can be used. True are things confirmed by experiments, they work, they can be used."@en . . "\u0414\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0443\u043A\u0435 \u041A\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0442\u0430"@ru . . "Operation Truth in Chaos (de_truth_cz) is an official bomb defuse map in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Counter-Strike Online."@ru . . "Omnipresence"@en . . "Truth in Chaos"@en . "I know, I know. It can be hard at first. Be at peace. You need never move from this place. Yes, this red rock. The grass will cover you. Your ribs will give rest. We will raise stones to honour you, who saw the sky."@en . . . . "It's late at night. Very late. Your eyes are a little sore, but you aren't ready to go to bed yet. The thread you're reading on /x/ is interesting enough to keep you awake...and to tell the truth, it has you a little too creeped out to close your eyes just yet. You know they're just stories, written by people just like you, and in the beginning these creepy stories served to give you a good chill before bed. No, you think to yourself. That's just silly. They are only stories. Still, you can't shake those feelings. And then maybe that thing in your closet will stop watching you...."@en . "2008-07-14"^^ . "\u91D8"@en . . . "You are courageous enough to see the world as it is, without that comforting haze of illusion required by lesser minds. Are you not?"@en . . . "Naze konna ni motometeshimau no"@en . "62"^^ . "The 5th level of the Introduction. Spolier alert! The hidden info may spoil your fun of playing. In this level, a Bulbasaur and his friends take away Iza. They think Noah was trying to hurt the girl."@en . "''Incubus Dreams"@en . . . "Truth ist das Charakter Lied von Gilbert Nightray. Es wurde ebenfalls, wie die Charakter Lieder von Oz und Alice, von seinem Seiyuu, Toriumi Kousuke, gesungen. Es ist am 23. September 2009 auf der Pandora Hearts Sepzial CD Vol. 3 erschienen."@de . "Truth is a remake of the Halo 2 map Midship, featured in the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. It is set in Undiminished Entelechy, a Covenant ship that is orbiting Threshold next to Installation 04."@en . "Download"@en . . . . "14"^^ . . "TBA"@en . . "Rare Seal of Subversive Adventuring"@en . . "\"You\""@en . . "Bomb defusal"@en . . . . "Undiminished Entelechy, over Installation 04"@en . . . . . "Wasurenaide ite, ano hi mita yume o"@en . . . "*Halo 5: Guardians\n*Halo: The Master Chief Collection\n**Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta"@en . "and I'll give you my tenderness"@en . . "Truth is the twenty-fifth episode of .hack//Roots. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . . "\u300CTRUTH\u300D\u662F\u4E00\u9996\u521D\u65BC\u300A\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u30B4\u30FC\uFF01\u4E94\u4EE3\u76EE\u300B\u767B\u5834\u7684\u4E00\u822C\u7D9C\u5408\u97F3\u6A02\u3002"@zh . . . . "*\u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u8266 \u8266\u5185"@ja . "God, Monad"@en . . "Truth was one of the winners of RPG Contest 10. It was run by member Tiragath. Truth was one of the shortest RPGs on record."@en . "Allianz Schlachtschiff"@de . "Where there is openness and truth, there is justice and equality. Where there is justice there is order. Truth is one of the three tenants of the Mask of Eternity. The precept of truth is that it is mighty and shall prevail. Once Truth all is obtained all the the forces are brought into a Perfect Balance. Truth did not come into the world naked, in came in images. One must enter into the image into Truth. The Scales of Justice reveal the way to truth and justice. The Feather of Truth can balance Truth and Justice. The Sword of Truth is the only weapon that could defeat Lucreto."@en . . . "TBD"@en . . "Vic Mignogna"@en . "Truth es el trig\u00E9simosegundo soundtrack de Naruto Pel\u00EDcula 2: Las Ruinas Ilusior\u00EDas en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora"@es . "World_House_BW.jpg"@en . "3"^^ . . . . . . . "TRUTH \u2014 \u044D\u043D\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0433 XBlaze Code: Embryo, \u0438\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0421\u0430\u043A\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u041C\u0435\u0433\u0443."@ru . "\u771F\u5B9F"@en . . . . "\"Truth\""@en . . . . . . . . "2004-04-21"^^ . . . "IXI1101"@en . . . "When Chloe accidentally inhales a mysterious truth gas, she discovers it acts as a truth serum to anyone who comes in contact with her and decides to take advantage of her new power by going to the Kents to find out Clark's secret. However, her new power comes with fatal consequences and Clark must find an antidote before she discovers the truth about him or worse, dies."@en . "Aug.26.2016"@en . . "Uketometemo ii, anata no tame nara"@en . "From: [[]] \t You are courageous enough to see the world as it is, without that comforting haze of illusion required by lesser minds. Are you not? [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Look Like Thief"@en . . "One"@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Truth File:Nav bar right.png File:Quest Boss Icon.png Truth is a that is part of the The Game of Faces storyline. File:World House BW.jpg For weeks, Olene plays the game of faces with Arya Stark, surprising her with lies and truths at all hours."@en . . . . . . . . . "Mami Takubo, Narumi Yamamoto"@en . "Secrets"@en . "Aid"@en . . . . . "Kono omoi wa eien nano"@en . . "The Holy Light, Ulforce"@en . "Truth is what comprises reality, truth is also anything said by a true liberal. Of course most of what Liberapedia says is true, but what do you expect, we're liberals? We're here to have fun, laugh and learn all at the same time. liberalism is centered on truth and finding the truth."@en . . . "\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u3082\u3070\u3044\u308B"@zh . . . "Existence of the Universe"@en . . . . . . "Secret"@en . . . . . . "Truth is one of the fundamental building blocks of reality. One could probably say that without truth, nothing could exist. In fact, not only is truth a fundamental building block of reality, but it is also a central character trait and attribute of the one who is in control of all things, namely God himself. Jesus Christ, the second Person of the triune God, proclaimed about himself in John 14:6, \"...I am the way, and the truth, and the life...\". From that verse and others, we can conclude that truth is not something external to God himself, but is rather something that is inextricably joined and a part of His Being."@en . . . . "Episode 6"@en . "Universe"@en . . . "Truth is the twenty-third episode of the Ao No Exorcist anime. It first aired on September 18, 2011."@en . "Take Me Away"@en . . "Tomadou kokoro o terashinagara"@en . . "\"Truth\""@en . . . "*Battle Rifle\n*Covenant Carbine\n*Energy Sword\n*Plasma Caster\n*Plasma Pistol\n*SMG\n*Storm Rifle\n*Fragmentation grenades\n*Plasma grenades\n*Splinter grenades"@en . . "Haley and Elan finally face a moment of truth."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Omnipotence"@en . . . . "\"Miracle\""@en . . "World"@en . . "Episode 2 (2009 series)"@en . . . "Alex Ross, Jim Krueger"@en . . . . "Complete"@en . . "Truth is a metaphysical being who appears when a person attempts Human Transmutation. Seeing Human Transmutation as an unfair exchange according to the equivalent exchange laws of Alchemy, Truth will bring the alchemist into the Gate and forceably take their most valued attribute, or something of value that represents their anticipated relationship to the person they are trying to create or resurrect. Truth will accept otherwise impossible exchanges when a Philosopher's Stone is used, as it or part of it will be used for the exchange instead."@en . "Truth (de_truth) es un mapa oficial de Desactivaci\u00F3n de Bomba en Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. La misi\u00F3n Truth in Chaos en del Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes se basa en este mapa."@es . . "Hip-hop, Rock, and R&B"@en . "\u0421\u0430\u043A\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u041C\u0435\u0433\u0443"@ru . . "V"@en . . "400.0"^^ . "2006-12-22"^^ . "RUCCA"@ru . . . "Truth is a remake of the Halo 2 map Midship, featured in the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. It is set in Undiminished Entelechy, a Covenant ship that is orbiting Threshold next to Installation 04."@en . . . . . . "yes"@en . "Shu and the remaining try to find a way to beat it while also trying to figure the reason for Zola's betrayal.Shu convinces everyone that Zola must have some good reason for all of this. He decides that they should team up with Logi and go inside the darkness and talk to Zola."@en . . . "Boss"@en . "Olene finds Arya bathing. She tries to cover herself as Olene comes in. \"Who are you?\" Olene asks. Arya answers, \"No one.\""@en . "Don't you know my heart"@en . "\"Decision\""@en . . "Truth is the brother of Wicked. He is nearly killed trying to capture a fleeing vampire from The Church of Eternal Life on Anita's command. He is blood oathed by Anita. He and his brother are the last members of a warrior vampire bloodline. With Wicked, he helped to slay his entire bloodline, after their sourdre de sang became insane, and together he and his brother have traveled alone for years. Noted warriors, the brothers are called \"The Wicked Truth\". This article or section is a stub. You can help the Anita Blake Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "141"^^ . . . "Misc: \n* Creation Date: February, 2009. \n* Creation Rank: Cub (0) \n* Departure Date: N/A Notes: Past Lives: 4 - He has proven to be 'touched' by a few ancestors. Appearance 4, Willpower 6, and Rage 6. Born and raised in a strange and unique environment 'off the grid'. Even after much indoctrination and education, he is still a tiny bit screwy when it comes to what some might consider standard and obvious concepts. Recently returned from a long study under the Fostern Child of Gaia, Open Stone at the Western Eye, Truth is eagerly looking forward to his Rite of Passage. That Rite has been spoken of being soon to come. His training is brutal, but for the most part, self imposed. He climbs trees barehanded and leaps to others trying to hold on to them, ignoring vicious wounds earned in the process. He picks fights with superior foes and doesn't give in to pain or pride in his victory or losses. He half-drowns himself in mud and his eyes covered in it, runs through the woods as if after a foe, welcoming the embrace of suffering he earns each time he slams face first into a tree or trips over a root to knock out teeth or open his forehead on an exposed rock. All the while, Truth keeps to the non-healing form for as long as possible, even the point of nearly killing himself before finally succumbing to the need for supernatural healing."@en . "Truth was one of the winners of RPG Contest 10. It was run by member Tiragath. Truth was one of the shortest RPGs on record."@en . "Humanoid Secret"@en . . "Defend Iza!"@en . "Be Oneself!"@en . "Showdown"@de . "Truth is the 326th chapter of Akira Amano's Kateky\u014D Hitman Reborn!"@en . "Yes"@en . "Selection icon"@ru . "TRUTH"@en . . . . "de_truth_cz"@ru . . . "Fated Battle Between Brothers"@en . . . . . . . . "Truth"@de . "no"@en . . "Tsumazuita toki mo aruite kita, namida o hutte"@en . "TRUTH"@ru . "338.0"^^ . "Haley and Elan finally face a moment of truth."@en . "Truth"@ja . . "\u771F\u5B9F"@en . "Truth"@en . "When Chloe accidentally inhales a mysterious truth gas, she discovers it acts as a truth serum to anyone who comes in contact with her and decides to take advantage of her new power by going to the Kents to find out Clark's secret. However, her new power comes with fatal consequences and Clark must find an antidote before she discovers the truth about him or worse, dies."@en . "Omniscience"@en . "Truth ist das Charakter Lied von Gilbert Nightray. Es wurde ebenfalls, wie die Charakter Lieder von Oz und Alice, von seinem Seiyuu, Toriumi Kousuke, gesungen. Es ist am 23. September 2009 auf der Pandora Hearts Sepzial CD Vol. 3 erschienen."@de . "Kanadete yukitai anata e no melody"@en . . . . "Truth is a suffix that can appear on Jewels. It provides a small increase to Hit Recovery. It doesn't start spawning on items until Item Level 44. This will allow you to recover from being stunned much faster when hit by a Monster. This is especially useful for characters that do a lot of melee fighting or that cannot afford to be stunned for very long. Faster Hit Recovery items can stack."@en . . . . . . . "{| class=\"box headnote\" |- |This is the article on episode 141. For episode 458, head to Truth. |} is episode 141 of the Naruto: Shipp\u016Bden anime."@en . "Ben 10"@en . "Spy"@en . . . "Truth"@en . . . . "Light blue"@en . . "Truth is the brother of Wicked. He is nearly killed trying to capture a fleeing vampire from The Church of Eternal Life on Anita's command. He is blood oathed by Anita. He and his brother are the last members of a warrior vampire bloodline. With Wicked, he helped to slay his entire bloodline, after their sourdre de sang became insane, and together he and his brother have traveled alone for years. Noted warriors, the brothers are called \"The Wicked Truth\". In Skin Trade after receiving blood from Anita, Truth recovers some of his old bloodline powers, including the ability to move faster then even a lycanthrope. He also specifies that his bloodline could pass for human even to witches. This article or section is a stub. You can help the Anita Blake Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . . . . "\"TRUTH\" is the ending theme of XBlaze \u2013 Code: Embryo. It is performed by Megu Sakuragawa."@en . . "23"^^ . . "Kanjite iru, anata dake o"@en . . . . "Igazs\u00E1g"@en . "TRUTH"@en . . "This caused the man to become a giant snob and forced him to be as rude as he could to anyone and everyone he met. One day a lady asked him if the dress made her look fat, he replied \u201CYes, somehow this miraculous dress makes you look even fatter than you originally did!\u201D That was the birth of 'truth', named by the King himself. He was once asked by the king if he slayed the dragon he was sent out to. He replied \u201CNo, and for you to actually believe in such stupid things you shouldn\u2019t be the one ruling our kingdom.\u201D"@en . . . . . "Truth is a suffix that can appear on Jewels. It provides a small increase to Hit Recovery. It doesn't start spawning on items until Item Level 44. This will allow you to recover from being stunned much faster when hit by a Monster. This is especially useful for characters that do a lot of melee fighting or that cannot afford to be stunned for very long. Faster Hit Recovery items can stack."@en . . . "Truth, or \"god\" is an intangible being who exists in the Fullmetal Alchemist series. Truth oversees everything in the universe, and regulates all Alchemic exchanges in the world. Truth reveals itself when alchemists attempt to \"Play God\" through attempting Human Transmutation. Seeing Human Transmutation as an unfair exchange according to the equivalent exchange laws of Alchemy, Truth will bring the alchemist into the Gate and forceably take their most valued attribute, or something of value that represents their anticipated relationship to the person they are trying to create, or resurrect. Truth will accept otherwise impossible exchanges when a Philosopher's Stone is used, as it or part of it will be used for the exchange instead."@en . . "\"There is no one left alive that I love,\" Arya says fiercely. Olene nods, \"Truth.\" But Arya shakes her head. \"Jon Snow.\""@en . . . "Truth is a oneshot Style fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net and DeviantART by Icelilly."@en . "Hard Truths"@en . . . . . . "Truth is the 9th track to Tezuka's album Impressive. \n* Credits to"@en . . "Claim You Killed King"@en . "File:PolyhedronLogo.png \"The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion\"\u2014Polyhedron 59''"@en . "Ask Trick Questions"@en . . "Truth"@de . . . . "Truth"@en . "Medium"@ru . "\u3086\u3089\u308A\u63FA\u308C\u308B\u5149\u3072\u3068\u3064 \u75DB\u307F\u7652\u3059\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u6D88\u3048\u308B I take your life forever You take my life forever \u3072\u3089\u308A\u843D\u3061\u308B\u6D99\u3072\u3068\u3064 \u601D\u3044\u5C4A\u304F\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u6D88\u3048\u308B I take your life forever You take my life \u6B62\u307E\u3089\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u6642\u306B\u6F5C\u3080\uFF08\u51CD\u3048\u305D\u3046\u306A\u6D99\u306E\u8272\uFF09 \u611B\u306F\u304D\u3063\u3068\u964D\u308A\u6CE8\u3050\u96E8\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B \u623B\u308C\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u8A18\u61B6\u3081\u3050\u308B\uFF08\u51CD\u3048\u305D\u3046\u306A\u6D99\u306E\u8272\uFF09 \u5168\u3066\u596A\u308F\u308C\u305F\u3053\u306E\u4E16\u306E\u679C\u3066\u306B \u60B2\u3057\u307F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u7D42\u308F\u308A\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u5FC3\u306F\u8B0E\u3081\u3044\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u95C7\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u8FEB\u308B\u771F\u5B9F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u3069\u3093\u306A\u4E16\u754C\u3092\u63CF\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u660E\u65E5\u306F\u898B\u3048\u306A\u304F\u3066 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u767E\u5408\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u7A62\u308C\u3092\u77E5\u3089\u306A\u3044 \u9858\u3044\u306F\u900F\u660E\u306A\u307E\u307E\u3067 \u767D\u304F\u67D3\u307E\u308B\u82B1\u306B\uFF11\u4EBA \u4F55\u3082\u5909\u308F\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306A\u304F\u8A93\u3046 I take your life forever You take my life \u5C4A\u304B\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u58F0\u306B\u6B8B\u308B\uFF08\u96A0\u3057\u5207\u308C\u306C\uFF12\u3064\u306E\u9854\uFF09 \u611B\u306F\u305D\u3063\u3068\u5439\u304D\u629C\u3051\u308B\u98A8\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B \u7D42\u308F\u3089\u306A\u3044\uFF08\u3053\u307C\u308C\u843D\u3061\u305F\u6D99\u306E\u3042\u3068\uFF09 \u591C\u306B\u7720\u308B\uFF08\u96A0\u3057\u5207\u308C\u306C\uFF12\u3064\u306E\u9854\uFF09 \u5922\u306E\u50B7\u8DE1\u306B\u6B8B\u3057\u305F\u75DB\u307F \u60B2\u3057\u307F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u308F\u305A\u304B\u306A\u5149\u751F\u307E\u308C\u3066\u3082 \u5606\u304D\u306F\u7E70\u308A\u8FD4\u3059 \u305D\u308C\u306F\u307E\u308B\u3067\u5618\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u6D88\u3048\u308B\u771F\u5B9F \u305F\u3068\u3048\u6700\u5F8C\u306E\u7FBD\u3092\u958B\u3044\u3066\u3082 \u904B\u547D\u306F\u5909\u3048\u3089\u308C\u305A \u767E\u5408\u306E\u82B1\u306F\u306F\u304B\u306A\u3052\u306B\u75DB\u307F\u306F\u6D88\u3048\u306A\u3044 \u5922\u306A\u3089\u611B\u3057\u305F\u307E\u307E\u3067"@es . . "TRUTH"@zh . . . . . . "Omoide no saki ni kitto ashita to iu kib\u014D ga aru kara\n\nGive me your loneliness"@en . "Truth is the fourteenth episode of Ben 10."@en . . "Verdades"@en . "He is able to freely transform into any form, and is shown to be: a geeky man, a child soldier, an older soldier, an elegant woman, a pilot, Eureka (although not very well)[ep 13]. As the Nirvash Neo's archetype, he takes the form of a computerized image similar to his human form."@en . "This caused the man to become a giant snob and forced him to be as rude as he could to anyone and everyone he met. One day a lady asked him if the dress made her look fat, he replied \u201CYes, somehow this miraculous dress makes you look even fatter than you originally did!\u201D That was the birth of 'truth', named by the King himself. He was once asked by the king if he slayed the dragon he was sent out to. He replied \u201CNo, and for you to actually believe in such stupid things you shouldn\u2019t be the one ruling our kingdom.\u201D That is when Truth was imprisoned. But truth spread around quickly, and before you knew it the world was actually peaceful. But after about 15 years of truth, people realized that by telling the truth, their lies were getting too obvious, and eventually it led to World War 7/22. Along with most of the world, truth died during that war."@en . "Truth es el trig\u00E9simosegundo soundtrack de Naruto Pel\u00EDcula 2: Las Ruinas Ilusior\u00EDas en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora"@en . . "*Prophets' Bane"@ja . "o8HVJjh5NxY"@de . . . "From: [[]] \t You are courageous enough to see the world as it is, without that comforting haze of illusion required by lesser minds. Are you not? [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Emi K.Lynn"@en . "All"@en . . . . . "Ritual Entertainment"@ru . "1137"^^ . . "Single"@en . "YouTube Broadcast / Niconico Broadcast"@en . "Truth"@en . . . . "393"^^ . . . "\"Truth is a song by South Korean girl group Twice . This is the fourth song in the album The Story Begins."@en . . . . . . "Rogues' Cant"@en . "La Verdad"@en . . "\"Truth\" is the ending theme for Nana 2 by Yuna Ito, who played Reira Serizawa in the film. The single was released on December 6, 2006 and was also included in Ito's album Heart. \"Take Me Away\", a \"Endless Story\" remix, and an instrumental version of \"Truth\" comprise the single."@en . "Elemental Aura- Aura Manipulation- Elemental Consumption- Elemental Mimicry- Natural Element Manipulation- Rapid Physical Combat- Water Exoskeleton- Blood Manipulation- Health Optimization- Lactose Manipulation- Mindshifting- Ionic Manipulation- Peak Human Intelligence- Vector Manipulation- Sui Generis Manipulation- Lexiconicy- Semi-Immortality-"@en . "Truth was omniscient, capable of seeing through any lie. He also gave off a radiant light that could be used either defensively or offensively."@en . . . . . . . "Slash, Language"@en . "Catch Arya Off Guard"@en . . "\"Truth is a song by South Korean girl group Twice . This is the fourth song in the album The Story Begins."@en . . "It's my truth\n\nBelieve in yourself"@en . "A Door Left Open"@en . "Truth"@en . "Truth is the foundation for the virtues of Honesty, Justice, Honor and Spirituality. In the case of Honesty, Truth is the only principle leading to it. The symbols of Truth are the Book of Truth, which is kept in Ultima IV and Ultima IX in the Lycaeum, the Fortress of Truth on Verity Isle, and the eternal Flame of Truth. Many people from Britannia go to the Lycaeum to meditate or search for Truth. The shrine of Truth with the corresponding test is situated on the Isle of Fire. It is basically a test to see through illusions and false leads. The shrine itself dissapeared before Ultima IV, when the Isle of Fire sank into the seas, so it wasn't used in the quest for the Avatar. However, the Avatar gained access to the shrine when the Isle of Fire reappeared during Ultima VII."@en . . "Harass"@en . . . "\"Truth\" is the ending theme for Nana 2 by Yuna Ito, who played Reira Serizawa in the film. The single was released on December 6, 2006 and was also included in Ito's album Heart. \"Take Me Away\", a \"Endless Story\" remix, and an instrumental version of \"Truth\" comprise the single."@en . "winni"@en . . . . "Deai to wakare, hito wa sagasu no"@en . . "2015-10-20"^^ . . "2011-09-18"^^ . . "The third virtue we read about was truth. The quote I choose was about accepting your own truth even though it may be harder to accept. \u201CWe all have our own truth ,some easier to accept than others.\u201D (Marshall III 120). This quote is universal because it applies to everyone, not just a group of people. It is a fact that people are living and we all have our own individual truth. Sometimes accepting the truth is a very hard thing to do, but once you do it that is when you are truly living your own authentic life."@en . . "Truth is the fourteenth episode of Ben 10."@en . "Sabotage"@en . . . "Truth"@es . . "*Covenant Ship Interior"@en . "Truths"@en . "Look Like Banker"@en . "Slap Arya for Lies"@en . . "Where there is openness and truth, there is justice and equality. Where there is justice there is order. Truth is one of the three tenants of the Mask of Eternity. The precept of truth is that it is mighty and shall prevail. Once Truth all is obtained all the the forces are brought into a Perfect Balance. Truth did not come into the world naked, in came in images. One must enter into the image into Truth. The Scales of Justice reveal the way to truth and justice. The Feather of Truth can balance Truth and Justice. The Mirror of Truth was a powerful artifact. The word Truth was carved around its frame border over and over, in dozens of languages and alphabets. Likewise the property of Merlin's Mirror was it always told the truth, whether past, present or future. The Sword of Truth is the only weapon that could defeat Lucreto."@en . . "2009-12-24"^^ . . . . . . . . "Truth_cz.jpg"@es . . "Shinjitsu"@en . . "Truth"@en . . . "Luci Christian"@en . . "Truth"@en . "Sony"@en . "Courage"@en . "Truth in Chaos (de_truth) is an official bomb defusal map in Counter-Strike (Xbox) and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero."@en . . "Truth"@en . . . "Truth is what comprises reality, truth is also anything said by a true liberal. Of course most of what Liberapedia says is true, but what do you expect, we're liberals? We're here to have fun, laugh and learn all at the same time. liberalism is centered on truth and finding the truth."@en . "The Truth was prevented from revealing or acting upon everything he knew, including the identity of his killer."@en . . "Steal"@en . "Be Oneself!"@ru . "2012-07-09"^^ . . . . "Granted the ability to see through any lie, the Truth teamed up with female adventurer Dare to fight the Claw. However, Truth was soon killed by Justine, a Claw sleeper agent who had infiltrated the Superpowers."@en . "213.0"^^ . "Official"@ru . . . "Swindle"@en . . "Adventurer"@en . "5"^^ . "All"@en . "*Halo 5: Guardians\n*Halo: The Master Chief Collection\n**Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta"@ja . . "Not to be confused with truthiness, truth is a lie used by books and the liberal media to scare little children. As freedom's founding fathers, the ancient Greeks used to say, \"Truth is to reality as truthiness is to fear. Here's the main difference between truth and truthiness: telling the truth means using facts to make people gay, while telling truthiness means using your gut to spread the values of freedom. Now America, which would you rather let your children play with?"@en . "2015"^^ . "Operation Truth in Chaos (de_truth_cz) is an official bomb defuse map in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Counter-Strike Online."@ru . "2006-12-06"^^ . . . "La Verdad"@en . "Watching Rei fall down, both Neo and Zero race to her aid. Realizing that Zero is the only one fast enough to save Rei, Neo orders [[Arukadhimon ()|Arukadhimon]] to stop his attack, only to have him continue attacking. Fighting him off, Zero manages to safely catch Rei and lays her down on the ground. When Neo questions her about why she did it, Rei responds to not being able to live knowing that his actions were a result of her accident. Once he realizes what he was doing was wrong, Arukadhimon degenerates back to Mega, on the count that he does not have a pure heart anymore. Thinking they've won, they are surprised that Arukadhimon begins to speak, with [[MagnaAngemon ()|MagnaAngemon]] explaining that it is [[Daemon ()|Daemon]]'s voice. Explaining that it had been part of his plan to be "@en . "Complicated"@ru . . "Truth"@zh . "\"TRUTH\" is the ending theme of XBlaze \u2013 Code: Embryo. It is performed by Megu Sakuragawa."@en . "Undead"@en . "Truth es el trig\u00E9simosegundo soundtrack de Naruto Pel\u00EDcula 2: Las Ruinas Ilusior\u00EDas en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Truth File:Nav bar right.png File:Quest Boss Icon.png Truth is a that is part of the The Game of Faces storyline. File:World House BW.jpg For weeks, Olene plays the game of faces with Arya Stark, surprising her with lies and truths at all hours."@en . . "Punisher of the unjust"@en . "100"^^ . "\"Truth\" (\u771F\u5B9F) is a instrumental musical composition from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. It is 2:14 long and has been released on Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Sound Duel Vol II."@en . "Sekaij\u016B kara okizari ni saretemo"@en . "Truth"@de . "God"@en . "Toriumi Kousuke"@de .