. . . "US-Amerikanisch"@de . . . . . "Amerykanin"@pl . "Harold \"Harry\" Osborn; Harold Lyman from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 3 001.jpg"@en . . . . "Harold \"Harry\" Osborn; Harry Osborn Disambiguation.jpg"@en . "178.0"^^ . . "All of Green Goblin's powers"@en . . . "Ziemia-616"@pl . "Harry Osborn's Fu Manchu; Harry_Osborn_in_1969.JPG"@en . . . "Rudawo-br\u0105zowe"@pl . "57780"^^ . . . . "Harry Osborn BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Dieser Artikel beinhaltet Informationen \u00FCber den Neuen Kobold f\u00FCr informationen \u00FCber den gr\u00FCnen Kobold siehe Norman Osborn Harry Osborn alias Green Goblin ist der Erbe von Oscorp-Industries. Er erkrankte an der sogennanten Osborn-Krankheit und wurde so zu Spider-Mans Feind."@de . . . "Blue suit"@en . . "; Harold Osborn .jpg"@en . . "Harry Osborn es un viejo amigo de Peter Parker y el hijo de Norman Osborn, quien se convierte en el supervillano Duende Verde."@es . . . . . "Harry Osborn"@de . . . "Venom (ElectricMayhem's Spider-Man Film Series); MOVIE VENOM.PNG"@en . . . . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn 1.jpg"@en . . "Nadcz\u0142owiek"@pl . "13017"^^ . "inhaftiert"@de . . . . "2004"^^ . . "Harry Osborn is a fictional character, a supporting character of Spider-Man in the . In addition to being Peter Parker's best friend, Harry was the second Green Goblin and is the son of the first, Norman Osborn. Harry Osborn first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 (December 1965), and was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko."@en . . . . . "Dobro"@pl . "Powszechnie znana, wcze\u015Bniej tajna"@pl . "\u017Bonaty"@pl . . . . "Harold \"Harry\" Osborn is Peter Parker's best friend who is also the second Green Goblin."@en . . "77013"^^ . "Encarcelado"@es . . "Amazing Spider-Man #31"@pl . "Harry Osborn is the son of Norman Osborn and friend to Peter Parker. He eventually became the second Green Goblin."@en . . "7736"^^ . "(New Ultra Marvel); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . "In the Spider-Man films Harry Osborn was good friends with Peter Parker during high school and started a love interest with Mary Jane. After believing his father's death was caused by Spider-Man, Harry Osborn spent two years trying to find him. Harry took over Oscorp and supported Doctor Octavious's fusion experiments. After Ock's transformation, Harry made a deal with Doc Ock to bring Spider-Man to him alive, where he unmasked him and discovered his true identity, Peter Parker. After finding his father's secret lair within his mansion, Harry became the New Goblin and hunted after Peter. He became good in the third movie and went to save Peter and Mary Jane from Venom and Sandman. He ended up being killed by Venom."@en . . "Stan Lee, Steve Ditko"@pl . "Grey suit"@en . . . . . . . "In the Spider-Man films Harry Osborn was good friends with Peter Parker during high school and started a love interest with Mary Jane. After believing his father's death was caused by Spider-Man, Harry Osborn spent two years trying to find him. Harry took over Oscorp and supported Doctor Octavious's fusion experiments. After Ock's transformation, Harry made a deal with Doc Ock to bring Spider-Man to him alive, where he unmasked him and discovered his true identity, Peter Parker. After finding his father's secret lair within his mansion, Harry became the New Goblin and hunted after Peter. He became good in the third movie and went to save Peter and Mary Jane from Venom and Sandman. He ended up being killed by Venom."@en . . . "18119"^^ . . . "Harry Osborn is a fictional character, a supporting character of Spider-Man in the . In addition to being Peter Parker's best friend, Harry was the second Green Goblin and is the son of the first, Norman Osborn. Harry Osborn first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 (December 1965), and was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko."@en . . "Harry Osborn BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Dieser Artikel beinhaltet Informationen \u00FCber den Neuen Kobold f\u00FCr informationen \u00FCber den gr\u00FCnen Kobold siehe Norman Osborn Harry Osborn alias Green Goblin ist der Erbe von Oscorp-Industries. Er erkrankte an der sogennanten Osborn-Krankheit und wurde so zu Spider-Mans Feind."@de . . . . . . . . "Harry_Osborn2.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "Neuer Kobold, Green Goblin"@de . . . "Ss-amazing-spider-man-harry08ba.jpg"@de . . . "Green Goblin; No Image Male.jpg"@en . "W\u0142a\u015Bciciel Coffee Bean, Prezes Osborn Industries"@pl . "Harry Osborn"@en . . . . "Harry Osborn"@en . "91126"^^ . . "; Harold Osborn Adventures of Spider-Man Vol 1 10.jpg"@en . . "thumb|222px|Harry Osborn. Harry Osborn es un personaje del universo de Marvel."@es . "Harriet Osborn; Harriet Osborn .png"@en . . . . "11209"^^ . "2301"^^ . . "71004"^^ . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 6 0001.jpg"@en . . . "Harry Osborn"@pl . . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 001.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Harold Harry Orborn ist der Sohn von Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) und Emily Osborn. Seine Geburt hatte die Folgen, dass seine Mutter nach ein paar Jahren des ununterbrochenen Schmerzes verstarb. Das Gebrochene Herz Norman Osborns machte ihn zu einem kalten und gef\u00FChllosen Vater.thumb|Harry Osborn in der 'The Amazing Spiderman' Comicreihe Deswegen versucht Harry st\u00E4ndig den Respekt seines Vaters zu erlangen. Nach seinem High-School-Abschluss geht er auf die Empire State University. Weil Harry der Reichste Sch\u00FCler seiner Uni ist wird er bald auch der Beliebteste. Er gr\u00FCndet seine eigene Clique aus reichen Leuten, darunter auch Gwen Stacy. Harry findet sie sehr h\u00FCbsch und nimmt Peter es \u00FCbel, dass sie ihm mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenkt als Harry. Er findet Peter zu sch\u00FCchtern. Peter sorgt sich nur um seine gebrechliche Tante May Parker. Trotz des steinigen Anfangs zwischen Harry und Peter werden sie doch Freunde. Vielleicht weil sie sich eine Wohnung teilen. Harry kriegt nicht mit, dass sein bester Freund Spiderman ist und, dass sein Vater der Green Goblin ist. W\u00E4hrend der Green Goblin und Spiderman sich schon bek\u00E4mpfen, trifft sich Peter immer noch mit Harry. W\u00E4hrend eines sp\u00E4teren Kampfen zwischen dem Goblin und Spidey f\u00E4llt der Goblin auf eine Stromleitung. Er verliert das Bewusstsein und die Erinnerung an seine Idendit\u00E4t. Peter nimmt Norman das Kost\u00FCm ab und bringt ihn in sein Bett, in der Hoffnung Harry w\u00FCrde nicht herrausfinden wer genau sein Vater ist. Norman bekommt aber wieder St\u00FCck f\u00FCt St\u00FCck sein Ged\u00E4chnis. Er bek\u00E4mpft Spiderman erneut und wird danach wieder zu Norman Osborn. Dies sind verwirrende Zeiten f\u00FCr Harry, weil er nicht versteht warum sich der Zustand seines Vaters st\u00E4ndig ver\u00E4ndert. Harry nahm in seiner Teenager-Zeit \u00F6fters leichte Drogen, in seiner verwirrten Zeit greift er auf h\u00E4rtere Mittel zu. Das besch\u00E4digt seine mentale Stabilit\u00E4t und seine sozialen Beziehungen. Das nutzt Spiderman w\u00E4hrend eines Kampfes mit dem Goblin aus, indem er Norman ein Foto von Harrys abgemagerten Zustand auf dem Kokain-Trip zeigt. Der Goblin ist davon so geschockt, dass er kurz davor ist auf seinen fr\u00FCheren mentalen Zustand hinab zu sinken."@de . . "31198"^^ . . . . "98121"^^ . "26496"^^ . . . . "62"^^ . . "Harold \"Harry\" Osborn is Peter Parker's best friend who is also the second Green Goblin."@en . "Harry Osborn"@de . "(Heroic Spider-Man); Harold Osborn 001.jpg"@en . "Ambrose Osborn , Norman Osborn , Emily Osborn , Liz Allan , Norman Osborn Junior , Gabriel Osborn , Sarah Osborn"@pl . "Deuce Goblin(Harvey Osborn); DeuceGoblin.jpeg"@en . "Harold Harry Orborn ist der Sohn von Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) und Emily Osborn. Seine Geburt hatte die Folgen, dass seine Mutter nach ein paar Jahren des ununterbrochenen Schmerzes verstarb. Das Gebrochene Herz Norman Osborns machte ihn zu einem kalten und gef\u00FChllosen Vater.thumb|Harry Osborn in der 'The Amazing Spiderman' Comicreihe Deswegen versucht Harry st\u00E4ndig den Respekt seines Vaters zu erlangen."@de . "Harry Osborn was the son of wealthy industrialist, Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin. He went to the same college as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. They were roommates for a time, during which Harry encountered occasional problems with drugs. When his father died, Harry found the body and removed the costume. After learning that Peter was Spider-Man he donned his father's costume and proclaimed himself the Green Goblin. After destroying Peter's apartment in a battle with Spider-Man, he began seeing a psychiatrist who tied him up and became himself the Green Goblin."@en . . . "thumb|222px|Harry Osborn. Harry Osborn es un personaje del universo de Marvel."@es . . . "Nowy Jork"@pl . . . "Menace; Peter Parker .jpg"@en . "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"@es . "Harry Lyman"@pl . . . "Patrioteer; Harold Osborn 001.png"@en . . . . . "Niebieskie"@pl . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol 1 36.jpg"@en . . . "31310"^^ . . "Harry Osborn"@en . "Hobgoblin, Spider-Man"@pl . . "80.0"^^ . . "120703"^^ . "Harry Osborn is the son of Norman Osborn and friend to Peter Parker. He eventually became the second Green Goblin."@en . . . . "Harry Osborn is the son of Norman Osborn , The Green Goblin . In Spider-Man 3 and Lego Spider-Man The Series , he becomes The New Goblin."@en . . "40081"^^ . "54321"^^ . . "\u017Byje"@pl . . . . "Harry Osborn es un viejo amigo de Peter Parker y el hijo de Norman Osborn, quien se convierte en el supervillano Duende Verde."@es . . . . "300"^^ . . "(Modern Universe); Harry Earth-61615.jpg"@en . . "Norman Osborn, Vater"@de . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn Spider-Girl Vol 1 19.jpg"@en . . "Harry Osborn was the son of wealthy industrialist, Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin. He went to the same college as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. They were roommates for a time, during which Harry encountered occasional problems with drugs. When his father died, Harry found the body and removed the costume. After learning that Peter was Spider-Man he donned his father's costume and proclaimed himself the Green Goblin. After destroying Peter's apartment in a battle with Spider-Man, he began seeing a psychiatrist who tied him up and became himself the Green Goblin. Harry later suffered from amnesia, forgetting the identity of Spider-Man and both his and his father's roles as the Green Goblin. Harry later married Liz Allen, an old high school friend of Peter's and had a son, Norman. This tranquility was shattered when the aftereffects of the Inferno crisis sundered the barrier between Harry's conscious and subconscious minds. Once again, he remembered being the Green Goblin - and his irrational hatred of Spider-Man. Harry had convinced himself that Peter resented the Osborns' \"stable family life\" due to never having been wanted by his own parents or guardians, when in fact the complete opposite was true. His sanity was shattered, he declared that their next confrontation would be their final one, and only one of them would be alive at the end. To ensure that he was the victor, Harry researched his father's chemical notes, hoping to recreate the original Goblin's superhuman strength. Harry made his own modifications to the formula, and upon ingesting it, it proved better than he had dreamed. The formula had made him stronger than both Spider-Man and his father. Now a physical match for Spider-Man, Harry planned his final revenge."@en . . "New Goblin; New_Goblin_front_view.jpg"@en . "(Community MCU Reboot); Harry.png"@en . . . . . "19919"^^ . "Harry_Osborn1.jpg"@en . . . "760207"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "(Spider-Man Film Series); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Hari Oberoi; No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . "El Duende Verde"@es . . "Harry Osborn is the son of Norman Osborn , The Green Goblin . In Spider-Man 3 and Lego Spider-Man The Series , he becomes The New Goblin."@en . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn .jpg"@en . . "Harry Osborn"@es . . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn from Spider-Man Heroes & Villains Collection Vol 1 52.jpg"@en . . "Harold \"Harry\" Osborn"@pl . "Anti-Spider(Attack of the Symbiotes); MacDonald Gargan .jpg"@en . . . . "(Assemble!); Harry Osborn.png"@en . "Hobgoblin(Marvel Nexus); Harry Osborn.jpeg"@en . . "Harold Osborn"@pl . . "Harry Osborn"@es . . "Green Goblin, New Goblin, American Son, Harry Osborn"@pl . . "Harold Osborne; Harold Osborne from Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 8 0001.jpg"@en . "Harry Osborn"@en . . . . . "(Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg"@en . "901220"^^ . "4856"^^ . "4857"^^ . "Jester(Symbiote War); Jester 1862.jpg"@en . . . . . . "312500"^^ . "Webber; Webber .JPG"@en . "Julius Osborn; GreenGiblin.jpg"@en . . "Harry Osborn was the son of wealthy industrialist, Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin. He went to the same college as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. They were roommates for a time, during which Harry encountered occasional problems with drugs. When his father died, Harry found the body and removed the costume."@en . "70701"^^ . "Harry Osborn was the son of wealthy industrialist, Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin. He went to the same college as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. They were roommates for a time, during which Harry encountered occasional problems with drugs. When his father died, Harry found the body and removed the costume."@en . . . "(Legend of Spider-Boy); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . . "9712"^^ . "Dark Avengers"@pl . . . "Green Goblin; Harold Osborn Spider-Man and Power Pack Vol 2 2.jpg"@en . . . . "; Benjamin Parker , Ben Urich , Benjamin Parker , & Harold Osborn mentions.png"@en . "602636"^^ . . . . "9411"^^ . . "11080"^^ . "Hobgoblin; Harold Osborn Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 76 cover.jpg"@en . . . . "Ho616.jpg"@pl .