. . . "Blinky (Japanese: \u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC Blinky) is the leader of the ghosts and the arch-enemy of Pac-Man. He chases Pac-Man constantly, and is hard to shake once he starts. He is known to have a short temper, and is good friends with Inky, Pinky and Clyde. While originally the main antagonist in the first Pac-Man arcade game, his role has largely been diminished to secondary antagonist or an ally in recent incarnations, though he is still considered the series de-facto main antagonist in remakes of the first game and by older fans."@en . "Neutral"@en . . . . "Blinky was a tame kusak that lived in Nym's Stronghold on Lok at the time of the Galactic Civil War. In 1 ABY an adventurer fed the creature with Lokian weed. Blinky only liked a special kind of weed, so the adventurer had to collect and try different plants to find the one Blinky preferred."@en . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Villain"@en . . . . "Blinky is a minor supporting character in the Jake and the Never Land Pirates, he's Mr. Smee's pet chameleon."@en . . . . . "A Chameleon with green skin, red stripes, blue eyes"@en . "No"@en . . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . . "Algunos otros peces extra\u00F1os o animales mutados como el Cangrejo de tres ojos y Multi-Eyed Squirrel"@es . . . . "yellow"@en . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP 2"@en . . . . "Blinky the Three-Eyed Fish (or simply Blinky) is a three-eyed orange fish species, found in the ponds and lakes outside the nuclear power plant. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant caused the mutations."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Male Programing"@en . . . . . . . "Blinky is a character in the Pac-Man series who debuted in the original game, Pac-Man for the arcades. He would later appear as a playable character in the game Mario Kart Arcade GP. He is one of the many ghosts in the series (unarguably the most noticeable), and his color is red. He is the leader of the Ghost Gang who other members are Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. He and the gang do their best to take down the hero Pac-Man."@en . . "Blinky is a three-eyed mutant fish from The Simpsons. Blinky makes a quick cameo appearance in Space Pilot 3000, as Fry is using the Tube Transport System for the first time. Fry goes underwater after passing the Statue of Liberty and speeds by Blinky, who is seen slowly drifting by and blinks all three eyes."@en . . "D"@en . "ALF thinks he has found Blinky when he reads in The National Inquisitor that a couple in Barstow claims to have a space alien living with them that eats cats, frozen yogurt, and light bulbs (Episode: \"Alone Again, Naturally\")."@en . . "Blinky is a three-eyed mutant fish from The Simpsons. Blinky makes a quick cameo appearance in Space Pilot 3000, as Fry is using the Tube Transport System for the first time. Fry goes underwater after passing the Statue of Liberty and speeds by Blinky, who is seen slowly drifting by and blinks all three eyes. On The Simpsons, Blinky resides in the waters of Springfield and is implied to have been created as a result of toxic waste from Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Blinky and members of his orange fish species are usually seen in cameos depicting the result of some ecological or environmental catastrophe, usually at the hands of Mr. Burns."@en . "All Eras"@en . . . "Blinky (Japanese: \u30A2\u30AB\u30D9\u30A4 Akabei) is a red ghost from the Pac-Man series who has only appeared in two Mario games to date \u2013 Mario Kart Arcade GP and Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, where he appears as a playable character and has a strong acceleration. He is the archenemy of Pac-Man and his wife and the leader of the other ghosts Inky, Pinky, and Clyde. He debuted in the same game as Pac-Man, titled Pac-Man. Blinky's special items are Ghost Shield, Monster's Hammer, Petit Monster, Flare Ball and Ghost Morph."@en . . . . . . . "Blinky is a character in the Super Mario series. The first Mario game he appeared in was Mario Kart Arcade GP. He is a Pac-Man character that has high acceleration. He is the leader of the other Pac-Man ghosts, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde."@en . . "Blinky le poisson ou tout simplement Blinky est un poisson \u00E0 trois yeux orange, vivant dans les \u00E9tangs et les lacs de Springfield."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jake and the Never Land Pirates"@en . . "Mutant-Fish"@en . "Blinky"@en . . . "Rival: Pac-Man"@en . . . "Blinky's artwork from Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP"@fr . . "Blinky (Japanese: \u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC Blinky) is the leader of the ghosts and the arch-enemy of Pac-Man. He chases Pac-Man constantly, and is hard to shake once he starts. He is known to have a short temper, and is good friends with Inky, Pinky and Clyde. While originally the main antagonist in the first Pac-Man arcade game, his role has largely been diminished to secondary antagonist or an ally in recent incarnations, though he is still considered the series de-facto main antagonist in remakes of the first game and by older fans."@en . . "Predacons\n*Vehicons\n*Decepticons\n*Hugs"@en . . . "Blinky is a character from the Pac-Man video games. He is a playable racer in Mario Kart Arcade GP and its successor, Mario Kart Arcade GP 2. Him, along with Ms. Pac-Man and Pac-Man, are all from the Pac-Man video games and marks the first appearance of characters from other games in Mario Kart. Blinky is an all-around character that uses items from various Namco games. Blinky's racer icon is his classic ghost appearance in Pac-Man over a dark blue circle."@en . "Male"@en . "Blinky (Gui\u00F1itos en Espa\u00F1a) es un pez anaranjado de tres ojos que apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en el episodio \"Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish\", cuando Bart y Lisa van a pescar al lago cercano a la Planta de Energ\u00EDa Nuclear y lo capturan. El Sr. Burns defiende al pez diciendo que es el pr\u00F3ximo paso en la evoluci\u00F3n, y no un mutante generado por los desechos t\u00F3xicos que su empresa arroja en las aguas de Springfield. Obviamente, Blinky no es una buena aparici\u00F3n justo cuando Montgomery Burns se presenta como candidato a gobernador. Cuando Burns va a cenar a la casa de la familia Simpson para mostrar una buena imagen ante los electores, Marge inesperadamente le sirve a Blinky como cena (le sirve la cabeza de Blinky). Al enterarse, Burns escupe su carne y eso le cuesta la elecci\u00F3n, porque los flashes de las c\u00E1maras fotograf\u00EDan todo, arruinando la campa\u00F1a pol\u00EDtica de Burns, y demostrando que el pez estaba efectivamente contaminado por los residuos de su Planta Nuclear. A pesar de que como Marge lo sirvi\u00F3 como cena deber\u00EDa haber muerto, luego aparece en episodios posteriores Este particular personaje animal de Los Simpson fue visto brevemente en uno de los primeros episodios de la serie, \"La odisea de Homero\". Blinky, (o tal vez alg\u00FAn otro miembro no-comido de su especie) ha tenido una serie de breves apariciones desde entonces, principalmente como un chiste acerca de los efectos ambientales que provoca la central del Sr. Burns. En un episodio ha aparecido como una forma humanoide mutante. En el episodio \"Brawl in the Family\" es visto a \u00E9l o a otro pez siendo comido por uno de cuatro ojos luego uno de cinco, de seis y al final por Homer. Una ballena de 3 ojos semejante a Blinky fue vista en uno de los cap\u00EDtulos que se muestra el futuro (\"Future-drama\"). Y en otro, en el episodio \"Lisa's Wedding\" (La boda de Lisa). En el futuro \u00E9l es mostrado teniendo seis ojos. Ahora en la secuencia de apertura cuando muestran las palabras: The Simpsons aparece un cuervo de tres ojos."@es . . . . . "Blinky is a minor supporting character in the Jake and the Never Land Pirates, he's Mr. Smee's pet chameleon."@en . . . "Blinky was a crook chased by Ghost Rider and Blaze, but he and his cohorts managed to get away both times. Eventually Ghost Rider traced them all down and gave them a nice serving of hellfire."@en . . . "Desconocida"@es . . "152"^^ . . "Black"@en . "Ghost Island"@en . . . . "Unique Pac-Man terrain"@en . . . "No tiene"@es . . . . . "Macky"@en . . "Blinky (en japonais: \u30A2\u30AB\u30D9\u30A4, Akabei) est un fant\u00F4me rouge de la s\u00E9rie Pac-Man apparu dans deux jeux Mario \u00E0 ce jour - Mario Kart Arcade GP et Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, o\u00F9 il est un personnage jouable avec une forte l'acc\u00E9l\u00E9ration. Il est l'ennemi jur\u00E9 de Pac-Man et de son \u00E9pouse ainsi que le chef des autres fant\u00F4mes Inky, Pinky et Clyde. Il appara\u00EEt dans Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U comme troph\u00E9e et Smash C\u00F4t\u00E9 de Pac-Man. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages ne venant pas de la s\u00E9rie Mario Cat\u00E9gorie:Ennemis Cat\u00E9gorie:Fant\u00F4mes Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages des jeux Pac-Man Cat\u00E9gorie:Mario Kart Arcade GP Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Mario Kart Arcade GP Cat\u00E9gorie:Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Cat\u00E9gorie:Troph\u00E9es de Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U"@fr . . . . . . "Other Multi Eyed Fish"@en . "Pez"@es . . . . "Urchin"@en . "Blinky the Three-Eyed Fish (or simply Blinky) is a three-eyed orange fish species, found in the ponds and lakes outside the nuclear power plant. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant caused the mutations."@en . "Blinky was a crook chased by Ghost Rider and Blaze, but he and his cohorts managed to get away both times. Eventually Ghost Rider traced them all down and gave them a nice serving of hellfire."@en . . . . . "None"@en . . "Blinky"@es . "Blinky was a tame kusak that lived in Nym's Stronghold on Lok at the time of the Galactic Civil War. In 1 ABY an adventurer fed the creature with Lokian weed. Blinky only liked a special kind of weed, so the adventurer had to collect and try different plants to find the one Blinky preferred."@en . "Naranja"@es . "Blinky is a character from the Pac-Man video games. He is a playable racer in Mario Kart Arcade GP and its successor, Mario Kart Arcade GP 2. Him, along with Ms. Pac-Man and Pac-Man, are all from the Pac-Man video games and marks the first appearance of characters from other games in Mario Kart. Blinky is an all-around character that uses items from various Namco games. Blinky's racer icon is his classic ghost appearance in Pac-Man over a dark blue circle."@en . . "Orange"@en . "Masculino"@es . . "Blinky is a character in the Pac-Man series who debuted in the original game, Pac-Man for the arcades. He would later appear as a playable character in the game Mario Kart Arcade GP. He is one of the many ghosts in the series (unarguably the most noticeable), and his color is red. He is the leader of the Ghost Gang who other members are Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. He and the gang do their best to take down the hero Pac-Man."@en . "Fish-Mutant"@en . "Blinky"@en . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Blinky is a playable mascot in Crossy Road. Blinky was added in the Pac-Man Update. It is a secret mascot, meaning it cannot be unlocked through normal means. Instead, there is a special way to unlock it."@en . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . . . . . . . . "Blinky is a playable mascot in Crossy Road. Blinky was added in the Pac-Man Update. It is a secret mascot, meaning it cannot be unlocked through normal means. Instead, there is a special way to unlock it."@en . . . "Blinky"@fr . . . "Pac-Man"@en . . . "Blinky"@es . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP 2"@fr . "MKAGP2: Strong Acceleration"@en . . . "Blinky (Japanese: \u30A2\u30AB\u30D9\u30A4 Akabei) is a red ghost from the Pac-Man series who has only appeared in two Mario games to date \u2013 Mario Kart Arcade GP and Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, where he appears as a playable character and has a strong acceleration. He is the archenemy of Pac-Man and his wife and the leader of the other ghosts Inky, Pinky, and Clyde. He debuted in the same game as Pac-Man, titled Pac-Man. Blinky's special items are Ghost Shield, Monster's Hammer, Petit Monster, Flare Ball and Ghost Morph."@en . . "Blinky is an the camera man for the GSI: Ghost Scene Investigators TV show that Mystery Inc. watches."@en . . . . . "Blinky le poisson ou tout simplement Blinky est un poisson \u00E0 trois yeux orange, vivant dans les \u00E9tangs et les lacs de Springfield."@fr . "Blinky"@de . . . . "cybertron"@en . "\u8FFD\u3044\u304B\u3051 Oikake"@en . . . . "Character"@en . "Before Blinky died, he was a banker. Sometimes, he would steal money out of the safe, so all of the other bankers hated him. Then one day, Bowser was trying to create a Boo. As this process involves a bank robbery, Blinky tried to run away. But the security guards gave him the badge, so he had to defend the bank. Bowser shot him dead, and he became Blinky the ghost. Then he started chasing Pac-Man through mazes. Blinky is an unusual ghost, mainly due to his habit of picking his nose in public. He currently holds the UnWorld record for most times a ghost picked its nose at 9001 times in one minute. Blinky is still the baddest ghost in town, so he talks with poor grammar, just like Cats and Catz. But me speaks goods so we is happie. He has known to have adopted a ghost called High-five Ghost. Blinky sometimes vacations in Antarctica."@en . "Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . . . . . "Camera man; TV actor"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Art conceptuel pour Mario Kart Arcade GP"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Before Blinky died, he was a banker. Sometimes, he would steal money out of the safe, so all of the other bankers hated him. Then one day, Bowser was trying to create a Boo. As this process involves a bank robbery, Blinky tried to run away. But the security guards gave him the badge, so he had to defend the bank. Bowser shot him dead, and he became Blinky the ghost. Then he started chasing Pac-Man through mazes. Blinky sometimes vacations in Antarctica."@en . "\"Homer's Odyssey\""@en . "\"Homer's Odyssey\""@es . . . . . . . . "x"@en . . "ALF thinks he has found Blinky when he reads in The National Inquisitor that a couple in Barstow claims to have a space alien living with them that eats cats, frozen yogurt, and light bulbs (Episode: \"Alone Again, Naturally\")."@en . "Blinky in Mario Kart Arcade GP 2"@en . . . "Blinky"@en . . . "Black"@en . . "brown"@en . . "Shadow"@en . . . . . . "''Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . "Blinky"@en . . . "Blinky is a character in the Super Mario series. The first Mario game he appeared in was Mario Kart Arcade GP. He is a Pac-Man character that has high acceleration. He is the leader of the other Pac-Man ghosts, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde."@en . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP 2"@en . . . . . . "Unknown-4-1444171901.jpeg"@en . . . . . . "\u8D64\u30D9\u30A4 Akabei"@en . "PillBug"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ghost"@en . "Pac-Man"@en . . "Scooby-Doo! Who's Watching Who?"@en . . . "Blinky"@en . . . "Blinky (Gui\u00F1itos en Espa\u00F1a) es un pez anaranjado de tres ojos que apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en el episodio \"Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish\", cuando Bart y Lisa van a pescar al lago cercano a la Planta de Energ\u00EDa Nuclear y lo capturan. El Sr. Burns defiende al pez diciendo que es el pr\u00F3ximo paso en la evoluci\u00F3n, y no un mutante generado por los desechos t\u00F3xicos que su empresa arroja en las aguas de Springfield. Obviamente, Blinky no es una buena aparici\u00F3n justo cuando Montgomery Burns se presenta como candidato a gobernador. Cuando Burns va a cenar a la casa de la familia Simpson para mostrar una buena imagen ante los electores, Marge inesperadamente le sirve a Blinky como cena (le sirve la cabeza de Blinky). Al enterarse, Burns escupe su carne y eso le cuesta la elecc"@es . "Blinky is an the camera man for the GSI: Ghost Scene Investigators TV show that Mystery Inc. watches."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Blinky (en japonais: \u30A2\u30AB\u30D9\u30A4, Akabei) est un fant\u00F4me rouge de la s\u00E9rie Pac-Man apparu dans deux jeux Mario \u00E0 ce jour - Mario Kart Arcade GP et Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, o\u00F9 il est un personnage jouable avec une forte l'acc\u00E9l\u00E9ration. Il est l'ennemi jur\u00E9 de Pac-Man et de son \u00E9pouse ainsi que le chef des autres fant\u00F4mes Inky, Pinky et Clyde. Il appara\u00EEt dans Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U comme troph\u00E9e et Smash C\u00F4t\u00E9 de Pac-Man. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages ne venant pas de la s\u00E9rie Mario Cat\u00E9gorie:Ennemis Cat\u00E9gorie:Fant\u00F4mes Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages des jeux Pac-Man Cat\u00E9gorie:Mario Kart Arcade GP Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Mario Kart Arcade GP Cat\u00E9gorie:Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U "@fr . . "Red"@en . . . . . . "Fant\u00F4me"@fr . . . . . . "Sous les jeux Mario"@fr . . . . . "Mario Kart Arcade GP"@en . . .