"Javier"@es . . "Deceased"@en . . "Male"@en . "Javier was a caretaker who worked in Mr. Pyne's Miami home estate. He is notable for being Michael Westen's first ever client when he came back to Miami."@en . . . . . . "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune"@en . "Javier is the boyfriend of Janet Vance who appears in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories during the mission Snitch Hitch. He is likely facilitating her addiction to drugs, although the pair tries to persuade Victor and Lance, two of Janet's sons, that they had changed their ways. They later steal their drugs and disappear without a trace. Javier resembles many of the random pedestrians in Vice City. Javier was voiced by Gregory Johnson."@en . "Javier .jpg"@pl . . "Javier"@pl . . . "thumb|Javier en 1984Javier est le petit ami de Janet Vance dans Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories. Il appara\u00EEt uniquement dans la mission Snitch Hitch. Il a probablement la m\u00EAme d\u00E9pendance que Janet pour la drogue, bien que les deux essaient de convaincre Victor et Lance, deux des trois fils de Janet, qu'ils ont arr\u00EAt\u00E9 la drogue. Ils voleront plus tard leur drogue et disparaitront sans laisser de trace. Javier ressemble beaucoup \u00E0 l'un des pi\u00E9tons al\u00E9atoires de Vice City. Javier est doubl\u00E9 par Gregory Johnson."@fr . . . . "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves"@en . "Javier is the hispanic janitor of Dr. Weird. He appears in some of the cold openings of the second season. At first he tried to steal a gold necklace, and he was destroyed by Dr. Weird. But he is still alive."@en . . "Javier es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que hace su aparici\u00F3n como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories y tambi\u00E9n como personaje multijugador del juego. Es el novio de la madre de Victor, Janet Vance, y futuro padrastro de los hermanos Vance en caso de casarse con Janet. Viste una camisa abierta de cuero que hace juego con su pantal\u00F3n gris y sus zapatos marrones. Durante su aparici\u00F3n, Janet y \u00E9l juran haber dejado la droga, pero resulta ser una mentira para rob\u00E1rsela a Lance y a Victor m\u00E1s adelante."@es . "Javier"@it . "Javier"@en . "Javier"@de . "Javier"@es . . "Jo\u00E1o"@de . "2010-08-27"^^ . "Javier is the henchman and bodyguard to Chris D'Amico."@en . . "Human"@en . "Miami, Florida, USA"@en . . . . "Javier ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und das Verm\u00E4chtnis von Aslant. Er ist ein Badegast am Kokosnuss-Strand von Isla Paloma. Er ist verheiratet und hat eine Tochter."@de . . . . "Kick-Ass 2"@en . . "Javier se levant\u00F3 al o\u00EDr que alguien tocaba la puerta, \u00E9l viv\u00EDa en el campo as\u00ED que se puso feliz, muy pocas personas llegaban, era un hombre grande y musculoso, pero muy tranquilo. Se levant\u00F3 de su cama y fue a abrir la puerta, se puso triste al ver que era un polic\u00EDa, era obvio que \u00E9l no iba a entrar, pero se dedic\u00F3 a escucharlo. Hab\u00EDan desaparecido 3 personas en el \u00FAltimo mes,y se supone que fue por esta zona, as\u00ED que tendr\u00EDa que entrar a su casa a revisar e interrogarlo. Javier lo invit\u00F3 a pasar muy amablemente, agarro una prenda de ropa y ahorc\u00F3 al hombre. -M\u00E1s carne que cocer. ERIClacuesta (discusi\u00F3n) 21:58 22 mar 2015 (UTC) Categor\u00EDa:CO Categor\u00EDa:Mentes trastornadas"@es . . . . . . "Javier es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que hace su aparici\u00F3n como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories y tambi\u00E9n como personaje multijugador del juego. Es el novio de la madre de Victor, Janet Vance, y futuro padrastro de los hermanos Vance en caso de casarse con Janet. Viste una camisa abierta de cuero que hace juego con su pantal\u00F3n gris y sus zapatos marrones. Durante su aparici\u00F3n, Janet y \u00E9l juran haber dejado la droga, pero resulta ser una mentira para rob\u00E1rsela a Lance y a Victor m\u00E1s adelante."@es . . "Javier is the henchman and bodyguard to Chris D'Amico."@en . "Javier.jpg|Javier in Gothic 3 Javier_CM2.x.1.jpg|Javier in Gothic 3 (Content Mod 2.x.1) Javier \u00E8 un Paladino che ha combattuto nella battaglia per difendere Vengard e che, forte della sua esperienza in Combattimento, gestisce il campo dei Ribelli di Reddock, tra Ardea e Capo Dun."@it . . . . . . . . . . "(Artwork from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.)"@en . . . . . "Javier"@de . "Javier se levant\u00F3 al o\u00EDr que alguien tocaba la puerta, \u00E9l viv\u00EDa en el campo as\u00ED que se puso feliz, muy pocas personas llegaban, era un hombre grande y musculoso, pero muy tranquilo. Se levant\u00F3 de su cama y fue a abrir la puerta, se puso triste al ver que era un polic\u00EDa, era obvio que \u00E9l no iba a entrar, pero se dedic\u00F3 a escucharlo. Hab\u00EDan desaparecido 3 personas en el \u00FAltimo mes,y se supone que fue por esta zona, as\u00ED que tendr\u00EDa que entrar a su casa a revisar e interrogarlo. Javier lo invit\u00F3 a pasar muy amablemente, agarro una prenda de ropa y ahorc\u00F3 al hombre. -M\u00E1s carne que cocer."@es . "AL"@en . "Javier ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und das Verm\u00E4chtnis von Aslant. Er ist ein Badegast am Kokosnuss-Strand von Isla Paloma. Er ist verheiratet und hat eine Tochter."@de . . . . "Purple-Red"@en . "Javier \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Javier jest nowym ch\u0142opakiem Janet Vance. Prawdopodobnie razem ze swoj\u0105 dziewczyn\u0105 bierze narkotyki, mimo \u017Ce przekonuj\u0105 Lance'a i Victora o zerwaniu z na\u0142ogiem. P\u00F3\u017Aniej, po spotkaniu w misji Snitch Hitch, kradn\u0105 ich narkotyki i uciekaj\u0105 z miasta. G\u0142osu postaci u\u017Cyczy\u0142 aktor Gregory Johnson."@pl . . "thumb|Javier en 1984Javier est le petit ami de Janet Vance dans Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories. Il appara\u00EEt uniquement dans la mission Snitch Hitch. Il a probablement la m\u00EAme d\u00E9pendance que Janet pour la drogue, bien que les deux essaient de convaincre Victor et Lance, deux des trois fils de Janet, qu'ils ont arr\u00EAt\u00E9 la drogue. Ils voleront plus tard leur drogue et disparaitront sans laisser de trace. Javier ressemble beaucoup \u00E0 l'un des pi\u00E9tons al\u00E9atoires de Vice City. Javier est doubl\u00E9 par Gregory Johnson."@fr . "Javier is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. He lives in the tropical San Grio. This page is a . You can help the Professor Layton Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . "male"@en . "Javier is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. He lives in the tropical San Grio."@en . "Javier"@de . "Javier .png"@pl . "Javier (played by Xavier Torres) was the host of the hotel where the Russo family were staying at in the Caribbean in Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie. Alex had a small crush on him but soon turned him down once she realized how she would rather spend time with her family."@en . . . . "Javier"@de . "Javier"@en . . . . . "Black"@en . . . "Minor character"@en . . "Javier is one of Navarro's mercenaries from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. He was a helicopter pilot and was shot in the head while flying the El Dorado statue to Navarro's boat at the end of the game."@en . . "Ninguna"@es . . "Alive"@en . . "E"@en . . . . "Dancer"@en . . . . . "Caretaker"@en . . . . . "Javier, male human expert/thug. Javier does the heavy lifting. Not the brightest, but certainly the most careful and pious. Certainly the least notable of the initial recruits, Javier is mostly happy to spend his day picking things up, and putting them down again. Javier was instrumental in helping rebuild the castle in the heady days of \u201Ca few months ago\u201D. Javier has found God with the uncharacteristic enthusiasm of a man desperate to find something. No one is entirely sure what Javier is looking for, but he seems to have found it in Thyr. While he has no interest in joining the priesthood, he attends every ceremony and has swapped his longsword for a greathammer. He spends his days working in the Fallen Sword church, and is known for being a tireless helper."@en . "Javier \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic 3. Jest to paladyn, a zarazem przyw\u00F3dca buntownik\u00F3w z Reddock i pr\u00F3cz Wenzela jedyny paladyn na wybrze\u017Cu."@pl . . "Amerykanin"@pl . . . . . . "IMG 1816.JPG"@en . "Character"@en . . . . "Javier is the hispanic janitor of Dr. Weird. He appears in some of the cold openings of the second season. At first he tried to steal a gold necklace, and he was destroyed by Dr. Weird. But he is still alive."@en . "Olive"@en . "Javier"@en . "Javier.jpg|Javier in Gothic 3 Javier_CM2.x.1.jpg|Javier in Gothic 3 (Content Mod 2.x.1) Javier \u00E8 un Paladino che ha combattuto nella battaglia per difendere Vengard e che, forte della sua esperienza in Combattimento, gestisce il campo dei Ribelli di Reddock, tra Ardea e Capo Dun."@it . . "225"^^ . "Javier"@pl . "Javier is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. He lives in the tropical San Grio. This page is a . You can help the Professor Layton Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "Gregory Johnson"@pl . . . "Javier is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. He lives in the tropical San Grio."@en . . "Javier (Japanese: \u30D3\u30C3\u30C8\u30DE\u30F3, Wittmann) is a Green Earth CO. He makes his first appearance in Dual Strike."@en . . "Javier, male human expert/thug. Javier does the heavy lifting. Not the brightest, but certainly the most careful and pious. Certainly the least notable of the initial recruits, Javier is mostly happy to spend his day picking things up, and putting them down again. Javier was instrumental in helping rebuild the castle in the heady days of \u201Ca few months ago\u201D. Javier has found God with the uncharacteristic enthusiasm of a man desperate to find something. No one is entirely sure what Javier is looking for, but he seems to have found it in Thyr. While he has no interest in joining the priesthood, he attends every ceremony and has swapped his longsword for a greathammer. He spends his days working in the Fallen Sword church, and is known for being a tireless helper. Hired on the 4th day Leather armor, short sword Wage: 2gp, 1sp /week"@en . "Javier"@de . . . "\u30D9\u30F3"@de . . "Javier is the boyfriend of Janet Vance who appears in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories during the mission Snitch Hitch. He is likely facilitating her addiction to drugs, although the pair tries to persuade Victor and Lance, two of Janet's sons, that they had changed their ways. They later steal their drugs and disappear without a trace. Javier resembles many of the random pedestrians in Vice City. Javier was voiced by Gregory Johnson."@en . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Javier/preload editintro=Javier/editintro width=25"@en . . "Javier is Cerberus Olive of Power Rangers Galactic Force (Writingactor258)."@en . . "Javier is one of Navarro's mercenaries from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. He was a helicopter pilot and was shot in the head while flying the El Dorado statue to Navarro's boat at the end of the game."@en . "Honor"@en . "Ben"@de . "M"@pl . "Javier.png200px"@de . . . . "Becky McDonald organised the hen night of Hayley Cropper\u2019s dreams when she decorated Roy\u2019s Rolls as a Latinate caf\u00E9 and held the party there. Hayley, who had recently enjoyed a series of salsa classes, was dreading a boozy pub crawl around town but was delighted with what had actually been organised for her. Roy was present for the first part of the evening, dressed as a Spanish waiter complete with pencil moustache but when Javier, the star turn of the evening arrived, Becky told him it was time to leave. Javier appeared to be a professional dancer and, dressed in tight black leather trousers and wearing a \u201CZorro\u201D-type mask, he treated Hayley to the dance of a lifetime watched admiringly by Anna Windass, Janice Battersby, Fiz Stape, Izzy Armstrong and Julie Carp. The women however were no"@en . . . . . . "Jo\u00E1o"@en . "1"^^ . . "Tower Shield"@en . . "Javier"@sv . "Javier \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Javier jest nowym ch\u0142opakiem Janet Vance. Prawdopodobnie razem ze swoj\u0105 dziewczyn\u0105 bierze narkotyki, mimo \u017Ce przekonuj\u0105 Lance'a i Victora o zerwaniu z na\u0142ogiem. P\u00F3\u017Aniej, po spotkaniu w misji Snitch Hitch, kradn\u0105 ich narkotyki i uciekaj\u0105 z miasta. G\u0142osu postaci u\u017Cyczy\u0142 aktor Gregory Johnson."@pl . . . "Javier \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic 3. Jest to paladyn, a zarazem przyw\u00F3dca buntownik\u00F3w z Reddock i pr\u00F3cz Wenzela jedyny paladyn na wybrze\u017Cu."@pl . "Javier is Cerberus Olive of Power Rangers Galactic Force (Writingactor258)."@en . . "x"@en . "Becky McDonald organised the hen night of Hayley Cropper\u2019s dreams when she decorated Roy\u2019s Rolls as a Latinate caf\u00E9 and held the party there. Hayley, who had recently enjoyed a series of salsa classes, was dreading a boozy pub crawl around town but was delighted with what had actually been organised for her. Roy was present for the first part of the evening, dressed as a Spanish waiter complete with pencil moustache but when Javier, the star turn of the evening arrived, Becky told him it was time to leave. Javier appeared to be a professional dancer and, dressed in tight black leather trousers and wearing a \u201CZorro\u201D-type mask, he treated Hayley to the dance of a lifetime watched admiringly by Anna Windass, Janice Battersby, Fiz Stape, Izzy Armstrong and Julie Carp. The women however were not told that Javier was in fact a gay acquaintance of Sean Tully\u2019s. Hayley collapsed in a dead faint with excitement at the end of the dance."@en . . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Javier/preload editintro=Javier/editintro width=25"@en . . . . . . . . "Javier Trunchez \u00E4r en mindre karakt\u00E4r i GTA IV. Javier \u00E4r en av de tre br\u00F6derna Trunchez och han \u00E4ger tillsammans med dem strippklubben the Triangle Club som de har f\u00E5tt ta \u00F6ver efter Dwayne Forge. I uppdraget \"Kl\u00E4 av f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da\" (\"Undress to Kill\") s\u00E5 skickar Dwayne Niko f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da de tre br\u00F6derna, vilket om man klarar uppdraget lyckas. Kategori:Mindre framtr\u00E4dande personer Kategori:Br\u00F6derna Trunchez"@sv . "Javier (played by Xavier Torres) was the host of the hotel where the Russo family were staying at in the Caribbean in Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie. Alex had a small crush on him but soon turned him down once she realized how she would rather spend time with her family."@en . . . . "Cerberus Zord"@en . . . . . "Javier"@fr . . . . . . "File:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.png"@en . . . . "Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy"@en . . "Javier"@pl . . . . . "unknown"@en . . . . . "Tower of Power"@en . "Javier"@en . "Ranger"@en . . . . "Javier was a caretaker who worked in Mr. Pyne's Miami home estate. He is notable for being Michael Westen's first ever client when he came back to Miami."@en . . . . . . . . "Javier was a bartender at Nat's in Los Angeles, California."@en . . "tak"@pl . "Javier"@en . . . "Javier was a bartender at Nat's in Los Angeles, California."@en . . . "G\u0142\u00F3wna jaskinia w Reddock"@pl . "Retreating"@en . . . . . . . . . "Javier (Japanese: \u30D3\u30C3\u30C8\u30DE\u30F3, Wittmann) is a Green Earth CO. He makes his first appearance in Dual Strike."@en . . . "Javier Trunchez \u00E4r en mindre karakt\u00E4r i GTA IV. Javier \u00E4r en av de tre br\u00F6derna Trunchez och han \u00E4ger tillsammans med dem strippklubben the Triangle Club som de har f\u00E5tt ta \u00F6ver efter Dwayne Forge. I uppdraget \"Kl\u00E4 av f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da\" (\"Undress to Kill\") s\u00E5 skickar Dwayne Niko f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da de tre br\u00F6derna, vilket om man klarar uppdraget lyckas. Kategori:Mindre framtr\u00E4dande personer Kategori:Br\u00F6derna Trunchez"@sv . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . .