"Team Rocket are an organized crime syndicate in pursuit of evil and exploitation of Pok\u00E9mon based in the Kanto and Johto regions with a small outpost in the Sevii Islands. While its main focus is stealing or capturing, then selling, rare and strong Pok\u00E9mon, it also funds and conducts cruel experimental research on Pok\u00E9mon. Their oath, as posted on the wall of one of their many bases, is \"Steal Pok\u00E9mon for profit. Exploit Pok\u00E9mon for profit. All Pok\u00E9mon exist for the glory of Team Rocket.\" Their ultimate goal is to take over the world using Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . . . "Public"@en . . . . . "ROCKET"@en . "ROCKET"@en . "Il Team Rocket \u00E8 un'associazione non governativa[citazione necessaria], finanziata da Luciano Moggi detto \"Giovanni\", composta da Jessie e James, due ladri di biciclette, e Meowth, una confraternita di pulci. Il Team Rocket appartiene ufficialmente alla casta dei ladri, nonostante il trio non sia capace neppure di scippare il portafogli ad una vecchietta."@it . . . . . . "Team Rocket"@es . . "Domino, Vicious, Pierce, Tyson, Miyamoto, Wendy, Viper, Mondo, Rocket Scout, Professor Sebastian, Dr. Namba, Dr. Zager, Dr. Fuji, Annie & Oakley"@en . "Organization"@en . "Wiederspricht den Richtlinien f\u00FCr Inhalte."@de . "Rocket"@en . . . . "Archer"@en . . . . . "Franz Ferdinand"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Franz Ferdinand"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . "Team Rocket"@en . . "see here"@en . . "We're Team Rocket and we fight for what's wrong,"@en . . . . . . . "Ken, Al & Harry; Carr, Sird & Orm , Kaede"@en . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . "Team Rocket are a criminal organization, with their headquarters in the Kanto Region and the Johto region and a branch in Sevii Islands. They are headed by Giovanni, who also doubles as the Viridian City Gym Leader. Team Rocket's main objective was obtaining powerful and rare Pok\u00E9mon to help their criminal syndicate in the hopes of someday taking over the world. They obtain these Pok\u00E9mon by regular capture, or more often, theft. In addition to this they also perform inhumane experiments on Pok\u00E9mon to further enhance their power."@en . "* Pok\u00E9mon Rojo y Azul\n* Pok\u00E9mon Amarillo \n* Pok\u00E9mon Verde \n* Pok\u00E9mon Oro, Plata y Cristal\n* Pok\u00E9mon Rojo Fuego y Verde Hoja\n* Pok\u00E9mon Oro HeartGold y Plata SoulSilver"@es . "Team Rocket is a manipulative group of criminals in the Pokemon franchise. They appear in the Pokemon anime, the Pokemon manga, as well as the first and second generations (as well as their respective remakes) in the games."@en . "Team Rocket"@ca . "Lower-Ranked:"@en . "Team Rocket is a team with the people, Jessica, James, Harold and Jessie."@en . "Former Executives:"@en . "10"^^ . . . . . "Team Rocket is an evil organization in the Pok\u00E9mon series. They are intent on capturing Pok\u00E9mon for their own malicious purposes. The leader of Team Rocket is Giovanni, former Gym Leader of Viridian City."@en . . . . . . . "Pok\u00E9mon Red and Green Versions"@en . "Team Rocket ist eine Verbrecher-Organisation, die in Kanto, Johto und auf den Sevii Unheil und Schaden thumbanrichtet. Team Rocket finanziert sich durch den illegalen Verkauf von gestohlenen Pok\u00E9mon. Der Boss vom Team Rocket, Giovanni, ist auch verantwortlich f\u00FCr das Mewtu-Projekt, da er das m\u00E4chtigste Pok\u00E9mon der ganzen Welt besitzen will. Doch dieses Projekt schlug fehl und so versuchte Team Rocket, die Silph Co. in Saffronia City zu \u00FCbernehmen, weil diese den Prototyp des Meisterballs entwickelt haben, doch auch dieser Plan wurde vereitelt. Giovanni wollte dann in seiner Arena in Vertania City ein Comeback versuchen, doch da er schon wieder besiegt wurde, l\u00F6ste er das Team Rocket auf. Allerdings sahen die Vorst\u00E4nde vom Team Rocket das nicht ein und starteten 3 Jahre sp\u00E4ter (ohne Giovanni) einen Comebackversuch. Dabei f\u00FChrten sie brutale Experimente an diversen Pok\u00E9mon durch und \u00FCberfielen den Radioturm in Dukatia City, um Giovanni nach seiner R\u00FCckkehr zu bitten. Doch auch dieser Plan wurde verteilt und dadurch wurde die Organisation Team Rocket endg\u00FCltig aufgel\u00F6st."@de . "40"^^ . . "Team Rocket was first a small underground tradeshow where thugs would steal Pokemon and sell them to 12-year-old pimps in Thailand who would then sell them for sex. However, the income was small due to only several workers at the time, Jessie, James, Bitch, Cassidy, and supposedly Jeremy Mark Karr, so he claims, and also because they all sucked so bad at their job, they rarely got a single Pokemon. Giovanni, desperate to save his company from bankruptcy, he used the company's last remaining 50 cents to advertise on Pokeballs. Fortunately, about Half on the fictional country they live in joined, and the company became a huge dump. Bill Gates is forever alone."@en . "7"^^ . "Alive"@en . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . "The mayhem and madness and rare Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . "Team Rocket is an organization that, while it seems to be evil, they are people really helping Pokemon. Their biggest foe is Ash Ketchum, as he is a threat to every Pokemon known to the people in the Pokemon Universe and he is the owner of a very, very, very, very, really evil Pikachu just simply called Pikachu. In nearly every episode of the Pokemon Anime they try to steal his Pikachu so that they could mesmerize it into being good. But before they'll do that they want to give their boss a seizure. However, they always fail by flying off into the stratosphere. There are also other things that happen to them. For example, in one episode they were trapped in a cave at the end after Ash and his Pokemon leave them there. Despite the thin air and their poor landings, they always come back uninjured every episode. It is unknown how that is possible, though. Their members are Jessie,James, and Meowth, who are the previously mentioned guys who are somehow alive up to today. Other members are generally known as Team Rocket Grunts."@en . . . . . "Organizaci\u00F3n mixta"@es . . . "La Team Rocket est une organisation fondamentaliste fond\u00E9e en 1994 aux \u00EEles Orange, qui se d\u00E9veloppe principalement dans la r\u00E9gion du Kanto \u00E0 partir de 1994, jusqu\u2019\u00E0 la prise de Bourg Palette en 1996 et l\u2019instauration du r\u00E9gime Team Rocket."@fr . "\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u56E3"@en . "300"^^ . "Top Agents:"@en . "Team Rocket is a team of people who steal Pokemon and are able to fly away into the sky."@en . . . . . "[[Bild:Team_Rocket_R\u00FCpel.jpg|thumb|right|2 Team Rocket R\u00FCpel]] Team Rocket ist eine Verbrecher-Organisation, die in Kanto, Johto und auf den Sevii Eilanden Unheil und Schaden anrichtet. Team Rocket finanziert sich durch den illegalen Verkauf von gestohlenen Pok\u00E9mon. Der Boss vom Team Rocket, Giovanni, ist auch verantwortlich f\u00FCr das Mewtu-Projekt, da er das m\u00E4chtigste Pok\u00E9mon der ganzen Welt besitzen will. Doch dieses Projekt schlug fehl und so versuchte Team Rocket, die Silph Co. in Saffronia City zu \u00FCbernehmen, weil diese den Prototyp des Meisterballs entwickelt haben, doch auch dieser Plan wurde vereitelt. Giovanni wollte dann in seiner Arena in Vertania City ein Comeback versuchen, doch da er schon wieder besiegt wurde, l\u00F6ste er das Team Rocket auf. Allerdings sahen die Vorst\u00E4nde vom Team Rocket das nicht ein und starteten 3 Jahre sp\u00E4ter (ohne Giovanni) einen Comebackversuch. Dabei f\u00FChrten sie brutale Experimente an diversen Pok\u00E9mon durch und \u00FCberfielen den Radioturm in Dukatia City, um Giovanni nach seiner R\u00FCckkehr zu bitten. Doch auch dieser Plan wurde verteilt und dadurch wurde die Organisation Team Rocket endg\u00FCltig aufgel\u00F6st."@de . . . "Team Rocket are an organized crime syndicate in pursuit of evil and exploitation of Pok\u00E9mon based in the Kanto and Johto regions with a small outpost in the Sevii Islands. While its main focus is stealing or capturing, then selling, rare and strong Pok\u00E9mon, it also funds and conducts cruel experimental research on Pok\u00E9mon. Their oath, as posted on the wall of one of their many bases, is \"Steal Pok\u00E9mon for profit. Exploit Pok\u00E9mon for profit. All Pok\u00E9mon exist for the glory of Team Rocket.\" Their ultimate goal is to take over the world using Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "videojuego"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Evil"@en . "Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To protect the world from devastation. To unite all peoples within our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie! James! Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight! Meowth, dat's right!"@en . . . . . . . "Team Rocket is a fan-fiction TV Show made by Pikachufreak."@en . . "El Team Rocket (del japon\u00E9s: \u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u56E3, Roketto-dan, que es traduiria literalment com el \"Grup Coet\", degut al fet que sempre ixen volant com un coet) \u00E9s una associaci\u00F3 il\u00B7l\u00EDcita amb fins criminals fundada per Madam Boss i que ara est\u00E0 sota el comandament del seu fill, l'ambici\u00F3s Giovanni. Aquesta banda fa qualsevol cosa amb la condici\u00F3 de guanyar diners. El seu negoci m\u00E9s freq\u00FCent \u00E9s el de robar Pok\u00E9mon per a despr\u00E9s vendre'ls a preus elevats."@ca . . . "Team Rocket is an organization that, while it seems to be evil, they are people really helping Pokemon. Their biggest foe is Ash Ketchum, as he is a threat to every Pokemon known to the people in the Pokemon Universe and he is the owner of a very, very, very, very, really evil Pikachu just simply called Pikachu. In nearly every episode of the Pokemon Anime they try to steal his Pikachu so that they could mesmerize it into being good. But before they'll do that they want to give their boss a seizure. However, they always fail by flying off into the stratosphere. There are also other things that happen to them. For example, in one episode they were trapped in a cave at the end after Ash and his Pokemon leave them there. Despite the thin air and their poor landings, they always come back unin"@en . . . . "20262"^^ . . "Team Rocket"@it . "Rocket has been rebuilt by Carr, but Ariana, Archer, Proton, and Petrel overthrow him in Giovanni's name."@en . . "Placeholder"@en . . . . "D"@en . "Team Rocket are Rockin'! Do NOT argue with this."@en . . . . . . . "Some believe that they come from the depths of Hell, others believe that they were a mutation between nerds and Fat Mario and Insane Woody, the truth is that they are a race of humanoids affected by the gravity of the Earth trying to capture pokemon. They are highly dangerous people (even said that dominated some wikis). If seeing one warn an user immediately. They are characterized by using traps ACME and vehicles to pedal made \u200B\u200Bfrom recycled cardboard, so they are likely to be molested by the imaginary friends of Ash (whose greatest power is that of a water gun from the Chinese) and sent to the moon to the minimum."@en . . "Rocket Brothers"@en . "Pokemon research and experiments"@en . . . . . "Rocket has been rebuilt by Carr, but Ariana, Archer, Proton, and Petrel overthrow him in Giovanni's name."@en . "Sabrina, Surge, Blaine, Koga, Karen, Will, Chermaine, Keane ;"@en . "Team Rocket"@en . "Protected by Non Grata"@en . . . "Criminals, Thieves, Kidnappers"@en . . . . . . "Team Rocket is the evil organization in the fanfic HGSS: Johto Saga. They are mostly the same ones as in HeartGold and SoulSilver and the games Gold and Silver, however, a couple of additions and switches have been made. Team Rocket (HGSS: Johto Saga)|HGSS: Johto Saga Team Rocket (PKMN Dark-Sun Ver)|Pokemon Darkness and Sun Versions Team Rocket (World Trip)|Pokemon World Trip"@en . "rocket.png"@en . "202620"^^ . . . "255"^^ . . . . . "Boss:\nGiovanni"@en . "S\u00EDmbolo del Team Rocket"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Celadon City"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . "TRon69-SAO"@de . "Manga:"@en . . . . "Viridian City \nMahogany Town"@en . "Some believe that they come from the depths of Hell, others believe that they were a mutation between nerds and Fat Mario and Insane Woody, the truth is that they are a race of humanoids affected by the gravity of the Earth trying to capture pokemon. They are highly dangerous people (even said that dominated some wikis). If seeing one warn an user immediately."@en . . "Disbanded"@en . . "Team Rocket is the evil organization in the fanfic HGSS: Johto Saga. They are mostly the same ones as in HeartGold and SoulSilver and the games Gold and Silver, however, a couple of additions and switches have been made. Team Rocket (HGSS: Johto Saga)|HGSS: Johto Saga Team Rocket (PKMN Dark-Sun Ver)|Pokemon Darkness and Sun Versions Team Rocket (World Trip)|Pokemon World Trip"@en . . . . . "Il Team Rocket \u00E8 un'associazione non governativa[citazione necessaria], finanziata da Luciano Moggi detto \"Giovanni\", composta da Jessie e James, due ladri di biciclette, e Meowth, una confraternita di pulci. Il Team Rocket appartiene ufficialmente alla casta dei ladri, nonostante il trio non sia capace neppure di scippare il portafogli ad una vecchietta."@it . . . . "2011-11-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Grey"@en . "El Team Rocket (del japon\u00E9s: \u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u56E3, Roketto-dan, que es traduiria literalment com el \"Grup Coet\", degut al fet que sempre ixen volant com un coet) \u00E9s una associaci\u00F3 il\u00B7l\u00EDcita amb fins criminals fundada per Madam Boss i que ara est\u00E0 sota el comandament del seu fill, l'ambici\u00F3s Giovanni. Aquesta banda fa qualsevol cosa amb la condici\u00F3 de guanyar diners. El seu negoci m\u00E9s freq\u00FCent \u00E9s el de robar Pok\u00E9mon per a despr\u00E9s vendre'ls a preus elevats. Giovanni tamb\u00E9 vol tenir una col\u00B7lecci\u00F3 dels Pok\u00E9mon m\u00E9s forts del m\u00F3n i usa al seu equip per a fer-lo. La seu central es troba en la regi\u00F3 Kanto; per a ser m\u00E9s precisos, en Ciutat Verda, per\u00F2 el Team Rocket compta amb membres actius en m\u00E9s regions. El significat de la paraula Rocket segons el manga \u00E9s: (R)-aid (O)-f the (C)-ity, (K)-nock out... (E)-vil (T)-usk."@ca . "Team Rocket"@de . . . "Anime:"@en . . "Kanto, Johto e Islas Sete"@es . "Boshou & Buson"@en . . . "Team Rocket"@fr . "Team Rocket is a team of people who steal Pokemon and are able to fly away into the sky."@en . "Team Rocket"@en . "2011-04-10"^^ . "R"@en . "0.88"^^ . . "Pok\u00E9mon"@en . "Rocket-Dan"@en . . "Team Rocket.svg"@es . . "59"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Team Rocket is an evil organization in the Pok\u00E9mon series. They are intent on capturing Pok\u00E9mon for their own malicious purposes. The leader of Team Rocket is Giovanni, former Gym Leader of Viridian City."@en . . "Jessie & James"@en . "Team Rocket are a criminal organization, with their headquarters in the Kanto Region and the Johto region and a branch in Sevii Islands. They are headed by Giovanni, who also doubles as the Viridian City Gym Leader. Team Rocket's main objective was obtaining powerful and rare Pok\u00E9mon to help their criminal syndicate in the hopes of someday taking over the world. They obtain these Pok\u00E9mon by regular capture, or more often, theft. In addition to this they also perform inhumane experiments on Pok\u00E9mon to further enhance their power."@en . . . "Franz Ferdinand"@en . . "#rocket"@en . "Cassidy & Butch"@en . . . . . . "World domination"@en . "Team Rocket is a team with the people, Jessica, James, Harold and Jessie."@en . . . "To conquer the Pok\u00E9mon world"@en . . . "La Team Rocket est une organisation fondamentaliste fond\u00E9e en 1994 aux \u00EEles Orange, qui se d\u00E9veloppe principalement dans la r\u00E9gion du Kanto \u00E0 partir de 1994, jusqu\u2019\u00E0 la prise de Bourg Palette en 1996 et l\u2019instauration du r\u00E9gime Team Rocket. Consid\u00E9r\u00E9e par les diff\u00E9rentes \u00E9coles pok\u00E9mon comme une organisation terroriste, la Team Rocket restera n\u00E9anmoins au pouvoir en Kanto jusqu\u2019aux interventions des dresseurs pok\u00E9mon Sacha et Pierre, suite aux \u00E9v\u00E8nements dramatiques du 11 septembre 2001, au cours desquels deux pok\u00E9mon l\u00E9gendaires de type Electhor furent envoy\u00E9s sur le centre d\u2019affaires de Bourg en Vol, causant la mort de plus de 4000 personnes. Le r\u00E9gime Team Rocket est d\u00E9fait en novembre 2001, mais le chef de l\u2019organisation, le myst\u00E9rieux Giovanni Brigatarosso, fonde une nouvelle faction arm\u00E9e clandestine ayant pour but de reconqu\u00E9rir le pouvoir et d\u00E9truire les valeurs pok\u00E9mon (amiti\u00E9, entraide, dressage d\u2019animaux pour se battre \u00E0 la place de leurs ma\u00EEtres, augmentation des comp\u00E9tences gr\u00E2ce aux points d\u2019XP obtenus lors de joutes fair-plays)."@fr . "Team Rocket ist eine Verbrecher-Organisation, die in Kanto, Johto und auf den Sevii Unheil und Schaden thumbanrichtet. Team Rocket finanziert sich durch den illegalen Verkauf von gestohlenen Pok\u00E9mon. Der Boss vom Team Rocket, Giovanni, ist auch verantwortlich f\u00FCr das Mewtu-Projekt, da er das m\u00E4chtigste Pok\u00E9mon der ganzen Welt besitzen will. Doch dieses Projekt schlug fehl und so versuchte Team Rocket, die Silph Co. in Saffronia City zu \u00FCbernehmen, weil diese den Prototyp des Meisterballs entwickelt haben, doch auch dieser Plan wurde vereitelt. Giovanni wollte dann in seiner Arena in Vertania City ein Comeback versuchen, doch da er schon wieder besiegt wurde, l\u00F6ste er das Team Rocket auf."@de . "Lyrics from \"Double Trouble (Team Rocket)\""@en . . . . "Making money"@en . "Executives:\n\nAriana, Archer, Proton, Petrel ;"@en . . . "Three prominent members of Team Rocket: Jessie , James , and Meowth ."@en . . "Team Rocket"@en . "Team Rocket was first a small underground tradeshow where thugs would steal Pokemon and sell them to 12-year-old pimps in Thailand who would then sell them for sex. However, the income was small due to only several workers at the time, Jessie, James, Bitch, Cassidy, and supposedly Jeremy Mark Karr, so he claims, and also because they all sucked so bad at their job, they rarely got a single Pokemon. Giovanni, desperate to save his company from bankruptcy, he used the company's last remaining 50 cents to advertise on Pokeballs. Fortunately, about Half on the fictional country they live in joined, and the company became a huge dump. Bill Gates is forever alone."@en . . . "irc://irc.coldfront.net/rocket"@en . "Team Rocket"@es . . . "Team Rocket is a fan-fiction TV Show made by Pikachufreak."@en . . "Officers:"@en . . "Team Rocket are Rockin'! Do NOT argue with this."@en . . . "Juggler Dalton, Scientist Gideon"@en . . "x"@en . . . . . "Placeholder"@en . . "Games:"@en . "Team Rocket is a manipulative group of criminals in the Pokemon franchise. They appear in the Pokemon anime, the Pokemon manga, as well as the first and second generations (as well as their respective remakes) in the games."@en . . "[[Bild:Team_Rocket_R\u00FCpel.jpg|thumb|right|2 Team Rocket R\u00FCpel]] Team Rocket ist eine Verbrecher-Organisation, die in Kanto, Johto und auf den Sevii Eilanden Unheil und Schaden anrichtet. Team Rocket finanziert sich durch den illegalen Verkauf von gestohlenen Pok\u00E9mon. Der Boss vom Team Rocket, Giovanni, ist auch verantwortlich f\u00FCr das Mewtu-Projekt, da er das m\u00E4chtigste Pok\u00E9mon der ganzen Welt besitzen will. Doch dieses Projekt schlug fehl und so versuchte Team Rocket, die Silph Co. in Saffronia City zu \u00FCbernehmen, weil diese den Prototyp des Meisterballs entwickelt haben, doch auch dieser Plan wurde vereitelt. Giovanni wollte dann in seiner Arena in Vertania City ein Comeback versuchen, doch da er schon wieder besiegt wurde, l\u00F6ste er das Team Rocket auf."@de . .