. . "\uAE40C, \uACE0\uBC94\uC900, \uC774\uAE30\uD0DC, \uCD5C\uD48D\uB958"@ko . . . . "Navi ist eine Fee, die in Ocarina of Time ihren Auftritt hat. Dort wird sie vom Deku-Baum zu Link geschickt, um ihm bei seinem bevorstehenden Abenteuer zu unterst\u00FCtzen. So erkl\u00E4rt sie ihm oft den Namen und die Schw\u00E4chen seiner Gegner und gibt ihm Tipps, wie Link weiter vorgehen muss. Er nutzt sie auch, um mit weiter entfernten Personen zu reden, indem sie zu diesen Personen fliegt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:The Legend of Zelda Kategorie:Ocarina of Time Kategorie:Charakter aus Ocarina of Time"@de . . . "2848.0"^^ . "Navi era un maschio Sephi, Senatore della Repubblica Galattica che rappresent\u00F2 Thustra e venne arrestato dalla Repubblica per tradimento durante le Guerre dei Cloni nel 21 BBY. Il suo assistente era Moje. Durante le trattative fra Yoda e re Alaric, Navi ingann\u00F2 la Padawan Pix permettendo cos\u00EC all'esercito dei cloni di attaccare le forze Sephi, facendo loro credere che Yoda era stato ucciso. Durante il tentativo di dichiarare al Senato della Repubblica che Yoda era stato ucciso durante la Battaglia di Thustra, venne interrotto da Yoda stesso. Di conseguenza, Mace Windu ordin\u00F2 che venisse arrestato per crimini contro la Repubblica e tentato omicidio."@it . . . . "Navi was a male Sephi senator of the Galactic Republic who represented Thustra and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars."@en . . "214.0"^^ . "Navi can pinpoint one's weaknesses like the big eyeball, the flashing blue tail, and your self-esteem. She can be used as an alarm clock, a pager, and a phone that can only call Saria. Her most useful capability is recording what she sees and sending it directly to her hard drive. She also has a vast knowledge of useless sci-fi trivia. Debatably, she can hear the voices of spirits trapped inside walls, but these are more likely to be drug induced auditory hallucinations."@en . . . "A NAVI is a type of shipboard artificial intelligence used in Maximal and Predacon starships during the Beast Era. NAVIs possess limited autonomy of action\u2014more than a \"dumb\" computer system like Sentinel, but less than a self-aware drone. This does not prevent them from possessing what might be termed an excess of personality, often forming strong attachments to their ship's crews or definite opinions that can shape how they choose to interpret orders. Typical NAVIs have the voice and intonation of cute little girls, though their personalities can range from stoic robots to demanding bitches. Ambulatory NAVI units such as the one designed by Skywarp can sustain a NAVI's existence even after the ship housing its data banks has been destroyed."@en . "373.0"^^ . . . . . "Navi is a fairy who accompanies link on his adventures, providing help along the way. She only appeared in Ocarina of Time, where she also provided info on enemies when the user wished. In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, she is replaced to an extent with a magical stone which allows Tetra and her crew to communicate with Link from elsewhere. Midna takes her place in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."@en . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . "Navi"@no . . . . "Navigationsger\u00E4te (\"Navis\") haben in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Bedeutung f\u00FCr Motorradfahrer gewonnen."@de . "CIS"@en . "Navi is an annoying fairy who travelled with Link pointing out everything and making high-pitched noises. After beating Ganondorf Navi eventually drove Link mad and had to try and escape to Termina to avoid being killed by Link. Navi was one day mistaken as a rare butterfly and is now on display at a museum's bug section."@en . "Navi (\u30CA\u30D3\u30A3, Nabyi ?), es una personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Se trata de un hada, la cual acompa\u00F1a a Link a lo largo de dicho juego. Esta misi\u00F3n de acompa\u00F1ar a Link fue encomendada por el Gran \u00C1rbol Deku. A pesar de que Navi, inicialmente, no cree a Link capaz de efectuar actos her\u00F3icos, con el avance de la aventura Link se hace de su agrado y se convierten en un equipo inseparable. Al final del juego, Navi sale de la tierra de Hyrule por razones desconocidas. Navi es uno de los personajes m\u00E1s carism\u00E1ticos y queridos de la saga de The Legend of Zelda, ya que es la primera de muchos de los personajes acompa\u00F1antes de Link, que aparecen en los juegos posteriores de la serie. Una de sus caracter\u00EDsticas m\u00E1s destacadas son sus mensajes o advertencias, diciendo palabras como \"Ey\", \"Mira\", \"Esc\u00FAchame\" o \"Cuidado\". Tambi\u00E9n de vez en cuando ofrece ayuda a Link, a la hora de finalizar un objetivo de la aventura. Su voz es doblada por Kaori Mizuhashi, que posteriormente se convirti\u00F3 en la voz de Ciela, otra compa\u00F1era hada de Link en The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass."@es . . "Navi"@en . "1986"^^ . "C"@en . . "85px|leftDer Deku-Baum schickt Navi zu Link, um ihn aus seinem Schlaf zu wecken und zum Deku-Baum zu schicken. Darauf hin begleitet sie Link, um ihm zu helfen, die Welt zu retten. Nach dem Sieg \u00FCber Ganondorf verl\u00E4sst sie Link durch ein Fenster in der Zitadelle der Zeit, was sich sp\u00E4ter in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess als Eingang zum Zeitschrein herausstellt."@de . . "2003"^^ . . . . . . . "\uB0B4 \uAFC8\uC5D0 \uAD00\uD55C \uC9E7\uC740 \uC598\uAE30"@ko . . . "Navi"@fr . . . . "3"^^ . "\uB7ED\uBE44\uACF5"@ko . . "242.0"^^ . "Navi (\u30CA\u30D3\u30A3 Nab\u012B) est un personnage d'Ocarina of Time. Il s'agit d'une f\u00E9e. Le v\u00E9n\u00E9rable Arbre Mojo lui a confi\u00E9 la mission d'aider Link, qu'elle accompagne donc tout au long de son aventure. Navi constitue une \u00E9tape importante dans l'avancement de la s\u00E9rie Zelda, puisqu'elle est le tout premier personnage \u00E0 accompagner le h\u00E9ros tout au long du jeu (il y en aura plusieurs par la suite, dont d'autres f\u00E9es comme Taya dans Majora's Mask et Ciela dans Phantom Hourglass). Il s'agit \u00E9galement du premier personnage doubl\u00E9 de la s\u00E9rie (elle peut dire \"listen !\", \"watch out !\", \"hey !\", \"hey look !\", \"hello !\" selon les situations). Sa doubleuse est Kaori Mizuhashi, qui a \u00E9galement donn\u00E9 sa voix \u00E0 Ciela dans Phantom Hourglass."@fr . "Navi"@it . . "22"^^ . . . "Navi er den lille fe'en som er med Link i noen av Zelda-spillene."@no . "Navi er den lille fe'en som er med Link i noen av Zelda-spillene."@no . . "\uC815\uADDC \uC74C\uBC18"@ko . . . . "Kaori Mizuhashi"@it . "thumb|152px Navi es el nombre del hada que acompa\u00F1a a Link en el videojuego La leyenda de Zelda: Ocarina of Time, de Nintendo. En un principio Link era motivo de las burlas de los ni\u00F1os Kokiri con los que conviv\u00EDa, pues a diferencia de ellos \u00E9l no ten\u00EDa su propia hada guardiana debido a que \u00E9l era un Hylian, no un Kokiri. El Venerable \u00C1rbol Deku, el esp\u00EDritu protector de la tierra, env\u00EDa a Navi para ayudar a Link en su aventura en busca de la Trifuerza con sus consejos y pistas. Cuando Link vuelve a su propio tiempo, Navi se va. La desaparici\u00F3n de Navi se puede explicar por el hecho de que su deber al Venerable \u00C1rbol Deku hab\u00EDa expirado despu\u00E9s de que Link hab\u00EDa dejado el bosque y que Ganon hab\u00EDa sido derrotado. Viendo que Link no era de ascendencia Kokiri, ella no ten\u00EDa una obligaci\u00F3n permanente hacia \u00E9l. Esto tambi\u00E9n explica el problema de hada antes de Ocarina of Time. A pesar del hecho de que Navi deja a Link, es aparente que Link y Navi tuvieron una buena amistad. Categor\u00EDa:Zelda"@es . "13"^^ . . "\uD3B8\uACE1"@ko . "Mujer"@es . "Navi is the term used to refer to a vanship navigator."@en . "thumb|152px Navi es el nombre del hada que acompa\u00F1a a Link en el videojuego La leyenda de Zelda: Ocarina of Time, de Nintendo. En un principio Link era motivo de las burlas de los ni\u00F1os Kokiri con los que conviv\u00EDa, pues a diferencia de ellos \u00E9l no ten\u00EDa su propia hada guardiana debido a que \u00E9l era un Hylian, no un Kokiri. El Venerable \u00C1rbol Deku, el esp\u00EDritu protector de la tierra, env\u00EDa a Navi para ayudar a Link en su aventura en busca de la Trifuerza con sus consejos y pistas."@es . . "*Repubblica Galattica\n**Senato Galattico\n*Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti"@it . . . . . "85px|leftDer Deku-Baum schickt Navi zu Link, um ihn aus seinem Schlaf zu wecken und zum Deku-Baum zu schicken. Darauf hin begleitet sie Link, um ihm zu helfen, die Welt zu retten. Nach dem Sieg \u00FCber Ganondorf verl\u00E4sst sie Link durch ein Fenster in der Zitadelle der Zeit, was sich sp\u00E4ter in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess als Eingang zum Zeitschrein herausstellt."@de . . . . "Navi"@de . "No"@en . "2848.0"^^ . . "If there was one thing to say about Navi, it's that the young Mental Arts professor had unusual skills she used exclusively to get her pupils to come clean when they messed up. As a close friend of Mandrak's, the powerful Skeelz was concerned to see her friend's mental health deteriorate with every trip he took to the chaotic dimensions. As a result, one day she decided to follow him through the portal and find out what was going on. Mandrak was tackled by a cosmic force that took control of him and would have driven him mad had Navi not intervened to absorb the entity in his place. Realizing how close he had been to experiencing nothingness, Mandrak tapped into his knowledge in an attempt to contain this staggering power that Navi emanated. One week later, the pair of them returned to the academy but professor Navi was no longer the same... Exuding even more power and passion, she has become great cause for alarm."@en . "\uC9C4\uACF5 \uC544\uB9AC\uB791"@ko . . "Navi"@fr . . "Navi (\u30CA\u30D3\u30A3, Nabyi ?), es una personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Se trata de un hada, la cual acompa\u00F1a a Link a lo largo de dicho juego. Esta misi\u00F3n de acompa\u00F1ar a Link fue encomendada por el Gran \u00C1rbol Deku. A pesar de que Navi, inicialmente, no cree a Link capaz de efectuar actos her\u00F3icos, con el avance de la aventura Link se hace de su agrado y se convierten en un equipo inseparable. Al final del juego, Navi sale de la tierra de Hyrule por razones desconocidas."@es . "Navi"@en . . . . "6"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . "NAVI"@ko . "Mobile Suit Pilot"@en . "165.0"^^ . "Human"@en . . "__TOC__"@en . "Navi"@it . . . . . . . . "2016-01-22"^^ . . "304.0"^^ . "\uCCA0\uC218\uC758 \uC77C\uAE30"@ko . . . . "Navi can pinpoint one's weaknesses like the big eyeball, the flashing blue tail, and your self-esteem. She can be used as an alarm clock, a pager, and a phone that can only call Saria. Her most useful capability is recording what she sees and sending it directly to her hard drive. She also has a vast knowledge of useless sci-fi trivia. Debatably, she can hear the voices of spirits trapped inside walls, but these are more likely to be drug induced auditory hallucinations."@en . . . . . . "\uAE40C"@ko . . . . "Navi"@en . . . . "Yuko Mizutani,"@en . . "\uAE40C, \uB098\uBE44"@ko . . . "Female"@en . . . . "384.0"^^ . "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"@en . . . . "Navi is the term used to refer to a vanship navigator."@en . . . "237.0"^^ . . . . . . "N.A.V.I\uB294 \uB300\uD55C\uBBFC\uAD6D\uC758 \uD3EC\uD06C \uB85D \uC74C\uC545 \uADF8\uB8F9 \uB728\uAC70\uC6B4 \uAC10\uC790\uC758 \uC815\uADDC \uC74C\uBC18 1\uC9D1\uC774\uBA70, \uD0C0\uC774\uD2C0 \uACE1\uC740 \"\uC5EC\uC758\uB3C4\uC758 \uAF43\uB4E4\uC740 \uC88B\uACA0\uB124\"\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "Universal Century"@en . . "Navi (\u30CA\u30F4\u30A3) is a character in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam F90."@en . . "Nintendo"@de . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "Navi"@es . "Navi ist eine Fee, die in Ocarina of Time ihren Auftritt hat. Dort wird sie vom Deku-Baum zu Link geschickt, um ihm bei seinem bevorstehenden Abenteuer zu unterst\u00FCtzen. So erkl\u00E4rt sie ihm oft den Namen und die Schw\u00E4chen seiner Gegner und gibt ihm Tipps, wie Link weiter vorgehen muss. Er nutzt sie auch, um mit weiter entfernten Personen zu reden, indem sie zu diesen Personen fliegt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:The Legend of Zelda Kategorie:Ocarina of Time Kategorie:Charakter aus Ocarina of Time"@de . "\uC624\uB298 \uB09C \uBB50\uD588\uB098?"@ko . "3"^^ . . . "Earth Federation Forces"@en . . . . . . . "A NAVI is a type of shipboard artificial intelligence used in Maximal and Predacon starships during the Beast Era. NAVIs possess limited autonomy of action\u2014more than a \"dumb\" computer system like Sentinel, but less than a self-aware drone. This does not prevent them from possessing what might be termed an excess of personality, often forming strong attachments to their ship's crews or definite opinions that can shape how they choose to interpret orders. Typical NAVIs have the voice and intonation of cute little girls, though their personalities can range from stoic robots to demanding bitches."@en . . "334.0"^^ . "Navi era un maschio Sephi, Senatore della Repubblica Galattica che rappresent\u00F2 Thustra e venne arrestato dalla Repubblica per tradimento durante le Guerre dei Cloni nel 21 BBY. Il suo assistente era Moje."@it . "Common"@en . "222.0"^^ . . "Ein Artwork aus Ocarina of Time"@de . . . . "Navi \u00E8 una piccola fata di colore blu che accompagna Link per tutto il corso di Ocarina of Time. La piccola Navi guida per prima cosa il giovane nel salvataggio del Grande albero Deku e in seguito durante il suo viaggio. Gli insegner\u00E0 alcune cose all'inizio del gioco e fornir\u00E0 consigli anche sui nemici. Alla fine dell'avventura scompare dietro la finestra centrale del Santuario del Tempo ma la ragione del perch\u00E9 lasci l'eroe \u00E8 sconosciuta. In Majora's Mask viene solo nominata come l'amica che Link stava cercando prima di incontrare lo Skull Kid."@it . . "N.A.V.I"@ko . . . "Attack +10"@en . . "Navi"@en . . . . . "Ocarina of Time"@de . "Navi"@es . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . "Bianchi"@it . "Ocarina of Time"@de . "Navi is an annoying fairy who travelled with Link pointing out everything and making high-pitched noises. After beating Ganondorf Navi eventually drove Link mad and had to try and escape to Termina to avoid being killed by Link. Navi was one day mistaken as a rare butterfly and is now on display at a museum's bug section."@en . "Navi (\u30CA\u30D3\u30A3 Nab\u012B) est un personnage d'Ocarina of Time. Il s'agit d'une f\u00E9e. Le v\u00E9n\u00E9rable Arbre Mojo lui a confi\u00E9 la mission d'aider Link, qu'elle accompagne donc tout au long de son aventure. Navi constitue une \u00E9tape importante dans l'avancement de la s\u00E9rie Zelda, puisqu'elle est le tout premier personnage \u00E0 accompagner le h\u00E9ros tout au long du jeu (il y en aura plusieurs par la suite, dont d'autres f\u00E9es comme Taya dans Majora's Mask et Ciela dans Phantom Hourglass). Il s'agit \u00E9galement du premier personnage doubl\u00E9 de la s\u00E9rie (elle peut dire \"listen !\", \"watch out !\", \"hey !\", \"hey look !\", \"hello !\" selon les situations). Sa doubleuse est Kaori Mizuhashi, qui a \u00E9galement donn\u00E9 sa voix \u00E0 Ciela dans Phantom Hourglass."@fr . . . . "Ocarina of Time"@en . . "\uC608"@ko . . . . . "\uC608"@ko . . "Navi (\u30CA\u30F4\u30A3) is a character in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam F90."@en . . . . . "Time"@ko . "Navi.png"@de . . . "Navi"@it . . . . . . "Character"@en . "\uBB34\uC5B8"@ko . "Navi"@es . "Artwork of Navi"@en . . "Navi is a fairy who accompanies link on his adventures, providing help along the way. She only appeared in Ocarina of Time, where she also provided info on enemies when the user wished. In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, she is replaced to an extent with a magical stone which allows Tetra and her crew to communicate with Link from elsewhere. Midna takes her place in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "If there was one thing to say about Navi, it's that the young Mental Arts professor had unusual skills she used exclusively to get her pupils to come clean when they messed up. As a close friend of Mandrak's, the powerful Skeelz was concerned to see her friend's mental health deteriorate with every trip he took to the chaotic dimensions. As a result, one day she decided to follow him through the portal and find out what was going on. Mandrak was tackled by a cosmic force that took control of him and would have driven him mad had Navi not intervened to absorb the entity in his place. Realizing how close he had been to experiencing nothingness, Mandrak tapped into his knowledge in an attempt to contain this staggering power that Navi emanated. One week later, the pair of them returned to the"@en . . . . . . . "Navi was a male Sephi senator of the Galactic Republic who represented Thustra and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars."@en . . . . . . "Navi"@de . "Ensign"@en . . . . . . . . "__TOC__"@en . "*Galactic Republic \n**Galactic Senate \n*Confederacy of Independent Systems"@en . . "2000"^^ . "263.0"^^ . . "Navigationsger\u00E4te (\"Navis\") haben in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Bedeutung f\u00FCr Motorradfahrer gewonnen."@de . . . . . . . . . "Skeelz"@en . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . "Mobile Suit Gundam F90,"@en . . "Navi \u00E8 una piccola fata di colore blu che accompagna Link per tutto il corso di Ocarina of Time. La piccola Navi guida per prima cosa il giovane nel salvataggio del Grande albero Deku e in seguito durante il suo viaggio. Gli insegner\u00E0 alcune cose all'inizio del gioco e fornir\u00E0 consigli anche sui nemici. Alla fine dell'avventura scompare dietro la finestra centrale del Santuario del Tempo ma la ragione del perch\u00E9 lasci l'eroe \u00E8 sconosciuta. In Majora's Mask viene solo nominata come l'amica che Link stava cercando prima di incontrare lo Skull Kid."@it . . . . . . . . "\"Listen!\""@en . . "\uAE40C, \uACE0\uBC94\uC900, \uC774\uAE30\uD0DC, \uCD5C\uD48D\uB958"@ko . "\uC5EC\uC758\uB3C4\uC758 \uAF43\uB4E4\uC740 \uC88B\uACA0\uB124"@ko . . "Navi"@de . . . . "N.A.V.I\uB294 \uB300\uD55C\uBBFC\uAD6D\uC758 \uD3EC\uD06C \uB85D \uC74C\uC545 \uADF8\uB8F9 \uB728\uAC70\uC6B4 \uAC10\uC790\uC758 \uC815\uADDC \uC74C\uBC18 1\uC9D1\uC774\uBA70, \uD0C0\uC774\uD2C0 \uACE1\uC740 \"\uC5EC\uC758\uB3C4\uC758 \uAF43\uB4E4\uC740 \uC88B\uACA0\uB124\"\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . "NAVI"@en . "\u041D\u0430\u0432\u0438"@en . . "\uC77C"@ko . "170.0"^^ . . . .