. . . "Mei"@in . "Muro de Hielo"@es . . "Mei"@en . "Alt. Leben"@de . "Mei-Lin Zhou"@es . . "Cloth"@en . ""@en . . . "Informatore del Santuario"@en . . . . . . "Umana"@en . . "(Xu & Norell, 2004)"@en . . "Mei"@de . . . . "50"^^ . . . . . "Suborder"@en . . . . . . . "Warlord"@en . . . "Mei (\u9298 Inscription) is the current lieutenant of the 5th Division within the Gotei 13 underneath Shinji Hirako."@en . . "Mei (\u30E1\u30A4 Mei) jest Ptera Rangersem (\u30D7\u30C6\u30E9\u30EC\u30F3\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC Puterarenjaa, Ptera Ranger) i jedyn\u0105 kobiet\u0105 spo\u015Br\u00F3d Zyurangers\u00F3w. Znana r\u00F3wnie\u017C pod przydomkami Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki Plemienia Rishiya (\u30EA\u30B7\u30E4\u65CF\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9 Rishiya-zoku purinsesu) i Wojowniczki Mi\u0142o\u015Bci (\u611B\u306E\u6226\u58EB Ai no senshi)."@pl . . . . . . . . "A model of Mei at the Field Museum."@en . "Maschio"@en . "Rabao"@de . . "El bl\u00E1ster de Mei desata una descarga de escarcha concentrada y de corto alcance que da\u00F1a, ralentiza y, por \u00FAltimo, congela al enemigo. Mei tambi\u00E9n puede usar su bl\u00E1ster para disparar proyectiles similares a car\u00E1mbanos con alcance medio."@es . . . . "Roi Cold"@fr . "Chapitre 331 - Tank\u014Dbon vol. 28 - Kanzenban vol. 22"@fr . "\u30E1\u30FC\u30A4"@fr . "\"Discipline and Disorder\""@en . . "Mei"@en . . . . . "Mei's the Vietnamese daughter of Huin Kuan An (father), & Hoa (mother). They own the Hoa Mai Grocery & Takeout."@en . "Rey Cold Freezer"@es . . "Mei"@fr . . "2016-05-24"^^ . "Striker"@en . . . . . . . "Mei_pixel.png"@en . "Mei is the daughter of Bao Ting and Lai Di Ting. She is a waitress at the dim sum restaurant downstairs from Emerson Cod's office. In Mandarin, the word could mean either 'beautiful' or (when repeated) 'sister'. She appears in \"Dim Sum, Lose Some\". Do you know more about Mei? You can help the Pushing Daisies Wiki by [ expanding this page]."@en . "39.0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Soldat du Roi Cold"@fr . . . "Warlord Mei"@en . . . . "Main Character -"@en . "from Eld Azerbaurighauni *mei, similar, same, like"@en . . "~41"@en . "Female"@en . "Romanzo Gigantomachia"@en . . . . . "180.0"^^ . "Cooking and sewing"@en . . "Climatologist, Adventurer"@en . "#e3e5cd"@de . . . "Hume"@en . "Mei"@de . "Ventisca"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Xi'an, China"@en . . . . . . "Genus"@en . "\"Discipline and Disorder\""@en . "Kobieta"@pl . "zyumei.jpg"@pl . "250"^^ . . . "Arrow"@en . . . "weiblich"@de . . . "10"^^ . "Mei genera un muro de hielo enorme que obstruye las l\u00EDneas de visi\u00F3n, detiene el movimiento y bloquea ataques."@es . . "12"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "Sabrina Jiang"@en . . . . . . "Rabao"@en . "Chioma di Berenice"@en . "meiblaster"@es . "from Eld Azerbaurighauni *mei, similar, same, like"@en . . "[[Bild:Mei.jpg|thumb|left|Mei und seine Partnerin Minami]] Mei ist ein Labramon und der Partner von Minami Uehara. Mei kommt nur im Movie 5 vor. Minamis Vater, Takehito Uehara, ist der Macher der V-Pets und Mei war das erste V-Pet, das er entwickelt hatte, weswegen er es seiner Tochter schenkte."@de . . . . . "Saying goodbye to people"@en . . . . . . "Cavalieri di Atena"@en . . . "Arrow"@de . . "Mei was a male Chiss lieutenant of the Sith Empire. During the Galactic War he was stationed inside Dorn Base on Hoth."@en . . . "May has long green hair that reaches down to her waist and short bangs just above her green eyes. She wears a white shirt underneath a blue vest with gold trim and puffed short sleeves. Covering her legs is a wide dark pink skirt that hangs to the floor, with a red cloth material wrapped around on top that is fastened with a gold belt."@en . "Mei is a chinese girl who was first introduced in the double-length episode Dora's World Adventure from the TV show Dora the Explorer."@en . . "Mei era il primogenito della famiglia Kido, erede predestinato, ma volle diventare Cavaliere per non essere privilegiato rispetto agli altri cento orfani mandati in giro per il mondo ad allenarsi per guadagnare le Sacre Armature. \u00C8 allievo di Death Mask da cui \u00E8 stato allenato personalmente, e la sua armatura non appartiene a nessuna delle tre caste."@en . . "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's"@en . "45"^^ . . . "ventisca1"@es . "Has nine tails"@en . . "22"^^ . "Mei was Hope Shlottman's friend and roommate in New York City."@en . . "Habilidad m\u00E1xima"@es . . . . "Cloth della Chioma"@en . . . . . "Appears, when the special event Sunbreeze Festival is active.\n\n;Notes:\n:*Sells Super Scoops and buys items of characters\n:*Gives goldfish scooping points for trading special event catched fish\n:*Can give you a Goldfish Bowl, but you lose all former accumulated goldfish scooping points\n:*Exchanges prizes for goldfish scooping points\nFor detailed information on fish, prices and other things related to this event see Goldfish Scooping.\n\n\n;Items sold:\n*Super Scoop 100gil"@en . . . "Secret!"@en . . . . . "Death Mask"@en . . "Mei is de vijfde maand van het jaar. Mei is ook een van de maanden van het jaar met eenendertig dagen."@nl . "250"^^ . "Kung Fu Panda Issue 5"@en . "Freeze 4 enemies at once with Mei in quick or competitive play."@en . . . . . "Unnamed mother"@en . "Mei"@en . "Mei, fanart di swr13"@en . . "Alive"@en . . "40"^^ . . . . "Mei es uno de los soldados que llegan a la Tierra."@es . "Mei (\u9298 Inscription) is the current lieutenant of the 5th Division within the Gotei 13 underneath Shinji Hirako."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Ann\u00E9e 764"@fr . . . . . "Zhang Yu"@es . . . "Atena"@en . "Haruka moon, 4"@en . "Mei is de vijfde maand van het jaar. Mei is ook een van de maanden van het jaar met eenendertig dagen."@en . . "Yao Fei Gulong"@en . "Shado"@en . "Hinter den Kulissen"@de . "Giapponese"@en . . "Zyuranger"@pl . . . . "Criocongelaci\u00F3n"@es . "Xi'an, China"@es . "Auftritte"@de . . "Galerie"@de . . . . "Mei ('soundly sleeping') is a genus of duck-sized troodontid dinosaur first unearthed by paleontologists in Liaoning, China in 2004. Mei lived during the Early Cretaceous Period. Its binomial name, Mei long means 'Long, soundly sleeping'. Mei has the shortest genus name of any dinosaur, surpassing the previous record-holders Minmi, an ankylosaur discovered in Australia, and Khaan, an oviraptorid from Mongolia."@en . . . . . . . "Mei"@en . "Mei ('soundly sleeping') is a genus of duck-sized troodontid dinosaur first unearthed by paleontologists in Liaoning, China in 2004. Mei lived during the Early Cretaceous Period. Its binomial name, Mei long means 'Long, soundly sleeping'. The type fossil is complete and exceptionally well preserved in three-dimensional detail, with the snout nestled beneath one of the forelimbs, similar to the roosting position of modern birds. This posture provides another behavioral link between birds and dinosaurs. The chemistry of the matrix stone and the resting pose indicate the living animal was probably buried instantly in volcanic ash. Mei has the shortest genus name of any dinosaur, surpassing the previous record-holders Minmi, an ankylosaur discovered in Australia, and Khaan, an oviraptorid from Mongolia."@en . "Mei"@es . "Tailor"@en . . . . "Mei is one of the main protagonists in Galactik Football and like many of her friends, she originates from Akillian. She is a player from the Snow Kids, playing as defender alongside Thran, and formerly a member of the Shadows where she played as striker."@en . "[[Bild:Mei.jpg|thumb|left|Mei und seine Partnerin Minami]] Mei ist ein Labramon und der Partner von Minami Uehara. Mei kommt nur im Movie 5 vor. Minamis Vater, Takehito Uehara, ist der Macher der V-Pets und Mei war das erste V-Pet, das er entwickelt hatte, weswegen er es seiner Tochter schenkte. Mei war aber nicht nur digital, sonder real, doch eines Tages ging es in einem Sturm verloren, wof\u00FCr sich Minami verantwortlich f\u00FChlte. Als allerdings ein Divermon versuchte Minami zu entf\u00FChren, tauchte Mei, der bereits zu Seasarmon digitiert war, wieder auf und rettete seine Partnerin. Diese wurde aber schlie\u00DFlich doch noch, von einem Mantaraymon, entf\u00FChrt und so machte sich Mei mit Takato, Guilmon und Kai auf den Weg, um sie zu retten. Die Vier stellten das Mantaraymon bei der Hauptfirma der V-Pet Laboratorien, wo es schlie\u00DFlich von Growlmon und Seasarmon vernichtet wurde. Auch die anderen Digimon, ein Archelomon, ein Sepikmon, ein Pipismon, ein Ponchomon und ein Baronmon, die sich in der Firma befanden, konnten von den Beiden ausgel\u00F6scht werden. Als sp\u00E4ter Mephistomon auftauchte und der Kampf begann, warf sich Mei als erster ins Get\u00FCmmel, wurde aber sehr schnell von Mephistomon besiegt, weswegen es zu Labramon zur\u00FCckdigitierte. Als Gulfmon sp\u00E4ter eine Attacke auf Minami startete und diese nicht mehr rechtzeitig fl\u00FCchten konnte, opferte sich Mei schlie\u00DFlich f\u00FCr Minami."@de . . "Mei"@en . . . . . "* Father"@en . "Zyuranger Odcinek 50"@pl . . "\u9AEA\u306E\u6BDB\u661F\u5EA7\u306E\u76DF"@en . . "Bl\u00E1ster Endot\u00E9rmico"@es . . . "Unspecified; experienced with fans"@en . . . . . . "Mei was a 2007 character who appeared in Season 11. She also appeared in Season 14. She was played by Kathryn Yee-Young."@en . . "Mei is de vijfde maand van het jaar. Mei is ook een van de maanden van het jaar met eenendertig dagen."@nl . "Mei"@en . . . "\"Mei\" ist ein Reimwort, das in Bibi Blocksbergs Hexspr\u00FCchen Anwendung findet. F\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich bringt sie damit ihren Hexenbesen Kartoffelbrei zum Fliegen. Hexspr\u00FCche, die \"mei\" beinhalten: \n* Eene meene mei, flieg' los, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der Abschied, Alle lieben Knuddel, Ein Pferd f\u00FCr Tante Paula) \n* Eene meene mei, lande schnell, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Das Fohlen) \n* Eene meene mei, im Tiefflug jetzt, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der Hufschmied) \n* Eene meene mei, flieg' hinterher, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Die Wildpferde (Teil 2)) \n* Eene meene mei, zur\u00FCck, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Alle lieben Knuddel) \n* Eene meene doppelmei, fliegt Baldrian, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Das Weihnachtsfest) \n* Eene meene mei, komm' her, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der verhexte Sattel, Das Schmusepony, Besuch aus Spanien) \n* Eene meene mei, zeig was du kannst Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Das Zirkuspony, Die Osterferien)"@de . "Our world is worth fighting for."@en . "Goldfischkeschern"@de . . "Mei es uno de los soldados que llegan a la Tierra."@es . . "Lost Children"@en . . . . . . "Order"@en . "Trivia"@de . . . "* M. long"@en . "Cavaliere di Atena"@en . . . . "Mei's the Vietnamese daughter of Huin Kuan An (father), & Hoa (mother). They own the Hoa Mai Grocery & Takeout."@en . . . . "Block 1200 Damage with a single use of Mei's Ice Wall in quick or competitive play."@en . "Mei is de vijfde maand van het jaar. Mei is ook een van de maanden van het jaar met eenendertig dagen."@en . . . "Mei was a 2007 character who appeared in Season 11. She also appeared in Season 14. She was played by Kathryn Yee-Young."@en . "Mei se cubre a s\u00ED misma con un bloque de hielo espeso. Se sana e ignora el da\u00F1o mientras se encuentre encerrada, pero no puede moverse ni usar habilidades."@es . "R\u00F3\u017Cowy"@pl . . "Cold Snap"@en . . . . "20"^^ . . . . . . "Coma Berenices no Mei"@en . . "Ice Blocked"@en . . . . "Mei"@pl . "Pixel Spray"@en . . . "Fili di oricalco"@en . . . "Mei era il primogenito della famiglia Kido, erede predestinato, ma volle diventare Cavaliere per non essere privilegiato rispetto agli altri cento orfani mandati in giro per il mondo ad allenarsi per guadagnare le Sacre Armature. \u00C8 allievo di Death Mask da cui \u00E8 stato allenato personalmente, e la sua armatura non appartiene a nessuna delle tre caste."@en . . . . . . "Laura Barriga"@es . . "Overwatch"@es . . . "1114"^^ . "White and orange with black hair"@en . . . "Rim Elm"@en . "3"^^ . . "Mei"@nl . "Mei is the daughter of Bao Ting and Lai Di Ting. She is a waitress at the dim sum restaurant downstairs from Emerson Cod's office. In Mandarin, the word could mean either 'beautiful' or (when repeated) 'sister'. She appears in \"Dim Sum, Lose Some\". Do you know more about Mei? You can help the Pushing Daisies Wiki by [ expanding this page]."@en . "\u9298"@en . "Hume"@de . . . . "Mei was Hope Shlottman's friend and roommate in New York City."@en . "\"Mei\" ist ein Reimwort, das in Bibi Blocksbergs Hexspr\u00FCchen Anwendung findet. F\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich bringt sie damit ihren Hexenbesen Kartoffelbrei zum Fliegen. Hexspr\u00FCche, die \"mei\" beinhalten: \n* Eene meene mei, flieg' los, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der Abschied, Alle lieben Knuddel, Ein Pferd f\u00FCr Tante Paula) \n* Eene meene mei, lande schnell, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Das Fohlen) \n* Eene meene mei, im Tiefflug jetzt, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der Hufschmied) \n* Eene meene mei, flieg' hinterher, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Die Wildpferde (Teil 2)) \n* Eene meene mei, zur\u00FCck, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Alle lieben Knuddel) \n* Eene meene doppelmei, fliegt Baldrian, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Das Weihnachtsfest) \n* Eene meene mei, komm' her, Kartoffelbrei. Hex-hex! (Der verhexte Sattel, Da"@de . . "Climat\u00F3loga, Aventurera"@es . . . "Unnamed father"@en . . "Defender"@en . . "Cute Spray"@en . . "criocongelacion1"@es . . "250"^^ . "New York University"@en . . "19"^^ . "Leben"@de . "Jessica Jones"@en . "20"^^ . . . "(Xu & Norell, 2004 )"@en . "Mei (\u30E1\u30A4 Mei) jest Ptera Rangersem (\u30D7\u30C6\u30E9\u30EC\u30F3\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC Puterarenjaa, Ptera Ranger) i jedyn\u0105 kobiet\u0105 spo\u015Br\u00F3d Zyurangers\u00F3w. Znana r\u00F3wnie\u017C pod przydomkami Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki Plemienia Rishiya (\u30EA\u30B7\u30E4\u65CF\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9 Rishiya-zoku purinsesu) i Wojowniczki Mi\u0142o\u015Bci (\u611B\u306E\u6226\u58EB Ai no senshi)."@pl . "Sicillia"@en . . "Mei lanza un dron modificador del clima que emite r\u00E1fagas de viento y nieve en una gran \u00E1rea. Los enemigos atrapados en la ventisca son ralentizados y reciben da\u00F1o; aquellos que se queden mucho tiempo en la zona quedan congelados."@es . . . "31"^^ . . "Lieutenant of the"@en . "\u30E1\u30A4"@en . . . . . . . . "Erscheint beim Event Sunbreeze Festival\n:*Verkauft Superkelle: 100 Gil"@de . . "Defense"@en . "15"^^ . "Mei"@fr . . "Mei was a male Chiss lieutenant of the Sith Empire. During the Galactic War he was stationed inside Dorn Base on Hoth."@en . "31"^^ . . . "Mei_cute.png"@en . . . . . "Mei"@en . . "Human"@en . "Zanshi"@en . "Cavaliere di grado ignoto"@en . "Mei's Theme"@en . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . "muro_de_hielo1"@es . . . . . . "Class"@en . "Dragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 119"@fr . . "M\u014Dtent\u014D"@en . "Soldado de la OIC"@es . "Mei-Ling Zhou"@en . "7"^^ . "Mei.jpg"@en . . "Taille image Commentaire Informations Nom Original Alias Premi\u00E8re apparition MangaChapitre 331 - Tank\u014Dbon vol. 28 - Kanzenban vol. 22 Premi\u00E8re apparition AnimeDragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 119 Premi\u00E8re apparition Film[[]] Jeu vid\u00E9os[[]] Naissance D\u00E9c\u00E8s Origine Statut Race Taille Poids Voxographes Fran\u00E7ais Japonais Famille Entourage Signification du nom Techniques Mei(\u30E1\u30FC\u30A4) est un soldat \u00E0 la solde du Roi Cold et de sa famille. Il fait partie des hommes qui accompagn\u00E8rent leur ma\u00EEtre sur Terre, afin d'assurer la vengeance de Freezer sur le super saiyajin Son Gok\u00FB. il est nomm\u00E9 dans le jeu vid\u00E9o : Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinz\u014Dningen."@fr . . . "Handmade pastries"@en . "Good"@en . . "146"^^ . "Mei.jpg"@de . . "Superorder"@en . "Zyuranger Odcinek 1"@pl . . "Mei is a chinese girl who was first introduced in the double-length episode Dora's World Adventure from the TV show Dora the Explorer."@en . "Ziemia"@pl . . . . "Ausr\u00FCstung"@de . . . . "0"^^ . . "Taille image Commentaire Informations Nom Original Alias Premi\u00E8re apparition MangaChapitre 331 - Tank\u014Dbon vol. 28 - Kanzenban vol. 22 Premi\u00E8re apparition AnimeDragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 119 Premi\u00E8re apparition Film[[]] Jeu vid\u00E9os[[]] Naissance D\u00E9c\u00E8s Origine Statut Race Taille Poids Voxographes Fran\u00E7ais Japonais Famille Entourage Signification du nom Techniques Mei(\u30E1\u30FC\u30A4) est un soldat \u00E0 la solde du Roi Cold et de sa famille. Il fait partie des hommes qui accompagn\u00E8rent leur ma\u00EEtre sur Terre, afin d'assurer la vengeance de Freezer sur le super saiyajin Son Gok\u00FB. il est nomm\u00E9 dans le jeu vid\u00E9o : Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinz\u014Dningen."@fr . . . . . . "Mei"@en . . "Mei"@es . . . . . "Mei is one of the main protagonists in Galactik Football and like many of her friends, she originates from Akillian. She is a player from the Snow Kids, playing as defender alongside Thran, and formerly a member of the Shadows where she played as striker."@en . . "1.0"^^ . . "Family"@en . . . . . "May has long green hair that reaches down to her waist and short bangs just above her green eyes. She wears a white shirt underneath a blue vest with gold trim and puffed short sleeves. Covering her legs is a wide dark pink skirt that hangs to the floor, with a red cloth material wrapped around on top that is fastened with a gold belt."@en . . "*AKA Ladies Night"@en .