. "Griff is a minor character appearing in Grand Theft Auto V as a soapboxer."@en . "Sir Griff is a minor character from Gargoyles. After hatching from Knight's Spur, he became a gargoyle and member of the London Clan."@en . . . . . . . "People making sense"@en . . . . . . . "84"^^ . . "right|150px Griff \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto V. Jest oty\u0142ym m\u0119\u017Cczyzn\u0105, kt\u00F3ry jest ksenofobem, gdy\u017C wyra\u017Ca ogromn\u0105 niech\u0119\u0107 w stosunku do obcokrajowc\u00F3w. Mo\u017Cna go spotka\u0107 w mie\u015Bcie Harmony w okolicy tamtejszego oddzia\u0142u Los Santos Customs podczas przypadkowego zdarzenia. G\u0142os podk\u0142ada\u0142 mu Matthew Lawler."@pl . "Griff in M.I.A."@en . "Becomes King Arthur's knight after being reunited with the London clan"@en . . "Volk Volk Orc Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Drachenmalklan Fraktion Horde Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Blutschlucht Gebiet Schattenhochland Status Level Stufe Griff befindet sich in der Blutschlucht des Schattenhochlandes. Von dort aus organisert er den Nachschub an Nahrungsmittelvorr\u00E4ten f\u00FCr den Drachenmalklan."@de . "70946"^^ . . "Matthew Lawler"@es . "250"^^ . . . "Griff is a minor character appearing in Grand Theft Auto V as a soapboxer."@en . . . . . . . "Griff (realer Name unbekannt; m\u00F6glicher Tod 2013 in Los Santos, San Andreas) ist ein Nebencharakter aus Grand Theft Auto V, der im Rahmen der Zufallsereignisse auftritt. Nachdem er vom Spieler get\u00F6tet wird, taucht er nicht mehr im Spiel auf. Griff ist ein Rassist und stolzer Patriot und der einzig bekannte Bewohner der Ortschaft Harmony. Er steht zeit seines Lebens an der Route 68 und wettert gegen Ausl\u00E4nder. Auf seinem Schild steht: \u201EThis is the land of oppertunety. GET OUT!\u201C (dt. Dies ist das Land der unbegrenzten M\u00F6glichkeiten. VERSCHWINDET!)."@de . . . . "Arrested"@en . . . "Member of the London Clan, currently a knight of King Arthur"@en . "Grand Theft Auto V"@en . . . . "Griff was a political operative paid to dig up the dirt on people. In 2006, he was paid by Lex Luthor to dig up the dirt on Jonathan Kent while he was running for state senate."@en . "Griff was a teenager who was friends with Malcolm Kent in 1969. The two mean-spirited boys often enjoyed abusing and tormeting Malcolm's younger half-brother Bobby Kent and his friends. On July 20 of that year, Griff and Malcolm attacked Bobby and his friends Danny Finch, Chuck Pierce, and Seth Lundgren while they were walking into the woods to launch a home-made rocket. Bobby, Chuck and Seth fled, but Griff and and Malcolm managed to grab Danny and his rocket. The two taunted Danny and threatened him with a switchblade until he fought back and broke Malcolm's nose. Malcolm started hitting Danny until Seth suddenly returned and knocked Griff and Malcolm down with a stick. The two younger boys grabbed the rocket and ran. Griff and Malcolm were later drafted and sent off to Vietnam when they turned eighteen. Griff would die there, and Malcolm came back even worse."@en . . "Green-skinned griffin, blue vest, brown hair, yellow hawk-like beak"@en . . "Ninguna"@es . . . . . "Griff"@es . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . "Lexmas"@en . . . "Fanatic"@en . . "The Nazis, Macbeth"@en . . . "Griff has orange-tan fur, with light beige chest, dark brown hair, eyebrows, and tail, brown eyes and light gray horns. Unlike many other Mobians, he has hoofs and goat-like legs that bend back at the knees."@en . "Schattenhochland"@de . . . "Griff"@en . . "Griffen har sin opprinnelse i Hellas. Den har hode og forbein som en \u00F8rn og kropp og bakbein som en l\u00F8ve. I likhet med sfinkser blir griffer ofte brukt til \u00E5 vokte trolmannsgull. Griffer er meget ville av natur, men enkelte kloke trollmenn har greid \u00E5 vinne vennskap med dem. Griffer lever av r\u00E5tt kj\u00F8tt. D\u00F8ren p\u00E5 Rektorens kontor p\u00E5 Galtvort har en d\u00F8rhammer i form av en Griff."@no . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . "Griff ist Als Kollege im Schuhladen ab der neunten Staffel. Sie verstehen sich gut, denn sie losen beide im Leben. Deshalb ist Griff nat\u00FCrlich auch bei NO MA'AM dabei. \n* Best of Griff 1 \u2013 (englisch, 9:32 min) - es beginnt mit Griffs Aufnahme bei NO MA'AM. \n* Best of Griff 2 \u2013 (englisch, 9:26 min) - es beginnt mit der Beauty-Jury beim Springbreak. Griff ist geschieden und wurde so noch einmal anders von seiner Frau fertig gemacht als Al. Eventuell verlor er so sogar seinen Nachnamen (?). Er ist in 44 Folgen dabei. Ncht verwechseln mit Officer Dan, der ebenfalls bei NO MA'AM dabei ist. \u2192 Siehe auch Al Bundy, Jefferson D'Arcy, Officer Dan, Bob Rooney, Ike"@de . "Griff was a teenager who was friends with Malcolm Kent in 1969. The two mean-spirited boys often enjoyed abusing and tormeting Malcolm's younger half-brother Bobby Kent and his friends. On July 20 of that year, Griff and Malcolm attacked Bobby and his friends Danny Finch, Chuck Pierce, and Seth Lundgren while they were walking into the woods to launch a home-made rocket. Bobby, Chuck and Seth fled, but Griff and and Malcolm managed to grab Danny and his rocket. The two taunted Danny and threatened him with a switchblade until he fought back and broke Malcolm's nose. Malcolm started hitting Danny until Seth suddenly returned and knocked Griff and Malcolm down with a stick. The two younger boys grabbed the rocket and ran."@en . "Griff was a political operative paid to dig up the dirt on people. In 2006, he was paid by Lex Luthor to dig up the dirt on Jonathan Kent while he was running for state senate."@en . "Griff"@de . "Dragonmaw orc"@en . "Griff"@en . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . "????"@en . . "Griff (realer Name unbekannt; m\u00F6glicher Tod 2013 in Los Santos, San Andreas) ist ein Nebencharakter aus Grand Theft Auto V, der im Rahmen der Zufallsereignisse auftritt. Nachdem er vom Spieler get\u00F6tet wird, taucht er nicht mehr im Spiel auf. Griff ist ein Rassist und stolzer Patriot und der einzig bekannte Bewohner der Ortschaft Harmony. Er steht zeit seines Lebens an der Route 68 und wettert gegen Ausl\u00E4nder. Auf seinem Schild steht: \u201EThis is the land of oppertunety. GET OUT!\u201C (dt. Dies ist das Land der unbegrenzten M\u00F6glichkeiten. VERSCHWINDET!)."@de . . . . . "Volk Volk Orc Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Drachenmalklan Fraktion Horde Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Blutschlucht Gebiet Schattenhochland Status Level Stufe Griff befindet sich in der Blutschlucht des Schattenhochlandes. Von dort aus organisert er den Nachschub an Nahrungsmittelvorr\u00E4ten f\u00FCr den Drachenmalklan."@de . . "Griff ist ein Chao aus Sonic Chronicles. Er lebt im Chao Garden."@de . . . "Sir Griff is a gargoyle and member of the London Clan."@en . . . . . . . "Griff es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece como menor en Grand Theft Auto V. Se trata de un ultranacionalista que quiere a los inmigrantes fuera de los Estados Unidos."@es . . . . . "King Arthur, Leo, Una"@en . . . "Male"@en . . . "46319"^^ . . . "Good"@en . . "Horde"@en . "Griff is an orc quest giver for the Horde at Bloodgulch[[:File:|[, ]]] in the Twilight Highlands. He can be found at the entrance to the inn."@en . . "yes"@en . . "Griff is a test subject in Saw II: Flesh & Blood where he is strapped to a chair with a bomb which, if not defused in 30 seconds, will explode. Michael Tapp encounters him and he has the choice to either release Griff from his bindings by playing a mini game (which he has to put a line of numbers from smallest to largest), or just leave him to die. If Micheal saves Griff he will run into the next room he will be sitting down thanking Michael."@en . "Griff"@en . . . . "Griff"@en . "Griff"@en . "246"^^ . . "American"@en . "Griff is an Actual who as a leadership role of the group of Actuals who found the L.A. Dollhouse in the year 2019. In the aforementioned leadership role, Griff frequently clashed with Zone on the issues of violence and morality. Griff was murdered inside the L.A. Dollhouse, by Iris who at the time had blamed Mr. Miller, a Dumbshow following the group. (S1: \"Epitaph One\")"@en . . "Griff is a dog tour guide who appears in The Furchester Hotel episode \"Count Your Chickens.\" He takes a brief detour at the hotel with his chicken tour group on their way to the Cluck-Cluck Museum. Before he can take them he has to get his bus from his garage, leaving the five chickens in Phoebe and Elmo's hands. Right after he leaves the chickens wreak havoc, eating Harvey P. Dull's corn and terrorizing a woman with a feather hat in the broken lift. When the chickens get carried away by the tea time monsters he reveals he has a whistle to recall them."@en . . . "Sir Griff"@en . . . . "\"Rm w/a Vu\""@en . . "Dragonmaw Clan"@en . . "Griff"@es . . "\"Griff\" is a CrossFit Hero WOD named after USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah. Griff first appeared on the CrossFit website 9 June 2008."@en . . "Unknown"@en . "right|150px Griff \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto V. Jest oty\u0142ym m\u0119\u017Cczyzn\u0105, kt\u00F3ry jest ksenofobem, gdy\u017C wyra\u017Ca ogromn\u0105 niech\u0119\u0107 w stosunku do obcokrajowc\u00F3w. Mo\u017Cna go spotka\u0107 w mie\u015Bcie Harmony w okolicy tamtejszego oddzia\u0142u Los Santos Customs podczas przypadkowego zdarzenia. G\u0142os podk\u0142ada\u0142 mu Matthew Lawler."@pl . . "Being a rapist"@en . . "Griff has orange-tan fur, with light beige chest, dark brown hair, eyebrows, and tail, brown eyes and light gray horns. Unlike many other Mobians, he has hoofs and goat-like legs that bend back at the knees."@en . . . "Der Griff ist ein Waffenaufsatz aus Call of Duty. Er verringert den R\u00FCcksto\u00DF beim Abfeuern von Waffen."@de . . . . . . "Griff"@es . "Saw II: Flesh & Blood"@en . . . "Alive/Deceased"@en . . . . . . . "Griff first appears early in Season 9, and is a friend and coworker of Al at the shoe store. He is also a member of Al's \"NO MA'AM\" organization. A divorc\u00E9, he shares many of Al's characteristics as far as work ethic and views on women go. However, Griff isn't quite as impolite and outspoken to their customers, or to their boss, Gary. He is also less callous; occasionally he feels uneasy when going along with one of Al or Jefferson's many schemes. Griff drives a GEO METRO with vanity plates reading 'PO BOY', and is often mocked for this. However, Griff is happy because it is still more reliable than Al's 1970s Dodge, though Griff did mention a fond memory of being a passenger in the Dodge, while he and Al tried run over Griff's ex-wife (she was able to outrun the Dodge). Al says Griff's ca"@en . "London"@en . . . . . "Griff ist ein Chao aus Sonic Chronicles. Er lebt im Chao Garden."@de . . "Orc"@de . "Griff ist Als Kollege im Schuhladen ab der neunten Staffel. Sie verstehen sich gut, denn sie losen beide im Leben. Deshalb ist Griff nat\u00FCrlich auch bei NO MA'AM dabei. \n* Best of Griff 1 \u2013 (englisch, 9:32 min) - es beginnt mit Griffs Aufnahme bei NO MA'AM. \n* Best of Griff 2 \u2013 (englisch, 9:26 min) - es beginnt mit der Beauty-Jury beim Springbreak. Griff ist geschieden und wurde so noch einmal anders von seiner Frau fertig gemacht als Al. Eventuell verlor er so sogar seinen Nachnamen (?). Er ist in 44 Folgen dabei. Ncht verwechseln mit Officer Dan, der ebenfalls bei NO MA'AM dabei ist."@de . . "Griff is a member of the London Clan from the animated series Gargoyles."@en . "Sir Griff is a gargoyle and member of the London Clan."@en . "Michael Tapp ; David Tapp ; Unnamed female college professor"@en . "Griff"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Griff appears in The Maiden in the Mushrooms."@en . . . . "Griff is an orc quest giver for the Horde at Bloodgulch[[:File:|[, ]]] in the Twilight Highlands. He can be found at the entrance to the inn."@en . "Griff"@pl . "TV bailiff"@en . "Griff first appears early in Season 9, and is a friend and coworker of Al at the shoe store. He is also a member of Al's \"NO MA'AM\" organization. A divorc\u00E9, he shares many of Al's characteristics as far as work ethic and views on women go. However, Griff isn't quite as impolite and outspoken to their customers, or to their boss, Gary. He is also less callous; occasionally he feels uneasy when going along with one of Al or Jefferson's many schemes. Griff drives a GEO METRO with vanity plates reading 'PO BOY', and is often mocked for this. However, Griff is happy because it is still more reliable than Al's 1970s Dodge, though Griff did mention a fond memory of being a passenger in the Dodge, while he and Al tried run over Griff's ex-wife (she was able to outrun the Dodge). Al says Griff's car is easier to push. When Bud and Griff first met, Bud said Al never mentioned having a coworker, and Griff said Al never mentioned having a son, a daughter, or a living wife, but had already annoyed him with all the times he mentioned scoring four touchdowns in one single game."@en . "Deceased"@en . . . . . "Griff.JPG"@en . . "Saw II: Flesh & Blood"@en . "Horde"@de . . "Sir Griff is a minor character from Gargoyles. After hatching from Knight's Spur, he became a gargoyle and member of the London Clan."@en . . "290"^^ . . "Griff appears in The Maiden in the Mushrooms."@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Nonsense"@en . "Der Griff ist ein Waffenaufsatz aus Call of Duty. Er verringert den R\u00FCcksto\u00DF beim Abfeuern von Waffen."@de . . . . "Unknown, former law student"@en . "Victim in Michael's Tests"@en . . . . "Alive"@en . . "Questgeber"@de . . . . . . . "2014"^^ . . . "Desconocida"@es . "Griff is an Actual who as a leadership role of the group of Actuals who found the L.A. Dollhouse in the year 2019. In the aforementioned leadership role, Griff frequently clashed with Zone on the issues of violence and morality. Griff was murdered inside the L.A. Dollhouse, by Iris who at the time had blamed Mr. Miller, a Dumbshow following the group. (S1: \"Epitaph One\")"@en . "1949-02-10"^^ . . . "Neil Dickson"@en . . . . . . . "M"@en . . "Griffen har sin opprinnelse i Hellas. Den har hode og forbein som en \u00F8rn og kropp og bakbein som en l\u00F8ve. I likhet med sfinkser blir griffer ofte brukt til \u00E5 vokte trolmannsgull. Griffer er meget ville av natur, men enkelte kloke trollmenn har greid \u00E5 vinne vennskap med dem. Griffer lever av r\u00E5tt kj\u00F8tt. D\u00F8ren p\u00E5 Rektorens kontor p\u00E5 Galtvort har en d\u00F8rhammer i form av en Griff."@no . . . "thumb|GriffGriff es el l\u00EDder de los Freedom Fighters que viven en Lower Mobius."@es . "Super-strength, gliding"@en . "Griff is a member of the London Clan from the animated series Gargoyles."@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Blutschlucht"@de . . "Griff is a dog tour guide who appears in The Furchester Hotel episode \"Count Your Chickens.\" He takes a brief detour at the hotel with his chicken tour group on their way to the Cluck-Cluck Museum. Before he can take them he has to get his bus from his garage, leaving the five chickens in Phoebe and Elmo's hands. Right after he leaves the chickens wreak havoc, eating Harvey P. Dull's corn and terrorizing a woman with a feather hat in the broken lift. When the chickens get carried away by the tea time monsters he reveals he has a whistle to recall them."@en . "\"Griff\" is a CrossFit Hero WOD named after USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah. Griff first appeared on the CrossFit website 9 June 2008."@en . . . "Griff"@en . . . "Griff es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece como menor en Grand Theft Auto V. Se trata de un ultranacionalista que quiere a los inmigrantes fuera de los Estados Unidos."@es . . "To search for Merlin"@en . . . . . "Explosion"@en . "Racist Uncle Sam"@en . . . . "Griff"@de . "Noble, bold"@en . "\"Think nothing of it. I'd always hoped there were other gargoyles about. You look like Scottish stock to me. Come to help with the war, have you?\""@en . . "200"^^ . "N/A"@en . . . "Gargoyles"@en . . "thumb|GriffGriff es el l\u00EDder de los Freedom Fighters que viven en Lower Mobius."@es . . "Knight"@en . . . . . . . . "Jason Gerhardt"@en . . . . "Griff"@no . . . . . . . ""@en . "Griff in 1969"@en . "Griff is a test subject in Saw II: Flesh & Blood where he is strapped to a chair with a bomb which, if not defused in 30 seconds, will explode. Michael Tapp encounters him and he has the choice to either release Griff from his bindings by playing a mini game (which he has to put a line of numbers from smallest to largest), or just leave him to die. If Micheal saves Griff he will run into the next room he will be sitting down thanking Michael. The reason he was tested is because whilst he was in college he became obsessed with a female professor who didn't want anything to do with him. So he raped her, then was thrown out of the college and arrested by David Tapp. If you save him or not, it will not effect the storyline of the game."@en . .