. . "Vater: Chaos der Unterwelt"@en . "Quote #8"@en . . . . . "Quote #15"@en . . . . . . "Gala Thunder Punch 1.ogg"@en . . "Tellurique"@fr . . . "left|200px Gala es una pantera negra a la que Ramar ha transformado en una hermosa y seductora mujer negra. Habiendo logrado hacerse con Sol\u00EDn luego de una de sus numerosas batallas contra Kalim\u00E1n, Ramar transforma el ni\u00F1o en Yori, un adolescente que no tiene ning\u00FAn parecido con lo que era Sol\u00EDn. Luego ordena que el muchacho lleve a Gala al templo de la diosa Kali y la ofrezca como una ofrenda. Kalim\u00E1n no reconoce a Sol\u00EDn en Yori, pero s\u00ED encuentra algo raro tanto en \u00E9l como en Gala. Inicialmente rehusa el ofrecimiento del adolescente diciendo que en el templo de Kali no hay esclavas, pero luego acepta que Gala se quede cuando ella le dice que \u00E9ste es su deseo."@es . . . . "Mocha,"@en . "Explosive Fist #1"@en . "?"@en . . . "MEX 1070, COL 1060"@es . "--03-05"^^ . "Lightning Storm #2"@en . . "Gala Explosive Fist 1.ogg"@en . . . . . . . . . "Quote #10"@en . . "Gala Quote 13.ogg"@en . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Quote #3"@en . . "Wonder Island 2"@en . "Gala Thunder Punch 2.ogg"@en . "1"^^ . . "Faint #1"@en . "2"^^ . "Companion"@en . . . . "Victory Quote #4"@en . "Gala Quote 7.ogg"@en . "Quote #6"@en . "3"^^ . "Blackthorn City"@en . "Quote #13"@en . . "364"^^ . "No sugar"@en . . "braun"@en . "Gala"@en . "Pig"@en . . . "Female"@en . "Friend"@en . "Galla (\u9B54\u795E\u30AC\u30EB\u30E9 Demonio Garura) es un demonio creado transformado de un humano a demonio, como lo explic\u00F3 Rachel, es similar a una transformaci\u00F3n de hombre lobo. Son los primeros de los enemigos que Ryu se encuentra en Tairo tal como es la dificultad cuando atacan. Gallas son despu\u00E9s reemplazados por Gobdecks, que son mas poderoso que los Gallas."@es . . . . "Gala Quote 8.ogg"@en . . . "Gala New Arts.ogg"@en . . . "est\u00E1ndar"@es . . "Murasame"@en . "Tameko"@en . "Gala Victory 6.ogg"@en . "Gala"@en . . . . "Gala"@en . "Tropical-templado"@es . "Quote #2"@en . . . "Neutral"@en . "Levitate"@en . "Pisces"@en . "?"@en . . . . "In rotation"@en . . "Gala Faint 2.ogg"@en . . "Gala"@fr . "[Source] Gala est une plan\u00E8te de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure, dans le secteur Nuiri, proche de Phindar. Qui-Gon Jinn et Obi-Wan Kenobi y all\u00E8rent en mission peu avant le blocus de Naboo."@fr . . "Bruder: Squall"@en . "Galacians"@en . . "Daisy Tee"@en . . . "Gala is a police officer in Penguin Village. Gala and his partner Pagos constantly have their car destroyed accidentally by Arale Norimaki whenever she runs through town."@en . "24"^^ . . "Gala Quote 5.ogg"@en . . . "Battle of the Dragon-types!"@en . "Gala"@ia . "Marshal"@en . "*Galactic Republic\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems"@en . . . . . "Squirrel"@en . "Gala Victory 5.ogg"@en . . "Oinka"@en . "Gala Quote 18.ogg"@en . "Gala Lightning Storm 1.ogg"@en . . . . "85.0"^^ . "Man kann ihn nur im Kapitel der Wahrheit sehen. Er spielt eine sehr wichtige Rolle zur Hintergrundgeschichte von Orience."@de . . "Quote #17"@en . . . . . "Galacianos"@es . "Latias"@en . . "Gala"@es . . . "Lisetta"@en . . . . "?"@en . . . "\u30AC\u30FC\u30E9"@es . "Male"@en . . . . "Gala Quote 1.ogg"@en . "Galu"@es . "Camille"@en . . "185.0"^^ . "[Source] Gala est une plan\u00E8te de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure, dans le secteur Nuiri, proche de Phindar. Qui-Gon Jinn et Obi-Wan Kenobi y all\u00E8rent en mission peu avant le blocus de Naboo."@fr . . . . "No milk,"@en . "schwarz"@en . "Gala Quote 19.ogg"@en . . . . "\u305F\u3081\u3053"@en . . "We Are The Bairon Militan Priests"@en . . "Quote #9"@en . . . "Gala Spiriting.ogg"@en . . . "95"^^ . "Victory Quote #6"@en . "The_Legaia_OST_15_We_are_the_Bairon_militan_priests.ogg\u200E"@en . . . . . . . "Victory Quote #2"@en . "Q-7"@en . . "Megumi Hayashibara"@en . "Gala"@en . . . "Gala"@en . . . . "Marita"@en . . . . "*Mers\n*Collines\n*Villes"@fr . . "Full name Class Nationality First appearanceMagic's Pawn Gala was the Companion of Herald-Mage Tylendel. 'Lendel was fourteen at the time, and his Gifts had been awake and out of control for two years by then. Though their bond was solid, Tylendel could block her out. After his twin's murder, Tylendel kept Gala from finding out just had badly unhinged he had become. He also prevented her from discovering his vengeance plot until it was almost too late."@en . . "From [[w:|]][[Category:fo: derivations|Gala]] gala."@ia . "Quote #11"@en . "Planeta con continentes y oc\u00E9anos. Variedad de climas y ecosistemas pero con predominio de junglas y bosques, los que crecen amparados en el c\u00E1lido clima. Se ha desarrollado un gran reino animal con el apogeo de las especies reptilianas de las cuales descienden los galacianos. La poblaci\u00F3n de inteligentes se calcula en mil millones."@es . . . . . . "Gala Quote 16.ogg"@en . . "Thunder Punch #1"@en . . "Quote #4"@en . . "Faint #2"@en . . . . . . . . . "265"^^ . . . . "Gala Quote 6.ogg"@en . . . "Victory Quote #5"@en . . . . . . . "Quote #18"@en . . . . . . "*Seas\n*Hills\n*Urban"@en . "Gara"@en . . . . "MEX 1058, COL 1048"@es . "Gala Quote 12.ogg"@en . "Full name Class Nationality First appearanceMagic's Pawn Gala was the Companion of Herald-Mage Tylendel. 'Lendel was fourteen at the time, and his Gifts had been awake and out of control for two years by then. Though their bond was solid, Tylendel could block her out. After his twin's murder, Tylendel kept Gala from finding out just had badly unhinged he had become. He also prevented her from discovering his vengeance plot until it was almost too late. After Tylendel had conjured a pack of wyrsa, Gala came charging through his Gate. Horrified by what he had done, she repudiated him, then suicided by throwing herself in front of the pack. After the tragedy, Savil said that everyone made mistakes, including Gala. It could be argued that repudiating Tylendel was was one of those mistakes. It's implied that Gala is a teenager like Tylendel, and repudiation is the kind of dramatic gesture teenagers are often inclined towards. Given that the Death Bell rang for Tylendel after his own suicide, it would seem that the Companions believed the repudiation had been a mistake. He was buried with full Heraldic honors. At one point, Vanyel gets a glimpse of Gala's previous incarnation. He describes \"a disconcerting double-vision image of the prancing Companion and an equally mischievous young woman of about Tylendel's age, laughing soundlessly at her Chosen.\" (Magic's Pawn)"@en . "El Buda Negro"@es . . . . . . "Gala Quote 3.ogg"@en . "Two Days Ago"@en . . "Quote #1"@en . "*Nitr\u00F3geno 77% \n*Ox\u00EDgeno 21%"@es . "Ehrgeiziger und netter Kerl, ziemlich pflichtbewusst mit einem grossen K\u00E4mpferherz. Nicht zu vergessen, dass er ziemlich pervers ist."@en . . . . . "Ehrgeiziger und netter Kerl, ziemlich pflichtbewusst mit einem grossen K\u00E4mpferherz. Nicht zu vergessen, dass er ziemlich pervers ist."@en . "left|200px Gala es una pantera negra a la que Ramar ha transformado en una hermosa y seductora mujer negra. Habiendo logrado hacerse con Sol\u00EDn luego de una de sus numerosas batallas contra Kalim\u00E1n, Ramar transforma el ni\u00F1o en Yori, un adolescente que no tiene ning\u00FAn parecido con lo que era Sol\u00EDn. Luego ordena que el muchacho lleve a Gala al templo de la diosa Kali y la ofrezca como una ofrenda. Kalim\u00E1n no reconoce a Sol\u00EDn en Yori, pero s\u00ED encuentra algo raro tanto en \u00E9l como en Gala. Inicialmente rehusa el ofrecimiento del adolescente diciendo que en el templo de Kali no hay esclavas, pero luego acepta que Gala se quede cuando ella le dice que \u00E9ste es su deseo. 200px|rightGala le ofrece su amor a Kalim\u00E1n desde el momento en que lo conoce, y Kalim\u00E1n no es inmune a sus encantos. Sin embargo siempre percibe algo extra\u00F1o en ella y en Yori, y cuando intenta examinar al muchacho m\u00E1s de cerca, \u00E9ste recibe una \u00F3rden mental de Ramar para que huya hacia las Cuevas del Diablo, un lugar prohibido lleno de magia negra. Gala le dice a Kalim\u00E1n que fue all\u00ED donde conoci\u00F3 a Yori, y \u00E9ste, sospechando que Ramar puede tener algo que ver con la extra\u00F1a actitud del adolescente decide buscarlos all\u00ED. left|230pxEn las cuevas tanto Yori como Gala y Ramar intentan acabar con Kalim\u00E1n en varias ocasiones, hasta que eventualmente hacen caer a Kalim\u00E1n en un profundo foso. Mientras Kalim\u00E1n cae, Ramar suspende su hechizo sobre Sol\u00EDn, y as\u00ED Kalim\u00E1n descubre en el \u00FAltimo momento que quien ha estado atac\u00E1ndolo es su amigo; sin embargo pierde el conocimiento cuando su cabeza golpea el fondo del foso. Ramar ordena a un Sol\u00EDn a\u00FAn bajo su dominio hipn\u00F3tico que lance centenares de piedras contra Kalim\u00E1n hasta sepultarlo; luego regresa a Kaliasana acompa\u00F1ado por Gala. Sol\u00EDn, ahora en su cuerpo normal, hace grandes esfuerzos por contrarrestar la \u00F3rden telep\u00E1tica de Ramar y termina por caer sin sentido por el esfuerzo, y esto da a Kalim\u00E1n una oportunidad para salir del foso y liberar a su amigo de la influencia de Ramar. 340px|rightGala y Ramar llegan al templo de Kali, y mientras que Ramar destruye la estatua de la diosa, Gala se ensa\u00F1a contra los maestros lamas, asesinando a muchos de ellos. Cuando Kalim\u00E1n regresa a Kaliasana a enfrentarse en una batalla final con Ramar, \u00E9ste lanza a sus dos principales armas contra \u00E9l: Gala, la mujer-pantera, y Vanesa, la estatua viviente. La lucha entre los tres personajes es encarnizada, pero Kalim\u00E1n vence a las dos mujeres haci\u00E9ndolas chocar la una con la otra en medio de la contienda. Luego Kalim\u00E1n se enfrenta a Ramar directamente y logra expulsar de su cuerpo el esp\u00EDritu que lo posee, Visnur, el dios del mal. Cuando esto ocurre, Gala huye junto a Visnur, y presumiblemente poco despu\u00E9s recupera su forma original, la de una pantera. El animal sobrevive la aventura. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de El Buda Negro Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . . . "Quote #20"@en . . . "Gala was a beautiful and wealthy world at one point ruled by the Tallah Dynasty. It was fairly close to Phindar."@en . . . . "Humains"@fr . . . . . "Gala Faint 1.ogg"@en . . . "\"Arale's Birth\""@en . . . "Violinist"@en . . . . "Gala Quote 4.ogg"@en . "Gala Victory 3.ogg"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gala"@de . . . "Gala is a Latias that Sugar Gem caught in Blackthorn City."@en . "Gala was an elderly Banderbear was present when Rook intruded upon the Great Convocation of Banderbears."@en . . "Gala's Theme"@en . "Galu"@en . "Dragon"@en . . "Gala"@es . "Quote #7"@en . "Gala Victory 4.ogg"@en . "Scissors"@en . . . . "Quote #14"@en . "Character info"@en . "Spirit"@en . . "Gala Quote 17.ogg"@en . "\u30AC\u30E9"@en . . "Duck"@en . . "Inaplicable"@es . "Gala"@es . "Gala"@fr . . "Cute"@en . "Galaciano"@es . "Gala is larger than the typical Legaian, with pounds of muscle and broad shoulders. He has light-brown hair that is cut short and spiked vertically and dark blue eyes. His attire is a custom-made fighting uniform that appears to be made out of a simple cloth material. It has patterns of dark blue crossed with light blue that go across his torso and make X's over his knees. The uniform stops halfway down his shins, allowing room for Gala's ankles to show. Gala's midsection is tied by a yellow waistband and he wears a brown wristband on his left arm. He also wears small brown sandals that are attached to his feet with various straps. In his in-game, Gala's hair is brown and his fighter uniform becomes medium blue and purple and wears shoes instead of sandals. The sandals he wore can be seen during his battle sprite. Since equipping on plate armor as the game progresses, Gala wears an armor in different designs and his headband is bigger than both Vahn and Noa wore and it reaches through his eyes and it resembles a half-helmet and his sandals are replaced with boots which later lengthens into thigh-high boots. In the side game Baka Fighter, Gala's hair is blond, his eyes are brown and his fighter uniform are red and black."@en . "\u30AC\u30FC\u30E9"@en . "Gala is larger than the typical Legaian, with pounds of muscle and broad shoulders. He has light-brown hair that is cut short and spiked vertically and dark blue eyes. His attire is a custom-made fighting uniform that appears to be made out of a simple cloth material. It has patterns of dark blue crossed with light blue that go across his torso and make X's over his knees. The uniform stops halfway down his shins, allowing room for Gala's ankles to show. Gala's midsection is tied by a yellow waistband and he wears a brown wristband on his left arm. He also wears small brown sandals that are attached to his feet with various straps."@en . "Still waters run deep."@en . "Mastering Mega Evolution!"@en . . "Gala was an elderly Banderbear was present when Rook intruded upon the Great Convocation of Banderbears."@en . "Planeta con continentes y oc\u00E9anos. Variedad de climas y ecosistemas pero con predominio de junglas y bosques, los que crecen amparados en el c\u00E1lido clima. Se ha desarrollado un gran reino animal con el apogeo de las especies reptilianas de las cuales descienden los galacianos. La poblaci\u00F3n de inteligentes se calcula en mil millones."@es . . "Gala is a police officer in Penguin Village. Gala and his partner Pagos constantly have their car destroyed accidentally by Arale Norimaki whenever she runs through town."@en . "Gala Explosive Fist 2.ogg"@en . . . . . . . "Gala is a Latias that Sugar Gem caught in Blackthorn City."@en . . "Gala Quote 14.ogg"@en . "Lightning Storm #1"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Victory Quote #7"@en . "Valdemar"@en . . "Gala Victory 1.ogg"@en . . . "Victory Quote #3"@en . . "Amiibo 265 Gala.png"@en . "Gala"@es . . . "380"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Quote #5"@en . . . . "Gala"@en . . "Quote #12"@en . . . "Latias"@en . . . ","@en . "Gala Quote 15.ogg"@en . . . "Thunder Punch #2"@en . . "Gala"@en . . . . . "Gala was a beautiful and wealthy world at one point ruled by the Tallah Dynasty. It was fairly close to Phindar."@en . "standard"@es . "Gala Quote 9.ogg"@en . "Gala Quote 10.ogg"@en . "Rock-Paper-Scissors"@en . . "3"^^ . "*Mares y continentes\n*Colinas\n*Ciudades"@es . . . "Gala Victory 7.ogg"@en . "snortie"@en . . . . "Gala"@es . "Quote #19"@en . . . . . "New Arts"@en . "Victory Quote #1"@en . . "Gala Quote 11.ogg"@en . . . . . "Bruder: Lucifer"@en . . . . "Gala Quote 20.ogg"@en . . . . . . "Galla (\u9B54\u795E\u30AC\u30EB\u30E9 Demonio Garura) es un demonio creado transformado de un humano a demonio, como lo explic\u00F3 Rachel, es similar a una transformaci\u00F3n de hombre lobo. Son los primeros de los enemigos que Ryu se encuentra en Tairo tal como es la dificultad cuando atacan. Gallas son despu\u00E9s reemplazados por Gobdecks, que son mas poderoso que los Gallas."@es . "Explosive Fist #2"@en . . "Man kann ihn nur im Kapitel der Wahrheit sehen. Er spielt eine sehr wichtige Rolle zur Hintergrundgeschichte von Orience."@de . . "200"^^ . "\u30AC\u30FC\u30E9"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Gala"@es . . . . . . . "The town bank"@en . "Joey"@en . . . "Gala Lightning Storm 2.ogg"@en . "Magic's Pawn"@en . . "Quote #16"@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category:fo: derivations|Gala]] gala."@ia . "Gala Victory 2.ogg"@en . . "Psychic"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Inaplicable"@es . . . . "Gala Quote 2.ogg"@en .