"Captain Ramart was a Starfleet officer who commanded the Federation survey vessel USS Antares, in the 23rd century. In 2266, the Antares visited the planet Thasus, and discovered that Charles Evans had been marooned on the planet for 14 years. In order to get Charlie to some of his surviving relatives on the Alpha V colony, the Antares transferred him to the USS Enterprise."@en . "Captain Ramart , in 2266."@en . "male"@en . . . . "Il capitano Ramart"@it . . . . . "thumb|Captain Ramart (2266) Captain Ramart ist der Kommandant des Transportschiffes USS Antares. Die Antares findet 2266 den jungen Charlie Evans und \u00FCbergibt ihn an die USS Enterprise, damit diese ihn zur Erdkolonie V bringt. Sp\u00E4ter schickt die Antares einen Notruf an die Enterprise. Ramart will Captain James T. Kirk vor Charlie Evans warnen, als dieser die Antares zerst\u00F6rt. Bei der Zerst\u00F6rung des Schiffes stirbt die gesamte Crew, darunter auch Captain Ramart. (TOS: ) Captain Ramart wurde von Charles J. Stewart gespielt und erhielt seine deutsche Stimme von Thomas Braut."@de . "40"^^ . "Deceased"@en . "Il capitano Ramart fu un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare al comando del piccolo vascello sonda scientifico della Federazione Antares nel 2266. Durante quell'anno, la nave trasfer\u00EC un giovane, Charles Evans, che era rimasto sul pianeta Thasus per diciassette anni, sulla nave stellare Enterprise, affinch\u00E9 lo si portasse sulla colonia Alpha 5, dove avrebbe potuto ricongiungersi con i suoi parenti pi\u00F9 prossimi ancora viventi. Mentre Charlie si era trovato a bordo della Antares, comunque, Ramart ed il suo equipaggio avevano scoperto i suoi poteri psicocinetici molto potenti, capaci di far fare all'equipaggio tutto quello che voleva. Dopo aver trasferito Charlie sulla Enterprise, il capitano Ramart tent\u00F2 di contattare la nave per avvertire della pericolosit\u00E0 rappresentata da Charlie, ma il ragazzo utilizz\u00F2 il proprio potere per rimuovere un piatto di isolamento dalla pila di energia della Antares, causando una falla del nucleo di curvatura che distrusse la nave e tutti i suoi occupanti. (TOS: \"Il naufrago delle stelle\") Informazioni di retroscenaIl capitano Ramart \u00E8 stato interpretato da Charles J. Stewart. Categoria:Umani Categoria:Personale del comando della Flotta Stellare Categoria:Capitani della Flotta Stellare"@it . . . "23"^^ . . "CO,"@en . . . "Male"@en . . . "fed"@en . . . "Captain Ramart was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He was the commanding officer of the cargo ship Antares. In 2266, the ship transferred a young man, Charles Evans, who had been stranded on the planet Thasus for seventeen years, to the USS Enterprise, so that he could be transported to Colony Alpha 5, where he would be reunited with his closest living relatives. While Charlie was on board the Antares, however, Ramart and his crew discovered that he had incredible psychokinetic powers, and could force the crew to do whatever he wanted. After transferring Charlie to the Enterprise, Captain Ramart attempted to signal them to warn them of the danger that Charlie posed, but Charlie used his powers to remove a warped baffle plate from the Antares' energy pile, causing a warp core breach which destroyed the ship with all hands lost. (TOS: \"Charlie X\" ) Captain Ramart was played by Charles J. Stewart."@en . . . . . "2266"^^ . "Ramart.jpg"@it . "2266"^^ . . . "Ramart"@en . . "Maschio"@it . . "Captain Ramart was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He was the commanding officer of the cargo ship Antares. In 2266, the ship transferred a young man, Charles Evans, who had been stranded on the planet Thasus for seventeen years, to the USS Enterprise, so that he could be transported to Colony Alpha 5, where he would be reunited with his closest living relatives. While Charlie was on board the Antares, however, Ramart and his crew discovered that he had incredible psychokinetic powers, and could force the crew to do whatever he wanted."@en . . . . . . "Ramart"@fr . . . "Ramart"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Ramart \u00E9tait un Capitaine de Starfleet, qui servait \u00E0 bord du vaisseau de surveillance Antares NCC-501 en qualit\u00E9 de premier officier et navigateur dans les ann\u00E9es 2260. En 2266, l' Antares transportait un jeune homme, Charles Evans, qui avait \u00E9t\u00E9 coinc\u00E9 sur la plan\u00E8te Thasus pendant dix-sept ans. L'\u00E9quipage d\u00E9couvrit rapidement que Charles disposait de pouvoirs psychiques et \u00E9tait capable d'asservir l'\u00E9quipage \u00E0 ses volont\u00E9s. L' Antares contacta le vaisseau USS Enterprise pour convoyer Charlie vers la colonie 5 o\u00F9 il pourrait \u00EAtre accueilli par des proches encore en vie. Peu apr\u00E8s le transfert, le Capitaine Ramart tenta de contacter l' Enterprise pour le pr\u00E9venir du danger que posait Charlie, mais celui-ci usa de ses pouvoirs pour d\u00E9truire l' Antares et tout son \u00E9quipage. (TOS: \"Charlie X\")"@fr . "Deceduto"@it . . "Ramart \u00E9tait un Capitaine de Starfleet, qui servait \u00E0 bord du vaisseau de surveillance Antares NCC-501 en qualit\u00E9 de premier officier et navigateur dans les ann\u00E9es 2260. En 2266, l' Antares transportait un jeune homme, Charles Evans, qui avait \u00E9t\u00E9 coinc\u00E9 sur la plan\u00E8te Thasus pendant dix-sept ans. L'\u00E9quipage d\u00E9couvrit rapidement que Charles disposait de pouvoirs psychiques et \u00E9tait capable d'asservir l'\u00E9quipage \u00E0 ses volont\u00E9s."@fr . . . "Captain Ramart was a Starfleet officer who commanded the Federation survey vessel USS Antares, in the 23rd century. In 2266, the Antares visited the planet Thasus, and discovered that Charles Evans had been marooned on the planet for 14 years. In order to get Charlie to some of his surviving relatives on the Alpha V colony, the Antares transferred him to the USS Enterprise. When the Antares was at extreme communications range from the Enterprise, Ramart attempted to warn Captain James T. Kirk about the psionic powers that Charlie held, but Charlie was able to prevent this warning by using his powers to remove a baffle plate and destroy the ship. (TOS episode: \"Charlie X\")"@en . "Ramart"@de . . "Captain Ramart"@en . . "Ramart"@en . . "thumb|Captain Ramart (2266) Captain Ramart ist der Kommandant des Transportschiffes USS Antares. Die Antares findet 2266 den jungen Charlie Evans und \u00FCbergibt ihn an die USS Enterprise, damit diese ihn zur Erdkolonie V bringt. Sp\u00E4ter schickt die Antares einen Notruf an die Enterprise. Ramart will Captain James T. Kirk vor Charlie Evans warnen, als dieser die Antares zerst\u00F6rt. Bei der Zerst\u00F6rung des Schiffes stirbt die gesamte Crew, darunter auch Captain Ramart. (TOS: ) Captain Ramart wurde von Charles J. Stewart gespielt und erhielt seine deutsche Stimme von Thomas Braut."@de . . . . "Il capitano Ramart fu un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare al comando del piccolo vascello sonda scientifico della Federazione Antares nel 2266. Durante quell'anno, la nave trasfer\u00EC un giovane, Charles Evans, che era rimasto sul pianeta Thasus per diciassette anni, sulla nave stellare Enterprise, affinch\u00E9 lo si portasse sulla colonia Alpha 5, dove avrebbe potuto ricongiungersi con i suoi parenti pi\u00F9 prossimi ancora viventi. Mentre Charlie si era trovato a bordo della Antares, comunque, Ramart ed il suo equipaggio avevano scoperto i suoi poteri psicocinetici molto potenti, capaci di far fare all'equipaggio tutto quello che voleva."@it . . . "Ufficiale della Flotta Stellare"@it . "no"@en .