. . . "Karis"@es . . . . . . . . "Grisacea"@es . "maroon"@en . "Karis"@es . . "White"@en . "Dathomiri"@en . . . "DR"@en . . "20"^^ . "Purple"@en . . . "Karis war eine Nachtschwester. Sie half gemeinsam mit Naa'leth der ehemaligen Sith Asajj Ventress den Sith-Lord Dooku zu t\u00F6ten, dies konnte ihnen jedoch nicht gelingen. Sie starb gemeinsam mit den anderen Nachtschwestern auf Dathomir."@de . "Tod"@de . "white"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/nightsisters-episode-guide"@en . . "Karis is the daughter of Ivan, and a Jupiter Adept in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn."@en . "Kiara"@en . "file:Karis.png"@de . . . "\u30AB\u30EA\u30B9 Karis"@en . . "Dathomirianer"@de . . . "Hammet"@en . . . "Karis"@de . . . . . . "Karis (\u30AB\u30EA\u30B9 Karis) is a playable character of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and is one of the game's main characters. She is a Jupiter Adept, and the daughter of Ivan. She was one of the first three characters revealed in the initial revealing of Dark Dawn, along with Tyrell and Matthew."@en . . . . . . . "Bows"@en . "tv-shows/clone-wars/massacre"@en . . . . . "Karis is the daughter of Ivan, and a Jupiter Adept in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn."@en . . . "Karis"@pl . "Weiblich"@de . . "Layana"@en . "Karis (K/elli + P/aris) to przyjacielska relacja pomi\u0119dzy Kelli Berglund, a Paris Berelc. S\u0105 one najlepszymi przyjaci\u00F3\u0142kami. Aby zobaczy\u0107 bohatersk\u0105 relacj\u0119 pomi\u0119dzy Bree, a Skylar, kliknij tutaj."@pl . "Meister"@de . . . . . . . "Sorceress"@en . . . . . "Karis war eine Nachtschwester. Sie half gemeinsam mit Naa'leth der ehemaligen Sith Asajj Ventress den Sith-Lord Dooku zu t\u00F6ten, dies konnte ihnen jedoch nicht gelingen. Sie starb gemeinsam mit den anderen Nachtschwestern auf Dathomir."@de . . . "Karis (\u30AB\u30EA\u30B9 Karis) is a playable character of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and is one of the game's main characters. She is a Jupiter Adept, and the daughter of Ivan. She was one of the first three characters revealed in the initial revealing of Dark Dawn, along with Tyrell and Matthew."@en . "Karis"@de . . . "Dathomir"@de . "Green"@en . . "Female"@en . . "Durch Droiden"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Mage"@en . . . . . . . . . "Karis"@en . . "Geschlecht"@de . "Blanco"@es . . . . "1,70 m"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nachtschwester"@de . . "20"^^ . "Karis"@es . . "Race: Appears Human Age: Looks about 25 but is actually 34 Height: 5'5\" Weight: 140 Hair: Raven Black Skin Tone: Pale Skin Texture: soft though she has many scars Eye Color: Deep brown Accent: Her accent is an odd one it's a cross of a street urchin and a dwarf Recognizable Features: She has a large bruise that covers her lower back. It's faded black in color and she has a tattoo of the name Gavin on the small of her back Spoken Languages: Appears she only speaks common Left or Right Handed: Right handed Deity: She has no deity and often says if she doesn't find a god or goddess soon, she may end up a brick on the wall of lost souls Class: Rogue/Shadowdancer/Bowman Alignment: Choatic Neutral"@en . . "\"Massacre\" Episode Guide"@en . "Karis was a Dathomirian female member of the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars. She and her sister Naa'leth were sent by Mother Talzin to aid Asajj Ventress in her attempt to assassinate Count Dooku in his palace on Serenno, which they failed to do. Karis was killed during General Grievous's subsequent attack on Dathomir."@en . . . . . . . "Karis was the mad wife of Elden Vargas in Neverwinter in 1479 DR."@en . . "Karis was the mad wife of Elden Vargas in Neverwinter in 1479 DR."@en . . . "Kiara"@en . "Karis"@es . . . "Karis"@es . . . . "\"Nightsisters\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . "Spezies"@de . "Karis (K/elli + P/aris) to przyjacielska relacja pomi\u0119dzy Kelli Berglund, a Paris Berelc. S\u0105 one najlepszymi przyjaci\u00F3\u0142kami. Aby zobaczy\u0107 bohatersk\u0105 relacj\u0119 pomi\u0119dzy Bree, a Skylar, kliknij tutaj."@pl . . . "Heimat"@de . . "Hama"@en . . "Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit"@de . . . . "Karis"@es . "Karis"@it . "Personaje"@es . . . . . . . "Race: Appears Human Age: Looks about 25 but is actually 34 Height: 5'5\" Weight: 140 Hair: Raven Black Skin Tone: Pale Skin Texture: soft though she has many scars Eye Color: Deep brown Accent: Her accent is an odd one it's a cross of a street urchin and a dwarf Recognizable Features: She has a large bruise that covers her lower back. It's faded black in color and she has a tattoo of the name Gavin on the small of her back Spoken Languages: Appears she only speaks common Left or Right Handed: Right handed Deity: She has no deity and often says if she doesn't find a god or goddess soon, she may end up a brick on the wall of lost souls Class: Rogue/Shadowdancer/Bowman Alignment: Choatic Neutral"@en . . "Character"@en . . . "Karis"@en . . . "Negros"@es . . . . . "Karis was a Dathomirian female member of the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars. She and her sister Naa'leth were sent by Mother Talzin to aid Asajj Ventress in her attempt to assassinate Count Dooku in his palace on Serenno, which they failed to do. Karis was killed during General Grievous's subsequent attack on Dathomir."@en . "Nightsister"@en . . "Karis Vargas"@en . . "Karis \u00E8 una ragazza giovane, dai lunghi capelli scarlatti che spesso tiene legati dietro la nuca, principalmente per comodit\u00E0. Le iridi chiare risaltano sulla pelle spesso abbronzata per i duri allenamenti all'aperto, e le labbra non troppo carnose e poche volte adornate rendono il volto della ragazza semplice, naturale. Di media altezza, \u00E8 solita portare abiti sobri ma perfettamente rifiniti, in grado di risaltare le sue forme senza eccedere. Porta al collo un pendaglio donatole da Thomas, sul quale \u00E8 scolpito il simbolo raffigurante una piccola stella ambrata, chiara e splendente. \n* Carattere: Karis \u00E8 ancora una ragazza, per cui allegria e positivit\u00E0 fanno parte del suo carattere che, tuttavia, \u00E8 stato duramente temprato dai lunghi viaggi per nave e dalle mille avventure, non sempre a lieto fine, che ha avuto la possibilit\u00E0 di condividere con il resto dell\u2019equipaggio. Di conseguenza, a un\u2019indole di base serena spesso prende il sopravvento una forte determinazione e la consapevolezza della dura realt\u00E0 che la circonda, tagliente e piena di pericoli. E\u2019 abbastanza intelligente per cui riesce, spesso, a ragionare sugli eventi e sui comportamenti delle persone senza sfociare nel pregiudizio o in atti di superiorit\u00E0; \u00E8 in grado di distinguere una persona falsa da una sincera dopo un\u2019attenta analisi, salvo eccezioni naturalmente, e ritiene indispensabile utilizzare la mente in qualsiasi azione, dalla semplice conversazione all\u2019arduo combattimento. Non si combatte soltanto con il corpo, e Karis \u00E8 colpita dagli individui che riescono a comprendere in pochi attimi il nemico che si trovano di fronte, cosa che lei ancora non \u00E8 in grado di fare. Tuttavia, \u00E8 giovane e non particolarmente saggia, per cui spesso si comporta in maniera avventata, soprattutto se si tratta di prendere decisioni fondamentali in tempi brevi. A volte , quindi, si lascia trascinare dall\u2019intuito, come d\u2019altronde molte persone erroneamente fanno, ma con risultati solitamente deludenti o per lo meno irrilevanti. Avvezza e abituata all\u2019interazione con le persone fin da quando era piccola, Karis il pi\u00F9 delle volte esercita un discreto fascino, vuoi per il modo di relazionarsi, semplice ma cordiale e deciso, vuoi per la figura slanciata e sempre curata. Ha imparato, fin da quando viveva in citt\u00E0 circondata dai freddi e vuoti agi della sua dimora, a sorridere e a convincere le persone con semplici gesti o giuste parole. Questa dote \u00E8 migliorata con il tempo, e crescendo, non soltanto nel fisico ma soprattutto nella mente, \u00E8 riuscita a svilupparla adeguandola al suo ruolo."@it . . "Nightsisters"@en . . "Karis"@en . . . "16"^^ . . . "Karis \u00E8 una ragazza giovane, dai lunghi capelli scarlatti che spesso tiene legati dietro la nuca, principalmente per comodit\u00E0. Le iridi chiare risaltano sulla pelle spesso abbronzata per i duri allenamenti all'aperto, e le labbra non troppo carnose e poche volte adornate rendono il volto della ragazza semplice, naturale. Di media altezza, \u00E8 solita portare abiti sobri ma perfettamente rifiniti, in grado di risaltare le sue forme senza eccedere. Porta al collo un pendaglio donatole da Thomas, sul quale \u00E8 scolpito il simbolo raffigurante una piccola stella ambrata, chiara e splendente."@it . . . . . . . "Beruf"@de .