. . "The Duchess is a noble resident of Wonderland, the mother of Pig, and the previous owner of the Cheshire Cat. In Alice's twisted return to Wonderland, she is initially a violent cannibal, and the first major obstacle that Alice Liddell had to overcome in her quest for her sanity. When Alice reached the river in the Vale of Tears, the Mock Turtle revealed that the Duchess had stolen his shell. It was not until much further downstream that Alice encountered the Duchess hiding from the Queen of Hearts in Bill McGill's house."@en . . . "A available only to female characters in level 70+ guilds. Eligible characters can purchase it from Freeport/Qeynos/Kelethin city merchants for 3p 42g 3,118,591 status."@en . "Mewsette from \"Gay Purr-ee\""@en . . . "To bring herself and her kittens back to the mansion"@en . . . . "Goed"@nl . . . "Duchess is a fan-type weapon. It has 150 attack points and 80% hit rate. ."@en . . "None"@en . . . . . "Duchess is a tier 1 skill in Aurelia's Contractual Aristocracy skill tree."@en . "Duchess is a Trainer Class introduced in Generation VI."@en . . "2"^^ . "Brawling"@en . "N/A"@en . . . . "Duchess is a tier 1 skill in Aurelia's Contractual Aristocracy skill tree."@en . . . . . "\"Berlioz, now don't be rude.\""@en . . "Toulouse"@en . "Paragon City"@en . . . . "Duchess is the female protagonist of Disney's 1970 animated film, The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse."@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . "The Duchess is a noble resident of Wonderland, the mother of Pig, and the previous owner of the Cheshire Cat. In Alice's twisted return to Wonderland, she is initially a violent cannibal, and the first major obstacle that Alice Liddell had to overcome in her quest for her sanity. When Alice reached the river in the Vale of Tears, the Mock Turtle revealed that the Duchess had stolen his shell. It was not until much further downstream that Alice encountered the Duchess hiding from the Queen of Hearts in Bill McGill's house. The Duchess appeared again but now as a form of ally, as she no longer wished to eat Alice. In exchange for Pig Snouts, she sent Alice Duchess baskets as a reward."@en . . "Duchess is een langharige witte Turkse Angora kat met saffier-blauwe ogen. Ze draagt een gouden halsband bezet met diamanten."@nl . . . . "Duchess is a village of about 1000 people in southeastern Alberta."@en . "Duchess"@en . . . "Baby"@en . . . . . . . "A Duchess is a member of the nobility, either the wife of a Duke or the daughter of the previous Duke or Duchess."@en . . . . . "Duchess"@en . . . "College graduate"@en . . . . . "Duchess ist eine fast blinde, allein lebende Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im englischen Zoo Paignton. Die Herkunft von Duchess ist nicht bekannt. Ihr Geburtsjahr liegt etwa im Jahr 1968. In einem Bericht von 2000 wird ihr Alter mit 32 Jahren angegeben. Duchess kam zusammen mit der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Gay aus dem englischen Longleat Safari Park. Der Zoo Paignton hatte 1949 zwei asiatische Elefanten erhalten, die 1966 bzw. 1976 gestorben sind, so dass Duchess und Gay nach ihrer Ankunft am 04.04.1977 lange Jahre zu zweit auf der Elefantenanlage gelebt haben. Aus dem Jahr 2000 gibt es einen Bericht des Zoos Paignton, in dem von Verhaltensauff\u00E4lligkeiten bei den beiden K\u00FChen die Rede ist. W\u00E4hrend Gay webte, war Duchess auffallend tr\u00E4ge und unt\u00E4tig. Um dies zu \u00E4ndern, wurden Bewegungsm\u00F6glichkeiten geschaffen mittels sogenannter \"Enrichment\"-Ger\u00E4te, die die Tiere besch\u00E4ftigten und ihr Verhalten positiv ver\u00E4nderten. 2005 mussten die beiden K\u00FChe getrennt werden, da Duchess in einer Nacht Gay mit ihren Sto\u00DFz\u00E4hnen verletzt hatte. Zu Beginn des Jahres 2006 brach im Elefanten- und Giraffenhaus ein Feuer aus, bei dem Gay und Duchess gerettet werden konnten, allerdings mindestens eine Giraffe mit ihrem Kalb umkam. Im Januar 2010 holte der Zoo einen Veterin\u00E4r der Augenfachkunde ins Elefantenhaus, nachdem die Pfleger beobachtet hatten, dass sich Duchess' Sehkraft verschlechterte. Der Tierarzt Jim Carter, der dank Training die Augen untersuchen konnte, stellte fest, dass Duchess in beiden Augen den Grauen Star hatte, der sie mit dem rechten gar nicht und mit dem linken nur noch wenig sehen lie\u00DFt. Augenoperationen bei Elefanten wurden aber bislang im Vereinigten K\u00F6nigreich noch nicht durchgef\u00FChrt, deshalb wurde vorl\u00E4ufig auf eine Operation verzichtet, so lange Duchess im vertrauten Gel\u00E4nde von Elefantenhaus und Au\u00DFenanlage gut zurechtkommt. Derzeit bekommt sie nur Augentropfen und wird von den Pflegern in ihrem Verhalten beobachtet. Offenbar hat sie bislang auch keine Einschr\u00E4nkungen bei Bewegung oder Nahrungsaufnahme. Im M\u00E4rz 2010 wurde ihre langj\u00E4hrige Begleiterin Gay eingeschl\u00E4fert aufgrund massiver Fu\u00DFprobleme, an denen die Asiatin ihrerseits l\u00E4nger kurierte und dazu auch einen Spezialschuh trug. Nach deren Tod hat sich der Zoo entschieden, Duchess zu behalten und allein in ihrer Anlage zu belassen, obwohl Elefanten soziale bzw. Herdentiere sind. Dieser Entschluss wird damit begr\u00FCndet, dass eine Abgabe f\u00FCr die fast blinde Elefantenkuh an eine andere Elefantenhaltung gro\u00DFe Orientierungsprobleme aufwerfen und dass eine Erg\u00E4nzung des Elefantenbestandes mit weiteren Tieren dazu f\u00FChren k\u00F6nnte, dass Duchess wegen ihrer Sehbehinderung schikaniert wird. Aufgrund dieser Entscheidung lebt Duchess jetzt allein im Elefantengehege zu Paignton. Im April 2011 wurde bei Duchess ein Glaukom im rechten Auge, das bereits v\u00F6llig erblindet war, diagnostiziert. Die Erkrankung wurde zun\u00E4chst durch Augentropfen behandelt. Dabei wurde Duchess dazu gebracht, ihren Kopf zu senken, um die Pfleger an ihr Auge heranzulassen. Im Juni 2011 dann wurde das Auge mit Ultraschall untersucht, wodurch die richtige Position der Linse festgestellt wurde. Da der Augendruck aber weiter wuchs, wurde schlie\u00DFlich entschieden, ihr rechtes Auge operativ zu entfernen. Die vierst\u00FCndige Operation fand am 15.12.2011 statt. Danach kam Duchess wieder auf die Beine und ging in ihrem Stall umher. Der Zoo hofft, Duchess so vor weiteren Schmerzen zu bewahren und noch l\u00E4ngere Zeit in Paignton halten zu k\u00F6nnen. Im August 2012 wurde publik, dass Duchess vermutlich fast v\u00F6llig blind ist und nur noch Licht und Dunkelheit unterscheiden kann. Eine Routineuntersuchung ergab, dass ihre Sicht mit dem verbliebenen Auge verschlechtert und die Augenkrankheit weiter fortgeschritten war. Dem Zoo zufolge aber war sie schmerzfrei und weiterhin bereit, sich mit Medikamenten behandeln zu lassen. Da sie allein lebt, soll sie dem Zoo zufolge viel Aufmerksamkeit von ihren Pflegern erhalten. F\u00FCr die n\u00E4chste Zeit soll sie erneut intensiv beobachtet werden um zu sehen, wie sich ihre Blindheit auf ihr Verhalten auswirkt. Am 20.09.2012 wurde eine weitere Augen-Operation an ihr durchgef\u00FChrt zur Entfernung des grauen Stars im verbliebenen linken Auge. Davon wird eine verbesserte Sicht f\u00FCr die Elefantenkuh erhofft. Sie soll sich gut von der Operation erholt haben. Nach Zooangaben gibt es weiterhin eine Suche nach einer Gef\u00E4hrtin f\u00FCr Duchess, die sich nicht einfach gestalten soll."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "18"^^ . "FoS Turkish van.png"@ru . . . "Caucasian"@en . . . "Highly attractive female"@en . "Mama, Baby"@en . . . . . "Being at home with her family, dancing, music, the flower field, butterfly, reflection"@en . "Duchess is described as being a large, blonde, \"bear-like\" dog with a pink collared studded with spikes."@en . . "Feline reflexes and agility, night vision, Enhanced hearing, Enhanced smell, Highly attractive female, claws"@en . "Duchess is a village of about 1000 people in southeastern Alberta."@en . "Duchess is een langharige witte Turkse Angora kat met saffier-blauwe ogen. Ze draagt een gouden halsband bezet met diamanten."@nl . . . "Slender white Turkish Angora cat, saphire-blue eyes, gold jeweled collar"@en . . . . "Penelope lived a normal life for the upper middle class. She spent more time in extra-curricular activities then she ever did with her parents. She went off to college at Metropolis University because it was expected of her. While she was there she met and fell in love with a junkie/dealer named Curtis Kaplan. Kaplan was arrested shortly thereafter but Penelope would stay in the lifestyle, looking for the next bad boy she could try and tame."@en . "While you have the 'Adaptive Ailerons' Upgrade card equipped you may choose to ignore its card ability."@en . . "Duchessdisney.jpeg"@nl . . . . "Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety, the First, Last and Only or simply Duchess (referred to by her full name in the pilot movie) is an imaginary friend and a recurring character of the series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. She speaks with a German accent and is voiced by Grey DeLisle."@en . . . "Duchess is an Elemelon. Next to Queenie and Princess, she's the most shy and scared when she's being squished for her juice. Duchess usually sprays her juice onto Mung Daal when Chowder tells her she's going to be squished. Unlike the other two Elemelons, Duchess is a greenish-yellow rather than a shade of orange. Her only appearance is in The Elemelons, and at the end, after she, Queenie and Princess become friends with Truffles, Truffles is somehow able to get Duchess to hold still."@en . . . . . "Mama"@en . "Stack Boost"@en . "De Aristokatten"@nl . . . . "Penelope Mahoney"@en . . . . "Killing an enemy grants you a stack of . You gain increased for each stack of . All stacks of are lost upon your death or the death of your ."@en . "Makes it back to the mansion safely and becomes the wife of Thomas O'Malley"@en . "File:Duchess2.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Enhanced smell"@en . . "Duchess"@en . "Duchess \u2014 \u043F\u0438\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0446 Fallout Shelter, \u043B\u0435\u0433\u0435\u043D\u0434\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043A\u043E\u0448\u043A\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0434\u044B \u0442\u0443\u0440\u0435\u0446\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0432\u0430\u043D."@ru . "Duchess is the female protagonist of Disney's 1970 film The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse. Duchess means Wife of Duke."@en . . "Red"@en . . . . . "Duchess AMR.png"@en . . "Madame Bontfamilie's Herenhuis, in Parijs, Frankrijk"@nl . . . . "Aurelia"@en . . "Duchess is the female protagonist in Disney's 1970 film The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse. She's also the love interest and later wife of Thomas O'Malley. She has a French accent and is voiced by the late Eva Gabor, though Robie Lester provides her singing voice."@en . "House of Mouse"@en . . . . . . . "The Aristocats"@en . . . "USA"@en . . "night vision"@en . . . "Claws"@en . "Duchess is an Elemelon. Next to Queenie and Princess, she's the most shy and scared when she's being squished for her juice. Duchess usually sprays her juice onto Mung Daal when Chowder tells her she's going to be squished. Unlike the other two Elemelons, Duchess is a greenish-yellow rather than a shade of orange. Her only appearance is in The Elemelons, and at the end, after she, Queenie and Princess become friends with Truffles, Truffles is somehow able to get Duchess to hold still."@en . . . . "Techno Being"@en . . . . . . . "Alice Liddell"@en . "Secret"@en . . . . . . "180.0"^^ . "Caring, protective, happy, proper, beautiful, elegant, ladylike, kind, friendly, compassionate, motherly"@en . . . . "Dancing, music, having fun"@en . . . "Duchess"@en . "A Duchess is a member of the nobility, either the wife of a Duke or the daughter of the previous Duke or Duchess."@en . . . . "House of Mouse (2000 film)"@en . . . "Duchess.png"@en . . "Good"@en . . . . "Duchess is a fan-type weapon. It has 150 attack points and 80% hit rate. ."@en . . . . . . . "Married Hero; Pure of Heart"@en . . . "Duchess is the female protagonist of Disney's 1970 animated film, The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse."@en . . . "Caring, protective, happy, proper, beautiful, elegant, ladylike, kind, friendly, compassionate, motherly, sentimental"@en . . . "Duchess"@nl . . . . . . "110011"^^ . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . "Klauwen"@nl . . . . "Celebrate the Magic"@en . "Contractual Aristocracy"@en . . . "De Aristokatten"@nl . "Imaginary Friend"@en . . . . . "Duchess is Madame Adelaide's cat and mother of three kittens, Toulouse, Marie, and Berlioz in a 1970 Disney film, The Aristocats. She is the deuteragonist who falls in love with Thomas and is forced to choose her life at home or a life with Thomas. Robie Lester provided her singing voice."@en . . . . . . "Duchess"@de . "\"Duchess\" is the fourth episode of The Adventures of Puss in Boots."@en . "Duchess is described as being a large, blonde, \"bear-like\" dog with a pink collared studded with spikes."@en . "Duchess"@nl . . "Married her sweetheart, Thomas O'Malley, To bring herself and her kittens back to the mansion"@en . "Icky Von Yuck Yuck, Blickey McBarf, Grossie Grossenstein, Ol' Ug-Mug, Her Royal Majesty, Your Horrible Hideousness, Queeny, Princess, The Dragon Lady, Dearie"@en . "Female"@en . . "A available only to female characters in level 70+ guilds. Eligible characters can purchase it from Freeport/Qeynos/Kelethin city merchants for 3p 42g 3,118,591 status."@en . "Green"@en . . "Inner City Teacher"@en . "\"Why, Monsieur, your name seems to cover all of Europe.\""@en . "Penelope lived a normal life for the upper middle class. She spent more time in extra-curricular activities then she ever did with her parents. She went off to college at Metropolis University because it was expected of her. While she was there she met and fell in love with a junkie/dealer named Curtis Kaplan. Kaplan was arrested shortly thereafter but Penelope would stay in the lifestyle, looking for the next bad boy she could try and tame. Penelope graduated with a teaching certificate and a degree in English. She surprised everyone when she accepted a job at a Brickstown High, the worst high school in the city academically, located inside of the Brickstown slums. Everyone assumed she wanted to do charity work with the underprivelidged. In fact Penelope had grown tired of being little more then an arm ornament, she wanted a taste of power in the underworld. One day while visiting her cousin, Jonothon Cassidy an electronics repairman and part-time inventor, showed Penelope one of his latest inventions, a device that wove molecular strands together at the molecular level. He had used it to create a suit of impervious armor for his next S.C.A. get together. Penelope was intrigued. She convinced her cousin to make her a set of armor so the three could form a gang and start taking over the Paragon City underworld. The Tiger Knights were very successful and have pulled together gangbangers from different organizations to for Los Tigres one of the biggest gangs in Brickstown."@en . "Duchess is the female protagonist of Disney's 1970 film The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse. Duchess means Wife of Duke."@en . "Jonothon Cassidy , Seamus Cassidy"@en . "File:Duchess2.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . "A Duchess is a female equivalent of a Duke, and is either married to a Duke, or be the sole ruling power of a Duchy. Duchess Aspen was a one of the nobility of Chouen, the Duchess of the land and daughter of the Prince of the nation."@en . . . "Duchess is Madame Adelaide's cat and mother of three kittens, Toulouse, Marie, and Berlioz in a 1970 Disney film, The Aristocats. She is the deuteragonist who falls in love with Thomas and is forced to choose her life at home or a life with Thomas. Robie Lester provided her singing voice."@en . "Duchess is a Trainer Class introduced in Generation VI."@en . . . "\"Duchess\" is the fourth episode of The Adventures of Puss in Boots."@en . . . . . . "One of the original four locomotives of the Mid Sodor. Duchess was known to be a engine with a kind heart and a hard worker, sharing the same qualities of Duke. Her time on the Mid Sodor only lasted a few years before she was bought by a company on the mainland and was shipped back in the early 1900s. Nothing had been heard of her for many years."@en . "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel"@en . . "1"^^ . "Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety, the First, Last and Only or simply Duchess (referred to by her full name in the pilot movie) is an imaginary friend and a recurring character of the series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. She speaks with a German accent and is voiced by Grey DeLisle."@en . . . . . . "\"Berlioz, now don't be rude.\" \"Remember, do not mess with me now.\" after Duchess crying and run away."@en . . . . . . "250"^^ . . "A duke (male) or duchess (female) is a member of the nobility, historically of highest rank below the monarch, and historically controlling a duchy. The title comes from the Latin Dux, 'leader', a term used in republican Rome to refer to a military commander without an official rank (particularly one of Germanic or Celtic origin), and later coming to mean the leading military commander of a province. In the Middle Ages the title signified first among the Germanic monarchies. Dukes were the rulers of the provinces and the superiors of the counts in the cities and later, in the feudal monarchies, the highest-ranking peers of the king. During the 19th century many of the smaller German and Italian states were ruled by Dukes or Grand Dukes. At present however, with the exception of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, there are no dukes who rule. Duke remains the highest titular peerage in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The Pope, as a temporal sovereign, has also but rarely granted the title of Duke and Duchess to persons for services to the Holy See. A woman who holds in her own right the title to such duchy or dukedom, or is the wife of a duke, is normally styled duchess."@en . "150"^^ . "Kytross"@en . "Duchess the Female Cat"@en . "Duchess \u2014 \u043F\u0438\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0446 Fallout Shelter, \u043B\u0435\u0433\u0435\u043D\u0434\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043A\u043E\u0448\u043A\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0434\u044B \u0442\u0443\u0440\u0435\u0446\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0432\u0430\u043D."@ru . . "6'"@en . . . "+ 3 \u0435\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438\u0446\u044B \u043A\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0435\u043C \u0437\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F\u043C S.P.E.C.I.A.L. \u0440\u0435\u0431\u0451\u043D\u043A\u0430"@ru . . . "While you have the 'Adaptive Ailerons' Upgrade card equipped you may choose to ignore its card ability."@en . . "A duke (male) or duchess (female) is a member of the nobility, historically of highest rank below the monarch, and historically controlling a duchy. The title comes from the Latin Dux, 'leader', a term used in republican Rome to refer to a military commander without an official rank (particularly one of Germanic or Celtic origin), and later coming to mean the leading military commander of a province. A woman who holds in her own right the title to such duchy or dukedom, or is the wife of a duke, is normally styled duchess."@en . . . . "Yes"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Aristocats"@en . . "A Duchess is a female equivalent of a Duke, and is either married to a Duke, or be the sole ruling power of a Duchy. Duchess Aspen was a one of the nobility of Chouen, the Duchess of the land and daughter of the Prince of the nation."@en . . . "One of the original four locomotives of the Mid Sodor. Duchess was known to be a engine with a kind heart and a hard worker, sharing the same qualities of Duke. Her time on the Mid Sodor only lasted a few years before she was bought by a company on the mainland and was shipped back in the early 1900s. Nothing had been heard of her for many years."@en . . "1000"^^ . "Duchess"@ru . . . "Duchess is the mother of Cheese, and very big in the European crime scene."@en . . . . . "Madame Bonfamille's mansion in Paris, France"@en . "No record. yet"@en . . . "Spike: The Devil You Know"@en . . . . "Feline reflexes and agility"@en . "Duchess is the female protagonist in Disney's 1970 film The Aristocats. She is the mother of Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse. She's also the love interest and later wife of Thomas O'Malley. She has a French accent and is voiced by the late Eva Gabor, though Robie Lester provides her singing voice."@en . . . . "Being at home with her family, dancing, music, Thomas O'Malley, her children, Scat Cat"@en . . . . . . . . "Armored Suit, Sword, Sheild"@en . . "Thomas O'Malley's wife, Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz's mother"@en . "Slanke witte turkse angora kat, met saffier-blauwe ogen en gouden halsband"@nl . . . . "Russi Taylor"@en . . . . "Duchess"@ru . . . . "[[w:Grey Delisle"@en . . "A duchess was the female married spouse of a duke."@en . . "Being separated from her children, the milkman, Edgar Balthazar"@en . "Auburn"@en . "The Duchess"@en . . . . "Duchess is the mother of Cheese, and very big in the European crime scene."@en . . "* Anni Long \n* Laura Coughlin"@en . . . "Enhanced hearing"@en . "A duchess was the female married spouse of a duke."@en . "Duchess ist eine fast blinde, allein lebende Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im englischen Zoo Paignton. Die Herkunft von Duchess ist nicht bekannt. Ihr Geburtsjahr liegt etwa im Jahr 1968. In einem Bericht von 2000 wird ihr Alter mit 32 Jahren angegeben. Duchess kam zusammen mit der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Gay aus dem englischen Longleat Safari Park. Der Zoo Paignton hatte 1949 zwei asiatische Elefanten erhalten, die 1966 bzw. 1976 gestorben sind, so dass Duchess und Gay nach ihrer Ankunft am 04.04.1977 lange Jahre zu zweit auf der Elefantenanlage gelebt haben."@de . .