"Link's Awakening"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Gohma"@fr . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Destroy the Great Deku Tree"@en . . . . . "antagonize Valoo"@en . . "Depende del juego."@es . "Parasitic Armored Arachnid"@en . "B"@en . . "Gohma as it appears in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker."@en . . . . . "Ganon Bomb"@en . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . . "Aggressive, Territorial"@en . "Twilight Princess"@fr . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Gohma is a recurring boss character in The Legend of Zelda series. Gohma's appearance varies greatly from game to game."@en . "Gohma"@fr . . . "There are differently named monsters corresponding to a Holy Book Makoto carries which he believes various people turned into:"@en . "Monstre Insecto\u00EFde G\u00E9ant"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Gohma (Ogs\u00E5 Ghoma er en boss/miniboss/fiende som har kommet flere ganger i Zelda serien og involverer ALLTID \u00E5 angripe \u00F8yet dens. I Legend of Zelda var Gohma simpelt nok en stor armert edderkopp som skyter flammekuler med et stort \u00F8ye som du m\u00E5 i tradisjon med Zelda-serien skyte pil p\u00E5. Hvor mange g\u00E5nger du m\u00E5tte skyte pil i \u00F8yet dens varierte p\u00E5 fargen (en r\u00F8d Gohma trenger ett skudd mens en bl\u00E5 tre) . Gohma blir i Legend of Zelda kalt kongen av tektites. NB: Av og til slipper Armogohma ut egg som raskt blir til babyer, som gir hjerter og piler n\u00E5r de er drept."@no . "Resembling monkeys and apes and romaing in packs, they are the most common enemies seen throughout the game."@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Gohma is an evil monster that has appeared as a boss throughout various The Legend of Zelda games. Though it has appeared in various forms depending on the game such as a crab, a spider and an antlion for example; they all resemble arthropods with a single eye, its weak spot."@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Gohma is an evil monster that has appeared as a boss throughout various The Legend of Zelda games. Though it has appeared in various forms depending on the game such as a crab, a spider and an antlion for example; they all resemble arthropods with a single eye, its weak spot."@en . "VS Beast"@en . "Arthropod Cyclops Monster"@en . . "Gohma from the Original Legend of Zelda"@en . "Gohma es un enemigo recurrente en la serie de Zelda. Por lo general tienen la funci\u00F3n de jefes en sus respectivos juegos. A pesar de aparecer como enemigos diferentes en cada juego, el aspecto general de los Gohmas es el de blindados artr\u00F3podos, caracterizados por un \u00FAnico y grande ojo que normalmente es su punto d\u00E9bil."@es . . "Gohma"@de . . "Gohma is a species of recurring Bosses and Enemies in The Legend of Zelda (series). The creature has taken on many appearances generally differing significantly in each although is always depicted as some sort of Invertebrate, commonly a Crab, Spider or Centipede. Gohma's ferocity differs with each rendition although the Spider Variant appears to be the strongest."@en . . "Arrows"@en . "Gohma is a species of recurring Bosses and Enemies in The Legend of Zelda (series). The creature has taken on many appearances generally differing significantly in each although is always depicted as some sort of Invertebrate, commonly a Crab, Spider or Centipede. Gohma's ferocity differs with each rendition although the Spider Variant appears to be the strongest."@en . "Gohma"@es . "Hyrule Warriors"@en . . . . . "Cursed Monster Insect"@en . . "Male"@en . "There are differently named monsters corresponding to a Holy Book Makoto carries which he believes various people turned into:"@en . . . "Four Swords Adventures"@en . "Armagohma\n\nMagtail"@en . . "Strength, Speed, Climbing abilities, Large Size"@en . . . . . . . "Oracle of Seasons"@en . "Gohma en The Legend of Zelda"@es . . . . . . . "Ocarina of Time"@en . . "200"^^ . "Gohma"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Arthropod Cyclops Monster Gohma (\u9B54\u773C\u93A7\u6BBB\u7A2E\u30B4\u30FC\u30DE, Magan Gaikakushu G\u014Dma) is a recurring boss in Hyrule Warriors. She originated from the very first game in the Zelda franchise The Legend of Zelda."@en . "Tier: Varies from 9-C to 8-B | High 6-A, possibly 5-A Name: Gohma Origin: Asura's Wrath Gender: Unknown Age: Varies Classification: Gohma Population: Unknown, likely in the millions K-Level: Below type 0 Technology: None Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Varies from Low to Mid-Low), Soul Manipulation, Flight/Levitation Speed: Varies from Normal Human to Subsonic (Some can fly at speeds faster than any normal animal) | Unknown. Possibly FTL reactions/combat speed (Can, to some degree, keep pace with Base Asura and Yasha) Stamina: Unknown Weaknesses: Not very smart"@en . "Gohma"@no . . . . "Link : The Faces of Evil"@fr . . "Defeat Link"@en . . "Tier: Varies from 9-C to 8-B | High 6-A, possibly 5-A Name: Gohma Origin: Asura's Wrath Gender: Unknown Age: Varies Classification: Gohma Population: Unknown, likely in the millions K-Level: Below type 0 Technology: None Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Varies from Low to Mid-Low), Soul Manipulation, Flight/Levitation Attack Potency: Varies from Street level to City Block level (Even the weakest of Gohma can easily dispatch humans, several can achieve this sort of power through their sheer size) | Multi-Continent level, possibly Large Planet level (Seemingly gave Base Asura and, to a lesser extent, Base Yasha a difficult time; considered a serious threat to the Seven Deities) Speed: Varies from Normal Human to Subsonic (Some can fly at speeds faster than any normal animal) | Unknown. Possibly FTL reactions/combat speed (Can, to some degree, keep pace with Base Asura and Yasha) Lifting Strength: Varies from Regular Human to Class K (Some can achieve this strength through size alone) | At least Class K, possibly up to Class M (Several on them combined were able to overpower and briefly restrain Base Asura) Striking Strength: Varies from Wall Class to Multi-City Block Class | Multi-Continent Class, possibly Large Planet Class Durability: Varies from Street level to City Block level | Multi-Continent level, possibly Large Planet level Stamina: Unknown Range: Varies from melee range to hundreds of meters Standard Equipment: None notable Intelligence: Seemingly mindless, acting on instinct Weaknesses: Not very smart Key: Weaker Gohma | Stronger Gohma"@en . . "Claws and/or Teeth"@en . "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhf"@es . . . . . "Deceased"@en . "Depende del juego."@es . . . . . "Gohma (Ogs\u00E5 Ghoma er en boss/miniboss/fiende som har kommet flere ganger i Zelda serien og involverer ALLTID \u00E5 angripe \u00F8yet dens. I Legend of Zelda var Gohma simpelt nok en stor armert edderkopp som skyter flammekuler med et stort \u00F8ye som du m\u00E5 i tradisjon med Zelda-serien skyte pil p\u00E5. Hvor mange g\u00E5nger du m\u00E5tte skyte pil i \u00F8yet dens varierte p\u00E5 fargen (en r\u00F8d Gohma trenger ett skudd mens en bl\u00E5 tre) . Gohma blir i Legend of Zelda kalt kongen av tektites. I Link's awakening fikk to sm\u00E5 Gohmaer rollen som minibossen av spillets femte Dungeon: Catfish Maw. De g\u00E5r framover og bakover i rommet, en bak den andre og den eneste tiden de vil \u00E5pne \u00F8ynene er n\u00E5r de er innenfor angrepsrekkevidde for \u00E5 angripe Link. Da m\u00E5 spilleren bruke hookshot, sverd, pil og bue eller andre skyte/sl\u00E5v\u00E5pen. I Ocarina of Time var Gohma ( Parasitic Armored Arachnid) (ogs\u00E5 kalt Dronning Gohma av Deku br\u00F8drene) en boss i Deku treet (den f\u00F8rste dungeonen i spillet) . Han/hun/den har blitt plassert der av Ganondorf som en forbannelse p\u00E5 Deku treet siden Deku treet ikke ga Ganondorf den spirituelle steinen av skog. Gohma drepes ved \u00E5 skyte med fespretterten i Gohmas \u00F8ye n\u00E5r det er r\u00F8dt. Da vil Gohma falle ned eller stoppe opp. Da har link sjansen til \u00E5 sl\u00E5 Gohma med Kokiri Sverdet eller en deku pinne.Deku n\u00F8tter kan ogs\u00E5 f\u00E5 Gohma til \u00E5 stoppe opp/falle ned. Deku piner er anbefalt pga. at de gj\u00F8r dobbelt s\u00E5 mye skade som sverdet. Gohma fra Ocarina of Time er p\u00E5 bildet over. Denne Gohmaen er veldig lik Gohmaen i The Legend of Zelda, bare at den denne gangen forestiller en krabbe istedenfor en edderkopp, med raske bevegelser sideslengs og krabbeaktige kl\u00F8r. For \u00E5 banke denne Gohmaen m\u00E5 du, istedenfor \u00E5 skyte den med piler, \u00F8delegge kloen hans og dermed skyte fr\u00F8 i \u00F8yene hans/huns/dens med spretterten. Den beskytter essensen av nature i Den Dansende Drages Hule (Den fjerde dungeonen) . I Wind Waker var Gohma en mer skorpionaktig lava boss som beskytter/har tatt kontrol av Dragon Roosts cavern. Han/hun/den pr\u00F8ver \u00E5 angripe deg enten ved \u00E5 sl\u00E5 deg med kl\u00F8rne eller \u00E5 stenge deg inne med kl\u00F8rne og spytte flammer p\u00E5 Link . For \u00E5 banke han/hun/den m\u00E5 du bruke din nye (egentlig ikke, den var brukt av Medli f\u00F8r du fikk den) Grappling hook til \u00E5 hekte deg fast til Valoo's hale i taket. Dette vil medf\u00F8re at taket faller ned og \u00F8delegger litt av Gohma's rustning. Den beste tiden \u00E5 gj\u00F8re dette p\u00E5 er n\u00E5r Gohma stenger deg inne med kl\u00F8rne og skal spytte flammer p\u00E5 Link pga. ladetiden f\u00F8r han/hun/den spytter flammer p\u00E5 Link. Etter tre suksessfulle fors\u00F8k p\u00E5 \u00E5 f\u00E5 ned taket vil Gohmas rustning bli \u00F8delagd og du kan bruke grappling hooken til \u00E5 f\u00E5 ned \u00F8yet for \u00E5 sl\u00E5 p\u00E5 det eller vente til han stenger deg inne og skal spytte flammer p\u00E5 Link. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: FOUR SWORDS ADVENTURES I Four Swords adventures finnes Gohma i to forskjellige typer. Den ene er den \"vanlige Gohmaen og finnes i The field og ligner mye p\u00E5 en stor tektite, og den andre er ogs\u00E5 en tektiteaktig fiende med ett \u00F8ye, bare at den skyter flammekuler p\u00E5 Link og er en miniboss. I Twilight Princess er Gohma kalt Armogohma og er Bossen i Temple of Time, den sjette dungeonen i Twilight Princess. I traileren var Gohma mer en tarantell med \u00F8yet plassert foran, men i den publiserte versjonen av Twilight Princess er \u00F8yet plassert p\u00E5 ryggen. For \u00E5 banke han/hun/den m\u00E5 Link skyte \u00F8yet dens med en pil n\u00E5r \u00F8yet \u00E5pner seg (av og til n\u00E5r den er i taket og n\u00E5r den bruker \u00F8yelaseren( ikke sp\u00F8r meg!) og dermed bruke Dominion Rod for \u00E5 kontrollere statuen ved \u00E5 trykke B for \u00E5 knuse Armogohma. Dette gj\u00F8res tre ganger.s\u00E5 vil det vises at Armogohma egentlig er en \u00F8yeball edderkopp og ikke en stor edderkopp (den store edderkoppen er bare et slags skall) som pr\u00F8ver \u00E5 flykte p\u00E5 en seng av baby gohmaer. Hvis Link n\u00E5 sl\u00E5r Armogohma en gang vi\u00F8 den egentlige Armogohma d\u00F8 og Link f\u00E5r enda en bit av Speilet av Twilight. under er et bilde av den uekte Armogohma NB: Av og til slipper Armogohma ut egg som raskt blir til babyer, som gir hjerter og piler n\u00E5r de er drept."@no . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Various Materials"@en . "Demon, Creature, Insectoid"@en . . . . . . "Queen of the Ghomas"@en . . "Mutants"@en . . "Gohma"@en . "\u0152il"@fr . . . . . "Hyrule Warriors"@fr . . . . "Character"@en . . . . . "Dungeons, Caves, Temples & Forests"@en . . "Twilight Princess"@en . "Les Gohmas (\u30B4\u30FC\u30DE\u30FC G\u014Dm\u0101) sont des cr\u00E9atures r\u00E9currentes de la s\u00E9rie, qui apparaissent souvent en tant que boss. Ce sont des sortes de gros crabes ou autre crustac\u00E9. Les Gohmas attaquent souvent en donnant des coups de pince, et leur \u0153il constitue leur point faible. Prot\u00E9g\u00E9es par une grosse carapace, les frapper partout ailleurs est bien souvent inutile. Certaines cr\u00E9atures sont inspir\u00E9es des Gohmas, sans pour autant en \u00EAtre: Golgohma de Twilight Princess qui est une grosse araign\u00E9e, et les Moldgaths de Skyward Sword qui sont des scorpions."@fr . . "Bow and Arrow"@en . . . . . . . "Darkness"@en . "Gohma is a recurring boss character in The Legend of Zelda series. Gohma's appearance varies greatly from game to game."@en . "Legend of Zelda Series"@en . "Phsyically Attacking, Spitting Eggs"@en . "Queen Gohma"@en . . . . . . . "Infecting the Great Deku Tree"@en . "Gohma"@es . . . "Gohma"@en . . . "This is a horrible creature cursed by Fanondorf."@en . . . . "Les Gohmas (\u30B4\u30FC\u30DE\u30FC G\u014Dm\u0101) sont des cr\u00E9atures r\u00E9currentes de la s\u00E9rie, qui apparaissent souvent en tant que boss. Ce sont des sortes de gros crabes ou autre crustac\u00E9. Les Gohmas attaquent souvent en donnant des coups de pince, et leur \u0153il constitue leur point faible. Prot\u00E9g\u00E9es par une grosse carapace, les frapper partout ailleurs est bien souvent inutile. Certaines cr\u00E9atures sont inspir\u00E9es des Gohmas, sans pour autant en \u00EAtre: Golgohma de Twilight Princess qui est une grosse araign\u00E9e, et les Moldgaths de Skyward Sword qui sont des scorpions."@fr . "Arthropod Cyclops Monster Gohma (\u9B54\u773C\u93A7\u6BBB\u7A2E\u30B4\u30FC\u30DE, Magan Gaikakushu G\u014Dma) is a recurring boss in Hyrule Warriors. She originated from the very first game in the Zelda franchise The Legend of Zelda."@en . "The Wind Waker"@en . "Bow\n\nDominion Rod"@en . . . . . . . "The horrible insect"@en . . "This is a horrible creature cursed by Fanondorf."@en . "Ganondorf"@en . . "Dust spread across the sea."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Mutant Insect"@en . "Coups de pince"@fr . "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhf"@es . . . "Evil"@en . . "Boss"@en . . . . . . . . . "Artwork of Gohma from The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Gohma es un enemigo recurrente en la serie de Zelda. Por lo general tienen la funci\u00F3n de jefes en sus respectivos juegos. A pesar de aparecer como enemigos diferentes en cada juego, el aspecto general de los Gohmas es el de blindados artr\u00F3podos, caracterizados por un \u00FAnico y grande ojo que normalmente es su punto d\u00E9bil."@es . "Resembling monkeys and apes and romaing in packs, they are the most common enemies seen throughout the game."@en . "Very Evil"@en .