. . . . "--05-05"^^ . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy after the timeskip in One Piece."@en . . . . . . . . "Devil Fruit powers, Fighting Genius, Haki"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Age:"@en . . . . . "Mugiwara"@de . . . "keine"@de . "Large Building Level \nSmall town level"@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy \u300C\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FB\uFF24\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi ?\u300D es el protagonista principal de la serie de Manga y Anime One Piece, y se le apoda como \"Luffy Sombrero de Paja\" \u300C\u9EA6\u308F\u3089\u306E\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3 Mugiwara no Rufi?\u300D. Es usuario de una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Paramecia; concretamente la \"Gomu Gomu no Mi\", que le convirti\u00F3 en un hombre de goma. Adem\u00E1s de esto, posee varias habilidades que le hacen ser un pirata m\u00E1s que especial; un gran ejemplo de ello es la capacidad de usar el Haoshoku Haki, que s\u00F3lo lo posee una persona dentro de un mill\u00F3n, y adem\u00E1s tiene los otros dos tipos de haki tambi\u00E9n. Luffy pertenece a una familia plagada de personajes conocidos mundialmente: es hijo del l\u00EDder del Ej\u00E9rcito Revolucionario y criminal m\u00E1s buscado del mundo Monkey D. Dragon; nieto del h\u00E9roe de la Marina y ex-Vicealmirante Monkey"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Large Building Level"@en . . . . . . . "174.0"^^ . . "Monkey D. Luffy \u2013 in der deutschen Fassung Monkey D. Ruffy genannt \u2013 ist der Kapit\u00E4n der Mugiwara-Piratenbande, der als kleiner Junge von der Gomu Gomu no Mi gegessen hat. Getrieben von seinem Lebensziel, der K\u00F6nig der Piraten zu werden, st\u00FCrzt er sich immer wieder aufs Neue ins Abenteuer und denkt eigentlich nie gro\u00DF \u00FCber die Risiken nach. Luffy ist der Sohn des Anf\u00FChrers der Revolutionsarmee Dragon und der Enkel des ber\u00FChmten Marinehelden Garp. Augrund ihrer gemeinsamen Kindheit auf der Insel Dawn verbindet ihn mit Ace und Sabo eine Bruderschaft. Seine gr\u00F6\u00DFte Sch\u00E4tze sind sein Strohhut, dem ihn sein gro\u00DFes Vorbild Shanks einmal als Kind gab und von dem er noch nicht wei\u00DF, dass es der des einstigen Piratenk\u00F6nigs Gold Roger ist, und seine Freunde, die er auf seiner Reise trifft und mit denen er gemeinsam viele Abenteuer bestreitet \u2013 und ohne die er, wie er selbst sagt, vollkommen verloren w\u00E4re."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Luffy is the same one as always, still looking for One Piece, the treasure. He has the Devil Fruit Power: Gomu Gomu No Mi, that makes him a rubber man. One Piece, the treasure is also in the Shonen Galaxy."@en . "Monkey D. Luffy \u300C\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FB\uFF24\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi ?\u300D es el protagonista principal de la serie de Manga y Anime One Piece, y se le apoda como \"Luffy Sombrero de Paja\" \u300C\u9EA6\u308F\u3089\u306E\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3 Mugiwara no Rufi?\u300D. Es usuario de una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Paramecia; concretamente la \"Gomu Gomu no Mi\", que le convirti\u00F3 en un hombre de goma. Adem\u00E1s de esto, posee varias habilidades que le hacen ser un pirata m\u00E1s que especial; un gran ejemplo de ello es la capacidad de usar el Haoshoku Haki, que s\u00F3lo lo posee una persona dentro de un mill\u00F3n, y adem\u00E1s tiene los otros dos tipos de haki tambi\u00E9n. Luffy pertenece a una familia plagada de personajes conocidos mundialmente: es hijo del l\u00EDder del Ej\u00E9rcito Revolucionario y criminal m\u00E1s buscado del mundo Monkey D. Dragon; nieto del h\u00E9roe de la Marina y ex-Vicealmirante Monkey D. Garp; y hermano adoptivo del conocido pirata Ace \"Pu\u00F1o de Fuego\" \u2015 ex-comandante de la 2\u00AA Divisi\u00F3n de los Piratas de Barbablanca; as\u00ED como del pr\u00E1cticamente desconocido Sabo. Su objetivo en la vida es convertirse en el pr\u00F3ximo Rey de los Piratas, encontrar el legendario tesoro conocido como el \"One Piece\", que perteneci\u00F3 al anterior Rey Pirata Gol D. Roger, y conquistar el Nuevo Mundo liderando una tripulaci\u00F3n formada por grandes piratas. Como el fundador y capit\u00E1n de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, es el primer miembro que compone la tripulaci\u00F3n, as\u00ED como uno de sus tres principales combatientes. Luffy fue uno de los once piratas novatos conocidos como los \"Los Once Supernovas\" junto al espadach\u00EDn de su tripulaci\u00F3n Roronoa Zoro y, con ello, uno de los once piratas con un Wanted superior a 100.000.000 de Berry. La recompensa actual de Luffy es de 400.000.000 de Berry, seg\u00FAn lo declarado por el \"Falso Luffy\" despu\u00E9s del salto temporal, y confirmada por una lectura del Pacifista PX-5. M\u00E1s tarde, cuando los Sombreros de Paja llegaron a la Isla Gyojin, Hody Jones tambi\u00E9n revela el cartel de Wanted de Luffy, que muestra la recompensa de 400.000.000 de Berry."@es . . . . . . . "thumb|Monkey D. LuffyMonkey D. Luffy (Monk\u012B D. Lufi?) Er en pirat og hovedpersonen i One Piece. Han er kaptein til The Straw Hat Pirates. Han er det f\u00F8rste medlemmet som utgj\u00F8r mannskapet. Han er s\u00F8nnen til verdens mest etters\u00F8kte man, Monkey D. Dragon og barnebarnet til helten i marinen Monkey D. Garp. Han er forsters\u00F8nnen til Curly Dandan hvor han ble kjent med hans to br\u00F8dre som er avd\u00F8d, Portgase D. Ace og Sabo. Han har spist Gum Gum Frukten som er en av de legendariske \"djevelfruktene\" og har med det blitt et gummimenneske."@no . . . "11"^^ . . . . . . . "Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "One Piece"@en . . . . . . "Island level"@en . . . . . . . . . "Olkihattupiraatit"@en . . . . . . "--05-05"^^ . "Own body"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: His whole body is made of rubber which he happily speaks about. He can bend, stretch infinitely and do loads of things with it. There's a whole list and stuff in his bio with a link to wikipedia. Luffy's also awfully fond of meatloaf and is kinda simple-minded.\n\nSPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: ...UM. He's Luffy.\n\nPOP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: He looks up to his benefactor Shanks, who's currently a rather infamous pirate? Otherwise, IDK."@en . . . . . "===Sora Visitae===\nNavigator of the Way, and the one whom Luffy considers as his best friend and fellow companion in everything retarded. They first met via the network and somehow ended up going off to look for Sky Whales together at the crow's nest of the way, much to the chagrin of Roxas and Neku. Since then though Sora and Luffy have practically become retarded BFFs, sharing whatever they have and discussing and talking just about everything under the sun. For Luffy, Sora's like a real brother to him - a brother he never knew until now, and places his full trust and support and belief in him. He'll always be there regardless of the situation, helping his best friend wherever and whenever he can.\nVash the Stampede\nFirst Mate of the ship, for Luffy Vash's the spazzy, protective and fun elder brother figure to the teenager who he honestly likes - in a way, he's become one of those classic nakama figures for Luffy. He's always joining Vash in whatever retarded lulzy hijinks that the man's up to and at times they both fail pretty epically too. Of course, there's the fact that Vash treats him to those special donuts from time to time. Even if he's easily baited by food, he sees Vash as a very cheery, kind-hearted guy and believes in him now matter what. Vash is now after all, his nakama.\n\n...and yes, even if he does know of Vash's horrible history, he'll still see Vash as a good guy. He's the kind of person that does that after all, and believes even with the sins of his past, he's sill a good and honest and the bestest donut guy he'd ever known in the end. =) \nL Lawliet / Ryuzaki Coil\nThe current Captain, Luffy looks up to Ryuzaki as a parental figure; or something as a replacement from the previous captain Kurt Wagner. He doesn't talk much to L, but whatever it may be the powder monkey places his full trust in the captain in the belief that he knows the right decisions to make and will be a captain that Luffy will be more than happy and willing to acknowledge him as. And well, the fact that L always allows him extra donuts help as well.\nIchigo Kurosaki\nServing as a Radio Ops-cum-Pilot, while Ichigo often gets irritated with him, the teenager himself has found himself liking the carrot top and as a good friend. After all, who could ever forget someone who helped him so many times - especially the incident with Mew. Luffy likes Ichigo a lot as a person and finds him a great person to hang out with, and it'll be a long while before the radio ops can shake him off anytime soon.\nRoxas Orior\nThe other Navigator of the ship and apparently Neku's best friend. Luffy hasn't talked much with Roxas, but finds him a good person at heart, if only a bit... distant, to use an appropriate word. Though while at least not as withdrawn as Neku, Luffy thinks that Roxas could use a bit more work in being friendlier as well. He hopes that one day, both he and Neku would be able to smile properly and make friends.\nKimihiro Watanuki\nCook of the Way, Luffy sees Watanuki as his food provider and never stops pestering him for food, especially the Silvana Meatloaf. He likes Watanuki a lot , but also because he's a really nice guy. Luffy definitely likes him a lot, especially as a one-stop provider for the some of the best foods that he's ever eaten.\nRikku Dalabane\nMechanic of the Way, Luffy sees Rikku as this elder sister figure - fun and zany and all that whatnot. He really likes her since she's always really nice to him and never scolds him or all that whatnot, and treats him really well. He'd do anything to protect her as well, since she, like most of the WW, have become his nakama. He does hope that she doesn't have to be so confusing at times though."@en . . . . . . . "Luffy was an orphan from birth, abandoned outside an orphanage in Kropmork-Nahk for reasons unknown. He was found in a stormy night at the doorsteps of said orphanage, and was luckily taken pitied on and brought into the place. Taken in by the infant's poor situation, Luffy was adopted as the orphanage's owner's son, and thus grew up well-loved and treasured. When he was around six, his adopted mother decided to close down the orphanage and instead set up a bar in the main part of the island, and the kid lived well despite the dangers of the place.\n\nAbout a year later, when he was around seven, the bar was ushered in with a gang of pirates led by a kindly pirate captain named Red-Haired Shanks. Luffy befriended that band of pirates and from that moment on, inspired by Shanks and his crew, wanted to become a pirate as well. Luffy even stabbed himself under his eye to show that he was tough enough to join Shanks's crew, thus bearing the scar that he has now. Later on, when a group of lowly bandits from the Theives' Guild was in the bar and insulted Shanks and his crew. This resulted in a minor brawl and during that fight, a couple of mana stones from the pirates dropped from their own inventory and Luffy pocketed them, thinking they belonged to the bandits as they were overwhelmed by the pirates and fled.\n\nThe next day, Luffy bumped into the same bandits again, and then stood up against them for insulting Shanks, and then when discovered that he had the pirates' mana crystals were in his possession as well, got taken as a captive when Shanks arrived upon the scene. His captors were defeated by the Red-Haired Pirates, but the bandit leader had fled to the skies with Luffy. While escaping, the bandit leader demanded for Luffy to hand over the stones to him, but in defiance the boy stuffed them into his mouth. In rage the bandit leader pounced on him, and that resulted in Luffy banging against the floor of the ship and while trying to take in air from the fall, accidentally swallowed them.\n\nAngered, the man then threw Luffy out of the ship, only to be attacked and swallowed by a Sky Whale moments later while he was laughing at Luffy. The bandit leader was eaten, but Shanks managed to save Luffy, however the incident cost Shanks his left arm. Shortly after that, Shanks helped Luffy in coming to terms in what he had done, revealing to him that the power of the crystals that he had swallowed had given him powers beyond his imagination, which was discovered on to be his body of rubber. Soon after that, he set sail along with his crew once more, but before leaving, he and Luffy promised each other that one day Luffy would surpass Shanks and become a great pirate. Then Shanks left Luffy his straw hat as a parting gift, telling him to return it once he surpassed him.\n\nAfter that, Luffy spent the next ten years training and later on when the Winding Way came over for their own business, the boy was taken in by the warmth of the crew and was immensely fascinated by their chivalrous activities. Seeing it as a chance to begin his dream as a grand pirate, Luffy thus joined the crew, hoping that this would be his first step to become a grand pirate - the greatest of all time."@en . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy ([Katakana \u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC D \u30EB\u30D5\u30A3]), possibly known as the biggest shounen retard in existence of the whole RP, works in the Winding Way as its Powder Monkey. Diligent and hardworking, the teenager always somehow manages to somehow scare the rest of the crew or get the best reactions out from them, one way or another from his many hijinks."@en . . . . "300"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "schwarz"@de . "Super Smash Flash 2"@en . . . . "161"^^ . . "One Piece Wiki"@es . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@no . . . . . . . "Drum Island"@en . . . . . "High Sub-Sonic Level"@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@es . . . . . "133"^^ . "Monkey D. Luffy"@in . . . . . . . "Borderline"@en . . . "Straw Hat Pirates"@en . "\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FB\u30C7\u30A3\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Small town level"@en . . . . . "Good"@en . . . "Mayumi Tanaka"@en . . . . . . . . "At first glance, Luffy doesn't appear to be that all smart/intelligent at all. He's easily astounded by even the most simplest things in life such as hermit crabs coming out from their shells and gets quickly confused by concepts that are pretty simple to others. Luffy views the world in a very simple and straightforward manner, and thus while easily fooled by people, can sometimes see things that other people can't at all. Despite his simple nature, however, he is a genius when it comes to fighting, making full use of his powers and the things around him to his advantage easily. Also, he's always seen with a smile on his face, never faltering even with the threat of death upon him and instead only grinning very brightly - it can be said that he never fears death.\n\nLuffy cares a lot about the people on the ship - treating them like family, even - and is very deeply attached to them - he would never forgive anybody who hurts them in a anyway. Despite that, however, he is a very benevolent person who actively tries not to ham others unless they give him and the rest of the ship a very good reason to. He's also a very humble person, never letting his pride and accomplishments get over his head and can be very levelheaded when needed. While notably one of the least strategic members of the crew , he is highly flexible in combat and can quickly make up ways to counter the disadvantageous he has against his opponents and to keep ahead of his foes, usually making use of his abilities and/or using the enemies' strength against themselves. Also, due to his simple-minded nature, Luffy is also easily tricked by even the simplest tracks and falls prey easily to any form of mind-control tactics, such as hypnotism.\n\nHe's also incredibly naive and childish, easily bringing himself to trust people and forgiving them if they've done something. People can all easily use this to their advantage - though of course, once Luffy knows about it that good luck to that person."@en . . . . . . "174.0"^^ . . "300000000"^^ . . . . . "Yeah, find the pieces of the dreams you fulfilled - and come back here one day.\n\n(- Ryuusei Miracle by Ikimonogakari)"@en . . . "Monkey D. Luffy \u2013 in der deutschen Fassung Monkey D. Ruffy genannt \u2013 ist der Kapit\u00E4n der Mugiwara-Piratenbande, der als kleiner Junge von der Gomu Gomu no Mi gegessen hat. Getrieben von seinem Lebensziel, der K\u00F6nig der Piraten zu werden, st\u00FCrzt er sich immer wieder aufs Neue ins Abenteuer und denkt eigentlich nie gro\u00DF \u00FCber die Risiken nach. Luffy ist der Sohn des Anf\u00FChrers der Revolutionsarmee Dragon und der Enkel des ber\u00FChmten Marinehelden Garp. Augrund ihrer gemeinsamen Kindheit auf der Insel Dawn verbindet ihn mit Ace und Sabo eine Bruderschaft."@de . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy est un personnage de l'anime Maillot de Bain Une Pi\u00E8ce. Il est \u00E9galement le fanboy du c\u00E9l\u00E8bre pirate de l'espace Michael Shanks et r\u00EAve comme lui de parcourir la galaxie pour devenir le Roi des Ninjas. Au bout de l'\u00E9pop\u00E9e se trouverait l'incroyable tr\u00E9sor de Gogol D. rogu\u00E9 (qui, selon des rumeurs, se composerait d'un godemich\u00E9 ou du premier album de Tokio Hotel)."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mid Sub-Sonic Level"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Luffy reveals Garp to be his grandfather by just addressing him as \"Grandpa\"."@en . . "1"^^ . "Supernatural level"@en . "Monkey D. Luffy, also known as \"Straw Hat Luffy\" and commonly as \"Straw Hat\", is the main protagonist of the manga and anime, One Piece. He is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp, the sworn brother of late \"Fire Fist\" Portgas D. Ace and Revolutionary chief of staff Sabo, and the foster son of Curly Dadan. Luffy is a pirate and his lifelong dream is to become the Pirate King by finding the legendary treasure left behind by the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He believes that being Pirate King means having the most freedom in the world. He has eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which gives the consumer's body the properties of rubber. As the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he is the first member of the crew, as well as on"@en . "F"@de . . . . . . . . . "Mugiwara"@de . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy, known as \"Straw Hat Luffy\", is the main protagonist of the manga and anime, One Piece. He is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp, the sworn brother of late \"Fire Fist\" Portgas D. Ace and Revolutionary chief of staff Sabo, and the foster son of Curly Dadan. Luffy is a pirate, his lifelong dream being becoming the Pirate King by finding the legendary treasure, the One Piece, left behind by the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He believes that being the Pirate King means would mean having the most freedom in the world. He has eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which gives the consumer's body the properties of rubber. After training with Silvers Rayleigh, he has mastered Haki as well. He is the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is infamous for being the only known pirate to not only deliberately attack the three most important government facilities, but also escape from all of them alive. The additional fact that he punched a World Noble with full knowledge of the consequences, as well as his heritage, has caused Luffy to be labeled as a \"Dangerous Future Element\". He currently has a bounty of 500,000,000 Berries."@en . . "onepiece"@es . "Monkey D. Luffy(\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3Monk\u012B D. Rufi), or \"Straw Hat Luffy\" as he is often referred to as, is a fictional character and the main protagonist in the anime and manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. He is the pirate whose body is made of rubber after he ate a devil's fruit and acquired the accursed ability."@en . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "* Luffy shares his birthday with at least three other people : Hijikata Toshirou, Hijikata Toshizou and Ryoji Mochizuki.\n* Used to be a pure right-hander, but after gaining his Gomu Gomu Abilities Luffy's trained himself to be completely ambidextrous. The rubber limbs helped a lot.\n* His favorite food is meatloaf and the teenager's always constantly trying to find new meatloaf flavors.\n** Notable made-up flavors are Meatloaf Ramen, Donut Meatloaf and of course, the all infamous Silvana Meatloaf. God knows what he'll come up with next. \n*** He's also a fan of the famous Reial chocolate treat Caocao's Balls, especially the ones with whipped cream inside.\n* When he's working with the cannons, Luffy would be seen with a red bandanna around his head to prevent hair from blocking his vision. When not using it, the bandanna would be tied around his right forearm.\n* To this day he still dreams of meeting a Sky Whale head on.\n* A recurring gag in the game is that Luffy would always, always first call Ocelot by his codename before he's corrected to Nikolai.\n* Luffy's method of fighting is pretty underhanded - its freestyle and improvised, and follows no particular code of honor, and so if necessary he will attack women or animals, hit below the belt, attack even if enemies have their backs turned on him, use enemies as human shields or even bite his opponents.\n** Luffy has found unexpected ways to increase his fighting ability, such as the ability to stretch his blood vessels wider to allow more oxygen and nutrients to get to other parts of the body allowing him to become faster and stronger, at a cost of depleting his body's energy at a faster rate.\n*** Luffy can even inflate his bones to increase the mass of his body and power up his attacks - called by himself as Gear Second and Gear Third.\n**** A detailed article on his abilities and stunts can be found at this article on the One Piece Wiki.\n***** His current target is to master his self made attack called the Gomu Gomu no SPINSPINSPIN / Gunspin, inspired by Ocelot's gunspin.\n****** His sheer physical strength and dexterity is a result of his mother's training methods for the past decade, ever since he gained his powers.\n******* Luffy claims that he had a punch as powerful as a pistol even at seven years of age.\n******** His strength is only exceeded by his enormous willpower, able to push on even when he's at his limit.\n* Due to his stretching properties, Luffy is almost entirely immune to blunt attacks, including bullets or even cannonballs.\n** Also due to rubber's insulating properties, Luffy is also immune to electrical attacks.\n*** However he is still normally susceptible to cutting/stabbing attacks, as well as sharp objects such as swords and knives, as well as non-physical attacks such as fire or ice. He's fully affected by explosions, freezing and dehydration\n**** One major risk of Luffy's powers is that he is vulnerable to attacks in the moments when his limbs are stretched to their limit. He has however, worked to overcome this handicap.\n***** Also in exchange for this ability, Luffy is also unable to swim and will quite literally sink like a stone when in water.\n****** Luffy is also easily tricked by even the simplest tracks and falls prey easily to any form of mind-control tactics, such as hypnotism.\n* He also has the mysterious and uncanny ability to, while completely asleep, eat as if he were awake, even able to know when more food has been placed on the table.\n* By some odd twist of fate, Luffy's on very good terms with Kropmork's Assassin Guild. The big boss there seems to have taken a liking for him somehow.\n** Also in addition, Luffy used to previous work for the Seamstress's Guild as well as their poster boy. The ladies love him. =3=\n* His dream is to be the greatest pirate in all of Reial, and to meet his benefactor Shanks again one day."@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@en . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy was on a boat!"@en . . . . . . . . "500000000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "432"^^ . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy berasal dari East Blue, lebih tepatnya di sebuah desa yang bernama Desa Fuusha. Dia bercita-cita sebagai raja bajak laut setelah bertemu dengan Shanks kapten kapal bajak laut rambut merah. Topi jerami yang selalu dipakainya itu pun pemberian dari Shanks, yang nantinya akan dikembalikan jika Luffy sudah bertemu kembali dengan Shanks dan menjadi bajak laut yang hebat. Sewaktu kecil Garp pernah menitipkan Luffy ke seorang perompak gunung bernama Dadan untuk di didik. Kemudian disanalah ia bertemu dengan Portgas D.Ace, yaitu anak dari Gol D.Roger dan Portgas D.Rouge yang dititipkan ke Garp. Awal pertemuan mereka Ace sangat tidak menyukai Luffy, malahan ia meludahi Luffy ketika pertama kali bertemu. Tapi karena sikap Luffy yang keras kepala dan tidak mau menyerah akhirnya Ace mau menerima Luffy. Luffy juga berkenalan dengan sahabat Ace yaitu Sabo dan akhirnya mereka menjadi saudara setelah bertukar cawan (sake). Harga buronan Luffy sewaktu awal perjalanannya adalah File:Berry Kecil.png 30.000.000 setelah berhasil mengalahkan Arlong dan teman-temannya. Kemudian meningkat menjadi File:Berry Kecil.png 100.000.000 setelah berhasil mengalahkan Crocodile yang ingin menguasai kerajaan Arabasta. Lalu setelah peristiwa di Enies Lobby harga buronan Luffy naik lagi menjadi File:Berry.png 300.000.000. Hal ini menjadikannya sebagai salah satu Supernova yaitu gelar yang diberikan pemerintah dunia untuk para pemula yang harga buronannya di atas seratus juta berry. Supernova ini adalah pemula yang datang ke pulau Sabaody. Setelah time skip, harga buronan Luffy meningkat lagi menjadi File:Berry Kecil.png 400.000.000 karena ia terlibat dalam perang Marineford antara angkatan laut dengan bajak laut Shirohige. Disinilah ia harus kehilangan Ace karena menyelematkan Luffy, sewaktu hendak dibunuh oleh admiral Akainu. Setelah kejadian ini ia berkeinginan untuk menjadi lebih kuat supaya bisa melindungi nakama yang sudah menjadi teman-temannya itu."@in . . . . . . . . "Alabasta"@en . . "431"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@en . . . "thumb|Monkey D. LuffyMonkey D. Luffy (Monk\u012B D. Lufi?) Er en pirat og hovedpersonen i One Piece. Han er kaptein til The Straw Hat Pirates. Han er det f\u00F8rste medlemmet som utgj\u00F8r mannskapet. Han er s\u00F8nnen til verdens mest etters\u00F8kte man, Monkey D. Dragon og barnebarnet til helten i marinen Monkey D. Garp. Han er forsters\u00F8nnen til Curly Dandan hvor han ble kjent med hans to br\u00F8dre som er avd\u00F8d, Portgase D. Ace og Sabo. Han har spist Gum Gum Frukten som er en av de legendariske \"djevelfruktene\" og har med det blitt et gummimenneske. Han er for tiden en av elleve pirater som har v\u00E6rt referert til som \"The Eleven Supernovas\"."@no . . "Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of One Piece. His main aspiration is to become the King of the Pirates and is searching for the One Piece, a legendary treasure left by the previous Pirate King named Gold Roger. His inspiration comes from a crew of other pirates who used to visit his island when he was little, the captain of which was \"Red-Haired\" Shanks. During one of this pirate crew's visits he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, a type of devil fruit that made his body like rubber. The catch to having these powers is an inability to swim: all those who eat the devil fruit will drown if they fall into the ocean. He is the the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates (named for the straw hat Shanks had given him the last time they'd met). The world government views Luffy as a "@en . . . . . . "Strohhut"@de . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3) is a young adventurous pirate and the main protagonist of One Piece. Aspiring since childhood to live as a pirate, Luffy began his life at sea by following his idol and famous pirate, Shanks. After he accidentally devoured his trademark Devil Fruit when he was seven-years-old, Luffy magically gained his signature rubber powers, as well as lost the ability to swim (not that he knew how in the first place). Shanks rescued him from drowning, but his idol lost his left arm to save the boy. The incident cut his time with Shanks short. Before their parting, Luffy proclaimed that he would someday become the almighty Pirate King -a pirate who possesses the legendary treasure \"One Piece\"- to surpass Shanks. Impressed by Luffy's bold claim, Shanks gave him his straw hat as a memento, and asked him to return it to him after he becomes a great pirate. Wearing the straw hat ever since, Luffy eventually leaves his home and becomes the pirate captain to his own self-founded pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, named after his signature hat. Together with his treasured comrades, Luffy has experienced several adventures, gained precious friends, and has created an infamous reputation for himself."@en . . . . "\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3"@de . "Monkey D. Luffy, Luffy, Straw Hat Luffy, is het hoofdpersonage van het verhaal/de serie One Piece. Hij is de kapitein van de \"Straw hat pirates\". Zijn grote droom is om \"Pirate King\" te worden. Dit lukt hem mits hij het legendarische \"One Piece\" vindt. Hij komt meestal erg onbekommerd over, vooral in gevechtssituaties, maar is zich meestal van meer bewust dan de kijker denkt. Hij heeft eens de \"Gomu Gomu no Mi\" gegeten en kan zijn hele lichaam uitstrekken ( hij is een rubberman) dit zorgt ervoor dat kogels hem niks doen."@nl . . . . . . . "The Winding Way"@en . . "498"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Garp reveals Luffy's father to be the revolutionary Dragon."@en . . . "To Become King of the Pirates"@en . . . "Luffy, Straw Hat, Straw Hat Luffy, Rubber Man"@en . "Monkey D. Luffy"@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\uFF65D\uFF65\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi), also known as Straw Hat, is a pirate and the main protagonist of the manga and anime series One Piece written by Eiichir\u014D Oda."@en . . . "Monkey D. Luffy est un personnage de l'anime Maillot de Bain Une Pi\u00E8ce. Il est \u00E9galement le fanboy du c\u00E9l\u00E8bre pirate de l'espace Michael Shanks et r\u00EAve comme lui de parcourir la galaxie pour devenir le Roi des Ninjas. Au bout de l'\u00E9pop\u00E9e se trouverait l'incroyable tr\u00E9sor de Gogol D. rogu\u00E9 (qui, selon des rumeurs, se composerait d'un godemich\u00E9 ou du premier album de Tokio Hotel)."@fr . . . . . "Demihuman - Gomu Gomu Ability"@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi) este protagonistul principal al seriei anime \u015Fi manga One Piece. El este c\u0103pitanul echipajului de pira\u0163i Palarie de paie, membru al Trioului monstrior \u015Fi unul dintre Cele 11 Supernove. Este fiul Liderului Armatei Revolu\u0163ionare, Monkey D. Dragon, Luffy este cunoscut la nivel mondial din cauz\u0103 c\u0103 a provocat la lupt\u0103 Shichibukaii, Marinarii si chiar Imperatorii, comi\u0163\u00E2nd fapte pe care Guvernul Mondial le consider\u0103 amenin\u0163\u0103ri. Dup\u0103 incidentul Enies Lobby, incidentul Impel Down \u015Fi r\u0103zboiul de la Marineford, acesta a devenit renumit pentru \"nechibzui\u0163a\" \u015Fi uneori \"nebunia\" de care d\u0103 dovad\u0103.nepotul eroului Marinei, Monkey D. Garp \u015Fi fratele adoptiv al lui Portgas D. Ace \u015Fi Sabo. Visul lui este s\u0103 g\u0103seasc\u0103 legendara comoar\u0103 One Piece \u015Fi s\u0103 devin\u0103 astfel Regele Pira\u0163ilor. A\u015Fadar, el a devenit faimos pentru c\u0103 este singurul om care a reu\u015Fit s\u0103 invadeze \u015Fi s\u0103 scape din cele mai importante trei a\u015Fez\u0103ri guvernamentale. Lu\u00E2nd \u00EEn considerare faptul c\u0103 a lovit un Dragon Celest \u015Ftiind foarte bine care sunt consecin\u0163ele, Marinarii l-au numit \"Un Viitor Element Periculos\". Toate aceste evenimente au ridicat recompensa pus\u0103 pe capul s\u0103u, aceasta valor\u00E2nd \u00EEn prezent 500 000 000 de Belli."@ro . "\u3080\u304E\u308F\u3089"@de . "Neutral"@en . . . "300"^^ . . . . . . "Stroh"@de . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy, known as \"Straw Hat Luffy\", is the main protagonist of the manga and anime, One Piece. He is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp, the sworn brother of late \"Fire Fist\" Portgas D. Ace and Revolutionary chief of staff Sabo, and the foster son of Curly Dadan."@en . . "Luffy on yksi niist\u00E4 tyhmist\u00E4 merenkulkijoista, joilla on \u00E4\u00E4ret\u00F6n hinku vet\u00E4\u00E4 p\u00E4\u00E4kallolippu salkoon ja sitten ihmetell\u00E4, kun Merivoimat kiusaavat heit\u00E4 niin paljon. Miksi Luffy ei voinut l\u00E4hte\u00E4 kiert\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n merta leimautumatta rikolliseksi, on mysteeri johon h\u00E4n ei varmaan itsek\u00E4\u00E4n osaa vastata. Luffy ei ole t\u00E4ysin sis\u00E4it\u00E4nyt, millainen merirosvo h\u00E4n luulee olevansa. Nereidisaarella h\u00E4n sanoi kiven kovaan, ettei halua olla sankari, koska sankarin on jaettava sapuskat piraattien omissa juhlissa. Ensinn\u00E4kin Luffy pelastaa jatkuvasti saaria sis\u00E4llissodilta tai muilta uhilta, jotka ovat selv\u00E4sti sankarin urotekoja. T\u00E4m\u00E4n lis\u00E4ksi h\u00E4n on esimerkiksi Water 7:ss\u00E4 k\u00E4ytt\u00E4nyt jopa 100,000,000 berrin edest\u00E4 rahaa ruokkiakseen kaikki saaren asukkaat. Luffyn typeryydess\u00E4 ei ole mit\u00E4\u00E4n uutta, mutta h\u00E4nen omien mielipiteittens\u00E4 vastakkaisuus on jopa surullista."@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy, also known as \"Straw Hat Luffy\" and commonly as \"Straw Hat\", is the main protagonist of the manga and anime, One Piece. He is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp, the sworn brother of late \"Fire Fist\" Portgas D. Ace and Revolutionary chief of staff Sabo, and the foster son of Curly Dadan. Luffy is a pirate and his lifelong dream is to become the Pirate King by finding the legendary treasure left behind by the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He believes that being Pirate King means having the most freedom in the world. He has eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which gives the consumer's body the properties of rubber. As the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he is the first member of the crew, as well as one of its top three fighters. Luffy has a worldwide reputation for causing trouble, challenging the Shichibukai, the Marines, and two of the Yonko (Big Mom and Kaido), additionally committing felonies and actions which were deemed threatening by the World Government. Furthermore, in the majority of these confrontations, he emerges as the victor. He has gained a reputation for being \"reckless\" and, in some cases, \"insane\", after causing an incident in Enies Lobby, assaulting a World Noble at Sabaody Archipelago, entering and escaping from Impel Down, and joining the Battle of Marineford. He is, therefore, infamous for being the only known pirate to not only deliberately attack the three most important government facilities, but also escape from all of them alive. The additional fact that he punched a World Noble with full knowledge of the consequences, as well as his heritage, has caused Luffy to be labeled as a \"Dangerous Future Element\", earning the wrath of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki and Marine Headquarters. These acts, among other things, have given him his current bounty of File:Beli.png500,000,000, one of the highest past or present bounties in the series. Having had a bounty of File:Beli.png300,000,000 prior to his arrival at the Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy is one of eleven rookie pirates who has been referred to as the \"Eleven Supernovas\", pirates with bounties over File:Beli.png100,000,000 who have reached the Red Line. He is also one of twelve pirates referred to as the \"Worst Generation\" (formerly known as the \"Eleven Supernovas\")."@en . . "Luffy is the same one as always, still looking for One Piece, the treasure. He has the Devil Fruit Power: Gomu Gomu No Mi, that makes him a rubber man. One Piece, the treasure is also in the Shonen Galaxy."@en . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy berasal dari East Blue, lebih tepatnya di sebuah desa yang bernama Desa Fuusha. Dia bercita-cita sebagai raja bajak laut setelah bertemu dengan Shanks kapten kapal bajak laut rambut merah. Topi jerami yang selalu dipakainya itu pun pemberian dari Shanks, yang nantinya akan dikembalikan jika Luffy sudah bertemu kembali dengan Shanks dan menjadi bajak laut yang hebat."@in . . . . . . . . "ja"@de . . . . . . . . . "Superhuman \nHigh Supersonic level"@en . "Monkey D. Luffy .jpg"@de . . . . . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy [Katakana \u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC D \u30EB\u30D5\u30A3], possibly known as the biggest shounen retard in existence of the whole RP, works in the Winding Way as its Powder Monkey. Diligent and hardworking, the teenager always somehow manages to somehow scare the rest of the crew or get the best reactions out from them, one way or another from his many hijinks. __TOC__"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Determinator, The Chosen One, Heroic Pirate Captain, Goal Hero"@en . . "100000000"^^ . . . . . . . . "500000000"^^ . "Eating, going on adventures, having fun anywhere he goes"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@nl . . . . . "Rubber"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u9EA6\u85C1"@de . . . "\"SPEAK UP I CAN'T HEAR YOU!\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy, Luffy, Straw Hat Luffy, is het hoofdpersonage van het verhaal/de serie One Piece. Hij is de kapitein van de \"Straw hat pirates\". Zijn grote droom is om \"Pirate King\" te worden. Dit lukt hem mits hij het legendarische \"One Piece\" vindt. Hij komt meestal erg onbekommerd over, vooral in gevechtssituaties, maar is zich meestal van meer bewust dan de kijker denkt. Hij heeft eens de \"Gomu Gomu no Mi\" gegeten en kan zijn hele lichaam uitstrekken ( hij is een rubberman) dit zorgt ervoor dat kogels hem niks doen."@nl . . "lebendig"@de . . "172.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Monkey D."@de . . "314"^^ . . . . . "313"^^ . . "One Piece"@es . . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\uFF65D\uFF65\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi), also known as Straw Hat, is a pirate and the main protagonist of the manga and anime series One Piece written by Eiichir\u014D Oda."@en . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@de . "schwarz"@de . . . . . . . "Monk\u012B Di Rufi"@de . . . . . . . . . "Monkey_D_Luffy.png"@es . . . . . "Gender:"@en . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of One Piece. His main aspiration is to become the King of the Pirates and is searching for the One Piece, a legendary treasure left by the previous Pirate King named Gold Roger. His inspiration comes from a crew of other pirates who used to visit his island when he was little, the captain of which was \"Red-Haired\" Shanks. During one of this pirate crew's visits he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, a type of devil fruit that made his body like rubber. The catch to having these powers is an inability to swim: all those who eat the devil fruit will drown if they fall into the ocean. He is the the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates (named for the straw hat Shanks had given him the last time they'd met). The world government views Luffy as a threat, (as he is a pirate, after all)."@en . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@ro . "19"^^ . . "175"^^ . . . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3, Monk\u012B D. Rufi) este protagonistul principal al seriei anime \u015Fi manga One Piece. El este c\u0103pitanul echipajului de pira\u0163i Palarie de paie, membru al Trioului monstrior \u015Fi unul dintre Cele 11 Supernove. Este fiul Liderului Armatei Revolu\u0163ionare, Monkey D. Dragon, Luffy este cunoscut la nivel mondial din cauz\u0103 c\u0103 a provocat la lupt\u0103 Shichibukaii, Marinarii si chiar Imperatorii, comi\u0163\u00E2nd fapte pe care Guvernul Mondial le consider\u0103 amenin\u0163\u0103ri. Dup\u0103 incidentul Enies Lobby, incidentul Impel Down \u015Fi r\u0103zboiul de la Marineford, acesta a devenit renumit pentru \"nechibzui\u0163a\" \u015Fi uneori \"nebunia\" de care d\u0103 dovad\u0103.nepotul eroului Marinei, Monkey D. Garp \u015Fi fratele adoptiv al lui Portgas D. Ace \u015Fi Sabo. Visul lui este s\u0103 g\u0103seasc\u0103 legendara comoar\u0103 One Piece \u015Fi s\u0103 devin\u0103 astfel"@ro . . . . . "schwarz"@de . . . . . . "Mensch"@de . . . "Monkey D. Luffy (\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3) is a young adventurous pirate and the main protagonist of One Piece. Aspiring since childhood to live as a pirate, Luffy began his life at sea by following his idol and famous pirate, Shanks. After he accidentally devoured his trademark Devil Fruit when he was seven-years-old, Luffy magically gained his signature rubber powers, as well as lost the ability to swim (not that he knew how in the first place). Shanks rescued him from drowning, but his idol lost his left arm to save the boy. The incident cut his time with Shanks short."@en . . . . . "Monkey D. Ruffy"@de . . . "Luffy on yksi niist\u00E4 tyhmist\u00E4 merenkulkijoista, joilla on \u00E4\u00E4ret\u00F6n hinku vet\u00E4\u00E4 p\u00E4\u00E4kallolippu salkoon ja sitten ihmetell\u00E4, kun Merivoimat kiusaavat heit\u00E4 niin paljon. Miksi Luffy ei voinut l\u00E4hte\u00E4 kiert\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n merta leimautumatta rikolliseksi, on mysteeri johon h\u00E4n ei varmaan itsek\u00E4\u00E4n osaa vastata."@en . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy was on a boat!"@en . . . "Luffy (full name Monkey D. Luffy) is the main protagonist from the anime series One Piece. He is a Pirate. He save villages on islands from bad pirates, and sets sail to find the treasure called One Piece. Right know his enemy is Captain Hook. Don't forget that he's made of rubber, so he can stretch himself."@en . . . . . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@de . . . . . . . . . "\"Grandfather\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Luffy (full name Monkey D. Luffy) is the main protagonist from the anime series One Piece. He is a Pirate. He save villages on islands from bad pirates, and sets sail to find the treasure called One Piece. Right know his enemy is Captain Hook. Don't forget that he's made of rubber, so he can stretch himself."@en . . . "revelation of bloodline"@en . . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@es . . . . . . . . "30000000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "392"^^ . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@en . . . . . . . . . . "All of Luffy's logs so far in the game can be found here."@en . . . "60"^^ . "96"^^ . . "Monkey D. Luffy [Katakana \u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC D \u30EB\u30D5\u30A3], possibly known as the biggest shounen retard in existence of the whole RP, works in the Winding Way as its Powder Monkey. Diligent and hardworking, the teenager always somehow manages to somehow scare the rest of the crew or get the best reactions out from them, one way or another from his many hijinks. __TOC__"@en . . . . . . "80"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "He's all ears."@en . . . . "17"^^ . . "19"^^ . . "Gum-Gum Fruit"@en . . "Monkey D. Luffy"@fr . . "He's all ears."@en . . . . . . . . "16"^^ . . "19"^^ . . . . . . . . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Monkey D. Luffy(\u30E2\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u30FBD\u30FB\u30EB\u30D5\u30A3Monk\u012B D. Rufi), or \"Straw Hat Luffy\" as he is often referred to as, is a fictional character and the main protagonist in the anime and manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. He is the pirate whose body is made of rubber after he ate a devil's fruit and acquired the accursed ability. In the anime and manga, Luffy is captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, a group of pirates he assembles himself as he quests to find the \"One Piece\" and become the King of the Pirates. His primary motivation throughout the series is to reach the goal with all of his comrades, a task he pursues no matter what stands in his way. While he is goofy and reckless, he gets quite serious when anyone is in serious danger, notably his crew, whom he considers his friends. Luffy has additionally appeared in all of the featured movies in the series and other media relating to the series, including several video games and specials."@en . . . "5"^^ . . . . "400000000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Luffy first reveals his dream to Shanks as the latter leaves Foosha Village with his crew."@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "44"^^ . . . . . "ROMANCE DAWN"@en . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "796"^^ . . "18"^^ . . . . .