. . . "Natima Lang was a female Cardassian and professor of political ethics in the 24th century. She became a loyal member of the Cardassian dissident movement. In 2363 she worked as a correspondent with the Cardassian Communications Service on Terok Nor. During her stay, she became romantically involved with Quark, owner of Quark's, the station's gambling establishment. She ended the relationship when he used her access codes to steal money from the Cardassian government. However, she still harbored feelings for him as late as 2370. She also showed sympathy to the Bajoran inhabitants of the station."@en . "Natima Lang was enige tijd v\u00F3\u00F3r 2365 een communicatie officer aan boord van Terok Nor. Tijdens haar verblijf kreeg ze een relatie met Quark, de eigenaar van Quark's bar, de gokhal van het station. Ze be\u00EBindigde de relatie toen hij haar toegangscodes gebruikte om geld te stelen van de Cardassian regering. In 2370 had ze echter nog steeds gevoelens voor hem. In 2370 was ze een professor en lid van de Cardassian dissidentenbeweging, samen met haar studenten Hogue en Rekelen. Ze kwam Quark opnieuw tegen op Deep Space 9, op de vlucht voor het Cardassian centrale commando. De twee vertelden elkaar over hun gevoelens, maar professor Lang was echter meer betrokken bij haar studenten en de dissidentenbeweging. Ze kreeg van een Quark een klein verhulapparaat waarmee ze kon ontsnappen van een Cardassian shuttle die naar Deep Space 9 gestuurd was om haar en haar studenten gevangen te nemen. (DS9: \"Profit and Loss\")"@nl . . "Natima Lang"@en . . "card"@en . . "2370"^^ . . "100.0"^^ . "Female"@en . . "24"^^ . . . "Cardassienne"@fr . "Natima Lang \u00E9tait Professeur d'Ethique politique et membre d'un Mouvement dissident cardassien."@fr . "Natima"@fr . . . . "Natima Lang was a Cardassian journalist, academic and political dissident. In the former capacity, she worked as a correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service on Terok Nor during the Occupation of Bajor. During that period, she engaged in a romantic relationship with Quark. The relationship ended in 2365 when the Ferengi bartender used Lang's access codes to embezzle money from the Cardassian government. She then left the station, though they still harbored feelings for each other. By 2370, Lang had become a professor of political ethics, while secretly a member of the Cardassian dissident movement. On the run from the Central Command, she returned to Terok Nor, now Deep Space 9, and again encountered Quark. Despite their renewed feelings, Lang's loyalty, as a teacher, was to her students and her cause, and she left DS9 for sanctuary with other dissidents on Sedara VI. (DS9: \"Profit and Loss\")"@en . . . . . "Single"@en . . "Natima Lang in 2370"@en . . . . "Natima Lang"@de . . "Active"@en . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . "Natima Lang was enige tijd v\u00F3\u00F3r 2365 een communicatie officer aan boord van Terok Nor. Tijdens haar verblijf kreeg ze een relatie met Quark, de eigenaar van Quark's bar, de gokhal van het station. Ze be\u00EBindigde de relatie toen hij haar toegangscodes gebruikte om geld te stelen van de Cardassian regering. In 2370 had ze echter nog steeds gevoelens voor hem. Ze kreeg van een Quark een klein verhulapparaat waarmee ze kon ontsnappen van een Cardassian shuttle die naar Deep Space 9 gestuurd was om haar en haar studenten gevangen te nemen. (DS9: \"Profit and Loss\")"@nl . "since 2401"@en . . . . . . "Lang"@fr . "thumb|Natima Lang (2370) Die Cardassianerin Natima Lang ist eine alte Liebe von Quark und arbeitet w\u00E4hrend der Zeit der Cardassianischen Besetzung als Nachrichtenkorrespondentin f\u00FCr den cardassianischen Kommunikationsservice auf Terok Nor. Sie bewundert den Ferengi f\u00FCr seinen Mut, illegal Nahrungsmittel an die Bajoraner zu verkaufen und verzichtet auf eine Anzeige. Sie rettet ihm damit das Leben und die beiden verlieben sich ineinander. Zusammen haben sie im Jahr 2363 \u00FCber einen Monat lang eine innige Beziehung. Diese endet als Quark Natimas Zugangscodes missbraucht um seinen pers\u00F6nlichen Profit zu erh\u00F6hen. Als Lehrerin f\u00FCr Politische Ethik vertritt sie, wie viele weitere Cardassianer, die Meinung, dass die Zukunft ihres Volkes nicht in den H\u00E4nden des Milit\u00E4rs liegen d\u00FCrfe. Sie geh\u00F6rt der Cardassianischen Untergrundbewegung an und ist 2370 gezwungen, zusammen mit zwei ihrer Studenten, Rekelen und Hogue, von Cardassia Prime zu fl\u00FCchten. Sie erreichen die Station Deep Space 9, wo sie vor\u00FCbergehend Asyl erhalten. Dabei kommt es f\u00FCr sie nach sieben Jahren zu einem Wiedersehen mit ihrer alten Liebe Quark. W\u00E4hrend Natimas Zeit auf der Station, flammt die Liebe zwischen den beiden neu auf. Natimas Gl\u00FCck w\u00E4hrt jedoch nur kurz, da sich die bajoranische Regierung bereit erkl\u00E4rt, die Dissidenten den cardassianischen Beh\u00F6rden zu \u00FCbergeben. Mit Quarks, Odos und Garaks Hilfe gelingt es, die Auslieferung zu verhindern und den drei die Flucht von der Station zu erm\u00F6glichen. (DS9: ) Natima Lang wurde von Mary Crosby gespielt und von Heike Schroetter synchronisiert."@de . "Natima Lang \u00E9tait Professeur d'Ethique politique et membre d'un Mouvement dissident cardassien."@fr . . . . . . "Natima Lang"@fr . . "thumb|Natima Lang (2370) Die Cardassianerin Natima Lang ist eine alte Liebe von Quark und arbeitet w\u00E4hrend der Zeit der Cardassianischen Besetzung als Nachrichtenkorrespondentin f\u00FCr den cardassianischen Kommunikationsservice auf Terok Nor. Sie bewundert den Ferengi f\u00FCr seinen Mut, illegal Nahrungsmittel an die Bajoraner zu verkaufen und verzichtet auf eine Anzeige. Sie rettet ihm damit das Leben und die beiden verlieben sich ineinander. Zusammen haben sie im Jahr 2363 \u00FCber einen Monat lang eine innige Beziehung. Diese endet als Quark Natimas Zugangscodes missbraucht um seinen pers\u00F6nlichen Profit zu erh\u00F6hen."@de . . . . . . . . . "Natima Lang was a female Cardassian and professor of political ethics in the 24th century. She became a loyal member of the Cardassian dissident movement. In 2363 she worked as a correspondent with the Cardassian Communications Service on Terok Nor. During her stay, she became romantically involved with Quark, owner of Quark's, the station's gambling establishment. She ended the relationship when he used her access codes to steal money from the Cardassian government. However, she still harbored feelings for him as late as 2370. She also showed sympathy to the Bajoran inhabitants of the station. In 2370, she was a working as a professor, teaching political ethics, while covertly functioning as a member of the Cardassian dissident movement, along with her \"students\" Hogue and Rekelen. She encountered Quark again at Deep Space 9 while fleeing the Cardassian Central Command. Despite her denial of any feelings for him, he insisted on being with her, either her staying on the station or going with her, leaving his bar behind. He offered her companions a cloaking device to escape in exchange for her to stay with him. She did not believe him, and, when she refused, even shot him when he refused to give it anyway. Afterward, she finally expressed her feelings for him. The Bajoran Provisional Government intended to exchange her and her companions for Bajoran prisoners, leading Odo to arrest them. Quark successfully convinced him to free them and facilitated their escape from a Cardassian warship sent to DS9 to capture her and her students. Ultimately, Professor Lang was more dedicated to her students and the Cardassian Underground than to Quark, so she left with them. (DS9: \"Profit and Loss\") Natima Lang was played by Mary Crosby. The character has featured in several of the post-finale Deep Space Nine novels and also in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novels Night of the Wolves and Dawn of the Eagles. In Star Trek Online, Lang is the head of the Cardassian Detapa Council. In The Soul Key, her mirror universe counterpart was depicted as being the director of the Obsidian Order, having succeeded the counterpart of Tekeny Ghemor."@en . . . . . . . . "Incumbent"@en . . . . . . . "Natima Lang"@en . . . . "vivante 2370"@fr . . "Natima Lang"@en . . ";2346\n*\n;2348\n*\n;2360\n*\n;2363\n*\n;2368\n*\n;2370\n*\n*\n;2376\n*\n*\n2385\n*\n;2393-2402 \n*"@en . "Detapa Council member"@en . . . "Natima Lang was a Cardassian journalist, academic and political dissident. In the former capacity, she worked as a correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service on Terok Nor during the Occupation of Bajor. During that period, she engaged in a romantic relationship with Quark. The relationship ended in 2365 when the Ferengi bartender used Lang's access codes to embezzle money from the Cardassian government. She then left the station, though they still harbored feelings for each other."@en . . "Natima Lang"@nl . . "female"@en . . . . . . . "2401"^^ . . .