. "Male"@en . "\u041E\u0440\u0442\u043E\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0435"@nl . . . "71"^^ . "Orto"@en . . . . . "Ortolan"@nl . . . . . "Do we have time to swing by Tatooine for a quick bite?"@nl . "Ortol\u00E1n"@nl . . "\u30AA\u30FC\u30C8\u30E9\u30F3"@nl . . . "The Ortolans were a race of stocky bipeds with long, trunk-like snouts, and large floppy ears. Ortolans came from the frigid, mineral-rich planet Orto. Ortolans had a keen sense of smell to help them forage for food, able to sense food up to two kilometers away. This was an adaptation to their planet's harsh climate and short growing season, which made food supplies scarce. Ortolans also had hearing that extended well into the subsonic range. Naturally, their twin obsessions were food and music. Offworld, many Ortolans found success as master chefs or musicians. They were handicapped in their business affairs by their obsession with food, however, sometimes accepting otherwise unfavorable contracts when promised enough to eat. While most Ortolans appeared to have blue skin, Ortolans were actually covered in short velvety fur which they often dyed in bright colors. This tradition began when a Devaronian trader tried to sell Ortolans a shipment of food dyes \u2014 they considered dyeing their food a waste of time, but found dyed fur to be quite stylish. Ortolans had a thick layer of blubber beneath their skin, which insulated them against cold weather and sustained them when food was scarce. Ortolans were born with their teeth and musculature fully developed. Education was the responbility of their parents, though gifted youngsters would often be traded to other families to get specialized education. At the age of seven, Ortolans were expected to support themselves, and would be forced out of the family unit unless they had a particularly valuable talent. Ortolan society was reasonably industrialised, though not as technologically advanced as other species. Despite this, their economy was mostly based on barter, with credits primarily used to trade with offworlders. During the Clone Wars, the Ortolans initially tried to stay neutral. However, Orto's corrupt financial minister Belo Tusus, with the assistance of Neimoidian advisors, orchestrated a coup, and gave the planet over to the Separatists. While under Separatist control, the Ortolans were used as slaves on their own homeworld to build forts, fortresses and factories for the Confederacy war machine. However, Nem Bees led a resistance effort during the occupation, which sabotaged Confederate operations on Orto. His efforts culminated in 19 BBY, when a Republic force was allowed to land and defeat the Droid Army. The Battle of Orto did not end in freedom for the Ortolans, however \u2014 after Order 66 was issued and the rule of the Galactic Empire began, Nem Bees was killed, and the Ortolans found themselves subject to Imperial rather than Confederate repression. Under the rule of the Galactic Empire, Orto was occupied by Imperial forces, and Ortolans were not allowed to leave the planet. Ortolans found offworld during the Imperial era were usually either slaves or associated with Rebels or smugglers."@en . "No arms, sensitive ears, articulated nutrient-absorbing toes"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u014Cr-t\u014D\u2019-l\u0103n"@nl . "1.4"^^ . . . . "The Ortolans are a race of stout bipedal sapient creatures indigenous to the ice planet Orto."@en . "Ortolan, von seinen Mitarbeitern Erzmeister Ortolan genannt, war ein alter Zauberer mit einem langen grauen Bart. Er war der Hausherr von Schloss Rissberg, einem magischen Institut. Ortolan steckte all seine Energie in seine Forschungen und Erfindungen, die zumeist der Landwirtschaft und dem Milit\u00E4r dienen sollten. Der alte Magier war der Meinung, dass jedermann die M\u00F6glichkeit haben sollte, sich das Leben durch Magie zu erleichtern. Zwar funktionierten die meisten von Ortolans Erfindungen nicht (angeblich sollen seine Kollegen hierbei ihre Finger im Spiel gehabt haben, da sie Ortolans Ger\u00E4te in den falschen H\u00E4nden f\u00FCrchteten), doch dadurch lie\u00DF er sich nicht entmutigen. Leider hatte Ortolan die Angewohnheit, an der Forschung und den Experimenten nur das Gute zu sehen. Diese idealistisch"@de . "2.2405896E9"^^ . "Getting to Know Unkar, Bobbajo, and More: A Conversation with Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens Volume I Author Landry Q. Walker"@en . . "Average Height: 1 meter Average Lifespan: 81 years Looking for all the world like tiny blue-grey elephants, the Ortolan are a source of much amusement to other species. But despite the unthreatening appearance of their chubby little bodies, huge eyes, droopy ears, and floppy snouts, Ortolans are surprisingly well-coordinated beings. True, their legs are short and slow-moving, their bodies prone to easy bruising, but they are coordinated to a frightening degree, and make splendid pilots and drivers."@en . . . "The Ortolans are a race of stout bipedal sapient creatures indigenous to the ice planet Orto."@en . . . "Blue, purple fur"@en . . . "Intelligent"@nl . . . . . . "Ortolano"@nl . . . . . . "Ortolan"@nl . . . . "Omnivorous"@en . "[Source] Grandmaster Ortolan is a living legend, mage who was in charge of the experiments done at Rissberg Castle. He was one of the eldest and most famous mages and it was actually him who invented the elixir inhibiting the aging process. The elixir, however, preserved Ortolan from death but couldn't return his own youth - he invented it when he was in really advanced age. Although the sorcerer intended to give the immortality to the commons, he was deceived by the Brotherhood, which kept the formula secret, deluding him that the whole humanity is non-aging and absolutely happy. Apart from it, he was also an inventor of, among other, eye-regenerating formula and a bunch of weapons. He was of the opinion that the best way to prevent humanity from terror of war is deterring by terrible weapons - the more lethal weapon, the more certain peace. Since Ortolan not used to heed the arguments, the Brotherhood hid in his inventive team the latent saboteurs who paralyses the dangerous inventions. One of exceptions was the infamous bullet thrower, kind of telekinetic arbalest with the huge spherical storage for lead bullets. As the name suggests, it used to throw the bullets, in several rounds per minute. Its prototype was tested in some minor battle and wasn't bring into general use due to very low accuracy. Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.Ortolan defended the affair of Geralt and Yennefer among the Brotherhood and used to be friendly to the witcher until he learned that the white-haired monster slayer killed IDR UL Ex IX 0012 BETA, product of genetic engineering by Idarran, renegade mage who Ortolan admired. He advised Sorel how to caught Geralt in a trap and planned to examine the structure of his eyes - not killing him however, he was unable to harm \"Little Yennefer\". The old mage even planned to bring Geralt his eyes back, when he would refine the eye-regeneration process. The grandmaster died of a stroke at the news of Sorel's death. The official version is that he was poisoned by the fertilizer he worked on. Significant plot details end here."@en . "Zoogdieren"@nl . . "Ortolans waren een species van dikhuidige wezens afkomstig van de ijsplaneet Orto. Ortolans stonden bekend om hun passie voor muziek en eten."@nl . "Ortolan, von seinen Mitarbeitern Erzmeister Ortolan genannt, war ein alter Zauberer mit einem langen grauen Bart. Er war der Hausherr von Schloss Rissberg, einem magischen Institut. Ortolan steckte all seine Energie in seine Forschungen und Erfindungen, die zumeist der Landwirtschaft und dem Milit\u00E4r dienen sollten. Der alte Magier war der Meinung, dass jedermann die M\u00F6glichkeit haben sollte, sich das Leben durch Magie zu erleichtern. Zwar funktionierten die meisten von Ortolans Erfindungen nicht (angeblich sollen seine Kollegen hierbei ihre Finger im Spiel gehabt haben, da sie Ortolans Ger\u00E4te in den falschen H\u00E4nden f\u00FCrchteten), doch dadurch lie\u00DF er sich nicht entmutigen. Leider hatte Ortolan die Angewohnheit, an der Forschung und den Experimenten nur das Gute zu sehen. Diese idealistische Einstellung machte ihn blind f\u00FCr die Gefahr, die von mutierten Hybridwesen wie Idr oder Vigilosauriern ausging. Seine wohl bekannteste Erfindung war ein Elixier aus Alraunenwurzeln, das den Alterungsprozess anhielt. Es wurde von fast allen Zauberinnen und Zauberern benutzt. Nur Ortolan selbst hatte nicht mehr viel davon, da das Mittel nicht verj\u00FCngte, wie oft f\u00E4lschlicherweise angenommen wurde, sondern den Status quo aufrecht erhielt. Ortolan war zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits in die Jahre gekommen. Zusammen mit seinem Assistenten Sorel Degerlund besch\u00E4ftigte sich Ortolan mit verbotener Hybridisierung und Mutation. Die beiden waren wie besessen von dem Vorhaben, eine \u00FCberm\u00E4chtige Menschenrasse zu erschaffen, die widerstandsf\u00E4higer war und im Dunkeln sehen konnte. Dazu beauftragte Ortolan Degerlund, den Hexer Geralt gefangen zu nehmen und ihm die Augen zu entfernen. Als Geralt Degerlund t\u00F6tete, starb Ortolan, da er den Tod seines Sch\u00FCtzlings nicht verkraftete. Ortolan ist ein Charakter aus dem Roman \"Zeit des Sturms\". Anmerkungen: \n* Bei den anderen Zauberern war es ein offenes Geheimnis, dass Ortolan Fisstech nahm. \n* Ortolan hat nie erfahren, dass die Zauberer sein Elixier f\u00FCr sich behielten. Er dachte sein Leben lang, es h\u00E4tte auch beim gemeinen Volk Verwendung gefunden, wie er es eigentlich vorgesehen hatte. \n* In Ortolans Jugend waren \"M\u00E4nnerfreundschaften\" \u00FCblich, aus denen oftmals mehr wurde. Daher dachten viele der Rissberger Kollegen, Sorel Degerlund sei Ortolans Geliebter. \n* Ortolan ist auch der Name eines Singvogels. Sorel Degerlund merkt hierzu an, dass der Vogelname fr\u00FCher gut zu dem Idealisten gepasst habe."@de . . "news/5-aliens-and-creatures-introduced-at-jabbas-palace"@en . . . . "The Ortolans were a race of stocky bipeds with long, trunk-like snouts, and large floppy ears. Ortolans came from the frigid, mineral-rich planet Orto. Ortolans had a keen sense of smell to help them forage for food, able to sense food up to two kilometers away. This was an adaptation to their planet's harsh climate and short growing season, which made food supplies scarce. Ortolans also had hearing that extended well into the subsonic range. Naturally, their twin obsessions were food and music. Offworld, many Ortolans found success as master chefs or musicians. They were handicapped in their business affairs by their obsession with food, however, sometimes accepting otherwise unfavorable contracts when promised enough to eat."@en . . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . "250"^^ . . . "Ortolanie"@nl . "Ortolan"@en . "You Owe Me a Ride"@en . . . "Grandmaster"@en . "108.0"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . "Large ears, trunk"@en . "Sapient"@en . . . . . . "Ortolans waren een species van dikhuidige wezens afkomstig van de ijsplaneet Orto. Ortolans stonden bekend om hun passie voor muziek en eten."@nl . . "Famous Ortolans included Max Rebo, Khan Kluay, and Hooter from Captain EO."@en . . . . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . . . . "Famous Ortolans included Max Rebo, Khan Kluay, and Hooter from Captain EO."@en . "*The Dragon\n*One-Eye\n*Max Rebo"@en . "[Source] Grandmaster Ortolan is a living legend, mage who was in charge of the experiments done at Rissberg Castle. He was one of the eldest and most famous mages and it was actually him who invented the elixir inhibiting the aging process. The elixir, however, preserved Ortolan from death but couldn't return his own youth - he invented it when he was in really advanced age. Although the sorcerer intended to give the immortality to the commons, he was deceived by the Brotherhood, which kept the formula secret, deluding him that the whole humanity is non-aging and absolutely happy."@en . . "Ortolan"@en . . "White"@en . . . . "Ortolan"@nl . "Average Height: 1 meter Average Lifespan: 81 years Looking for all the world like tiny blue-grey elephants, the Ortolan are a source of much amusement to other species. But despite the unthreatening appearance of their chubby little bodies, huge eyes, droopy ears, and floppy snouts, Ortolans are surprisingly well-coordinated beings. True, their legs are short and slow-moving, their bodies prone to easy bruising, but they are coordinated to a frightening degree, and make splendid pilots and drivers. They hail from the minor planet of Ordatto, which is located not far from Alderaan. According to the Ortolans, they were actually engineered into sentience by rogue Alderaanians some eight thousand years ago. The base species was the Alderaanian Pygmy Elephant. Ortolans do not like each other. Their society is intensely competitive, and as a result they tend to seek validation and friendship from non-Ortolans who find their unthreatening appearance charming. Ortolan reproduction is asexual, and involves a simple fission in two. Simple? Well, not exactly. They have three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter; the gender of the parent determines the gender of the child (masculine parents can only have feminine or neuter children, for example). After a fission, the \"parent\" Ortolan exhibits its own personality in an even more concentrated form, while the \"child\" Ortolan is the exact opposite (inflected by gender; feminine and neuter Ortolan would differently express their opposition to a masculine parent). All Ortolans know exactly how long they have left to live (barring accidents). No Ortolan has ever lived more than 81 standard years. Death at 81 is a genetic imperative."@en . . "Star Wars"@en . . . "Zuurstof"@nl . . . "Ortolaner"@nl . "1.1"^^ . "Black"@en . . "news/getting-to-know-unkar-bobbajo-and-more-a-conversation-with-tales-from-a-galaxy-far-far-away-aliens-volume-i-author-landry-q-walker"@en . . . . "Ortolan"@de . . . . .