"Red Dot Sight"@en . . . . "300"^^ . . . . . "250"^^ . . "F1"@pl . "156"^^ . "David Mitchell"@en . "Ronni Ancona"@en . . . . . "2008-11-14"^^ . "F"@en . . "On the chart \"The Tunnel in the Sky\", which was seen in the schoolroom aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369, F1 was one of the components labeled on a map of the wormhole. (DS9: \"In the Hands of the Prophets\")"@en . "F1"@en . "F1"@fr . . . "F1 \u2013 samoch\u00F3d rajdowy, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto Advance. Jest to najszybszy pojazd w grze. Jest on u\u017Cywany do wykonania trzech wy\u015Bcig\u00F3w w Shoreside Vale. Na w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 otrzymujemy go po uko\u0144czeniu ostatniego wy\u015Bcigu w Shoreside Vale."@pl . "F1 .png"@pl . "Alan Davies"@en . "tak"@pl . . "\u00AB Va te faire foutre, connard de samaritain \u00BB disait mon p\u00E8re, un pr\u00E9curseur, \u00E0 mon prof, un encul\u00E9. Il s\u2019en foutait, lui, de la touche F1 ; il savait qu\u2019on n\u2019avait pas besoin d\u2019aide dans la vie, surtout pour quelque chose d\u2019aussi simple que d\u2019\u00E9lever son enfant. Son principe \u00E9tait qu\u2019il devait apprendre \u00E0 s\u2019\u00E9lever tout seul."@fr . "2"^^ . "Extended Magazine"@en . "On the chart \"The Tunnel in the Sky\", which was seen in the schoolroom aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369, F1 was one of the components labeled on a map of the wormhole. (DS9: \"In the Hands of the Prophets\")"@en . . . . "F1"@en . . "Back to the Floors page..."@en . . "Many players often wonder why when they press the F1 button whilst playing RuneScape Classic the screen suddenly becomes barred and darkened. The reason for this is that when RuneScape Classic (known as RuneScape at the time) was created some computers had very bad graphics cards, and other hardware pieces. When a player presses f1 it in fact puts the game into a mode known by some players as low detail mode which decreases the amount of graphics required, though now most computers made after the year 2000 should be fine without the low detail version of the game. File:F1.png"@en . "Many players often wonder why when they press the F1 button whilst playing RuneScape Classic the screen suddenly becomes barred and darkened. The reason for this is that when RuneScape Classic (known as RuneScape at the time) was created some computers had very bad graphics cards, and other hardware pieces. When a player presses f1 it in fact puts the game into a mode known by some players as low detail mode which decreases the amount of graphics required, though now most computers made after the year 2000 should be fine without the low detail version of the game. File:F1.png"@en . "Sprited version of the F1 key"@en . "Sound Suppressor"@en . . "Back to the Floors page..."@en . . . "Episode F1 was the first episode if the F Series of QI. It was broadcast on BBC Two on 14 November, 2008 as part of Children in Need."@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Families"@en . "\"F1\" is the first \"function key\" at the top of most computer keyboards. Most games covered by this wiki use it to display something, commonly general \"Help\"."@en . "$1 026"@pl . "1450.0"^^ . . . . . . "Reflex Sight"@en . "rajdowy"@pl . . "The F1, also known as the FAMAS F1, is an assault rifle that appears in Far Cry 3. This weapon becomes free after deactivating 8 Radio Towers"@en . "Optical Sight"@en . "Assault Rifle Rounds"@en . "F1\nlink="@en . "\"F1\" is the first \"function key\" at the top of most computer keyboards. Most games covered by this wiki use it to display something, commonly general \"Help\"."@en . "Hsiehtm"@en . . . "Terry Wogan"@en . . . "\u00AB Va te faire foutre, connard de samaritain \u00BB disait mon p\u00E8re, un pr\u00E9curseur, \u00E0 mon prof, un encul\u00E9. Il s\u2019en foutait, lui, de la touche F1 ; il savait qu\u2019on n\u2019avait pas besoin d\u2019aide dans la vie, surtout pour quelque chose d\u2019aussi simple que d\u2019\u00E9lever son enfant. Son principe \u00E9tait qu\u2019il devait apprendre \u00E0 s\u2019\u00E9lever tout seul. \u2014 Mais papa, F1 ! \u2014 M\u2019en fous, pousse toi d\u2019devant la t\u00E9l\u00E9. Pour les devoirs, il ne m\u2019aidait pas non plus. Quand je lui demandais un coup de main, souvent il me donnait un coup de poing. Ce n\u2019\u00E9tait pas tr\u00E8s fin, mais il \u00E9tait comme \u00E7a mon p\u00E8re. Pas moyen que son fils devienne un mec qu\u2019on aide \u00E0 faire des trucs, non : moi j\u2019\u00E9tais son couillu ! Mais d\u2019apr\u00E8s mon p\u00E8re, un jour j\u2019ai \u00E9t\u00E9 une vraie fiotte : selon lui je n\u2019avais pas \u00E0 pleurer en me fichant les doigts dans la porti\u00E8re de la Xantia. La pauvre passante qui avait voulu me porter secours s\u2019\u00E9tait prise une belle mandale de mon p\u00E8re, mais en m\u00EAme temps elle s\u2019\u00E9tait m\u00EAl\u00E9e d\u2019un truc qui ne la concernait pas.Apr\u00E8s, j\u2019avais ramass\u00E9 mes doigts par terre et j\u2019\u00E9tais all\u00E9 \u00E0 l\u2019h\u00F4pital tout seul, sans perdre de temps \u00E0 chercher mon chemin sur une carte ou quoi. Le surlendemain, apr\u00E8s que je fus arriv\u00E9 aux urgences et que les m\u00E9decins m\u2019eurent dit qu\u2019on ne pouvait plus rien faire, ben mon p\u00E8re, il devint super fier de moi ! Je regrette encore d\u2019avoir pleur\u00E9, mais c\u2019est une belle histoire. On les a bien insult\u00E9s les m\u00E9decins, en partant, \u00E0 faire bac +10 et pas savoir recoudre deux doigts. Bref, c\u2019est vrai que mon p\u00E8re c\u2019\u00E9tait un homme, un vrai ! Il ne regardait pas la F1 \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9, d\u2019ailleurs : \u00AB sport de bourges \u00BB, comme il disait. Il regardait le foot, car il n\u2019y avait pas de jeu d\u2019\u00E9quipe dans le foot, c\u2019\u00E9tait \u00E0 celui qui allait \u00EAtre sponsoris\u00E9 par Nike ou se taper la fille de la m\u00E9t\u00E9o sur Canal+."@fr . . . . . "30"^^ . "F1"@pl . "Episode F1 was the first episode if the F Series of QI. It was broadcast on BBC Two on 14 November, 2008 as part of Children in Need."@en . "Keyboards"@en . "The F1, also known as the FAMAS F1, is an assault rifle that appears in Far Cry 3. This weapon becomes free after deactivating 8 Radio Towers"@en . . "Assault Rifle"@en . . "F1 \u2013 samoch\u00F3d rajdowy, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto Advance. Jest to najszybszy pojazd w grze. Jest on u\u017Cywany do wykonania trzech wy\u015Bcig\u00F3w w Shoreside Vale. Na w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 otrzymujemy go po uko\u0144czeniu ostatniego wy\u015Bcigu w Shoreside Vale."@pl .