"426"^^ . . . . "426"^^ . . . . "426"@en . . "426 - Year of Storms - called Year of Eagles by some - when storms broke loose on some Segments of Myra. Read on: Year before: 425 - Year after: 427 - Myra - History"@de . "None"@en . ""@en . . . "1968-02-12"^^ . . "300"^^ . . "426"^^ . . . . "To help Zin to conquer the Earth."@en . "Juli kehrt von ihrem Stanford-Besuch zur\u00FCck und beteuert Oliver, dass ein Studium in Stanford f\u00FCr sie nicht in Frage kommt. Oliver kann nicht verhehlen, wie sehr er sich freut, dass Juli bleibt. Doch dann bekommt er mit, dass Juli ihn belogen hat. Deniz ist in einer Zwickm\u00FChle: Maximilian verlangt, dass er seine Geburtstags\u00FCberraschung f\u00FCr Vanessa zugunsten eines Modeltermins absagt. Schweren Herzens sucht Deniz nach einem Alternativgeschenk. Er ahnt nicht, dass Vanessa l\u00E4ngst von seiner eigentlichen \u00DCberraschung wei\u00DF und wie sehr sie sich bereits freut. Wie wird Vanessa reagieren, wenn sie die Wahrheit erf\u00E4hrt? Annette und Ingo sagen die Hochzeit ab und sind sp\u00FCrbar erleichtert. W\u00E4hrend die Absage unter ihren Freunden zun\u00E4chst f\u00FCr ordentlichen Wirbel sorgt, sind Annette und Ingo gl\u00FCcklich"@de . . "1796"^^ . . . . "Jonny Quest Versus the Cyber Insects"@en . "One of Dr. Zin's technicians"@en . . . . "Minion"@en . "1968-02-06"^^ . . "Juli kehrt von ihrem Stanford-Besuch zur\u00FCck und beteuert Oliver, dass ein Studium in Stanford f\u00FCr sie nicht in Frage kommt. Oliver kann nicht verhehlen, wie sehr er sich freut, dass Juli bleibt. Doch dann bekommt er mit, dass Juli ihn belogen hat. Deniz ist in einer Zwickm\u00FChle: Maximilian verlangt, dass er seine Geburtstags\u00FCberraschung f\u00FCr Vanessa zugunsten eines Modeltermins absagt. Schweren Herzens sucht Deniz nach einem Alternativgeschenk. Er ahnt nicht, dass Vanessa l\u00E4ngst von seiner eigentlichen \u00DCberraschung wei\u00DF und wie sehr sie sich bereits freut. Wie wird Vanessa reagieren, wenn sie die Wahrheit erf\u00E4hrt? Annette und Ingo sagen die Hochzeit ab und sind sp\u00FCrbar erleichtert. W\u00E4hrend die Absage unter ihren Freunden zun\u00E4chst f\u00FCr ordentlichen Wirbel sorgt, sind Annette und Ingo gl\u00FCcklich wie nie."@de . . "El cuatrocientos veintis\u00E9is (426) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 425 y precede al 427. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "[[Plik:A436-426 na przystanku Kupiecka.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NL223 na linii 426 na p\u0119tli Kupiecka (2010)]] 426 \u2013 nieistniej\u0105ca linia autobusowa okresowa przyspieszona, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a na trasie z \u017Berania FSO na Kupieck\u0105. Linia w kierunku kra\u0144ca Kupiecka mia\u0142a 4,8 km d\u0142ugo\u015Bci, a w stron\u0119 \u017Berania FSO 5 km. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142ugiwali ajenci ITS Michalczewski i PKS Grodzisk Mazowiecki. Linia by\u0142a zawieszana w dni z ustawowym zakazem pracy market\u00F3w."@pl . . "Barnabas Collins returns forlornly to the Collinwood mausoleum. Ben Stokes asks if he killed Josette. Barnabas explains how Josette became frightened of him and threw herself off of the cliff at Widow's Hill. He will have to spend eternity without his beloved Josette."@en . "El cuatrocientos veintis\u00E9is (426) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 425 y precede al 427. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . . "Barnabas Collins returns forlornly to the Collinwood mausoleum. Ben Stokes asks if he killed Josette. Barnabas explains how Josette became frightened of him and threw herself off of the cliff at Widow's Hill. He will have to spend eternity without his beloved Josette. Ben believes Josette will return even though she died. Barnabas says because of Angelique's curse no one who loves him will be allowed to live.She caused Josette to hate him and even now Angelique is watching him. Barnabas vows to break the curse by going to his father and allowing him to drive a stake through his heart. As he turns to leave the mausoleum, the door swings shut and will not open. Barnabas and Ben hear the sound of Angelique laughing. Barnabas cries out to her that he will never love again; she will not have to kill again because the curse is over. He banishes her to her grave. The door unlocks and slowly swings open. Barnabas leaves but orders Ben not to follow. Angelique begins to laugh again. Naomi Collins joins Joshua Collins in the drawing room. She is mourning the death of Josette. Millicent Collins joins them. Joshua tells his cousin the news of Josette's death. She is unmoved and begins rambling about love, death, and how men change. She begins to leave but Naomi is concerned with her safety alone, at night. She leaves as Naomi implores Joshua to go with her. He declines, believing she will return shortly. Barnabas is at Eagle Hill Cemetery visiting the grave of his cousin, Jeremiah Collins. Millicent is surprised to see him; she believed that he was in England. As Millicent is preparing to ask a favor of Barnabas, she turns when she hears Ben calling for his master. When she turns back to Barnabas, he has supernaturally disappeared. Ben denies that Millicent saw Barnabas. He wants to take her back to Collinwood but she has come to choose her final resting place. She insists that Ben show her around the mausoleum. She chooses to lie beside Sarah Collins and wants Nathan Forbes to know that she considers this to be the day of her death. Even though Ben doesn't understand, she believes Barnabas will. Ben continues to insist that Millicent did not see Barnabas in the cemetery and asks her not to tell Joshua she saw Barnabas. Naomi joins Joshua in the drawing room and asks to see the letter he has written to Josette's father, Andre DuPres, in New York but Joshua has already sealed it. He changes the subject to the upcoming trial of Victoria Winters. It will begin the next day and Joshua's sister, Abigail Collins, has agreed to represent the family. Naomi would like to represent the family but Joshua denies her the opportunity. He is concerned with the family reputation but Naomi is worried about Victoria's life. Millicent runs breathlessly into the drawing room asking if they have seen Barnabas. She wants him to defend her honor in a duel with Nathan Forbes. She tells them that the deceased Suki Forbes is Nathan's wife, not his sister as they were led to believe. She saw Barnabas at the cemetery although Ben denies it. She insists that Joshua find out the truth and he agrees. A dog howls in the distance."@en . . "[[Plik:A436-426 na przystanku Kupiecka.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NL223 na linii 426 na p\u0119tli Kupiecka (2010)]] 426 \u2013 nieistniej\u0105ca linia autobusowa okresowa przyspieszona, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a na trasie z \u017Berania FSO na Kupieck\u0105. Linia w kierunku kra\u0144ca Kupiecka mia\u0142a 4,8 km d\u0142ugo\u015Bci, a w stron\u0119 \u017Berania FSO 5 km. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142ugiwali ajenci ITS Michalczewski i PKS Grodzisk Mazowiecki. Linia by\u0142a zawieszana w dni z ustawowym zakazem pracy market\u00F3w."@pl . "420"^^ . . . . . . . "426"@es . "426"@pl . . "426"@de . . . "Helping Zin conquer the Earth."@en . . . "None"@en . "426 - Year of Storms - called Year of Eagles by some - when storms broke loose on some Segments of Myra. Read on: Year before: 425 - Year after: 427 - Myra - History"@de . . . . . ""@en .