. . "thumb|Morin (2376) Morin ist ein Vaadwaur. 1484 ist er Soldat und geht mit seinem Bataillon und den Familien der Soldaten in Stasis, als seine Heimatwelt von den Turei und ihren Verb\u00FCndeten zerst\u00F6rt wird. 2376 wird er von der USS Voyager aus der Stasis geweckt. Im Gespr\u00E4ch mit Captain Kathryn Janeway und Tuvok meint er, dass die Turei die Subraumtunnel nicht richtig pflegen. Sp\u00E4ter \u00FCbernimmt er die Aufweckung des restlichen Bataillons und wird dabei von B'Elanna Torres unterst\u00FCtzt. Als es bei der Aktivierung der Schiffe Probleme gibt, entschlie\u00DFen sie sich nur die Angriffsschiffe zu aktivieren."@de . "Blood Harvest"@en . "Tactical officer for Gaul"@en . . . . "thumb|Morin (2376) Morin ist ein Vaadwaur. 1484 ist er Soldat und geht mit seinem Bataillon und den Familien der Soldaten in Stasis, als seine Heimatwelt von den Turei und ihren Verb\u00FCndeten zerst\u00F6rt wird. 2376 wird er von der USS Voyager aus der Stasis geweckt. Im Gespr\u00E4ch mit Captain Kathryn Janeway und Tuvok meint er, dass die Turei die Subraumtunnel nicht richtig pflegen. Sp\u00E4ter \u00FCbernimmt er die Aufweckung des restlichen Bataillons und wird dabei von B'Elanna Torres unterst\u00FCtzt. Als es bei der Aktivierung der Schiffe Probleme gibt, entschlie\u00DFen sie sich nur die Angriffsschiffe zu aktivieren. Sp\u00E4ter leitet er mit Gaul den Angriff auf die USS Voyager, um diese unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Als diese auf den Planeten zust\u00FCrzt befiehlt er einer Vaadwaur die Crew nach der Enterung zu exekutieren. Gaul hebt diesen Befehl jedoch auf und veranlasst, die Crew stattdessen in die Stasiskapseln zu legen. Wenig sp\u00E4ter werden sie jedoch von den Turei angegriffen und er erkennt, dass diese einen Satelliten nutzen, um ihre Position zu lokalisieren. (VOY: ) Morin wurde von Ron Fassler gespielt und von Hans Hohlbein synchronisiert."@de . . "Morin"@en . . . . . . . . "Morin war eine Da'shain Aiel w\u00E4hrend der Zerst\u00F6rung der Welt und die erste Tochter des Speers."@de . "Morin war eine Da'shain Aiel w\u00E4hrend der Zerst\u00F6rung der Welt und die erste Tochter des Speers."@de . . "Morin in 2376"@en . . . "Lord Morin is the Lord High Chamberlain for Ran Borune XXIII. He was described in the Queen of Sorcery as one of the emperor's chamberlains, but we know of no other chamberlains. He was first described as a gray-haired official in a brown mantle but by the time of the Guardians of the West, he had aged considerably. He was still very quietly efficient in his duties -- which had always been his outstanding characteristic. In the King of the Murgos, his hair had gone completely white and it stood out in wisps. He was then described as an old, thin man with waxy transparent skin (as one sees in the very old) and he moved slowly and tottered. He then spoke in a quavering voice."@en . . "Time Lord"@en . . "Morin"@en . "200"^^ . . "2376"^^ . "Yellow"@en . "Female"@en . . "Male"@en . . . "She gave up the Way of the Leaf and became an outcast to rescue her daughter Kirin from raiders during the Breaking of the World. When she refused to stay behind another Aiel made a shorter spear for her and showed her how to use it. This weapon soon became standard for all Aiel warriors."@en . . . . "She gave up the Way of the Leaf and became an outcast to rescue her daughter Kirin from raiders during the Breaking of the World. When she refused to stay behind another Aiel made a shorter spear for her and showed her how to use it. This weapon soon became standard for all Aiel warriors."@en . . "Active"@en . . . "Morin was a Vaadwaur soldier. In the Earth year 1484, his battalion and their families, approximately six hundred Vaadwaur, went into stasis on their homeworld after an attack by their enemies, including the Turei. In 2376, Morin was \"awakened\" from bio-stasis by the crew of the USS Voyager who discovered him and his people while seeking refuge on a seemingly abandoned planet. Morin was played by Ron Fassler. It was stated in the episode's script that he was the equivalent of chief engineer."@en . . . . . . "Dead"@en . "Morin was a Vaadwaur soldier. In the Earth year 1484, his battalion and their families, approximately six hundred Vaadwaur, went into stasis on their homeworld after an attack by their enemies, including the Turei. In 2376, Morin was \"awakened\" from bio-stasis by the crew of the USS Voyager who discovered him and his people while seeking refuge on a seemingly abandoned planet. Morin was the tactical officer for Gaul, the leader of the Vaadwaur and helped him plan a plot to hijack Voyager so it could be used by the Vaadwaur to defeat its enemies and restore their empire. He, along with the other members of his race, were driven off by Voyager after their plot was exposed. (VOY: \"Dragon's Teeth\") Morin was played by Ron Fassler. It was stated in the episode's script that he was the equivalent of chief engineer."@en . "Morin"@de . . "Lord Morin is the Lord High Chamberlain for Ran Borune XXIII. He was described in the Queen of Sorcery as one of the emperor's chamberlains, but we know of no other chamberlains. He was first described as a gray-haired official in a brown mantle but by the time of the Guardians of the West, he had aged considerably. He was still very quietly efficient in his duties -- which had always been his outstanding characteristic. In the King of the Murgos, his hair had gone completely white and it stood out in wisps. He was then described as an old, thin man with waxy transparent skin (as one sees in the very old) and he moved slowly and tottered. He then spoke in a quavering voice. Morin functioned as both a herald, assistant, and newsbringer."@en . . "Morin"@en . "Far Dareis Mai"@en . . "Aiel"@en . . .