. "Man"@nl . . "Norvo Tigan was the younger brother of Ezri Tigan and Janel Tigan, and the son of Yanas Tigan. He and Ezri had a close relationship; he even used her childhood nickname, 'Zee', when addressing her. He was not nearly as close to the rest of his family. After being ruthlessly interrogated by the Breen later that year Ezri deliriously rambled, \"I'm not just saying this because I'm your sister. You have a gift.\" (DS9: \"'Til Death Do Us Part\")"@en . . "thumb|Norvo Tigan (2375) Norvo Tigan ist der j\u00FCngste Sohn von Yanas Tigan und Bruder von Ezri Dax. Wie sein Bruder Janel arbeitet er in der Verwaltung der Mine der Familie, wo er f\u00FCr die Buchf\u00FChrung zust\u00E4ndig ist. Die Dominanz seiner Mutter verhindert, dass er sich in seinem eigentlichen Berufswunsch des K\u00FCnstlers entfalten kann. In der Absage der renommierten Andorianischen Akademie sieht er die Best\u00E4tigung daf\u00FCr, dass eine K\u00FCnstlerkarriere f\u00FCr ihn nicht das Richtige ist. Norvo Tigan wurde von Kevin Rahm gespielt und von Oliver Feld synchronisiert."@de . . . "Fr\u00E8re: Janel Tigan"@fr . . "M\u00E8re: Yanas Tigan"@fr . "Norvo byl skv\u011Bl\u00FD mal\u00ED\u0159 i \u010Dlov\u011Bk, ale jeho rodina jeho um\u011Bn\u00ED neuzn\u00E1vala. Byl st\u00E1le ter\u010Dem \u00FAtok\u016F sv\u00E9 matky. Norvo pracoval pro d\u016Fln\u00ED spole\u010Dnost sv\u00E9 matky jako \u00FA\u010Detn\u00ED. Norvo zavra\u017Edil Moricu Bilbyovou, vdovu po spolupracovn\u00EDkovy Orionsk\u00E9ho Syndik\u00E1tu, kter\u00E1 \u017E\u00E1dala st\u00E1le v\u00EDce pen\u011Bz, kter\u00E9 u\u017E Norvo necht\u011Bl vypl\u00E1cet. Norvo se ke sv\u00E9mu \u010Dinu p\u0159iznal, a byl na planet\u011B New Sydney odsouzen ke t\u0159iceti let\u016Fm v\u011Bzen\u00ED. (DS9: Prodigal Daughter)"@cs . . . "Norvo Tigan"@de . . . . "Norvo Tigan"@cs . "2375"^^ . "Un artista brillante ma scoraggiato con un animo tranquillo e sensibile, Norvo era un obiettivo facile per la madre supervisore. Norvo portava rancore a Yanas perch'ella lo criticava continuamente e negava il suo talento. Un giorno egli non riusc\u00EC pi\u00F9 a trattenersi, ed uccise Morica Bilby, amica di Miles O'Brien ed una donna che stava facendo pressioni sulla famiglia per aver pi\u00F9 soldi. Quando Ezri lo scopr\u00EC, incolp\u00F2 se stessa e sua madre, la madre per i suoi modi di controllo troppo duri, e se stessa per non essersi resa conto prima dei problemi del fratello. Norvo fu condannato a trascorrere trent'anni in prigione per il crimine commesso. (DS9: \"Figliol prodigo\") Informazioni di retroscenaNorvo \u00E8 stato interpretato da Kevin Rahm."@it . . . . . "As a child, he could not say \"Ezri\" so he called her \"Zee\". (DS9 short story: \"Second star to the right...\") He continued to refer to her as such into adulthood. (DS9 episode: \"Prodigal Daughter\") When Norvo was young, he joined his family on a trip to the Jewel Caves. (DS9 short story: \"Ninety-three Hours\") Norvo wanted to be a dilithium miner when he was young. (DS9 novel: Cathedral) Norvo had a deep interest in art, as well as poetry and music. His mother Yanas discouraged this, believing him to be a fragile young man. She pursuaded him to take charge of the financial records of the company. Norvo would later kill Morica Bilby, due to his desire to prove to his mother and brother he was not as weak as they thought. He was sentenced to thirty years in prison. (DS9 episode: \"Prodigal Daughter\") Norvo was still serving his sentence in 2376. (DS9 novel: Cathedral) In 2376, Ezri experienced a different reality, due to the cathedral artifact, where Norvo and Janel had been killed in a cave-in several years earlier. In this reality, Ezri had stepped in to help her mother run the family company. (DS9 novel: Cathedral)"@en . "Norvo Tigan"@nl . . "Norvo Tigan \u00E9tait un Trill au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "Norvo Tigan was de jongere broer van Ezri en Janel en de zoon van Yanas Tigan. Hij en Ezri hadden een hechte band; hij gebruikte zelfs de koosnaam die hij vroeger gebruikt had, 'Zee', als hij haar aansprak. Met de rest van de familie was deze band een stuk minder goed. Norvo was een geweldig goede tekenaar, maar zijn moeder had liever dat hij in het familiebedrijf ging werken en ontmoedigde hem dan ook in zijn werk. Hij was een gewillig slachtoffer voor haar constante kritiek en controledrang. Norvo werd voor zijn daad veroordeeld tot dertig jaar celstraf. (DS9: \"Prodigal Daughter\")"@nl . . "Norvo Tigan"@en . . . . "Tigan"@fr . . . "Norvo Tigan"@nl . . "Male"@en . . . "Norvo Tigan"@fr . . . "Norvo Tigan was de jongere broer van Ezri en Janel en de zoon van Yanas Tigan. Hij en Ezri hadden een hechte band; hij gebruikte zelfs de koosnaam die hij vroeger gebruikt had, 'Zee', als hij haar aansprak. Met de rest van de familie was deze band een stuk minder goed. Norvo was een geweldig goede tekenaar, maar zijn moeder had liever dat hij in het familiebedrijf ging werken en ontmoedigde hem dan ook in zijn werk. Hij was een gewillig slachtoffer voor haar constante kritiek en controledrang. Op \u00E9\u00E9n dag sloegen de stoppen door en vermoordde hij Morica Bilby, een vriendin van Miles O'Brien. Morica zette de familie onder druk en wilde meer geld. Toen Ezri dit ontdekte gaf ze zowel haar moeder als zichzelf hiervan de schuld; haar moeder omdat ze Norvo onder druk had gezet en zichzelf omdat ze de problemen van haar broer niet eerder had gezien. Norvo werd voor zijn daad veroordeeld tot dertig jaar celstraf. (DS9: \"Prodigal Daughter\")"@nl . "In de gevangenis"@nl . . . . . . . "Norvo byl skv\u011Bl\u00FD mal\u00ED\u0159 i \u010Dlov\u011Bk, ale jeho rodina jeho um\u011Bn\u00ED neuzn\u00E1vala. Byl st\u00E1le ter\u010Dem \u00FAtok\u016F sv\u00E9 matky. Norvo pracoval pro d\u016Fln\u00ED spole\u010Dnost sv\u00E9 matky jako \u00FA\u010Detn\u00ED. Norvo zavra\u017Edil Moricu Bilbyovou, vdovu po spolupracovn\u00EDkovy Orionsk\u00E9ho Syndik\u00E1tu, kter\u00E1 \u017E\u00E1dala st\u00E1le v\u00EDce pen\u011Bz, kter\u00E9 u\u017E Norvo necht\u011Bl vypl\u00E1cet. Norvo se ke sv\u00E9mu \u010Dinu p\u0159iznal, a byl na planet\u011B New Sydney odsouzen ke t\u0159iceti let\u016Fm v\u011Bzen\u00ED. (DS9: Prodigal Daughter)"@cs . . . "Un artista brillante ma scoraggiato con un animo tranquillo e sensibile, Norvo era un obiettivo facile per la madre supervisore. Norvo portava rancore a Yanas perch'ella lo criticava continuamente e negava il suo talento. Un giorno egli non riusc\u00EC pi\u00F9 a trattenersi, ed uccise Morica Bilby, amica di Miles O'Brien ed una donna che stava facendo pressioni sulla famiglia per aver pi\u00F9 soldi. Quando Ezri lo scopr\u00EC, incolp\u00F2 se stessa e sua madre, la madre per i suoi modi di controllo troppo duri, e se stessa per non essersi resa conto prima dei problemi del fratello. Norvo fu condannato a trascorrere trent'anni in prigione per il crimine commesso. (DS9: \"Figliol prodigo\")"@it . . . . . "Soeur: Ezri Dax"@fr . . "Norvo Tigan.jpg"@nl . . "Norvo"@fr . . . . . . "Norvo in 2375"@nl . "Norvo Tigan"@it . "Imprisoned"@en . . "Norvo Tigan"@en . "Citoyen de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . "Norvo Tigan was the younger brother of Ezri Tigan and Janel Tigan, and the son of Yanas Tigan. He and Ezri had a close relationship; he even used her childhood nickname, 'Zee', when addressing her. He was not nearly as close to the rest of his family. A brilliant but discouraged young artist with a quiet, sensitive manner, Norvo was an easy target for his controlling mother. Norvo was resentful of Yanas' constant criticism and refusal to acknowledge his worth. In 2375 he finally snapped, and murdered Morica Bilby, a friend of Miles O'Brien and a woman who was pressuring the family for more money. When Ezri discovered this, she blamed her mother and herself, her mother for her controlling ways, and herself for not seeing her brother's problems earlier. Norvo was sentenced to thirty years in prison for his crime. (DS9: \"Prodigal Daughter\") After being ruthlessly interrogated by the Breen later that year Ezri deliriously rambled, \"I'm not just saying this because I'm your sister. You have a gift.\" (DS9: \"'Til Death Do Us Part\") Norvo was played by Kevin Rahm. According to the novella Saturn's Children, his mirror universe counterpart informed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance that his mother and brother had helped more than three hundred Terran slaves escape from New Sydney and Sappora VII. Norvo received a full pardon. According to Rise Like Lions, he was still an agent of the Alliance in 2378."@en . "Norvo Tigan \u00E9tait un Trill au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "thumb|Norvo Tigan (2375) Norvo Tigan ist der j\u00FCngste Sohn von Yanas Tigan und Bruder von Ezri Dax. Wie sein Bruder Janel arbeitet er in der Verwaltung der Mine der Familie, wo er f\u00FCr die Buchf\u00FChrung zust\u00E4ndig ist. Die Dominanz seiner Mutter verhindert, dass er sich in seinem eigentlichen Berufswunsch des K\u00FCnstlers entfalten kann. In der Absage der renommierten Andorianischen Akademie sieht er die Best\u00E4tigung daf\u00FCr, dass eine K\u00FCnstlerkarriere f\u00FCr ihn nicht das Richtige ist. Er wird zum M\u00F6rder, als sein Bruder Gesch\u00E4fte mit dem Orion-Syndikat macht und infolge dessen Morica Bilby, der Witwe des verstorben Syndikatsmitglieds Liam Bilby, Geldzahlungen leisten muss. Er t\u00F6tet Morica, nachdem diese immer mehr Geld fordert. Vor seiner Verhaftung sagt er stolz, dass er geschafft habe, was weder sein Bruder noch sonst irgendwer geschafft h\u00E4tte. (DS9: ) Norvo Tigan wurde von Kevin Rahm gespielt und von Oliver Feld synchronisiert."@de . . "As a child, he could not say \"Ezri\" so he called her \"Zee\". (DS9 short story: \"Second star to the right...\") He continued to refer to her as such into adulthood. (DS9 episode: \"Prodigal Daughter\") When Norvo was young, he joined his family on a trip to the Jewel Caves. (DS9 short story: \"Ninety-three Hours\") Norvo wanted to be a dilithium miner when he was young. (DS9 novel: Cathedral) Norvo was still serving his sentence in 2376. (DS9 novel: Cathedral)"@en .