"Olympia"@fr . . . . "\u79FB\u52D5\u795E\u6BBF\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30A2"@en . "Giant Man"@en . "Olympia is a city of about 42,500 people in Washington. It is the capital of the state."@en . "Ma\u0142y"@pl . . . . "S-Class"@en . . "Mike Sullivan thought it odd that Washington kept its capital in Olympia rather than the bigger and much more famous city of Seattle."@en . . . "Hero Association"@en . . . . "Meowstic-F XY.gif"@en . . . . . . . . "Olympia (name or codename unknown). 14 years of age in November 2006. Suffers from Diedrick's Syndrome. Bodybuilder physique, including greatly reduced breast size. Paranoid; everyone is out to get her, including her roommate. Megalomania; might makes right. Member of the Brute Squad. Speaks colloquial English with no accent. Olympia tried to force Sam to give her Sam's apartment, and Sam teaches her a lesson. Hive 2"@en . . . "Olympia is a sanctuary of ancient Greece in Elis on the Peloponnese peninsula. It is known for having been the site of the Olympic Games in classical times, the most famous games in history. The first Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus."@en . "max 212 RPM"@pl . . . . "Olympia \u2013 dwulufowa w\u0142oska strzelba wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Call of Duty: Black Ops i Call of Duty: Black Ops II w kampanii, trybie multiplayer i trybie Zombie."@pl . "Olympia is the capital, county seat, and a city in Thurston County, Washington."@en . . . "2.0"^^ . . . "black"@en . "Olympia was the Evil Counterpart of Wonder Woman."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Slowking"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . "Olympia, mundo natal de la Legi\u00F3n de los Guerreros de Hierro, era originalmente un rugoso y monta\u00F1oso mundo cuya poblaci\u00F3n estaba concentrada en muchas ciudades estado, dispersas por la superficie del planeta. El planeta pose\u00EDa una gran cantidad de piedra apta para su uso en la construcci\u00F3n, y esto se aprovech\u00F3 levantando grandes fortalezas, pues controlar los pasos de monta\u00F1a y los terrenos altos ten\u00EDa una gran importancia militar. Una de las ciudades estado, hogar del Primarca Perturabo, se llamaba Lochos. El l\u00EDder de Lochos, conocido como el Tirano de Lochos, dominaba la regi\u00F3n. Cuando el Emperador lleg\u00F3, concedi\u00F3 a Perturabo la IV Legi\u00F3n de Marines Espaciales, creada a partir de su material gen\u00E9tico. Con este nuevo ej\u00E9rcito, Perturabo depuso al Tirano y tom\u00F3 el control del planeta. Tras reclutar refuerzos entre la poblaci\u00F3n de Olympia, acompa\u00F1\u00F3 al Emperador en su Gran Cruzada. Mucho despu\u00E9s, justo antes de la Herej\u00EDa, el Se\u00F1or de la Guerra Horus revel\u00F3 a Perturabo que Olympia estaba rebel\u00E1ndose contra \u00E9l. Perturabo qued\u00F3 destrozado, y regres\u00F3 para limpiar su mundo con una rabia terrible. Dio a elegir a todos los habitantes del planeta entre rendirse o morir. Cada ciudad fue purgada calle por calle, dejando vivir a muy pocos. Al final, Olympia estaba esclavizada y m\u00E1s de 5 millones de personas hab\u00EDan muerto. Grandes hogueras ardieron en los cielos de Olympia aquel d\u00EDa. thumb|272px|Guerreros de Hierro en Olympia.Tras el fracaso de la Herej\u00EDa de Horus y la muerte de Horus, los Guerreros de Hierro se retiraron a sus fortalezas. Olympia resisti\u00F3 contra un ataque combinado de los Ultramarines y los Pu\u00F1os Imperiales durante dos a\u00F1os, pero al final fue destruida. Las reservas de misiles planetarias fueron detonadas, convirtiendo el planeta en un desierto yermo. Desde aquel d\u00EDa, Olympia fue declarada Perdita."@es . "80"^^ . . . "Wi\u0119cej \u015Brucin w naboju"@pl . . "Z-City"@en . . . "None"@en . "Olympia (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30A2, Orinpia) is an s-class hero belonging to the hero association. He is known as the \"biggest man in the world\" due to the profound nature of his supernatural powers, which grant him the ability to enlarge the mass and form of his body without limitation or end, becoming stronger and stronger limitlessly as a result."@en . . "Female"@en . "Olympia was a woman who left her family and their homestead on the Island."@en . "Olympia is a Gym Leader that appears in X and Y. She specializes in Psychic-type Pok\u00E9mon. Olympia's Gym will throw the player character for a loop; she and her disciples are in another dimension inside it. The player character must step into the symbol to reveal them. She rarely speaks in complete, intelligible sentences (likely due to her psychic powers), leaving the player character confused."@en . . . . "Olympia"@de . . "Olympia (Japanese: \u30D1\u30EF\u30FC\u30AA\u30D6\u30D2\u30FC\u30ED\u30FC Pawaa Obu Hiiroo) is the fifth Keyblade obtained by the player."@en . "Olympia is a colony on Luna, established and governed by the United Americas. Ellen Ripley was born in Olympia on January 7th, 2092."@en . . . . . "Alive"@en . "Pro Hero"@en . "Olympia"@en . . . "Olympia appears in Pok\u00E9mon X and Y as a Gym Leader. She speaks in haiku. She frequently talks about fate and the future. Trainers who defeat Olympia will receive the Psychic Badge, along with TM04 (Calm Mind). According to the television show Gym Freaks, anybody who places their wrist into Olympia's bracelet will allow Olympia to be able to see everything in their future. It also states that the inside of her cloak is a galaxy pattern, creating zero gravity that increases psychic power."@en . . "Name: Olympia Run Time: 4:58 Year: 1982"@en . . . "44"^^ . "Olympia"@en . "45"^^ . "No"@en . "Olympia"@fr . "240"^^ . . . . "Loser galactique"@fr . "Olympia was a major site in ancient Greece. It was seen as a sanctuary, and was located on the Peloponnese of Greece. It also held the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus. Even in the modern times the Olympic Flame is obtained from there and travels to the country which holds the Olympic Games. Olympia was also the site of one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World; the gigantic statue of Zeus made of gold and ivory. Since the city was such a sight to see, Olympia was named as the child of Olympus."@en . "Du\u017Ca"@pl . "Olympia"@es . . . . . . . "212"^^ . "Plan\u00E8te"@fr . . "Die Olympia ist eine doppell\u00E4ufige Schrotflinte aus Call of Duty: Black Ops und Call of Duty: Black Ops II."@de . "\u30B4\u30B8\u30AB Gojika"@en . . "48"^^ . . "2"^^ . "60"^^ . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Age"@en . . "Poziom 1."@pl . . "Olympia is a Gym Leader that appears in X and Y. She specializes in Psychic-type Pok\u00E9mon. Olympia's Gym will throw the player character for a loop; she and her disciples are in another dimension inside it. The player character must step into the symbol to reveal them. She rarely speaks in complete, intelligible sentences (likely due to her psychic powers), leaving the player character confused."@en . "Olympia is an Earth-like world in the Skyllian Verge. It was colonized by Humans in 2207 CE and quickly grew in population and production. It is one of the largest suppliers of meat and produce and has a number of ship manufacturers on the planet. Olympia has become a very popular place and is one of the top tourist spots. Also, there is a significant military presence on the planet. Two Turian three Asari and three Human military bases are on the planet aswell as four Salarian intelligence offices."@en . . "none"@en . . . . . . "80"^^ . . . "Olympia"@es . "thumb|left Olympia ist das Schwert von Minervamon. Es ist fast so gro\u00DF, wie die Digimon selbst, ziemlich breit und dadurch recht massig. Dennoch k\u00F6nnen sie es gewandt schwingen, was ihre St\u00E4rke beweist. Die Klinge von Olympia ist rasiermesserscharf geschliffen und besitzt eine Art Emblem, auf dem zwei ineinander verschlungene Schlangen zu sehen sind. Der Griff ist zudem mit Gold verziert."@de . . "Faction/Affiliation"@en . "The Olympia is a music hall in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Located at No. 28, Boulevard des Capucines, its closest m\u00E9tro/RER stations are Madeleine, Op\u00E9ra, Havre \u2013 Caumartin and Auber."@en . "If upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, the Olympia becomes \"Hades\", with an increase in power and range, as well as gaining incendiary rounds. Most people underestimate the power of the Olympia and take the M14 instead for more points but the M14 is not going to last you long enough. The M14 just falls off in effectiveness very fast, at round 5 or 6 it kills zombies fine but as soon as it turns round 8 you are just unloading entire mags into them and they are not dying, the Olympia on the other hand is a two shot kill to over round 10. The Olympia can carry you far beyond the M14s limits especially on a map like Moon, where the first nice automatic weapon is 6000 points worth of doors away, the M14 will get you there faster because you can afford it faster but it is way harder to stay alive."@en . "Psychic Badge"@en . "Olympia"@fr . "Division Delta Codenamed:Anti-Virus is known to possess many of these shotguns and they use them whenever they need to use them."@en . . . "Olympia was a woman who left her family and their homestead on the Island."@en . . "Olympia"@en . . "Het Olympiastadion, ook wel gewoon Olympia genoemd, is een sportcomplex in Libertas, gelegen in de Esdoornse provincie Maple Hills. Het hoofdstadion heeft 4.000 zitplaatsen, waarvan 30 businessseats. Tot en met de lente van 2014 was het team van FC Olympia gevestigd in het stadion. Nu spelen zijn in het Q-Stadion, eveneens in Maple Hills gelegen. De Velodrome en de TennisCourt maken al lang deel uit van Maple Hills en behoren sinds hun toetreding tot het Olympia-complex tot de offici\u00EBle gebruikers ervan. Op de tennisvelden wordt het tennistoernooi van Maple Hills georganiseerd. Die staat ook bekend onder de naam Contra Trophy en lokte bij zijn eerste editie in 2011 al bekende namen uit de tenniswereld. Ook basketbalclub BBC Maple is in het complex gevestigd."@en . "Name: Olympia Run Time: 4:58 Year: 1982"@en . . . "Olympia is an oil tanker who broke her propeller and was brought in when huge packs of sea ice were in the harbour. She almost ran into Willy's island when Theodore's tow rope snapped."@en . "40"^^ . "Family"@en . "P\u00F3\u0142automatyczny"@pl . . "Lleawylen"@fr . "50"^^ . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Olympia"@pl . . . . . "12"^^ . . . "Olympia with her cloak on"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths"@en . "Olympia was the Evil Counterpart of Wonder Woman."@en . "Unknown / 0"@en . . . "Psychic"@en . "-"@fr . . . "Naboje Smoczy Oddech"@pl . . . . "Olympia is a story character from Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. A mysterous girl who is known to amicably chat with adventurers and help them from time to time, nobody has ever seen her near the city of Armoroad, leading some to speculate she camps in the labyrinth all the time. She hides many secrets from others, in particular her place of origin... She is the NPC representative of the Yggdroid class, which she personally awards to the party if the Abyssal Desire path is chosen. Spoiler Warning: Plot details follow. Read at your own risk."@en . . "FO4FH"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The person who makes paths with starlight."@en . . "Natychmiast"@pl . . "Biggest Man In The World"@en . . "Sailing Temple: Olympia (\u79FB\u52D5\u795E\u6BBF\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30A2 Id\u014D Shinden Orinpia) is a Magic temple owned by Sorano that specializes in underwater traveling."@en . . . "Human"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "Olympia"@es . . . "500"^^ . . . "Olympia is the capital, county seat, and a city in Thurston County, Washington."@en . "En route pour Olympia !"@fr . "Mike Sullivan thought it odd that Washington kept its capital in Olympia rather than the bigger and much more famous city of Seattle."@en . . . "Olympia appears in Pok\u00E9mon X and Y as a Gym Leader. She speaks in haiku. She frequently talks about fate and the future. Trainers who defeat Olympia will receive the Psychic Badge, along with TM04 (Calm Mind). According to the television show Gym Freaks, anybody who places their wrist into Olympia's bracelet will allow Olympia to be able to see everything in their future. It also states that the inside of her cloak is a galaxy pattern, creating zero gravity that increases psychic power."@en . . "Olympia, mundo natal de la Legi\u00F3n de los Guerreros de Hierro, era originalmente un rugoso y monta\u00F1oso mundo cuya poblaci\u00F3n estaba concentrada en muchas ciudades estado, dispersas por la superficie del planeta. El planeta pose\u00EDa una gran cantidad de piedra apta para su uso en la construcci\u00F3n, y esto se aprovech\u00F3 levantando grandes fortalezas, pues controlar los pasos de monta\u00F1a y los terrenos altos ten\u00EDa una gran importancia militar."@es . . . . . . "Het Olympiastadion, ook wel gewoon Olympia genoemd, is een sportcomplex in Libertas, gelegen in de Esdoornse provincie Maple Hills. Het hoofdstadion heeft 4.000 zitplaatsen, waarvan 30 businessseats. Tot en met de lente van 2014 was het team van FC Olympia gevestigd in het stadion. Nu spelen zijn in het Q-Stadion, eveneens in Maple Hills gelegen."@nl . . . . "rottweil72_mp"@pl . . . . . . . "Olympia is a colony on Luna, established and governed by the United Americas. Ellen Ripley was born in Olympia on January 7th, 2092."@en . . . . . "Variable"@en . . . "Olympia (Japanese: \u30D1\u30EF\u30FC\u30AA\u30D6\u30D2\u30FC\u30ED\u30FC Pawaa Obu Hiiroo) is the fifth Keyblade obtained by the player."@en . "Sigilyph"@en . . . . . "Olympia was the original homeworld of the Primarch Perturabo and his Iron Warriors Traitor Legion before they turned to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Olympia was an Imperial Civilised World before it was destroyed following the Heresy by the Imperium because of its irrevocable Chaotic taint."@en . . "Olympia"@nl . "Olympia was a hockey team in Vienna, Austria. The club first operated during the 1901-02 season. They played bandy hockey."@en . . "Meowstic"@en . . "Flying"@en . "\u2640"@en . "Double Barreled Shotgun"@en . . "Olympia"@en . . . . . . . . "Mundo Fortaleza, luego Mundo Muerto"@es . . "63"^^ . . "1998-08-07"^^ . "Olympia is a sanctuary of ancient Greece in Elis on the Peloponnese peninsula. It is known for having been the site of the Olympic Games in classical times, the most famous games in history. The first Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus."@en . . . . "-"@fr . . "Olympia \u2013 dwulufowa w\u0142oska strzelba wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Call of Duty: Black Ops i Call of Duty: Black Ops II w kampanii, trybie multiplayer i trybie Zombie."@pl . . . . . . . "Water"@en . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . "L\u2019Olympia est un temple sous-marin mobile, servant de base et dirig\u00E9 par Sorano Agria."@fr . . . "Unknown"@en . "Olympia"@fr . . . "3.0"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "Olympia is an Earth-like world in the Skyllian Verge. It was colonized by Humans in 2207 CE and quickly grew in population and production. It is one of the largest suppliers of meat and produce and has a number of ship manufacturers on the planet. Olympia has become a very popular place and is one of the top tourist spots. Also, there is a significant military presence on the planet. Two Turian three Asari and three Human military bases are on the planet aswell as four Salarian intelligence offices."@en . . . . "Hades"@pl . . "Olympia"@pl . "Female"@en . "38"^^ . "50"^^ . . "Ma\u0142a"@pl . . "white"@en . "Kalos"@en . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . "40"^^ . "Superhuman Physiology"@en . . . "38"^^ . . . "Demi-elfe"@fr . "150"^^ . . "Olympia is the fourth planet of Zeus (\u03B2 Hydri) a G3 V yellow dwarf with spectral characteristics similar to the Sun. Olympia orbits Zeus at a distance of 1.2 AU. A predominately water world where the combined land masses are 38% of its surface area, much of that is covered by subtropical rain forests. The planet was discovered by the NASA Origins II Survey in 2060 CE and was scanned during a fly-by with the Hydri IX probe in 2132 CE. Olympia was an early settlement deeded to Weyerhaeuser-Pacific as a forest products colony."@en . . . "Olympia is an oil tanker who broke her propeller and was brought in when huge packs of sea ice were in the harbour. She almost ran into Willy's island when Theodore's tow rope snapped."@en . "Former homestead worker"@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Sailing Temple: Olympia (\u79FB\u52D5\u795E\u6BBF\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30A2 Id\u014D Shinden Orinpia) is a Magic temple owned by Sorano that specializes in underwater traveling."@en . . "L'Olympia est un fusil de chasse \u00E0 double canon apparaissant dans Call of Duty: Black Ops et Call of Duty: Black Ops II, il n'appara\u00EEt que dans le mode Zombies et le mode campagne pour ce dernier."@fr . . . "Magie Porteuse"@fr . . . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "P\u00F3\u0142automatyczny"@pl . "Olympia was a major site in ancient Greece. It was seen as a sanctuary, and was located on the Peloponnese of Greece. It also held the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus. Even in the modern times the Olympic Flame is obtained from there and travels to the country which holds the Olympic Games. Olympia was also the site of one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World; the gigantic statue of Zeus made of gold and ivory. Since the city was such a sight to see, Olympia was named as the child of Olympus."@en . . "Status"@en . "None"@en . . . . "3.0"^^ . . . . . . "P\u00F3\u0142automatyczny"@pl . . . . "Du\u017Ca"@pl . . "Olympia Majoris System"@en . "Olympia is a story character from Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. A mysterous girl who is known to amicably chat with adventurers and help them from time to time, nobody has ever seen her near the city of Armoroad, leading some to speculate she camps in the labyrinth all the time. She hides many secrets from others, in particular her place of origin... She is the NPC representative of the Yggdroid class, which she personally awards to the party if the Abyssal Desire path is chosen. Spoiler Warning: Plot details follow. Read at your own risk."@en . . . "Olympia (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30A2, Orinpia) is an s-class hero belonging to the hero association. He is known as the \"biggest man in the world\" due to the profound nature of his supernatural powers, which grant him the ability to enlarge the mass and form of his body without limitation or end, becoming stronger and stronger limitlessly as a result."@en . . . . . . "Mass Enlargement"@en . . "Olympia is the fourth planet of Zeus (\u03B2 Hydri) a G3 V yellow dwarf with spectral characteristics similar to the Sun. Olympia orbits Zeus at a distance of 1.2 AU. A predominately water world where the combined land masses are 38% of its surface area, much of that is covered by subtropical rain forests. The planet was discovered by the NASA Origins II Survey in 2060 CE and was scanned during a fly-by with the Hydri IX probe in 2132 CE. Olympia was an early settlement deeded to Weyerhaeuser-Pacific as a forest products colony."@en . . . . . . "Psychic"@en . . "Id\u014D Shinden Orinpia"@en . "2"^^ . . . "Olympia est une plan\u00E8te de l'univers de Donald Duck."@fr . . . . . "Het Olympiastadion, ook wel gewoon Olympia genoemd, is een sportcomplex in Libertas, gelegen in de Esdoornse provincie Maple Hills. Het hoofdstadion heeft 4.000 zitplaatsen, waarvan 30 businessseats. Tot en met de lente van 2014 was het team van FC Olympia gevestigd in het stadion. Nu spelen zijn in het Q-Stadion, eveneens in Maple Hills gelegen."@en . . "The Olympia is a music hall in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Located at No. 28, Boulevard des Capucines, its closest m\u00E9tro/RER stations are Madeleine, Op\u00E9ra, Havre \u2013 Caumartin and Auber."@en . . . . . . "Die Olympia ist eine doppell\u00E4ufige Schrotflinte aus Call of Duty: Black Ops und Call of Duty: Black Ops II."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "max 212 RPM"@pl . . . . . "The Deep City, King Seyfried"@en . "Race"@en . . . . "27"^^ . . . . "Automaton"@en . "Olympia was a hockey team in Vienna, Austria. The club first operated during the 1901-02 season. They played bandy hockey."@en . . . "240"^^ . "Psychic"@en . . "Olympia was the original homeworld of the Primarch Perturabo and his Iron Warriors Traitor Legion before they turned to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Olympia was an Imperial Civilised World before it was destroyed following the Heresy by the Imperium because of its irrevocable Chaotic taint."@en . "2"^^ . "Sigilyph XY.gif"@en . "Aniquilada"@es . "Olympia (name or codename unknown). 14 years of age in November 2006. Suffers from Diedrick's Syndrome. Bodybuilder physique, including greatly reduced breast size. Paranoid; everyone is out to get her, including her roommate. Megalomania; might makes right. Member of the Brute Squad. Speaks colloquial English with no accent. Olympia tried to force Sam to give her Sam's apartment, and Sam teaches her a lesson. Hive 2"@en . . . "Slowking XY.gif"@en . . . . "Wysoki"@pl . . . . "Olympia is a city of about 42,500 people in Washington. It is the capital of the state."@en . . "L\u2019Olympia est un temple sous-marin mobile, servant de base et dirig\u00E9 par Sorano Agria."@fr . . . "N/A"@fr . "L'Olympia est un fusil de chasse \u00E0 double canon apparaissant dans Call of Duty: Black Ops et Call of Duty: Black Ops II, il n'appara\u00EEt que dans le mode Zombies et le mode campagne pour ce dernier."@fr . . . . . . . . . "thumb|left Olympia ist das Schwert von Minervamon. Es ist fast so gro\u00DF, wie die Digimon selbst, ziemlich breit und dadurch recht massig. Dennoch k\u00F6nnen sie es gewandt schwingen, was ihre St\u00E4rke beweist. Die Klinge von Olympia ist rasiermesserscharf geschliffen und besitzt eine Art Emblem, auf dem zwei ineinander verschlungene Schlangen zu sehen sind. Der Griff ist zudem mit Gold verziert."@de . "Division Delta Codenamed:Anti-Virus is known to possess many of these shotguns and they use them whenever they need to use them."@en . "2"^^ . "240"^^ . "200"^^ . "Het Olympiastadion, ook wel gewoon Olympia genoemd, is een sportcomplex in Libertas, gelegen in de Esdoornse provincie Maple Hills. Het hoofdstadion heeft 4.000 zitplaatsen, waarvan 30 businessseats. Tot en met de lente van 2014 was het team van FC Olympia gevestigd in het stadion. Nu spelen zijn in het Q-Stadion, eveneens in Maple Hills gelegen. De Velodrome en de TennisCourt maken al lang deel uit van Maple Hills en behoren sinds hun toetreding tot het Olympia-complex tot de offici\u00EBle gebruikers ervan. Op de tennisvelden wordt het tennistoernooi van Maple Hills georganiseerd. Die staat ook bekend onder de naam Contra Trophy en lokte bij zijn eerste editie in 2011 al bekende namen uit de tenniswereld. Ook basketbalclub BBC Maple is in het complex gevestigd."@nl . . . "Olympia"@en . "3"^^ . . . . "If upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, the Olympia becomes \"Hades\", with an increase in power and range, as well as gaining incendiary rounds. Most people underestimate the power of the Olympia and take the M14 instead for more points but the M14 is not going to last you long enough. The M14 just falls off in effectiveness very fast, at round 5 or 6 it kills zombies fine but as soon as it turns round 8 you are just unloading entire mags into them and they are not dying, the Olympia on the other hand is a two shot kill to over round 10. The Olympia can carry you far beyond the M14s limits especially on a map like Moon, where the first nice automatic weapon is 6000 points worth of doors away, the M14 will get you there faster because you can afford it faster but it is way harder to stay a"@en . . . . . . "Olympia est une plan\u00E8te de l'univers de Donald Duck."@fr . . . . . . "Class"@en . .