"82"^^ . . "Maha Magnus\nMarin Karin\nDiarama\nUltra Freila\\r"@en . . . . "94"^^ . . . . . "Demeter"@en . "Demeter, diosa de la Agricultura. Hija de Crono y Rea y Hermana de Zeus, Hera, Hades, Poseidon y Hestia. Es madre de Persefone. Es Ceres en Roma."@es . . "2152 gr\u00FCndete die Allianz auf Demeter die erste menschliche Kolonie au\u00DFerhalb des Erd-Sonnensystems. Die Position ist unbekannt, liegt vermutlich aber nahe der Erde. Ein benachbartes Sonnensystem innerhalb vom Lokalem Cluster oder wenige Portal-Spr\u00FCnge w\u00E4ren m\u00F6glich."@de . . . "Fruits and vegetables"@en . . "Diarama\nPatra Mental\nMediarama\nPatra Body\nDiarahan"@en . . . "Zeus,Hades,and Poseidon"@en . . "Ceres, Mother Nature"@en . "Mistress of the seasons, Goddess of flora, Goddess of the harvest"@en . "Demeter mutates into Yebisu."@en . . . "Goddess of Harvest"@en . "Demeter Statue.png"@en . . "Demeter had a distinctive earthy sense of fun. This Olympian goddess was in charge of all things agricultural, she was the deity who gave the world suggestive carrots and pornographic turnips. She was the one you asked for blessings on a bumper harvest and orchards groaning under the weight of ripe pears."@en . . . . . "3050"^^ . "God"@en . "The Hidden Oracle"@en . . "Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility"@en . . . . "Her Roman cognate is Ceres. Demeter's name is probably derived from da the Doric form of Greek or pre-Greek ge (\u03B3\u03B1\u03AF\u03B1:earth) and meter (mother), but this is not generally accepted.Another possible etymology is that Deo which is synonymous with Demeter is derived from the Cretan word deai (barley),therefore she is the mother or giver of barley and food generally (Homer Iliad v 500). In the Linear B tablets her Mycenaean Greek name is Da-ma-te and the da element is propably connected to a Proto Indo-European root relating to distribution of lands and honours."@en . "Kronos and Rhea"@en . . . "The Olympian Gods"@en . "Look, the farmland is waiting to be harvested. Bless your land."@en . . . . . "The Day Nature Turns Bad, Farming Going Bad"@en . . . . . "Demeter is the goddess of the harvest in Greek mythology. This position on Olympus has lead her to interact with the hero Wonder Woman; she granted the champion her super-strength, durability and healing factor. Her parents were Cronus and Rhea. Her siblings are Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus. Her daughter is Persephone. She is also known as the goddess of the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. Her equivalent in Roman mythology is Ceres. \n\nDemeter was first adapted by DC Comics by Ralph Mayo in . As a character adapted from traditional sources, her appearances since have been inconsistent."@en . . "Occupation:"@en . . "Roman Name:"@en . . . . . "Goddess of"@en . . . "Let me plant the seed of love in you."@en . "Demeter; Demeter_marvel.jpg"@en . . "Demeter is a garden world colonized by humans in 2152, and their first extrasolar colony. This planet is in a system within reach of conventional FTL drives from the Sol system and was colonized before any system beyond the Charon Relay. The investment money for this colony is raised by the Delta Pavonis Foundation. By 2185, Demeter is home to the Ross School of Art."@en . . "TBA"@en . "Children"@en . . . . . . "Rivals"@en . . . "Consorts:"@en . . "The Last Olympian"@en . . "kr\u00F3tka w\u0142\u00F3cznia lub p\u00F3\u0142w\u0142\u00F3cznia"@pl . . "Demeter is the Greek goddess of birth and agriculture. She's the mother of Persephone. Her siblings are Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Hades. Her statue appears in Mythology Island at the museum on Main Street."@en . . "26"^^ . . . "Dx +1"@en . . . . . "Recovery"@en . "Hestia and Hera"@en . . . . . "TBA"@en . . . . "37"^^ . "Demeter"@en . "34"^^ . "The Mark of Athena"@en . "thumb|Demeter (z malowid\u0142a \u015Bciennego w Pompejach) Demeter (matka zb\u00F3\u017C) - archaiczne b\u00F3stwo greckie, czczone przede wszystkim w Tessalii, potem w Arkadii, w Eleusis i na Krecie. By\u0142a bogini\u0105 ziemi i monogamicznego ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa. Kult Demetry mia\u0142 styczno\u015B\u0107 z kultem Hadesa. Z drugiej strony \u0142\u0105czono Hadesa z Persefon\u0105, bogini\u0105, po chodz\u0105c\u0105 prawdopodobnie z Peloponezu. Bardzo wcze\u015Bnie po\u0142\u0105czono obie boginie jednym mitem, czyni\u0105c z Persefony c\u00F3rk\u0119 Demetry."@pl . . "2860"^^ . . . . "Star Search"@en . . . . . "Demeter was also the sister of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld. Hades fell in love with her daughter Persephone, even though she was in fact his niece it was not uncommon for family and relatives to mate (like Zeus and Hera for ex.). Having been denied her hand in marriage by her mother, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and lived with him in the underworld as his queen. However during the time Persephone spent in the underworld, Demeter, as the goddess of the harvest, turned her back on the harvest due to her depression of her missing daughter. Zeus, the king of the gods, saw that the earth was falling into chaos due to the mortals having no food, he sent Hermes, the messenger of the gods to the underworld ordering Hades to release Persephone so that Demeter could harvest the earth. Having no authority over his brother Zeus, he decided to let Persephone go. However Hades was clever; before she left Hades asked Persephone to eat 12 seeds from a fruit that way she wouldn't be hungry during her travel back to her mother. Persephone ate 6 seeds and left for her mother. When she arrived her mother was thrilled to see her. Persephone told her mother of her time spent with Hades including the seeds. Her mother realized what Hades had done. The seeds represented the 12 months of a year. Since Persephone had only eaten 6 she would have to spend 6 months with her mother but also 6 months with Hades. During the 6 months with Hades, Demeter would not harvest the earth. But during the times she spent with her mother, the earth would harvest again. This is where we get the four seasons. Therefore Persephone is known as the goddess of springtime."@en . . . . . . "28"^^ . . . . . . "2152 gr\u00FCndete die Allianz auf Demeter die erste menschliche Kolonie au\u00DFerhalb des Erd-Sonnensystems. Die Position ist unbekannt, liegt vermutlich aber nahe der Erde. Ein benachbartes Sonnensystem innerhalb vom Lokalem Cluster oder wenige Portal-Spr\u00FCnge w\u00E4ren m\u00F6glich."@de . "Nicknames:"@en . . "Demeter (full name: Demeter Monsanto Ceres Tyson Del Monte) is the greek-mexican goddess of Agricultural Industry, Corporate Farming, Frankenfood, Farm Subsidies, Soda and Fast Food. Her husband is Ronald McDonald (RIP) Jack in The Box (RIP) The Burger King (Still Alive for now). Besides being a foreigner and an illegal alien, she is the CEO of major food productions and industries, as well as agricultural corporations... so she is stealing the job that an American CEO could do! Contrary to popular belief she is not a Feminazi... worst, she is a man eater!"@en . . . "Chiron"@en . . . . "Okra, Hubris"@en . "ochrona, ro\u015Blina, ziemia"@pl . . "Demeter is the Olympian Goddess of nature. She is very forgiving compared to the other Gods, even if someone hasn't made an offering to her all year she is still willing to forgive them, however she detest those who pose as Gods and take credit for her fruitful bounties."@en . "Daj\u0105ca Prezenty, Pi\u0119know\u0142osa Demeter, Demeter od Wspania\u0142ego Owocu"@pl . "Demeter"@de . "thumb|right|Portret Demeter. Demeter \u2013 druidka, bohaterka z pojedynczego scenariusza \"Puszka Pandory\" w Heroes of Might and Magic III: Ostrze Armagedonu. Znajduje si\u0119 w wi\u0119zieniu na po\u0142udniowym kra\u0144cu podziemi. Posiada 5 000 000 punkt\u00F3w do\u015Bwiadczenia, drugorz\u0119dne umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci M\u0105dro\u015B\u0107, Magia Powietrza, Magia Wody (poziomy zaawansowane) i Magia Ziemi (poziom ekspercki), armi\u0119 sk\u0142adaj\u0105c\u0105 si\u0119 z 500 kapitan\u00F3w centaur\u00F3w, 250 wi\u0119kszych krasnolud\u00F3w, 150 srebrnych elf\u00F3w, 125 srebrnych pegaz\u00F3w, 100 ent\u00F3w, 75 jednoro\u017Cc\u00F3w bojowych i 50 z\u0142otych smok\u00F3w. Portretu i specjalizacji w zwi\u0119kszaniu si\u0142y zakl\u0119cia Fortuna u\u017Cyczy\u0142a jej bohaterka Melodia."@pl . "Demeter's Cabin members"@en . . . . . "14"^^ . "Anti-Force Card"@en . . "Demeter ist der Name einer Subroutine des Gaia-Terraformingsystems. Diese Subroutine ist f\u00FCr die Rekonstruktion der irdischen Flora zust\u00E4ndig, also der Wiederbelebung und dem Erhalt der Pflanzenwelt. 20 Jahre vor den Ereignissen in Horizon Zero Dawn sorgte eine Daten\u00FCbertragung unbekannten Ursprungs dazu, dass die Gaia-Subroutinen sich ihrer selbst bewusst und zu eigenst\u00E4ndigen Entit\u00E4ten wurden. Als Hades sich seinem Daseinszweck gem\u00E4\u00DF anschickte, das System zu \u00FCbernehmen und die erfolgreich rekonstruierte Biosph\u00E4re zu zerst\u00F6ren, \u00FCberlud die Gaia-KI den prim\u00E4ren Reaktor der Anlage. Demeter gelang wie den anderen Subroutinen die Flucht, weil Hades einen Virus freisetzte, der die Verbindung zwischen Gaia und den Subroutinen trennte. Was aus Demeter wurde, ist unbekannt. Kategorie:K\u00FCnstliche Intelligenzen"@de . . . "Demeter"@pt . . . . . "Rhea"@en . "Brown"@en . "248"^^ . . . "Deusa da terra e da agricultura,filha de Cronos e Reia,irm\u00E3 de Zeus,com quem teve uma filha chamada Persefone que foi esposa de seu irm\u00E3o Hades,Poseidon,Hera e Hestia."@pt . . . . "Any height"@en . . . . "unknown"@en . . "Lady of the Golden Sword"@en . . "Name"@en . "Friendly, calm, patient, forgiving, amiable"@en . . . . "222"^^ . . . . . . "Demeter jako kobieta ubrana w szaty koloru przyrody"@pl . "2730"^^ . . . . "Bringer of Seasons"@en . "Demeter"@pl . . . "Harvest"@en . . . "Greek"@en . "Ceres"@en . "g\u0142owa klaczy"@pl . . . "Goddess of the Seasons"@en . "Sickle"@en . "thumb|218px|Demeter (Linda Mae-Brewer) Demeter ist eine schwarz-goldene Katze aus dem Musical 'Cats'. Ihr Name wird in 'Das Benennen von Katzen' erw\u00E4hnt"@de . "Demeter"@en . "1"^^ . . "170"^^ . . . "Episode 1"@en . . . "Cool"@en . . "Her Roman cognate is Ceres. Demeter's name is probably derived from da the Doric form of Greek or pre-Greek ge (\u03B3\u03B1\u03AF\u03B1:earth) and meter (mother), but this is not generally accepted.Another possible etymology is that Deo which is synonymous with Demeter is derived from the Cretan word deai (barley),therefore she is the mother or giver of barley and food generally (Homer Iliad v 500). In the Linear B tablets her Mycenaean Greek name is Da-ma-te and the da element is propably connected to a Proto Indo-European root relating to distribution of lands and honours."@en . . . . "Arion and Ploutos"@en . . . . "Hellas"@en . . . . . . "Virgin Bread"@en . "Lady"@en . . "The Greek Goddess of Nature"@en . . . "One of the twelve gods of Olympus. Goddess of fertility."@en . . "Goals:"@en . . . "thumb|right|Portret Demeter. Demeter \u2013 druidka, bohaterka z pojedynczego scenariusza \"Puszka Pandory\" w Heroes of Might and Magic III: Ostrze Armagedonu. Znajduje si\u0119 w wi\u0119zieniu na po\u0142udniowym kra\u0144cu podziemi. Posiada 5 000 000 punkt\u00F3w do\u015Bwiadczenia, drugorz\u0119dne umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci M\u0105dro\u015B\u0107, Magia Powietrza, Magia Wody (poziomy zaawansowane) i Magia Ziemi (poziom ekspercki), armi\u0119 sk\u0142adaj\u0105c\u0105 si\u0119 z 500 kapitan\u00F3w centaur\u00F3w, 250 wi\u0119kszych krasnolud\u00F3w, 150 srebrnych elf\u00F3w, 125 srebrnych pegaz\u00F3w, 100 ent\u00F3w, 75 jednoro\u017Cc\u00F3w bojowych i 50 z\u0142otych smok\u00F3w. Portretu i specjalizacji w zwi\u0119kszaniu si\u0142y zakl\u0119cia Fortuna u\u017Cyczy\u0142a jej bohaterka Melodia."@pl . . "Female"@en . "Archwitch 2x dmg"@en . "Song of Blessings"@en . "no"@en . . . . "56"^^ . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of the harvest and of nature, and is often considered an Olympian. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it]."@en . . "2600"^^ . "Demeter, labeled The Kind Farmer, is a contestant on Total Drama Olympus."@en . "Demeter was a famous Norman Chef who worked in a palace. She was killed during the Day of Despair and revived as a Guardian in the Neu Age."@en . "unknown"@en . . . "2013-09-13"^^ . . "Image:Five goddesses DCAU 001.png"@en . . . "80"^^ . . "Demeter is a garden world colonized by humans in 2152, and their first extrasolar colony. This planet is in a system within reach of conventional FTL drives from the Sol system and was colonized before any system beyond the Charon Relay. The investment money for this colony is raised by the Delta Pavonis Foundation. By 2185, Demeter is home to the Ross School of Art."@en . "-"@en . . "Female"@en . . "Demeter was the name of the hearse which Count Dracula and his family used to travel to England. It appears in later episodes whenever the Count arrives at Stokely Grammar School. In \"Kidnipped\" Demeter is involved in a car chase with the slayers. The hearse itself is a 1986 Vauxhall Carlton hearse that was fitted with extensive cosmetic modifications. It was sold after filming, most likely to a collector."@en . . . "thumb|Demeter (z malowid\u0142a \u015Bciennego w Pompejach) Demeter (matka zb\u00F3\u017C) - archaiczne b\u00F3stwo greckie, czczone przede wszystkim w Tessalii, potem w Arkadii, w Eleusis i na Krecie. By\u0142a bogini\u0105 ziemi i monogamicznego ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa. Kult Demetry mia\u0142 styczno\u015B\u0107 z kultem Hadesa. Z drugiej strony \u0142\u0105czono Hadesa z Persefon\u0105, bogini\u0105, po chodz\u0105c\u0105 prawdopodobnie z Peloponezu. Bardzo wcze\u015Bnie po\u0142\u0105czono obie boginie jednym mitem, czyni\u0105c z Persefony c\u00F3rk\u0119 Demetry."@pl . "Demeter was the name of the hearse which Count Dracula and his family used to travel to England. It appears in later episodes whenever the Count arrives at Stokely Grammar School. In \"Kidnipped\" Demeter is involved in a car chase with the slayers. The hearse itself is a 1986 Vauxhall Carlton hearse that was fitted with extensive cosmetic modifications. It was sold after filming, most likely to a collector."@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . "God of War II"@en . . "Demeter was a famous Norman Chef who worked in a palace. She was killed during the Day of Despair and revived as a Guardian in the Neu Age."@en . . . "Cronus and Rhea"@en . "Studying this hero gives a small bonus to Movement. If Demeter is your hero, in addition to the daily studies conducted in the Hall of Heroes, you can gain Hero Points by winning battles against other commanders who study Apollo or Hermes."@en . "Siblings"@en . . "[Autoskill]"@en . . . . "Deusa da terra e da agricultura,filha de Cronos e Reia,irm\u00E3 de Zeus,com quem teve uma filha chamada Persefone que foi esposa de seu irm\u00E3o Hades,Poseidon,Hera e Hestia."@pt . "Demeter"@en . . "Black"@en . . . . "A young girl's dream is of bread and love"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Blonde"@en . "Olympus"@en . . "Studying this hero gives a small bonus to Movement. If Demeter is your hero, in addition to the daily studies conducted in the Hall of Heroes, you can gain Hero Points by winning battles against other commanders who study Apollo or Hermes."@en . "21"^^ . . "Apollo, Hermes"@en . . . "Black, gold and white"@en . . . "6"^^ . "Demeter (Ancient Greek: \u0394\u03B7\u03BC\u03AE\u03C4\u03B7\u03C1) was the Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread, the prime sustenance of mankind. Her cult titles include Sito (\u03C3\u03AF\u03C4\u03BF\u03C2: wheat) as the giver of food or corn/grain and Thesmophoros (\u03B8\u03B5\u03C3\u03BC\u03CC\u03C2, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law) as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society."@en . . "300"^^ . . "Gala Gala Drink"@en . . "Guardian"@en . . "Hobbies:"@en . "Good"@en . "Zeus, Poseidon, Carmanor, Lasion"@en . . "rolnictwo"@pl . . "28"^^ . . . "102"^^ . "Farming"@en . "Demeter was also the sister of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld. Hades fell in love with her daughter Persephone, even though she was in fact his niece it was not uncommon for family and relatives to mate (like Zeus and Hera for ex.). Having been denied her hand in marriage by her mother, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and lived with him in the underworld as his queen. However during the time Persephone spent in the underworld, Demeter, as the goddess of the harvest, turned her back on the harvest due to her depression of her missing daughter. Zeus, the king of the gods, saw that the earth was falling into chaos due to the mortals having no food, he sent Hermes, the messenger of the gods to the underworld ordering Hades to release Persephone so that Demeter could harvest the earth"@en . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of harvest and plants and the mother of Persephone."@en . "Unit ATK +18%"@en . "Bonus"@en . . . . "Real Name:"@en . . . "Demeter is the goddess of flora and overseer of the seasons in Greek mythology. Demeter helped her siblings in the Titanomachy, the war between the gods and Titans for control of the world. Once the gods defeated their Titan forebears Demeter was established as the new earth mother and maintained temperate climates for plant life and by extension farming."@en . "3025"^^ . . . . . . "Demeter had a distinctive earthy sense of fun. This Olympian goddess was in charge of all things agricultural, she was the deity who gave the world suggestive carrots and pornographic turnips. She was the one you asked for blessings on a bumper harvest and orchards groaning under the weight of ripe pears. What she wasn't was an intellectual or bothered about propriety. Demeter wandered the Earth, dispensing agricultural advice and showing the best way to grow runner beans. She generally neglected her appearance and preferred to wear wellington boots than Grecian sandals. She was a complete contrast to her younger sisters the virgin-arsonist Hestia and haughty Hera. Demeter preferred to go out alone in the guise of a bag lady. Treat her well and you will making fresh bread. Treat her badly and you'll be living on weeds."@en . "Zaptastic Bolts"@en . . . "Demeter is a principal character in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats. Her name is given in \"The Naming of Cats\"."@en . "Immortality, Agricultural control"@en . . "3355"^^ . "-"@en . "71"^^ . . . . . . . . "thumb|218px|Demeter (Linda Mae-Brewer) Demeter ist eine schwarz-goldene Katze aus dem Musical 'Cats'. Ihr Name wird in 'Das Benennen von Katzen' erw\u00E4hnt"@de . "Hero Type:"@en . "Demeter"@en . . "Demeter"@en . "Do-gooder"@en . . "91"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . . . "The House of Hades"@en . "Rattle Drink"@en . . "31"^^ . "Greek goddess of fertility. Mother of Persephone, wife of Hades."@en . "Kimberley Swiftly"@en . . "I shall sow seeds of love in the paradise within thee."@en . "Demeter is portrayed by Aeva May in the 1998 film."@en . "\u0394\u03B7\u03BC\u03AE\u03C4\u03B7\u03C1"@en . . "Demeter is a principal character in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats. Her name is given in \"The Naming of Cats\"."@en . . "Hercules"@en . "Star spirit of Virgo. Brings blessings of grain to the people. Loves both rice and bread very much."@en . . "Hera and Hestia"@en . . . "Demeter can mutate into Cu Chulainn or Njord"@en . . . "-"@en . "Hades"@en . . . "Modern"@en . . "32"^^ . . "Attack Mirror Card"@en . "Cronus and Rhea"@en . . "Timid, Joyful, Wise"@en . "She has one child, Persephone, with Zeus."@en . . . . "Demeter"@en . . "Demeter is the Olympian goddess of earth fertility, agriculture, harvest. She is the mother of Persephone. Demeter did not approve of Persephone's relationship with Hades. When Hades kidnapped and took Persephone into the Underworld Demeter went somewhat mad. The seasons on Earth were thrown into chaos and an ill-timed winter killed many crops and caused starvation and hardship for many mortals. To stop this, Hercules agreed to travel to the Underworld and bring her back. The hero was able to negotiate a deal wherein Persephone would spend half the year in the Underworld with Hades and half with Demeter. Demeter then agreed to restore the seasons to their normal cycle. Demeter's ultimate fate is not known, as she was not seen among the Olympians confronting Xena during the Twilight of the Gods. (Xena: Warrior Princess: \"Motherhood\")"@en . "Demeter (\u30C7\u30E1\u30FC\u30C6\u30EB, Dem\u0113teru)? is a demon in the series."@en . "36"^^ . "Chlorokinesis"@en . "Demeter"@pl . "TBA"@en . . "80"^^ . . . "22"^^ . . . "2887"^^ . "Demeter"@en . "Demeter9734.jpg"@en . "I am the earth goddess Demeter. Thy soul is noble, like the fertile lands..."@en . "thumb|250pxDemeter ist ein Label f\u00FCr Produkte aus biologisch-dynamischer Landwirtschaft. Im Anbau stehen der Humusbau und die Gesundheit der Pflanzen im Mittelpunkt. Dies wird erreicht durch die speziellen biologisch-dynamischen Pr\u00E4parate aus Heilkr\u00E4utern, Kuhdung und Quarz."@de . . "Agriculture, Fertility, the Seasons, Nature, the Harvest, Nourishment, Grain"@en . "64"^^ . "27"^^ . "Demeter ist der Name einer Subroutine des Gaia-Terraformingsystems. Diese Subroutine ist f\u00FCr die Rekonstruktion der irdischen Flora zust\u00E4ndig, also der Wiederbelebung und dem Erhalt der Pflanzenwelt. 20 Jahre vor den Ereignissen in Horizon Zero Dawn sorgte eine Daten\u00FCbertragung unbekannten Ursprungs dazu, dass die Gaia-Subroutinen sich ihrer selbst bewusst und zu eigenst\u00E4ndigen Entit\u00E4ten wurden. Als Hades sich seinem Daseinszweck gem\u00E4\u00DF anschickte, das System zu \u00FCbernehmen und die erfolgreich rekonstruierte Biosph\u00E4re zu zerst\u00F6ren, \u00FCberlud die Gaia-KI den prim\u00E4ren Reaktor der Anlage."@de . . . . "Mamagnara\nMirage\nDiarama\nMarin Karin\nUltra Freila\\r"@en . . . "Will you make it come true?"@en . "Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes"@en . "Skills and Abilities:"@en . . "The Blood of Olympus"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Goddess of Nature, the Season and the Harvest"@en . . . "-"@en . . "11"^^ . . "240"^^ . "Demeter is the Greek goddess of birth and agriculture. She's the mother of Persephone. Her siblings are Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Hades. Her statue appears in Mythology Island at the museum on Main Street."@en . "10"^^ . . . . . "R"@en . . "I'm DEMETER. Let's pray for the staple crops"@en . . "Head, Neck"@en . . . "Demeter is the Olympian Goddess of nature. She is very forgiving compared to the other Gods, even if someone hasn't made an offering to her all year she is still willing to forgive them, however she detest those who pose as Gods and take credit for her fruitful bounties."@en . "Weapons:"@en . . . "Demeter as a guardian in RO2."@en . . . "Brown"@en . . . . "20"^^ . "Persephone and Despoina"@en . . "-"@en . "-"@en . . . "Goddess/Eco-Warrior"@en . . . "7"^^ . "Defeat the Titans, Have Persephone by her side, Protect/Avenge nature"@en . "Hercules: The Animated Series"@en . "Indifferent"@en . "I am the great mother goddess of the earth. Good souls are like rich soil."@en . . . . . . "She has one child, Persephone, with Zeus."@en . . "Omnipotent plant control, Regional weather manipulation, Animal empathy, Miraculous farming, Shape shifting, Immortality"@en . "Demeter (full name: Demeter Monsanto Ceres Tyson Del Monte) is the greek-mexican goddess of Agricultural Industry, Corporate Farming, Frankenfood, Farm Subsidies, Soda and Fast Food. Her husband is Ronald McDonald (RIP) Jack in The Box (RIP) The Burger King (Still Alive for now). Besides being a foreigner and an illegal alien, she is the CEO of major food productions and industries, as well as agricultural corporations... so she is stealing the job that an American CEO could do! Contrary to popular belief she is not a Feminazi... worst, she is a man eater!"@en . "To oversee Nature"@en . . . "World"@en . . . "Friendly, galm, patient, forgiving"@en . "Walking together in golden wheat fields..."@en . . . . "normal1"@en . . "Our land will die\u00B7\u00B7\u00B7"@en . . "Demeter (Ancient Greek: \u0394\u03B7\u03BC\u03AE\u03C4\u03B7\u03C1) was the Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread, the prime sustenance of mankind. Her cult titles include Sito (\u03C3\u03AF\u03C4\u03BF\u03C2: wheat) as the giver of food or corn/grain and Thesmophoros (\u03B8\u03B5\u03C3\u03BC\u03CC\u03C2, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law) as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society. In systematized theology, Demeter is a daughter of Kronos and Rhea and sister of Zeus by whom she became the mother of Persephone. She taught mankind the art of sowing and ploughing so they could end their nomadic existence. As such, Demeter was also the goddess of planned society. She was very popular with the rural population. As a fertility goddess she is sometimes identified with Rhea and Gaia. Though Demeter was often described simply as a goddess of harvest, she also presided over the sanctity of marriage, the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. She and her daughter Persephone were the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon. In ancient art, Demeter was often portrayed (sitting) as a solemn woman, often wearing a wreath of braided ears of corn. Well-known is the statue made by Knidos (mid forth century BCE). Her usual symbolic attributes are the fruits of the earth and the torch, the latter presumably referring to her search for Persephone. Her sacred animals were the snake (an earth-creature) and the pig (another symbol of fertility)."@en . "2152"^^ . . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of harvest and plants and the mother of Persephone."@en . . . "Demeter"@es . . . . . . . . . . "In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of grain and agriculture, the pure nourisher of the youth and the green earth, the health-giving cycle of life and death, and preserver of marriage and the sacred law. Her daughters are Persephone, by Zeus and a goddess known only as Despoine (the mistress), who was important in the Arcadian mysteries, and a horse, Arion, by Poseidon. The Roman equivalent is Ceres, from whom the word \"cereal\" is derived."@en . . . . "Poseidon and Zeus"@en . "In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of grain and agriculture, the pure nourisher of the youth and the green earth, the health-giving cycle of life and death, and preserver of marriage and the sacred law. Her daughters are Persephone, by Zeus and a goddess known only as Despoine (the mistress), who was important in the Arcadian mysteries, and a horse, Arion, by Poseidon. The Roman equivalent is Ceres, from whom the word \"cereal\" is derived."@en . "2750"^^ . "That is my dream, too"@en . "Demeter is the Olympian goddess of earth fertility, agriculture, harvest. She is the mother of Persephone. Demeter did not approve of Persephone's relationship with Hades. When Hades kidnapped and took Persephone into the Underworld Demeter went somewhat mad. The seasons on Earth were thrown into chaos and an ill-timed winter killed many crops and caused starvation and hardship for many mortals. To stop this, Hercules agreed to travel to the Underworld and bring her back. The hero was able to negotiate a deal wherein Persephone would spend half the year in the Underworld with Hades and half with Demeter. Demeter then agreed to restore the seasons to their normal cycle."@en . "Demeter is the Olympian Goddess of nature. She is very forgiving compared to the other Gods, even if someone hasn't made an offering to her all year she is still willing to forgive them, however she detest those who pose as Gods and take credit for her fruitful bounties. Demeter is also the older sister of Zeus and Hades. In Greek mythology, Demeter was the goddess of agriculture."@en . . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of Agriculture, and presided over the harvest, the grains, and the fertility of the earth, and the seasons. Demeter's Roman counterpart is Ceres."@en . "Diarama Card"@en . . "Symbols"@en . . . . "Arborea/Olimp"@pl . "Demeter, labeled The Kind Farmer, is a contestant on Total Drama Olympus."@en . . "None"@en . . . . "TBA"@en . . "Origin:"@en . . . "21"^^ . . . . . . "11"^^ . "TEC +1"@en . . . . . "Percy Jackson's Greek Gods"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "3202"^^ . . . . . "Demeter (\u30C7\u30E1\u30FC\u30C6\u30EB, Dem\u0113teru)? is a demon in the series."@en . . "Parents"@en . "TBA"@en . . . "Kategoria:Bogowie thumb|left|200px|Symbol Demeter Demeter to b\u00F3stwo rolnictwa, p\u0142odno\u015Bci oraz ziemi. Jej nastroje odzwierciedla cykl natury i \u017Cyzno\u015B\u0107 matki ziemi. Pojawia si\u0119 w postaci kobiety ubranej w szaty w kolorach przyrody: jasnozielone na wiosn\u0119 i w lecie, z\u0142ote jesieni\u0105 i czarne lub br\u0105zowe na zim\u0119 (kiedy op\u0142akuje c\u00F3rk\u0119, Persefon\u0119). Demeter to jedno z sze\u015Bciorga dzieci Kronosa i Rei."@pl . . . . . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of Agriculture, and presided over the harvest, the grains, and the fertility of the earth, and the seasons. Demeter's Roman counterpart is Ceres."@en . "Brown"@en . . . . . "Earth Mother"@en . "124"^^ . . . . . "Goddess of Sacred Law and the Harvest"@en . . "Kategoria:Bogowie thumb|left|200px|Symbol Demeter Demeter to b\u00F3stwo rolnictwa, p\u0142odno\u015Bci oraz ziemi. Jej nastroje odzwierciedla cykl natury i \u017Cyzno\u015B\u0107 matki ziemi. Pojawia si\u0119 w postaci kobiety ubranej w szaty w kolorach przyrody: jasnozielone na wiosn\u0119 i w lecie, z\u0142ote jesieni\u0105 i czarne lub br\u0105zowe na zim\u0119 (kiedy op\u0142akuje c\u00F3rk\u0119, Persefon\u0119). Demeter to jedno z sze\u015Bciorga dzieci Kronosa i Rei."@pl . "Skittish, Cautious, Paranoid"@en . . "Aliases:"@en . . . . "Ground"@en . "The Titan's Curse"@en . "104"^^ . . . . . . . "The Mistress of Food"@en . . . . "Demeter is the Greek Goddess of the harvest and of nature, and is often considered an Olympian. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it]."@en . . "Sow together and reap together. And hand in hand\u00B7\u00B7\u00B7"@en . "New 52"@en . . . "0"^^ . . "Demeter was a town in Virginia and home to the compound of The Right Hand."@en . "Pomniejsza bogini"@pl . . . "+Movement"@en . "Hinokagutsuchi"@en . . "83"^^ . "94"^^ . . . "-"@en . . . . . . . "120"^^ . . "yes"@en . "8"^^ . . . . . . . "150"^^ . . . . . . "Title:"@en . "If there's no bread, there's rice."@en . . "Let me grant a bountiful crop."@en . . "Sword"@en . "Demeter is portrayed by Aeva May in the 1998 film."@en . . "2"^^ . "Obese, light green skin, green dress, red hair"@en . "3"^^ . . "Demeter is one of the first wave of OceanMasters hired by Three Rings. Image:Stub.pngArr! This article be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . . . "Farming, Sculpting, Singing, Gardening, Bestiality, Casual sex with Poseidon"@en . "Demeter was a town in Virginia and home to the compound of The Right Hand."@en . "Demeter is one of the first wave of OceanMasters hired by Three Rings. Image:Stub.pngArr! This article be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "thumb|250pxDemeter ist ein Label f\u00FCr Produkte aus biologisch-dynamischer Landwirtschaft. Im Anbau stehen der Humusbau und die Gesundheit der Pflanzen im Mittelpunkt. Dies wird erreicht durch die speziellen biologisch-dynamischen Pr\u00E4parate aus Heilkr\u00E4utern, Kuhdung und Quarz."@de . "-"@en . . "-"@en . "Let me show you my passion"@en . . "Demeter is the goddess of flora and overseer of the seasons in Greek mythology. Demeter helped her siblings in the Titanomachy, the war between the gods and Titans for control of the world. Once the gods defeated their Titan forebears Demeter was established as the new earth mother and maintained temperate climates for plant life and by extension farming."@en . . "The standard powers and abilities of an Olympian God"@en . "Demeter is the Olympian Goddess of nature. She is very forgiving compared to the other Gods, even if someone hasn't made an offering to her all year she is still willing to forgive them, however she detest those who pose as Gods and take credit for her fruitful bounties. Demeter is also the older sister of Zeus and Hades. In Greek mythology, Demeter was the goddess of agriculture."@en . . "unknown"@en . "Unit ATK +5%"@en . "Demeter, diosa de la Agricultura. Hija de Crono y Rea y Hermana de Zeus, Hera, Hades, Poseidon y Hestia. Es madre de Persefone. Es Ceres en Roma."@es . "None"@en . "unknown"@en . "*Ouranos \u2020\n*Gaia \u2020\n*Cronos \u2020\n*Rhea \n*Hyperion \u2020\n*Oceanus \u2020\n*Aphrodite\n*Gyges \u2020\n*Aegaeon \u2020\n*Cottus \n*Zeus \u2020\n*Poseidon \u2020\n*Hades \u2020\n*Hera \u2020\n*Hestia \n*Helios \u2020\n*Eos \u2020\n*Persephone \u2020\n*Ares \u2020\n*Athena \u2020\n*Hercules \u2020\n*Hermes \u2020\n*Perseus \u2020\n*Peirithous \u2020\n*Apollo \n*Artemis"@en . . . . . . . "Goddess of Growth and the Harvest"@en .