"85"^^ . . . . "Czarne"@pl . . . . . . . . . "Black"@en . "Outdo and humiliate her brother , make her father proud, help the Fire Nation conquer the rest of the world, kill the Avatar , rule as the new Fire Lord, kill Zuko and Katara. stay being loved by her father Ozai . Kidnap children of Fire Nation, make Zuko becoming like their father and her as a tyrannical Fire Lord or possibly she was secretly using reverse psychology on Zuko so he'll continue to be not like their father and her ."@en . . . . . "Feuer"@de . . . . . . . "makeup, dancing, music"@en . "yes"@en . . . . "14"^^ . . . . "* Equipo \u00C9lite de Azula \n* Dai Li \n* Naci\u00F3n del Fuego\n* Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego\n* Guerreras del Fuego\n* Academia Real del Fuego para Chicas"@es . "Fire, lightning"@en . . . . . "Team Avatar, Zuko, Iroh, Mai, Ty Lee, Kuei, Long Feng , Kyoshi Warriors, more...."@nl . . . . "Prinzessin, Erdk\u00F6nigin"@de . "Prinzessin der Feuernation\n\nFeuerb\u00E4ndigungsmeisterin\n\nErdk\u00F6nigin"@de . . . "fuego"@es . . . . . "Blada"@pl . . "100"^^ . . . "Note to Dai: wait a little for the players themselves to make character pages so doubles don't keep popping up BECAUSE THERE IS NO DELETE BUTTON D: /FAIL Princess Azula is the page you want if you somehow stumbled upon this one"@en . "Una prodigio del Fuego Control, Azula era s\u00E1dica, manipuladora y obsesionada con el poder. Ella era una estratega experta que orquest\u00F3 la victoria de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego sobre la capital del Reino Tierra, Ba Sing Se, y detuvo la invasi\u00F3n en el D\u00EDa del Sol Negro. Azula albergaba profundas inestabilidades mentales, creyendo que su madre amaba a Zuko m\u00E1s que ella. Criada por su padre en un entorno sin una figura materna, Azula tuvo que ser nada menos que perfecta a los ojos de su padre. Despu\u00E9s de la traici\u00F3n de sus dos mejores amigas, Mai y Ty Lee, estas inestabilidades fueron tra\u00EDdas a la superficie. En el momento de la llegada del Cometa de Sozin, Azula estaba a punto de ser coronada como Se\u00F1or del Fuego; sin embargo, su derrota a manos de Zuko y Katara le hicieron sufrir un colapso mental completo. A ra\u00EDz de su crisis emocional, la pusieron en una instituci\u00F3n de salud mental para recuperarse, y despu\u00E9s ayud\u00F3 al Equipo Avatar en la b\u00FAsqueda de su madre, con su plan secreto de traicionarlos despu\u00E9s y tomar el trono de Zuko."@es . "Master Manipulator, Corrupt Official, Psychopath"@en . . "Azula likes to get her groove on."@en . "97"^^ . "* Firebending prodigy\n* Former Crown Princess of the Fire Nation \n* Former Head of the Dai Li\n* Mental health patient\n* Would-be Fire Lord"@nl . . . . . "Azula"@nl . . . . . "schwarz"@de . "Azula"@en . "+"@en . . . . . "Azula"@pl . . . . "52"^^ . "Interregnum until the return of Earth King Kuei in summer 100 AGref|After Azula left Ba Sing Se, the throne of the Earth King became vacant, while Joo Dee was appointed the de-jure ruler of Ba Sing Se as \"Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator\" and Fire Lord Ozai became the de-facto ruler of the Earth Kingdom. However, Earth King Kuei eventually returned to his rightful position in summer 100 AG, ending the interregnum.|group=\"nb\""@en . . . . . . . "Nobody"@en . "* Princesa de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego \n* Maestra del Fuego Control\n* L\u00EDder de los Dai Li \n* Paciente en un Instituto Mental \n* Princesa regente \n* L\u00EDder de las Guerreras del Fuego"@es . . . . "fire"@en . . . "Oliwia Ostrowska"@pl . . . . "Head of the Dai Li"@en . . "ogie\u0144"@pl . "Azula"@pl . "Light"@en . "* Kuei \n* Long Feng \n* Zuko"@en . . . "Feuerb\u00E4ndigen, Blitzb\u00E4ndigen"@de . "Femenino"@es . "Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczk\u0119 Azul\u0119 urodzi\u0142a Ursa, \u017Cona w\u0142adcy ognia . Jest m\u0142odsza o dwa lata od jej brata Zuka. Azula zosta\u0142a nazwana po jej dziadku Azulonie. Dorasta\u0142a w bogatej i zamo\u017Cnej rodzinie, mia\u0142a wszystko co chcia\u0142a. Ju\u017C w dzieci\u0144stwie by\u0142a \u015Bwietnym magiem ognia, dzi\u0119ki tej umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci zyska\u0142a szacunek i wzgl\u0119dy ojca szybko staj\u0105c si\u0119 jego ulubionym dzieckiem. Jej ojciec uwa\u017Ca\u0142, \u017Ce b\u0119dzie \u015Bwietnym W\u0142adc\u0105 Ognia i uzna\u0142 j\u0105 za swoj\u0105 spadkobierczynie. Ufa\u0142 jej i uczy\u0142 polityki w Narodzie Ognia. [[Plik:Young_Azula_and_Zuko.png|thumb|left|200px|Azula cieszy si\u0119 z pora\u017Cki swojego brata]] Azula studiowa\u0142a w akademii magi ognia. By\u0142a tam najlepsz\u0105 uczennic\u0105 w ca\u0142ej szkole. To w\u0142a\u015Bnie tam pozna\u0142a Mai i Ty lee, szybko si\u0119 z nimi zaprzyja\u017Ani\u0142a. Kiedy Azula i Zuko byli mali kochali si\u0119 i cz\u0119sto bawili si\u0119 w smoki z teatru na \u017Barz\u0105cej Wyspie oboje szcz\u0119\u015Bliwie wspominali sobie te czasy. Kiedy Azula dorasta\u0142a cz\u0119sto dokucza\u0142a Zuko i ich mi\u0142o\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a przerwana. Jedn\u0105 z przyczyn tego zjawiska by\u0142a zazdro\u015B\u0107 Azuli, \u017Ce Ursa kocha bardziej jej brata ni\u017C j\u0105, przez to Azula cz\u0119sto chcia\u0142a zwr\u00F3ci\u0107 jej uwag\u0119. Jednak pr\u00F3by te cz\u0119sto wywo\u0142ywa\u0142y k\u0142\u00F3tnie rodzinne. W 94 ASC Ursa Zuko i Azula chodzili razem po ogrodzie kr\u00F3lewskim. Azula czu\u0142a si\u0119 zaniedbana, gdy\u017C Ursa po\u015Bwi\u0119ca\u0142a ca\u0142\u0105 uwag\u0119 Zuko, wtedy podpali\u0142a krzew z r\u00F3\u017Cami by zwr\u00F3ci\u0107 uwag\u0119 matki. Ursa skrzycza\u0142a Azul\u0119 za brak szacunku dla ogrod\u00F3w kr\u00F3lewskich. Azula powiedzia\u0142a wtedy do matki, \u017Ce krzew zas\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 na to. Ursa kaza\u0142a jej i\u015B\u0107 do swojego pokoju. Zuko za\u015Bmia\u0142 si\u0119 z niej wi\u0119c Azula podpali\u0142a mu spodnie. Ursa w\u015Bciek\u0142a si\u0119 z\u0142apa\u0142a Azul\u0119 za r\u0119k\u0119 i zaprowadzi\u0142a j\u0105 do pokoju potem przysz\u0142a do Zuka rozweselaj\u0105c go, Azula wszystko wtedy widzia\u0142a za filarem i rozp\u0142aka\u0142a si\u0119. Wtedy ju\u017C by\u0142o wiadomo, \u017Ce Azula ma uczucia. Kilka dni p\u00F3\u017Aniej Azula, Zuko, Ursa i Ozai jedli obiad Azula chwali\u0142a si\u0119 ojcu o swoich umiej\u0119tno\u015Bciach w magi ognia. [[Plik:Young_Azula.png|thumb|Azula manipuluje Matke]] Kiedy Zuko te\u017C chcia\u0142 powiedzie\u0107 o swojej magi ognia Ozai skrzycza\u0142 go a Ursa stan\u0119\u0142a w obronie Zuka, Azula \u015Bmia\u0142a si\u0119 z\u0142owrogo z tej sytuacji. Po sko\u0144czonej k\u0142\u00F3tni Azula powiedzia\u0142a Zuko, \u017Ce jest \u015Blepot\u0105 i g\u0142upcem, Ozai kaza\u0142 ukara\u0107 Zuka za jego s\u0142abe umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci w magi ognia i kaza\u0142 mu nauczy\u0107 si\u0119 magi ognia tak dobrze jak Azula. Azula u\u015Bmiechn\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 z pochwa\u0142y ojca. Chcia\u0142a pokaza\u0107, \u017Ce Ozai kochaj\u0105, a nie Zuka. Ju\u017C jako dziecko Azula wykazywa\u0142a z\u0142\u0105 i strasz\u0105c\u0105 osobowo\u015B\u0107 kiedy manipulowa\u0142a jej matk\u0105. Przy Zuko by\u0142a wielkim magiem ognia. W 95 ASC Ty Lee uda\u0142o si\u0119 wykona\u0107 \u015Bwietne salto a Azuli nie, wi\u0119c postanowi\u0142a j\u0105 przewr\u00F3ci\u0107 gdy\u017C by\u0142a zazdrosna. Kiedy Ty Lee upadla Azula \u015Bmia\u0142a si\u0119, nie obchodzi\u0142o j\u0105 co Ty Lee czuje. Azula zauwa\u017Cy\u0142a, \u017Ce Mai podoba si\u0119 Zuko wi\u0119c postanowi\u0142a ich o\u015Bmieszy\u0107. Wymy\u015Bli\u0142a zabaw\u0119 w kt\u00F3rej k\u0142adzie na g\u0142ow\u0119 Mai jab\u0142ko podpala je i Zuko ma je ugasi\u0107. Dzieci razem l\u0105duj\u0105 w fontannie a Azula \u015Bmieje si\u0119 z tego. Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczka cz\u0119sto d\u0105\u017Cy\u0142a do w\u0142adzy i mocy, uwa\u017Ca\u0142a swojego dziadka za s\u0142abego W\u0142adc\u0119 Ognia .Kiedy Zuko i Azula dowiaduj\u0105 si\u0119, \u017Ce syn Iroh'a zmar\u0142 na polu bitwy w Ba Sing Se i genera\u0142 wraca do Narodu Ognia wtedy Azula powiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce prawdziwy genera\u0142 zosta\u0142 by na polu walki a nie ucieka\u0142. Azula za wszelk\u0105 cen\u0119 chcia\u0142a by Ozai sta\u0142 si\u0119 W\u0142adca Ognia. Kilka dni po ca\u0142ej sytuacji Azula przysz\u0142a do Zuka m\u00F3wi\u0105c mu, \u017Ce ojciec go zabije. Wtedy wesz\u0142a Ursa i zabra\u0142a j\u0105 z pokoju, pytaj\u0105c si\u0119 jej sk\u0105d to wie. Azula odpowiada, \u017Ce pods\u0142ucha\u0142a ca\u0142\u0105 rozmow\u0119 Azulona i jej ojca. Kilka lat po tym jak Ursa zosta\u0142a wygnana z pa\u0142acu, Zuko wchodzi na narad\u0119 wojenn\u0105 odzywa si\u0119 tam nie pytany i za to ma walczy\u0107 z Ozai'em kt\u00F3ry wypali\u0142 mu blizn\u0119 na p\u00F3\u0142 twarzy, gdy to si\u0119 dzieje Azula patrzy sadystycznie i z u\u015Bmiechem na twarzy na ca\u0142\u0105 sytuacje ciesz\u0105c si\u0119 z pora\u017Cki Zuka."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "2.0"^^ . "* Dai Li representative \n* Ozai \n* Izumi"@en . . "Dorados"@es . . . . . . "Pretty"@en . . . "thumb|230px Azula was de prinses van de Vuurnatie en dochter van Vuurheer Ozai en prinses Ursa, en jongere zuster van de toen nog Prins Zuko. Ze was \u00E9\u00E9n van de belangrijkste vijanden van Team Avatar, die het team achterna zat en haar verbannen broer en oom Iroh. Ze deed dit samen met haar \"vrienden\" Mai en Ty Lee. Azula is krachtige vuurstuurder en een sadist en geobsedeerd door macht. Ze is erg ervaren en tactisch om een overwinning te boeken op het Aarderijk en haar hoofdstad Ba Sing Se en wist de invasie te stoppen op de Dag van de Zwarte Zon."@nl . "Kroon prinses"@nl . "Azula ist die Prinzessin der Feuernation, Tochter von Feuerlord Ozai und Prinzessin Ursa, j\u00FCngere Schwester von Zuko, und \u00E4ltere Halbschwester von Kiyi. Sie war eine der wichtigen Gegnerinnen des Team Avatar, indem sie Avatar Aang und ihren verbannten Bruder, Zuko, lange Zeit \u00FCber das ganze Erdk\u00F6nigreich jagte begleitet von ihren zwei besten Freundinnen Mai und Ty Lee. Azula war ein Feuerb\u00E4ndiger-Wunderkind, aber dar\u00FCber hinaus war sie auch sadistisch, manipulativ, und besessen von Macht. Sie war eine sehr geschickte Strategin, die es schaffte, die Hauptstadt des Erdk\u00F6nigreichs, Ba Sing Se, einzunehmen und die Invasion am Tag der schwarzen Sonne zu stoppen."@de . . "Note to Dai: wait a little for the players themselves to make character pages so doubles don't keep popping up BECAUSE THERE IS NO DELETE BUTTON D: /FAIL Princess Azula is the page you want if you somehow stumbled upon this one"@en . . . . "14"^^ . "* 14 in Avatar: The Last Airbender\n* 15-16 in The Promise trilogy\n* 16-17 in The Search trilogy"@en . . . . "None."@en . "Putting on extra mascara"@en . . . . . . . "EYELINER!"@en . . . "Hauttyp II"@de . . . . . . . . . "Azula.png"@pl . . "Iroh, Zuko, Kuei, Long Feng, Mai, Ty Lee, Ursa , Earth Kingdom, Kyoshi Warriors, Team Avatar, Water Tribe, more ..."@en . . . . . . "Azula"@de . . "Azulu\u015B,kr\u00F3lowa ognia Azula"@pl . . . . . . . "Princess of the Fire Nation"@en . . "* Latinoamericana: Yaninna Quiroz\n* Espa\u00F1ola: In\u00E9s Bl\u00E1zquez"@es . . . . "* Representante de los Dai Li \n* Ozai \n* Izumi"@es . "Vuur"@nl . . . . . . . . "Feuerb\u00E4ndigen, Blitzeb\u00E4ndigen"@de . "de: Yvonne Greitzke"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chan"@en . . . . "Fire"@nl . "* 14 en Avatar: La Leyenda de Aang\n* 15-16 en la trilog\u00EDa La Promesa\n* 16-17 En la trilog\u00EDa La B\u00FAsqueda"@es . "*Marieke de Kruijf \n*Grey DeLisle"@nl . . . "Una prodigio del Fuego Control, Azula era s\u00E1dica, manipuladora y obsesionada con el poder. Ella era una estratega experta que orquest\u00F3 la victoria de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego sobre la capital del Reino Tierra, Ba Sing Se, y detuvo la invasi\u00F3n en el D\u00EDa del Sol Negro. A ra\u00EDz de su crisis emocional, la pusieron en una instituci\u00F3n de salud mental para recuperarse, y despu\u00E9s ayud\u00F3 al Equipo Avatar en la b\u00FAsqueda de su madre, con su plan secreto de traicionarlos despu\u00E9s y tomar el trono de Zuko."@es . "Longest eyelashes for a puffle"@en . . . "Azula"@nl . . "Azula was the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, younger sister of Zuko, the older half-sister of Kiyi, the aunt of Izumi, and the grand aunt of Iroh. She was a key adversary of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied by her two best friends Mai and Ty Lee. A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun."@en . . "Vrouwelijk"@nl . . . . . "Black"@nl . "en: Grey DeLisle"@de . . . "Azula is a major antagonist of the series Avatar: The Last Airbender, appearing as the main antagonist in season 2 and one of the two main antagonists in season 3. She also features in the following comic books Avatar: The Search and the Smoke and Shadow trilogy as the main antagonist/anti-heroine. She is the princess of the Fire Nation, and daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and his wife, Princess Ursa. She replaces Zhao as the main enemy for \"Team Avatar\" and for her banished brother, Prince Zuko. Later in the series, she begins to lose her calm and cool nature and slips into insanity. In the series finale, her brother and Katara of the Water Tribe team up and defeat her in one of the last battles in the series. After her defeat, she became mentally ill and had a nervous breakdown and went crazy, as she was not only defeated in battle, but also failed to defeat her brother. According to Nickelodeon, Zuko took pity on his sister and sent her to a mental facility. It is unknown if she is still alive during the events of The Legend of Korra, which takes place 70 years later. She appears as the main antagonist in Book 2, and became the main, later secondary antagonist in Book 3. Though her father is the main antagonist of the series as a whole, Azula is the archenemy of Team Avatar, particularly to Zuko."@en . . . "Female"@en . . . . . "* \"La Tormenta\" \n* \"El Asedio del Norte, Segunda Parte\""@es . "Aang, Sokka, Toph Beifong, Zuko, Suki, Haru, Hakoda, Kya, Bumi, Huu, Yue, wojwoniczki Kyoshi, kr\u00F3l Ziemi. Kr\u00F3lestwo Ziemi, Plemi\u0119 Wody, Mai, Ty Lee, Katara, Bia\u0142y Lotos, Ursa, Long Feng."@pl . . . . . . "thumb|230px Azula was de prinses van de Vuurnatie en dochter van Vuurheer Ozai en prinses Ursa, en jongere zuster van de toen nog Prins Zuko. Ze was \u00E9\u00E9n van de belangrijkste vijanden van Team Avatar, die het team achterna zat en haar verbannen broer en oom Iroh. Ze deed dit samen met haar \"vrienden\" Mai en Ty Lee. Azula is krachtige vuurstuurder en een sadist en geobsedeerd door macht. Ze is erg ervaren en tactisch om een overwinning te boeken op het Aarderijk en haar hoofdstad Ba Sing Se en wist de invasie te stoppen op de Dag van de Zwarte Zon. Azula beschikt over diepe mentale gevoelens, aangezien ze ervan overtuigd was dat haar moeder Zuko voor trok. Ze werd echter opgevoed door haar vader, en wilde daarom niet falen en perfect zijn in de ogen van haar vader. Nadat haar twee beste vrienden, Mai en Tay Lee, haar verraden had dit grote invloed op haar waardoor ze bijna iedereen in het koninklijk paleis ontsloeg omdat ze dacht dat ze niemand kon vertrouwen. Met de komst van Sozins Komeet werd Azula gekroond tot Vuurheer, hoewel haar broer Zuko met de hulp van Katara dit wisten te voorkomen waardoor ze mentaal instortte. Categorie:Avatar Categorie:Avatarpersonages"@nl . . . . . "300"^^ . "Team Avatar,\n\nUrsa , \n\nZuko ,\n\nIroh , \n\nKiyi ,\n\nTy Lee und Mai"@de . . . . "\u015Bmier\u0107"@pl . "* Azula's team \n* Dai Li \n* Fire Nation\n* Fire Nation Royal Family\n* Fire Warriors\n* Royal Fire Academy for Girls"@en . . . "her house"@en . . . . "Azula ist die Prinzessin der Feuernation, Tochter von Feuerlord Ozai und Prinzessin Ursa, j\u00FCngere Schwester von Zuko, und \u00E4ltere Halbschwester von Kiyi. Sie war eine der wichtigen Gegnerinnen des Team Avatar, indem sie Avatar Aang und ihren verbannten Bruder, Zuko, lange Zeit \u00FCber das ganze Erdk\u00F6nigreich jagte begleitet von ihren zwei besten Freundinnen Mai und Ty Lee."@de . . . . . . . "__TOC__"@en . "Clara"@es . . "Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczk\u0119 Azul\u0119 urodzi\u0142a Ursa, \u017Cona w\u0142adcy ognia . Jest m\u0142odsza o dwa lata od jej brata Zuka. Azula zosta\u0142a nazwana po jej dziadku Azulonie. Dorasta\u0142a w bogatej i zamo\u017Cnej rodzinie, mia\u0142a wszystko co chcia\u0142a. Ju\u017C w dzieci\u0144stwie by\u0142a \u015Bwietnym magiem ognia, dzi\u0119ki tej umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci zyska\u0142a szacunek i wzgl\u0119dy ojca szybko staj\u0105c si\u0119 jego ulubionym dzieckiem. Jej ojciec uwa\u017Ca\u0142, \u017Ce b\u0119dzie \u015Bwietnym W\u0142adc\u0105 Ognia i uzna\u0142 j\u0105 za swoj\u0105 spadkobierczynie. Ufa\u0142 jej i uczy\u0142 polityki w Narodzie Ognia. [[Plik:Young_Azula_and_Zuko.png|thumb|left|200px|Azula cieszy si\u0119 z pora\u017Cki swojego brata]]"@pl . . "None."@en . . . . . . . . "Lo i Li, Ozai, Dai Li, Mai , Ty Lee , Cz\u0142owiek Spalina, Nar\u00F3d Ognia, Wojsko Narodu Ognia."@pl . "Azula"@es . . . . . . . . "\u015Bciganie brata zuko"@pl . . . . "*\"De Storm\" \n*\"De Slag om het Noorden Deel 2\""@nl . "lider"@pl . . "Earth Queenref|Avatar Extras for \"The Crossroads of Destiny\" on Nicktoons Network refers to Azula as \"Earth Queen Azula\", indicating that despite her foreign ancestry, Azula was recognized as the successor to the Earth Kingdom throne during an indeterminate period of time between her coup and the eventual restoration of Kuei, following the end of the war.|group=\"nb\""@en . "\"Maybe you should worry less about the tides, who've already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over.\" -Azula talking to her Ship Captain in The Avatar State. Princess Azula is fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The character, created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, is voiced by Grey DeLisle."@en . . . . "* Kuei \n* Long Feng )\n* Zuko"@es . . . . "A Firebending prodigy, Azula is sadistic, manipulative and obsessed with power. She is a skilled tactician who orchestrated the Fire Nation victory over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se and halted the invasion on Day of Black Sun."@nl . . "fire"@nl . . . . . . . "Gold"@nl . "In the show, Azula is a gifted Firebending master and highly favored princess of the Fire Nation, a race of people with the ability to create and manipulate fire. She is initially depicted as bent on retrieving her exiled brother, Prince Zuko, and delivering him to their father, Fire Lord Ozai while accompanied by her childhood friends, Mai and Ty Lee. Eventually her focus becomes more directed toward capturing the Avatar and aiding in the war to help secure her nation's victory."@en . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . "\"The Storm\""@en . . . "Weiblich"@de . . . . "85"^^ . . . . . . . "ciemniejszy bia\u0142y"@pl . "Azula (Voiced by Grey Delisle) is the princess of the Fire Nation. She is Zuko's younger sister and one of the major antagonists"@en . . . . . . . "hell"@de . . . "85"^^ . "Azula"@en . . "Azula is een krachtige vuurstuurder en een sadist, geobsedeerd door macht. Ze is erg ervaren en tactisch om een overwinning te boeken op het Aarderijk en de hoofdstad Ba Sing Se en wist de invasie te stoppen op de Dag van de Zwarte Zon."@nl . . . . . "Ozai, Zuko , Mai , Ty Lee , Lo y Li , Ursa, los Dai Li , Naci\u00F3n del Fuego, Ej\u00E9rcito de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego , Guerreras del Fuego"@es . . "Crazy Girl"@en . . . "150"^^ . . "Manipulating, bullying, abusing, taunting, humiliating."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "86"^^ . . "14"^^ . "Azula is a major antagonist of the series Avatar: The Last Airbender, appearing as the main antagonist in season 2 and one of the two main antagonists in season 3. She also features in the following comic books Avatar: The Search and the Smoke and Shadow trilogy as the main antagonist/anti-heroine. She appears as the main antagonist in Book 2, and became the main, later secondary antagonist in Book 3. Though her father is the main antagonist of the series as a whole, Azula is the archenemy of Team Avatar, particularly to Zuko."@en . . "Late spring 100 AG"@en . . . . . . "Goud"@nl . . "14"^^ . . . . . "A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun. Azula harbored deep mental instabilities, believing her mother loved Zuko more than her. Raised by her father in an environment without a mother-figure, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes just to earn any affection from him. After the betrayal of her two closest friends Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental breakdown. Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover, though she eventually joined Team Avatar on their search for Ursa as part of her secret agenda to betray them and usurp the throne from Zuko. At this quest's completion, however, Azula escaped the team's supervision. Sometime after her exile, Azula returned to the Fire Nation Capital in secret. Having finally accepted that she would never be Fire Lord, Azula resorted to manipulate Zuko into becoming a tyrant. Gathering a group of female supporters, she took on the guise of the mythical Kemurikage to intimidate Ukano into attempting to overthrow Zuko. When that failed, Azula and her followers resorted to kidnapping children in the capital, setting the city into unrest. Though Zuko and his allies were able to rescue the children, Azula and her followers escaped."@en . . . "In the show, Azula is a gifted Firebending master and highly favored princess of the Fire Nation, a race of people with the ability to create and manipulate fire. She is initially depicted as bent on retrieving her exiled brother, Prince Zuko, and delivering him to their father, Fire Lord Ozai while accompanied by her childhood friends, Mai and Ty Lee. Eventually her focus becomes more directed toward capturing the Avatar and aiding in the war to help secure her nation's victory."@en . . . "Elwira Czeremu\u017Cy\u0144ska"@pl . . . . . . . . "Azula (Voiced by Grey Delisle) is the princess of the Fire Nation. She is Zuko's younger sister and one of the major antagonists"@en . . . "Finales de la primavera del 100 DG"@es . . . . "Blue firebending, shoot lightning, strategic skills, manipulation, fighting skills, can fly using firebending"@en . . . . . . . "kunk fu,hakido,"@pl . . . "A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun. Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover, though she eventually joined Team Avatar on their search for Ursa as part of her secret agenda to betray them and usurp the throne from Zuko. At this quest's completion, however, Azula escaped the team's supervision."@en . "Girl"@en . . "A Firebending prodigy, Azula is sadistic, manipulative and obsessed with power. She is a skilled tactician who orchestrated the Fire Nation victory over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se and halted the invasion on Day of Black Sun. Azula harbored deep mental instabilities, believing her mother favored Zuko over her. Raised by her father in an environment devoid of a mother-figure, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes. After the betrayal of her two closest friends Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental collapse."@nl . . "Zwart"@nl . . . . . "Z\u0142ote"@pl . . . "Azula is een krachtige vuurstuurder en een sadist, geobsedeerd door macht. Ze is erg ervaren en tactisch om een overwinning te boeken op het Aarderijk en de hoofdstad Ba Sing Se en wist de invasie te stoppen op de Dag van de Zwarte Zon. Azula beschikt over diepe mentale gevoelens, aangezien ze ervan overtuigd was dat haar moeder Zuko voor trok. Ze werd echter opgevoed door haar vader, en wilde daarom niet falen en perfect zijn in de ogen van haar vader. Nadat haar twee beste vrienden, Mai en Tay Lee, haar verraden hadden, had dit grote invloed op haar, waardoor ze bijna iedereen in het koninklijk paleis ontsloeg, omdat ze dacht dat ze niemand kon vertrouwen. Met de komst van Sozins Komeet werd Azula gekroond tot Vuurheer, hoewel haar broer Zuko met de hulp van Katara dit wisten te voorkomen, waardoor ze mentaal instortte."@nl . . . . "Azula"@nl . . . "Kobieta"@pl . "\u963F\u7956\u62C9"@nl . . . . . . . "Wojowniczka, Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczka"@pl . "20"^^ . . "wszystkie"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "Team Avatar, Zuko, Iroh, Mai, Ty Lee, Aarde koning Kuei, Long Feng , de Dai Li, Kyoshi Krijgers, Lo, Li,"@nl . . "brak"@pl . "Fire Nation"@en . "8"^^ . . . "\"Maybe you should worry less about the tides, who've already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over.\" -Azula talking to her Ship Captain in The Avatar State. Princess Azula is fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The character, created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, is voiced by Grey DeLisle. In the show, Azula is a gifted Firebending master and highly favored princess of the Fire Nation, a race of people with the ability to create and manipulate fire. She is initially depicted as bent on retrieving her exiled brother, Prince Zuko, and delivering him to their father, Fire Lord Ozai while accompanied by her childhood friends, Mai and Ty Lee. Eventually her focus becomes more directed toward capturing the Avatar and aiding in the war to help secure her nation's victory."@en . "12"^^ . . . . . "Late spring 100 AG"@en . "Azula was originally a purple puffle until she got a fur dye at Maxy's Hair Salon. She loved her hairstyle so she got a job there. She dirves a Ferrari, and is obsessed with the color pink. Azula also loves the singing penguin Pink."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"The Siege of the North\""@en . . . "__TOC__"@en . . "Gold"@en . . "Azula2.png"@de . . . "gold"@de . . . "Avatar: The Last Airbender"@en . . "Azula"@de . . "Ozai, Zuko , Mai , Ty Lee , Lo and Li , Ursa, the Dai Li , Fire Nation, Fire Nation military , Fire Warriors"@en . . . "Chan"@es . . "PInk Puffle"@en . . . . . . . . "*Der Sturm \n*Die Belagerung des Nordens, Teil 2"@de . . . . . . . "* The Storm \n* The Siege of the North, Part 2"@nl . "Negro"@es . . . . "Azula hasn't made any yet."@en . . . "Azula was originally a purple puffle until she got a fur dye at Maxy's Hair Salon. She loved her hairstyle so she got a job there. She dirves a Ferrari, and is obsessed with the color pink. Azula also loves the singing penguin Pink."@en . . . "Fuego, rel\u00E1mpago"@es . "\u963F\u7956\u723E"@pl . "Azula"@en . . "Lovely"@en . . . . "Female"@nl . "Hair Stylist"@en . . . . . "1099"^^ . . . "Spellcaster Tier-4"@en . . . "Azula was the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, younger sister of Zuko, the older half-sister of Kiyi, the aunt of Izumi, and the grand aunt of Iroh. She was a key adversary of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied by her two best friends Mai and Ty Lee. A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun."@en . . . "* Crown Princess of the Fire Nation \n* Firebending master\n* Head of the Dai Li \n* Mental health patient \n* Princess Regent \n* Leader of the Fire Warriors"@en . . "Iroh, Zuko, Kuei, Long Feng, Mai, Ty Lee, Ursa , Reino Tierra, Guerreras Kyoshi, Equipo Avatar, Tribu Agua, m\u00E1s ..."@es . .