. "Joran Dax"@it . "Joran Belar, as he appeared to Ezri Dax in 2375"@en . "Dax"@en . "Joran Dax was a male Trill musician in the 23rd century. He became joined as the sixth host of the Dax symbiont. He had a brother, Yolad. Born Joran Belar on stardate 1024.7 (early 2260s), he was a renowned musician, specializing in the piano. He graduated from one of the top music academies on Trill, along with his brother Yolad. According to Symbiosis Commission records, he was a candidate for joining, but he was dropped from the program in his second year. Or so everyone believed. It turned out in 2286 that Joran had in fact been joined six months prior to that date, in 2285, following Torias Dax' shuttle accident. However, Joran's joining to Dax did prove an important point in that it demonstrated that more of the general population could be successfully joined. In the long term, however, the joining was unsuitable as Joran already had a volatile temperament. Once the joining was complete, Joran became increasingly violent and unstable. Trill doctors expected the rejection of the symbiont, though this did not happen. According to Yolad, (in a conversation with Commander Benjamin Sisko), Joran murdered the doctor who made the recommendation to remove him from the program to cover up the fact Joran had been joined. He had killed at least two others in addition to the doctor. (DS9: \"Field of Fire\"). Joran died in 2286 on stardate 8615.2 when Dax was removed from Joran and implanted into Curzon, with a memory block protecting the host from the memories of Joran's joining, and all records of his joining were purged from Trill databases. Public records stated that Joran was killed fleeing the scene of the murdered doctor, while Torias was said to have remained in a coma for the six months of Joran Dax' existence, the symbiont being removed when his isoboromine levels dropped to a dangerous point. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Field of Fire\") Dax' memory block began to erode in early 2371, causing severe trauma to the Dax host of that time, Jadzia. The block was removed, allowing Jadzia to reconcile the memories within herself. The information was kept secret from the general populace because it would reveal that the ability to be joined was far more widespread and possible than the Commission publicized, resulting in potential hosts struggling to acquire the 'prized' symbionts such as Dax. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\") During Jadzia's zhian'tara in 2371, Sisko agreed to embody Joran's memories and personality. Aware of the dangers, the ritual took place with Sisko in a holding cell. Even so, Joran proved extremely dangerous, and attempted to attack Jadzia, taunting her about her feelings of inadequacy in holding the Dax symbiont. Unable to penetrate the holding cell force field, Joran kept in contact with it, hurting Sisko. He would trick Dax into thinking Sisko was back in control, and when she let him go, he'd attack her. Sisko regained control and Joran was eventually returned to Dax. (DS9: \"Facets\") In 2375, Ezri Dax performed the Rite of Emergence, which brought forth Joran's memories and personality for her to interact with so she could find who was murdering the officers on DS9. Joran provided Ezri with valuable assistance in tracking down Lieutenant Chu'lak, who had committed three murders, but his constant attempts to encourage Ezri to kill the murderer in question (in addition to an innocent person who almost fit the profile) did little to endear him to his distant successor. Once the case was solved, Ezri sent Joran back into her mind, accepting she would have to be more careful than the previous hosts because he was more a part of her than of the others. (DS9: \"Field of Fire\") After being ruthlessly interrogated by the Breen later that year, Ezri deliriously rambled, \"I'm not like you, Joran, I'm not a murderer.\" (DS9: \"'Til Death Do Us Part\")"@en . . "To get a symbiot at any means necessay"@en . . "N/A"@en . . . "Stardate 1024.7"@en . . "Joran Dax era un Trill congiunto, il sesto ospite del simbionte Dax. Joran Belar, nato in data astrale 1024.7, era un famoso musicista, specializzato in pianoforte. Si era diplomato presso una delle pi\u00F9 prestigiose scuole di musica su Trill, insieme al fratello Yolad. Secondo le registrazioni della Commissione per la Simbiosi Trill, era un candidato per il congiungimento, ma venne scartato dal programma durante il secondo anno. Joran fu ucciso nel 2285 (in data stellare 8615.2), cio\u00E8 qualche tempo dopo aver ucciso il medico che aveva segnalato di toglierlo dalla lista dei candidati. Aveva ucciso almeno altre due persone oltre al medico. (DS9: \"Campo di battaglia\") Nel 2371 si scopr\u00EC che Joran era in effetti stato congiunto almeno sei mesi prima di quella data, in seguito all'incidente con la navetta di Torias Dax. L'unione si rivel\u00F2 inadeguata poich\u00E9 Joran aveva gi\u00E0 un comportamento instabile, e divenne sempre pi\u00F9 violento e pericoloso. Non si verific\u00F2 il rigetto previsto del simbionte. Dax venne rimosso da Joran, e trapiantato in Curzon, con un blocco di memoria in grado di proteggere l'ospite dai ricordi dell'unione con Joran, e tutte le registrazioni del congiungimento vennero tolte dalla banca dati Trill \u2013 si disse che Torias era rimasto in coma per i sei mesi dell'esistenza di Joran Dax, e che il simbionte era stato rimosso quando i livelli di isoboromina erano scesi ad un punto critico. Il blocco della memoria inizi\u00F2 a dar segni di cedimento verso l'inizio del 2371, provocando un trauma molto grave all'ospite di Dax di quel periodo, Jadzia. Il blocco venne rimosso, permettendo a Jadzia di riconciliare i ricordi all'interno di se stessa. L'informazione venne resa segreta al pubblico perch\u00E9 avrebbe rivelato che la capacit\u00E0 di esser congiunti era molto pi\u00F9 diffusa di quella dichiarata dalla Commissione, col risultato di far lottare gli ospiti potenziali per acquisire simbionti 'di prestigio' come Dax. (DS9: \"Equilibrio perduto\") Durante lo zhian'tara di Jadzia nel 2371, Benjamin Sisko acconsent\u00EC a prestare il proprio corpo alla pesonalit\u00E0 ed ai ricodi di Joran. Consapevoli del pericolo, il rituale ebbe luogo in una cella. Anche cos\u00EC, Joran si rivel\u00F2 molto pericoloso, e cerc\u00F2 di attaccare Jadzia, prendendola in giro circa i suoi sentimenti di inadeguatezza nell'esser ospite del simbionte Dax. Incapace di penetrare il campo di forza della cella, Joran rimase in contatto con esso, ferendo Sisko. Avrebbe ingannato Dax facendole credere che Sisko aveva ripreso il controllo, e quand'ella lo avesse lasciato andare l'avrebbe attaccata. Sisko riprese il controllo e Joran venne restituito a Dax. (DS9: \"Viaggi nella memoria\") Nel 2375, Ezri Dax esegu\u00EC il Rito di emergenza, per poter interagire con la personalit\u00E0 ed i ricordi di Joran in modo da scoprire il responsabile degli omicidi degli ufficiali su DS9. Joran forn\u00EC ad Ezri un'assistenza valevole per risalire al tenente Chu'lak, l'assassino, ma i suoi tentativi costanti di incoraggiare Ezri ad uccidere l'assassino in questione (oltre ad una persona innocente che poteva essere il responsabile) fece poco per renderlo gradito al suo successore lontano. Una volta che il caso venne risolto, Ezri rimand\u00F2 Joran nella sua mente, accettando il fatto che avrebbe dovuto essere pi\u00F9 accorta degli ospiti precedenti perch\u00E9 egli era una parte di lei pi\u00F9 degli altri. (DS9: \"Campo di battaglia\") Informazioni di retroscenaJoran \u00E8 stato interpretato da Jeff Magnus McBride in \"Equilibrio perduto\", Leigh J. McCloskey in \"Campo di battaglia\", e Avery Brooks durante lo zhian'tara di Jadzia Dax in \"Viaggi nella memoria\". Secondo la sua data stellare di nascita, Joran era nato qualche tempo prima di TOS: \"Oltre la galassia\", nel 2265 o pochi anni prima."@it . . "Joran Dax"@en . . . "Murderer"@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Joran Dax was a joined Trill and the sixth host of the Dax symbiont. He appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. He was portrayed by Jeff Magnus McBride, Leigh J. McCloskey, and Avery Brooks (in Benjamin Sisko's body)."@en . . . . "thumb|Joran Dax (2375) Der Trill Joran Belar ist ein Komponist aus dem 23. Jahrhundert und der sechste Wirt des Dax-Symbionten. Joran wird bei Sternzeit 1024.7 geboren. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Yolad Belar immatrikuliert er auf der Trill-Musikakademie. Er macht dort seinen Abschluss und versucht dann sich als Trill-Kandidat f\u00FCr die Vereinigung mit einem Trill-Symbionten zu qualifizieren. Aufgrund seiner psychischen Instabilit\u00E4t gibt ihm sein Bruder wenig Chancen f\u00FCr die Vereinigung."@de . "Joran Belar, come apparve a Jadzia Dax nel 2371"@it . . . . . . . . "Joran Dax"@de . "Maschio"@it . "Joran Dax"@en . . . "Joran Dax 2371.jpg"@en . "Joran Dax era un Trill congiunto, il sesto ospite del simbionte Dax. Joran Belar, nato in data astrale 1024.7, era un famoso musicista, specializzato in pianoforte. Si era diplomato presso una delle pi\u00F9 prestigiose scuole di musica su Trill, insieme al fratello Yolad. Secondo le registrazioni della Commissione per la Simbiosi Trill, era un candidato per il congiungimento, ma venne scartato dal programma durante il secondo anno. Joran fu ucciso nel 2285 (in data stellare 8615.2), cio\u00E8 qualche tempo dopo aver ucciso il medico che aveva segnalato di toglierlo dalla lista dei candidati. Aveva ucciso almeno altre due persone oltre al medico. (DS9: \"Campo di battaglia\")"@it . . . . . . . . "Deceduto"@it . . . "Serial Killer"@en . "Joran Belar was a student at the Tenaran Music Academy prior to joining. Belar was a talented musician who had composed several works, including Untitled, To a Truth, and who played piano, syn lara, Vulcan lute, li'dswed, and Tellarite hollow bell line. Belar was also arrogant and egotistical, qualities which, in part, caused Doctor Foris Hajan to recommend dropping him from the Symbiosis Institute's initiate program. These concerned were overruled, and Joran was joined with Dax in 2284, following the death of the former host, Torias."@en . . . . "Joran Belar, as he appeared to Jadzia Dax in 2371"@en . . "Jeff Magnus McBride; Leigh J. McCloskey; Avery Brooks durante lo zhian'tara di Jadzia Dax"@it . . . "Avery Brooks"@en . . . . "' Hosts"@en . . "2286"^^ . . "Thief"@en . . "File:Joran Dax 2371.jpg"@it . . "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"@en . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . "Joran Dax was a male Trill musician in the 23rd century. He became joined as the sixth host of the Dax symbiont. He had a brother, Yolad. Born Joran Belar on stardate 1024.7 (early 2260s), he was a renowned musician, specializing in the piano. He graduated from one of the top music academies on Trill, along with his brother Yolad. According to Symbiosis Commission records, he was a candidate for joining, but he was dropped from the program in his second year. Or so everyone believed. It turned out in 2286 that Joran had in fact been joined six months prior to that date, in 2285, following Torias Dax' shuttle accident. However, Joran's joining to Dax did prove an important point in that it demonstrated that more of the general population could be successfully joined. In the long term, howev"@en . . . . "Joran Belar was a student at the Tenaran Music Academy prior to joining. Belar was a talented musician who had composed several works, including Untitled, To a Truth, and who played piano, syn lara, Vulcan lute, li'dswed, and Tellarite hollow bell line. Belar was also arrogant and egotistical, qualities which, in part, caused Doctor Foris Hajan to recommend dropping him from the Symbiosis Institute's initiate program. These concerned were overruled, and Joran was joined with Dax in 2284, following the death of the former host, Torias. The joining created an unstable personality, manifesting itself in the grisly murders of three unjoined Trill, Jelim Niecta, Mehta Bren, and Dr. Hajan. Joran was killed by his intended fourth victim, Temzia Nirenn, in the presence of Verjyl Gard, a special investigator for the Trill Symbiosis Commission. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: \"Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor\") The Commission revised their records to show Torias Dax remained joined for six months while in a comatose state, thus covering up the failed joining with Joran. The Dax symbiont was also subjected to a procedure that would block all its memories of this joining. Those memories would not reassert themselves until 2371, while Dax was joined with Jadzia. (DS9 episode: \"Equilibrium\") In 2375, Ezri Dax performed a ritual which brought forth Joran's personality and memories to enlist his help in solving a series of murders on Deep Space 9. (DS9 episode: \"Field of Fire\")"@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Joran Dax was a joined Trill and the sixth host of the Dax symbiont. He appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. He was portrayed by Jeff Magnus McBride, Leigh J. McCloskey, and Avery Brooks (in Benjamin Sisko's body)."@en . . . "thumb|Joran Dax (2375) Der Trill Joran Belar ist ein Komponist aus dem 23. Jahrhundert und der sechste Wirt des Dax-Symbionten. Joran wird bei Sternzeit 1024.7 geboren. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Yolad Belar immatrikuliert er auf der Trill-Musikakademie. Er macht dort seinen Abschluss und versucht dann sich als Trill-Kandidat f\u00FCr die Vereinigung mit einem Trill-Symbionten zu qualifizieren. Aufgrund seiner psychischen Instabilit\u00E4t gibt ihm sein Bruder wenig Chancen f\u00FCr die Vereinigung. Nach dem Tod von Torias Dax wird Joran dessen Symbiont eingesetzt, nachdem er den Arzt ermordet, der eine Empfehlung zur Beendigung des Programmes f\u00FCr Joran ausstellen will. Daraufhin meldet er sich bei Yolad und berichtet dem erstaunten Bruder von seiner Vereinigung. Dabei scheint er viel positiver als zuvor und man merkt ihm den neuen Mut an. Er stirbt bei Sternzeit 8615.2, nachdem man merkt, dass Joran als Wirt ungeeignet ist und man ihm daraufhin den Dax-Symbionten entfernt. Die Erinnerungen des Symbionten an die Vereinigung werden unterdr\u00FCckt und wenig sp\u00E4ter wird der Symbiont in Curzon Dax einpflanzt. Die offizielle Todesursache ist eine Erschie\u00DFung beim Fluchtversuch nach dem Mord an dem Doktor, der ihn f\u00FCr untauglich f\u00FCr die Vereinigung h\u00E4lt. Um die Zeitspanne der Vereinigung von sechs Monaten zu vertuschen, wird in den offiziellen Akten vermerkt, dass Torias nach seinem Unfall f\u00FCr sechs Monate im Koma gelegen habe und erst danach eine Trennung erfolgt und der Symbiont an Curzon gegeben worden sei. Damit will die Symbiosekommission verheimlichen, dass entgegen der allgemeinen Ansichten weit mehr Trill f\u00FCr eine Vereinigung geeignet sind als bekannt. Der Fall Joran Belar zeigt, dass jeder zweite Trill vereinigt werden k\u00F6nnte. Allerdings stehen bei weitem nicht genug Symbionten zur Verf\u00FCgung. 2371 gelingt es Commander Sisko und Dr. Bashir, die Umst\u00E4nde aufzukl\u00E4ren, als bei Jadzia Dax immer mehr Erinnerungen an Joran hervorgerufen werden und beinahe eine Trennung zwischen Wirt und Symbiont eingeleitet werden muss, die Jadzias Tod bedeuten w\u00FCrde. Man wahrt das Geheimnis, aber es gelingt, Dr. Renhol davon zu \u00FCberzeugen, Jadzia die Erinnerungen an Joran zu gestatten und somit mit ihm zu vereinen. (DS9: ) Einige Monate sp\u00E4ter \u00FCbernimmt Joran kurzzeitig den K\u00F6rper von Benjamin Sisko w\u00E4hrend des Zhian'tara-Rituals von Jadzia. Man sperrt Sisko daf\u00FCr vor\u00FCbergehend in eine Arrestzelle. Joran versucht die Kontrolle zu \u00FCbernehmen und Sisko zu schaden, doch bevor dies passiert, beendet der anwesende Guardian das Ritual und vereinigt Joran wieder mit dem Symbionten. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2375 nimmt Ezri Dax die Hilfe von Joran in Anspruch, um einige ungekl\u00E4rte Morde auf Deep Space 9 zu untersuchen. Dabei versucht Joran auch hier die Kontrolle \u00FCber Ezri zu erhalten. Allerdings kann sie sich gegen ihn durchsetzen und den Mord aufkl\u00E4ren, ohne selbst zur M\u00F6rderin zu werden. (DS9: ) Joran Belar wurde in von Jeff Magnus McBride gespielt und von Wolf R\u00FCdiger Reutermann (1. Stimme / maskiert) synchronisiert. In \u00FCbernahm Leigh J. McCloskey die Rolle. Joran wurde dort von Hans-J\u00FCrgen Wolf synchronisiert. In wurde Jorans Pers\u00F6nlichkeit in den K\u00F6rper von Benjamin Sisko transferiert und er deshalb von Avery Brooks gespielt und von J\u00F6rg Hengstler synchronisiert."@de . "To mainpulate Dax's hosts that proceeds him"@en . . "300"^^ . . . . "2286"^^ . . . . . "2285"^^ . "Pianist"@en . "Musician"@en . . "Joran Belar, come apparve a Ezri Dax nel 2375"@it . . "Evil Musician"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . .