. "senior officer"@en . . "The Anasazi was an ancient Native American tribe who disappeared without a trace in the 14th century CE from New Mexico. Their name comes from a Navajo word meaning \"ancient aliens.\" (TXF: \"Anasazi\") Anthropologists who studied the remains of the Anasazi believed they practiced cannibalism. They learned this by studying remains which had been polished at the ends. This indicated that they were cooked in a pot. (TXF: \"Our Town\") Albert Hosteen believed that the entire tribe was abducted by aliens. (TXF: \"Anasazi\")"@en . "Marine"@de . . "Status:"@en . "The name Anasazi has a meaning in the old Navajo language. It can be translated as, \"ancient strangers\" or \"ancient enemy\". Replace \u201Cstranger\u201D by \u201Calien\u201D and you could say that the Indians thought the Anasazi were aliens, or beings from another place. The Anasazi first appeared as a people around 1200 BC. There are some indications (in Indian legends) that they arrived from the West by ships. Archeologists find some similarities with ancient cultures of Central America."@en . "Anasazi is a senior officer and former captain of the crew Sabbatical Winds. She is also a princess of the flag The Curia. She sails the Viridian Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "The Anasazi was an ancient Native American tribe who disappeared without a trace in the 14th century CE from New Mexico. Their name comes from a Navajo word meaning \"ancient aliens.\" (TXF: \"Anasazi\") Anthropologists who studied the remains of the Anasazi believed they practiced cannibalism. They learned this by studying remains which had been polished at the ends. This indicated that they were cooked in a pot. (TXF: \"Our Town\") 2000 years ago, the Anasazi wise men hid in magnetite pueblos as their civilization was being destroyed by aliens. They began what was referred to as a \"shadow government.\" (TXF: \"The Truth\") The third chapter of Native American Beliefs and Practices was devoted to the Anasazi. It was titled, \"The Anasazi - An Entire Native American Indian Culture Vanishes Without a Trace - History as Myth and end of the world symbolism. Apocalypse and The Sixth Extinction.\" (TXF: \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati\") Albert Hosteen believed that the entire tribe was abducted by aliens. (TXF: \"Anasazi\") Note that, in reality, the Anasazi actually migrated and became what is now known as the modern Hopi."@en . . "The Anasazi were an ancient Native American culture from Earth. In 2155, Qaletaqu noted that Pop\u00E9 Pueblo, the name of his home town on Mars, evoked images of his ancestors the Anasazi, Hopi, and Pueblo. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)"@en . "Anasazi var en indian kultur i norra Arizona och New Mexico i USA. Efter en stele uppt\u00E4ckts i Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Om inskriptionen p\u00E5 stele var \u00E4kta kan det l\u00E4gga till en ny och olycksb\u00E5dande vinkling till namnet p\u00E5 Hopi har gett de l\u00E5nga d\u00F6da nybyggare i Chaco Canyon: Anasazi - \"gamla fiender\". (SG1: \"Stargate SG-1: Trial by Fire\")kategori:Tau'ri"@sv . . . "Anasazi"@en . . . "weiblich"@de . "Luchs-Frucht"@de . "The name Anasazi has a meaning in the old Navajo language. It can be translated as, \"ancient strangers\" or \"ancient enemy\". Replace \u201Cstranger\u201D by \u201Calien\u201D and you could say that the Indians thought the Anasazi were aliens, or beings from another place. The Anasazi first appeared as a people around 1200 BC. There are some indications (in Indian legends) that they arrived from the West by ships. Archeologists find some similarities with ancient cultures of Central America. Over many centuries, the Anasazi lived in the North American Four Corners (the area where New Mexico, Colerado, Arizona and Utah meet). They developed a typical, advanced architecture and religious life. They have left behind many petroglyphs and other rock art, through which we get an impression of what they saw or believed. They built an astronomical observatory and used a ceremonial calendar to plan their daily and religious life. Another remarkable phenomenon is the elaborate road system. In their dwellings they constructed a central hole in the floor, representing the entrance from the underworld (third world) into the fourth world on Earth. In the 13th century AD, the Anasazi suddenly disappeared. Some traces of their culture can be found in modern day Indian tribes like the Hopi, but this is not enough to prove that the Anasazi just packed their bags and left for another location. On the other hand, the idea that they left by spaceship also remains speculative of course. Aliens or not, there are enough similarities with other ancient sites around the world (such as Stonehenge) to say that the Anasazi were the bearers of a global ancient culture. As members of that culture, they had knowledge of astronomy and an understanding of the universe. Their disappearance remains a mystery."@en . . "Anasazi is an illusionist who marries Boomroar."@en . "Affiliation:"@en . "Zoan"@de . "Powers/Abilities:"@en . "The Anasazi (alternetly spelled Anasasi, anastazi or Those Pueblo People) were a small civilization found near Utah. They were originally Hunter-Gatherers, but soon they learned how to beat up other gatheres and take their food, becoming the first Hunter-Gatherer-Hunters. After they had perfected the Hunter-Gather-Hunting method, they settled down, somewhere around mod jgern Arizona. The above average temperatures of the Arizona dessert quickly destroyed the entire Anasazi civilization by causing Spontaneous Combustion."@en . "Anasazi"@de . . "Anasazi"@de . . . "Anasazi ist Mitglied der inneren Revision und K\u00F6pfungspr\u00FCfer. Nachdem der vorherige Teamleiter, Kripo, verschwunden ist, wurde sie zur Leiterin des Teams 14, denen auch Helena und Guy Rich angeh\u00F6ren, ernannt. Sie hat auch Kurt als neustes Mitglied empfangen. Anasazi ist sehr ehrgeizig, ihr Ziel ist es, immer 100 % zu erreichen. So liegt beispielsweise ihre K\u00F6pfungsquote bei 100 %. Sie hat erst eine einzige Niederlage erlebt. Diese war gegen ihr neues Teammitglied Kurt. Er hat ihre Schw\u00E4che erkannt und eiskalt ausgenutzt: Da sie sich als Luchsmensch in einen Luchs, also eine Katze, verwandeln kann, ist sie als solche \u00E4u\u00DFerst anf\u00E4llig gegen\u00FCber Streicheleinheiten. Als Kurt sie gestreichelt hat, war der Kampf f\u00FCr sie verloren. Seitdem sieht sie in Kurt einen wertvollen Verb\u00FCndeten, der au\u00DFerdem ein m\u00E4chtiger Krieger und brillanter Kopf und Denker ist (Anasazi neigt au\u00DFerdem zur \u00DCbertreibung). \u00C4u\u00DFerlich ist Anasazi eine wundersch\u00F6ne Fraun, jeder Mann w\u00FCrde sich in sie verlieben, wenn sie nicht eine schreckliche Stimme h\u00E4tte. Fingern\u00E4gel auf einer Schifertafel singen sch\u00F6nere Lieder als Anasazi. Warum sie eine solch schlimme Stimme hat verr\u00E4t sie niemandem. Sie ist Kurts erste Offizierin an Bord der Mariechen. Zusammen bilden die Beiden des Grundstein der ersten mobilen K\u00F6pfungseinheit der Marinegeschichte. Da Kurt noch nie ein Schiff betreten hat, \u00FCbernimmt Anasazi die Rolle des Kapit\u00E4ns solange, bis Kurt wei\u00DF, was er tut. Allerdings nicht offiziel."@de . "Anasazi"@en . "The Anasazi (alternetly spelled Anasasi, anastazi or Those Pueblo People) were a small civilization found near Utah. They were originally Hunter-Gatherers, but soon they learned how to beat up other gatheres and take their food, becoming the first Hunter-Gatherer-Hunters. After they had perfected the Hunter-Gather-Hunting method, they settled down, somewhere around mod jgern Arizona. The above average temperatures of the Arizona dessert quickly destroyed the entire Anasazi civilization by causing Spontaneous Combustion."@en . "Maat"@de . "Viridian"@en . "Anasazi could either mean \n* Tyr Anasazi \n* Tamerlane Anasazi, Tyr's son"@en . . . "illusion generation"@en . . . "Anasazi ist Mitglied der inneren Revision und K\u00F6pfungspr\u00FCfer. Nachdem der vorherige Teamleiter, Kripo, verschwunden ist, wurde sie zur Leiterin des Teams 14, denen auch Helena und Guy Rich angeh\u00F6ren, ernannt. Sie hat auch Kurt als neustes Mitglied empfangen. \u00C4u\u00DFerlich ist Anasazi eine wundersch\u00F6ne Fraun, jeder Mann w\u00FCrde sich in sie verlieben, wenn sie nicht eine schreckliche Stimme h\u00E4tte. Fingern\u00E4gel auf einer Schifertafel singen sch\u00F6nere Lieder als Anasazi. Warum sie eine solch schlimme Stimme hat verr\u00E4t sie niemandem."@de . "Guardian Squad"@en . "Man kann sich in einen Luchs und einen Luchs-Menschen verwandeln"@de . "Anasazi"@en . "Anasazi"@sv . "Anasazi is a senior officer and former captain of the crew Sabbatical Winds. She is also a princess of the flag The Curia. She sails the Viridian Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "The Anasazi were an ancient Native American culture from Earth. In 2155, Qaletaqu noted that Pop\u00E9 Pueblo, the name of his home town on Mars, evoked images of his ancestors the Anasazi, Hopi, and Pueblo. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)"@en . . . "Anasazi is an illusionist who marries Boomroar."@en . "Anasazi var en indian kultur i norra Arizona och New Mexico i USA. Efter en stele uppt\u00E4ckts i Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Om inskriptionen p\u00E5 stele var \u00E4kta kan det l\u00E4gga till en ny och olycksb\u00E5dande vinkling till namnet p\u00E5 Hopi har gett de l\u00E5nga d\u00F6da nybyggare i Chaco Canyon: Anasazi - \"gamla fiender\". (SG1: \"Stargate SG-1: Trial by Fire\")kategori:Tau'ri"@sv . . . "1"^^ . . "Anasazi could either mean \n* Tyr Anasazi \n* Tamerlane Anasazi, Tyr's son"@en . . "Alive"@en . . . . . "yes"@en .