. "Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway ist ein hoch angesehener und ber\u00FChmter Flaggoffizier der Sternenflotte des 24. Jahrhunderts. In den Jahren 2371-2378 kommandiert sie die USS Voyager und erforscht als einer der ersten Sternenflottenoffiziere, erfolgreich einen Teil des Delta-Quadranten. Nachdem sie Schiff und Crew in die Heimat gef\u00FChrt hat, wird sie im Jahr 2379 zum Admiral bef\u00F6rdert."@de . "Vice ammiraglio Kathryn Janeway"@it . . "female"@en . . . . . . "Admiral Kathryn Janeway.jpg"@de . "Kathryn Janeway"@pl . . "Kathy bzw. Madam Captain bzw. Tante Kathy"@de . . "P\u00E8re: Janeway"@fr . . . "thumb|220px|Rear Admiral Kathryn Janeway 2379 Kathryn Janeway ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24.Jahrhundert. Sie ist bekannt als Captain der USS VOYAGER. Au\u00DFerdem ist sie der erste Captain, der den Delta-Quadranten erfolgreich verlassen hat. Im Jahre 2379 wird sie zum Rear Admiral bef\u00F6rdert."@de . "Anc\u00EAtres: Henry et Shannon Janeway"@fr . "Shannon Sekaya Janeway"@en . "Kathryn Janeway es una oficial de la Flota Estelar, conocida sobre todo por servir como Capit\u00E1n de la nave USS Voyager. Se convirti\u00F3 en la primera capitana de la Federaci\u00F3n en conseguir atravesar con \u00E9xito el Cuadrante Delta, encontr\u00E1ndose con docenas de nuevos planetas y civilizaciones en el transcurso de siete a\u00F1os. Mientras estuvieron all\u00ED, ella y su tripulaci\u00F3n sobrevivieron a numerosos enfrentamientos con los Borg."@es . . . . . . . . . . "Kathryn Janeway, 2371.jpg"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway was a Starfleet officer during the 24th century. She is most famous for bringing home the crew of the USS Voyager after it was lost in the Delta Quadrant for seven years. After this she was promoted to Vice Admiral."@en . . . . . . "Kathryn"@fr . "20"^^ . "Kathryn Janeway is the main captain on the Star Trek spin-off series \"Star Trek Voyager \" who was reenacted by Mike in order to steer the Satellite of Love out of harm's way in Experiment #706 Laserblast after Dr. Forrester unplugged the link between the ship and Earth. He managed to save the day while in character as the Trek character but quickly became unpopular with the Bots once he randomly started to burst into song. For connections between the Trek universe and MST3k, click here."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "40"^^ . "Fleet Commander of Project Full Circle"@en . . . "Captain Kathryn Janeway is most noted for commanding the USS Voyager and being the only female captain in the leading role of a Star Trek series. In the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager ensign Harry Kim follows Starfleet tradition and calls Captain Janeway \"sir.\" She politley tells him she prefers \"captain\" but that \"ma'am\" is also acceptable."@en . "Drei Abk\u00F6mmlinge im Hyper-Evolotionierten Zustand"@de . . . . . . . . "none"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer, most noted for her service as captain of the starships USS Voyager and USS Millennium. She became the first Federation captain to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of six years. While there she fell in love with Seven of Nine, a young Borg drone she had rescued from the Borg Collective in 2374. Their relationship and later marriage forever changed the course of her life. Later in her career she commanded the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for a year and had numerous encounters with the Orion Syndicate and Section 31. These two criminal organizations would continue to cause problems for her, her family and Starfleet as a whole until years later. She is also the fi"@en . . . "Edward Janeway"@en . "1.65"^^ . . "Capit\u00E1n Kathryn Janeway"@es . "Kathryn Janeway"@en . . . . "--05-20"^^ . "Kathryn Janeway is a female Human Starfleet officer who is famous for her adventures commanding the USS Voyager during the vessel's seven-year travel in the distant Delta Quadrant. As of 2385, she is the commanding officer of the Suzerain-class Fleet carrier USS Viceroy and the concurrent Flag Officer-in-Command of Task Force Viceroy."@en . . "Starfleet officer"@en . . "During her time in the Delta Quadrant, she tried out most of the men under her command (sometimes over, sometimes from behind, something from above, sometimes; kinda sideways, with one person facing up, and the other facing down), among these was Security Chief, Tactical Officer, Maquis Spy, and close friend Lt. Commander Tuvok."@en . . . . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej, San Francisco, Ziemia \n* 23??-23?? Janeway s\u0142u\u017Cy na U.S.S. \u201EAl-Batani\u201D NCC -42995 jako Oficer Naukowy. Okr\u0119tem dowodzi w tym czasie kapitan Owen Paris. \n* 2368-23?? Janeway otrzymuje awans do stopnia komandora i zostaje Pierwszym Oficerem na U.S.S. \u201EBillings\u201D NCC-3907. \n* 2371 Kapitan Janeway otrzymuje dow\u00F3dztwo U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D NCC-74656, kt\u00F3ry wyrusza do Badlands na poszukiwania statku Maquis. \u201EVoyager\u201D oraz okr\u0119t Maquis zostaj\u0105 przerzuceni do Kwadrantu Delta w miejsce odleg\u0142e od Federacji o 75 000 lat \u015Bwietlnych. Janeway przyjmuje do za\u0142ogi \u201EVoyager\u2019a\u201D Maquis i razem pr\u00F3buja wr\u00F3ci\u0107 do przestrzeni Federacji. \n* 2377 Czas Gwiezdny: 54973.4. U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D pod dow\u00F3dztwem Kathryn Janeway wraca z Kwadrantu Delta. Kapitan Janeway zostaje awansowana do stopnia admira\u0142a."@pl . "Janeway"@de . . . . "Dishonorably discharged"@en . . "Officier de Starfleet"@fr . . . "Bloomington, Indiana"@es . . "She and her crew, aboard the USS Voyager were flung 70,000 light years into the delta quadrant. She tells her crew that they will begin their own joruney for their seven year return back to the Alpha Quadrant. She is encountered with Q and a female version of Q. She was captured by the borg, but she eventually returned back to the starship voyager. After Kes's departure, she allows Seven of Nine to the voyager crew. She and her crew discovered another starship that was flung into the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox."@en . "Starfleet Command"@fr . . . . "Janewayov\u00E1 se narodila 20. kv\u011Btna v Bloomingtonu v Indian\u011B na planet\u011B Zemi. (VOY: Year of Hell, Imperfection) Pozn\u00E1mka: Rok narozen\u00ED kapit\u00E1na Janewayov\u00E9 nen\u00ED p\u0159esn\u011B zn\u00E1m\u00FD. V epizod\u011B to \"The Killing Game\" se objevilo, \u017Ee se narodila v roce 2344, nicm\u00E9n\u011B to by znamenalo, \u017Ee m\u011Bla poh\u00FDch 27 let, kdy\u017E p\u0159evzala velen\u00ED lodi USS Voyager v roce 2371. V dob\u011B, kdy byla here\u010Dka Kate Mulgrew p\u0159izv\u00E1na na konkurz m\u011Bla 39 let, a tak je velmi nepravd\u011Bpodobn\u00E9, \u017Ee by ztv\u00E1rnila o v\u00EDce ne\u017E 10 let mlad\u0161\u00ED postavu. Je tedy nasnad\u011B domn\u011Bnka, \u017Ee Janewayov\u00E1 m\u011Bla kolem 35 let, kdy\u017E z\u00EDskala velen\u00ED a podle t\u00E9to domn\u011Bnky se rok jej\u00EDho narozen\u00ED pohybuje kolem roku 2336. Jej\u00ED otec byl admir\u00E1lem Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily, a m\u00E1 jednoho sourozence, sestru (VOY: Coda, The Killing Game). Jej\u00ED matka \u017Eila je\u0161t\u011B v roce 2377. (VOY: Author, Author) Kathryn vyr\u016Fstala na pozemc\u00EDch farmy jej\u00EDho d\u011Bde\u010Dka v Indian\u011B (VOY: Macrocosm). Kdy\u017E j\u00ED bylo \u0161est let, vid\u011Bla z\u00E1\u0159\u00EDc\u00ED blesk, kter\u00FD ude\u0159il do velk\u00E9ho dubu na d\u011Bde\u010Dkov\u011B zahrad\u011B, po kter\u00E9m jen o n\u011Bkolik hodin d\u0159\u00EDve \u0161plhala (VOY: Shattered). Jedno z jej\u00EDch obl\u00EDben\u00FDch j\u00EDdel, kter\u00E9 j\u00ED p\u0159ipravoval d\u011Bde\u010Dek byl Vel\u0161sk\u00FD kr\u00E1l\u00EDk (VOY: Death Wish). Janewayov\u00E1 chodila ve sv\u00E9m d\u011Btstv\u00ED na hodiny baletu. Kdy\u017E j\u00ED bylo 6 let chodila do baletn\u00ED \u0161koly. Sv\u016Fj talent z d\u011Btstv\u00ED si pozd\u011Bji p\u0159ipomn\u011Bla na palub\u011B Voyageru p\u0159i ve\u010Deru talent\u016F v roce 2373 (VOY: Coda). Kdy\u017E j\u00ED bylo 10 let, jej\u00ED otec ji vzal na v\u00FDlet ke Grand ka\u0148onu. Jej\u00EDmu otci se zd\u00E1l b\u00FDt \u00FA\u017Easn\u00FD, ale Janewayov\u00E9 p\u0159ipadal p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 pra\u0161n\u00FD (VOY: Imperfection). Kdy\u017E bylo Janewayov\u00E9 12 let, \u0161la 7 kilometr\u016F v bou\u0159ce p\u011B\u0161ky dom\u016F, proto\u017Ee prohr\u00E1la tenisov\u00FD z\u00E1pas na kter\u00E9m j\u00ED velmi z\u00E1le\u017Eelo (VOY: Deadlock). V roce 2373, v 19 letech p\u0159estala tenis hr\u00E1t nadobro. Janewayov\u00E1 m\u00E1 tak\u00E9 talent na kule\u010Dn\u00EDk. (VOY: The Cloud)"@cs . . "Admiral Kathryn Janeway"@de . . . . "Commanding Officer of Project Full Circle"@en . . . "Janeway in 2377"@nl . . . "Bloomington, Indiana"@de . "Janewayov\u00E1 se narodila 20. kv\u011Btna v Bloomingtonu v Indian\u011B na planet\u011B Zemi. (VOY: Year of Hell, Imperfection) Pozn\u00E1mka: Rok narozen\u00ED kapit\u00E1na Janewayov\u00E9 nen\u00ED p\u0159esn\u011B zn\u00E1m\u00FD. V epizod\u011B to \"The Killing Game\" se objevilo, \u017Ee se narodila v roce 2344, nicm\u00E9n\u011B to by znamenalo, \u017Ee m\u011Bla poh\u00FDch 27 let, kdy\u017E p\u0159evzala velen\u00ED lodi USS Voyager v roce 2371. V dob\u011B, kdy byla here\u010Dka Kate Mulgrew p\u0159izv\u00E1na na konkurz m\u011Bla 39 let, a tak je velmi nepravd\u011Bpodobn\u00E9, \u017Ee by ztv\u00E1rnila o v\u00EDce ne\u017E 10 let mlad\u0161\u00ED postavu. Je tedy nasnad\u011B domn\u011Bnka, \u017Ee Janewayov\u00E1 m\u011Bla kolem 35 let, kdy\u017E z\u00EDskala velen\u00ED a podle t\u00E9to domn\u011Bnky se rok jej\u00EDho narozen\u00ED pohybuje kolem roku 2336."@cs . . . . . . . . . "Kathryn M. Janeway"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway is a female Human Starfleet officer who is famous for her adventures commanding the USS Voyager during the vessel's seven-year travel in the distant Delta Quadrant. As of 2385, she is the commanding officer of the Suzerain-class Fleet carrier USS Viceroy and the concurrent Flag Officer-in-Command of Task Force Viceroy."@en . "Kathryn Janeway"@cs . . . "Janeway_Season1.jpg"@nl . "Kathryn attended all her classes at Starfleet, except for two. During the introductory courses for the Prime Directive, she was in quickie-rehab for her extreme passion for coffee and was not able to attend her \"Keeping Now Now, And Then Then\" and \"Please Don't Mess This Up: Avoiding Time Line Catastrophes\" classes. Her temporal mechanics professor said she \"...had little respect for the time line,\" yet still had a \"...great drive and enthusiasm\" for time travel. It is rumored that she attended the \"Assimilation, What It Is and What It Means For You\" class over nine times."@en . . "Captain Kathryn Janeway"@de . . "S\u0153ur: Janeway"@fr . "Ex-Fianc\u00E9: Mark Johnson"@fr . . . "Single"@it . . . . . "2339"^^ . . . "Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer. From 2371 to 2378 she served as the captain of the USS Voyager, which spent seven years lost in the Delta Quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager)"@en . . "Una hermana"@es . . . . ""@en . . "Three hyper-evolved Human children"@en . . "fed"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway"@de . . "Kathryn Janeway"@sv . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . "Starfleet Career Summary: prior ? Science Officer under Adm. Paris on the U.S.S. Al-Batani, Arias mission. 2371 ? Given command of U.S.S. Voyager, new Intrepid-class starship. Ship disappeared in Badlands during mission to pursue Maquis ship. 2374 ? Re-established contact with Starfleet via alien relay station, reporting that Voyager is stranded in Delta Quadrant and most of crew is still alive. 2378 ? Commanded Voyager back to Earth by way of Borg transwarp conduit. Promoted to Admiral shortly thereafter."@en . . . "Kathryn_Janeway.jpg"@en . . "Kathryn"@de . "Kathryn Janeway"@en . "Kathryn Janeway war Captain an Bord der Voyager und wurde nach ihrer Heimkehr zum Vizeadmiral bef\u00F6rdertthumb|226px|Kathryn Janeway Janeway wurde am 20. Mai 2335 in Indiana als Tochter von Sternenflotten-Admiral Edward Janeway und Gretchen Janeway geboren. Dort wuchs sie zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Phoebe auf. Kathryn Janeway diente als Wissenschaftsoffizier der USS Al-Batani, welche unter dem Kommando von Owen Paris stand. Im Jahr 2371 bekam sie das Kommando \u00FCber die Voyager (Intrepid-Klasse) und verschwand kurz darauf in den Badlands, w\u00E4hrend sie ein Maquis-Schiff verfolgte. Ein Wesen aus einer anderen Galaxie, das die Besatzung der Voyager nur unter der Bezeichnung F\u00FCrsorger/Besch\u00FCtzer kennenlernte, transportierte vom Delta-Quadranten aus (75.000 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt) Schiffe von \u00FCberall zu sich, um einen Nachfolger f\u00FCr sich zu finden, der das Volk der Ocampa besch\u00FCtzt \u2013 darunter auch die Voyager und das Maquis-Schiff. Leider starb der F\u00FCrsorger, bevor er sie zur\u00FCckschicken konnte, und Janeway zerst\u00F6rte seine Station, um die Ocampa zu besch\u00FCtzen. So strandete die Voyager und das Maquis-Schiff im Delta-Quadranten. Da das Maquis-Schiff schwer besch\u00E4digt war, verbanden sich beide Mannschaften zu einer Crew auf der Voyager. Captain Janeway ernannte den Kommandanten des Maquis-Schiffes Chakotay zum Ersten Offizier, und gemeinsam begaben sie sich auf die lange Heimreise. Janeway betrachtete es als ihre Aufgabe, sowohl schnellstm\u00F6glich in den Alpha-Quadranten zur\u00FCckzukehren, als auch stets die oberste Direktive einzuhalten, und verzichtete deswegen mehrfach auf schnellere M\u00F6glichkeiten zur Heimreise. Janeway und ihre Crew \u2013 f\u00FCr lange Zeit die einzigen Vertreter der F\u00F6deration im Delta-Quadranten \u2013 hatten auf ihrem Weg zum Alpha-Quadranten zahlreiche Kontakte mit Lebensformen, die der entfernt liegenden F\u00F6deration bislang unbekannt waren. Im zweiteiligen Serienfinale Endspiel trat neben Captain Janeway auch eine Admiral Janeway aus einer m\u00F6glichen Zukunft auf und trug mittels zuk\u00FCnftiger Technologie entscheidend dazu bei, die Voyager wieder nach Hause zu f\u00FChren und den Borg empfindlich zu schaden, indem die Mannschaft der Voyager mit Admiral Janeway ein Trans-Warp-Zentrum der Borg im Delta-Quadranten zerst\u00F6rten und ein Virus in das Borgkollektiv einschleusten. Typisch f\u00FCr Janeway ist ihre Replikatorbestellung \u201EKaffee: schwarz\u201C, eine stets tadellos sitzende Frisur, wenig impulsives, aber sehr selbstbewusstes Auftreten und ihren erkennbaren Versuch, Kommandant und Vertrauensperson der Crew zu sein. In den ersten Jahren der Mission wurde ihre Strenge nur gemildert, wenn ihre pers\u00F6nliche Sehnsucht nach der Heimat und ihrem Verlobten Mark Johnson hervortrat. Im Lauf der Zeit wurde das Verh\u00E4ltnis zur Besatzung pers\u00F6nlicher und beinahe famili\u00E4r; sp\u00E4ter erfuhr sie, dass Mark die Verlobung gel\u00F6st und geheiratet hat. Entgegen den eigentlichen Regeln der Sternenflotte m\u00F6chte Captain Janeway nicht \u201ESir\u201C genannt werden. Die Anrede \u201EMa\u2019am\u201C akzeptiert sie notfalls, m\u00F6chte aber einfach als \u201ECaptain\u201C angesprochen werden. Nach der Heimkehr aus dem Delta-Quadranten wurde Captain Janeway zum Vizeadmiral bef\u00F6rdert; sie gab in dieser Funktion im Captain Picard den Befehl, nach Romulus zu fliegen."@de . "Edward Janeway, Gretchen Janeway"@es . . . . . . . . "Kathryn Janeway war Captain an Bord der Voyager und wurde nach ihrer Heimkehr zum Vizeadmiral bef\u00F6rdertthumb|226px|Kathryn Janeway Janeway wurde am 20. Mai 2335 in Indiana als Tochter von Sternenflotten-Admiral Edward Janeway und Gretchen Janeway geboren. Dort wuchs sie zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Phoebe auf. Entgegen den eigentlichen Regeln der Sternenflotte m\u00F6chte Captain Janeway nicht \u201ESir\u201C genannt werden. Die Anrede \u201EMa\u2019am\u201C akzeptiert sie notfalls, m\u00F6chte aber einfach als \u201ECaptain\u201C angesprochen werden."@de . . "220"^^ . "Kathryn Janeway \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet du XXIV\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, qui s'est particuli\u00E8rement illustr\u00E9e en tant que capitaine de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656, vaisseau projet\u00E9 \u00E0 l'autre bout de la Galaxie. Elle fut ainsi le premier capitaine de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 avoir r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 traverser le Quadrant Delta. Au cours des sept ann\u00E9es qu'a dur\u00E9 ce p\u00E9riple, Janeway et son \u00E9quipage ont explor\u00E9 un nombre consid\u00E9rable de plan\u00E8tes, sont entr\u00E9s en contact avec des dizaines de nouvelles civilisations et ont surv\u00E9cu \u00E0 de nombreux p\u00E9riples, notamment plusieurs rencontres avec les Borgs."@fr . . "Starfleet Career Summary: prior ? Science Officer under Adm. Paris on the U.S.S. Al-Batani, Arias mission. 2371 ? Given command of U.S.S. Voyager, new Intrepid-class starship. Ship disappeared in Badlands during mission to pursue Maquis ship. 2374 ? Re-established contact with Starfleet via alien relay station, reporting that Voyager is stranded in Delta Quadrant and most of crew is still alive. 2378 ? Commanded Voyager back to Earth by way of Borg transwarp conduit. Promoted to Admiral shortly thereafter. Janeway is a tough Captain who is not afraid to take chances, while her intelligence, thoughtfulness, dedication and diplomacy have earned her respect and recognition as one of the best in Starfleet. Her talents in engineering and science allow her hands-on expertise, if necessary; as such she has shown a tendency to defy the Starfleet protocol against beam-down of commanding officers into unsecured away team missions. She prefers to be addressed as \"Captain\" rather than either the gender-based \"sir\" or \"ma'am.\" Aside from math and the sciences, her studies have included chromo-linguistics, American Sign Language, and the gestural idioms of the Leyron. This subject's penchant for the scientific method and clear-cut choices has given her a healthy dose of skepticism, which usually provides a command asset in dealing with new situations. Her preference for difficult studies is self-traced back to childhood, when she would prefer that to outdoor play. Since then, she has indicated no pleasure in outdoor camping, hiking, or cooking. For relaxation, Janeway enjoys role-playing and recreation in Holodeck programs, such as Gothic novels, skiing and sailing. In her youth in rural agricultural Indiana, she played tennis, and at age 12 walked back from a match she lost for 7 km in a thunderstorm; however, she has not played the game regularly since 2354. As a child, she also studied beginning ballet and performed the \"Dying Swan\" at age 6, but in all her activities \u2014 many of them pushed by her parents, such as gardening \u2014 she never studied a musical instrument. She has often ascribed this situation to her sister being the artist of the family. The subject reports one severe depression in life, when her father died under the polar ice cap on Tau Ceti Prime in the mid 2350s. She stayed bedridden with grief until her sister finally coerced her into accepting the fact and moving on, literally dragging Janeway out of bed. The captain has credited her father with forcing her to learn her own lessons and not shielding her from life. In 2371, Janeway gambled on giving troubled Starfleet renegade Tom Paris a reprieve from his Rehabilitation Settlement in New Zealand by tapping him as a scout for a search-and-rescue mission of her security chief gone undercover aboard a Maquis vessel. However, contact with her new ship, the U.S.S. Voyager, was lost after SD 48307.5 and all hands were presumed lost."@en . "Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway ."@en . . . . "She and her crew, aboard the USS Voyager were flung 70,000 light years into the delta quadrant. She tells her crew that they will begin their own joruney for their seven year return back to the Alpha Quadrant. She is encountered with Q and a female version of Q. She was captured by the borg, but she eventually returned back to the starship voyager. After Kes's departure, she allows Seven of Nine to the voyager crew. She and her crew discovered another starship that was flung into the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox. She was captured by the Quarren, but she was freed. In the end, she and her crew finally headed back to the Alpha Quadrant, with the help of the starfleet admirials and the entire fleet as voyager is escorted back home. Some time after her arrival, she herself is promoted to Admiral and takes and assignment at Starfleet Command."@en . . "Humaine"@fr . . "Gretchen Janeway"@it . . . . "Janeway_Season7.jpg"@es . . "Humana"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kathryn Janeway"@nl . "2379"^^ . . . "2335-05-20"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "USS Voyager ; USS Viceroy"@en . . . . "brown"@en . . . "Captain Kathryn Janeway ."@en . "2335-05-20"^^ . . "dating: Chakotay"@en . . . . . . "Janeway_Season1.jpg"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Femmina"@it . . . . . . "Kathryn Janeway var bef\u00E4lhavare \u00F6ver rymdskeppet USS Voyager. Hon b\u00F6rjade som vetenskapsofficer p\u00E5 USS Al Batani under bef\u00E4l av kommend\u00F6r Paris (far till Tom Paris). Hon fick senare bef\u00E4let \u00F6ver USS Voyager och skickades iv\u00E4g f\u00F6r att sp\u00E5ra ett Maquisskepp i Badlands. D\u00E4r tr\u00E4ffades USS Voyager av en partikelv\u00E5g som kastade skeppet 70 000 ljus\u00E5r till Deltakvadranten. Den h\u00E4r sidan \u00E4r under konstruktion. Den h\u00E4r sidan arbetas med just nu och stora f\u00F6r\u00E4ndringar kan ske snabbt. [ Bidra] g\u00E4rna med ert material, men r\u00E4kna med att det snabbt kan om\u00E4ndras d\u00E5 n\u00E5gon eller n\u00E5gra personer s\u00E4rskilt arbetar med denna sida."@sv . "Voice Actor"@en . "Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway was a Human female in Starfleet in the 24th century. In 2371, she assumed command of USS Voyager, which was shortly thereafter pulled into the Delta Quadrant. She managed to bring the ship and crew back to the Alpha Quadrant by December 2377, and was thereafter promoted from Captain to Admiral."@en . "Kathryn Janeway var bef\u00E4lhavare \u00F6ver rymdskeppet USS Voyager. Hon b\u00F6rjade som vetenskapsofficer p\u00E5 USS Al Batani under bef\u00E4l av kommend\u00F6r Paris (far till Tom Paris). Hon fick senare bef\u00E4let \u00F6ver USS Voyager och skickades iv\u00E4g f\u00F6r att sp\u00E5ra ett Maquisskepp i Badlands. D\u00E4r tr\u00E4ffades USS Voyager av en partikelv\u00E5g som kastade skeppet 70 000 ljus\u00E5r till Deltakvadranten."@sv . . . . . . . "Robert Duncan McNeill"@en . . . "Kathryn Janeway, 2379.jpg"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Single"@en . . "Commanding Officer of the"@en . . . "Incarcerated"@en . . . "20"^^ . . "Flag Officer-in-Command"@en . "w"@de . . "Bloomington, Indiana, Terra"@it . . . "Kathryn Janeway was a Starfleet officer during the 24th century. She is most famous for bringing home the crew of the USS Voyager after it was lost in the Delta Quadrant for seven years. After this she was promoted to Vice Admiral."@en . . . . "Kate Mulgrew"@en . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej, San Francisco, Ziemia \n* 23??-23?? Janeway s\u0142u\u017Cy na U.S.S. \u201EAl-Batani\u201D NCC -42995 jako Oficer Naukowy. Okr\u0119tem dowodzi w tym czasie kapitan Owen Paris. \n* 2368-23?? Janeway otrzymuje awans do stopnia komandora i zostaje Pierwszym Oficerem na U.S.S. \u201EBillings\u201D NCC-3907. \n* 2371 \n* 2377 Czas Gwiezdny: 54973.4. U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D pod dow\u00F3dztwem Kathryn Janeway wraca z Kwadrantu Delta. Kapitan Janeway zostaje awansowana do stopnia admira\u0142a."@pl . . . . "Kathryn Janeway"@it . . . "Kathryn Janeway, 2371.jpg"@it . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Kathryn Janeway Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor Gender First publication Unknown"@en . . . "Kathryn Janeway is the main captain on the Star Trek spin-off series \"Star Trek Voyager \" who was reenacted by Mike in order to steer the Satellite of Love out of harm's way in Experiment #706 Laserblast after Dr. Forrester unplugged the link between the ship and Earth. He managed to save the day while in character as the Trek character but quickly became unpopular with the Bots once he randomly started to burst into song. For connections between the Trek universe and MST3k, click here."@en . . . . . . . . . "Kathryn Janeway \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet du XXIV\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, qui s'est particuli\u00E8rement illustr\u00E9e en tant que capitaine de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656, vaisseau projet\u00E9 \u00E0 l'autre bout de la Galaxie. Elle fut ainsi le premier capitaine de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 avoir r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 traverser le Quadrant Delta. Au cours des sept ann\u00E9es qu'a dur\u00E9 ce p\u00E9riple, Janeway et son \u00E9quipage ont explor\u00E9 un nombre consid\u00E9rable de plan\u00E8tes, sont entr\u00E9s en contact avec des dizaines de nouvelles civilisations et ont surv\u00E9cu \u00E0 de nombreux p\u00E9riples, notamment plusieurs rencontres avec les Borgs. \u2014 Cpt. Kathryn Janeway, qui ordonne le retour \u00E0 la maison. (VOY: \"Caretaker\") (VOY: \"Endgame\")"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Vice-amiral"@fr . . . . "Kathryn Janeway was een 24e eeuwse Starfleet officer, die het bekendste is geworden als kapitein van het sterrenschip USS Voyager. Ze was de eerste kapitein die met succes het Delta kwadrant doorkruiste, waarbij ze talloze nieuwe planeten en soorten tegenkwam tijdens de zeven jaar durende reis. Tijdens deze reis hadden zij en haar bemanning diverse treffens met de Borg."@nl . "2335"^^ . "Gertie Honeck"@de . . "Henry Janeway, Shannon O'Donnel"@en . "thumb|220px|Rear Admiral Kathryn Janeway 2379 Kathryn Janeway ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24.Jahrhundert. Sie ist bekannt als Captain der USS VOYAGER. Au\u00DFerdem ist sie der erste Captain, der den Delta-Quadranten erfolgreich verlassen hat. Im Jahre 2379 wird sie zum Rear Admiral bef\u00F6rdert."@de . . "Janeway Season7.jpg"@en . . "During her time in the Delta Quadrant, she tried out most of the men under her command (sometimes over, sometimes from behind, something from above, sometimes; kinda sideways, with one person facing up, and the other facing down), among these was Security Chief, Tactical Officer, Maquis Spy, and close friend Lt. Commander Tuvok. However, she eventually realised that no one on board her ship could satisfy her, after trying a bevy of Delta Quadrant males, she figured a female was the way to go. Taking advantage of the Borg Collective's losing battle with Species 8472, Janeway bartered with the Collective: The Borg reluctantly agreed, and provided Janeway with former human drone Seven of Nine. Janeway put up a facade for a few weeks of reluctance of having the drone on board, but let her intentions be clear that she needed a new sexual partner, Seven found this to be a most intriguing offer, and agreed to be her bitch."@en . . . . "red"@en . . "Captain Kathryn Janeway"@en . . "Attiva"@it . . . "Kathryn Janeway"@es . "Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer. From 2371 to 2378 she served as the captain of the USS Voyager, which spent seven years lost in the Delta Quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager)"@en . . . "Vicealmirante Kathryn Janeway"@es . "Robert D. McNeill"@fr . "June 2380"@en . . . . . . . . "Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway was a Human female in Starfleet in the 24th century. In 2371, she assumed command of USS Voyager, which was shortly thereafter pulled into the Delta Quadrant. She managed to bring the ship and crew back to the Alpha Quadrant by December 2377, and was thereafter promoted from Captain to Admiral."@en . . . . "Mensch"@de . . . . "Mujer"@es . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Kathryn Janeway Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor Gender First publication Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . "Janeway2379.jpg"@es . "Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway ist ein hoch angesehener und ber\u00FChmter Flaggoffizier der Sternenflotte des 24. Jahrhunderts. In den Jahren 2371-2378 kommandiert sie die USS Voyager und erforscht als einer der ersten Sternenflottenoffiziere, erfolgreich einen Teil des Delta-Quadranten. Nachdem sie Schiff und Crew in die Heimat gef\u00FChrt hat, wird sie im Jahr 2379 zum Admiral bef\u00F6rdert."@de . "Kathryn Janeway"@en . . . . . "Commander"@fr . . "Kathryn Janeway 2377.jpg"@de . . . "Kathryn Janeway was een 24e eeuwse Starfleet officer, die het bekendste is geworden als kapitein van het sterrenschip USS Voyager. Ze was de eerste kapitein die met succes het Delta kwadrant doorkruiste, waarbij ze talloze nieuwe planeten en soorten tegenkwam tijdens de zeven jaar durende reis. Tijdens deze reis hadden zij en haar bemanning diverse treffens met de Borg."@nl . . . . "Una sorella"@it . . . . "Soltera; anteriormente comprometida con Mark Johnson"@es . . . . . . "Il Capitano Kathryn Janeway"@it . . . . "Janeway"@de . . . . "Enfants: 3 enfants hyper-\u00E9volu\u00E9s"@fr . . . "Kathryn Janeway es una oficial de la Flota Estelar, conocida sobre todo por servir como Capit\u00E1n de la nave USS Voyager. Se convirti\u00F3 en la primera capitana de la Federaci\u00F3n en conseguir atravesar con \u00E9xito el Cuadrante Delta, encontr\u00E1ndose con docenas de nuevos planetas y civilizaciones en el transcurso de siete a\u00F1os. Mientras estuvieron all\u00ED, ella y su tripulaci\u00F3n sobrevivieron a numerosos enfrentamientos con los Borg."@es . . . "Kate Mulgrew"@de . . "Kate Mulgrew"@es . . . . . . "Active"@en . . . . "Janeway Season7.jpg"@nl . "Janeway in 2371"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . "M\u00E8re: Janeway"@fr . . . . . "Commanding officer"@en . . "Tre bambini umani iper-evoluti"@it . "Married"@en . . "--05-20"^^ . "none"@en . . "Wikipedia"@en . . . . "Capitaine"@fr . "Captain Kathryn Janeway is most noted for commanding the USS Voyager and being the only female captain in the leading role of a Star Trek series. In the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager ensign Harry Kim follows Starfleet tradition and calls Captain Janeway \"sir.\" She politley tells him she prefers \"captain\" but that \"ma'am\" is also acceptable."@en . . . . . . . "Gretchen Janeway"@en . . . . "Citoyenne de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . . "Lieutenant"@fr . "100.0"^^ . "Female"@en . . "Kathryn Janeway"@fr . . "Kathryn Janeway"@nl . . "F\u00F6derationsb\u00FCrger"@de . "Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer, most noted for her service as captain of the starships USS Voyager and USS Millennium. She became the first Federation captain to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of six years. While there she fell in love with Seven of Nine, a young Borg drone she had rescued from the Borg Collective in 2374. Their relationship and later marriage forever changed the course of her life. Later in her career she commanded the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for a year and had numerous encounters with the Orion Syndicate and Section 31. These two criminal organizations would continue to cause problems for her, her family and Starfleet as a whole until years later. She is also the first captain to command Starfleets first Slipstream Drive vessel, the USS Millennium and travel to both the Delta and Beta Quadrant with it."@en . "Phoebe Janeway"@en . . . "Kathryn attended all her classes at Starfleet, except for two. During the introductory courses for the Prime Directive, she was in quickie-rehab for her extreme passion for coffee and was not able to attend her \"Keeping Now Now, And Then Then\" and \"Please Don't Mess This Up: Avoiding Time Line Catastrophes\" classes. Her temporal mechanics professor said she \"...had little respect for the time line,\" yet still had a \"...great drive and enthusiasm\" for time travel. It is rumored that she attended the \"Assimilation, What It Is and What It Means For You\" class over nine times."@en . . "Vrouw"@nl . . "Janeway"@fr . "2381"^^ . . . . "2380"^^ . . . "2371"^^ . . . . . . .