"Tommy and Chuckie are tired of being babies! It seems that everything they want to do they can't because they're too little. Tommy says it'll be great when they're grown-ups and can do anything and everything they want. Chuckie asks what they'll do and it dissolves into a fantasy in which Tommy and Chuckie are grown-ups (though still with their baby heads and voices)."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tommy and Chuckie are tired of being babies! It seems that everything they want to do they can't because they're too little. Tommy says it'll be great when they're grown-ups and can do anything and everything they want. Chuckie asks what they'll do and it dissolves into a fantasy in which Tommy and Chuckie are grown-ups (though still with their baby heads and voices). Tommy explains that they'll be able to eat whatever they want for breakfast, and every meal for that matter. For Tommy, this means every cabinet in the kitchen is stuffed with dozens of boxes of Reptar cereal. The two of them eagerly gobble down bowls of Reptar cereal before heading off for work. On the way to work, Tommy drives not only extremely fast, but also very recklessly as well. Chuckie warns Tommy they're going to get a ticket if he doesn't stop, but Tommy says he wants to get a ticket because it's a good thing. Moments later they're pulled over by a motorcycle cop (who looks a sounds like Angelica), who tells Tommy he was going a billion miles and hour and just earned himself a ticket. The cop hands Tommy the ticket, who happily exclaims it's for Reptar on Ice. They arrive at the office building they'll work in. It's filled with hundreds of other adult-babies who run around literally pushing papers around with giant brooms all day. Tommy and Chuckie happily play until a voice over the intercom says the boss wants to see them right away. Tommy and Chuckie nervously take the elevator up to the top floor and make their way down the hall to the boss's office (which is populated by giant portraits of evil-looking people). When they reach the office, it's revealed that Angelica, who is much bigger than they are, is the boss! Angelica tells them that they're not big, just big babies, and they're fired. At her words the office erupts in flames and Tommy and Chuckie flee the office and run back to the elevator. The portraits come to life and try to stop the babies, but they make it to the elevator and down back to the now empty lobby. But it turns out the doors are locked, and Angelica is going to catch them.... At that moment, Tommy and Chuckie sit up horrified. Obviously, they've been daydreaming in the playpen the entire time. Tommy and Chuckie agree that being grown-up isn't so great after all and they'll happily stay as babies for now."@en . "What the Big People Do"@en . .