. . . . "Survivor Count: 41,422 The crew of Galactica have reinstated an old military tradition by setting up a boxing ring and putting rank aside \u2014 by the placing of dog tags in a metal box \u2014 crew and officers freely duke it out in one-on-one matches. Colonel Tigh is match referee. Elsewhere in a bunk room, Starbuck has finished having sex with her estranged husband Samuel T. Anders. Starbuck remarks that their encounter was just what she needed and gets up to leave. Anders replies that he wants to reconcile their marriage. Starbuck responds that she's not ready yet and heads to the fights. Kara heads past the boxing match and observes Major Apollo losing a match against Captain \"Helo\" Agathon. Apollo leaves the ring and picks up his dog tags to signify that he is quitting the competition. However, Starbuck drops her tags in the box and goads an initially reluctant Apollo into fighting her instead. Admiral Adama arrives with President Roslin, who is a boxing enthusiast, to watch the next series of fights; Kat wins against a female crew member, and Hot Dog is quickly knocked out by Starbuck. Adama then observes Chief Tyrol and his wife Cally, recalling a moment when the fleet first settled New Caprica and Tyrol and Cally were still assigned to Galactica. Tyrol asked Adama for permission to leave the ship so he and Cally's child could be born and raised down on the planet. Adama refused the request, telling Tyrol he and Cally are needed on board. Back at the boxing match, Adama overhears Tyrol give one of his crew permission to watch the fight although the crew member has not yet finished fixing a broken spacecraft. Without warning, the Admiral steps into the ring and tells Chief Tyrol to get his \"fat, lazy ass\" in there with him. Tyrol enters as ordered, thinking the match will be a joke until the bell rings and Adama knocks him to the mat with a fast right hook. Adama taunts Tyrol asking him if this is how he fought down on New Caprica. Insulted, Tyrol rises to his feet and begins to lay into the Admiral. Adama is easily over matched as Tyrol angrily pummels him into the ropes asking if this is what he wanted. Adama is saved for the moment by the bell. Adama sits to rest while Doctor Cottle looks him over. Roslin rushes to Adama's side and gives him some advice on how to win, but Adama replies that he does not intend to win. Round two begins with Tyrol rushing Adama back into the ropes with more fierce pummelling. Adama does not do much to resist, with his face beaten to a bloody pulp. Tyrol eventually floors the old man who stays down for the count. A stunned silence falls over the crowd as Tyrol and Tigh help Adama back to his feet. The fight is over and Adama takes a moment to tell the crew that he has let them all get \"too close\" to him, something which must come to an end, and he will no longer forgive laxity among the crew as he's done in the past - he let them drop their guard during the initial settlement of New Caprica and left humanity exposed to the Cylons as a result. As the Admiral leaves, Tigh announces the matches are over and orders everyone back to duty. Starbuck will not give up her planned fight with Apollo, however. They both enter the ring and let loose with all their bottled up hostilities. As fists fly, flashbacks take the scene back to New Caprica. During the late evening of a ground-breaking ceremony, Apollo and Starbuck found a moment alone to talk. Starbuck had (literally) drunk Anders under the table, and he had passed out cold on the ground, under a table. Apollo took the opportunity to ask Starbuck about her plans for the future, musing about what will become of her relationship with Anders. Back to the present, the boxing match between Starbuck and Apollo intensifies. Dee watches as Anders remarks that the two look like they'll kill each other. On New Caprica the two eventually head outside the city to a secluded field and they end up making love. Afterward, Starbuck wonders what will happen if anyone finds out about what they have done \u2014 especially Anders or Dee. Apollo stands up and literally shouts to the night sky that he loves Kara Thrace, unconcerned about anyone hearing him. Hesitantly at first, Starbuck eventually does the same shouting that she loves Lee Adama. Apollo says he will tell Dee about the new situation and asks that Starbuck do the same with Anders. In the boxing ring, Apollo knocks Starbuck to the mat at which point the fighting turns dirty. Starbuck does a leg sweep and trips Apollo. As he gets back to his feet, Starbuck kicks him in the face. Seeing the match is getting personal, the few remaining spectators begin to leave the room. Flashing to the next morning on New Caprica, Admiral Adama and Roslin talk with Chief Tyrol and Cally. Adama tells Tyrol that he has given the Chief's situation some thought and that he has decided they can remain on New Caprica to have their child. Apollo awakes in the field and finds Starbuck has gone. Returning to the town, he meets his father, who tells him that Starbuck and Anders have just got married in a surprise ceremony earlier that morning. Still reeling from the news, Apollo meets the newlyweds walking down the street. Anders reveals that the wedding was Starbuck's idea and that she \"popped the question to him\" only that morning. Apollo recovers enough to congratulate Anders and wish him luck, adding that \"you're going to need it\" as he glances towards Starbuck. Apollo then walks off in a dazed shock back to a Raptor to return to Pegasus, with Dee waiting on the entry ramp. Apollo walks straight from his confrontation with Starbuck to Dee and immediately kisses her. Back at the boxing ring, Starbuck and Apollo have battled each other to a literal stand-still. They slump against each other in the middle of the ring with their arms around each other. An awkward silence follows, and the spectators shuffle out of the hall. Anders leaves too, while Dee lowers her head. Starbuck whispers to Apollo that she has \"missed him\". Apollo replies that he missed her, too. As the scene fades out, there is the trace of a smile upon Starbuck's face."@en . . . . "Marianne Clarkson"@en . . . . . . . . "March 1990 - January 1992"@en . . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars \"Bad Batch\" 4-Episode Arc Coming to Star Wars Celebration"@en . . . "4"^^ . . . . . . "+1 Fame"@en . . . . "Sombre Apprenti"@fr . "1"^^ . "Nun da die Gefahr f\u00FCr die UNSC Infinity abgewehrt wurde, wird das Feuerteam Crimson wieder nach \"Apex\" auf Requiem entsendet. Dort hat die Allianz die Abwesenheit der UNSC-Truppen dazu genutzt, Portale zu errichten, um Verst\u00E4rkung in das Gebiet zu bringen. Spartan Jared Miller befiehlt ihnen, diese auszuschalten und Apex zur\u00FCckzuerobern."@de . . . . . "\"Unfinished Business\""@en . "2017-06-08"^^ . "Unfinished Business is the 20th episode of WrestleMania Rewind."@en . . . . "\"The Tribe\""@en . . "15"^^ . "Charles Correll"@en . . . "2015-03-06"^^ . . "Unfinished Business is an interlude in the night elf campaign Terror of the Tides."@en . . "tv-shows/the-clone-wars-legacy/bad-batch-concept-art-gallery"@en . "\"Unfinished Business\" is an unfinished episode from the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It premiered in story reel form on April 17, 2015 at Celebration Anaheim, and it was later released online on April 29, 2015."@en . . . "yes"@en . "white"@en . "20"^^ . . "video/unfinished-business-star-wars-the-clone-wars-story-reel"@en . . . . . . "19"^^ . . . "*Clothing\n**Robe\n***Jedi robes\n*Commando\n*Command ship\n*The Force\n**Force power\n***Telekinesis\n*Goggles\n*Legion\n*\"May the Force be with you\"\n*Medal\n*Platoon\n*Shipyard\n*Sleep\n*Time\n**Standard day"@en . . "Clef\u2019s eyes opened slowly, and then shut immediately as the bleary light blinded him. He felt cold and naked, his flesh crawling with barely remembered frostbite and a decade of immobility. Was he awake, now? Was this another of the cold dreams? He felt a hand on his wrist\u2014warm, soft, female flesh. His eyes opened again, and he blinked hard, staring directly at the large, perky breasts. \u201CDr. Clef?\u201D Clef\u2019s eyes never left her chest. \u201CYou have me at a disadvantage, Miss\u2026?\u201D The woman adjusted her top. \u201CIt\u2019s doctor. Doctor Lore.\u201D \u201CWhat happened?\u201D asked Clef. \u201COld problem or new?\u201D asked Clef. \u201COld.\u201D"@en . "\"Apex\", Requiem"@de . . "Nelson Leis as \"Slim\""@en . . . . . "Unfinished Business"@pl . . . . "Shifting Tactics"@en . . "2558"^^ . . . . . "H\u00E9ritage"@fr . . "zero"@en . "A deceased ex-employee of OCP named Daniel O\u2019Hara is brought back to life through an experimental concept called engraming. By surviving death and the conservation of captured brain wave patterns he is reborn in the machine built by unsuspecting privately licensed scientists and called Cyberwraith. Through flashbacks, he learns that RoboCop had killed O\u2019Hara then seeks revenge. Their battle is intense but RoboCop defeats O\u2019Hara by interfacing with his machine and overloading it's system with his own nightmares as a murdered cop reborn as a cyborg."@en . "Unfinished Business"@fr . . . . "teal"@en . . . . . "Legend Of The Holy Rose"@en . . . . . . . . . . "83"^^ . . . . . . . "4"^^ . "\"Riding the Lightning\""@en . "Unfinished Business"@en . . . . "--04-29"^^ . . . "Vince Vaughn"@en . . . "26"^^ . . . . "Unfinished Business is a companion quest for Cassandra in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Since the Seekers' strange absence, some of their high profile cases have been left unchecked. Help Cassandra hunt the targets down."@en . . . . "8"^^ . "2015-04-17"^^ . . . . . "Level based gold"@en . . "Gold Reward File:GoldIcon.png Reputation Disposition Type Creatures Enemies Quest ID Unfinished Business is a quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Vilena Donton sends the Hero to Modryn Oreyn in Chorrol. He tells them that a rather undependable Guildmate named Maglir has defaulted on a contract to recover a journal from a mine infested with undead. The Hero must locate Maglir and find out why he has not returned to Chorrol."@en . . . . "\"Unfinished Business\" is an unfinished episode from the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It premiered in story reel form on April 17, 2015 at Celebration Anaheim, and it was later released online on April 29, 2015."@en . "Steve Tisch"@en . . "None"@en . "Unfinished Business"@de . . . . . . "Unfinished Business"@en . . "--04-17"^^ . "Unfinished Business"@en . "*Harch\n*Human\n**Clone\n**Naboo \n*Skakoan"@en . "Unknown"@en . "UNFINISHED BUSINESS"@en . . . . "Unfinished Business"@en . "Compte des survivants : 41 422 L'\u00E9quipage du Galactica ont r\u00E9tabli une vieille tradition militaire par la mise en place d'un ring de boxe et mettant de c\u00F4t\u00E9 rang \u2014 par la mise des \u00E9tiquettes de chien dans une bo\u00EEte m\u00E9tallique \u2014 membres d'\u00E9quipage et officiers librement duc il dehors dans les correspondances individuelles. Colonel Tigh est arbitre du match. Ailleurs en chambre superpos\u00E9s, Starbuck termin\u00E9e pour avoir des relations sexuelles avec son ex-mari, Samuel. Starbuck, remarque que leur rencontre \u00E9tait juste ce qu'elle avait besoin et se l\u00E8ve pour quitter. Anders r\u00E9pond qu'il veut concilier leur mariage. Starbuck r\u00E9pond qu'elle n'est pas encore pr\u00EAte et qu'il se dirige vers les combats. Kara est responsable devant le match de boxe et observe Major Apollo perdu un match contre le capitaine \u00AB Helo \u00BB Agathon. Apollo quitte le ring et ramasse son chien tags pour signifier qu'il est quitter la comp\u00E9tition. Cependant, Starbuck supprime ses \u00E9tiquettes dans la bo\u00EEte et aiguillons un Apollo initialement r\u00E9ticent en lutte contre lui \u00E0 la place. L'amiral Adama arrive avec la pr\u00E9sidente Roslin, qui est un passionn\u00E9 de boxe, de regarder la prochaine s\u00E9rie de combats ; Kat gagne contre un membre d'\u00E9quipage f\u00E9minin, et le Hot-Dog est \u00E9limin\u00E9 rapidement par Starbuck. Adama observe puis chef Tyrol et son \u00E9pouse Cally, rappelant un moment o\u00F9 la flotte s'installent d'abord New Caprica et Tyrol et Cally \u00E9taient toujours assign\u00E9s \u00E0 bord du Galactica. Tyrol demand\u00E9 Adama pour obtenir l'autorisation de quitter le navire alors qu'il et enfant de Cally pourraient \u00EAtre n\u00E9s et \u00E9lev\u00E9s vers le bas sur la plan\u00E8te. Adama a refus\u00E9 la demande, en disant Tyrol qu'il et Cally sont n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 bord. Retour \u00E0 la boxe, Adama surprend Tyrol donner un de sa permission de l'\u00E9quipage de regarder la lutte, m\u00EAme si le membre d'\u00E9quipage n'a pas encore termin\u00E9 la fixation d'un vaisseau spatial bris\u00E9. Sans avertissement, l'amiral les \u00E9tapes dans l'anneau et raconte le chef Tyrol pour obtenir son \u00AB cul gras, paresseux \u00BB l\u00E0 avec lui. Tyrol p\u00E9n\u00E8tre comme command\u00E9, pensant le match sera une blague jusqu'\u00E0 ce que la cloche sonne et Adama lui frappe sur le tapis avec un crochet du droit rapide. Adama railleries Tyrol pour lui demander si c'est comment il a combattu vers le bas sur New Caprica. Insult\u00E9, Tyrol s'\u00E9l\u00E8ve \u00E0 ses pieds et commence \u00E0 poser jusqu'\u00E0 l'amiral. Adama est facilement plus adapt\u00E9 que le Tyrol avec col\u00E8re lui triture dans les cordes en demandant si c'est ce qu'il voulait. Adama est enregistr\u00E9 pour le moment de la cloche. Adama s'assoit pour se reposer tandis que le docteur Cottle lui domine. Roslin se pr\u00E9cipite \u00E0 c\u00F4t\u00E9 d'Adama et lui donne quelques conseils sur la fa\u00E7on de gagner, mais Adama r\u00E9pond qu'il ne peut avoir voulu gagner. Deux rond commence par Tyrol se pr\u00E9cipiter Adama dans les cordes avec plus f\u00E9roce martelant. Adama ne fait pas grand chose \u00E0 r\u00E9sister, avec son visage r\u00E9duit en bouillie sanglante. Tyrol \u00E9tages finalement le vieil homme qui reste en bas pour le d\u00E9compte. Un silence stup\u00E9fait tombe sur la foule comme le Tyrol et Tigh aident Adama \u00E0 ses pieds. La lutte est termin\u00E9e et Adama prend un moment pour dire \u00E0 l'\u00E9quipage qu'il a laisser tous les \u00AB trop proche \u00BB de lui, quelque chose qui doit prendre fin, et il n'est plus pardonnera laxisme parmi l'\u00E9quipage que comme il est fait par le pass\u00E9 - il les laissa d\u00E9poser leurs gardes pendant la colonisation initiale de New Caprica et l'humanit\u00E9 gauche expos\u00E9s pour les Cylons ainsi. Comme l'amiral laisse, Tigh annonce les matches sont termin\u00E9s et ordonne \u00E0 tout le monde, retour au travail. Starbuck abandonnerai pas son combat pr\u00E9vu avec Apollo, cependant. Ils ont tous deux entrer dans l'anneau et l\u00E2ch\u00E9 avec toutes leurs hostilit\u00E9s en bouteille vers le haut. Comme les poings mouche, flash-backs reprendre la sc\u00E8ne de New Caprica. En fin de soir\u00E9e d'une c\u00E9r\u00E9monie, Apollo et Starbuck a trouv\u00E9 un moment seul \u00E0 parler. Starbuck avait bu (litt\u00E9ralement) de Anders sous la table, et il avait subi \u00E0 froid sur le sol, sous une table. Apollo en a profit\u00E9 pour demander \u00E0 Starbuck sur ses plans pour l'avenir, r\u00EAvant tout ce qui va devenir sa relation avec Anders. Retour \u00E0 l'heure actuelle, le match de boxe entre Starbuck et Apollon s'intensifie. Dee montres comme Anders le fait remarquer que les deux ressemblent ils vont s'entretuent. Sur New Caprica les deux finissent par t\u00EAte \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur de la ville \u00E0 un champ isol\u00E9 et ils finissent par faire l'amour. Par la suite, Starbuck demande ce qui se passera si quelqu'un apprend tout ce qu'ils ont fait \u2014 en particulier Anders ou Dee. Apollo se l\u00E8ve et crie litt\u00E9ralement vers le ciel de la nuit qu'il aime Kara Thrace, pr\u00E9occup\u00E9s par toute personne entendant. H\u00E9sitant au d\u00E9but, Starbuck finalement fait la m\u00EAme chose qu'elle aime Lee Adama en criant. Apollo dit Dee racontera la nouvelle situation et demande que Starbuck faire la m\u00EAme chose avec Anders. Dans le ring de boxe, Apollon frappe Starbuck au tapis \u00E0 quel point les combats devient sale. Starbuck effectue un balayage de la jambe et des voyages d'Apollon. Comme il revient \u00E0 ses pieds, Starbuck lui coups au visage. Voyant le match devient personnels, les quelques spectateurs restants commencent \u00E0 quitter la salle. Clignotant pour le lendemain matin sur New Caprica, l'amiral Adama et Roslin parlent avec le chef Tyrol et Cally. Adama dit Tyrol qu'il a r\u00E9fl\u00E9chi situation du chef et qu'il a d\u00E9cid\u00E9 qu'ils peuvent rester sur New Caprica pour avoir leur enfant. Apollo se r\u00E9veille sur le terrain et trouve \n* Image:Drap-EN.png (en)[[en:]] en:Unfinished Business"@fr . "\"Unfinished Business\" - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Story Reel"@en . . . "Unfinished Business"@ru . "Unknown"@en . "270"^^ . "Invasion: Victory Lap"@de . "20"^^ . "Renegade"@en . "Sienna Miller"@en . . . "Brian Kalin O'Connell"@es . "29"^^ . . "2004-06-14"^^ . . "Dormant"@en . "2009"^^ . . "RoboCop Volume One"@en . "The thumbnail for ."@en . "Wild Force"@en . . . "Unfinished Business (\u5F15\u3051\u306A\u3044\u6226\u3044, Unfinished Battle) is an Event Track in Xenoblade Chronicles, composed and arranged by Yoko Shimomura, with additional string arrangement by Tsutomu Narita. It is track 18 of disc 1 from the Xenoblade Original Soundtrack. This music is a pre-battle theme that is heard in only one cutscene, outside of the Ether Mine on Freight Road when Dickson and Dunban arrive to help the party against Metal Face and his Mechon force."@en . "Audrey Marie Anderson as Lyla Michaels"@en . "\u041D\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u043B\u043E"@fr . . "\"Unfinished Business\" is the fifteenth episode of Season One of Criminal Minds."@en . "Survivor Count: 41,422 The crew of Galactica have reinstated an old military tradition by setting up a boxing ring and putting rank aside \u2014 by the placing of dog tags in a metal box \u2014 crew and officers freely duke it out in one-on-one matches. Colonel Tigh is match referee. Elsewhere in a bunk room, Starbuck has finished having sex with her estranged husband Samuel T. Anders. Starbuck remarks that their encounter was just what she needed and gets up to leave. Anders replies that he wants to reconcile their marriage. Starbuck responds that she's not ready yet and heads to the fights."@en . . "no"@en . . . . "Unfinished Business, to sto dwudziesty dziewi\u0105ty odcinek z niedoko\u0144czon\u0105 animacj\u0105 serialu animowanego Wojny Klon\u00F3w (2008-2014)."@pl . . "2006-03-01"^^ . . "On the Wings of Keeradaks"@en . . . . . . . . "Brent Friedman"@en . . "4"^^ . . "*Guerras Clon"@es . . "Unfinished Business is a short fiction written by Rich Wulf for a tournament.[2]"@en . "*CC-2224 \n*Crosshair \n*CT-21-0408 \n*CT-5597\n*CT-7567\n*Hunter \n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*Anakin Skywalker\n*Tech \n*Trench\n*Mace Windu\n*Wrecker \n*R2-D2 \n*R4-P17"@es . . "English"@en . "1"^^ . . . "Bruce McGill as Jack Dalton,br> Kristian Alfonso as Deborah"@en . "Who Watches the Virindi?"@en . . . "Brian Kalin O'Connell"@fr . . . "John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn"@en . "Compte des survivants : 41 422 L'\u00E9quipage du Galactica ont r\u00E9tabli une vieille tradition militaire par la mise en place d'un ring de boxe et mettant de c\u00F4t\u00E9 rang \u2014 par la mise des \u00E9tiquettes de chien dans une bo\u00EEte m\u00E9tallique \u2014 membres d'\u00E9quipage et officiers librement duc il dehors dans les correspondances individuelles. Colonel Tigh est arbitre du match. L'amiral Adama arrive avec la pr\u00E9sidente Roslin, qui est un passionn\u00E9 de boxe, de regarder la prochaine s\u00E9rie de combats ; Kat gagne contre un membre d'\u00E9quipage f\u00E9minin, et le Hot-Dog est \u00E9limin\u00E9 rapidement par Starbuck."@fr . . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Christie Laing as Carly Diggle"@en . . "Steven Conrad"@en . . . . "Secret revenge unfinished business list: Scare the annoying little snots over the road. (note: must ask Annie if we can make blood run down walls or projectile vomit. If not, why not?) Alter the menu at the coffee shop so that all the \u2018grande\u2019 signs now read \u2018large\u2019 and latte reads milky and cookie is biscuit (I might be there a while). Haunt those so called \u2018Doctors\u2019 that said nothing was wrong with me. Hypochondriac, am I? Let\u2019s see if you\u2019re still saying that when I drag my own dead body into your office. And leave it propped up in your chair. Wearing a dunce\u2019s cap. (Note: Unsure where to buy a dunce\u2019s cap? Do they still make them? Also, locate my body from morgue. Come to think of it, my own dead body is a great revenge resource. I think it may well be turning up on the doorsteps of quite a few people who have annoyed me over the years (Note: buy wheelbarrow) Go to toy shops and vandalise every single toy that bleeps or speaks or honks. Ensure that they never make any kind of noise ever again. You monsters have ruined your last nap! Scratch all the records that Mr Parsons refused to lend me. And then put them in the wrong sleeves. And then burn them. Preferably with stupid face watching the whole time. Go into the women\u2019s changing rooms at the Athletics Club/swimming pool/gym. Basically, see lots of naked women. But nothing over 50 years old. Sod it, 40. You\u2019re only dead once (PS- the exception to the forty years rule is Helen Mirren) Try to possess Helen Mirren. And if it works, gets her to take her top off. Oh, forgot. Already tried that. Ended up dead. Prove the old saying that queen does actually go to the toilet just like everyone else. (by watching her go to the toilet) Go to a spiritualist church and/or s\u00E9ance and see if anyone can see me. If they can\u2019t put superglue in the locks. Put laxative in the bitter at the legion (Belonging to the catering corp of the TA gives me just as much right to drink there as any other serviceman and they will rue the day that they rejected my application) Eavesdrop at my own funeral. Anyone who speaks ill of me is getting a flat tyre. Probably make my own body sit up. (If closed casket, then knocking will have to do) Slam the gate on the Postman\u2019s finger for all the times he forgot to close it. Stand in the middle of the bypass that used to keep me awake in the eighties and moon at the cars (I realise they can\u2019t see me doing it, but it\u2019s the principle that counts) Pee in the pool at the leisure centre. (can I still pee? If not at least there\u2019s no more getting up ten times a night). The list was first published here"@en . . . . . . . "Unfinished Business is the fifty-fifth episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on November 22, 2014 on Discovery Family."@en . . . "100"^^ . . . "Gold Reward File:GoldIcon.png Reputation Disposition Type Creatures Enemies Quest ID Unfinished Business is a quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Vilena Donton sends the Hero to Modryn Oreyn in Chorrol. He tells them that a rather undependable Guildmate named Maglir has defaulted on a contract to recover a journal from a mine infested with undead. The Hero must locate Maglir and find out why he has not returned to Chorrol."@en . "Nick Frost"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Legacy"@en . . "2013-04-03"^^ . "6.12"^^ . "23"^^ . . "Roy talks to his father concerning Xykon."@en . "Celina Jade as Shado"@en . . . . . . . . "Anthony Katagas"@en . "\"On the Wings of Keeradaks\""@en . . "Unfinished Business is a short fiction written by Rich Wulf for a tournament.[2]"@en . . . . . "Unfinished Business"@de . "6"^^ . . . "Unfinished Business is an upcoming comedy film directed by Ken Scott and written by Steven Conrad."@en . "Seth Gabel as The Count"@en . . "612"^^ . "Brian Kalin O'Connell"@en . . "1"^^ . "*Clone Wars\n**Battle for Anaxes\n**Mission to Skako Minor"@en . . . . "Darren Dolynski as Dr. Webb"@en . "Unfinished Business is an interlude in the night elf campaign Terror of the Tides."@en . . "A deceased ex-employee of OCP named Daniel O\u2019Hara is brought back to life through an experimental concept called engraming. By surviving death and the conservation of captured brain wave patterns he is reborn in the machine built by unsuspecting privately licensed scientists and called Cyberwraith. Through flashbacks, he learns that RoboCop had killed O\u2019Hara then seeks revenge. Their battle is intense but RoboCop defeats O\u2019Hara by interfacing with his machine and overloading it's system with his own nightmares as a murdered cop reborn as a cyborg."@en . . "Jason Blumenthal"@en . "Ongoing Series"@en . . "10001221"^^ . . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"@es . . "Clef\u2019s eyes opened slowly, and then shut immediately as the bleary light blinded him. He felt cold and naked, his flesh crawling with barely remembered frostbite and a decade of immobility. Was he awake, now? Was this another of the cold dreams? He felt a hand on his wrist\u2014warm, soft, female flesh. His eyes opened again, and he blinked hard, staring directly at the large, perky breasts. \u201CDr. Clef?\u201D Clef\u2019s eyes never left her chest. \u201CYou have me at a disadvantage, Miss\u2026?\u201D The woman adjusted her top. \u201CIt\u2019s doctor. Doctor Lore.\u201D He watched her fumbling modestly. She was lying, he knew. That was not her name. Chances are, he\u2019d never know what it really was. \u201CWhat happened?\u201D asked Clef. \u201CYou\u2019ve been released from cryogenic incarceration,\u201D said Lore, handing the naked doctor a towel. \u201CWe need your help.\u201D \u201COld problem or new?\u201D asked Clef. \u201COld.\u201D \u201C239 or 343?\u201D \u201C239.\u201D \u201CAbout time they killed the little brat.\u201D \u201CShe\u2019s not so little anymore,\u201D Lore said, passing the file to Clef. \u201CYou just keep reality benders around, Dr. Gears? That seems a little foolish, even by the Foundation\u2019s standards.\u201D \u201CI can assure you, she is completely under our control, Commandant Schmetterling,\u201D replied the shorter, bald man. Schmetterling appeared unconvinced by Gears' assurances. Gears knew that the Coalition officer was not the happiest envoy the Foundation had ever received, especially not since he was informed of 239\u2019s continued existence. \u201CWe thought your operatives had subdued her,\u201D said Schmetterling, irritably. \u201CWe knew you killed the other one. We saw it from one of our observatories. I was under the impression that this one was also eliminated.\u201D \u201CI\u2019m afraid not,\u201D said Gears, evenly. \u201CWell,\u201D said Schmetterling, \u201CI\u2019m afraid I\u2019m going to have to let my superiors know that the Foundation has still yet to come to its senses.\u201D Clef tied the robe around his midsection, not bothering to attempt to hide the erection he\u2019d sported since he woke up and saw Lore. \u201CWhere to now, Sugartits?\u201D \u201CI\u2019m to take you to be briefed, Dr. Clef. You\u2019ll be meeting with the current head of 239\u2019s project.\u201D \u201CKarrington?\u201D \u201CDr. Karrington was killed by 239-X in the 2017 attempt. It\u2019s all in the report.\u201D Clef shrugged and looked around him. For five stories up, elongated tubes of glass and cryogenics held the Foundation\u2019s prisoners. When he\u2019d been imprisoned, the facility had been a third this size, newly implemented for cost purposes. When the O5\u2019s found out it was cheaper to freeze them than feed them, dozens of prisoners were transported here. Clef stopped short, suddenly looking at the familiar faces behind the glassy ice. There was Imants, a slight smirk passing over his pale face, as if he'd just heard a joke that only he had understood. Next to him was Glass, sporting a look of shocked surprise. Clef turned to Lore. \u201CWhat sort of look did I have on while I was frozen?\u201D \u201CYou looked horny,\u201D said Lore impassively. Clef smiled and turned back to the tubes. The next one was no surprise. Clef was shocked that he himself had been 'contained' before Kondraki, one of the earliest results of the Foundation's changing ambitions. The face of his sometimes friend was twisted with rage, open in a still silent scream, eyes narrowed with anger and disbelief. Next to him, frozen alongside his static form in the clear, perfect ice, a few butterflies remained, still shimmering. Clef raised his hand and placed it on the unit. A few seconds later, he removed it and smiled. \u201CYou always were a son of a bitch, Kondraki.\u201D He turned back to Lore. \u201CYou bastards have anyone else I know in here?\u201D \u201CNot really,\u201D said Lore. \u201CMostly a few witnesses who were immune to Class-A\u2019s. One or two trespassers, some of Dr. Bright\u2019s other selves.\u201D \u201CJack\u2019s still around?\u201D \u201CNo,\u201D said Lore. She was lying again, Clef knew. He always knew. Clef sat across the table from the short, dowdy woman in the white lab coat. She had been scowling at him since he walked into the room. Clef, for his part, wasn\u2019t paying attention. He\u2019d sat with the robe at its most revealing, reading the file he\u2019d been given as slowly as he possibly could. Once or twice, he looked up at the woman, smiled, and returned his attention to the file. After a while, he stopped, laid the file down and looked at her. \u201CAre you all complete fucking morons?\u201D he asked. \u201CExcuse me?\u201D said the woman, whose name Clef hadn\u2019t even bothered to learn. \u201CPsychological tricks? Crushing force? Stabbing her with a knife? Shooting her with a gun? Where the hell are the backup plans?\u201D \u201CEach test was approved by a majority of the O5 command and I don\u2019t see\u2014\u201D \u201CDo you know how to read?\u201D asked Clef suddenly, dangerously. The woman didn\u2019t reply. \u201CI\u2019ll take that as a no. I\u2019ve completed, either alone or with some aid, the disposal of more than fourteen reality shifters for the Foundation alone. More than fourteen confirmed kills. I can\u2019t say more than that, because no one will tell me what\u2019s still classified, but I\u2019m sure that even with what I must assume is your piteously low security clearance, you were allowed to read at least some of my exploits?\u201D \u201CYes,\u201D she replied. \u201CI\u2019ve read the termination reports for several of the SCP\u2019s you were inv\u2014\u201D \u201CDid you pay attention?\u201D interrupted Clef again. \u201CWhat?\u201D \u201CDid you pay attention to a single, goddamned thing I wrote in them?\u201D \u201COf course. The methods you used have been tested and found lacking for our purposes.\u201D \u201CThose \u2018methods,\u2019 as you call them, are merely scaffolding. You have to build on the scaffolding for it to hold up anything. Did you all just freeze everyone who was worth a damn around here?\u201D The woman shifted uncomfortable in her seat, not looking at Clef. \u201CThen what do you propose, Doctor?\u201D \u201CSimple,\u201D smiled Clef grimly. \u201CSince her subconscious defenses have been refined so far\u2026 I\u2019m going to wake her up.\u201D \u201CYou\u2019re waking her up?\u201D yelled Schmetterling, turning suddenly and looking through the ten inches of transparent steel, as if the figure on the other side might have heard him. He dropped his voice, but his anger remained. \u201CAre you all insane?\u201D \u201CNo,\u201D replied Gears. \u201CWe have our best operative on the case.\u201D \u201CWho?\u201D snapped Schmetterling. \u201CWho the hell do you think is capable of removing a Type Green that you\u2019ve allowed to progress this far?\u201D \u201CDr. Clef,\u201D replied Gears. \u201CWe\u2019ve released him from confinement for this task.\u201D \u201CClef?\u201D asked Schmetterling. \u201CAlto Clef?\u201D \u201CDo you know any other Clefs, Commandant?\u201D \u201CWell, yes,\u201D the representative replied, looking back through the steel at the sleeping form. Gears made a mental note to check in Schmetterling's claim, and then moved to stand next to him. \u201CYou\u2019ve nothing to fear, Commandant,\u201D replied Gears. \u201CThe situation is well in hand.\u201D Schmetterling\u2019s jowls quivered as he turned back to Gears. \u201CSo you say, Doctor. Tell me. Aren\u2019t you worried about this?\u201D \u201COh, yes,\u201D said Gears, his expression unchanging, his voice perfectly, almost supernaturally level. Dr. Clef is to be given access to any materials he currently requires. All personnel are to assist Dr. Clef by any and all non-carnal means. However, Dr. Clef is not to be informed of the continued existence of any personnel involved in his capture. Dr. Lore is designated as go-between for Clef and any wishing to contact him. Clef walked into the Victorian styled study and smiled at the fragrance of pipe smoke and old books. The old man was seated in high-backed chair with a hardbound copy of Don Quixote open in his lap. The old man looked up and started with surprise before smiling. \u201CDoctor Clef!\u201D he exclaimed, his grin widening until the wrinkles of his face became subsumed by it. \u201CHello, 343.\u201D \u201COh please,\u201D said the old man, waving away the designation. \u201CNo numbers between friends. Sit. Please.\u201D Clef knew the chair would be there before he even bent his knees. He settled into a comfortable, overstuffed chair and looked at the elderly gentleman. \u201CWe both know what you are,\u201D said Clef, as seriously as he could. \u201CI\u2019ve never said anything about you, not to anyone, nor recommended your termination, mainly because you stayed at Level 3 and never posed a significant threat.\u201D The old man continued to smile happily. \u201CYou remember me from the G.O.C., then? Geneva? 1989?\u201D The old man nodded, not quite as happily as before. \u201CAnd you remember that you owe me a favor?\u201D The aged gentleman\u2019s smile faded slightly. \u201CYes, Doctor. I remember.\u201D \u201CI\u2019ve come to collect. There\u2019s another Type Green. This one has progressed to Level 4.\u201D \u201CI\u2019m very old now, Doctor. I\u2019m not sure how useful I can be. Sometimes, I look for books, but I can\u2019t remember their names. And they\u2019re just not there anymore. Just the other day, a young man came in here to ask me about\u2026 about something. And I forgot he was here. And then he wasn\u2019t. Just gone, and I can\u2019t remember him. No one wants to say anything\u2026\u201D Tears formed at the corners of 343\u2019s crinkled eyes. Clef almost felt sorry for him. Almost. Until he remembered Geneva. \u201CYour aid will be necessary.\u201D \u201CI am a man of honor, Doctor. I will do whatever you need.\u201D Clef stood to leave. The hard part was over. Clef sat at the table, going over his plans once again. SCP-343 would be located in the middle of the fallout zone. Clef himself would be the bait. 239 should remember him, and once awake, her subconscious defenses would be significantly weaker. That should allow him to\u2014 Clef heard the door open and looked up as Schmetterling entered. \u201CI didn\u2019t think you would ever be released, Doctor Clef,\u201D said Schmetterling. \u201CDo I know you?\u201D \u201CI\u2019m not surprised you don\u2019t recognize me,\u201D replied Schmetterling. \u201CIt\u2019s been a long time.\u201D Clef merely shrugged. \u201CWhat do you want?\u201D \u201COnly to give you something. A reward, for your service to the G.O.C.\u201D Schmetterling reached toward his pocket, but stopped as the shotgun suddenly became leveled cleanly at his face. \u201CThe outline of your pocket looks like a gun,\u201D replied Clef. \u201CIt is a gun,\u201D said Schmetterling. He reached into his pocket, and slowly pulled out the purple revolver. He turned it slightly\u2015handle first\u2015and passed it to the other man. Clef smiled. \u201CThis used to be one of ours, didn\u2019t it?\u201D \u201CThe Atomic Revolver. Reported lost by your Foundation several years ago. We found it.\u201D \u201CAnd you had nothing to do with the original disappearance?\u201D \u201CThe G.O.C.? Of course not,\u201D said Schmetterling. \"I wasn't asking about the G.O.C.,\" replied Clef. Schmetterling merely shrugged. \"It was good to see you again, Doctor Clef. I wish you the best of luck.\" Clef nodded, watching the other man\u2019s back as he left the room. He quickly picked up the purple revolver and slid it into his pocket. Lore walked in carrying two drinks and set them down between Clef and herself. \u201CWhat\u2019d the Commandant want?\u201D \u201CTo talk about old times,\u201D replied Clef. \u201CFunny,\u201D she said. \u201CHe never mentioned that he\u2019d worked with you.\u201D \u201CHe didn\u2019t,\u201D said Clef. Clef shut the safe, taking the small box carefully in his hands. He smiled. His trump card was ready, and everyone would soon be in place. He still had no idea what exactly he was going to be walking into, but he owed the Foundation this one. He shivered, remembering the coldness of his preemptive coffin, and cracked his knuckles. \u201CDo you really think this will work?\u201D asked Lore. \u201CIt should. She shouldn\u2019t be able to do anything about it from the other side.\u201D The mirror was slowly raised into place by the workmen as Clef palmed the jasper colored disk back and forth in his hand. \u201CAnd if it doesn\u2019t?\u201D \u201CThen break the mirror before I get back.\u201D Clef looked at Gears, examining the shorter man briefly. \u201CDr. Clef. You are looking well.\u201D \u201CGears. You look old as shit.\u201D Gears merely handed the keycard to Clef. \u201CThis will get you all the way through the designated path. You\u2019ll find the telekill body armor in the observation room, as well at the equipment you requested. Good luck, Dr. Clef.\u201D \u201CIs that all, Gears?\u201D \u201CPardon, Dr. Clef?\u201D \u201CYou locked me in a frozen hell for eleven years, and I don\u2019t even get an apology?\u201D \u201CYou were trying to kill our colleague, Dr. Clef. I was ordered to assist in your capture.\u201D Clef grimaced at Gears and turned to walk into the Observation Room. \u201CAlto?\u201D Clef stopped. \u201CWhat, Gears?\u201D \u201CIt was\u2026 a regrettable set of circumstances.\u201D The chamber was quiet, except for the quiet hum of a dozen computers. This was the core of the facility, where everything was stored. Dozens of firewalls, hundreds of security protocols. All of them bypassed. The man at the control panel typed for a few moments, laughed, and typed again. He walked over to the nearest set of panels, pulled out two of them, and slid the archival system into place. Clef watched Gears walk away, heading to the last of the evacuation choppers. Site 19 was now abandoned, mostly. Those handful remaining were either vital to Clef\u2019s plans or wouldn\u2019t interfere with it. He waited for perhaps fifteen minutes, looking through the steel at 239\u2019s sleeping form. She was a young woman now, mature. And thanks to years of wrongfully committed attempts, particularly hard to kill. He watched her, watched the fading phantasms of her id flicker about the room, scratching at the telekill walls. He turned and picked up the thin helmet, strapping it to his head. The body armor was a little bulkier than he\u2019d anticipated, but it fit well enough. He pulled on the gloves, fingered the purple gun underneath his jacket, and felt through his pockets until he found the tiny box containing his emergency backup. He grinned and picked up the keycard Gears had given him. Sliding it into a control panel in front of the glass, he flipped the switches all down into their off position and pulled out the revolver, bringing it up to point at the slowly rousing reality shifter. The hammer fell, and a loud crack echoed through the room as the steel bent and shattered inward. Clef was running very quickly. He could feel her back there, floating somewhere. He risked a glance backward, watching the floors buckle into water and piss, dirt and air. He hoped she would be off-balance enough from the medications that she would be less capable, less able to affect the environmental changes on the universe. He was pretty sure it was a pointless hope, now. He rounded the corner as the walls slid into chunks of burning babies, the smell of human flesh turning his stomach slightly, then making it growl uncomfortably. One more turn, and he\u2019d be at ground zero. Another ten feet, nine, eight, seven\u2026 He burst through the doors, looking expectantly for 343 to be standing in position. Lore was waiting next to the large mirror as Clef pounded through the double doors panting. He looked at her, incredulous. \u201CThe fuck are you still doing here?\u201D \u201CYou guys never work alone, right? I\u2019m here to help.\u201D \u201CI\u2019m not alone!\u201D screamed Clef, as the doors behind him became a series of kittens with Barbie Doll arms sticking out of their eyes. \u201CWhere\u2019s 343?!\u201D The doors opened slowly. The being floating through them didn\u2019t look like it was now or had ever been a little girl. Years of atrophy had turned her limbs into spindly wires of flesh wrapped around bone. She wasn\u2019t able to lift them, or even to turn her head. The tubes that had hung out of her arms were now crawling over her body like centipedes. The wall of kittens began to mewl, plaintively. She opened her mouth, trying to say something, but only a gurgle came out. She looked at Clef and gurgled again, louder, angrily. Her bowels began to empty black, blood smelling feces onto the floor, which in turn morphed into coals, and began to spread out slowly, burningly. Clef was preparing to make a mad dash when the floor\u2019s progression slowed and stopped. He blinked twice and looked around the room. 343 was standing just behind Lore, his face knit in concentration. The old man\u2019s nose had a drop of blood forming from the left nostril, slowly running down over the crest of his lip, and dropping to his shirt. 343 flinched. \u201CIf you\u2019re going to do something, Doctor\u2026\u201D Clef raised the gun again, and clicking the hammer back, let it fall. The gun popped slightly, bars of energetic power running over its metal surface. \u201CFUCK!\u201D screamed Clef. \u201CA goddamned recharge rate?!\u201D The girl screamed in rage, and 343 cried out, staggered by the changes she was forcing into the world. The drugs in her system were quickly dissipating, her control over the world around her returning. Clef grabbed Lore and pushed her hard, leaving her tottering toward the far wall of the wide room as he madly dashed for the opposite side. The floating woman turned the air into chlorine for a moment, just a moment, before 343 could stop her. A child in an adult body, broken and beaten over the course of a decade, lashing out with her shattered mind. The older SCP was kneeling on the floor, ears bleeding. His knotted hands were clenched, as his foe turned for the moment from Clef to float toward him. It was almost beautiful to watch, Clef thought, stopping for an instant to observe what he hoped was a rare circumstance. The distance between them crackled as the hovering female changed things, reversing the laws of physics and existence as 343 set them back into place. It was like watching a petulant child throwing her toys to the floor and her patient grandfather picking them up and setting them right. Clef edged around near the now dead kitten door, raising the revolver again. He fired, the painful report running up his arm as chunks of the hovering menace were ripped from her body and thrown behind her to the mirror. She screamed as the cancers started to form almost instantly under her flesh. \u201CDon\u2019t care much for that, do you little girl?\u201D shouted Clef, as 343 suddenly locked the universal order back into place. Clef dropped the gun and bull rushed her before she could recover, hitting her tiny midsection sharply and pushing her toward the mirror, grasping the red disk and shoving. They fell into a strange field, with rolling wheat and smells of emptiness. The girl was rolling on the ground, willing herself up off the ground pitifully. Clef stood nearby, knocking the bits of wheat and grass off his armor. He walked over and forced her body over, straddling her small, heaving chest. \u201CSorry, dearie,\u201D he said, smirking. \u201CDifferent world, different rules.\u201D He placed both his hands around her neck and brought his thumbs up to her trachea. Tears ran down her face, her quivering lips pleading wordlessly with him to reconsider. As the brittle, malnourished bones snapped, her eyes thankfully glossed in the pleasant emptiness of oblivion. Clef stood and walked back toward the mirror. \"Should have done that years ago\u2026\" Clef stepped back through the mirror, unlocking the telekill body gear he was wearing and dropping it to the floor. 343 leaned against the wall nearby, being tended to by Lore. Clef watched as she dabbed the blood away from the old man\u2019s eyes before he cleared his throat. Lore looked up, smiled, and ran to the edge of the mirror. \u201C239\u2019s status?\u201D \u201CEliminated,\u201D said Clef. \u201CGood,\u201D said Lore. She brought the gun only as far as Clef\u2019s midsection before she fired. Clef felt parts of him tear out of his back and staggered backward to the frame of the mirror. He looked up at Lore, the smiling face holding the violet pistol, feeling a tugging sense of recognition. \u201CJack?\u201D Lore smiled, eyes twinkling with mischief. \u201CWell, of course, Alto. Who else?\u201D Clef was sagging now, his legs giving out as the internal and external bleeding set in. Dr. Bright jiggled happily as she sneered down at the bleeding, middle-aged man laying on the floor. \u201CI don\u2019t take kindly to people who try to kill me, Clef, regardless of the circumstances.\u201D \"Really, Jack? But they were very good circumstances. Not even friends?\" asked Clef. \"What's a little murder between friends?\" \"Especially not friends.\" \u201CThat\u2019s too bad, Jack,\u201D said Clef, throwing up parts of his stomach. \u201CYou look good enough to fuck.\u201D Clef rolled over, struggling to stand up. Bright let him, if for no other reason than it made the blood pour out of his gaping body that much faster. \u201CYou forgot one thing though, Jack,\u201D said Clef, feeling his muscles twitching around the cancers forming in his midsection. \u201CWhat\u2019s that, Alto?\u201D \u201CYou're jewelry.\u201D Clef stood in front of the mirror, smiling bloodily as he held SCP-963 at arm\u2019s length in his gloved hand. \u201CGoodbye, Jack.\u201D As Clef lurched back through the mirror, Bright brought the pistol up a second time, pulling the trigger. The gun popped, electrical arcs running up and down its length. Bright screamed and rushed toward the mirror, but as she did, a loud shot\u2015gunpowder and copper\u2015echoed through the room, striking the disk hovering in the center of the glass. As Bright reached the mirror, she saw the disk chip, ever so slightly, and cease glowing. She whirled around, looking for the source of the shot, raising the pistol over her head in rage. She found no one. The room was cold as Schmetterling walked down the hall, shouldering the sniper rifle. It had been a while since he\u2019d done any shooting, and he was proud that he still had the touch. He walked methodically toward the frozen tube, entered the old password they hadn\u2019t thought to delete, and smiled boldly as Imants fell bodily to the floor. He leaned down and slapped his face a few time. \u201CImants. IMANTS!\u201D \u201CWhoza? \u201DSchmetterling sighed and picked up the larger man, resting him on his shoulder. He left the rifle behind and picked up the data backup, stashing it in his pocket. As he passed Dr. Kondraki\u2019s tube, he stopped, looking at the frozen visage. \u201CC\u2019mon,\u201D he said. \u201CI\u2019m going to need all of you to help cover our escape.\u201D The tube shimmered as the butterflies flapped away from the empty containment chamber, floating around Schmetterling and his rescued friend for a moment before both of them vanished. Jack Bright sat in the director\u2019s office, tapping her polished nails on the desk. This would be a set back. The amount of time needed to repair SCP-093 was unknown, if it could be repaired at all, and the disappearance of Kondraki from containment was highly unsettling. Bright stood and walked to the far wall, entering the long and complex code that was required for someone without stable voice recognition or handprint. The door slid open, revealing a carefully crafted box. She opened it, revealing the almost circle with the three, inward pointing arrows. \u2018Only a set back, Alto,\u2019 thought Jack. \u2018Only a set back.\u2019 Alto Clef sat breathing heavily in a field of wheat and emptiness. He could feel the effects of having a Higgs boson thrown through his midsection, knew he didn\u2019t have too much longer to live, and that what time he did have would be unpleasant. If he\u2019d still had a gun, he might have shot himself, but since he didn\u2019t\u2026 Clef looked at the amulet. Tilting his head back, he positioned it perfectly over his mouth, and dropped it down his throat, thinking in his last moments how much nicer oblivion would be than the perpetual, eternally cold dreams. And somewhere, somewhere on the other side of our world's mirrors, a cancer ridden, bleeding body shuts down\u2015and reawakens screaming."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Spartan Ops Mission Unfinished Business.png"@de . "2358925"^^ . . . "Unfinished Business, to sto dwudziesty dziewi\u0105ty odcinek z niedoko\u0144czon\u0105 animacj\u0105 serialu animowanego Wojny Klon\u00F3w (2008-2014)."@pl . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n**Confederacy military\n***Separatist Droid Army\n***Separatist navy\n****Admiral\n*Galactic Republic\n**Republic military\n***Grand Army of the Republic\n****91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps\n****212th Attack Battalion\n****501st Legion\n****Clone trooper\n*****Advanced Recon Commando\n*****Clone Captain\n*****Clone Commander\n*****Clone commando\n******Clone Force 99\n*****Clone Sergeant\n*****Clone trooper flight crew\n*****Clone medic officer\n*****Medic\n****Jedi General\n***Republic Navy\n****Clone navigation officer\n****Clone trooper pilot\n****Gold Squadron\n*****Gold Leader\n**Senator \n*Jedi\n**Jedi Order\n***Jedi Knight\n***Jedi Master\n***Master of the Order\n*Officer\n**Corporal\n*Sergeant\n*Skywalker\n*Techno Union \n**Foreman"@en . "Sage"@en . . . . "10"^^ . "*Armor\n**Clone trooper armor\n***Phase II clone trooper armor\n*Blaster\n**Blaster pistol\n***DC-17 hand blaster\n**Blaster rifle\n***DC-15A blaster\n***E-5 blaster rifle\n***Sniper rifle\n**Wrist blaster\n*Comlink booster pack\n*Cybernetics\n**Mechno-arm\n*Datapad\n*Detonator\n*Electronic translator\n**Translation visor\n*Fusion reactor \n*Grenade\n*Hologram\n**Holo-map \n*Holotable\n*Jetpack\n*Laser cannon\n**IX4 laser cannon\n*Lightsaber\n**Mace Windu's lightsaber\n**Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber\n**Skywalker's lightsaber\n*Pressure suit \n*Proton cannon\n**J-1 proton cannon\n*Ray shield\n*Rex's strategy algorithm \n*Sensor\n*Stun net"@en . "1989-05-15"^^ . . "78"^^ . "Bottom row, left to right: Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, and Travis Willingham."@en . "War rages on! With ARC trooper Echo\nrescued from the Techno Union, the\nRepublic returns its attention to\nthe battle for Anaxes, where without\nEcho's strategic intel, Admiral\nTrench and the Separatists have lost\nthe upper hand.\n\nBut the question remains: can Echo's\nnewfound ability to access Separatist\ncomputers help the Republic regain\ncontrol of their vital shipyards?"@en . "\"The Bad Batch\" es el vig\u00E9simo episodio de la sexta temporada de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Star Wars: The Clone Wars. El episodio fue lanzado en StarWars.com como parte de un arco el 29 de abril de 2015, como parte de The Clone Wars Legacy. A pesar de estar incompleto, ya que la serie fue cancelada antes de que el episodio pudiera ser terminado, se considera parte del canon de Star Wars."@es . . . . "false"@en . "Top row, left to right: Sam Riegel, Taliesin Jaffe, Marisha Ray, and Matthew Mercer."@en . . "In game time: October 6, 2354 Narrator: Akai Players: Akai, Feyrin, Tanya, Dusk Location: The city of Alexandria, on planet Osiris Summary: Feyrin returns to the planet Osiris, just over two years since she had woken up there in the captivity of the late Dr. Chandler. She has some unfinished business there: in planning for her future career running a mercenary company, she needs to pick up a suit of custom made powered armor from an Confed base where she once served. While she is there she decides to check in on Tanya Ames, Akai's ex-girlfriend, to see how she has been doing. She finds that Tanya has turned her house into a fortress of sorts, the residence being decorated in odd amulets and sculptures. She also has a guard dog, specifically and uplifted German Shepherd named Rob. It turns "@en . . "2008"^^ . "Bad Batch Concept Art Gallery"@en . . "*Starship\n**Capital ship\n***Dreadnought\n****Providence-class dreadnought\n*****Trench's flagship\n***Star Destroyer\n****Venator-class Star Destroyer\n**Cruiser \n***Light cruiser \n****Arquitens-class light cruiser \n**Frigate\n***Consular-class cruiser\n**Gunship\n***Havoc Marauder\n***Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry\n**Landing craft \n**Separatist supply ship\n**Shuttle \n***Sheathipede-class transport shuttle \n**Starfighter\n***Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter\n***Bomber\n****BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber\n***Clone Z-95 starfighter\n*Walker\n**All Terrain Tactical Enforcer"@en . . . "Unfinished Business"@es . "Unfinished Business is a companion quest for Cassandra in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Since the Seekers' strange absence, some of their high profile cases have been left unchecked. Help Cassandra hunt the targets down."@en . . . . "'Town Crier Town Crier tells you, \"I have heard that the exclusive vendors in the Graveyard, the Colosseum, and the Olthoi-infested lands have new items in stock. Books, I'm told. Very interesting books...\" Town Crier tells you, \"News! A strange crystalline formation has pushed out of the ground in the mountains of the mid-north Direlands. I wonder what it could mean?\" Town Crier tells you, \"Scouts report a new town has appeared on top of a plateau in the desert ridges between Samsur and Tufa! But there seems to be something strange about the locals...\" Town Crier tells you, \"Sounds like all the investigations around those pyramids up in the north have finally led to something.\" Town Crier tells you, \"Word is that the game hunter Rand has tagged a new set of Derethian beast"@en . "Regency Enterprises"@en . . . "29"^^ . . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"@en . "Roy talks to his father concerning Xykon."@en . "2002-09-14"^^ . "Unfinished Business is an upcoming comedy film directed by Ken Scott and written by Steven Conrad."@en . . "Unfinished Business is the fifty-fifth episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on November 22, 2014 on Discovery Family."@en . . "\"Unfinished Business\" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of Arrow, and the nineteenth episode overall. It aired on April 3, 2013."@en . "Unfinished Business is the 20th episode of WrestleMania Rewind."@en . "Unfinished Business was a flag on the Sage Ocean. It was formed on April 29th, 2008 by Quaziro, Hotnoob and Brandino. Hotnoob was declared the figurehead monarch, but in reality the flag is equally led by all the founders."@en . "Manu Bennett as Slade Wilson"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Unfinished Business"@fr . "*Padm\u00E9 Amidala \n*CC-2224 \"Cody\"\n*Crosshair\n*CT-1409 \"Echo\"\n*CT-5597 \"Jesse\"\n*CT-7567 \"Rex\"\n*Dooku \n*Gold Leader (Anaxes) \n*Hunter\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*R2-D2\n*R4-P17\n*Anakin Skywalker\n*Wat Tambor \n*Tech\n*Trench\n*Unidentified Techno Union Scientist \n*Mace Windu\n*Wrecker"@en . "Befreien Sie Apex von der Allianz\n# Apex zur\u00FCckerobern\n# Die Barrikade \u00FCberladen\n# Das erste Portal abschalten\n# Das zweite Portal abschalten\n# Das dritte Portal abschalten\n# Die Wraiths zerst\u00F6ren\n# LZ f\u00FCr Lancer markieren\n# Zum Abszugspunkt vorr\u00FCcken"@de . . "Roger Cross as Lucas Hilton"@en . . "19"^^ . . . . . "Nun da die Gefahr f\u00FCr die UNSC Infinity abgewehrt wurde, wird das Feuerteam Crimson wieder nach \"Apex\" auf Requiem entsendet. Dort hat die Allianz die Abwesenheit der UNSC-Truppen dazu genutzt, Portale zu errichten, um Verst\u00E4rkung in das Gebiet zu bringen. Spartan Jared Miller befiehlt ihnen, diese auszuschalten und Apex zur\u00FCckzuerobern. Durch eine von feindlichen Einheiten besch\u00FCtzte H\u00F6hle erreicht Crimson das erste Portal. Nach dessen Deaktivierung verlassen die Spartans den Untergrund in Richtung ihres zweiten Ziels. Im Freien werden sie von der Allianz mit einigen Shade-Gesch\u00FCtzen und Ghosts am Vorr\u00FCcken gehindert. Nichtsdestotrotz k\u00F6nnen auch die letzten beiden Portale ausgeschaltet werden. W\u00E4hrend Crimson die verbleibenden Truppen und einen zur Verst\u00E4rkung eingeflogenen Wraith neutralisiert, empf\u00E4ngt Miller ein Signal auf einer Allianzfrequenz. Seltsamerweise scheint es in einem Muster zu senden, das dem Morsecode f\u00FCr \"SOS\" entspricht. Da das Signal bereits wieder verschwunden ist, will Miller die Frequenz erst einmal weiter beobachten. Sobald das Gebiet endg\u00FCltig gesichert und eine Landezone f\u00FCr das Feuerteam Lancer markiert wurde, meldet sich das Feuerteam Majestic \u00FCber Funk und erbittet Unterst\u00FCtzung. Commander Sarah Palmer beauftragt daraufhin Crimson mit der Mission und l\u00E4sst sie abholen."@de . . "Homecoming"@en . "Unfinished Business"@fr . . . . . "Escape Artists"@en . . "\"Unfinished Business\" is the fifteenth episode of Season One of Criminal Minds."@en . . . . . . . "Unfinished Business (\u5F15\u3051\u306A\u3044\u6226\u3044, Unfinished Battle) is an Event Track in Xenoblade Chronicles, composed and arranged by Yoko Shimomura, with additional string arrangement by Tsutomu Narita. It is track 18 of disc 1 from the Xenoblade Original Soundtrack. This music is a pre-battle theme that is heard in only one cutscene, outside of the Ether Mine on Freight Road when Dickson and Dunban arrive to help the party against Metal Face and his Mechon force."@en . . . "1200.0"^^ . "6.12"^^ . . "Unfinished Business is the twenty-seventh episode of Power Rangers Wild Force and the first episode of Power Rangers to air on ABC Kids. The episode marks the reappearance of Zen-Aku."@en . . . . . . "Best business trip ever"@en . "Tom Wilkinson"@en . . "Unfinished Business is the twenty-seventh episode of Power Rangers Wild Force and the first episode of Power Rangers to air on ABC Kids. The episode marks the reappearance of Zen-Aku."@en . . . "news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-bad-batch-4-episode-arc-coming-to-star-wars-celebration"@en . . . . . . . "\"Unfinished Business\""@en . "no"@en . "Unfinished Business"@es . . "'Town Crier Town Crier tells you, \"I have heard that the exclusive vendors in the Graveyard, the Colosseum, and the Olthoi-infested lands have new items in stock. Books, I'm told. Very interesting books...\" Town Crier tells you, \"News! A strange crystalline formation has pushed out of the ground in the mountains of the mid-north Direlands. I wonder what it could mean?\" Town Crier tells you, \"Scouts report a new town has appeared on top of a plateau in the desert ridges between Samsur and Tufa! But there seems to be something strange about the locals...\" Town Crier tells you, \"Sounds like all the investigations around those pyramids up in the north have finally led to something.\" Town Crier tells you, \"Word is that the game hunter Rand has tagged a new set of Derethian beasts to challenge the skills of the island's keenest hunters.\" Town Crier tells you, \"The Explorers' Society has marked another set of locations around Dereth! See which ones you can find!\" Town Crier tells you, \"Word is that the Sclavus have built a fortress on the Dark Isle, and volatile substances can be found in the tunnels beneath.\" Town Crier tells you, \"A member of the Tanada clan of Nanjou Shou-jen has appeared in Hebian-To, asking for assistance! Unfortunately, she only seems to trust people who raided the Temple of Black Waters on the Tanada's behalf.\" Town Crier tells you, \"A way into those hovering pyramids has been found. It turns out all of those creatures who invaded our towns are in there working on those colored stones they were after. But be careful, most of those who ventured inside have not returned.\" Town Crier tells you, \"Have you heard about the Tanada clan member setting up in Hebian-To and recruiting past allies? I guess the Tanada haven't finished all their housecleaning, even with Aerbax in retreat.\" Town Crier tells you, \"The Explorers' Society has marked a new set of locations around Dereth. Seek out Sean the Speedy in Holtburg if you are interested.\" Town Crier tells you, \"I'm ever so curious about the new books you can find at the exclusive currency vendors of the Colosseum, the Graveyard, and the Olthoi-infested northlands. They're supposed to be real handy for mages.\" Town Crier tells you, \"If you have the time and the inclination, stop by Holtburg and see what kind of wild beasts Rand has tagged for hunters this time. I don't think he's interested in the same creatures any more.\" Town Crier tells you, \"Have you heard about the mysterious crystalline crag? It's in the rolling mountains in the mid-north Direlands. There appear to be some bizarre new forms of wisp out there.\" Town Crier tells you, \"Scouts have reported an interesting new substance found in the tunnels beneath the new Sclavus settlement in the Dark Isle. They say it has properties similar to those old Volcano Infusions...\" Town Crier tells you, \"We have heard interesting reports of a town that mysteriously just appeared atop a portal in the A'mun desert, somewhere between Samsur and Tufa. Apparently there is a scholar named Marcus conducting some unorthodox magical research out there.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Well, I suppose I could tell you just what's going on with this crystalline crag that came out of the Direlands. But I'm a little too thirsty to get into it.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"That was a hint, kid. Get me a stout.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Marcus? Oh, that old fool who's stuck in Mar'uun? No, wait, I don't even know who you're talking about. I haven't met this Marcus. Not yet, anyway.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"The pyramids? I thought we had taken care of all that T'thuun business. And by we, I mean me, single-handedly of course, like every other threat that shows up around here.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Oh, good. Rand's changed the list of creatures he wants people to hunt. I was pretty tired of hunting all those adolescent Gromnies. They make terrible sausages. Takes a whole stout to wash one down.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Yep, I know Tanada Sajo, that nice masked girl who showed up in Hebian-To. Knew her parents. They raised her to be very polite. To this day she still says 'Excuse me' when she slits the throat of an enemy of her clan. Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"So let me get this straight. These strange unidentified pyramids show up and start flying around the landscape. Now you want to be portaled up into one of them to investigate? You're not familiar with the term 'probed' are you.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"I knew the Tanada weren't out of the woods yet. I know they're supposed to be the virtuous assassins and all, but it's kinda funny how easily corrupted a ninja clan can be. There's an old saying... Gaze not into the Abyss, for ye will see nothing, and hurt your eyes. Wait, is that how it goes?\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Old Marcus from Mar'uun came to me for help with his magic studies once. I played a joke on him and fed him a little misinformation. Just a harmless little prank. How much can go wrong?\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Oh I already hit all those new points the Explorers' Society marked off. A walk in the park. Well, not really, because we don't actually have any parks. But a park would be a good landmark to tag. If we had any.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Yep, I went down to the Colosseum to get one of those new books they're offering. High quality spellcasting tomes. Very stylish, too. Now if I only had a bell and a candle to go with my book, I could take care of Claude once and for all.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"Oh, those servants of T'thuun are still kicking around making trouble, are they? Well, they better not threaten my stout supply again, or I'll smack 'em around worse than I did their master.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"I can tell you exactly what's bubbling underneath that walled fortress the Sclavus put up on the Dark Isle. Caverns, dark and dangerous, filled with hissing snakemen. Oh, and a surprisingly nice winery. Lovely chardonnay they serve there. That is, if I was the sort of person to drink chardonnay.\" Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, \"What do you mean, you've never heard of chardonnay?\""@en . . . "8"^^ . ", Shoot-TO-Kill"@en . . . "Dave Franco"@en . . "Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak"@en . . . . . "\"The Bad Batch\" es el vig\u00E9simo episodio de la sexta temporada de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Star Wars: The Clone Wars. El episodio fue lanzado en StarWars.com como parte de un arco el 29 de abril de 2015, como parte de The Clone Wars Legacy. A pesar de estar incompleto, ya que la serie fue cancelada antes de que el episodio pudiera ser terminado, se considera parte del canon de Star Wars."@es . "In game time: October 6, 2354 Narrator: Akai Players: Akai, Feyrin, Tanya, Dusk Location: The city of Alexandria, on planet Osiris Summary: Feyrin returns to the planet Osiris, just over two years since she had woken up there in the captivity of the late Dr. Chandler. She has some unfinished business there: in planning for her future career running a mercenary company, she needs to pick up a suit of custom made powered armor from an Confed base where she once served. While she is there she decides to check in on Tanya Ames, Akai's ex-girlfriend, to see how she has been doing. She finds that Tanya has turned her house into a fortress of sorts, the residence being decorated in odd amulets and sculptures. She also has a guard dog, specifically and uplifted German Shepherd named Rob. It turns out that Tanya has been stalked and menaced in recent months by dark figures with red eyes, and the only way she's been able to keep them away is by using amulets imbued with some strange power. Feyrin finds that the amulets have an odd resonance with her, boosting her own innate supernatural abilities, and so she inquires about them. Tanya reveals to Feyrin that she got the amulets from a panther Recom by the name of Dusk, who lives in an alley next to a theater in downtown Alexandria. Feyrin goes downtown to meet Dusk, and finds that the reclusive cat has been making the amulets for years, as part of an ongoing battle against extra-dimensional menaces. He reveals to Feyrin that the shadowy figures stalking Tanya are Imaja, the same strange alien species as Akai. He's not certain why they have such a strong interest in Tanya, but he said that people like him and Feyrin are gifted with special powers by the universe itself as a means of defending it from malevolent intruders, and that she should make use of her power. He gives her an amulet of his making, a silver ankh, that in turn enhances Feyrin's powers. He explains that the amulets contain written affirmations of the universe's power and purpose, something that extra-dimensional intruders consider to be repulsive. Feyrin returns to Tanya's house by bus, and it is rapidly going dark. While debarking at a bust stop she is assaulted by a pair of insectoid drones, controlled by an Imaja nearby, known as Dr. Nevins. He was hoping to capture Feyrin alive so he could reprogram her mind and use her as a means of getting Tanya out of her hiding place. Feyrin uses her powers to kill the drones, then opens fire at the Imaja, only to find that he has an energy shield to protect him from the bullets. She then throws her amulet at him, and it breaks through his defenses, and injures him simply by touching him. She confiscates a strange orb from him, a device that he used to generate his force shield, and apparently also a means of creating a gate from his homeworld of Tarlec to any place he chooses. She interrogates Dr. Nevins, finding out that his purpose in stalking Tanya is that he wants her to join their order, not only because she has a brilliant mind but because she has an incurable form of brain cancer that has not yet been diagnosed by her own doctors. If she does not join them she will die within a matter of months, and they don't want to lose such a sharp mind. Feyrin agrees to convey this information to Tanya, but warns the Imaja to keep his distance in the mean time. Feyrin goes to Tanya's place and tells her what she found out. Tanya contacts her doctor and requests that some recent tests that were done on her be reevaluated, and see if they had missed anything the first time around. The two talk at length about the benefits of Tanya joining the Imaja versus her taking the risk of fighting the cancer, which gives her a low chance of survival. Feyrin leaves the choice to Tanya, and gets some rest. In the meantime Tanya contacts Akai, back in Shangri-La, and discusses what it is like to be an Imaja, and whether or not he would recommend her joining. The next morning, Feyrin heads out to the Confed military base and fills out a requisition order to get her suit of armor, as well as a military truck that she can use to carry it back to the space port and make arrangements to return to Ceres. She sees Tanya one last time, finding that she has decided to join the Imaja and take the chance of losing her humanity in return for being cured of her disease and having a brand new career. Feyrin takes her to where Dr. Nevins is waiting, in a Chinese restaurant under construction inside of a strip mall. She gives Nevins his orb back and says her goodbyes to Tanya before she and the Imaja depart for Tarlec, leaving Feyrin and Rob behind. Tanya had left everything she owned to Rob, who decided in turn to retire from the bodyguard business and just relax. Feyrin then departs from Osiris, with her hardware, and returns to Ceres, where she later has lunch with Akai and they discuss the situation back on Osiris."@en . "2014-08-05"^^ . "*Core Worlds\n**Anaxes\n***Anaxes shipyards\n****Anaxes assembly complex\n***Fort Anaxes\n*Skako Minor"@en . . . . "The Master's Last Stand"@en . "20796.0"^^ . . "Monthly"@en . . "\"Unfinished Business\" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of Arrow, and the nineteenth episode overall. It aired on April 3, 2013."@en . "Ken Scott"@en . . . . . "Brent Friedman"@fr . . "Arrow"@en . . "Unfinished Business was a flag on the Sage Ocean. It was formed on April 29th, 2008 by Quaziro, Hotnoob and Brandino. Hotnoob was declared the figurehead monarch, but in reality the flag is equally led by all the founders."@en . . "20"^^ . "Quest icon DAI.png"@en . . . "Secret revenge unfinished business list: Scare the annoying little snots over the road. (note: must ask Annie if we can make blood run down walls or projectile vomit. If not, why not?) Alter the menu at the coffee shop so that all the \u2018grande\u2019 signs now read \u2018large\u2019 and latte reads milky and cookie is biscuit (I might be there a while). Haunt those so called \u2018Doctors\u2019 that said nothing was wrong with me. Hypochondriac, am I? Let\u2019s see if you\u2019re still saying that when I drag my own dead body into your office. And leave it propped up in your chair. Wearing a dunce\u2019s cap. (Note: Unsure where to buy a dunce\u2019s cap? Do they still make them? Also, locate my body from morgue."@en . . "*Astromech droid\n**R-series\n***R2 series astromech droid\n***R4 astromech\n***R5 unit\n*Battle droid\n**B1 battle droid\n**B2 super battle droid\n***Super battle droid rocket trooper\n**BX-series droid commando\n**DSD1 dwarf spider droid\n*Droid starfighter\n**Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I\n*HMP droid gunship\n*Medical droid\n**2-1B surgical droid\n**FX-series medical assistant droid \n***FX-7 medical assistant droid \n*Power droid\n**PLNK-series power droid\n*Repair droid\n**WED Treadwell repair droid\n***WED-15 Treadwell droid\n*Security droid \n*Tactical droid\n**Super tactical droid"@en . "New Regency"@en . . . .