. . . "Lisa ist die Beste Freundin von Katrina. Sie gehen in die gleiche Klasse. Im Sommercamp werden die beiden von Alex und Paul von einer Geisterartrappe erschreckt. Sie lief panisch ins Camp zur\u00FCck. Sp\u00E4ter als Paul verschwand, erkl\u00E4rte Katrina was passiert ist, doch sie h\u00E4lt sie f\u00FCr verr\u00FCckt. Kategorie:Australien"@de . "Breeder"@en . . "Uncredited"@en . "Religious Recruiter"@en . . . "25"^^ . "Lisa was a vampire whom Chris Emerson met at a party in Lost Boys: The Tribe. She is portrayed by Moneca Delain."@en . "Lisa was a senior technician at SeaWorld, working in the underwater control room alongside Calvin Bouchard's nephew and another unnamed technician. She first appeared in the control room, monitoring the progress of the minisub that Mike Brody and Katherine 'Kay' Morgan were using in an attempt to locate Shelby Overman, who had gone missing the previous night. Later, she monitored the park's opening day and informed Calvin that one of the filtration pumps was not operating properly, prompting him to order it shut down. This unfortunately unleashed a massive, 35 foot-long female great white shark that had been hiding inside into the park, causing mass chaos. After disrupting several festivities and causing numerous injuries, the shark caused a leak in the underwater tunnels, prompting Lisa t"@en . "\u7406\u6C99"@en . "Rok 1986. W ma\u0142ym miasteczku \u017Cy\u0142a rodzina Jefferson\u00F3w. Ma\u0142e osiedle kt\u00F3re niczym si\u0119 nie wyr\u00F3\u017Cnia\u0142o. Jedynie w jednym z dom\u00F3w dla pewnej szesnastoletniej dziewczyny \u017Cycie by\u0142o dla niej piek\u0142em. Po \u015Bmierci matki, kt\u00F3ra dla dziewczyny by\u0142a najbli\u017Csz\u0105 osob\u0105 w rodzinie, ojciec zacz\u0105\u0142 niewyobra\u017Calnie du\u017Co pi\u0107. Przerwa\u0142 prac\u0119 i ca\u0142kowicie straci\u0142 sens \u017Cycia. Dom dawniej t\u0119tni\u0142 \u017Cyciem, a teraz sta\u0142 si\u0119 zimny i nieprzyjemny. Przez okropn\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 alkoholu ojciec wiecznie bi\u0142 Lis\u0119, przez co ona, boj\u0105c si\u0119 o swoje \u017Cycie, nie sypia\u0142a nocami. Kiedy\u015B mia\u0142a \u0142adnie, uczesane w\u0142osy i weso\u0142e, \u017Cywe oczy. Jednak teraz w\u0142osy by\u0142y w wiecznym nie\u0142adzie, a pod oczami by\u0142y wr\u0119cz przera\u017Caj\u0105ce ciemne cienie. Jej m\u0142odzie\u0144cza twarz ju\u017C nie ukazywa\u0142a ca\u0142kowicie \u017Cadnych emocji. By\u0142a wiecznie powa\u017Cna. Zacz\u0119\u0142a opusza\u0107 lekcje w szkole i zamiast tego wola\u0142a spacerowa\u0107 samotnie po lasach lub sp\u0119dza\u0107 czas przy grobie swojej matki. -T\u0119sknie za tob\u0105 mamo, nie dam rady tak \u017Cy\u0107. Szepcz\u0105c tak cz\u0119sto nad jej grobem, pr\u00F3bowa\u0142a zapomnie\u0107 o okropno\u015Bciach jakie dziej\u0105 si\u0119 w jej domu. Psychika dziewczyny i zdrowy rozs\u0105dek powoli znika\u0142y, a zamiast tego b\u00F3l, smutek i nienawi\u015B\u0107 przejmowa\u0142 nad ni\u0105 kontrol\u0119. Kolejnej nocy, b\u0119d\u0105c w swoim pokoju maj\u0105c \u0142zy w oczach po kolejnym incydencie z ojcem, Lisa postanowi\u0142a nareszcie zako\u0144czy\u0107 cierpienie jakie czu\u0142a przez w\u0142asnego ojca. P\u00F3\u017Anej nocy, gdy pijany jak nigdy m\u0119\u017Cczyzna spa\u0142 na kanapie w salonie, Lisa wysz\u0142a ze swojego pokoju. Ubrana by\u0142a w szar\u0105 bluz\u0119, czarne spodnie i trampki. Zmierzaj\u0105c cicho do kuchni zerkn\u0119\u0142a na zegar kt\u00F3ry wisia\u0142 w przedpokoju. By\u0142a 02:45. Wkraczaj\u0105c powolnym krokiem do kuchni kierowa\u0142a si\u0119 do szuflady z no\u017Cami kuchennymi. Wyci\u0105gaj\u0105c n\u00F3\u017C i spojrza\u0142a na swoje odbicie w oknie. Pod oczami mia\u0142a jeszcze wi\u0119ksze cienie, a \u017Arenice by\u0142y powi\u0119kszone. Nagle us\u0142ysza\u0142a czyje\u015B kroki. Spojrza\u0142a na drzwi i zobaczy\u0142a w nich pijanego ojca. -Co ty s**o tutaj robisz?! M\u0119\u017Cczyzna chwiejnym krokiem zacz\u0105\u0142 do niej podchodzi\u0107. Gdy by\u0142 ju\u017C w odpowiedniej odleg\u0142o\u015Bci dziewczyna wymierzy\u0142a n\u00F3\u017C prosto w miejsce na klatce piersiowej, gdzie znajduje si\u0119 serce. Krew trysn\u0119\u0142a na wszystkie strony i poplami\u0142a kuchenne szafki i twarz Lisy. Na twarzy ojca odmalowa\u0142o si\u0119 zaskoczenie zamieszane z b\u00F3lem. Dziewczyna wpatrywa\u0142a si\u0119 pustym wzrokiem w tkwi\u0105cy n\u00F3\u017C i na plamy krwi. Powoli, dr\u017C\u0105c\u0105 r\u0119k\u0105, zacz\u0119\u0142a przecina\u0107 brzuch, z kt\u00F3rego wyp\u0142ywa\u0142a coraz wi\u0119ksza ilo\u015B\u0107 krwi, brudz\u0105c ubranie ojca, Lisy i ca\u0142\u0105 pod\u0142og\u0119. M\u0119\u017Cczyzna krzycza\u0142 z b\u00F3lu, jednak Lisa wygl\u0105da\u0142a jakby nic nie s\u0142ysza\u0142a. Gdy ojciec upad\u0142 ca\u0142y we krwi na pod\u0142og\u0119, dziewczyna pochyli\u0142a si\u0119 nad ojcem u\u015Bmiechaj\u0105c si\u0119. -Hej, gotowy na \u015Bmier\u0107? Dziewczyna trzymaj\u0105c n\u00F3\u017C i b\u0119d\u0105c ca\u0142a we krwi zacz\u0119\u0142a kierowa\u0107 si\u0119 w stron\u0119 wyj\u015Bcia. B\u0119d\u0105c po drugiej stronie ulicy Lisa spojrza\u0142a z odraz\u0105 na sw\u00F3j dom. Odwracaj\u0105c si\u0119 ruszy\u0142a ciemn\u0105 ulic\u0105 trzymaj\u0105c n\u00F3\u017C i kieruj\u0105c si\u0119 do os\u00F3b, kt\u00F3re sprawia\u0142y jej b\u00F3l, aby sprawdzi\u0107, czy s\u0105 gotowi na \u015Bmier\u0107."@pl . "Forest People"@en . . . . . . . "GA: 3"@en . . . . . . . . "Unidentified Mother"@en . "Lisa"@nl . . "Lisa is a resident of Vault 13 in 2161."@en . . . "Lisa (Last name unknown) was Megan Morgan's best friend. \"Big Al\" didn't approve of her, because she didn't eat beef."@en . . . "For other disambugations, Look up \"Lisa Simpson\". Lisa is a Carrie Related segment that was used in Treehouse of Horror XL. When Lisa is embarrassed at the prom after Nelson spills pig blood on her, she uses Telekinesis to take over the town of Springfield as revenge."@en . . . . . "Lisa was the best friend and college roommate of Karin Hensley at Powell University in 1982. Lisa came back to their dorm room the day after Karin had been raped by Mike Delaney after she brought him back to her room. When Karin tried to tell Lisa what happened, Lisa thought Karin was exaggerating since Karin had been interested in him before, and told Karin someone like Mike \"doesn't need to rape anyone\". Lisa's whereabouts in 2007, when Mike's murder was reopened, are unknown."@en . . . . "TBA"@en . "150"^^ . "1"^^ . . . "yes"@en . "50"^^ . . . "Not yet appeared"@en . . "Lisa is a Pok\u00E9mon Breeder."@en . . . "Lisa was the best friend and college roommate of Karin Hensley at Powell University in 1982. Lisa came back to their dorm room the day after Karin had been raped by Mike Delaney after she brought him back to her room. When Karin tried to tell Lisa what happened, Lisa thought Karin was exaggerating since Karin had been interested in him before, and told Karin someone like Mike \"doesn't need to rape anyone\". Lisa's whereabouts in 2007, when Mike's murder was reopened, are unknown."@en . "100"^^ . . . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . "Have friends not often passed friends by, In hunting fawns in different glens Returning often homeward to An empty hearth with dry oats laid. Did friends not often mutter too Of how the pastures wild lay bare When in each others' glance, a million Miles of darkness somehow forbear That wakening, oh, that youngest spark, Of light to kindle feelings thrawn, The outback, tender clump of hay, And let some breeze be inward drawn. And when we likewise let the flame That yearly had with laughter passed This odd one-two so cruelly by, The ground could scarcely seconds last. Raging, angry, angry fire, At last released, did badly scorch All inhibitions in its way In heat, not light, alone a torch. And like the wildfires passing through Each summer your dry wooden homes We ate the ground, but soon the sea, And burnt ourself aloud with groans. What now? Though knidling and the flame Each other have consumed and sit Despondent on some foreign shore They can't retred the land erst lit."@en . . . . "Lisa is a resident of Vault 13 in 2161."@en . . . . . . . "Lisa"@pl . . . "Hunger"@en . "New York, NY, USA"@en . . . . "Lisa was een jonge inwoner van de planeet Gaia en een afstammeling van Jadzia Dax. Haar bestaan zou teniet gedaan worden, samen met dat van alle inwoners van Gaia, omdat Odo het vluchtplan van de Defiant zo aan wist te passen dat het sterrenschip niet neer zou storten op de planeet. Hierdoor zou er geen mogelijkheid zijn om een alternatieve tijdlijn te vormen. (DS9: \"Children of Time\")"@nl . . . . "100"^^ . . . "bug"@en . . "Lisa is a Pok\u00E9mon Breeder."@en . . . . . "Mexico"@en . . "New"@en . . . . "Jane \nLisa"@en . "no"@en . . "Travis was killed because he threw out a gangster who was harassing Lisa. She later provides Reese with information to help catch the people responsible."@en . "Lisa Simpson is the second character unlocked in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. While Homer is the primary character in the game, Lisa is the primary female character in the game, as she is very often guiding the player through tasks and is involved in the dialogues of many events."@en . . . "19"^^ . . . . "Black"@en . "Sch\u00FClerin"@de . "Maaya Sakamoto"@it . "Lisa is a Trainer from Johto who appears in Pok\u00E9mon 3: The Spell Of The Unown."@en . . . "1470.0"^^ . . "Wendee Lee"@es . "Lisa is a preschooler who attends school at the Elwood City Preschool. In \"D.W.'s Very Bad Mood,\" D.W. is upset because Lisa didn't invite her to her birthday party. In that episode, D.W. says she doesn't play with Lisa much, and it is still unknown if Lisa ever does hang out with D.W. anymore, or if they are friends. After that episode she is usually seen in the background of the episodes at the preschool and other areas of Elwood City."@en . "Lisa is a recurring character name in the Care Bears franchise, and can refer to: \n* Lisa (Cartoon) - The character from the original Care Bears TV series episode \"Magic Mirror\". \n* Lisa (Comics) - The character from the Care Bears Star Comics series."@en . . "Anchor for Metro Channel Action News."@en . . . . . . "Lisa Geschlecht Alter Beruf Erster Auftritt Letzter Auftritt Gespielt von Lisa ist ein Charakter, der in der Folge Doppeltes Spiel auftaucht. Sie wird von Chloe Brooks gespielt."@de . . . . "General Vendor"@en . . "Before the series began, she and Charlie used to live together, but then they broke up because Charlie was not willing to be in a committed relationship. In the episode \"Merry Thanksgiving\", Lisa tells Charlie that she is getting married. Charlie invites her to his Malibu beach house and pretends to have become a family guy, in the hope of Lisa returning to him. But Lisa sees through his 'pathetic charade'. She does promise to call him if she got divorced. In season 2 (the episode Yes, Monsignor), Charlie dates a divorced Lisa for a day. He desperately tries to show her that he can take care of her child. However, their relationship doesn't work out again. Charlie says she has \"commitment issues\" when actually, he's unwilling to commit to Lisa in their relationship."@en . "Lisa es la segunda esposa de Dr\u00E1cula y la madre de Alucard. Aunque no aparece f\u00EDsicamente en la saga Castlevania ni antes ni despu\u00E9s, su muerte sirve como motivaci\u00F3n de Dr\u00E1cula para su guerra contra la humanidad, finalizando su transformaci\u00F3n en el principal antagonista de los videojuegos. Cabe se\u00F1alar que Lisa es referida siempre solamente por su primer nombre en los videojuegos; ni su apellido de soltera, ni qu\u00E9 nombre adopt\u00F3 cuando se cas\u00F3 (Cronqvist, \u0162epe\u015F o un seud\u00F3nimo de alg\u00FAn tipo) han sido establecidos de manera oficial."@es . . "in \"Nightmare on Grace Street\", over lunch with Lisa and Anna, Roberta falls for new Stoolbend High School student Edwin Mullins. Despite his lack of interest, Roberta decides to pursue him anyways. Lisa was not named in \"Nightmare\", but is given the name in FOX promotional materials. [1] Lisa also appears in \"All You Can Eat\" when she teases Roberta about Cleveland Brown Jr. being uncool and on the roller coaster in \"Brownsized\". Lisa is voiced by Aseem Batra."@en . . . "Ilustraci\u00F3n de Lisa.png"@es . . . . "Elementals"@en . . . . . "Lisa"@en . . "\"That's right, Binford Tools present Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor\"."@en . . . . "Alison Lester"@es . . . "P03 Granbull.png"@es . . "Lisa_Liang.jpg"@es . "In Lost tritt der Name Lisa in folgenden Beziehungen auf: \n* Darstellerin der Frau, die Aaron adoptieren wollte, siehe Lisa Fraser \n* F\u00FCr Hurleys Ex-Schw\u00E4gerin, siehe Lisa Reyes \n* F\u00FCr den Charakter aus Lost: Via Domus, siehe Lisa Gellhorn"@de . . "water"@en . . "Greenfield"@en . . "lisa.png"@en . . . "Dark Brown"@en . . . . . . "Lisa is a cat NPC toon working at Lisa Lemon Used Cars on Maple Street, Daisy Gardens."@en . . "P03 Butterfree.png"@es . . "En 2152, Lisa \u00E9tait une petite amie de Charles Tucker III. Tandis que son corps fut domin\u00E9 par un Etre non-corporel, il eut des visions de lui nageant avec Lisa dans Tarpon Springs, lorsque Lisa eut peur car cela devenait trop sombre, tous deux se retrouv\u00E8rent dans de la neige en Nouvelle-Z\u00E9lande. (ENT: \"The Crossing\")"@fr . . "no"@en . . . . "-"@en . . "jackass this person are already blacklisted so you dont need it"@en . . "-"@en . "no"@en . . . "-"@en . . . . "Last Man Standing lobby"@en . . . . . . . "Lisa is the daughter in Princess Maker 3. She is a young fairy who goes to the Fairy Queen begging to be a human princess. The Queen grants her wish and sets Uzu to be her guardian. Raising her, you can fulfill her dream or have her be someone entirely different."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Lisa"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "290"^^ . . "human"@en . "Adepta en la creaci\u00F3n de medicinas herbarias"@es . . . . "Character name Full name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Birthplace Residence Gender Race Elemental type Occupation Affiliation Alignment Allies Enemies First appearance Video games Anime Voice Provider Other Sprite Lisa is the daughter of Dr. Mitsumori. She was kidnapped when Black Bomberman went berzerk, but she was unharmed and rescued by White Bomberman."@en . . . "255"^^ . . "Collection"@en . . . . "-Anna Lisa Image:Lisa2.jpg Name Lisa Series New (2009) Species Visitor Status Alive (Imprisoned in the ship dungeon) Profession Future Leader of the Visitors Future Queen Visitor Guide Peace Ambassador Fifth Column Member Family Anna - Mother Sister Diana - Grandmother Tyler Evans - Boyfriend Portrayed by Laura Vandervoort Lisa is a Visitor originally assigned as an officer to the Peace Ambassador Program. She is also the daughter of the Visitor Queen Anna and the girlfriend of Tyler Evans. Lisa's future is key to the future of the Visitor race as a whole, in ways that even she never anticipated."@en . "Lisa ist ein junges M\u00E4dchen: Sie bringt ihre Katze Minka zu Dr. Eichhorn, weil sie sich st\u00E4ndig kratzt. Lisa und Minka kommen nur in das Tierarztpraktikum vor."@de . "Nic nie sprzedaje."@pl . . . . "Female"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "25"^^ . . . . . "empty"@en . "Lisa appears in the Season 4 episode of Quantum Leap titled \"Hurricane\". The part of Lisa is played in the episode by Tracy Kolis."@en . . . . "Current"@en . "Plague"@en . "None"@en . "Enemies"@en . . . . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . "Lisa might refer to: \n* Lisa (22nd century), former girlfriend of Trip Tucker \n* Lisa (23rd century), communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise \n* Lisa (24th century), inhabitant of Gaia \n* Lisa Cusak, a 24th century Human Starfleet officer born in 2320 Performer \n* Lisa Hoyle, stuntwoman on Star Trek: Enterprise \n* Lisa Vanasco, extra on Star Trek: Voyager"@en . . . "53"^^ . . . "Lisa"@nl . "Lisa"@en . . . . . . . "Lisa.jpg"@de . "Vendor"@en . . . . . . "Alliance"@en . . . . "Have friends not often passed friends by, In hunting fawns in different glens Returning often homeward to An empty hearth with dry oats laid. Did friends not often mutter too Of how the pastures wild lay bare When in each others' glance, a million Miles of darkness somehow forbear That wakening, oh, that youngest spark, Of light to kindle feelings thrawn, The outback, tender clump of hay, And let some breeze be inward drawn. And when we likewise let the flame That yearly had with laughter passed This odd one-two so cruelly by, The ground could scarcely seconds last."@en . . . "Green"@en . . . . "Granbull es el segundo Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Luch\u00F3 contra el Totodile de Ash, en donde gana este \u00FAltimo. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Conoce placaje y mordisco. Es derrotado por el pistola agua de Totodile."@es . . . "Lisa is a minor character in the episode \"Fun with Jane and Jane\". She is the voice of Anna Faris."@en . . . "Lisa.png"@de . . . "*Find the Water Thief"@en . . "fairy"@en . . "She also called Mark \"a piece of shit\" in the episode Spin War, having heard about the jilting at Mark and Sophie's wedding."@en . . "Lisa Janway"@en . . "55000"^^ . . . "807"^^ . "No"@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . . "Moon"@en . . "Butterfree es el cuarto Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Luch\u00F3 contra el Bulbasaur de Ash, al cual derrota. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Conoce protecci\u00F3n, tornado y somn\u00EDfero. Vence a Bulbasaur con tornado."@es . "N/A"@en . . "Lisa was an employee of the Northrop Corporation who Elizabeth befriended."@en . . . "Lisa McWiggles"@pl . . "For other disambugations, Look up \"Lisa Simpson\". Lisa is a Carrie Related segment that was used in Treehouse of Horror XL. When Lisa is embarrassed at the prom after Nelson spills pig blood on her, she uses Telekinesis to take over the town of Springfield as revenge."@en . "Lisa is a level 1 human child located in second floor of the northernmost house of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest. See List of Elwynn Forest NPCs."@en . . . "Looks the same as Glooth Anemone. Implemented in the Summer Update 2014."@en . . . . "No"@en . "Rabbit"@en . "--"@en . . "A better sorcerer than her twin brother. She carries around her father's broomstick."@en . . . "afroamericana"@it . . "Unlocked at"@en . "Lisa is a pilot of the Vehicle Voltron Force Sea Team."@en . "892.0"^^ . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . "Character name Full name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Birthplace Residence Gender Race Elemental type Occupation Affiliation Alignment Allies Enemies First appearance Video games Anime Voice Provider Other Sprite Lisa is the daughter of Dr. Mitsumori. She was kidnapped when Black Bomberman went berzerk, but she was unharmed and rescued by White Bomberman."@en . . . "Donna"@de . . . . . "Unbekannt"@de . . . . . "Despicable Me 2"@en . "Dr. Germahn's attorney"@en . . . . "Mankey"@es . . "Lisa is a robot with a water wheel in her. She has to keep this filled, or she will shut down. She declares her love for Bender in the Wooden Submarine on the way to wage war against technology. She, along with Cymbal-Banging Monkey, Cartridge Unit, and Sinclair 2K, left humanity to fend for themselves because they refused to upgrade. She may actually exist outside of Bender's dream as she is seen on the Wheel of Robots. She also appears at the 100th Delivery Party in The Mutants Are Revolting. You can see her in the lower left corner when Bender jumps onto the railing."@en . . . . . . . . . . "2016-11-10"^^ . . . . . . "When lisa was choosen to represent Sunland in NSC,everyone seemed not sure about her participation,and that was mainly because of the song,which was some kind of wierd.Although,everyone was talking about her gorgeous voice and for her amazing talent in the stage.In the beginning,Sunland was the hot candidate to win this edition.After qualifying from the semi final,where Lisa managed to achieve the second(2nd) place,Lisa,after recieving loads of 12s and 10s,ended in the fantastic 4th place,the first time that Sunland was placed in the TOP 5.Lisa was welcomed like a national hero in the airport and the song became the hit of the year,selling more than 5.000.000 copies."@en . "Risa"@es . "Lisa is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, The Collector General. She was played by Heidy Hunt."@en . . "Travis was killed because he threw out a gangster who was harassing Lisa. She later provides Reese with information to help catch the people responsible."@en . "1980"^^ . "Lisa z\u00E4hlt zu den Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern Goldhains im Wald von Elwynn."@de . . "Visitor Guide"@en . . . "Lisa Janway is a minor character in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. She can be found in Rockham's Pride in Rockham. Lisa is a cooper. The party can ask her to accompany them, but she doesn't provide any bonuses."@en . "1"^^ . . . "Quagsire es el sexto y \u00FAltimo Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Luch\u00F3 contra el Pikachu de Ash, algo dif\u00EDcil ya que es tipo agua/tierra y los ataques el\u00E9ctricos no le hacen da\u00F1o, pero al final pierde. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Conoce hidrobomba. Le gana Pikachu porque usa Cabezazo y Quagsire se resiste, despu\u00E9s de eso los dos se tambalean hasta que Quagsire cae primero."@es . . . . "10.5"^^ . . . . "Lisa was a Grant High student of Eastern Indian descent, who attended Adrian's baby shower. Adrian let Lisa sit with her at lunch on her first day of school."@en . . "Lisa.PNG"@pl . . . "Dark gray"@en . . "?"@en . . . . "Slim"@en . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "Lisa_1.jpg"@en . . "surfing"@it . . . "weiblich"@de . "Vrouw"@nl . . . . "Adrian Fahrenheit \u0162epe\u015F"@es . "Lisa is a character in Mother 3. She is the mother of Nichol and Richie, and wife to Tazmily Village fireman and store owner Thomas. She likes to gossip with Jill, and was the one to introduce Hinawa to Flint. Image:SlimyLittlePile.gifThis article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "300"^^ . "Gray"@en . "Lisa joined accidently after mistaking MFG for a photo hosting site which should/could host her hot german nazinaked pictures on, but soon she realized that it was in fact an anime based forum, and from that day onward she pretended to be an avid Yaoi fangirl. [Trying too hard] Incidentally enough, the day she joined on the 25th of Febuary also happens to be the birthdate of her \"husband's\" fiercest enemy and rival, the infamous Kenshi. Confirmed by the man himself, it was the day that he turned 15 at a group home."@en . "Notable"@en . . . "Lisa"@de . "no"@es . "Interpretada por Rachel Lee Harris"@es . . . "When lisa was choosen to represent Sunland in NSC,everyone seemed not sure about her participation,and that was mainly because of the song,which was some kind of wierd.Although,everyone was talking about her gorgeous voice and for her amazing talent in the stage.In the beginning,Sunland was the hot candidate to win this edition.After qualifying from the semi final,where Lisa managed to achieve the second(2nd) place,Lisa,after recieving loads of 12s and 10s,ended in the fantastic 4th place,the first time that Sunland was placed in the TOP 5.Lisa was welcomed like a national hero in the airport and the song became the hit of the year,selling more than 5.000.000 copies."@en . "Brown"@en . "N/A"@en . . . . "Femenino"@es . . . "Visitor Army , Fifth Column"@en . "--"@en . . . . . . . . . "Lisa was an agent at Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit before Day 1."@en . "Lisa is the kind & compassionate member of the Sea Team. She pilots the Space Prober 7 that becomes the right thigh of Vehicle Voltron. Like Allura, her VoltCom weapon is a bow & arrow."@en . "FO1"@en . . . "Unnamed Mother"@en . . . . . "Number of Jobs"@en . "Lisa was a chimpanzee servant in the fourth apes movie who became a favourite of Caesar. Lisa and Caesar met first in a bookstore, where she was collecting a book for her owner (Mrs Riley), and then in the City's Command Center where both served as slaves. Like all other apes at that point, she could not speak. Later, when Caesar launched the an ape revolt, he made a speech to the gathered apes (and a few captured humans, including Governor Breck and Mr. MacDonald) and condemned humanity, threatening to take revenge on the tyrannical Governor. Lisa, heretofore mute, spoke for the first time, uttering the word \"No\", to save the apes from becoming as vindictive as the humans. Listening to her, Caesar modified his stand, telling the apes to leave their onetime human captors to their fate, and"@en . . "Lisa Granger is an NPC in The Last Stand: Union City. She is found in 10 Main Street, a safehouse in Whistler's Forest. She gives the player the Into The Wilds quest, where the player must find her brother, Terry Granger, in the forest reserve."@en . . "Chercher \"lisa\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . "Preschool"@en . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . . . "fighting"@en . . "Lisa ist die Beste Freundin von Katrina. Sie gehen in die gleiche Klasse. Im Sommercamp werden die beiden von Alex und Paul von einer Geisterartrappe erschreckt. Sie lief panisch ins Camp zur\u00FCck. Sp\u00E4ter als Paul verschwand, erkl\u00E4rte Katrina was passiert ist, doch sie h\u00E4lt sie f\u00FCr verr\u00FCckt. Kategorie:Australien"@de . "Peace Ambassador"@en . . . . "Donna"@de . . "Future Leader of the Visitors"@en . "Lisa (Last name unknown) was Megan Morgan's best friend. \"Big Al\" didn't approve of her, because she didn't eat beef."@en . "92"^^ . . . "100"^^ . . . "Lisa is a vet who lives next door to Kirsty. She runs the Wetherbury Veterinary Surgery. She appears in Heidi the Vet Fairy."@en . . "Diana - Grandmother"@en . "Lisa appeared on Sesame Street as a part-time assistant for Linda at the Sesame Street Library, beginning in season 21 and appearing as late as season 24 (in episode 3106). Lisa was also one of Gordon's high school science students in episode 2782, when Telly Monster follows Gordon to school."@en . . . "In Lost tritt der Name Lisa in folgenden Beziehungen auf: \n* Darstellerin der Frau, die Aaron adoptieren wollte, siehe Lisa Fraser \n* F\u00FCr Hurleys Ex-Schw\u00E4gerin, siehe Lisa Reyes \n* F\u00FCr den Charakter aus Lost: Via Domus, siehe Lisa Gellhorn"@de . . . . . . "File:LoM Hauberk Icon.png [Metal]Hauberk*"@en . . "Lisa"@pt . . . "Lisa (\u30B3\u30ED\u30CA Korona, lit. Corona) is a character from Legend of Mana. 7 years of age, Lisa is the orphaned twin sister of Bud, and was once a student of Geo's Academy of Magic. She and Bud are introduced staging a prank involving pumpkins in the outskirts of Domina, but are halted by the Hero/Heroine's intervention. The twins are thereafter taken under the wing of the Hero/Heroine, serving as their apprentices. Lisa is said to be a better sorcerer than her brother is. The broom that Lisa wields as her weapon of choice was once a possession of her late father."@en . . "Blonde"@en . . . "Portrayed by Rachelle Carson [TV Movie: \"Get Smart, Again!\"]."@en . "Weiblich"@de . "Aipom"@es . . "Lisa is Amanda's roommate and friend and Dr. Germahn's (or possible the lab's) attorney. She is cheerful, friendly, and bouncing-off-the-walls reckless, with a real talent for messing with people. As a lesbian, she is very much attracted to Amanda, who remained completely oblivious for some time despite Lisa's fairly overt manipulations."@en . . "No"@en . . . . "A"@it . . . . . . . . . "Lisa was a senior technician at SeaWorld, working in the underwater control room alongside Calvin Bouchard's nephew and another unnamed technician. She first appeared in the control room, monitoring the progress of the minisub that Mike Brody and Katherine 'Kay' Morgan were using in an attempt to locate Shelby Overman, who had gone missing the previous night. Later, she monitored the park's opening day and informed Calvin that one of the filtration pumps was not operating properly, prompting him to order it shut down. This unfortunately unleashed a massive, 35 foot-long female great white shark that had been hiding inside into the park, causing mass chaos. After disrupting several festivities and causing numerous injuries, the shark caused a leak in the underwater tunnels, prompting Lisa to seal the section off lest they lose the whole complex. This action unfortunately trapped several people in a section that was partially flooded and losing oxygen. She witnessed the trapping of the shark in the filtration pump and was ordered to shut it down in order to suffocate the creature. This backfired when the shark escaped and menaced Mike and Kay just as they had finished repairing the tunnels, though they escaped with the help of the dolphins Cindy and Sandy and made it to the control room. With pressure restored, the tunnels were drained and the people escaped. Lisa was in the control room with Calvin, Mike, Kay and Fred when she looked up and saw the shark heading right towards the window. Horrorstruck, she was left with no other option than to scream in utter terror with everyone else as the shark struck the window head-on, breaking it. Water exploded into the control room, knocking Lisa into a piece of machinery and rendering her unconscious. As her unconscious body sank to the floor, Calvin swam over and picked her up as he swam through the door to escape, though Fred was caught by the shark and devoured. Mike and Kay spotted the corpse of Phillip FitzRoyce in the shark's mouth, still holding a grenade, and triggered it, blowing the shark to bloody bits. Calvin and Lisa both survived."@en . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . "Fifth Column Member"@en . . "Donna"@de . "Varies"@en . . "Cosplayer"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Female"@en . . "18000"^^ . . "The sisters wanted to surprise her Mom for her birthday by hacking the Matrix to trace her so they could see her. Lisa was jacked into the Matrix by Ashley during meal time. But the tracking was detected and Sentinels found Maggie's ship, the Calappidae. While Maggie hugged her daughter, the ship was destroyed, killing everyone jacked in."@en . "Lisa Simpson is the second character unlocked in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. While Homer is the primary character in the game, Lisa is the primary female character in the game, as she is very often guiding the player through tasks and is involved in the dialogues of many events."@en . "TBA"@en . . . "Butterfree"@es . . "dog"@en . "P03 Quagsire.png"@es . . "Lisa is a level 1 human child located in second floor of the northernmost house of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest. See List of Elwynn Forest NPCs."@en . . . "Lisa was Dexter's babysitter whom he tried to impress in the episode Babysitter Blues."@en . . . . . . "Lisa is a preschooler who attends school at the Elwood City Preschool. In \"D.W.'s Very Bad Mood,\" D.W. is upset because Lisa didn't invite her to her birthday party. In that episode, D.W. says she doesn't play with Lisa much, and it is still unknown if Lisa ever does hang out with D.W. anymore, or if they are friends. After that episode she is usually seen in the background of the episodes at the preschool and other areas of Elwood City."@en . . . "Moneca Delain"@en . "Lisa (\u30EA\u30B5, Risa) was once a Doctor working for the Marines and was one of their greatest doctors known, however, due to her unstable mental state later discovered through her obsession with helping people to the point of insanity and conducting human experiments on lower ranked Marine soldiers who she couldn't heal and thus used them as experiments to try and find means to know how to deal with it. She later escaped after the discovery of her inhuman experiments and was given a bounty of 120,000,00, her unstable mentality and the experiments she was committed on Marines gained her the title Devil In Nurse's Clothing (\u770B\u8B77\u670D\u306E\u60AA\u9B54, Kango Fuku no Akuma). At some point after leaving the Marines she became the doctor of the Azalea Pirates in order to accomplish her dream of finding the cure to every disease through any means."@en . "Good"@en . . . . . . "Lisa made her first appearance on 10 November 2016. She is portrayed by an unknown actress."@en . "Light orange"@en . . . . "Lisa jest szanowan\u0105 obywatelk\u0105 wyspy Pandanda. Wszyscy wiedz\u0105, jak wiele dla niej robi. Dok\u0142adniej: zbiera wszelakie odnalezione \u015Bmieci i poddaje je recyklingowi."@pl . "Sister"@en . . . "Lisa is a character in Chrono Cross. She is the current Elements store owner in Termina, taking over for her father, Funguy. She soon becomes friends and rivals with Leena, a young girl from Arni."@en . "\"Goodbye, Krabby Patty?\""@en . . . "A girl who lived alone with her dad until he disappeared. She was worried that her dad was going crazy, and now waits for his return. As a child, she wants many things. She likes Caterina very much."@en . "Quote"@en . . "Lisa (\u30B3\u30ED\u30CA Korona, lit. Corona) is a character from Legend of Mana. 7 years of age, Lisa is the orphaned twin sister of Bud, and was once a student of Geo's Academy of Magic. She and Bud are introduced staging a prank involving pumpkins in the outskirts of Domina, but are halted by the Hero/Heroine's intervention. The twins are thereafter taken under the wing of the Hero/Heroine, serving as their apprentices. Lisa is said to be a better sorcerer than her brother is. The broom that Lisa wields as her weapon of choice was once a possession of her late father."@en . . . "Kellnerin"@de . "\u30EA\u30B5"@es . "The Serpent and The Ice"@es . . . "Lisa is a robot with a water wheel in her. She has to keep this filled, or she will shut down. She declares her love for Bender in the Wooden Submarine on the way to wage war against technology. She, along with Cymbal-Banging Monkey, Cartridge Unit, and Sinclair 2K, left humanity to fend for themselves because they refused to upgrade. She may actually exist outside of Bender's dream as she is seen on the Wheel of Robots. She also appears at the 100th Delivery Party in The Mutants Are Revolting. You can see her in the lower left corner when Bender jumps onto the railing."@en . . "Granbull"@es . "Little Sorcerer"@en . . . "Anna - Mother"@en . "Human"@en . "P03 Lisa.png"@es . "Pro Wrestling"@it . "Lisa was Kwizz's girlfriend."@en . . . "100"^^ . "1797"^^ . . . . . . "Lisa is a vet who lives next door to Kirsty. She runs the Wetherbury Veterinary Surgery. She appears in Heidi the Vet Fairy."@en . . "Tracy Kolis as Lisa in \"Hurricane\" in Season 4 )ep.#3)."@en . "Cooper"@en . . . . . . "En 2152, Lisa \u00E9tait une petite amie de Charles Tucker III. Tandis que son corps fut domin\u00E9 par un Etre non-corporel, il eut des visions de lui nageant avec Lisa dans Tarpon Springs, lorsque Lisa eut peur car cela devenait trop sombre, tous deux se retrouv\u00E8rent dans de la neige en Nouvelle-Z\u00E9lande. (ENT: \"The Crossing\")"@fr . "Lisa (\u30EA\u30B5, Risa) was once a Doctor working for the Marines and was one of their greatest doctors known, however, due to her unstable mental state later discovered through her obsession with helping people to the point of insanity and conducting human experiments on lower ranked Marine soldiers who she couldn't heal and thus used them as experiments to try and find means to know how to deal with it."@en . . "Lisa is a minor character in Mafia II."@en . . . . . . "Unidentified Father"@en . . . . . "Lavender"@en . . . . . "Lisa was Kwizz's girlfriend."@en . . . "380"^^ . "Lisa is a cat NPC toon working at Lisa Lemon Used Cars on Maple Street, Daisy Gardens."@en . "Lisa is a character in Chrono Cross. She is the current Elements store owner in Termina, taking over for her father, Funguy. She soon becomes friends and rivals with Leena, a young girl from Arni."@en . . . . "Lisa Janway is a minor character in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. She can be found in Rockham's Pride in Rockham. Lisa is a cooper. The party can ask her to accompany them, but she doesn't provide any bonuses."@en . . . "Portrayed By:"@en . . . "Lisa puede referirse a: \n* Lisa Gellhorn, un personaje de Perdidos: El Videojuego \n* Lisa Reyes, excu\u00F1ada de Hurley"@es . "Lisa"@es . "Lisa made her first appearance on 10 November 2016. She is portrayed by an unknown actress."@en . "100"^^ . . . . . "Lisa ist ein junges M\u00E4dchen: Sie bringt ihre Katze Minka zu Dr. Eichhorn, weil sie sich st\u00E4ndig kratzt. Lisa und Minka kommen nur in das Tierarztpraktikum vor."@de . . "Friendly"@en . "no"@en . . . "Lisa is a minor character in Mafia II."@en . . . . "no"@en . . . . "Uwielbia cie\u0144, wi\u0119c zasiedla dolina w cieniu."@pl . "Aipom es el primer Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Al igual que el Pikachu de Ash parece que tampoco le gusta estar dentro de su Pok\u00E9 Ball. Luch\u00F3 contra el Noctowl de Ash, con quien pierde. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Es derrotado por el picotazo de Noctowl."@es . . . "Lisa was a vampire whom Chris Emerson met at a party in Lost Boys: The Tribe. She is portrayed by Moneca Delain."@en . "Lisa is 5 years old. She go to Nursery School with her mom named Claire and dad named Mark. Lisa taken to go home."@en . "Voiced by"@en . . "Kupuje wszelkiego rodzaju \u015Bmieci."@pl . . . "Lisa Ortiz"@es . . . . "Damon Beesley"@en . . . . "Bomberman"@en . . . . . "Lisa ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und das Verm\u00E4chtnis von Aslant. Sie lebt in Sn\u00F8borg und ist Monas beste Freundin."@de . "Lisa"@es . . . . . "*Vault 13"@en . . . . . "The sisters wanted to surprise her Mom for her birthday by hacking the Matrix to trace her so they could see her. Lisa was jacked into the Matrix by Ashley during meal time. But the tracking was detected and Sentinels found Maggie's ship, the Calappidae. While Maggie hugged her daughter, the ship was destroyed, killing everyone jacked in."@en . "Created By:"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Before the series began, she and Charlie used to live together, but then they broke up because Charlie was not willing to be in a committed relationship. In the episode \"Merry Thanksgiving\", Lisa tells Charlie that she is getting married. Charlie invites her to his Malibu beach house and pretends to have become a family guy, in the hope of Lisa returning to him. But Lisa sees through his 'pathetic charade'. She does promise to call him if she got divorced."@en . "Mankey es el quinto Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Luch\u00F3 contra el Cyndaquil de Ash, contra el cual pierde. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Conoce placaje y golpe karate. Es derrotado por el lanzallamas de Cyndaquil."@es . . . . . . "Rica Fukami"@es . . . "Lisa"@pl . "Lisa is a Trainer from Johto who appears in Pok\u00E9mon 3: The Spell Of The Unown."@en . "-"@en . . "Technician"@en . . . "Lisa"@en . "The penultimate day of D.W.'s Very Bad Mood"@en . "scienziatointermediario finanziarioluchadore"@it . "Karen Pittman"@en . . . . . . "Die Lisa, ach ja..."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lisa was een jonge inwoner van de planeet Gaia en een afstammeling van Jadzia Dax. Haar bestaan zou teniet gedaan worden, samen met dat van alle inwoners van Gaia, omdat Odo het vluchtplan van de Defiant zo aan wist te passen dat het sterrenschip niet neer zou storten op de planeet. Hierdoor zou er geen mogelijkheid zijn om een alternatieve tijdlijn te vormen. (DS9: \"Children of Time\")"@nl . "Kalos"@en . . . . . . "in \"Nightmare on Grace Street\", over lunch with Lisa and Anna, Roberta falls for new Stoolbend High School student Edwin Mullins. Despite his lack of interest, Roberta decides to pursue him anyways. Lisa was not named in \"Nightmare\", but is given the name in FOX promotional materials. [1] Lisa also appears in \"All You Can Eat\" when she teases Roberta about Cleveland Brown Jr. being uncool and on the roller coaster in \"Brownsized\". Lisa is voiced by Aseem Batra."@en . "Receptionist, music player"@en . . . "P03 Girafarig.png"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Lisa in 1982"@en . "Lies"@en . . "175"^^ . "psychic"@en . . "Hidey Holes & Miniquests"@en . . . "characteristics"@en . . . . . "Mall"@en . . . . . . "Lisa is referred to as a prostitute/porn star who's hair color can't be defined and comes out with phrases like \"Bitch y you go play me like that\" or \"i am the world's biggest slut\". The upsides of Lisa are cheep and she doesn't mind quick jobs. The down side of Lisa is the stench. Lisa is from \"the region\"."@en . . "Tries to kill best friend Nurse Cissy Davis in trying to win back ex-boyfriend Archie, who's dating Cissy; gets stopped by Sam with the help of Al, who aids Sam in evacuating the area when Hurricane Camille hits the area"@en . . "P03 Aipom de Lisa.png"@es . "First Appearance"@en . . . "Fish"@en . . . . "Lisa es la hermana menor de Sub-Zero en Mortal Kombat Conquest. No se conoce mucho sobre ella, salvo que, a pesar de vivir en un bosque, sab\u00EDa lo que eran los Lin Kuei y les ten\u00EDa mucho temor, pero desconoc\u00EDa al nuevo ej\u00E9rcito de Scorpion."@es . "Babysitter"@en . . "Tracy 2.png200px"@de . "Chercher \"lisa\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . "Jocks"@en . . "no"@en . . . . "Lisa Ortiz"@en . "La Mariposa"@it . . "Lisa is a minor character in the episode \"Fun with Jane and Jane\". She is the voice of Anna Faris."@en . "Portrayed by Rachelle Carson [TV Movie: \"Get Smart, Again!\"]."@en . . . "\u30C8\u30EC\u30A4\u30B7\u30FC"@de . "Neighbor of Shawn, Eric, and Jack"@en . . . . "\"Culture Shock\""@en . . "\"The Rhythm of Life\""@en . "Store Clerk"@en . . "Lisa"@it . "Mother"@en . "Wald von Elwynn"@de . "Lisa, is Binford's first \"Tool Girl\", portrayed by Pamela Anderson. As a secondary cast member on Tool Time, Lisa's job was to introduce Tim and Al, hand them any tool they requested and sometimes bring in the fan mail or their special guest. She was also the model for the Binford Tools Calender. Later she left the show to study a medical profession at college, but eventually came back for a short time to help with the new tool girl Heidi Keppert, and then left the show again having fully qualified to be a paramedic."@en . . . . "-Anna Lisa Image:Lisa2.jpg Name Lisa Series New (2009) Species Visitor Status Alive (Imprisoned in the ship dungeon) Profession Future Leader of the Visitors Future Queen Visitor Guide Peace Ambassador Fifth Column Member Family Anna - Mother Sister Diana - Grandmother Tyler Evans - Boyfriend Portrayed by Laura Vandervoort"@en . . "Curadora"@es . "Lisa Simpson"@en . "Vault dweller"@en . "Lisa is a recurring character name in the Care Bears franchise, and can refer to: \n* Lisa (Cartoon) - The character from the original Care Bears TV series episode \"Magic Mirror\". \n* Lisa (Comics) - The character from the Care Bears Star Comics series."@en . . . "Angela de Silva"@en . . "Lisa was an employee of the Northrop Corporation who Elizabeth befriended."@en . . . . "\"Day 1: 1:00am-2:00am\""@en . . "Lisa"@it . . "--07-20"^^ . "Bio-Elementals"@en . "female"@en . "Lisa.jpg"@nl . . . . . . . . "Donna"@de . "Lisa is a character in Mother 3. She is the mother of Nichol and Richie, and wife to Tazmily Village fireman and store owner Thomas. She likes to gossip with Jill, and was the one to introduce Hinawa to Flint. Image:SlimyLittlePile.gifThis article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Looks like she's seen her fair share of battle."@en . . . . "\u30EA\u30F3"@es . "Ai Kat\u014D"@es . . . . "Black"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . . "Lisa is 5 years old. She go to Nursery School with her mom named Claire and dad named Mark. Lisa taken to go home."@en . . "Early 20's {Presumedly}"@en . . . "Iain Morris"@en . "Appeared in:"@en . "Lisa ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und das Verm\u00E4chtnis von Aslant. Sie lebt in Sn\u00F8borg und ist Monas beste Freundin."@de . "????"@en . . "Another World"@en . . . "Red"@en . . . . "Lisa is a character appearing in the Gone series as a secondary character."@en . . "Lisa was a young girl, present at the ferry crash at Elliott Bay."@en . "She also called Mark \"a piece of shit\" in the episode Spin War, having heard about the jilting at Mark and Sophie's wedding."@en . "Rok 1986. W ma\u0142ym miasteczku \u017Cy\u0142a rodzina Jefferson\u00F3w. Ma\u0142e osiedle kt\u00F3re niczym si\u0119 nie wyr\u00F3\u017Cnia\u0142o. Jedynie w jednym z dom\u00F3w dla pewnej szesnastoletniej dziewczyny \u017Cycie by\u0142o dla niej piek\u0142em. Po \u015Bmierci matki, kt\u00F3ra dla dziewczyny by\u0142a najbli\u017Csz\u0105 osob\u0105 w rodzinie, ojciec zacz\u0105\u0142 niewyobra\u017Calnie du\u017Co pi\u0107. Przerwa\u0142 prac\u0119 i ca\u0142kowicie straci\u0142 sens \u017Cycia. Dom dawniej t\u0119tni\u0142 \u017Cyciem, a teraz sta\u0142 si\u0119 zimny i nieprzyjemny. Przez okropn\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 alkoholu ojciec wiecznie bi\u0142 Lis\u0119, przez co ona, boj\u0105c si\u0119 o swoje \u017Cycie, nie sypia\u0142a nocami. Kiedy\u015B mia\u0142a \u0142adnie, uczesane w\u0142osy i weso\u0142e, \u017Cywe oczy. Jednak teraz w\u0142osy by\u0142y w wiecznym nie\u0142adzie, a pod oczami by\u0142y wr\u0119cz przera\u017Caj\u0105ce ciemne cienie. Jej m\u0142odzie\u0144cza twarz ju\u017C nie ukazywa\u0142a ca\u0142kowicie \u017Cadnych emocji. By\u0142a wiecznie powa\u017Cna."@pl . . "Quagsire"@es . . . "Last Appearance"@en . "Training Wheels"@en . . . "Lisa was one of the girls that appeared in The Inbetweeners Movie."@en . . . . "16"^^ . . "Lisa was a chimpanzee servant in the fourth apes movie who became a favourite of Caesar. Lisa and Caesar met first in a bookstore, where she was collecting a book for her owner (Mrs Riley), and then in the City's Command Center where both served as slaves. Like all other apes at that point, she could not speak. Later, when Caesar launched the an ape revolt, he made a speech to the gathered apes (and a few captured humans, including Governor Breck and Mr. MacDonald) and condemned humanity, threatening to take revenge on the tyrannical Governor. Lisa, heretofore mute, spoke for the first time, uttering the word \"No\", to save the apes from becoming as vindictive as the humans. Listening to her, Caesar modified his stand, telling the apes to leave their onetime human captors to their fate, and begin a world of their own. She went on to marry Caesar and learned, like others, to talk. By Battle for the Planet of the Apes, many years after the end of Conquest, Caesar and Lisa had a son, named \"Cornelius\" after Caesar's own father Cornelius. Lisa was Caesar's counsel, who reminded him of his duties toward the other apes, and also of the humans now in his charge. She also discouraged her son Cornelius from playing \"war\" with his friends. After winning the battle when human mutants attacked, Lisa supported Caesar's decision to free the humans who lived with the apes, and to try to live together with them as equals."@en . "Lisa"@fr . . . . . "An unnamed friend"@en . . . . . . . "Name"@en . . . "Lisa was an agent at Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit before Day 1."@en . . "Brown"@en . . "Prior"@en . "Alliances"@en . . "Lisa puede referirse a: \n* Lisa Gellhorn, un personaje de Perdidos: El Videojuego \n* Lisa Reyes, excu\u00F1ada de Hurley"@es . "torta alla ciliegia"@it . . . . "10"^^ . "2017-01-05"^^ . . "Average"@en . . . "Varies"@en . "Lisa was one of the four teenagers on vacation in the Bahamas when one of her friends, Brad discovered Seaman Russell MacDonald's body."@en . "Girafarig es el tercer Pok\u00E9mon que se ve con ella. Luch\u00F3 contra el Chikorita de Ash, al cual derrota. Se desconoce cu\u00E1ndo lo captur\u00F3. Conoce pisot\u00F3n y psicorrayo. Derrota a Chikorita confundi\u00E9ndole con psicorrayo."@es . "Lisa es la hermana menor de Sub-Zero en Mortal Kombat Conquest. No se conoce mucho sobre ella, salvo que, a pesar de vivir en un bosque, sab\u00EDa lo que eran los Lin Kuei y les ten\u00EDa mucho temor, pero desconoc\u00EDa al nuevo ej\u00E9rcito de Scorpion."@es . "Lisa McAlliston: 17 letnia dziewczyna mieszkaj\u0105ca w Miami na Florydzie. Jest rodowit\u0105 Amerykank\u0105. W\u0142ada katan\u0105. Nie wyrywa si\u0119 ona jednak na rze\u017A je\u017Celi koniecznie nie musi. Obserwuje wszystko bardziej z dystansu. Nie jest mo\u017Ce najlepsza w uk\u0142adaniu strategii, ale jest mistrzyni\u0105 ucieczek. Jest osob\u0105 pewn\u0105 siebie i w\u0142adcz\u0105. Nie jest podatna na manipulacje. Ponadto jest sprawiedliwa, ale zrobi wszystko by prze\u017Cy\u0107 i ochroni\u0107 swoich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142. Zg\u0142osi\u0142a si\u0119 do tego programu po masakrze w jej szkole. Chcia\u0142a pom\u015Bci\u0107 swoich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 i og\u0142osi\u0107 w telewizji wszystkie dane dotycz\u0105ce zab\u00F3jcy jej przyjaci\u00F3\u0142. Jest zdeterminowana, ale czy na pewno przetrwa?"@pl . . "Magic Plus"@en . "Brown"@en . . . "sconosciuto"@it . "Lisa is the daughter in Princess Maker 3. She is a young fairy who goes to the Fairy Queen begging to be a human princess. The Queen grants her wish and sets Uzu to be her guardian. Raising her, you can fulfill her dream or have her be someone entirely different."@en . . "Lisa.JPG"@en . . "Die Lisa, ach ja..."@de . "Alive"@en . . . . . "Impaled through the heart by mounted deer antlers by Chris Emerson"@en . . "Lisa joined accidently after mistaking MFG for a photo hosting site which should/could host her hot german nazinaked pictures on, but soon she realized that it was in fact an anime based forum, and from that day onward she pretended to be an avid Yaoi fangirl. [Trying too hard] Incidentally enough, the day she joined on the 25th of Febuary also happens to be the birthdate of her \"husband's\" fiercest enemy and rival, the infamous Kenshi. Confirmed by the man himself, it was the day that he turned 15 at a group home. Basically the same problem President Obama's liismoune The Beast had in England last week or so. This would have been interesting to watch as they got this trailer and its load off the tracks. Basically the same problem President Obama's liismoune The Beast had in England last week or so. This would have been interesting to watch as they got this trailer and its load off the tracks."@en . "Lisa Granger is an NPC in The Last Stand: Union City. She is found in 10 Main Street, a safehouse in Whistler's Forest. She gives the player the Into The Wilds quest, where the player must find her brother, Terry Granger, in the forest reserve."@en . . "Lisa DOAX.jpg"@it . "\"\""@en . "no"@en . "heej ich bin die lilo und bin 14 jahre alt : ] meine haare sind voll dunkel und ziemlich lockig und struppig. am liebsten kleide ich bin wei junge um mich wenigstens ein bisschen besser zu f\u00FChlen. ich treffe mich gerne mit freunden, die ich aber eigentlich garnicht mag. ich gehe gerne mit ihnen ins museeum dass alle denken das ich gescheid bin aber eigentlich bin ich eine hohle nuss. ich f\u00FCrchte mich immer ganz doll dass das jemand herausbekommt. mein lieblingsbuch ist twilight weil ich mich in die hauptfigur verliebt habe [i love bella]. ich gehe furchtbar gern in die kirche weil ich die musik dort so liebe und gerne ganz laut mitsinge. einen lieblingssportler hab ich auch n\u00E4mlich den sexy herman maier. den find ich echt geil. meine lieblingstiere sind stinktiere da sie genau so gut stink"@de . . . . . . "Average"@en . . "Waitress"@en . . "Johto"@en . . . "Valley Glen, California"@en . . "Babysitter Blues"@en . "no"@en . . "Anna Faris"@en . "human"@en . "200"^^ . "Magic level increases."@en . "275"^^ . "Lisa is a character that appears in Gru's flashback in Despicable Me 2. Although she was unaware, Gru had a huge crush on her in elementary school."@en . . "100"^^ . . "show"@en . . . "Chloe Brooks & Lisa - Profil.jpg"@de . "Unknown"@en . "\"D.W. All Wet\""@en . "Lisa appeared on Sesame Street as a part-time assistant for Linda at the Sesame Street Library, beginning in season 21 and appearing as late as season 24 (in episode 3106). Lisa was also one of Gordon's high school science students in episode 2782, when Telly Monster follows Gordon to school."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . . . "Lisa es una de los seis ni\u00F1os que merodean por Villadorada y sus caminos."@es . "304.0"^^ . . "Lisa Geschlecht Alter Beruf Erster Auftritt Letzter Auftritt Gespielt von Lisa ist ein Charakter, der in der Folge Doppeltes Spiel auftaucht. Sie wird von Chloe Brooks gespielt."@de . . . "Human"@en . . "Daisy Gardens"@en . "1"^^ . "Omega House"@en . "Lisa is a pilot of the Vehicle Voltron Force Sea Team."@en . . "Lisa was Dexter's babysitter whom he tried to impress in the episode Babysitter Blues."@en . "Quantum Leap (TV series)"@en . "Lisa es la segunda esposa de Dr\u00E1cula y la madre de Alucard. Aunque no aparece f\u00EDsicamente en la saga Castlevania ni antes ni despu\u00E9s, su muerte sirve como motivaci\u00F3n de Dr\u00E1cula para su guerra contra la humanidad, finalizando su transformaci\u00F3n en el principal antagonista de los videojuegos. Cabe se\u00F1alar que Lisa es referida siempre solamente por su primer nombre en los videojuegos; ni su apellido de soltera, ni qu\u00E9 nombre adopt\u00F3 cuando se cas\u00F3 (Cronqvist, \u0162epe\u015F o un seud\u00F3nimo de alg\u00FAn tipo) han sido establecidos de manera oficial."@es . . . . . "Premium character?"@en . "Lisa might refer to: \n* Lisa (22nd century), former girlfriend of Trip Tucker \n* Lisa (23rd century), communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise \n* Lisa (24th century), inhabitant of Gaia \n* Lisa Cusak, a 24th century Human Starfleet officer born in 2320 Performer \n* Lisa Hoyle, stuntwoman on Star Trek: Enterprise \n* Lisa Vanasco, extra on Star Trek: Voyager"@en . . "Girafarig"@es . "Lisa is the kind & compassionate member of the Sea Team. She pilots the Space Prober 7 that becomes the right thigh of Vehicle Voltron. Like Allura, her VoltCom weapon is a bow & arrow."@en . "Ilustraci\u00F3n de Lisa en la tercera pel\u00EDcula."@es . . "Lisa"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "15"^^ . "Melee , Earth Ball, Terra Ball, Self-Healing , summons 0-4 Glooth Anemones"@en . . . . . "0.0"^^ . . "\"Blockheads\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . "no"@en . . . . "Level required"@en . "Lisa appears in the Season 4 episode of Quantum Leap titled \"Hurricane\". The part of Lisa is played in the episode by Tracy Kolis."@en . "Brown"@en . "Future Queen"@en . "Sun"@en . . . . . "Lisa is referred to as a prostitute/porn star who's hair color can't be defined and comes out with phrases like \"Bitch y you go play me like that\" or \"i am the world's biggest slut\". The upsides of Lisa are cheep and she doesn't mind quick jobs. The down side of Lisa is the stench. Lisa is from \"the region\"."@en . "Lisa was one of the four teenagers on vacation in the Bahamas when one of her friends, Brad discovered Seaman Russell MacDonald's body."@en . "DOATEC"@it . "250"^^ . . "Back in the early 80s, Apple knew that graphical interfaces were the future, so they had a big project for that. The Lisa was very advanced for a personal computer at the time, with modern features like protected memory and preemptive multitasking. However, that brought its downfall: it cost a whooping $9,995 (almost $24,000 adjusted for inflation), and it was a sluggish machine because the operating system was too sophisticated for the hardware. Since the Lisa was a flop, Apple went for their \"plan B\" the following year: the Macintosh, a simpler machine that they could sell for a fourth of that price."@en . . "Lisa McAlliston: 17 letnia dziewczyna mieszkaj\u0105ca w Miami na Florydzie. Jest rodowit\u0105 Amerykank\u0105. W\u0142ada katan\u0105. Nie wyrywa si\u0119 ona jednak na rze\u017A je\u017Celi koniecznie nie musi. Obserwuje wszystko bardziej z dystansu. Nie jest mo\u017Ce najlepsza w uk\u0142adaniu strategii, ale jest mistrzyni\u0105 ucieczek. Jest osob\u0105 pewn\u0105 siebie i w\u0142adcz\u0105. Nie jest podatna na manipulacje. Ponadto jest sprawiedliwa, ale zrobi wszystko by prze\u017Cy\u0107 i ochroni\u0107 swoich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142. Zg\u0142osi\u0142a si\u0119 do tego programu po masakrze w jej szkole. Chcia\u0142a pom\u015Bci\u0107 swoich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 i og\u0142osi\u0107 w telewizji wszystkie dane dotycz\u0105ce zab\u00F3jcy jej przyjaci\u00F3\u0142. Jest zdeterminowana, ale czy na pewno przetrwa?"@pl . . . . . "[year, designer, language availablity, etc]"@en . "Tyler Evans - Boyfriend"@en . . . . . "schwarz"@de . . . . . . "Lisa"@en . . . . . . "jackass this person are already blacklisted so you dont need it"@en . "heej ich bin die lilo und bin 14 jahre alt : ] meine haare sind voll dunkel und ziemlich lockig und struppig. am liebsten kleide ich bin wei junge um mich wenigstens ein bisschen besser zu f\u00FChlen. ich treffe mich gerne mit freunden, die ich aber eigentlich garnicht mag. ich gehe gerne mit ihnen ins museeum dass alle denken das ich gescheid bin aber eigentlich bin ich eine hohle nuss. ich f\u00FCrchte mich immer ganz doll dass das jemand herausbekommt. mein lieblingsbuch ist twilight weil ich mich in die hauptfigur verliebt habe [i love bella]. ich gehe furchtbar gern in die kirche weil ich die musik dort so liebe und gerne ganz laut mitsinge. einen lieblingssportler hab ich auch n\u00E4mlich den sexy herman maier. den find ich echt geil. meine lieblingstiere sind stinktiere da sie genau so gut stinken wie ich wenn ich mich wieder mal in schei\u00DFe gew\u00E4lzt habe. mein absolute lieblingsserie ist gossip girl. ich m\u00F6chte umbedingt genau so versaut und cool sein wie die m\u00E4dchen dort. helft mir so zu werden wie sie .. mein coolstes sommererlebnis war als mir im urlaub das bikiniobertei\u00F6 runter grutscht ist und mich alle angestarrt haben. das fand ich echt lustig .. hab euch lieb eure lilo"@de . . "Lisa, is Binford's first \"Tool Girl\", portrayed by Pamela Anderson. As a secondary cast member on Tool Time, Lisa's job was to introduce Tim and Al, hand them any tool they requested and sometimes bring in the fan mail or their special guest. She was also the model for the Binford Tools Calender. Later she left the show to study a medical profession at college, but eventually came back for a short time to help with the new tool girl Heidi Keppert, and then left the show again having fully qualified to be a paramedic."@en . "Green"@en . "Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven"@en . . . "100"^^ . . "\"Does everybody know what time it is?\""@en . . . . "Maaya Sakamoto"@it . "Lisa is a character appearing in the Gone series as a secondary character."@en . "File:LoM Helm Icon.png [Metal]Helm*"@en . . . . . "[year, designer, language availablity, etc]"@en . . "Back in the early 80s, Apple knew that graphical interfaces were the future, so they had a big project for that. The Lisa was very advanced for a personal computer at the time, with modern features like protected memory and preemptive multitasking. However, that brought its downfall: it cost a whooping $9,995 (almost $24,000 adjusted for inflation), and it was a sluggish machine because the operating system was too sophisticated for the hardware."@en . . "Lisa is Amanda's roommate and friend and Dr. Germahn's (or possible the lab's) attorney. She is cheerful, friendly, and bouncing-off-the-walls reckless, with a real talent for messing with people. As a lesbian, she is very much attracted to Amanda, who remained completely oblivious for some time despite Lisa's fairly overt manipulations."@en . . . "Approximately 17"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Leslie Danon"@en . "File:LoM Staff Icon.png Broom"@en . . . . . . "rosso cremisi"@it . . "Former; guest"@en . . "Lisa is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, The Collector General. She was played by Heidy Hunt."@en . . . "Mother 3"@en . . "Lucha libre"@it . . . . "Lisa z\u00E4hlt zu den Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern Goldhains im Wald von Elwynn."@de . . . . "Actor"@en . . . . "60.0"^^ . . . "Lisa was a Grant High student of Eastern Indian descent, who attended Adrian's baby shower. Adrian let Lisa sit with her at lunch on her first day of school."@en . . . "Lisa is a character that appears in Gru's flashback in Despicable Me 2. Although she was unaware, Gru had a huge crush on her in elementary school."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Lisa es una de los seis ni\u00F1os que merodean por Villadorada y sus caminos."@es . "\u30EA\u30F3 Rin"@en . "flying"@en . "Anchor for Metro Channel Action News."@en . "21"^^ . "Humana"@es . "Trainer"@en . "P03 Mankey.png"@es . . . . . "Lisa was a young girl, present at the ferry crash at Elliott Bay."@en . . "2016-07-14"^^ . . . . . . . . "Black"@en . . . . . "ground"@en . . "Lisa was one of the girls that appeared in The Inbetweeners Movie."@en . "normal"@en .