. . . "yes"@fr . . "Jack Bauer was a Starfleet Security officer with the rank of captain. He commanded the USS Relativity, but, on various occasions, would perform services on the CTU Los Angeles to protect the good of the United Federation of Planets."@en . . "Jack Bauer is the protagonist and anti-hero of the American television series 24, in which he has trained and worked in various capacities as a government agent, including US Army Delta Force, LAPD SWAT, CIA, and finally the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Los Angeles. Within the 24 storyline, he is a key member of CTU and is often noted as the best agent CTU has. Bauer's job usually involves him helping prevent major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilian lives and government administrations. On many occasions Jack does so at great personal expense, as those he thwarts subsequently target him and his loved ones. Actor Kiefer Sutherland portrays Jack Bauer in the television show and video game, and in 2006 signed on for at least three further seasons. Bauer's use of tort"@en . "\"It's OK. That was Shelbyville.\" - Jack Bauer after a bomb exploded. Jack Bauer is an American federal agent working for CTU."@en . "yes"@fr . . . . . . "F\u00F6deration/Sternenflotte"@de . "1987-05-09"^^ . . . . "Mike Doyle"@fr . . "yes"@fr . . . . . . . "Byzygius, J Andres"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer was a Starfleet Security officer with the rank of captain. He commanded the USS Relativity, but, on various occasions, would perform services on the CTU Los Angeles to protect the good of the United Federation of Planets."@en . . . "\"It's OK. That was Shelbyville.\" - Jack Bauer after a bomb exploded. Jack Bauer is an American federal agent working for CTU."@en . . . "Jack Bauer is a specal agent of the CTU from the TV show 24. His character has worked in various capacities on the show, often as a member of the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) based in Los Angeles, working with the FBI in Washington, D.C. during season 7 and working with the CIA during the ninth limited series Live Another Day. He is portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland, who also portraits Big Boss, David Breckinridge and Wayne Slater"@en . . . . "Jack Bauer"@nl . "Jack Bauer"@en . "Comme Jack Bauer est trop fort parce qu'il a \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9 aux \u00C9tats-Unis d'Am\u00E9rique, il accepte d'\u00EAtre suivi en permanence par un journaliste qui filme chacune de ses interventions en direct. Il effectue donc sa mission tout en prot\u00E9geant le cam\u00E9raman en train de le filmer. Avant de bosser \u00E0 la CTU Jack travaillait chez bricomarch\u00E9 \u00E0 Villenaux, mais la campagne sans t\u00E9l\u00E9phone, c'\u00E9tait trop casse-burnes pour lui. Voici le vocabulaire usuel de Jack :"@fr . . . . . . . . . "am Leben"@de . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer"@de . . "Jack Bauer est un agent f\u00E9d\u00E9ral responsable de la survie des \u00C9tats-Unis contre des attaques terroristes d\u00E9vastatrices dans de nombreuses occasions. Il a pris un r\u00F4le de \"leader\" dans divers secr\u00E8tes et des missions clandestines, et a servi \u00E0 la fois comme agent sp\u00E9cial charg\u00E9 et Directeur des op\u00E9rations de terrain de la CTU de Los Angeles. Son d\u00E9vouement pour garder les citoyens am\u00E9ricains en s\u00E9curit\u00E9 l'a conduit \u00E0 faire de profondes sacrifices personnels. Jack a perdu son emploi, sa famille, ses amis, et, pour une p\u00E9riode de pr\u00E8s de deux ans apr\u00E8s le Jour 5, sa libert\u00E9. Il a m\u00EAme montr\u00E9 qu'il \u00E9tait pr\u00EAt \u00E0 sacrifier sa vie \u00E0 deux occasions diff\u00E9rentes, mais en fin de compte deux fois prouv\u00E9 son sacrifice d'\u00EAtre inutile Dans le Jour 6, Jack Bauer a \u00E9t\u00E9 nomm\u00E9 par le Pr\u00E9sident Wayne Palmer pour mener la recherche de cinq valises nucl\u00E9aires d\u00E9tenues par Abu Fayed et Dmitri Gredenko, en coop\u00E9rant avec la CTU. Apr\u00E8s la menace nucl\u00E9aire \u00E9limin\u00E9e, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 choqu\u00E9 d'apprendre que son amante, Audrey Raines, qui aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 tu\u00E9 en Chine dans le but de le rechercher, avait \u00E9t\u00E9 prise en otage par l'agent chinois, Cheng Zhi, qui a utilis\u00E9 Audrey comme monnaie d'\u00E9change contre Jack pour qu'il puisse lui remettre un circuit FB. Bien que Cheng ait r\u00E9ussit \u00E0 obtenir la composant, Jack a r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 le d\u00E9truire et \u00E0 prendre Cheng la main dans le sac. \u00C0 la fin du jour, Jack dit un dernier adieu \u00E0 Audrey, qui \u00E9tait devenue catatonique \u00E0 cause des chinois, et reste seul face \u00E0 une crois\u00E9e des chemins de sa vie."@fr . "Full Name"@en . . . . "United States Marine Corps Captain Strongman Jack Bauer is a F.B.I Special Agent that now fights against terrorist bombings and assassinations. He is eventually the M.I.6, F.B.I, Homeland Security and C.I.A's most wanted when he is wrongfully acused of working with Terrorists."@en . . . "Jack Bauer was called upon by President General Josef Mercton to become the Minister of War & Defense of J Andres after the death of the previous minister, Woodrow Kissinger. Jack Bauer was a brillant tactician and had devised many plans to take out domestic terrorists including numerous members of the National Liberation Army."@en . "yes"@fr . . "Zweiter Offizier, \nUSS San Diego"@de . "Alberta Green"@fr . "Jack Bauer"@fr . . "1"^^ . . . "Director of Field Operations of CTU Los Angeles"@fr . "Curtis Manning"@fr . . . "Jack Bauer es un personaje ficticio y el principal protagonista de la serie de televisi\u00F3n 24. Bauer interpretado por el actor de origen canadiense ganador un Premio Emmy y un Globo de Oro por su papel en la serie, Kiefer Sutherland. Su voz en latino es doblada por Mario Casta\u00F1eda (m\u00E1s conocido por hacer la voz de Goku en Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z y Dragon Ball GT )"@es . . . "USS Relativity"@en . . . . "Jack Bauer is the lead protagonist of the Fox television series 24. His character has worked in various capacities on the show, often as a member of the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) based in Los Angeles, and working with the FBI in Washington, D.C. during season 7. Within the 24 storyline, Bauer is a key member of the CTU, actually its director in Season 1, and is often portrayed as their most capable agent. Bauer's job usually involves helping prevent major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilian lives and government administrations. On many occasions, Jack does so at great personal expense, as those he thwarts subsequently target him and his loved ones. He is not a crooked agent; however, Bauer's frequent use of torture to gather information has generated much controversy and discussion."@en . . "yes"@fr . . . . . . "Good"@en . . . "Jack Bauer, noto anche come Jack BAU per la sua capacit\u00E0 di ringhiare quando interroga clandestinamente qualcuno, \u00E8 il protagonista del Walker Texas Ranger ambientato a Los Angeles, ossia 24."@it . "yes"@fr . . "[[Obr\u00E1zok:20038-1.jpg|thumb|right|190px|Jackov Browning Hi-power, ktor\u00FD dostal na Vianoce]] Jack Bauer je zn\u00E1my tajn\u00FD agent bojuj\u00FAci proti teroristom, turistom a hocikomu in\u00E9mu, zakladate\u013E ATF a CTU, hlavn\u00FD hrdina seri\u00E1lu 24 (nie je prvo\u010D\u00EDslo) a chlap, ktor\u00E9ho netreba nasra\u0165."@sk . . . . . . . . . . . . "Special Agent Jack Bauer is a cat that Dennis bought at a junkyard."@en . . . . . . . "Status"@en . . . . "yes"@fr . . "24"^^ . . . "yes"@fr . . . "//"@de . . . "//"@de . . "//"@de . . . . "yes"@fr . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer is a specal agent of the CTU from the TV show 24. His character has worked in various capacities on the show, often as a member of the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) based in Los Angeles, working with the FBI in Washington, D.C. during season 7 and working with the CIA during the ninth limited series Live Another Day. He is portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland, who also portraits Big Boss, David Breckinridge and Wayne Slater"@en . . . . "Jack Bauer is the protagonist and anti-hero of the American television series 24, in which he has trained and worked in various capacities as a government agent, including US Army Delta Force, LAPD SWAT, CIA, and finally the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Los Angeles. Within the 24 storyline, he is a key member of CTU and is often noted as the best agent CTU has. Bauer's job usually involves him helping prevent major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilian lives and government administrations. On many occasions Jack does so at great personal expense, as those he thwarts subsequently target him and his loved ones. Actor Kiefer Sutherland portrays Jack Bauer in the television show and video game, and in 2006 signed on for at least three further seasons. Bauer's use of torture during interrogation is often cited as an inspiration for CIA interrogators."@en . "Married"@en . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer"@it . . . "Jack Bauer ist ein Bundesagent einer staatlichen Beh\u00F6rde in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zur Terrorismusbek\u00E4mpfung namens CTU, die niemand kennt. Er kann kurzfristig terroristische Anschl\u00E4ge oder ganze Anschlagsserien verhindern und innerhalb von 24 Stunden die Terrorzellen und ihre Verantwortlichen eliminieren. F\u00FCr die Tatsache, dass Bauer den Anschlag auf das World Trade Center nicht verhinderte, machen Verschw\u00F6rungstheoretiker hohe Regierungsangeh\u00F6rige verantwortlich, die mit der Angst der Bev\u00F6lkerung ihre politische Agenda durchbringen m\u00F6chten. Mittlerweile hat jedoch die Dienststelle von Bauer auf einer Pressekonferenz best\u00E4tigt, dass er am 11. September im Urlaub war. In den USA hat Bauer den Status eines Nationalhelden erreicht. Der Fernsehsender Fox plant eine Reality-Fernsehserie \u00FCber das Berufsleben des erfolgreichen Terroristenj\u00E4gers zu drehen."@de . . . . "Ronnie Lobell"@en . . "Jack Bauer ist die Hauptfigur der Serie. In Staffel 1 ist er der Leiter der CTU. Diesen Posten hat er in geteilter Verantwortung auch in Staffel 3. Die CTU spielt insofern eine gro\u00DFe Rolle, als dass seine besten Freunde auch seine Kollegen sind. Absolut loyal zu ihm ist insbesondere Chloe O`Brian. Ferner z\u00E4hlen seine Kollegen Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler, Bill Buchanan und Curtis Manning sowie der Pr\u00E4sident David Palmer zu seinen Freunden."@de . "Ronnie Lobell"@fr . . . . . . . "Blue"@en . "CTU Los Angeles"@en . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer es un personaje ficticio y el principal protagonista de la serie de televisi\u00F3n 24. Bauer interpretado por el actor de origen canadiense ganador un Premio Emmy y un Globo de Oro por su papel en la serie, Kiefer Sutherland. Su voz en latino es doblada por Mario Casta\u00F1eda (m\u00E1s conocido por hacer la voz de Goku en Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z y Dragon Ball GT )"@es . . . "yes"@fr . . . . "Special Agent in Charge of CTU Los Angeles"@fr . . . . "Christopher Henderson"@fr . "yes"@fr . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Jack Bauer est un agent f\u00E9d\u00E9ral responsable de la survie des \u00C9tats-Unis contre des attaques terroristes d\u00E9vastatrices dans de nombreuses occasions. Il a pris un r\u00F4le de \"leader\" dans divers secr\u00E8tes et des missions clandestines, et a servi \u00E0 la fois comme agent sp\u00E9cial charg\u00E9 et Directeur des op\u00E9rations de terrain de la CTU de Los Angeles. Son d\u00E9vouement pour garder les citoyens am\u00E9ricains en s\u00E9curit\u00E9 l'a conduit \u00E0 faire de profondes sacrifices personnels. Jack a perdu son emploi, sa famille, ses amis, et, pour une p\u00E9riode de pr\u00E8s de deux ans apr\u00E8s le Jour 5, sa libert\u00E9. Il a m\u00EAme montr\u00E9 qu'il \u00E9tait pr\u00EAt \u00E0 sacrifier sa vie \u00E0 deux occasions diff\u00E9rentes, mais en fin de compte deux fois prouv\u00E9 son sacrifice d'\u00EAtre inutile"@fr . . . . . . . . "yes"@fr . . "230"^^ . . "Jack Bauer"@de . "yes"@fr . . . . . . "Curtis Manning"@fr . "yes"@fr . . "Vivant"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@fr . . "Blond"@en . . . . . . . . . . "20061202002138"^^ . . . "124"^^ . . "Jack Bauer was called upon by President General Josef Mercton to become the Minister of War & Defense of J Andres after the death of the previous minister, Woodrow Kissinger. Jack Bauer was a brillant tactician and had devised many plans to take out domestic terrorists including numerous members of the National Liberation Army."@en . . "Jack Bauer"@en . . . . "Catholic"@en . . . . . "yes"@fr . . "niet \u010Do doda\u0165, proste"@sk . . . "1955-01-07"^^ . . . . . . . . "2339-02-18"^^ . "Kiefer Sutherland"@de . . . . . "yes"@fr . "8"^^ . . . "Jack Bauer"@fr . "Jack Bauer"@en . . "Jack Bauer ist ein Bundesagent einer staatlichen Beh\u00F6rde in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zur Terrorismusbek\u00E4mpfung namens CTU, die niemand kennt. Er kann kurzfristig terroristische Anschl\u00E4ge oder ganze Anschlagsserien verhindern und innerhalb von 24 Stunden die Terrorzellen und ihre Verantwortlichen eliminieren. F\u00FCr die Tatsache, dass Bauer den Anschlag auf das World Trade Center nicht verhinderte, machen Verschw\u00F6rungstheoretiker hohe Regierungsangeh\u00F6rige verantwortlich, die mit der Angst der Bev\u00F6lkerung ihre politische Agenda durchbringen m\u00F6chten. Mittlerweile hat jedoch die Dienststelle von Bauer auf einer Pressekonferenz best\u00E4tigt, dass er am 11. September im Urlaub war. In den USA hat Bauer den Status eines Nationalhelden erreicht. Der Fernsehsender Fox plant eine Reality-Fernse"@de . . "Jack Bauer is the lead protagonist of the Fox television series 24. His character has worked in various capacities on the show, often as a member of the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) based in Los Angeles, and working with the FBI in Washington, D.C. during season 7. Within the 24 storyline, Bauer is a key member of the CTU, actually its director in Season 1, and is often portrayed as their most capable agent. Bauer's job usually involves helping prevent major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilian lives and government administrations. On many occasions, Jack does so at great personal expense, as those he thwarts subsequently target him and his loved ones. He is not a crooked agent; however, Bauer's frequent use of torture to gather information has generated much contro"@en . "Tony Almeida"@en . "yes"@fr . . . "#D1997E"@sk . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Alberta Green"@en . . "[defaults to 250]"@en . . . "Type Of Hero"@en . . "Special Agent Jack Bauer is a cat that Dennis bought at a junkyard."@en . . . . . . . "Kelly Sharpton"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Commander"@de . . "1985-06-16"^^ . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer is the epitome of awesome. He is a noted hero of America and whose awesomeness is rivaled only by Colbert's. He is a true patriot and puts his life on the line to defeat the threats of America. He could beat you up in like two seconds. He could beat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad up in like one second."@en . . . . "1966"^^ . . "2026-03-31"^^ . . "Universal States of the Federation"@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . . "yes"@fr . "Jack Bauer"@es . "United States Marine Corps Captain Strongman Jack Bauer is a F.B.I Special Agent that now fights against terrorist bombings and assassinations. He is eventually the M.I.6, F.B.I, Homeland Security and C.I.A's most wanted when he is wrongfully acused of working with Terrorists."@en . . "yes"@fr . . "Do-gooder"@en . . . "Star of the hit series '24,' Jack Bauer is a superhuman government employee sent from God himself to help fulfill biblical prophecy and tip the balance of power back in America's favor. He is the only man on earth who can claim to have single-handedly saved the world on more than six occasions, edging out YouTube (6), Batman (4), Master Chief, who has now done it three times, Linda Tripp (2), the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2), Tamia's goat (1.768) and Regis Philbin (1)."@en . . . . "yes"@fr . . . . "Jack Bauer (Santa Monica, 18 februari 1966) is de hoofdpersoon van de Amerikaanse televisieserie 24. Hij was actief als overheidsagent voor onder andere Delta Force, LAPD SWAT en de Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) in Los Angeles. Bij CTU was hij enige tijd directeur, en hielp hij bij het voorkomen van meerdere grote terroristische aanslagen in de Verenigde Staten, waardoor zowel burgers als politici gered werden. Door de serie heen blijkt dat zijn baan als agent veel effect heeft op zijn priv\u00E9leven, vooral in seizoen 1, als zijn vrouw en dochter ontvoerd worden."@nl . . . . . . . "Kim Bauer"@en . "Terri Bauer"@en . . . . "Earning well over 13 million dollars per season, Jack Bauer was the highest paid television actor and millions would spend 24 long weeks just to see what Jack did in one day. Everyone's life depended on the outcome. Bauer is different than Norris or Rambo, who are all about round-house kicks, brute martial arts, using a rattle snake as a condom, 50 caliber machine guns, eating horrible things, and skill. Jack Bauer is about apologizing to his partners for rendering them unconscious, and shooting people above the knee, torturing the bad guys, also giving his word, going dark, and fighting for justice while being chased by both the good guys and the bad guys at the same time that Jack's chasing them. And Jack shits on Martial Arts and his deputy, and never eats or uses birth control. He even"@en . . . . . . . "Non canon &"@en . "Jack Bauer"@es . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer, noto anche come Jack BAU per la sua capacit\u00E0 di ringhiare quando interroga clandestinamente qualcuno, \u00E8 il protagonista del Walker Texas Ranger ambientato a Los Angeles, ossia 24."@it . . . "Dark Blonde"@en . "Jack Bauer"@cs . . . . . "yes"@fr . . "Earning well over 13 million dollars per season, Jack Bauer was the highest paid television actor and millions would spend 24 long weeks just to see what Jack did in one day. Everyone's life depended on the outcome. Bauer is different than Norris or Rambo, who are all about round-house kicks, brute martial arts, using a rattle snake as a condom, 50 caliber machine guns, eating horrible things, and skill. Jack Bauer is about apologizing to his partners for rendering them unconscious, and shooting people above the knee, torturing the bad guys, also giving his word, going dark, and fighting for justice while being chased by both the good guys and the bad guys at the same time that Jack's chasing them. And Jack shits on Martial Arts and his deputy, and never eats or uses birth control. He even gets repeatedly killed and resurrected, while neither Chuck Norris nor Rambo could ever survive getting killed. Bauer Facts are really quite a distinct genre."@en . . . . . . "300"^^ . . . . . . "//"@de . . . "Erin Driscoll"@en . . . . . . . . . "tajn\u00FD agent bojuj\u00FAci proti teroristom"@sk . . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "History: Jackson Phillip Bauer was born on February 18, 1966 to industrialist Phillip Bauer and Shirley Bauer. He was raised in Santa Monica, California. Jack's mother died when he was a child and he was never close to his father, nor to his older brother Graem. He also lived an atypical life for an upper-class teenager. He shunned his family's wealthy background and rode motorcycles and often surfed for fun. A couple of months before graduating from high school, Jack's girlfriend, Teri, became pregnant. A few days after Jack graduated, he and Teri were married. He later began attending the University of California, Los Angeles. To financially support his wife and daughter, Kim, Jack worked various part-time jobs while also attending college classes. He graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor "@en . . "yes"@fr . . "Kiefer Sutherland"@en . . . . . . . "Alignment"@en . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@fr . . . "199"^^ . "yes"@fr . . . "Mensch"@de . . "Esposa: Sin identificar"@es . "yes"@fr . . . "Jack Bauer"@sk . . . . . "yes"@fr . . . . . . . "24.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tobias Meister"@de . . . "yes"@fr . "yes"@fr . . . . . . "Big Good, Tragic Hero"@en . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer Husband of Teri Bauer and Father and commanding officer of Ensign Kim Bauer was a Starfleet Security Officer and current Section 31 Officer who was posted as Commanding Officer of the USS Relativity and at times served as interim Fleet Captain of the Special Ops. Tactical Security Ship CTU Los Angeles. Jack has saved the United Federation of Planets from several massive terrorist attacks many times. However after the incident known as the Khitomer attack the Federation began to increase various policies which are expected to be enforced by Section 31. However after discovering that these new policies appear to enforce the subjugation and disenfranchisement of many species Jack stands against this. By doing so Section 31 labels Jack as a rogue agent. Jack is classified under this"@en . "6"^^ . . . "yes"@fr . . . . . "Commander Jack Bauer ist seit 2387 der zweite Offizier an Bord der U.S.S. San Diego."@de . . . "24.0"^^ . . . "Jack Bauer (Santa Monica, 18 februari 1966) is de hoofdpersoon van de Amerikaanse televisieserie 24. Hij was actief als overheidsagent voor onder andere Delta Force, LAPD SWAT en de Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) in Los Angeles. Bij CTU was hij enige tijd directeur, en hielp hij bij het voorkomen van meerdere grote terroristische aanslagen in de Verenigde Staten, waardoor zowel burgers als politici gered werden. Door de serie heen blijkt dat zijn baan als agent veel effect heeft op zijn priv\u00E9leven, vooral in seizoen 1, als zijn vrouw en dochter ontvoerd worden. Jack Bauer wordt sinds het begin van de serie in 2001 gespeeld door de Brits-Canadese acteur Kiefer Sutherland. Bauer is het enige personage uit de serie dat in alle afleveringen voorkomt. In seizoen 5 wordt The Jack Sack ge\u00EFntroduceerd: een groene schoudertas die Jack ondersteunt tijdens zware operaties. Sutherland verlengde in 2006 zijn contract voor nog eens drie 24-seizoenen, tot en met het achtste seizoen in 2010."@nl . "yes"@fr . . . . . "Jack Bauer"@en . . . "Jack Bauer"@sk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Origin"@en . "Jack Bauer ist die Hauptfigur der Serie. In Staffel 1 ist er der Leiter der CTU. Diesen Posten hat er in geteilter Verantwortung auch in Staffel 3. Die CTU spielt insofern eine gro\u00DFe Rolle, als dass seine besten Freunde auch seine Kollegen sind. Absolut loyal zu ihm ist insbesondere Chloe O`Brian. Ferner z\u00E4hlen seine Kollegen Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler, Bill Buchanan und Curtis Manning sowie der Pr\u00E4sident David Palmer zu seinen Freunden. Jack Bauer ist verwitwet. Seine Ehefrau Teri wurde am Ende des Tag 1. von Nina Myers erschossen. Nina war seinerzeit die Geliebte von Jack Bauer und ist seine Stellvertreterin in der CTU. Als Nina als Verr\u00E4ter enttarnt wurde, kam ihr Teri zuf\u00E4llig in die Quere. Um keine Spuren, wenn auch nur \"geh\u00F6rte\" Details, zu hinterlassen, t\u00F6tet Nina Teri. Weiter ist er Vater einer Tochter, Kim Bauer. Kim Bauer hat nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter ein angespanntes Verh\u00E4ltnis zu ihrem Vater. Weiter hat sie mit den Umst\u00E4nden, wie ihre Mutter starb und durch wem, aber auch die Tatsache, dass Nina Myer Immunit\u00E4t (Staffel 2) erhalten hatte zu k\u00E4mpfen. In Staffel 3 allerdings hat sich das Verh\u00E4ltnis zu ihrem Vater wieder normalisiert, wird aber durch das Untertauchen von Jack Ende Staffel 4 und der Erkenntnis in Staffel 5, dass er nun doch lebt schwer zerr\u00FCttet, zumal Kim Bauer in Jacks Abwesendheit mit schweren Depressionen und Suizidgedanken in Behandlung war und zum Zeitpunkt der Staffel 5 noch immer ist. Audrey Raines ist ab Staffel 4 seine Geliebte. Sie ist noch verheiratet und lebt in Trennung. Aufgrund der Ereignisse in Staffel 4 k\u00FChlt das Verh\u00E4ltnis zu Jack ab, sie distanziert sich und letztendlich brechen sich Wut und Verzweiflung Bann, als Jack den behandelnden Arzt von Audrey\u00B4s Nochehemann dazu zwingt die lebensnotwendige Behandlung abzubrechen und einen anderen Patienten, der wichtige Informationen f\u00FCr seine Mission hat, zu retten. Audrey\u00B4s Noch-Ehemann stirbt hierdurch. Nichts desto Trotz ist sie sichtlich schockiert, als ihr mitgeteilt wird, dass Jack Bauer (vermeintlich) erschossen wurde."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "CTU agent"@en . . "yes"@fr . . . "Star of the hit series '24,' Jack Bauer is a superhuman government employee sent from God himself to help fulfill biblical prophecy and tip the balance of power back in America's favor. He is the only man on earth who can claim to have single-handedly saved the world on more than six occasions, edging out YouTube (6), Batman (4), Master Chief, who has now done it three times, Linda Tripp (2), the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2), Tamia's goat (1.768) and Regis Philbin (1)."@en . . . "yes"@fr . "Ronnie Lobell"@fr . . "Jack Bauer"@en . "played by"@en . . . . "Commander Jack Bauer ist seit 2387 der zweite Offizier an Bord der U.S.S. San Diego."@de . . "Comme Jack Bauer est trop fort parce qu'il a \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9 aux \u00C9tats-Unis d'Am\u00E9rique, il accepte d'\u00EAtre suivi en permanence par un journaliste qui filme chacune de ses interventions en direct. Il effectue donc sa mission tout en prot\u00E9geant le cam\u00E9raman en train de le filmer. Avant de bosser \u00E0 la CTU Jack travaillait chez bricomarch\u00E9 \u00E0 Villenaux, mais la campagne sans t\u00E9l\u00E9phone, c'\u00E9tait trop casse-burnes pour lui. Voici le vocabulaire usuel de Jack : \n* \"Donne moi le code, bordel !\" \n* \"On n'a pas le temps !\" \n* \"Chloe, c'est Jack.\" \n* \"Oui, monsieur le pr\u00E9sident.\" \n* \"Tu n'imagines pas de quoi je suis capable !\" \n* \"Je n'h\u00E9siterai pas \u00E0 t'arracher les yeux...\" \n* \"Chlo\u00E9, c'est Jack je veux une surveillance satellite en direct sur mon PDA. \n* \"Allo ! C'est Jack.\" \n* \"On a presque plus de temps \n* \"Des millions de citoyens am\u00E9ricains vont mourir\" \n* \" Pour qui tu travail \" \n* \" On est en train de la perdre r\u00E9animer-le vite\" \n* \"Et merde !\" \n* \"C'est pas vrai...\" \n* \"Je te le promets...\" \n* \"Excuse-moi\" (car Jack Bauer ne tient jamais ses promesses) \n* \"Je l'ai en visuel !\" (car Jack Bauer ne voit pas ses ennemis, il les a en visuel.)"@fr . . . . . . . . "Jack Bauer"@sk . . . . . . . "Christopher Henderson"@en . "History: Jackson Phillip Bauer was born on February 18, 1966 to industrialist Phillip Bauer and Shirley Bauer. He was raised in Santa Monica, California. Jack's mother died when he was a child and he was never close to his father, nor to his older brother Graem. He also lived an atypical life for an upper-class teenager. He shunned his family's wealthy background and rode motorcycles and often surfed for fun. A couple of months before graduating from high school, Jack's girlfriend, Teri, became pregnant. A few days after Jack graduated, he and Teri were married. He later began attending the University of California, Los Angeles. To financially support his wife and daughter, Kim, Jack worked various part-time jobs while also attending college classes. He graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and then enlisted in the United States Army as an officer candidate. Upon completing basic combat training, Jack went on to Officer Candidate School. After OCS, he attended the Infantry Officer Basic Course and then the U.S. Army Airborne School. After airborne training, Jack went through the Ranger Orientation Program and Ranger School, earning his Ranger Tab. He was then assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment as a platoon leader in the 3rd Ranger Battalion. Eventually, Jack rose to the position of company executive officer. Having honed his field skills as an Airborne Ranger, he later attended and graduated from the Infantry Officer Advanced Course. Soon after, Jack attended the Assessment and Selection Course for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta. Upon successful completion of the course, he went on to the Operator Training Course. Afterwards, Jack joined Delta Force as an assault troop commander. Sometime later, he earned a Silver Star for his actions during one covert operation in Bosnia. Jack left the Army after eight years of distinguished service and then applied to join the Central Intelligence Agency. Before he could join the Agency, he had to go through a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation. Upon successfully completing the entire application process, Jack was selected to serve in the CIA's Special Operations Group of the Special Activities Division. After an orientation period, he was sent to the CIA Special Training Center - \"The Farm,\" Camp Peary for intensive operational training. There, Jack went through the Basic Operations Course, which trained him in various so-called \"tradecraft\" skills, including infiltration and exfiltration techniques. While at The Farm, he received exceptionally high marks for physical endurance, logic, and psychological ops exercises. After training, he became a paramilitary operations officer. In this capacity, Jack participated in clandestine and covert CIA paramilitary operations all over the world. A little under year into his CIA career, his exemplary work caught the attention of Christopher Henderson, the Director of Field Operations for the Los Angeles Domestic Unit of the Counter Terrorist Unit. Henderson contacted Jack and made an offer of employment with CTU. The Counter Terrorist Unit is a U.S. government agency set up to relieve other American federal agencies of their scattered counter-terrorist programs by consolidating the U.S. civilian anti-terrorist effort into one organization. Although loosely affiliated with the CIA, CTU is an independent agency. Therefore, unlike the CIA, its operational jurisdiction is both foreign and domestic. Jack accepted the job offer and joined the Los Angeles Domestic Unit as the Assistant Director of Field Operations. On Jack's first day at CTU Los Angeles, his first mission was to protect the recently-defected IRA member Moira O'Neal from attack by her former associates. Four agents died when Tim McGinnis' crew of hitmen attacked the safe house where O'Neal was being held. Jack managed to escape to safety with O'Neal, and later killed McGinnis' group before they could get to her. Soon after, Jack participated in a joint CTU-MI6 mission designated \"Operation Nightfall.\" The objective was to assassinate Serbian war criminal Viktor Drazen. Intelligence suggested that Drazen was plotting to develop a new international terrorist organization, using wealth acquired through his criminal activities. A strike team, led by Jack, destroyed the compound where Drazen was believed to be hiding. Unfortunately, Drazen was not in the building at the time, but his wife and daughter were killed. Jack's entire team was slaughtered by Drazen's men, who used the team's supposedly scrambled radio frequency to track them. Sometime after that incident, Jack served as the Section Captain during the CTU response to the Hotel Los Angeles attack. During this time, Jack began taking night classes at the University of California, Berkeley. He eventually earned a Master of Science in Criminology and Law. At some point, Jack discovered evidence that Christopher Henderson was taking bribes by selling classified intelligence to defense contractors. Jack blew the whistle on his former mentor, along with two other corrupt CTU agents. Although there wasn't enough evidence to convict the three of anything, there was enough evidence that they were all fired. After the wife of one of the disgraced agents committed suicide, Jack earned the scorn and distrust of many at CTU. However, Administrative Director Richard Walsh was so impressed with him that he promoted Jack to Senior Field Operations Agent at the CTU Division Command's Los Angeles Office. As a Senior Agent, Jack excelled and eventually served as the Team Leader during Operation Proteus. He even spent an assignment in Beirut, where to gain critical information he was forced to torture a terrorist responsible for a bombing of the U.S. embassy. Although the terrorist died during the torture, Jack got the information from him. Jack also served in several undercover roles. In one undercover assignment, he posed as a Los Angeles police officer. In the course of that assignment, he attended and passed the Basic SWAT School and then briefly served in the LAPD SWAT Team. After less than two and a half years with CTU, Jack was promoted to Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Domestic Unit. Just a few days after the promotion, Jack flew to New York City and teamed up with a civilian named Caitlin O'Connor to take down the imminent threat of an act of coordinated terrorism and an attempted influenza pandemic. Millions of Americans would have died, but Jack and CTU were able to thwart both plans as part of Operation Hell Gate. Around this time, Jack and Teri were having marital problems. As a result they briefly separated. During this separation, Jack had a brief relationship with his second-in-command, Chief of Staff Nina Myers. Jack quickly ended the relationship and began patching things up with Teri. He then moved back in with her and Kim. Just a couple of weeks after Jack and Teri reconciled, the Democratic California presidential primary occurred. During that day, life altering events would happen to Jack and his family, Senator David Palmer and numerous other people. Height: 5'10\" Weight: 168 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Blond Strength Level: Jack Bauer appears to be in peak human condition and possesses the strength level of a man his age, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercise. Abilities: Jack Bauer is an highly experienced field agent with a military background. He possesses a multitude of useful skills, such as clue analysis, stealth, piloting and electronic communication and is an expert at interrogation and persuasion techniques performed under great stress, a skill that is fueled by great strength of personality. He is also very athletic, a crack shot, and a highly proficient (advanced) hand to hand combatant. His physique, apparently top-notch, allows him to go and go for days without rest, sleep or food, and he can continue at unrelenting speed even after strenuous torture or injury. In fact, Jack Bauer appears to be a daring and seemingly indestructible counterterrorism operative. Weapons and Equipment: 9mm Heckler & Koch P30 (His current weapon of choice), Heckler & Koch USP Compact Handgun (His former weapon of choice) and other weapons at his disposal. He has been known for using bulletproof vests and other tactical equipment for counterterrorism."@en . . "[[Obr\u00E1zok:20038-1.jpg|thumb|right|190px|Jackov Browning Hi-power, ktor\u00FD dostal na Vianoce]] Jack Bauer je zn\u00E1my tajn\u00FD agent bojuj\u00FAci proti teroristom, turistom a hocikomu in\u00E9mu, zakladate\u013E ATF a CTU, hlavn\u00FD hrdina seri\u00E1lu 24 (nie je prvo\u010D\u00EDslo) a chlap, ktor\u00E9ho netreba nasra\u0165."@sk . . "Jack Bauer is the epitome of awesome. He is a noted hero of America and whose awesomeness is rivaled only by Colbert's. He is a true patriot and puts his life on the line to defeat the threats of America. He could beat you up in like two seconds. He could beat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad up in like one second."@en . . . "2"^^ . . "Jack Bauer Husband of Teri Bauer and Father and commanding officer of Ensign Kim Bauer was a Starfleet Security Officer and current Section 31 Officer who was posted as Commanding Officer of the USS Relativity and at times served as interim Fleet Captain of the Special Ops. Tactical Security Ship CTU Los Angeles. Jack has saved the United Federation of Planets from several massive terrorist attacks many times. However after the incident known as the Khitomer attack the Federation began to increase various policies which are expected to be enforced by Section 31. However after discovering that these new policies appear to enforce the subjugation and disenfranchisement of many species Jack stands against this. By doing so Section 31 labels Jack as a rogue agent. Jack is classified under this rogue status until 2401."@en . . . . . "yes"@fr . "16042356"^^ . "yes"@fr . "Rossingol, J Andres"@en .