. . "Knu'ody'yertas Knubblechen"@en . "Non-Human"@en . . "7"^^ . "Male"@en . "Varies"@en . . "No"@en . "2"^^ . "Not much is known of Knubblechen Prime's past. Only what he has revealed to the Fantastic Five is known to anyone, and that information does not leave the group. It is not on any database or in any file of any organization, government, hero, or villain, except for one, due to his connection with the Fantastic Five. The exact file has been encrypted to the point where it cannot be accessed almost at all. The information regarding it has been committed to memory by the Fantastic Five and by that one person. Knubblechen Prime was born on the planet Knubblechovia. The year he was born roughly translates to 5,000 BC on Earth's timeline. He grew up on the planet, and was raised as any Knubblechen would have been. When he was born, Knubbly was hailed even then as the strongest of the Knubblechen. As soon as he was able, he commenced training in their ancient art of combat. His powers, even then, were tremendous, things that would grow over the years as is common for any Knubblechen. Roughly around 4,000 BC, when Knubbly was still considered a child by his people's standards, tragedy struck. His people were incredibly peaceful, and used their powers to help others and to continue their way of life. However this didn't meant that they couldn't fall under attack. Furthermore, unless the attackers already knew of the Knubblechen species, they would think of them as easy prey for conquer. His planet was attacked by a race of aggressive aliens from a distant system. Despite the awesome power that the Knubblechen race had, they began to lose the battle and it appeared that they would be extinct. The war itself dragged on for many years, and Knubbly grew to maturity during the course of the war, meaning that for him, his life has been marred by war, lending to his generally pacifist nature. It was around 2,000 BC when the war finally ended. Due to the innate nature of his people, the attacking aliens had found it harder and harder to defeat the Knubblechen people. Somehow, though, they had found a way. In the process, Knubbly lost both of his parents and many of his relatives. There were only a handful of survivors and after they decided that they could no longer defend themselves against the alien race and that something had to be done in order to keep the Knubblechen people alive, they fled Knubblechovia on board one of the last space worthy vessels that the Knubblechens had. The alien race proceeded to completely destroy Knubblechovia, and after that, they would erase almost all record of the small race from existence. The only way that anyone would know that the Knubblechen species had even existed were the few survivors, all badly injured and most dying. To this day, Knubblechen Prime still does not know why the alien race attacked his planet and rendered his people, for all intents and purposes, extinct. As the space ship traveled, Knubbly watched as the remaining few of his people died off. Because he had only reached maturity just before the end of the war, his injuries were the slightest and he had the best chance for survival out of everyone. Over time, what few that were there who could be considered \"elders\" of the Knubblechen people instructed him in the ways of his people and taught him everything that they knew. He grew in power and in stature amongst his people. Unfortunately, he was not able to save the last members of his species. Soon, he was the only person on board the spacecraft, and he was by himself in the entire universe. Knubbly decided that he would go into a cryo sleep. When and more importantly, if, he came into a system with intelligent life, the computers on board the ship would wake him up."@en . "7"^^ . "7"^^ . "Not much is known of Knubblechen Prime's past. Only what he has revealed to the Fantastic Five is known to anyone, and that information does not leave the group. It is not on any database or in any file of any organization, government, hero, or villain, except for one, due to his connection with the Fantastic Five. The exact file has been encrypted to the point where it cannot be accessed almost at all. The information regarding it has been committed to memory by the Fantastic Five and by that one person."@en . "Black"@en . . . "Knubblechen"@en . "Varies"@en . "Blank"@en . "*Pet\n*Archnemesis \n*Metropolis Mascot and Global Ambassador"@en . "7"^^ . "5000"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "Brown"@en . "*The God Knubble\n*Knambo\n*Knocky\n*Knake\n*Knaster Knief\n*The Being of Ultimate Power\n*Bacon\n*Knatman\n*Kniderman\n*Knuperman\n*The Alias King\n*Navi'res Ke'ne Vish'ki Rey \n*The Third\n*Treasure of Metropolis"@en . "*James Matthews"@en . "Gopher"@en . . "Knubblechen Prime"@en . "Varies"@en . "Knubblechovia"@en . "Personal"@en . "*Paul Matthews\n*Emma Stevens\n*Carly Stevens\n*Jimmy Stevens"@en . "Blank"@en . . "Knubblechen Prime"@en . . "7"^^ .