"2"^^ . "71"^^ . "-"@en . . "3080"^^ . . "Selvom kamas blev inspireret af Thyrsus Sun Guards b\u00E6lte, blev kamas traditionelt associeret med Mandalorian krigere. Alpha-17 og ARC troopers, sammen med clone commanders, gjorde dette flexible anti-explosionsarmor popul\u00E6rt. Republikkens ledere var ikke s\u00E6rlig villig til at tillade et udspredt brug af dette potentielle kontroversielle symbol inttil det blev bevist at kamaer ogs\u00E5 blev b\u00E5ret af de oprindelige Republic fighters af Rotas V. Det kraftige l\u00E6der kama blev ofte h\u00E5net som en \"nederdel\" af den almindelige h\u00E6r. ARC troopers ignorerede dette i lyset af at kama'er praktisk nok beskytter mod forkr\u00F8blingsskader fra lavt-flyvende granatsplinter og rester p\u00E5 kaotiske kamppladser. Jet troopers brugte ogs\u00E5 kama som en m\u00E5de at beskytte benene imod jetpack'ens \"udst\u00F8dning\". Kamas blev f\u00F8rst og fremmest brugt p\u00E5 ARC troopers, ikke kun for beskyttelse, men som et symbol p\u00E5 rang; de mest h\u00F8jt-rangerede eller elite clone troopers bar dem for at tydeligg\u00F8re deres h\u00F8je rang."@da . "29"^^ . . "+1 slashing damage"@en . . "hide"@en . . . "El kama es un arma de la isla de Okinawa usada en el arte marcial de las armas o kobudo japonesa de origen campesino. Se trata de una hoz de mango largo que se utilizaba para segar cereales; la diferencia con la hoz occidental es la curvatura del kama, que empieza en el mango. Cuando el kama lleva una cuerda con un peso, se le llama kusarikama o kusarigama. Este instrumento se manejaba poco afilado y sin punta incisiva, hasta que se convirti\u00F3 en un arma letal llegando a usarse a pares contra armas como el bo, o bast\u00F3n largo y la katana, o sable japons\u00E9s; de los guerreros samurai. Asimismo algunos estilos del arte marcial tradicional del ninjutsu, la incluyen en sus entrenamientos y curr\u00EDculo."@es . "25564"^^ . "The Head of all Cupids"@en . "11"^^ . . . . . "\u00C9s la moneda utilitzada com a diner de Dofus. Es pot obtenir com a recompensa en acabar un combat guanyat contra criatures, venent objectes o com a recompensa d'una Missi\u00F3. Permet al jugador comprar objectes, com ara recursos o equipament, aix\u00ED com viatjar pel m\u00F3n utilitzant els zaaps. El s\u00EDmbol de la kama \u00E9s la lletra \"k\", que no s'ha de confondre amb el que es fa servir per expressar milers de kamas (25kk = 25.000 Kames), o milions (50mk = 50.000.000). Pots veure la quantitat de kames que obtens en un combat observant en la columna que posa kames i en la fila del teu peronatge. Per veure la quantitat total de kames que tens has de mirar l'inventari. Les kames no ocupen pods. El m\u00E8tode m\u00E9s utilitzat (i el m\u00E9s eficient) per fer-se ric \u00E9s el treball, al qual es pot accedir havent apr\u00E8s un ofici. Una altra manera, no tan notable, d'afegir Kamas extres a la nostra butxaca \u00E9s amb el Robatori de Kamas."@ca . . "[Source] Kamas (or belt-capes) were skirt-like armor accoutrements worn from the belt. In the later days of the Phase I armor, clone trooper commanders added blast-resistant kamas as additions to their kits, along with other gears. The cold weather assault stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire would later wear insulating kamas, and so did the First Order snowtroopers."@en . . "Kama is the Hindu god of love and desire. He is the son of Brahma and husband of Rati, daughter of Daksha. He was killed by Shiva whilst inducing love between Shiva and Parvati, upon the insistence of the gods. He was reborn as the mortal son of Krishna. When he died, he was reborn amongst the gods."@en . . "hide"@en . . . . . . "Resist"@en . "42"^^ . "Naruto Shipp\u016Bden the Movie"@en . . "Kamatari HD.png"@en . "18"^^ . "Marin Karin\nShield All *"@en . . . . . "Unit ATK +5%"@en . . "Kama est un personnage qui appara\u00EEt dans le film The Last Mission et un des Floor Masters de la Tour c\u00E9leste."@fr . "275"^^ . . . "1.0"^^ . . . "???"@en . . "La Kama es la moneda oficial de Wakfu. Se pueden fabricar y usar para comprar objetos, etc."@es . . . . "Obr\u00E1zek kamasu|right|border|161px Kama (neboli Kamas)je ofici\u00E1ln\u00ED m\u011Bna DOFUSu. Kamy m\u016F\u017Eete z\u00EDskat obchodem, zab\u00EDjen\u00EDm monster, \u00FAkoly.. M\u016F\u017Eete je pou\u017E\u00EDvat k nakupov\u00E1n\u00ED r\u016Fzn\u00FDch lektvar\u016F, chleb\u016F, kn\u00ED\u017Eek atd."@cs . "Kama"@da . "34864"^^ . "Small"@en . . "Naruto: The Cross Roads"@fr . . . . "Null"@en . "3514"^^ . . "Kama"@es . . . . "30"^^ . . "Female"@en . "Kama \u00E4r en Japansk sk\u00E4rare som anv\u00E4nds som vapen. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game\")kategori:Tau'ri teknologikategori:Vapen"@sv . "M\u00E2le"@fr . "Gun\\+4\nSupport\\+1\nAilment\\+1\nFire\\-3"@en . "Kama is the Hindu god of love and desire. He is the son of Brahma and husband of Rati, daughter of Daksha. He was killed by Shiva whilst inducing love between Shiva and Parvati, upon the insistence of the gods. He was reborn as the mortal son of Krishna. When he died, he was reborn amongst the gods."@en . . "Enigma"@en . "3000"^^ . "N/C"@fr . "As with many weapons, the kama was adapted for combat by the peasants that used them as farming implements, often because they were forbidden from owning swords or the like. The kama mold requires 1 metal ingot. For the properties of exotic metals, see the Materials page."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Kama"@da . . . "Kama"@da . . "Una Kama (\u9570, Kama) es una hoz japonesa utilizada como un arma. Tiene un mango corto y un pico agudo que causa da\u00F1os. A Fu y Ao se les ha visto lanzar una kama en su pelea. Hay tambi\u00E9n una variaci\u00F3n del kama: el kusarigama, que tiene una cadena unida a ella para aumentar su rango de ataque. Tambi\u00E9n Hidan lleva otra variaci\u00F3n: una gigantesca Guada\u00F1a de Triple Filo. Una Kama era una de las armas predilectas de Madara Uchiha en el pasado que utilizaba con mucha frecuencia, esta ten\u00EDa la capacidad de estirarse para atacar a media distancia. Categor\u00EDa:Armas"@en . "86400.0"^^ . . . "\"My name is Kama.My destiny is unknown and so am I, but one day Makuta every where will fear me,and you will be the first to experience my wrath.\" \u2014Kama To Venama after Defeating Him in battle Kama was a Deta matoran,though he did not know it,he was transformed into a toa by a toa stone and captured by Chirox but was rescued by arik,a fellow toa,later falling into a OoMN pod and taken to Daxia."@en . . "18"^^ . . "Kama"@da . . "\u30AB\u30DE"@en . . . . "Strong"@en . "23"^^ . . . "3.0"^^ . . "250"^^ . . . "Kama"@en . "Monk"@en . "1"^^ . . . "Kamas jest og\u00F3lnie przyj\u0119t\u0105 walut\u0105 w \u015Bwiecie gry Dofus. Mo\u017Cna j\u0105 zdoby\u0107 poprzez wygrane walki przeciwko potworom, sprzedaj\u0105c itemy lub ko\u0144cz\u0105\u0107 questy. Symbolem Kamas jest literka K. Dla przyk\u0142adu: \n* 1kk oznacza 1,000 kamas \n* 10kk = 10,000 kamas \n* 1kkk/1mk = 1 mln W innych grach 1k=1.000 1kk=1.000.000 Co moze by\u0107 bardzo myl\u0105ce dla os\u00F3b, kt\u00F3re gra\u0142y w inne gry tego typu, przesiadaj\u0105c si\u0119 teraz na Dofusa, z pieni\u0119\u017Cnym przyk\u0142adem jak wy\u017Cej."@pl . . . . . "34"^^ . "Unlike its traditional intended use, the kama has been most commonly observed being employed by shinobi as a throwing weapon rather than in close combat, where the entire weapon is tossed in such a manner that it rotates quickly end over end, to increase the probability that the bladed edge while strike its intended target."@en . "Prideful"@en . . "Kama"@es . . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas y Videojuegos"@en . . . "37"^^ . . "As with many weapons, the kama was adapted for combat by the peasants that used them as farming implements, often because they were forbidden from owning swords or the like."@en . "Menma Namikaze , Gintoki \u014Ctsutsuki, Haruka Sakumi,Sayotsu Uzumaki,Fury Uchiha, Amaterasu Inuzuka, Saya, Hisana, Rai Hy\u016Bga, Tottori, Inori Kokutan, Takemaru Yamauchi, Subaru Shinozaki, Madara Uchiha , Madara Uchiha , Madara Uchiha , Amerai Aoki, S\u014Dma, Naku,"@en . "22"^^ . . "23"^^ . . "21"^^ . . "Manga, Anime, Jeux vid\u00E9o, Films"@fr . "K\u0101ma (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: \u0915\u093E\u092E) is pleasure, sensual gratification, sexual fulfillment, pleasure of the senses, desire, eros, the aesthetic enjoyment of life in Sanskrit. In Hinduism, k\u0101ma is regarded as the third of the four goals of life (purusharthas): the others are duty (dharma), worldly status (artha) and salvation (moksha). Kama-deva is the personification of this, a god equivalent to the Greek Eros and the Roman Cupid. Kama-rupa is a subtle body or aura composed of desire, while Kama-loka is the realm this inhabits, particularly in the afterlife."@en . "11764"^^ . "30"^^ . "25"^^ . . "Kama"@ca . "Kama"@fr . . "55"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "32"^^ . "R"@en . "Unlike its traditional intended use, the kama has been most commonly observed being employed by shinobi as a throwing weapon rather than in close combat, where the entire weapon is tossed in such a manner that it rotates quickly end over end, to increase the probability that the bladed edge will strike its intended target."@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "Unlike its traditional intended use, the kama has been most commonly observed being employed by shinobi as a throwing weapon rather than in close combat, where the entire weapon is tossed in such a manner that it rotates quickly end over end, to increase the probability that the bladed edge while strike its intended target."@en . . "Kama"@da . . "Kama"@fr . "53"^^ . "\u9570"@en . . . . . . "Saisu Kamano"@en . "37"^^ . . "Selvom kamas blev inspireret af Thyrsus Sun Guards b\u00E6lte, blev kamas traditionelt associeret med Mandalorian krigere. Alpha-17 og ARC troopers, sammen med clone commanders, gjorde dette flexible anti-explosionsarmor popul\u00E6rt. Republikkens ledere var ikke s\u00E6rlig villig til at tillade et udspredt brug af dette potentielle kontroversielle symbol inttil det blev bevist at kamaer ogs\u00E5 blev b\u00E5ret af de oprindelige Republic fighters af Rotas V."@da . "28"^^ . . . "32"^^ . . . "42"^^ . "Expel Arrow\nDemon-conquering Arrow\nArrow Amore\nCursed Words Destroyer Arrow\nDormina\nSukunda"@en . "GrannyGold"@en . "UtjKSFjxUm2x0Nj7"@en . "Kama"@fi . . "\u938C"@fr . . . . . . "Triple-Bladed Scythe, Kusarigama"@en . . "60"^^ . "The Kama started out as garment worn by Mandalorians to protect the back from shrapnel and shots that might damage the back of the legs."@en . . . "Kama sind elastische R\u00F6cke die zum Schutz vor spitzen Gegenst\u00E4nden. Jeder Clone Commander tr\u00E4gt ein Kama. Kategorie:Commander Ausstattung"@de . "Kama"@cs . "-"@en . . "Did you obey my commands? Deepening love needs prep."@en . "*Sensing\n*Immortality"@en . . "5"^^ . . . "Naruto Shipp\u00FBden Film 1: Un funeste pr\u00E9sage"@fr . "28"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "Y\u016Bya Uchida"@fr . . "7"^^ . . . . . . . . . "-"@en . "Ex\u00E9cuteur du Royaume de Fiore"@fr . "N/C"@fr . "11"^^ . "Kama (\u30AB\u30DE, Kama) est le chef de la Troupe des Loups Affam\u00E9s, ordre consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme \u00E9tant le plus puissant ex\u00E9cuteur du royaume de Fiore."@fr . . "Anime, Manga"@en . "thumbLes kamas sont la monnaie in-game du monde de Wakfu.Le symbole des kamas est Image:Kama.png (Un K stylis\u00E9, avec une double barre, similaire au \u00A3, \u00A5 et \u20AC)."@fr . "Before being improvised as a weapon, the kama was widely used throughout Asia to cut crops, mostly rice. It is found in many shapes and forms in Southeast Asia and is particularly common in martial arts from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is also used occasionally in Chinese martial arts. From one or both of these areas, the kama was brought to Okinawa and incorporated into the martial art of te (hand) and later karate (empty hand)."@en . . "Un kama era una t\u00FAnica unida al cintur\u00F3n del usuario. A menudo descrito como un cintur\u00F3n-polaina o medio-kilt, el Kama era una prenda tradicional de la cultura mandaloriana, y m\u00E1s tarde fue adaptado por la Rep\u00FAblica para los Soldado clon durante las Guerras Clon, aunque en general, lo utilizaban m\u00E1s, los soldados de \u00E9lite y los de rango elevado, que los rasos."@es . "72"^^ . "Physical, 1-2 hits, one enemy"@en . "The symbol for kama is Image: Kama.png (a styled K, with a double cross-bar, simlar to \u00A3, \u00A5 and \u20AC)."@en . "I love naive people."@en . . "Ofensiva"@en . "0"^^ . . "It is I, Goddess of Lust, KAMA. Do you want my ritual?"@en . "-"@en . "Exotic or Monk"@en . . "-"@en . . "Active"@en . . "Tetraja\nHeaven's Bow\nCharm Strike"@en . . "32"^^ . . "Benjamin Pascal"@fr . "Unlike its traditional intended use, the kama has been most commonly observed being employed by shinobi as a throwing weapon rather than in close combat, where the entire weapon is tossed in such a manner that it rotates quickly end over end, to increase the probability that the bladed edge will strike its intended target."@en . . . "90"^^ . "Dark Purple"@en . "53"^^ . "Objets relatifs Utilisateurs Kama Un est une faux que l'on retrouve dans le manga Naruto. Hanz\u00F4 l'utilisa lors de son combat contre Mifune lorsqu'il fut ressuscit\u00E9 par la technique de Kabuto : Edo Tensei. Temari poss\u00E8de une invocation terrifiante nomm\u00E9 Kamatari (signifiant \u00AB Belette faucheuse \u00BB) qui utilise un kama, capable de cr\u00E9er et d'envoyer des centaines de lames de vent d\u00E9coupant tout ce qu'elles touchent. Madara Uchiwa s'\u00E9quipa de cette arme lors de son combat contre Hashirama qui \u00E9tait directement reli\u00E9 \u00E0 son Gunbai."@fr . "Resist"@en . "Anime, Manga, Game, Movie"@en . "Null"@en . . "The Kama started out as garment worn by Mandalorians to protect the back from shrapnel and shots that might damage the back of the legs."@en . . . "14"^^ . . . . . . "N/C"@fr . . "-"@en . "78"^^ . "A kama was a farming implement similar to a sickle or a very small scythe, used for reaping crops, and also used at times as a peasant weapon. It was reputed to be a favorite weapon of the ninja. They were usually made of a short shaft of wood no more than two feet in length with a slightly-curved tapering blade extending from the top of the shaft at a right angle. The blade was generally sharpened on the inside of the curve only. Those who wielded kama in combat often use them in pairs. The Yoritomo family adopted them as their official weapon. Even the Mantis Clan Champion generally carried a matched set of kama."@en . "596"^^ . "6664"^^ . "-"@en . "Resist *"@en . "Kama \u30AB\u30FC\u30DE is a third evolution MAG in Phantasy Star Online. A second or third tier MAG can become another third tier form when it is a level divisible by 5 and at least level 50 after feeding, but does not meet the requirements to evolve into any specific fourth tier form. To become a Kama, it must: Only whole POW, DEX and MIND levels count for these comparisons; the 0%\u2013100% progress meters are disregarded. Feeding charts for Apsaras, Bhirava, Kaitabha, Kama, Kumara, Ushasu, Varaha and Vayu"@en . . . "Slashing"@en . "La Kama es la moneda oficial de Wakfu. Se pueden fabricar y usar para comprar objetos, etc."@es . . "2013-10-15"^^ . "24"^^ . . . "28"^^ . . . . "16"^^ . . . "Menma Uzumaki"@en . . . . "-"@en . "Kama"@es . "Cool"@en . . "The shinobi used kamas to cut bamboo fences. These fences would have clay applied to them. The Bansenshukai shinobi manual contains a folding version. A kama could easily be used as a weapon, although there is no historical evidence of it being used as such. There are various traditions that detail the use of some form of lubrication that muffle the sound of a saw cutting."@en . "Kama"@en . "1"^^ . . "15"^^ . "2915"^^ . "But many seek out only desire."@en . . "Kama es un arma usada por Nitara en Mortal Kombat: Armageddon y se puede encontrar en el Modo Historia y VS de MKSM. El kusarigama o simplemente kama (cadena--falciformes) es un tradicional Japon\u00E9s armas que consiste en kama (el Japon\u00E9s equivalente de una hoz/guada\u00F1a) en una cadena de metal (manriki) Con un peso pesado de hierro en el extremo."@es . . "*The Great Banquet"@en . . "78"^^ . . . "Anti-Ailment\nAnti-Phys\nExtra One"@en . "Unsure"@en . . . "2.0"^^ . . "71"^^ . "Weak"@en . "Kama"@es . . "2"^^ . "N/C"@fr . . . "Masterly Kama"@en . . "Kamas jest og\u00F3lnie przyj\u0119t\u0105 walut\u0105 w \u015Bwiecie gry Dofus. Mo\u017Cna j\u0105 zdoby\u0107 poprzez wygrane walki przeciwko potworom, sprzedaj\u0105c itemy lub ko\u0144cz\u0105\u0107 questy. Symbolem Kamas jest literka K. Dla przyk\u0142adu: \n* 1kk oznacza 1,000 kamas \n* 10kk = 10,000 kamas \n* 1kkk/1mk = 1 mln W innych grach 1k=1.000 1kk=1.000.000 Co moze by\u0107 bardzo myl\u0105ce dla os\u00F3b, kt\u00F3re gra\u0142y w inne gry tego typu, przesiadaj\u0105c si\u0119 teraz na Dofusa, z pieni\u0119\u017Cnym przyk\u0142adem jak wy\u017Cej."@pl . "Kama Sutra"@en . . "94"^^ . "Objets relatifs Utilisateurs Kama Un est une faux que l'on retrouve dans le manga Naruto. Hanz\u00F4 l'utilisa lors de son combat contre Mifune lorsqu'il fut ressuscit\u00E9 par la technique de Kabuto : Edo Tensei. Temari poss\u00E8de une invocation terrifiante nomm\u00E9 Kamatari (signifiant \u00AB Belette faucheuse \u00BB) qui utilise un kama, capable de cr\u00E9er et d'envoyer des centaines de lames de vent d\u00E9coupant tout ce qu'elles touchent. Madara Uchiwa s'\u00E9quipa de cette arme lors de son combat contre Hashirama qui \u00E9tait directement reli\u00E9 \u00E0 son Gunbai."@fr . "Cupids"@en . . "Una Kama (\u9570, Kama) es una hoz japonesa utilizada como un arma. Tiene un mango corto y un pico agudo que causa da\u00F1os. A Fu y Ao se les ha visto lanzar una kama en su pelea. Hay tambi\u00E9n una variaci\u00F3n del kama: el kusarigama, que tiene una cadena unida a ella para aumentar su rango de ataque. Tambi\u00E9n Hidan lleva otra variaci\u00F3n: una gigantesca Guada\u00F1a de Triple Filo. Una Kama era una de las armas predilectas de Madara Uchiha en el pasado que utilizaba con mucha frecuencia, esta ten\u00EDa la capacidad de estirarse para atacar a media distancia. Categor\u00EDa:Armas"@es . . . "Gris"@fr . "47"^^ . . . . "Kama"@da . "Kama was an Ancient Egyptian member of the Royal Family. Her connection to it is unknown though she is known to have been buried at Leontopolis. She has been suggested as the same woman as Karomama B and is thought possibly to have been the wife of Iuput II who ruled at Leontopolis during the time of Piye's invasion."@en . . "I Kama sono la moneta corrente in Amakna. Li puoi guadagnare sconfiggendo mostri, vendendo oggetti e completando alcune Missioni. I kama non hanno peso. Il simbolo dei kama \u00E8 K. Se si vuole utilizzare il suffisso k per kilo (migliaio) bisogna, onde evitare confusione, utilizzare k due volte ad esempio: 10000 kama saranno abbreviati come: 10kk"@it . "Kama"@en . "LM"@fr . "284"^^ . . "79"^^ . . . "Kama"@pl . "Kama \u30AB\u30FC\u30DE is a third evolution MAG in Phantasy Star Online. A second or third tier MAG can become another third tier form when it is a level divisible by 5 and at least level 50 after feeding, but does not meet the requirements to evolve into any specific fourth tier form. To become a Kama, it must: \n* be fed by a hunter with an odd section ID (Greenill, Bluefull, Pinkal, Oran, Whitill) and have POW at least as high as DEX and DEX at least as high as MIND, or \n* be fed by a hunter with an odd section ID and have DEX equal to MIND, or \n* be fed by a ranger with an even section ID (Viridia, Skyly, Purplenum, Redria, Yellowboze) and have POW higher than DEX and DEX at least as high as MIND, or \n* be fed by a ranger with an even section ID and have POW equal to MIND, or \n* be fed by a ranger with an even section ID and have DEX at least as high as MIND and MIND at least as high as POW. Only whole POW, DEX and MIND levels count for these comparisons; the 0%\u2013100% progress meters are disregarded. A Kama can continue to evolve into other third tier forms whenever it is a level divisible by 5 after a feeding and the above stat, class, or section ID conditions have changed. In Episode I & II and later versions, when it reaches level 100, it may also evolve into a fourth tier form if the requirements are met. Feeding charts for Apsaras, Bhirava, Kaitabha, Kama, Kumara, Ushasu, Varaha and Vayu"@en . "Kamas ist die W\u00E4hrung im Spiel. Man bekommt sie f\u00FCr das besiegen von Gegener im Kampf, Verkauf von Gegenst\u00E4nden und L\u00F6sen von verschiedenen Quests. Das Symbol f\u00FCr Kama ist ein originell ausgearbeitetes \"K\". Jedes von einem NSC oder andere im Spiel zu findende \"K\" bedeutet Kama. Das Anh\u00E4ngsel \"k\" bzw. \"kilo\" bedeutet auch 1000 von etwas an dem es dranh\u00E4ngt. ('10k Weizen' bedeutet 10.000 Weizen.) Wenn es sich auf eine W\u00E4hrung bezieht steht es f\u00FCr normale Einheiten, das DoppelK (kK), sprich Kilokama, steht wiederum f\u00FCr den Preis in Tausend."@de . . "Kama (\u30AB\u30FC\u30DE?) is a demon in the series."@en . "-"@en . . "Not much is known about Kama. However, given that she assigns Coop his duties, it is logical to conclude that she is his superior/boss. She is presumably a few centuries old as well."@en . . . . "163"^^ . . . "86400.0"^^ . "257"^^ . . "259"^^ . "Mudoon\nJudgement\nPenta Wall"@en . . "The Last Mission"@fr . . "Kamas are the main currency in Dofus. They can be earned by defeating Monsters, selling items, selling Ogrines, and completing certain Quests or Achievements. Kamas have no weight, meaning a player can carry millions of Kamas as easily as he can carry ten, however 1 trillion Kamas is the maximum amount of Kamas one can have in his inventory. The symbol for Kama is a styled 'K'. Any NPC or other game price using K means Kama. However, if someone were to sell an item for '1.4mk' this would mean 1,400,000k. MK means Million Kamas, '1.4bk' would mean 1,400,000,000k, and so on."@en . . . "2940"^^ . . "I'll teach you a bit about love."@en . . . . . "20"^^ . . . "The symbol for kama is Image: Kama.png (a styled K, with a double cross-bar, simlar to \u00A3, \u00A5 and \u20AC)."@en . . . . "Kama"@en . . . "I'm Genma Kama. I love pretty navels! Nice to meet you."@en . . "Love and desire are best when deep. Like a nice full vessel."@en . "\"My name is Kama.My destiny is unknown and so am I, but one day Makuta every where will fear me,and you will be the first to experience my wrath.\" \u2014Kama To Venama after Defeating Him in battle Kama was a Deta matoran,though he did not know it,he was transformed into a toa by a toa stone and captured by Chirox but was rescued by arik,a fellow toa,later falling into a OoMN pod and taken to Daxia."@en . "Single Foe/1/Gun/None"@en . . . "Kama was an Ancient Egyptian member of the Royal Family. Her connection to it is unknown though she is known to have been buried at Leontopolis. She has been suggested as the same woman as Karomama B and is thought possibly to have been the wife of Iuput II who ruled at Leontopolis during the time of Piye's invasion."@en . "Description: \"Okinawan and Japanese traditional farming implements similar to a sickle used for reaping crops and also employed as a weapon.\" How to acquire: Can be bought from Yulgar's Shop for 5,000 gold. Sell Value: 1,250 gold. Image:Kama.png Type: Axe \n* 1 / 18-22 \n* 2 / 26-32 \n* 3 / 32-39 \n* 4 / 36-44 \n* 5 /41-50 \n* 6 / 45-54 \n* 7 / 48-59 \n* 8 / 51-63 \n* 9 / 54-66 \n* 10 / 57-70 \n* 11 / 60-73 \n* ?? / ??-??"@en . . "51"^^ . "You can't separate love and desire."@en . "Kamatari HD.png"@es . "3"^^ . "Vivant"@fr . . . . "Unit ATK +18%"@en . "Marin Karin\nShield All\nZandyne"@en . . . "250"^^ . "Resistant"@en . . "-"@en . "Kama (\u30AB\u30DE, Kama) est le chef de la Troupe des Loups Affam\u00E9s, ordre consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme \u00E9tant le plus puissant ex\u00E9cuteur du royaume de Fiore."@fr . . "380"^^ . . "shifta & deband"@en . "Kama (\u30AB\u30FC\u30DE?) is a demon in the series."@en . "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3"@en . . "43"^^ . "4"^^ . "86400.0"^^ . . "13"^^ . "109"^^ . "2782"^^ . "The kama is similar to the sickle or a small scythe and bears a strong resemblance to a heavy pick but without the backside peen. It has a straight haft about the same size as a handaxe. The blade has less curvature than a sickle and starts out broader at the base before tapering to a sharp tip. An average kama costs 2gp and weighs 2lbs (0.9kg)."@en . "Resist"@en . . . . "3300"^^ . . . . "Phys x1-2, 1 enemy"@en . "204"^^ . "???"@en . . "101"^^ . "31"^^ . . "Heaven's Bow\\Innate\nMadness Needle\\Innate\nDekunda\\73\nDekaja\\74"@en . "93"^^ . "Leader of the Garou Knights"@en . "67864"^^ . . "152"^^ . . "Offensive"@en . "-"@en . "Menma Uzumaki~~Film seulement"@fr . "x2"@en . "12"^^ . . "Kamas ist die W\u00E4hrung im Spiel. Man bekommt sie f\u00FCr das besiegen von Gegener im Kampf, Verkauf von Gegenst\u00E4nden und L\u00F6sen von verschiedenen Quests. Das Symbol f\u00FCr Kama ist ein originell ausgearbeitetes \"K\". Jedes von einem NSC oder andere im Spiel zu findende \"K\" bedeutet Kama. Das Anh\u00E4ngsel \"k\" bzw. \"kilo\" bedeutet auch 1000 von etwas an dem es dranh\u00E4ngt. ('10k Weizen' bedeutet 10.000 Weizen.) Wenn es sich auf eine W\u00E4hrung bezieht steht es f\u00FCr normale Einheiten, das DoppelK (kK), sprich Kilokama, steht wiederum f\u00FCr den Preis in Tausend. Beispiel: Eine Tofufeder wird f\u00FCr 20K angeboten - also kosten 100 Tofufedern 2kK = 2.000K (sprich 2 Kilokama oder 2000 Kama), 1.000 Tofufedern 20kK und so weiter. Des Weiteren sind gelegentlich auch andere Vorsilben gebr\u00E4uchlich: \n* D deka 10 \n* h hekto 100 \n* k kilo 1000 \n* M mega 1000000 \n* G giga 1000000000 Ein sehr gro\u00DFes Haus in Astrub kostet etwa 5 Megakama. Demnach gilt: 5MK = 5000kK = 5000000K = 5 Millionen Kama. Kategorie:Spielinformation"@de . . . . . "Kami Sureiya"@en . "278"^^ . . "*Beaming\n*Empathy\n*Cupid Powers"@en . . "Kama"@en . "Good, sending me to heaven!"@en . "Drain"@en . "I Kama sono la moneta corrente in Amakna. Li puoi guadagnare sconfiggendo mostri, vendendo oggetti e completando alcune Missioni. I kama non hanno peso. Il simbolo dei kama \u00E8 K. Se si vuole utilizzare il suffisso k per kilo (migliaio) bisogna, onde evitare confusione, utilizzare k due volte ad esempio: 10000 kama saranno abbreviati come: 10kk"@it . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . "Una Kama (\u9570, Kama) es una hoz japonesa utilizada como un arma. Tiene un mango corto y un pico agudo que causa da\u00F1os. A Fu y Ao se les ha visto lanzar una kama en su pelea. Hay tambi\u00E9n una variaci\u00F3n del kama: el kusarigama, que tiene una cadena unida a ella para aumentar su rango de ataque. Tambi\u00E9n Hidan lleva otra variaci\u00F3n: una gigantesca Guada\u00F1a de Triple Filo. Una Kama era una de las armas predilectas de Madara Uchiha en el pasado que utilizaba con mucha frecuencia, esta ten\u00EDa la capacidad de estirarse para atacar a media distancia. Categor\u00EDa:Armas"@es . "\u30AB\u30DE"@fr . "Light-Neutral"@en . . . "21"^^ . "Archwitch 5x dmg"@en . "Kamas|right Kamas sind die offizielle W\u00E4hrung Wakfus. Besonders Enutrofs haben sich auf sie spezialisiert."@de . . . "Before being improvised as a weapon, the kama was widely used throughout Asia to cut crops, mostly rice. It is found in many shapes and forms in Southeast Asia and is particularly common in martial arts from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is also used occasionally in Chinese martial arts. From one or both of these areas, the kama was brought to Okinawa and incorporated into the martial art of te (hand) and later karate (empty hand)."@en . "Un kama era una t\u00FAnica unida al cintur\u00F3n del usuario. A menudo descrito como un cintur\u00F3n-polaina o medio-kilt, el Kama era una prenda tradicional de la cultura mandaloriana, y m\u00E1s tarde fue adaptado por la Rep\u00FAblica para los Soldado clon durante las Guerras Clon, aunque en general, lo utilizaban m\u00E1s, los soldados de \u00E9lite y los de rango elevado, que los rasos."@es . "+1 attack bonus"@en . "13"^^ . "Kama (\u30AB\u30DE Kama) is the leader of the Garou Knights, the most powerful executioners of Fiore."@en . "Male"@en . "yes"@en . "Light"@en . "[Source] Kamas (or belt-capes) were skirt-like armor accoutrements worn from the belt. In the later days of the Phase I armor, clone trooper commanders added blast-resistant kamas as additions to their kits, along with other gears. The cold weather assault stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire would later wear insulating kamas, and so did the First Order snowtroopers."@en . "Resist"@en . "Kamas|right Kamas sind die offizielle W\u00E4hrung Wakfus. Besonders Enutrofs haben sich auf sie spezialisiert."@de . "Floor Master"@fr . "[Autoskill]"@en . "Kama on dofuksen valuuttaa. Kamaa voi saada taistelemalla otuksia vastaan, myym\u00E4ll\u00E4 tavaraa, tekem\u00E4ll\u00E4 teht\u00E4vi\u00E4, myym\u00E4ll\u00E4 ogrineita ja tekem\u00E4ll\u00E4 saavutuksia. Kama ei paina mit\u00E4\u00E4n, joka tarkoittaa sit\u00E4, ett\u00E4 voit kantaa niin paljoin kamaa kuin vain tarvitset. Kaman symboli on K. Joskus keskustelussa k\u00E4ytetty 10K voi tarkoittaa 10 000 kamasia, mutta oikein merkittyn\u00E4 sen pit\u00E4isi kirjoittaa 10KK. Puhuttaessa miljoonista, merkint\u00E4 tehd\u00E4\u00E4n MK, esimerkiksi 1,4MK."@fi . "Pilla"@en . "Gives my guidance a purpose."@en . . "2650"^^ . . "*Anti-blast leg protection\n*Insulation"@en . "Flexible armor"@en . "-"@en . "Kamas are the main currency in Dofus. They can be earned by defeating Monsters, selling items, selling Ogrines, and completing certain Quests or Achievements. Kamas have no weight, meaning a player can carry millions of Kamas as easily as he can carry ten, however 1 trillion Kamas is the maximum amount of Kamas one can have in his inventory. The symbol for Kama is a styled 'K'. Any NPC or other game price using K means Kama. The suffix 'k' (short for 'kilo') means 1000 of something if it refers to an object ('10k wheat' means 10,000 wheat). When it refers to the currency, a k is used to represent normal units and double k (\"kk\") is used to indicate that the item price is thousand. For example, someone buying a Tofu Feather for 20k means they're looking to spend 20 kamas on it. Whereas if they had said 20kk it would have meant 20,000 kamas. However, if someone were to sell an item for '1.4mk' this would mean 1,400,000k. MK means Million Kamas, '1.4bk' would mean 1,400,000,000k, and so on."@en . . . . . "God of love"@en . . . . . . . "Kama (\u30AB\u30DE Kama) is the leader of the Garou Knights, the most powerful executioners of Fiore."@en . "Naruto: The Cross Roads"@en . . . . "-"@en . . "Kama"@es . . "3150"^^ . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas y Videojuegos"@es . . "Bruns"@fr . "Kama"@fr . "31"^^ . "thumbLes kamas sont la monnaie in-game du monde de Wakfu.Le symbole des kamas est Image:Kama.png (Un K stylis\u00E9, avec une double barre, similaire au \u00A3, \u00A5 et \u20AC)."@fr . . . . "A kama was a farming implement similar to a sickle or a very small scythe, used for reaping crops, and also used at times as a peasant weapon. It was reputed to be a favorite weapon of the ninja. They were usually made of a short shaft of wood no more than two feet in length with a slightly-curved tapering blade extending from the top of the shaft at a right angle. The blade was generally sharpened on the inside of the curve only. Those who wielded kama in combat often use them in pairs. The Yoritomo family adopted them as their official weapon. Even the Mantis Clan Champion generally carried a matched set of kama."@en . . "47"^^ . "Sickle"@en . . "Kama"@it . "None"@en . . "Kama"@fr . "\u938C"@en . . "Black"@en . "-"@en . . "How about you?"@en . "thumb|200pxEs la moneda de cambio manejada en DOFUS. Se puede obtener como recompensa en combates ganados contra criaturas, vendiendo objetos o como recompensa en muchas misiones. Permite al jugador comprar objetos, tales como recursos o equipamiento, as\u00ED como viajar por el mundo utilizando los zaaps. El s\u00EDmbolo del kama es la letra k; para expresar miles de kamas se usa kk, y para millones se usa mk, a continuaci\u00F3n la nomenclatura de kamas seg\u00FAn la cantidad: Quereis saber como ganar kamas , pues los invito a ver mi video"@es . . "Saisu Kamano"@es . "Rushu"@en . "-"@en . "Grey"@en . "No"@en . "19"^^ . "Kama"@es . . "Kama"@sv . "OwvjM6+%nH$co4jx"@en . . . "Category:Exotic weaponsCategory:Bladed weapons"@en . . . "Obr\u00E1zek kamasu|right|border|161px Kama (neboli Kamas)je ofici\u00E1ln\u00ED m\u011Bna DOFUSu. Kamy m\u016F\u017Eete z\u00EDskat obchodem, zab\u00EDjen\u00EDm monster, \u00FAkoly.. M\u016F\u017Eete je pou\u017E\u00EDvat k nakupov\u00E1n\u00ED r\u016Fzn\u00FDch lektvar\u016F, chleb\u016F, kn\u00ED\u017Eek atd."@cs . . "Not much is known about Kama. However, given that she assigns Coop his duties, it is logical to conclude that she is his superior/boss. She is presumably a few centuries old as well."@en . "Brown"@en . "Kama sind elastische R\u00F6cke die zum Schutz vor spitzen Gegenst\u00E4nden. Jeder Clone Commander tr\u00E4gt ein Kama. Kategorie:Commander Ausstattung"@de . . . . . . . "60"^^ . . "Faux"@fr . "\u9570"@es . . "reverser"@en . . "K\u0101ma (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: \u0915\u093E\u092E) is pleasure, sensual gratification, sexual fulfillment, pleasure of the senses, desire, eros, the aesthetic enjoyment of life in Sanskrit. In Hinduism, k\u0101ma is regarded as the third of the four goals of life (purusharthas): the others are duty (dharma), worldly status (artha) and salvation (moksha). Kama-deva is the personification of this, a god equivalent to the Greek Eros and the Roman Cupid. Kama-rupa is a subtle body or aura composed of desire, while Kama-loka is the realm this inhabits, particularly in the afterlife."@en . . "*Queen of Ktath'atn's hive\n*Grand Army of the Republic\n*Imperial Army\n*First Order military"@en . . . . . "Kama"@de . . . "Kama on dofuksen valuuttaa. Kamaa voi saada taistelemalla otuksia vastaan, myym\u00E4ll\u00E4 tavaraa, tekem\u00E4ll\u00E4 teht\u00E4vi\u00E4, myym\u00E4ll\u00E4 ogrineita ja tekem\u00E4ll\u00E4 saavutuksia. Kama ei paina mit\u00E4\u00E4n, joka tarkoittaa sit\u00E4, ett\u00E4 voit kantaa niin paljoin kamaa kuin vain tarvitset. Kaman symboli on K. Joskus keskustelussa k\u00E4ytetty 10K voi tarkoittaa 10 000 kamasia, mutta oikein merkittyn\u00E4 sen pit\u00E4isi kirjoittaa 10KK. Puhuttaessa miljoonista, merkint\u00E4 tehd\u00E4\u00E4n MK, esimerkiksi 1,4MK."@fi . "Resist"@en . "29"^^ . "The shinobi used kamas to cut bamboo fences. These fences would have clay applied to them. The Bansenshukai shinobi manual contains a folding version. A kama could easily be used as a weapon, although there is no historical evidence of it being used as such. There are various traditions that detail the use of some form of lubrication that muffle the sound of a saw cutting."@en . . . "27"^^ . "Kama"@es . . "Kama ist ein Rapper aus dem VBT Splash!-Edition 2014, dem JBB 2014 und dem \"Mini-JBB\". Er ist auch Bruder und Kollege von Cinemah."@de . "23"^^ . . "Kama est un personnage qui appara\u00EEt dans le film The Last Mission et un des Floor Masters de la Tour c\u00E9leste."@fr . "__TOC__"@en . . "336"^^ . . . "24"^^ . "2800"^^ . "shifta & deband"@en . "574"^^ . . "49"^^ . "Wyn Delano"@en . "Troupe des Loups Affam\u00E9s"@fr . . "542"^^ . "-"@en . "thumb|200pxEs la moneda de cambio manejada en DOFUS. Se puede obtener como recompensa en combates ganados contra criaturas, vendiendo objetos o como recompensa en muchas misiones. Permite al jugador comprar objetos, tales como recursos o equipamiento, as\u00ED como viajar por el mundo utilizando los zaaps. El s\u00EDmbolo del kama es la letra k; para expresar miles de kamas se usa kk, y para millones se usa mk, a continuaci\u00F3n la nomenclatura de kamas seg\u00FAn la cantidad: Quereis saber como ganar kamas , pues los invito a ver mi video"@es . "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3"@fr . . "108"^^ . . "144"^^ . "Of course, I'm after both."@en . . . "F\u016B Yamanaka, Kamatari, Madara Uchiha, Sasori, Tenten, Saisu Kamano~anime, Sukune~anime, Yamame~anime, Menma Uzumaki~movie"@en . "El kama es un arma de la isla de Okinawa usada en el arte marcial de las armas o kobudo japonesa de origen campesino. Se trata de una hoz de mango largo que se utilizaba para segar cereales; la diferencia con la hoz occidental es la curvatura del kama, que empieza en el mango. Cuando el kama lleva una cuerda con un peso, se le llama kusarikama o kusarigama. Este instrumento se manejaba poco afilado y sin punta incisiva, hasta que se convirti\u00F3 en un arma letal llegando a usarse a pares contra armas como el bo, o bast\u00F3n largo y la katana, o sable japons\u00E9s; de los guerreros samurai. Asimismo algunos estilos del arte marcial tradicional del ninjutsu, la incluyen en sus entrenamientos y curr\u00EDculo."@es . "Kama ist ein Rapper aus dem VBT Splash!-Edition 2014, dem JBB 2014 und dem \"Mini-JBB\". Er ist auch Bruder und Kollege von Cinemah."@de . "Deity"@en . "Oui"@fr . . . "Kama es un arma usada por Nitara en Mortal Kombat: Armageddon y se puede encontrar en el Modo Historia y VS de MKSM. El kusarigama o simplemente kama (cadena--falciformes) es un tradicional Japon\u00E9s armas que consiste en kama (el Japon\u00E9s equivalente de una hoz/guada\u00F1a) en una cadena de metal (manriki) Con un peso pesado de hierro en el extremo. Aunque el kusarigama se deriva de un agricultor guada\u00F1a, Y aunque la hoz a menudo se llevan como un arma durante la feudal era de Jap\u00F3n, estos agricultores no llevar kusarigama. Su objetivo como un arma era muy obvio, por lo que a diferencia de una hoz, no pod\u00EDa llevarse a abiertamente. El arte de la manipulaci\u00F3n de la kusarigama se llama Kusarigamajutsu."@es . . "539"^^ . "Ofensiva"@es . "17"^^ . . "Slashing"@en . . "8"^^ . "-"@en . "11"^^ . "210"^^ . "Goddess of desire. Holds secret rituals to teach love techniques. Even the Demon God seeks her techniques."@en . "12"^^ . . "13"^^ . . "1904"^^ . "5"^^ . . "2"^^ . "7"^^ . . "1"^^ . "71"^^ . . . . . . "Masculin"@fr . . "Genma"@en . "Kama"@en . "\u00C9s la moneda utilitzada com a diner de Dofus. Es pot obtenir com a recompensa en acabar un combat guanyat contra criatures, venent objectes o com a recompensa d'una Missi\u00F3. Permet al jugador comprar objectes, com ara recursos o equipament, aix\u00ED com viatjar pel m\u00F3n utilitzant els zaaps. El s\u00EDmbol de la kama \u00E9s la lletra \"k\", que no s'ha de confondre amb el que es fa servir per expressar milers de kamas (25kk = 25.000 Kames), o milions (50mk = 50.000.000)."@ca . . . "__TOC__"@en . . . . . "-"@en . "Kama.jpg"@en . "478"^^ . . "Kama \u00E4r en Japansk sk\u00E4rare som anv\u00E4nds som vapen. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game\")kategori:Tau'ri teknologikategori:Vapen"@sv . "Menma Uzumaki"@es . "Tetraja\\Innate\nMadness Needle\\Innate\nDiarahan\\Innate\nHeaven's Bow\\73"@en . . . "The kama is similar to the sickle or a small scythe and bears a strong resemblance to a heavy pick but without the backside peen. It has a straight haft about the same size as a handaxe. The blade has less curvature than a sickle and starts out broader at the base before tapering to a sharp tip. An average kama costs 2gp and weighs 2lbs (0.9kg)."@en . . "Parrot"@en . "15"^^ . . . "447"^^ . "Diarahan\nHeaven's Bow\nMana Aid"@en . "-"@en . "Bruns"@fr . "Ho ho ho! Goodbye! Sayonara!"@en . . "Anti-Ailment *"@en . . . "True Phantasm"@en . . "Executioner"@en . "* 2nd or 3rd tier MAG\n* Level 50, 55, 60, etc.\n* No 4th tier evolution\n* either:Fed by hunter POW ≥ DEX ≥ MINDor:Fed by hunter DEX = MINDor:Fed by ranger POW > DEX ≥ MINDor:Fed by ranger POW = MINDor:Fed by ranger DEX ≥ MIND ≥ POW"@en . . . "As with many weapons, the kama was adapted for combat by the peasants that used them as farming implements, often because they were forbidden from owning swords or the like. The kama mold requires 1 metal ingot. For the properties of exotic metals, see the Materials page."@en . "*Mirajane Strauss, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell & Panther Lily vs. Garou Knights \n*Natsu Dragneel vs. Kama\n*Rescue Team vs. Fiore Forces"@en . "N/C"@fr . . "Black"@en . . "Una Kama (\u9570, Kama) es una hoz japonesa utilizada como un arma. Tiene un mango corto y un pico agudo que causa da\u00F1os. A Fu y Ao se les ha visto lanzar una kama en su pelea. Hay tambi\u00E9n una variaci\u00F3n del kama: el kusarigama, que tiene una cadena unida a ella para aumentar su rango de ataque. Tambi\u00E9n Hidan lleva otra variaci\u00F3n: una gigantesca Guada\u00F1a de Triple Filo. Una Kama era una de las armas predilectas de Madara Uchiha en el pasado que utilizaba con mucha frecuencia, esta ten\u00EDa la capacidad de estirarse para atacar a media distancia. Categor\u00EDa:Armas"@en . "Brakmar"@en . "20484"^^ . "\u0915\u093E\u092E\u0926\u0947\u0935"@en . . "29"^^ . . . . "Kama"@es . "60"^^ . . . "Resist"@en . "86400.0"^^ . "Description: \"Okinawan and Japanese traditional farming implements similar to a sickle used for reaping crops and also employed as a weapon.\" How to acquire: Can be bought from Yulgar's Shop for 5,000 gold. Sell Value: 1,250 gold. Image:Kama.png Type: Axe \n* 1 / 18-22 \n* 2 / 26-32 \n* 3 / 32-39 \n* 4 / 36-44 \n* 5 /41-50 \n* 6 / 45-54 \n* 7 / 48-59 \n* 8 / 51-63 \n* 9 / 54-66 \n* 10 / 57-70 \n* 11 / 60-73 \n* ?? / ??-??"@en . "Human"@en . "No"@en . . . . "Kama"@es . "1"^^ .