. . . . . . . . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3"@es . "Reins"@en . . . . . "Tauntaun"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tauntauns were bi-pedal beings that roamed the icy caves and plains of Hoth. They were the main source of food for the Wampas, who also dwelled in the planet's ice caves. They had fur which kept them moderately warm. Their white fur helped them to blend in with the snow and they were quite fast, this helped them to escape from the Wampas."@en . "Tauntauns sind 1,80 Meter gro\u00DFe echsenartige Lebewesen auf dem Eisplanet Hoth, die zu der Gattung der Reptilien geh\u00F6ren. Sie sind mit einem isolierenden, grauwei\u00DFen Pelz bedeckt. Im Laufe der Evolution haben sie sich perfekt an die widrigen Lebensbedingungen auf Hoth angepasst, was ihnen den Namen \u201ESchnee-Echsen\u201C eingebracht hatte. Sie gelten als st\u00F6rrisch und spucken recht h\u00E4ufig. Ihre Anpassung an die lebensfeindlichen Umgebung auf ihrer Heimatwelt f\u00FChrte dazu, sie dort als Reittiere zu benutzten."@de . . "Star WarsClassic"@en . "Tauntaun"@es . "feh\u00E9r"@hu . . . "Tauntaun"@es . "Zuurstof"@nl . . "7879"^^ . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0443\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0443\u043D"@hu . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Tauntaun"@hu . . . "Star Wars"@en . "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"@en . . . "Tauntaun"@nl . "9"^^ . "siehe links"@de . . "*Red Harvest\n*Star Wars: The Old Republic\n*Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds\n*Darth Bane: Path of Destruction \n*Star Wars: Battlefront\n*Star Wars: Battlefront II\n*Star Wars: Republic 27: Starcrash \n*The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing\n* \n*Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns\n*Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron\n*Star Wars: The Clone Wars junior novelization \n*The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: The Way of the Jedi \n*The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: The Lost Legion \n*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game \n*Kessel Run \n*Iceworld\n* \n* \n*Star Wars: Empire at War\n*Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader\n*Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike\n*Star Wars: Force Comandante\n*Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi\n*Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders\n*\n*Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine \n*\n*Star Wars: X-wing\n*Rebel Misi\u00F3n a Ord Mantell \n*Star Wars Episodio V: El Imperio Contraataca\n*Star Wars Episodio V: El Imperio Contraataca junior novel\n*Star Wars Episodio V: El Imperio Contraataca novel \n*Star Wars 39: The Empire Strikes Back: Beginning\n*\n*Star Wars 40: The Empire Strikes Back: Battleground Hoth\n*Entrenched\n*Star Wars 78: Hoth Stuff! \n* \n*Star Wars Episodio VI: El Retorno del Jedi radio drama \n*Star Wars Episodio VI: El Retorno del Jedi \n*One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid \n*A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker\n*X-wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess \n*Prophets of the Dark Side \n*X-wing: The Bacta War \n*Dark Force Rising \n*The Last Command \n*Dark Apprentice\n*Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy\n*Before the Storm \n*Star Wars: Union \n*Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones\n*Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell \n*Dark Tide II: Ruin \n*The Unifying Force \n*Sacrifice \n*Fury \n*Millennium Falcon \n*Omen \n*Backlash''"@es . . "T\u00E4n'-t\u00E4n"@nl . "Tauntauns are a species of omnivorous reptomammals who are indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth. Tauntauns are commonly used as pack animals."@en . . . "/games-apps/star-wars-galactic-defense"@en . "1.3"^^ . . "In geval van nood omnivoor"@nl . "Tauntauns (pronounced /t\u00E4n'-t\u00E4n/) were a species of non-sentient lizards native to the snowy plains of Hoth. They were used by members of the Rebel Alliance after they domesticated some of them when they built their new headquarters on Hoth."@en . . . . "Tauntaun"@fr . "1"^^ . . . "Une paire"@fr . "Tauntaun"@nl . "4"^^ . . "Tauntaun"@es . "Tauntaun"@hu . "Tauntauns (ook wel 'Snow Lizards' genaamd) waren een soort Reptomammals afkomstig van de ijsplaneet Hoth. Tijdens hun verblijf op Hoth gebruikte de Rebel Alliance Tauntauns als rijdieren."@nl . "Tauntaun"@cs . . . "Los tauntaun son una especie de lagartos peludos que soportan las bajas temperaturas del planeta Hoth. Estas criaturas corren sobre sus dos piernas traseras a una velocidad bastante considerable, por lo que se convierten en un transporte ideal ya que los tradicionales veh\u00EDculos de la Galaxia (speeders, swoop) tienden a fallar por el fr\u00EDo. Normalmente se agrupan en manadas, las cuales en conjunto se defienden de depredadores m\u00E1s grandes y fuertes o bien para cuidar a las cr\u00EDas y buscar alimento. Habitualmente comen l\u00EDquenes y musgos, pero tambi\u00E9n comen carro\u00F1a y peque\u00F1os roedores de Hoth."@es . . "Omnivore"@en . "blanco"@es . . "The tauntaun was a big, bipedal and extremely smelly semi-intelligent lizard-creature that was found on a variety of worlds, including the ice ball Hoth and the sand ball Tatooine. On the former planet, it was the favored prey of wampas; the carcass of a tauntaun was also useful for keeping a person suffering from hypothermia alive. Of course, that person might not thank you for such a method once they smell their clothes. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . "SDCC 2014: Inside Marvel's New Star Wars Comics – Exclusive"@en . "Tauntaun"@nl . . . . "Tauntaun"@es . "Non-sapient"@en . . "Tauntauns are a species of omnivorous reptomammals who are indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth. Tauntauns are commonly used as pack animals."@en . . . . . . "Lego\u00AE tauntauns were first seen in the Lego Star Wars video games long before they were ever included in a set. The tauntaun minifigure was first released in 2011, in a set called Echo Base. They were much different than the ones featured in the game, and the Tauntaun was supposed to be the one that Han Solo rode."@en . . "Terrestres"@es . . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Giant Tauntaun"@en . "Saddle"@en . . "*Climbing tauntaun\n*Giant tauntaun\n*Glacier tauntaun\n*Scaly tauntaun"@es . "Tauntaun"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tauntaun"@es . . "In Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, the rebels were seen riding Tauntauns. The special also introduces the Don Knotts variation of the creature, the Dondon."@en . "Tauntaun"@es . . . . "Entre 1,3 y 2 metros"@es . "In Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, the rebels were seen riding Tauntauns. The special also introduces the Don Knotts variation of the creature, the Dondon."@en . . "Tauntaun"@en . "D\u00E9sert enneig\u00E9"@fr . . "No"@en . "Tauntaun"@en . . "Hoth"@es . . "Tauntaun"@nl . . . . "kids/do/draw/f20091105/index.html"@es . . . "[Source] Les Tauntauns sont une esp\u00E8ce omnivore, autochtones de la plan\u00E8te glaciaire de Hoth. Ils \u00E9taient fr\u00E9quemment utilis\u00E9s comme montures pour les patrouilles de l'Alliance Rebelle alors qu'elle se cachait de l'Empire Galactique dans la Base Echo. Les Tauntauns sont assez similaires aux Kybucks, ils ne poss\u00E8dent pas de glandes mammaires ni de peau. C'est une esp\u00E8ce \u00E0 sang chaud, recouvert de poils (qui vont du blanc au gris). Ils sont les proies des wampas."@fr . . "Tauntauns (ook wel 'Snow Lizards' genaamd) waren een soort Reptomammals afkomstig van de ijsplaneet Hoth. Tijdens hun verblijf op Hoth gebruikte de Rebel Alliance Tauntauns als rijdieren."@nl . . . . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3"@nl . . "Drawing a Tauntaun"@es . "\u0422\u0430\u0443\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0443\u043D"@nl . . "Tauntaun"@de . . . . . "Tauntauns are 2.5 m (8.2 ft) tall bipeds, indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth. Tauntauns are covered with white fur and have downturned horns, four nostrils, and a foul body odor. They subist off lichen found in hoarfrost as well as eating mushrooms and other fungi found in ice caves. Tauntauns were commonly used as pack animals during the Rebel Alliance's stay on Hoth. Tauntauns were also used as patrol mounts when it was learned that the Rebel Alliance's own vehicles could not cope with the cold very well."@en . . "explore/the-movies/episode-v/"@en . . . "Lego\u00AE tauntauns were first seen in the Lego Star Wars video games long before they were ever included in a set. The tauntaun minifigure was first released in 2011, in a set called Echo Base. They were much different than the ones featured in the game, and the Tauntaun was supposed to be the one that Han Solo rode."@en . "siehe links"@de . "Los tauntaun son una especie de lagartos peludos que soportan las bajas temperaturas del planeta Hoth. Estas criaturas corren sobre sus dos piernas traseras a una velocidad bastante considerable, por lo que se convierten en un transporte ideal ya que los tradicionales veh\u00EDculos de la Galaxia (speeders, swoop) tienden a fallar por el fr\u00EDo. Normalmente se agrupan en manadas, las cuales en conjunto se defienden de depredadores m\u00E1s grandes y fuertes o bien para cuidar a las cr\u00EDas y buscar alimento. Habitualmente comen l\u00EDquenes y musgos, pero tambi\u00E9n comen carro\u00F1a y peque\u00F1os roedores de Hoth. Los tauntaun exudan aceites por los poros de su piel para protegerse del fr\u00EDo; estos aceites tienen un olor muy caracter\u00EDstico. Su sangre fr\u00EDa no les ayuda mucho contra las bajas temperaturas, por eso sus \u00F3rganos y su piel se envuelven en grasas y aceites. Cabe se\u00F1alar que su sangre tiene un proceso adicional el cual sirve para generar calor, este proceso es desconocido para los zo\u00F3logos de la Galaxia. Estos animales son gregarios, viajan a trav\u00E9s de las llanuras cubiertas de nieve en grandes manadas. Comen una forma peculiar de hongos que viven justo debajo de la capa superior de nieve y hielo. Durante el d\u00EDa, vagan por el campo buscando lugares donde sus garras puedan ara\u00F1ar suficiente hielo para alcanzar las sabrosas cosechas de hongos. Por la noche, buscan guarecerse en cuevas y otras protecciones; cuando la temperatura del planeta baja dr\u00E1sticamente, los tauntaun buscan el calor apretuj\u00E1ndose unos a otros. Si son sorprendidos a campo abierto cuando cae la noche, ni siquiera su gruesa piel les protege del intenso fr\u00EDo del planeta Hoth. Durante los temporales y las noches invernales, los tauntaun buscan refugio en cavernas y grutas de hielo m\u00E1s profundas, ya que en las cuevas poco hondas no logran resistir tales temperaturas extremas. Existen por lo menos quince especies diferentes de tauntaun repartidos por todo el planeta, y cada una de ellas tiene caracter\u00EDsticas propias y \u00FAnicas. Cuando la Alianza Rebelde estableci\u00F3 la m\u00EDtica Base Eco en Hoth, los tauntaun fueron usados como transporte a cambio de protecci\u00F3n y comida. [[Archivo:Luketauntaun.jpg|thumb|270px|Luke Skywalker a horcajadas en un tauntaun mientras patrulla Hoth.]]"@es . . . . . . . . "After being convinced to help Mickey Mouse, Eric Cartman uses a Tauntaun to rush to Stevenson's Hummer, in an effort to release the missing election ballots. Although only seen briefly, the Tauntaun growls, as people wait for Kyle Broflovski to make a decision on the fate of Star Wars."@en . "Han Solo"@nl . . . "A Tauntaun is a Star Wars bipedal creature found on the snow/ice planet of Hoth first released in 2009. Han Solo was seen riding one of these before the Battle of Hoth. Many of them were killed by Wampas invading Echo Base."@en . "Tauntaun"@es . . "Tauntaun obrovsk\u00FD"@nl . . . "100.0"^^ . "Tauntauns are omnivorous reptomammals indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth."@en . "Tauntauns (pronounced /t\u00E4n'-t\u00E4n/) were a species of non-sentient lizards native to the snowy plains of Hoth. They were used by members of the Rebel Alliance after they domesticated some of them when they built their new headquarters on Hoth."@en . . . . . . "Tauntaun"@es . "Tauntauns sind 1,80 Meter gro\u00DFe echsenartige Lebewesen auf dem Eisplanet Hoth, die zu der Gattung der Reptilien geh\u00F6ren. Sie sind mit einem isolierenden, grauwei\u00DFen Pelz bedeckt. Im Laufe der Evolution haben sie sich perfekt an die widrigen Lebensbedingungen auf Hoth angepasst, was ihnen den Namen \u201ESchnee-Echsen\u201C eingebracht hatte. Sie gelten als st\u00F6rrisch und spucken recht h\u00E4ufig. Ihre Anpassung an die lebensfeindlichen Umgebung auf ihrer Heimatwelt f\u00FChrte dazu, sie dort als Reittiere zu benutzten."@de . "*Episode V"@de . . . . . "Tauntaun"@fr . . . "Tauntaunit"@hu . . "Omnivoros"@es . . . . "Tauntaun"@nl . . . . . . "A tauntaunok a Hoth j\u00E9gbolyg\u00F3 mindenev\u0151 h\u00FCll\u0151-eml\u0151sei voltak. Az itt b\u00E1zist kialak\u00EDt\u00F3 L\u00E1zad\u00F3k Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge r\u00E9szint h\u00E1tas\u00E1llatk\u00E9nt, r\u00E9szint pedig j\u00E1r\u0151r\u00F6z\u00E9sre haszn\u00E1lta \u0151ket, am\u00EDg a l\u00E1zad\u00F3k nem tudt\u00E1k \u00E1t\u00E1ll\u00EDtani a h\u00F3sikl\u00F3kat a hothi id\u0151j\u00E1r\u00E1shoz. A tauntaunoknak k\u00E9t el\u0151re ir\u00E1nyul\u00F3 szarvuk volt, melyeket f\u0151k\u00E9nt v\u00E9dekez\u00E9s c\u00E9lj\u00E1b\u00F3l haszn\u00E1ltak. Kedvelt t\u00E1pl\u00E1l\u00E9knak sz\u00E1m\u00EDtottak a bolyg\u00F3 egy m\u00E1sik \u0151shonos faj\u00E1nak a wamp\u00E1knak. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . "Tauntauns were bi-pedal beings that roamed the icy caves and plains of Hoth. They were the main source of food for the Wampas, who also dwelled in the planet's ice caves. They had fur which kept them moderately warm. Their white fur helped them to blend in with the snow and they were quite fast, this helped them to escape from the Wampas."@en . . . . . . . . . . "A Tauntaun is a Star Wars bipedal creature found on the snow/ice planet of Hoth first released in 2009. Han Solo was seen riding one of these before the Battle of Hoth. Many of them were killed by Wampas invading Echo Base."@en . . "75098"^^ . "Tauntauns are omnivorous reptomammals indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth."@en . . . "Tauntaun"@hu . . . "1.3"^^ . . "Common"@en . "Tauntaun"@hu . . "A tauntaunok a Hoth j\u00E9gbolyg\u00F3 mindenev\u0151 h\u00FCll\u0151-eml\u0151sei voltak. Az itt b\u00E1zist kialak\u00EDt\u00F3 L\u00E1zad\u00F3k Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge r\u00E9szint h\u00E1tas\u00E1llatk\u00E9nt, r\u00E9szint pedig j\u00E1r\u0151r\u00F6z\u00E9sre haszn\u00E1lta \u0151ket, am\u00EDg a l\u00E1zad\u00F3k nem tudt\u00E1k \u00E1t\u00E1ll\u00EDtani a h\u00F3sikl\u00F3kat a hothi id\u0151j\u00E1r\u00E1shoz. A tauntaunoknak k\u00E9t el\u0151re ir\u00E1nyul\u00F3 szarvuk volt, melyeket f\u0151k\u00E9nt v\u00E9dekez\u00E9s c\u00E9lj\u00E1b\u00F3l haszn\u00E1ltak. Kedvelt t\u00E1pl\u00E1l\u00E9knak sz\u00E1m\u00EDtottak a bolyg\u00F3 egy m\u00E1sik \u0151shonos faj\u00E1nak a wamp\u00E1knak. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . . . . . . "Then we\u2019ll have to out on Tauntauns"@nl . "Tauntaun"@hu . . "Non-intelligent"@nl . . . . . "[Source] Les Tauntauns sont une esp\u00E8ce omnivore, autochtones de la plan\u00E8te glaciaire de Hoth. Ils \u00E9taient fr\u00E9quemment utilis\u00E9s comme montures pour les patrouilles de l'Alliance Rebelle alors qu'elle se cachait de l'Empire Galactique dans la Base Echo. Les Tauntauns sont assez similaires aux Kybucks, ils ne poss\u00E8dent pas de glandes mammaires ni de peau. C'est une esp\u00E8ce \u00E0 sang chaud, recouvert de poils (qui vont du blanc au gris). Ils sont les proies des wampas."@fr . . . . "Tauntaun"@hu . . . . . . "Medium threat"@en . "Tauntaun"@hu . "After being convinced to help Mickey Mouse, Eric Cartman uses a Tauntaun to rush to Stevenson's Hummer, in an effort to release the missing election ballots. Although only seen briefly, the Tauntaun growls, as people wait for Kyle Broflovski to make a decision on the fate of Star Wars."@en . "The tauntaun was a big, bipedal and extremely smelly semi-intelligent lizard-creature that was found on a variety of worlds, including the ice ball Hoth and the sand ball Tatooine. On the former planet, it was the favored prey of wampas; the carcass of a tauntaun was also useful for keeping a person suffering from hypothermia alive. Of course, that person might not thank you for such a method once they smell their clothes. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . "Herbivoor"@nl . "news/9-creatures-in-the-star-wars-universe-wed-like-to-keep-as-pets"@en . . "75014"^^ . "Tauntaun"@en . . . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3"@hu . "\u0422\u0430\u0443\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0443\u043D"@es . . . . . . "Tauntaunit"@nl . . . . . "Star Wars: Galactic Defense"@en . . . . "Tauntaun"@nl . . "Tauntaun obrovsk\u00FD"@hu . "news/sdcc-2014-inside-marvels-new-star-wars-comics-exclusive"@en . . . "Climbing, Giant, Glacier, Scaly"@en . "Hoth"@en . . . . "Tauntaun"@hu . . . . . . . . "Tauntaun"@de . . . . "Lichen and small ice plants"@en . "Tauntaunit"@es . . . "Blanc \u00E0 gris"@fr . . "Tauntauns are 2.5 m (8.2 ft) tall bipeds, indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth. Tauntauns are covered with white fur and have downturned horns, four nostrils, and a foul body odor. They subist off lichen found in hoarfrost as well as eating mushrooms and other fungi found in ice caves. Tauntauns were commonly used as pack animals during the Rebel Alliance's stay on Hoth. Tauntauns were also used as patrol mounts when it was learned that the Rebel Alliance's own vehicles could not cope with the cold very well."@en . "Tauntaun obrovsk\u00FD"@es . "Tauntaun"@en . . . "Tauntauns are a species of omnivorous reptomammals that are indigenous to the snowy ice-covered planet of Hoth. Unfortunately, you can't fire shots while riding them. In the Battlefront series, they are easily killed along with the rider, which is good for hard-to-kill enemies like the Wookiee Warrior or other hard players. Tauntauns are great for quick transportation and hit and run attacks. Enemies will usually choose to shoot soldier-mounted tauntauns over normal soldiers."@en . . . . "7749"^^ . . "2 m"@fr . . "Snowy plains"@en . "Tauntaun"@nl . . . . . "Tauntaun"@hu . . . "None"@en . . . "2016"^^ . . . . . . "15"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "2013"^^ . "2011"^^ . . . "No inteligentes"@es . "Tauntauns are a species of omnivorous reptomammals that are indigenous to the snowy ice-covered planet of Hoth. Unfortunately, you can't fire shots while riding them. In the Battlefront series, they are easily killed along with the rider, which is good for hard-to-kill enemies like the Wookiee Warrior or other hard players. Tauntauns are great for quick transportation and hit and run attacks. Enemies will usually choose to shoot soldier-mounted tauntauns over normal soldiers."@en . . "2009"^^ . . . . . . "250"^^ .