"Jean-Luc_Picard_.jpg"@nl . . "Patrick Stewart performed the voice of Pharaoh Seti I in The Prince of Egypt. He is also well known for his role as Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek and Professor X in X-Men films."@en . "He reprised his role as Captain Picard in \"Peter's Got Woods\". He also played himself in \"Not All Dogs Go To Heaven\", and reprised his role as Avery Bullock from American Dad! in Lois Kills Stewie. Peter Griffin and Stewart exchanged vocal chords in \"No Meals on Wheels\". Though he did not appear, it is implied he would be voiced by Seth MacFarlane. In the DVD version of \"FOX-y Lady\", Stewart stars in the Woody Allen movie Bananas Over Broadway in a role written for Allen himself. Stewart narrated the closing scene in \"Vestigial Peter\", revealing that Chip had joined the cast of \"The Middle\"."@en . . . . . . . "Stewart played Picard in every episode of TNG and all four movies, as well as appearing in the Deep Space Nine pilot episode Emissary. He has also voiced Picard in several computer games and directed episodes of TNG."@en . . . . . . "Daniel and Sophie"@en . . . . . "X-Men: The Last Stand"@en . . . . . . . . "Voice Actor"@en . . "Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart naci\u00F3 en Mirtfield, West Yorkshire, Inglaterra, el 13 de Julio de 1940, producto del matrimonio de un soldado y una tejedora, no tuvo una infancia placentera. Comenz\u00F3 a actuar en grupos locales de teatro cuando ten\u00EDa 12 a\u00F1os. Dej\u00F3 la Escuela Moderna Secundaria de Mirtfield cuando ten\u00EDa 15, y empez\u00F3 a trabajar de reportero en un peri\u00F3dico local, de donde el editor lo despidi\u00F3 al cabo de un a\u00F1o puesto que, para tener m\u00E1s tiempo para la actuaci\u00F3n, cubr\u00EDa tarde las noticias o, directamente, se las inventaba. Esto no impidi\u00F3 que consiguiera una beca para asistir a la \"Old Vic Theater School\" en Bristol, y en 1959 a la edad de 19 a\u00F1os (justo cuando empez\u00F3 a perder el pelo) obtuvo su primer papel profesional en \"La Isla del Tesoro\", en el papel de Morgan. Durante su trabajo con la Vieja Compa\u00F1\u00EDa de Teatro de Londres, entre 1961 y 1962, trabaj\u00F3 con la legendaria actriz Vivien Leigh (la recordada Scarlett O'Hara de \"Lo Que El Viento se Llev\u00F3\") en producciones de Alejandro Dumas (La dama de las camelias) y la Duod\u00E9cima Noche de Shakespeare. Ingres\u00F3 en la \"Royal Shakespeare Company\" en 1966, donde permaneci\u00F3 durante 25 a\u00F1os, y fue ampliamente reconocido por los cr\u00EDticos por sus papeles de Claudio en \"Hamlet\" y del Rey Enrique IV en \"El Mercader de Venecia\", ganando incluso un Premio \"Lawrence Oliver\" por su papel en la obra \"Shyloc\", al tiempo que realizaba grandes actuaciones en la BBC de Londres en las miniseries \"Yo, Claudio\", \"Smileys People\" y \"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy\". Sir Patrick Stewart fue descubierto por el productor Robert Justman para el papel del Capit\u00E1n de la Enterprise. Durante la pre-producci\u00F3n de Star Trek: The Next Generation, Justman y su mujer asistieron a la representaci\u00F3n de una obra dram\u00E1tica en UCLA (Universidad de California: Los Angeles) en la que Stewart estaba participando. Este qued\u00F3 tan impresionado por la presentaci\u00F3n del ingl\u00E9s que le coment\u00F3 a su mujer \"Pienso que acabamos de encontrar a nuestro Capit\u00E1n.\" Posteriormente dir\u00EDa que no hab\u00EDa pensado en Stewart anteriormente, pero que cuando lo vi\u00F3 en el escenario estuvo totalmente seguro de que Stewart era el \u00FAnico que resultaba perfecto para el papel. El creador de Star Trek Gene Roddenberry quer\u00EDa un franc\u00E9s para interpretar el papel, asi que Justman concert\u00F3 una reuni\u00F3n entre Stewart y Roddenberry. El 10 de octubre de 1986, Justman le asign\u00F3 el papel de Data a Stewart. El todav\u00EDa cre\u00EDa, de todas formas, que Stewart deber\u00EDa ser el Capit\u00E1n, y que ning\u00FAn otro actor le convencer\u00EDa. El actor no compart\u00EDa tanto entusiasmo, pues cre\u00EDa que despu\u00E9s de 6 semanas de filmaci\u00F3n iba a tener que volver a hacer las valijas y volver para Inglaterra. Roddenberry se rindi\u00F3 despu\u00E9s de que se completara el casting y opt\u00F3 por Stewart despu\u00E9s de todo, aunque segu\u00EDa pensando en que no se ajustaba a su imagen ideal para interpretar el papel. De modo que el papel fue remodelado para Stewart. Actualmente, Stewart declara que no ten\u00EDa idea, al igual que muchos americanos, que el sentarse en el sill\u00F3n del Capitan de la Entreprise es m\u00E1s importante que quien ocupa el trono de Inglaterra. Es m\u00E1s, recientemente ha confesado que hab\u00EDa aceptado el trabajo \u00FAnicamente porque todos le dec\u00EDan que la serie no iba a durar m\u00E1s de una temporada. Durante sus siete a\u00F1os en Star Trek, Stewart ha permanecido realmente sobre los escenarios. En 1994 recibi\u00F3 dos premios \"Laurence Olivier\" por \"Un cuento de Navidad\", y fue nominado \"mejor actor\" y \"mejor anfitri\u00F3n\". Fue presentado como el \"Mejor actor en solitario de Broadway\" en 1992, y en 1993 fue nominado para un \"Grammy\" por su LP de \"Un cuento de Navidad\". En 1995 apareci\u00F3 en el escenario del Central Park, de Nueva York, en una enorme producci\u00F3n de \"La Tempestad\" de Shakespeare al aire libre. Stewart ha estado comprometido con Amnist\u00EDa Internacional durante a\u00F1os. Tambi\u00E9n est\u00E1 involucrado en la protecci\u00F3n de los animales, y en particular de las ballenas, en el Instituto para la Conservaci\u00F3n de las Ballenas Despu\u00E9s de 25 a\u00F1os de matrimonio, Stewart y su mujer, la core\u00F3grafa Sheila Falconer, se han divorciado en 1990. Tienen dos hijos , Daniel (a quien veremos en el episodio \"The Inner Light\") y Sofia. Posteriormente \u00E9l se sinti\u00F3 atra\u00EDdo por la escritora de guiones Meredith Baer. Su \u00FAltima relaci\u00F3n fue, sin embargo, con la productora de \"Star Trek: Voyager\", Wendy Neuss, con quien contrajo nupcias el 25 de agosto de 2000. Ambos se conocieron durante la producci\u00F3n de \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\". Esta pareja se termin\u00F3 de com\u00FAn acuerdo en Octubre de 2003. El 16 de diciembre de 1996 se convirti\u00F3 en una estrella en el Hall de la Fama de Hollywood y fue honrado en Washington, D.C. en abril de 1997 por su carrera pre-Star Trek como un actor digno de menci\u00F3n en la \"Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company\". La entonces secretaria de estado de los USA, Madeleine Albright, present\u00F3 a Stewart como el d\u00E9cimo ganador del \"Will Award\" del Washington Shakespeare Theater. En enero de 2001 es condecorado en Inglaterra con la Orden del Imperio Brit\u00E1nico por su contribuci\u00F3n a la difusi\u00F3n de la obra de William Shakespeare En Junio de 2010 se convirti\u00F3 oficialmente en Sir Patrick Stewart al recibir el t\u00EDtulo de caballero de manos de la Reina Isabel II en el Palacio de Buckingham."@es . "Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart naci\u00F3 en Mirtfield, West Yorkshire, Inglaterra, el 13 de Julio de 1940, producto del matrimonio de un soldado y una tejedora, no tuvo una infancia placentera. Comenz\u00F3 a actuar en grupos locales de teatro cuando ten\u00EDa 12 a\u00F1os. Dej\u00F3 la Escuela Moderna Secundaria de Mirtfield cuando ten\u00EDa 15, y empez\u00F3 a trabajar de reportero en un peri\u00F3dico local, de donde el editor lo despidi\u00F3 al cabo de un a\u00F1o puesto que, para tener m\u00E1s tiempo para la actuaci\u00F3n, cubr\u00EDa tarde las noticias o, directamente, se las inventaba."@es . . . . "Patrick"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"@en . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart portrayed Professor X in X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Wolverine."@en . . . . . "Patrick Stewart, britsk\u00FD televizn\u00ED a divadeln\u00ED herec, je fanou\u0161k\u016Fm Star Treku nejzn\u00E1m\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED pro svou roli kapit\u00E1na Jeana-Luca Picarda. Jeho pozn\u00E1vac\u00ED zna\u010Dkou je hol\u00E1 hlava (vlasy ztr\u00E1cel od devaten\u00E1cti let) a autoritativn\u00ED hlas."@cs . "Patrick Stewart is Captain of the Federation Starship Enterprise. He also leads the super hero team the X-Men against Liberal Communists. Born British through no fault of his own, Captain Stewart has made up for his genetics drawbacks by leading the way for America to make outer space its next invasion liberation destination. Warning: He shares Jon Stewart's last name. See Jean-Luc Picard This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Patrick Stewart performed the voice of Pharaoh Seti I in The Prince of Egypt. He is also well known for his role as Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek and Professor X in X-Men films."@en . . . . "Sir Patrick is the voice actor for Deputy Director Avery Bullock. He also plays himself on \"Blood Crieth Unto Heaven\" in live action to introduce the episode which is presented as a \"lost\" play featuring American Dad!. He once joked that the end of the series would be the CIA realizing his character is an Englishman. [1] He is the most prolific guest star to appear on American Dad!."@en . . . . . . . "Patrick Stewart"@nl . "Sir Patrick Stewart is an English actor and voice artist. He is famed for his role as Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He also starred as Dr. Marcus Delaney in The Wild Side, Avery Bullock in American Dad! and Mr. Dreyfuss in Oliver and Company:The Series."@en . . . "Patrick Stewart"@cs . . "Sir Patrick Stewart is a popular actor known best for his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series and films and Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. Stewart voices the character of Max Winters in TMNT."@en . . . . . "Stewart has appeared on Sesame Street and performed a spoof of \"Hamlet's Soliloquy\", titled \"B or not a B.\" (EKA: Episode 3508). Stewart referred to the sketch as one of \"the two most distinguished bits of work that I've done in the US\" (the other having been his guest voice stint on The Simpsons). Other Sesame appearances include an insert with Count von Count where he says his famous \"Make It So, Number One!\" to get the numbers 0-9 lined up (and the 1 in between the 0 and 2 as should be), and singing \"The Alphabet Song\" in a celebrity montage."@en . . "Stewart played Picard in every episode of TNG and all four movies, as well as appearing in the Deep Space Nine pilot episode Emissary. He has also voiced Picard in several computer games and directed episodes of TNG."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Zijn acteercarri\u00E8re begon hij al vroeg toen hij op zijn 12e een toneelcursus ging volgen van 80 dagen. Hierna trad hij steeds vaker op in het plaatselijke toneel, zelfs nadat hij op zijn 15e met school stopte om als verslaggever te gaan werken. Nadat zijn werkgever hem binnen een jaar een ultimatum stelde om als verslaggever te werken of om zich op het toneel te richten, koos hij ervoor om een professionele acteur te worden. In 1957 ging hij naar de Old Vic Theatre School in Bristol, waar hij twee jaar doorbracht om zijn acteerkunsten verder te perfectioneren. Zijn professionele carri\u00E8re begon in 1959 toen hij in een theatervoorstelling speelde van Treasure Island. Op televisie speelde hij later in Star Trek: The Next Generation de rol van kapitein Jean-Luc Picard, waarvoor hij genomineerd werd als de beste acteur in de \"American Television Awards\". Als toevoeging op zijn rol, regisseerde hij ook een aantal afleveringen, waarbij hij voor de aflevering \"A Fistful of Datas\" een Emmy Award kreeg. Hij zette deze rol voort in de vier The Next Generation films en in de pilot aflevering van Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, \"Emissary\", waarin hij ook te zien was als zijn geassimileerde Borg alter-ego Locutus van Borg. Later maakte hij, samen met Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn en LeVar Burton, deel uit van \"The Sunspots\", die als achtergrondzangers meewerkten op de single \"It's a Sin to Tell a Lie\" van Brent Spiner. Andere bekende rollen zijn die van Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men, kapitein Ahab in Moby Dick en King Richard in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. In 2000 trouwde hij met Wendy Neuss, de productie assistent van Star Trek: Voyager, van wie hij in 2003 weer scheidde."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1940-07-13"^^ . . . . . . . . "nm0001772"@nl . "Zijn acteercarri\u00E8re begon hij al vroeg toen hij op zijn 12e een toneelcursus ging volgen van 80 dagen. Hierna trad hij steeds vaker op in het plaatselijke toneel, zelfs nadat hij op zijn 15e met school stopte om als verslaggever te gaan werken. Nadat zijn werkgever hem binnen een jaar een ultimatum stelde om als verslaggever te werken of om zich op het toneel te richten, koos hij ervoor om een professionele acteur te worden. Andere bekende rollen zijn die van Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men, kapitein Ahab in Moby Dick en King Richard in Robin Hood: Men in Tights."@nl . . "What was missing off almost all of Mr Stewart's CV's for many years was that his very first role on television was in Episode 638 of Coronation Street, transmitted on 25th January 1967 when he played the role of a Fire Officer who came with the brigade to put out a fire at No. 9 which was caused by Dennis Tanner when he was supposed to be decorating the house for Len Fairclough. Along with Ben Kingsley and Ian McKellen, it makes Stewart one of the most internationally famous names to appear in the programme."@en . . . . . . . "Patrick Stewart"@nl . . . "X2: X-Men United"@en . . . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart.jpg"@de . . "Patrick Stewart, best known for voicing Bambi's father in Bambi II (2006), is to voice the character of in the reboot series, replacing the late Bob Manahan respectively."@en . . . "Jean-Luc Picard, 2366.jpg"@en . . . . "Lebend"@de . . . . . "Sheila Falconer"@en . . "Sunny Ozell"@en . "Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart, OBE (born 13 July 1940 in Mirfield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom) is the actor who voiced Uriel Septim VII in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. He is best known for playing Jean-Luc Picard in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and for his role as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film series. He is member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and lives in the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon. He is also known for his work in the television series American Dad! as Director Avery Bullock."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "What was missing off almost all of Mr Stewart's CV's for many years was that his very first role on television was in Episode 638 of Coronation Street, transmitted on 25th January 1967 when he played the role of a Fire Officer who came with the brigade to put out a fire at No. 9 which was caused by Dennis Tanner when he was supposed to be decorating the house for Len Fairclough. Along with Ben Kingsley and Ian McKellen, it makes Stewart one of the most internationally famous names to appear in the programme."@en . "Patrick Stewart, best known for voicing Bambi's father in Bambi II (2006), is to voice the character of in the reboot series, replacing the late Bob Manahan respectively."@en . . . . . . . "X-Men: Days of Future Past"@en . "The Wolverine"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "He reprised his role as Captain Picard in \"Peter's Got Woods\". He also played himself in \"Not All Dogs Go To Heaven\", and reprised his role as Avery Bullock from American Dad! in Lois Kills Stewie. Peter Griffin and Stewart exchanged vocal chords in \"No Meals on Wheels\". Though he did not appear, it is implied he would be voiced by Seth MacFarlane. In the DVD version of \"FOX-y Lady\", Stewart stars in the Woody Allen movie Bananas Over Broadway in a role written for Allen himself. Stewart also voiced a talking cat in \"And Then There Were Fewer\", Richard \"Dick\" Pump in \"Halloween on Spooner Street\" and Susie Swanson in \"The Hand That Rocks the Wheelchair\", \"Thanksgiving\", \"Internal Affairs\", and in \"Joe's Revenge\". Stewart narrated the closing scene in \"Vestigial Peter\", revealing that Chip had joined the cast of \"The Middle\"."@en . . . . . . . . "Wolverine"@en . "Mirfield, Groot Brittanni\u00EB"@nl . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . . . "\"Homer the Great\""@en . . "Sir Patrick Stewart"@fr . . . "Patrick Stewart (ur. 13 lipca 1940 w Mirfield, Yorkshire), brytyjski aktor filmowy i teatralny. Znany g\u0142\u00F3wnie ze swoich r\u00F3l szekspirowskich oraz jako kapitan Jean-Luc Picard w serialu telewizyjnym Star Trek: Nast\u0119pne Pokolenie i kilku filmach pe\u0142nometra\u017Cowych serii Star Trek. Zas\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C z roli profesora Xaviera w filmach X-Men i X2. Gra\u0142 tak\u017Ce rol\u0119 Gurneya Hallecka w \"Diunie\" Davida Lyncha. Od dziecka interesowa\u0142 si\u0119 teatrem. Ju\u017C w wielku 12 lat rozpocz\u0105\u0142 sw\u0105 sceniczn\u0105 przygod\u0119. Pocz\u0105tkowo z szkolnymi lub amatorskimi trupami. W wieku 15 lat porzuci\u0142 szko\u0142\u0119 i zosta\u0142 reporterem w lokalnej gazecie. Jednak\u017Ce wydawca wyrzuci\u0142 go za to, i\u017C wi\u0119cej czasu sp\u0119dza\u0142 w teatrze ni\u017C w pracy. Potem Patrick przez wiele lat pracowa\u0142 jako sprzedawca mebli, a za zaoszcz\u0119dzone pieni\u0105dze zamierza\u0142 uczy\u0107 si\u0119 aktorstwa i dramatrurgii. Dopiero w 1957 Bristol Old Vic Theatre School zaakceptowa\u0142a jego podanie. Ju\u017C w 1959 mia\u0142 sw\u00F3j debiut sceniczny. W roku 1966 do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 do Royal Shakespeare Company, z kt\u00F3rym by\u0142 zwi\u0105zany przez ponad 27 nast\u0119pnych lat. W 1971 zadebiutowa\u0142 na Brodwayu \"Snem nocy letniej\". W 1974 zadeiutowa\u0142 w TV, a w 1975 w kinie. Wkr\u00F3tce sam zacz\u0105\u0142 tak\u017Ce pisa\u0107 i re\u017Cyserowa\u0107 na potrzeby teatru. W 1979 dosta\u0142 presti\u017Cow\u0105 nagrod\u0119 Oliviera za sztuk\u0119 \"Antoniusz i Kleopatra\". W po\u0142owie lat 80. przenius\u0142 si\u0119 do Los Angeles. W 1987 zadebiutowa\u0142 w \"Star Trek: Nast\u0119pne Pokolenie\" jako kapitan Jean-Luc Picard, a rola ta przynios\u0142a mu rozg\u0142os i s\u0142aw\u0119. W 1989 pokaza\u0142 sw\u0105 jednoosobow\u0105 wersj\u0119 \"Opowie\u015Bci Wigilijnej\" Dickensa. Pod koniec lat 90. dosta\u0142 tytu\u0142 cz\u0142owiek roku na Brodwayu i zacz\u0105\u0142 pojawia\u0107 si\u0119 w wielu filmach, jak i przedstawieniach, w tym tak\u017Ce w teatrze w Waszyngtonie. Ostatnio zagra\u0142 mi\u0119dzy innymi w \"Teorii spisku\" [97] [97], \"Folwarku zwierz\u0119cym\"[99] czy \"X-Men\"[00]. A jego s\u0142awa i popularno\u015B\u0107, tak\u017Ce dzi\u0119ki tym produkcjom, mocno uros\u0142a. R\u00F3wnie\u017C jego zarobki skoczy\u0142y do g\u00F3ry. Za \"Star Trek: Pierwszy kontakt\" dosta\u0142 \"zaledwie\" 5.000.000 $, natomiast ju\u017C za \"Star Trek X: Nemezis\" - 14.000.000 $."@pl . "Sir Patrick Stewart, OBE is an English film, television and stage actor, who has had a distinguished career on stage and screen. He is best known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the syndicated science-fiction series Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, and as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. He is also known for voicing Avery Bullock on the Fox animated sitcom American Dad! since 2005, and for his prolific stage roles with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He voiced Mr. Woolensworth in the 2005 Disney animated film Chicken Little, and The Great Prince of the Forest in the 2006 Disney direct-to-DVD film Bambi II. He is the only voice actor in Bambi II who was alive when Bambi was released in 1942. He also voiced the William Shakespeare statue in the 2011 Touchstone Pictures film Gnomeo & Juliet. Stewart turned down several roles during the Disney Renaissance prior to Chicken Little due to scheduling conflicts, including King Triton in The Little Mermaid, Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast, Zazu in The Lion King, Governor Ratcliffe in Pocahontas, and Zeus in Hercules. Stewart regards his missed opportunity with voicing Jafar in Aladdin as the greatest regret of his film career. He was mentioned in an episode of Dog With a Blog. He was also considered for the role of Francis in Disney's 1988 movie, Oliver & Company."@en . . . "Patrick Stewart"@fr . . . "Patrick Stewart BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Sir Patrick Stewart wurde am 13. Juli 1940 in Mirfield, West Yorkshire, England geboren und ist ein britischer Schauspieler, Produzent, Regisseur und Professor. Seit 1966 ist er Darsteller der Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), bis 1982 im Schauspieler-Kernteam, heute als Honorary Associate Artist. International bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine Hauptrolle als Captain Jean-Luc Picard in der Science-Fiction-Serie Raumschiff Enterprise: Das n\u00E4chste Jahrhundert."@de . "1940-07-13"^^ . . . . . . "Patrick Hewes Stewart"@en . . . . . . "[[#Voix francophones"@fr . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "--07-13"^^ . . "Sir Patrick is the voice actor for Deputy Director Avery Bullock. He also plays himself on \"Blood Crieth Unto Heaven\" in live action to introduce the episode which is presented as a \"lost\" play featuring American Dad!. He once joked that the end of the series would be the CIA realizing his character is an Englishman. [1] He is the most prolific guest star to appear on American Dad!."@en . "Rolf Schult, Kaspar Eichel"@de . "Male"@en . . . "Patrick Stewart, britsk\u00FD televizn\u00ED a divadeln\u00ED herec, je fanou\u0161k\u016Fm Star Treku nejzn\u00E1m\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED pro svou roli kapit\u00E1na Jeana-Luca Picarda. Jeho pozn\u00E1vac\u00ED zna\u010Dkou je hol\u00E1 hlava (vlasy ztr\u00E1cel od devaten\u00E1cti let) a autoritativn\u00ED hlas."@cs . . . . . . "Patrick Stewart"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ex-\u00E9pouse: Wendy Neuss"@fr . "Sir Patrick Stewart"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart is an English actor and voice artist. He is famed for his role as Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He also starred as Dr. Marcus Delaney in The Wild Side, Avery Bullock in American Dad! and Mr. Dreyfuss in Oliver and Company:The Series."@en . . . . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart, OBE is an English film, television and stage actor, who has had a distinguished career on stage and screen. He is best known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the syndicated science-fiction series Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, and as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. He is also known for voicing Avery Bullock on the Fox animated sitcom American Dad! since 2005, and for his prolific stage roles with the Royal Shakespeare Company."@en . . "Mirfield, West Riding of Yorkshire, England"@en . . "1940-07-13"^^ . . . . . . . . "thumb|Patrick Stewart Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart, OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) kurz Patrick Stewart Auch bekannt als Name bei Geburt Geburtsdatum Geburtsort Sterbedatum Sterbeort Alter bei Tod Alter Patrick Stewart (* [Jahr unbekannt]in Mirfield, Yorkshire, England Jahre alt)Kategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehltKategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehlt spielt den charismatischen Captain Jean-Luc Picard in [[]]."@de . . . . "X-Men"@en . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart (born July 13, 1940) is an English film, stage and TV actor best known for his work as Sejanus in the \"I, Claudius\" mini-series, as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in the TV spin-off \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" (and it's four movie sequels) and as Professor Charles Xavier in the various X-Men comic book adaptation films. Additional film credits include: Excalibur (with Liam Neeson), Dune, Lifeforce, L.A. Story, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Jeffrey, Conspiracy Theory (with Julia Roberts) and various television and voice-over work for television and video games."@en . . . "Patrick Stewart BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Sir Patrick Stewart wurde am 13. Juli 1940 in Mirfield, West Yorkshire, England geboren und ist ein britischer Schauspieler, Produzent, Regisseur und Professor. Seit 1966 ist er Darsteller der Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), bis 1982 im Schauspieler-Kernteam, heute als Honorary Associate Artist. International bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine Hauptrolle als Captain Jean-Luc Picard in der Science-Fiction-Serie Raumschiff Enterprise: Das n\u00E4chste Jahrhundert."@de . "Write the second section of your page here."@en . . . "Patrick Stewart"@en . . "Acteur, producteur, r\u00E9alisateur"@fr . "Patrick Stewart"@de . "Mirfield, West Yorkshire, UK"@en . . "1959"^^ . "thumb|250px|Patrick Stewart.Patrick Stewart interpret\u00F3 a Charles Xavier en X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men 3: La Decisi\u00F3n Final, X-Men Or\u00EDgenes: Wolverine, Wolverine Inmortal y X-Men: D\u00EDas del Futuro Pasado. Steawart tambi\u00E9n interpret\u00F3 a P. Xavier en X-Men 3: La Decisi\u00F3n Final."@es . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart portrayed Professor X in X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Wolverine."@en . . . "Alive"@en . . "Stewart"@fr . "Write the second section of your page here."@en . . "Britisch"@de . . . "Patrick Stewart (ur. 13 lipca 1940 w Mirfield, Yorkshire), brytyjski aktor filmowy i teatralny. Znany g\u0142\u00F3wnie ze swoich r\u00F3l szekspirowskich oraz jako kapitan Jean-Luc Picard w serialu telewizyjnym Star Trek: Nast\u0119pne Pokolenie i kilku filmach pe\u0142nometra\u017Cowych serii Star Trek. Zas\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C z roli profesora Xaviera w filmach X-Men i X2. Gra\u0142 tak\u017Ce rol\u0119 Gurneya Hallecka w \"Diunie\" Davida Lyncha."@pl . "Appears in a compilation of celebrities saying \"Go Get Those Geckos\" in S1/Ep12 Jul 27, 2014"@en . "Sir Patrick Stewart is a popular actor known best for his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series and films and Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. Stewart voices the character of Max Winters in TMNT."@en . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart (born July 13, 1940) is an English actor. His most famous role is Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. In more recent years he has become more famous for his role as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. Before he moved into film, Stewart, a classically trained Shakespearean actor, was a frequent star in the writer's plays. On The Simpsons, Stewart guest starred in the Season 6 episode \"Homer the Great\" as Number One, leader of the Stonecutters. He later appeared in Season 24's episode The Fabulous Faker Boy as an unnamed co-worker to Homer. After Homer lost his last hair, he tells Homer that it's great to be bald."@en . . . . "1940-07-13"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Actor"@en . "Patrick Stewart"@de . . . . . . "Performer, director, associate producer"@en . . "Patrick Stewart"@pl . . "Actor, voice actor"@en . . . . "Appears in a compilation of celebrities saying \"Go Get Those Geckos\" in S1/Ep12 Jul 27, 2014"@en . "Fils: Daniel Stewart"@fr . . . . . . . . "thumb|250px|Patrick Stewart.Patrick Stewart interpret\u00F3 a Charles Xavier en X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men 3: La Decisi\u00F3n Final, X-Men Or\u00EDgenes: Wolverine, Wolverine Inmortal y X-Men: D\u00EDas del Futuro Pasado. Steawart tambi\u00E9n interpret\u00F3 a P. Xavier en X-Men 3: La Decisi\u00F3n Final."@es . "Sir Patrick Stewart (born July 13, 1940) is an English film, stage and TV actor best known for his work as Sejanus in the \"I, Claudius\" mini-series, as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in the TV spin-off \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" (and it's four movie sequels) and as Professor Charles Xavier in the various X-Men comic book adaptation films. Additional film credits include: Excalibur (with Liam Neeson), Dune, Lifeforce, L.A. Story, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Jeffrey, Conspiracy Theory (with Julia Roberts) and various television and voice-over work for television and video games."@en . . . . . . "Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart, OBE (born 13 July 1940 in Mirfield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom) is the actor who voiced Uriel Septim VII in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. He is best known for playing Jean-Luc Picard in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and for his role as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film series. He is member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and lives in the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon. He is also known for his work in the television series American Dad! as Director Avery Bullock."@en . . . . . "thumb|Patrick Stewart Sir Patrick Hewes Stewart, OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) kurz Patrick Stewart Auch bekannt als Name bei Geburt Geburtsdatum Geburtsort Sterbedatum Sterbeort Alter bei Tod Alter Patrick Stewart (* [Jahr unbekannt]in Mirfield, Yorkshire, England Jahre alt)Kategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehltKategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehlt spielt den charismatischen Captain Jean-Luc Picard in [[]]."@de . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Patrick Stewart Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor Gender First publication Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "nm0001772"@de . . . . . . "Wendy Neuss"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sir Patrick Stewart (born July 13, 1940) is an English actor. His most famous role is Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. In more recent years he has become more famous for his role as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. Before he moved into film, Stewart, a classically trained Shakespearean actor, was a frequent star in the writer's plays."@en . . . . . . . "Patrick Stewart is Captain of the Federation Starship Enterprise. He also leads the super hero team the X-Men against Liberal Communists. Born British through no fault of his own, Captain Stewart has made up for his genetics drawbacks by leading the way for America to make outer space its next invasion liberation destination. Patrick Stewart's head has the properties of a perfect curve (following Stephen's Golden Ratio) and reflects only truthiness. More powerful than an 8-Ball, more beautiful than Mt. Rushmore and with all the strength of a Bald Eagle, Patrick Stewart's head is a Real American. Inside this wonderful head of his you can find eyes that are blue-within-blue; a condition he received from ingesting Spice from the planet Arrakis. Stewart also portrays CIA Deputy Directory Avery Bullock on American Dad!, an animated series that airs on the most glorious of television channels, Fox. What a hero. Generous in spirit, he has bestowed knowledge upon uber-Christian Mel Gibson with a method known as \"brain gravy.\" We could tell you more, but then America's enemies would win. Warning: He shares Jon Stewart's last name. See Jean-Luc Picard This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed."@en . . "Patrick Stewart"@es . . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . . . . . . . . . "Stewart has appeared on Sesame Street and performed a spoof of \"Hamlet's Soliloquy\", titled \"B or not a B.\" (EKA: Episode 3508). Stewart referred to the sketch as one of \"the two most distinguished bits of work that I've done in the US\" (the other having been his guest voice stint on The Simpsons). Other Sesame appearances include an insert with Count von Count where he says his famous \"Make It So, Number One!\" to get the numbers 0-9 lined up (and the 1 in between the 0 and 2 as should be), and singing \"The Alphabet Song\" in a celebrity montage. Voicing Napoleon in the Creature Shop-effects film Animal Farm, Stewart's other voice credits include playing Avery Bullock for American Dad!, reprising Captain Jean-Luc Picard for an episode of Family Guy, the 2007 animated film TMNT, and Disney's feature films Chicken Little and Bambi II. On Broadway, Stewart starred in his one man version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol for four seasons, and has appeared in The Tempest, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth. Feature film credits include Mel Brooks' Robin Hood: Men in Tights and L.A. Story (with Steve Martin), and television credits include In Search of Dr. Seuss, Reading Rainbow, hosting Saturday Night Live and a guest spot on Frasier."@en . . . . "X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand und X-Men: Days of Future Past"@de . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Patrick Stewart Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor Gender First publication Unknown"@en . . . . .