. . "Tal-Shaya was a method of execution performed by the ancient Vulcans. Tal-Shaya involved breaking the neck of an individual in a very precise method designed to cause instant death, and was in Vulcan's past to be considered a merciful form of execution. In 2268 the Tellarite Ambassador Gav was murdered by an assassin who used Tal-Shaya to kill the Ambassador while being taken to a conference on the planet Babel to decide the question of the Coridan admission to the Federation. Spock was able to quickly identify the method of execution as Tal-Shaya, and revealed that Vulcans would know how to perform such an act. As a result, suspicion fell to Sarek, also being taken on board the USS Enterprise to Babel. It was later revealed that an Orion agent on board the Enterprise had killed Gav. (TOS episode: \"Journey to Babel\") The Tal-Shaya was a part of the kareel-ifla martial arts discipline. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans) In 2381, Spock considered performing tal-shaya on the Reman Angarraken, who had attempted to assassinate him, after he was able to repel the attack and render Angarraken unconscious. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)"@en . . . "Il tal-shaya \u00E8 un'arte marziale mortale Vulcaniana che era considerata una forma pietosa di esecuzione su Vulcano in tempi antichi. Questa tecnica veniva eseguita facendo pressione sul collo della vittima, causandone la frattura immediata. Nel 2268, durante il viaggio verso la Conferenza di Babel a bordo della USS Enterprise, l'Ambasciatore Sarek di Vulcano fu considerato il principale idiziato nell'assassinio dell'ambasciatore Gav, il quale venne ucciso tramite il tal-shaya. Sarek fu poi dichiarato innocente quando il vero assassino fu scoperto. (TOS: \"Viaggio a Babel\")"@it . . . "Tal-Shaya was a method of execution performed by the ancient Vulcans. Tal-Shaya involved breaking the neck of an individual in a very precise method designed to cause instant death, and was in Vulcan's past to be considered a merciful form of execution. The Tal-Shaya was a part of the kareel-ifla martial arts discipline. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)"@en . . "Tal-Shaya"@it . . . . . . . "Tal-shaya"@en . . "Tal-shaya"@fr . . "Il semble bien que Tal-Shaya puisse \u00EAtre appos\u00E9e, tout aussi illicitement, par des non-vulcains. Ainsi dans \"Journey to Babel\", l'ambassadeur Gav de la plan\u00E8te Tellar est retrouv\u00E9 mort dans un conduit d'entretien de l'USS Enterprise avec les traces m\u00E9dicalement d\u00E9tectables de Tal-Shaya sur sa clavicule et ses vert\u00E8bres cervicales. Le p\u00E8re de Spock, l'ambassadeur vulcain Sarek, qui avait eu quelques prises de bec assez vives devant t\u00E9moins avec la victime, est imm\u00E9diatement soup\u00E7onn\u00E9 puis assez vite relax\u00E9 quand il s'av\u00E8re que son \u00E9tat de sant\u00E9 lui rendait impossible l'apposition de Tal-Shaya, et que le tout relevait en fait d'un vaste complot foment\u00E9 depuis Orion et visant \u00E0 faire capoter les pourparlers diplomatiques sur la plan\u00E8te Babel."@fr . "Tal-Shaya"@en . . . "Tal-Shaya ist eine vulkanische T\u00F6tungstechnik. Der Tellarit Gav wird 2268 auf diese Weise an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) auf dem Weg zur Babel-Konferenz get\u00F6tet. Als Hauptverd\u00E4chtiger kommt der vulkanische Botschafter Sarek in Betracht, der sich am selben Abend mit Gav gestritten hat. Auch Spock ist die Technik vertraut und er ist somit ein Verd\u00E4chtiger. Bei den anschlie\u00DFenden Ermittlungen stellt sich heraus, dass der vorgebliche Andorianer Thelev den Mord begangen hat. Wie er das Wissen um die vulkanische T\u00F6tungstechnik Tal-Shaya erlangt hat kann nicht gekl\u00E4rt werden, da er Selbstmord begeht, als er entlarvt wird. (TOS: ) 2268 t\u00F6tet Spock zum Schein Captain James T. Kirk durch den Tal-Shaya-Griff an Bord eines romulanischen Raumschiffs. Damit versucht er das Vertrauen der Romulanischen Kommandantin zu gewinnen, um im Auftrag der F\u00F6deration die Tarnvorrichtung zu stehlen. (TOS: )"@de . "Il tal-shaya \u00E8 un'arte marziale mortale Vulcaniana che era considerata una forma pietosa di esecuzione su Vulcano in tempi antichi. Questa tecnica veniva eseguita facendo pressione sul collo della vittima, causandone la frattura immediata. Nel 2268, durante il viaggio verso la Conferenza di Babel a bordo della USS Enterprise, l'Ambasciatore Sarek di Vulcano fu considerato il principale idiziato nell'assassinio dell'ambasciatore Gav, il quale venne ucciso tramite il tal-shaya. Sarek fu poi dichiarato innocente quando il vero assassino fu scoperto. (TOS: \"Viaggio a Babel\") Informazioni di retroscenaIl Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion rivela che lo scrittore di \"Il volto del nemico\", Naren Shankar, chiam\u00F2 la polizia segreta Romulana (il Tal Shiar) in omaggio a questa tecnica."@it . "The tal-shaya was a deadly Vulcan martial arts technique that was considered a merciful form of execution in ancient times on Vulcan. This precise technique was performed by applying pressure to the victim's neck, causing it to snap instantly. In 2268, during his journey to the Babel Conference aboard the USS Enterprise, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan was considered to be the logical suspect in the murder of Ambassador Gav, who had been killed by means of the tal-shaya. Sarek was later found to be innocent when the real assassin was discovered. (TOS: \"Journey to Babel\" )"@en . "Tal-Shaya"@de . "The tal-shaya was a deadly Vulcan martial arts technique that was considered a merciful form of execution in ancient times on Vulcan. This precise technique was performed by applying pressure to the victim's neck, causing it to snap instantly. In 2268, during his journey to the Babel Conference aboard the USS Enterprise, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan was considered to be the logical suspect in the murder of Ambassador Gav, who had been killed by means of the tal-shaya. Sarek was later found to be innocent when the real assassin was discovered. (TOS: \"Journey to Babel\" ) The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion reveals that \"Face of the Enemy\" writer Naren Shankar named the Romulan secret police (the Tal Shiar) as a homage to this technique."@en . . "Il semble bien que Tal-Shaya puisse \u00EAtre appos\u00E9e, tout aussi illicitement, par des non-vulcains. Ainsi dans \"Journey to Babel\", l'ambassadeur Gav de la plan\u00E8te Tellar est retrouv\u00E9 mort dans un conduit d'entretien de l'USS Enterprise avec les traces m\u00E9dicalement d\u00E9tectables de Tal-Shaya sur sa clavicule et ses vert\u00E8bres cervicales. Le p\u00E8re de Spock, l'ambassadeur vulcain Sarek, qui avait eu quelques prises de bec assez vives devant t\u00E9moins avec la victime, est imm\u00E9diatement soup\u00E7onn\u00E9 puis assez vite relax\u00E9 quand il s'av\u00E8re que son \u00E9tat de sant\u00E9 lui rendait impossible l'apposition de Tal-Shaya, et que le tout relevait en fait d'un vaste complot foment\u00E9 depuis Orion et visant \u00E0 faire capoter les pourparlers diplomatiques sur la plan\u00E8te Babel."@fr . . . . . . "Tal-Shaya ist eine vulkanische T\u00F6tungstechnik. Der Tellarit Gav wird 2268 auf diese Weise an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) auf dem Weg zur Babel-Konferenz get\u00F6tet. Als Hauptverd\u00E4chtiger kommt der vulkanische Botschafter Sarek in Betracht, der sich am selben Abend mit Gav gestritten hat. Auch Spock ist die Technik vertraut und er ist somit ein Verd\u00E4chtiger. Bei den anschlie\u00DFenden Ermittlungen stellt sich heraus, dass der vorgebliche Andorianer Thelev den Mord begangen hat. Wie er das Wissen um die vulkanische T\u00F6tungstechnik Tal-Shaya erlangt hat kann nicht gekl\u00E4rt werden, da er Selbstmord begeht, als er entlarvt wird. (TOS: )"@de . . . . .