"Blok"@en . . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Los Bloks (Brocks en ingl\u00E9s) son unos personajes que aparecieron por primera vez en Mario & Luigi: Viaje al Centro de Bowser. Vuelven aparecer en Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.."@es . . "Artwork de un Blok."@es . . "200"^^ . . . . . "Blok is a DC Comics superhero, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th and 31st centuries. He has a massive, stony body possessed of incredible strength and endurance. Blok first appeared as a member of the League of Super-Assassins, where he was manipulated by the Dark Man, a clone of Tharok, into attacking the Legion of Super-Heroes. Blok, possibly the last of a silicon-based species native to the planet Dryad, had been convinced by Tharok that the Legion was seeking to destroy his home world, when in fact the Legionnaires were working to save it. When he learned that the Legionnaires were not his enemies, he turned on the Assassins and eventually joined the Legion. He knew very little of the rest of his race; it was not even clear to him whether his form was that of an adult "@en . "185"^^ . . "Blok (ang. Blurting) \u2014 faul w quidditchu odnosz\u0105cy si\u0119 do wszystkich graczy. Polega na blokowaniu swoj\u0105 miot\u0142\u0105 r\u0105czki miot\u0142y przeciwnika, w celu wytr\u0105cenia go z kursu."@pl . . . "Dryadian"@en . . . . "Blok"@en . . "Blok"@en . . . . . . . "Blok is a DC Comics superhero, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th and 31st centuries. He has a massive, stony body possessed of incredible strength and endurance. Blok first appeared as a member of the League of Super-Assassins, where he was manipulated by the Dark Man, a clone of Tharok, into attacking the Legion of Super-Heroes. Blok, possibly the last of a silicon-based species native to the planet Dryad, had been convinced by Tharok that the Legion was seeking to destroy his home world, when in fact the Legionnaires were working to save it. When he learned that the Legionnaires were not his enemies, he turned on the Assassins and eventually joined the Legion. He knew very little of the rest of his race; it was not even clear to him whether his form was that of an adult or a child. Blok was relatively slow to acclimate to life in the Legion, though he eventually forged a close bond with two of his teammates, Timber Wolf and the White Witch, the latter with whom he spent a great deal of leisure time perusing the Legion's voluminous archives. He remained with the team for several years, eventually choosing to leave following the catastrophic Black Dawn affair and the increased scrutiny and suspicion of Earthgov towards all Legion activities. He eventually found his way to the Puppet Planetoid, where he spent a few years in isolated contemplation. Shortly thereafter Polar Boy officially disbanded the Legion of Super-Heroes. In 2994, Blok's former teammates Cosmic Boy and Chameleon Boy began to reorganize the team, a move which immediately attracted the attention of the corrupt Earthgov. In order to discourage and demoralize the new effort, the alien Dominators who had been secretly controlling Earthgov for years hired Roxxas to seek out and kill Blok as a warning to his other teammates. Roxxas tracked Blok down to the Puppet Planetoid and carried out his mission with ruthless efficiency, delivering Blok's dismembered corpse to the ranch home of Garth and Imra Ranzz on Winath. Far from demoralizing the other Legionnaires, however, Roxxas's act galvanized them into action, and it was directly following their discovery of Blok's murder that the Legion of Super-Heroes was officially refounded. At the moment of his death fighting Roxxas, Blok seemed to have an out-of-body experience in which he was back on Dryad, and met Strata of L.E.G.I.O.N., who he recognized from mythology. Strata promised to finally show him the truth of his ancestral history as she led him below ground into a series of caves. Filled with joy, the gentle, philosophical Blok's last thoughts were of finally reaching enlightenment."@en . "thumb|646x646px Blok (ang. Block) Prawie wszystkie s\u0105 sze\u015Bcianami. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cniamy wiele rodzaj\u00F3w blok\u00F3w. Niekt\u00F3re s\u0105 naturalne, a niekt\u00F3re powstaj\u0105 poprzez wytwarzanie oraz znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w r\u00F3\u017Cnego rodzaju miejscach, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej w skrzyniach. Kategoria:Bloki Kategoria:Odnawialne Kategoria:Nieodnawialne"@en . . "#FFE07B"@en . "white"@en . "Active"@en . . . "Blok"@en . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Los Bloks (Brocks en ingl\u00E9s) son unos personajes que aparecieron por primera vez en Mario & Luigi: Viaje al Centro de Bowser. Vuelven aparecer en Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.."@es . . . "Lasery, ogniste pier\u015Bcienie, promienie zamra\u017Caj\u0105ce"@pl . "Blok (ang. Blurting) \u2014 faul w quidditchu odnosz\u0105cy si\u0119 do wszystkich graczy. Polega na blokowaniu swoj\u0105 miot\u0142\u0105 r\u0105czki miot\u0142y przeciwnika, w celu wytr\u0105cenia go z kursu."@pl . . . . . "Blok"@es . "Blok"@pl . . . . . "Blok was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th century. This article is a stub. You can help the DC Animated Universe Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . . "Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w thumb|646x646px Blok (ang. Block) Prawie wszystkie s\u0105 sze\u015Bcianami. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cniamy wiele rodzaj\u00F3w blok\u00F3w. Niekt\u00F3re s\u0105 naturalne, a niekt\u00F3re powstaj\u0105 poprzez wytwarzanie oraz znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w r\u00F3\u017Cnego rodzaju miejscach, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej w skrzyniach. Kategoria:Bloki Kategoria:Odnawialne Kategoria:Nieodnawialne"@pl . "Blok was a corporation which held a complete monopoly of the economy of Quillan."@en . "Blok wcale nie jest g\u0142upcem. Jego cztery oczy mocno przylegaj\u0105 do reszty cia\u0142a. Mo\u017Ce wystrzeliwa\u0107 kilka rodzaj\u00F3w promieni: laserowych, zamra\u017Caj\u0105cych i ogniowych. Jak mo\u017Cna sobie wyobrazi\u0107, z takimi zaletami mo\u017Ce wyrz\u0105dzi\u0107 prawdziwe szkody, pozbawiaj\u0105c bohater\u00F3w 30 punkt\u00F3w \u017Cycia od uderzenia. Je\u017Celi jednak oberwie w swoje m\u00F3zgowe oko, ta chodz\u0105ca ko\u015B\u0107 traci na znaczeniu."@pl . . "W grupach po trzy, w parach lub pojedynczo"@pl . . . . . "Wszyscy gracze"@pl . . . "thumb|646x646px Blok (ang. Block) Prawie wszystkie s\u0105 sze\u015Bcianami. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cniamy wiele rodzaj\u00F3w blok\u00F3w. Niekt\u00F3re s\u0105 naturalne, a niekt\u00F3re powstaj\u0105 poprzez wytwarzanie oraz znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w r\u00F3\u017Cnego rodzaju miejscach, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej w skrzyniach. Kategoria:Bloki Kategoria:Odnawialne Kategoria:Nieodnawialne"@en . . . . "Blok"@en . "Blok"@en . "Various"@en . . "Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w thumb|646x646px Blok (ang. Block) Prawie wszystkie s\u0105 sze\u015Bcianami. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cniamy wiele rodzaj\u00F3w blok\u00F3w. Niekt\u00F3re s\u0105 naturalne, a niekt\u00F3re powstaj\u0105 poprzez wytwarzanie oraz znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w r\u00F3\u017Cnego rodzaju miejscach, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej w skrzyniach. Kategoria:Bloki Kategoria:Odnawialne Kategoria:Nieodnawialne"@pl . "Du\u017Ce mieszkanie dla ludzi. Mieszkaj\u0105 w nim ch\u0142opiec i w\u0142a\u015Bciciele Reksia. Wida\u0107 go w grach, lecz jego wn\u0119trze mo\u017Cna zobaczy\u0107 tylko w serialu."@pl . "180.0"^^ . . "Bloks were domestic animals of Iridonia related to banthas. Many Zabrak males were named after the species."@en . "Blok"@es . "Unos masculinos y otros femeninos"@es . "Blok wcale nie jest g\u0142upcem. Jego cztery oczy mocno przylegaj\u0105 do reszty cia\u0142a. Mo\u017Ce wystrzeliwa\u0107 kilka rodzaj\u00F3w promieni: laserowych, zamra\u017Caj\u0105cych i ogniowych. Jak mo\u017Cna sobie wyobrazi\u0107, z takimi zaletami mo\u017Ce wyrz\u0105dzi\u0107 prawdziwe szkody, pozbawiaj\u0105c bohater\u00F3w 30 punkt\u00F3w \u017Cycia od uderzenia. Je\u017Celi jednak oberwie w swoje m\u00F3zgowe oko, ta chodz\u0105ca ko\u015B\u0107 traci na znaczeniu."@pl . "Blok was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th century. This article is a stub. You can help the DC Animated Universe Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . . "Plik:Blok.jpg"@pl . "Superhuman strength, stamina, invulnerability"@en . . "225"^^ . . . . . . "Du\u017Ce mieszkanie dla ludzi. Mieszkaj\u0105 w nim ch\u0142opiec i w\u0142a\u015Bciciele Reksia. Wida\u0107 go w grach, lecz jego wn\u0119trze mo\u017Cna zobaczy\u0107 tylko w serialu."@pl . . "5"^^ . "Male"@en . . "Blok was a corporation which held a complete monopoly of the economy of Quillan."@en . . . "1,75 m"@pl . . "180"^^ . . . . . "30"^^ . "White"@en . . . . "thumb|200px|Dumnie stoj\u0105cy zabytek klasy \u201Ebardzo zerowej\u201D w Poznaniu thumb|200px|Zbiorowisko Blok \u2013 luksusowy obiekt mieszkalny, posiadaj\u0105cy nie mniej jak cztery-sze\u015B\u0107 (zale\u017Cnie od miasta) pi\u0119ter, w przeciwnym wypadku pijani i niekompetentni urz\u0119dnicy klasyfikuj\u0105 budynek jako kamienica."@pl . . . "thumb|200px|Dumnie stoj\u0105cy zabytek klasy \u201Ebardzo zerowej\u201D w Poznaniu thumb|200px|Zbiorowisko Blok \u2013 luksusowy obiekt mieszkalny, posiadaj\u0105cy nie mniej jak cztery-sze\u015B\u0107 (zale\u017Cnie od miasta) pi\u0119ter, w przeciwnym wypadku pijani i niekompetentni urz\u0119dnicy klasyfikuj\u0105 budynek jako kamienica."@pl . "Bloque"@es . . . "\u0411\u043B\u043E\u043A"@en . . . . . "#1C58D0"@en . . . . . "none"@en . "Bloks were domestic animals of Iridonia related to banthas. Many Zabrak males were named after the species."@en . . "30"^^ . "Blokowanie swoj\u0105 miot\u0142\u0105 r\u0105czki miot\u0142y przeciwnika, w celu wytr\u0105cenia go z kursu"@pl . "Isla Almohada"@es . . . "Blok"@pl . . .