. . . "Cr\u00E1neo Rojo"@es . "Time Lord"@en . "Johann Schmidt"@es . . "Johann Schmidt, tambi\u00E9n conocido como Cr\u00E1neo Rojo, es un ex-oficial de la SS y un cient\u00EDfico que tiene su propia rama del Ej\u00E9rcito Alem\u00E1n bajo su mando conocida como HYDRA."@es . "Klein's Story"@en . . "Johann Schmidt"@en . . "Johann Schmidt"@es . . . . "Paul McGann"@en . . . . . "Desconocido"@es . "Johann Schmidt, tambi\u00E9n conocido como Cr\u00E1neo Rojo, es un ex-oficial de la SS y un cient\u00EDfico que tiene su propia rama del Ej\u00E9rcito Alem\u00E1n bajo su mando conocida como HYDRA."@es . . "Red Skull"@en . . "Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica: El Primer Vengador"@es . . "In this timeline, the Seventh Doctor fled Colditz Castle after his companion Ace was killed by Feldwebel Kurtz in October 1944. Immediately afterwards in his personal timeline, he returned to Germany in 1955. The TARDIS materialised near a border checkpoint in the West. As he appeared to be carrying a weapon, the Nazi soldiers on duty shot him immediately. After examining his body, they realised that it was in actuality an old umbrella. Although the TARDIS was captured, the Doctor's body seemingly disappeared. Absconding after his regeneration, he adopted the alias \"Johann Schmidt\" and later told Elizabeth Klein that he was a collector of sorts who had stolen the Doctor's body and gained possession of the TARDIS key. Klein later described him to the Seventh Doctor as \"handsome, in a Gothic sort of way.\" For the next ten years, he helped political prisoners escape the clutches of the Nazis and disrupted the Third Reich's \"ethnic cleansing programmes\". Consequently, he attracted the attention of the Nazi authorities but nevertheless maintained his liberty. In 1965, he was able to manipulate Klein into setting history on its true course by making contact with her and offering his services as an assistant, claiming that he had taken the Doctor's body and offering her the key to the TARDIS. Jokingly suggesting that it was a shame that they couldn't go back and ask the Doctor how the ship worked, he inspired Klein to discover what she believed to be the TARDIS flight logs so that she could travel back to October 1944, where she would meet his past self and Ace in Colditz Castle. He was unable to correct the timeline himself as doing so would have involved crossing his own time track. Klein's lover Jonas Faber eventually saw through Schmidt's trickery and shot him in the stomach while he and Klein were working on the TARDIS in her laboratory in Berlin. However, Faber was too late as Klein had already decided to disobey his orders and make the trip into the past, only for her actions to undo her own history when her ego caused her to provide the Seventh Doctor with all the information he needed about her history and thus work out how to avert it. Once the proper timeline was restored, this version of the Doctor ceased to exist as did all of the inhabitants of the alternative timeline except for Klein herself. (AUDIO: Klein's Story) Not long after meeting Klein, the Seventh Doctor determined the true identity of Johann Schmidt based on the fact that Klein claimed to have returned the TARDIS to 1944 by reference to its flight log. As the Doctor told Ace, the TARDIS did not have a flight log. (AUDIO: Colditz) Klein herself did not become aware of the fact that Schmidt was a future version of the Doctor until 1953, when she was reunited with the Seventh Doctor. (AUDIO: Klein's Story)"@en . "Johann Schmidt, also known as the Red Skull, is a German ex-SS officer and scientist who has his own branch of the Third Reich Army under his command known as HYDRA."@en . . "In this timeline, the Seventh Doctor fled Colditz Castle after his companion Ace was killed by Feldwebel Kurtz in October 1944. Immediately afterwards in his personal timeline, he returned to Germany in 1955. The TARDIS materialised near a border checkpoint in the West. As he appeared to be carrying a weapon, the Nazi soldiers on duty shot him immediately. After examining his body, they realised that it was in actuality an old umbrella. Although the TARDIS was captured, the Doctor's body seemingly disappeared. Absconding after his regeneration, he adopted the alias \"Johann Schmidt\" and later told Elizabeth Klein that he was a collector of sorts who had stolen the Doctor's body and gained possession of the TARDIS key. Klein later described him to the Seventh Doctor as \"handsome, in a Gothic"@en . . . . . . . . "Captain America: The First Avenger"@en . . . . "The Doctor"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Johann Schmidt"@en . "285"^^ . . . . . "Herr Schmidt"@es . . . . . . "Johann Schmidt, also known as the Red Skull, is a German ex-SS officer and scientist who has his own branch of the Third Reich Army under his command known as HYDRA."@en . . .